[issue15882] _decimal.Decimal constructed from tuple

2012-09-11 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

Thanks for the report and the patch. I used another approach that still
validates the digits in the coefficient tuple even if it is not used.

decimal.py allows any coefficient:

 Decimal((0, ('n', 'a', 'n'), 'F'))

_decimal raises:

 Decimal((0, ('n', 'a', 'n'), 'F'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: coefficient must be a tuple of digits

I'm leaving the issue open: If some release blocker arises, we could get this
into 3.3.0-rc3.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15882] _decimal.Decimal constructed from tuple

2012-09-11 Thread Stefan Krah

Changes by Stefan Krah stefan-use...@bytereef.org:

resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15898] OSX TTY bug

2012-09-11 Thread Andrew Moffat

Andrew Moffat added the comment:

Sorry about that, I refactored out the string at the last minute and typed 
testing123 instead of the original testing from the trace.

I'm not sure I follow the problem exactly.  So you're saying that the failing 
version uses _cancel sys calls, and that __pthread_testcancel may result in 
EINTR.  But that this is not happening in the trace, and data is being written 
successfully.  I guess I'm wondering where the written bytes went and if 
there's any way to retrieve them?


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

I wrote a C-language program to reproduce this issue on Mac OS without Python.  
It reproduces the issue in both increasing and decreasing order of initial read 
sizes, and it reliably reproduces it for each KB from 128KB to 1024KB ; the 
Python version reproduced the issue every 4K and only in decreasing order 
(probably something related to Python's memory management optimizations).

A new caveat: if the read buffer is allocated once before entering the read 
loop, then we don't get any EINVAL in the entire run; however, if the read 
buffer is allocated for each read request inside the loop, then we get EINVAL 
every other time in the range from 128KB and up.

I would like to file this issue with apple/Mac OS. What's the appropriate URL 
for this?

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27172/test_fork_pipe_error.cpp

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15913] PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat is missing

2012-09-11 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

Even though it's documented, the function is probably a new feature
and should go into 3.4.

Meanwhile, you can call struct.calcsize(format). Any non-trivial
implementation of PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat() would likely do the same.

components: +Interpreter Core -None
nosy: +skrah
type:  - enhancement
versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 2.7, Python 3.1

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

The C-language program for reproducing the same issue is attached as 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

I used g++ to compile test_fork_pipe_error.cpp on both Mac OS and on Linux.  
EINVAL showed up only on Mac OS.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

 The reason I said above that those might be red-herring discoveries is this: 
 if I insert a short time.sleep(0.001) delay before the outer pipe-read loop, 
 the EINVAL errors don't get triggered either.

That's interesting.
So it really seems that under certain conditions, a non-blocking read from an 
empty pipe could fail with EINVAL instead of EAGAIN. But this is definitely a 
bug, in such cases read() should return EAGAIN.

 1. Why doesn't the test encounter EINVAL in the range 127KB ... 1KB (when 
 iterating initialReadSize in *decreasing* order).  If the pre-read delay is 
 significant, then does it take significantly more time to allocate a 127KB 
 chunk of memory than it does a 128KB chunk?

 2. Why doesn't the test encounter EINVAL at all when iterating 
 initialReadSize in *increasing* order?

I'm not sure it's a delay issue in this case. It may have more to do with the 
aligment of the buffer passed to read(). You can for example imagine that this 
error would show up only when the buffer is (or is not) aligned on a page 
boundary (usually 4K). As for the gap between 127KB and 128KB, it could be that 
we're allocating a new arena (we have a custom memory allocator over 
malloc()/mmap()), or that we switch between brk() and mmap(), but that's mere 
speculation, and there's nothing we can (and should) do here.

I'm not sure about what to do with this, though:
- adding a delay is out of question
- retrying on EINVAL like on EAGAIN is not a good idead, since it could mask 
real bugs

One thing we could do would be to limit the the call to read() to, let's say 
64KB per call:

newData = os.read(errpipe_read, min(65536, rSize))

But this would only work here, there are probably other places where this bug 
could be encountered (and I don't like adding hacks to avoid platform bugs).

 I wrote a C-language program to reproduce this issue on Mac OS without Python.
 I would like to file this issue with apple/Mac OS. What's the appropriate URL 
 for this?
 I used g++ to compile test_fork_pipe_error.cpp on both Mac OS and on Linux.  
 EINVAL showed up only on Mac OS.

