I'm very happy to announce the release of VIFF version 0.4:

  Tar/GZ:  http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.4.tar.gz
  Tar/BZ2: http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.4.tar.bz2
  Zip:     http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.4.zip
  Exe:     http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.4.win32.exe

The changes since version 0.3 are:

  Implemented a reliable Bracha broadcast which is secure against active
  adversaries. Shamir sharings, pseudo-random as well as standard, can
  now be asymmetric which means that only a subset of the parties
  provide input. The open protocol is now also asymmetric, in the sense
  that only a subset of the parties receive the opened result. The
  behavior of field elements in Boolean expressions has been fixed. This
  means that "GF256(0) and GF256(1)" now returns GF256(0) instead of
  GF256(1). Added a modern implementation of the classic Yao
  millionaires example from 1982 which started this field of research.

About VIFF:

  Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework is a framework for creating
  efficient and secure multi-party computations (SMPC). Players, who do
  not trust each other, participate in a joint computation based on
  their private inputs. The computation is done using a cryptographic
  protocol which allows them to obtain a correct answer without
  revealing their inputs. Operations supported include addition,
  multiplication, and comparison, all with Shamir secret shared outputs.

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multi-Party Computation) to Python. See: http://viff.dk/.

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