This is the second public release of webstring.

Improvements in this version include speed enhancements and the ability
to mark groups of fields inside an XML/HTML document with an XML/HTML
attribute (by default "class") so they can be manipulated in a single

webstring is a template system that lets Python programmers manipulate
XML and HTML documents using standard Python sequence and string
operators. It is designed for those whose preferred web template
languages are Python and HTML. webstring's design is inspired by PyMeld
but with a stricter Python feel. Like PyMeld, webstring separates the
view (the XML/HTML document) from the controller (Python). It uses
XML/HTML attributes (by default "id") to mark which tags in a document
are fields where content can be inserted or substituted. webstring
flattens a document into a Python object hierarchy, exposing only parts
of the document you need to manipulate.

webstring is a wrapper for Fredrik Lundh's cElementTree package, so
both cElementTree and elementtree are required. It also requires
Fredrik Lundh's elementtidy package for trying hack through odd HTML.
These packages are available for download at:

webstring is currently only known to work with Python 2.4.

webstring documentation can be found at:

Future planned enhancements include making webstring capable of using
lxml as an optional backend.

The file is available for download from:


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