Told you it was an OS-X bug (we've had several of those) ;-)
As for where to report it, I'm making some OS-X enclined devs nosy.

I'm suggest closing this bug as invalid (unless someone considers that we 
should try to work around it with the above trick).

nosy: +hynek, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Charles-François Natali

Changes by Charles-François Natali neolo...@free.fr:

type: crash - behavior

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

By the way, the existing code in subprocess.Popen (at least on 2.6.7) reads the 
pipe incorrectly: It doesn't loop to read all the data until EOF -- it only 
loops over EINTR until it gets a single successful os.read() call.  However, 
since this is a pipe read (not a real file read), the system doesn't guarantee 
that the blocking read will read everything up to requested read size or EOF, 
whichever comes first.  So, the single os.read call could return a partial 
read, and the subsequent un-pickling of the exception would fail.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15851] Lib/robotparser.py doesn't accept setting a user agent string, instead it uses the default.

2012-09-11 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

Hi Eduardo,

I tested further and do observe some very strange oddities.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Eduardo A. Bustamante López
rep...@bugs.python.org wrote:

 Also, I'm aware that you shouldn't normally worry about setting a specific
 user-agent to fetch the file. But that's not the case of Wikipedia. In my 
 Wikipedia returned 403 for the urllib user-agent.

Yeah, this really surprised me. I would normally assume robots.txt to
be readable by any agent, but I think something odd is happening.

In 2.7, I do not see the problem because, the implementation is:

import urllib

class URLOpener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
def __init__(self, *args):
urllib.FancyURLopener.__init__(self, *args)
self.errcode = 200

opener = URLOpener()
fobj = opener.open('http://en.wikipedia.org/robots.txt')
print opener.errcode

This will print 200 and everything is fine. Also, look at it that
robots.txt is accessible.

In 3.3, the implementation is:

import urllib.request

fobj = urllib.request.urlopen('http://en.wikipedia.org/robots.txt')
except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:

This gives 403.  I would normally expect this to work without any issues.
But according to my analysis, what is happening is when the User-agent
is set to something which has '-' in that, the server is rejecting it
with 403.

In the above code, what is happening underlying is this:

import urllib.request
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Python-urllib/3.3')]
fobj = opener.open('http://en.wikipedia.org/robots.txt')

This would give 403. In order to see it work, change the addheaders line to

opener.addheaders = [('', '')]
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Pythonurllib/3.3')]
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'KillerSpamBot')]

All should work (as expected).

So, thing which surrprises me is, if sending Python-urllib/3.3 is a
mistake for THAT Server.
Is this a server oddity at Wikipedia part? ( Coz, I refered to hg log
to see from when we are sending Python-urllib/version and it seems
that it's being sent for long time).

Can't see how should this be fixed in urllib.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

I filed this issue with apple: Problem ID: 12274650: 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

Apple bug report URL correction: 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

Sorry, I don't know why the URL comes out all messed up.  I can't seem to find 
the correct syntax for this.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

 By the way, the existing code in subprocess.Popen (at least on 2.6.7) reads 
 the pipe incorrectly: It doesn't loop to read all the data until EOF -- it 
 only loops over EINTR until it gets a single successful os.read() call.  
 However, since this is a pipe read (not a real file read), the system doesn't 
 guarantee that the blocking read will read everything up to requested read 
 size or EOF, whichever comes first.  So, the single os.read call could return 
 a partial read, and the subsequent un-pickling of the exception would fail.

Do you want to open a new issue for that (and provide a patch)?


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

New submission from Vitaly:

subprocess.Popen (at least on 2.6.7) reads the pipe incorrectly: It doesn't 
loop to read all the data until EOF -- it only loops over EINTR until it gets a 
single successful os.read() call.  However, since this is a pipe read (not a 
real file read), the system doesn't guarantee that the blocking read will read 
everything up to requested read size or EOF, whichever comes first.  So, the 
single os.read call could return a partial read, and the subsequent un-pickling 
of the exception would fail/crash.

Sorry, I can't submit a patch as I am merely a Python user, not a Python 
developer, and it would take me too long to set up and figure out Python build 
just for this one issue.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 170279
nosy: vitaly
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read
type: crash
versions: Python 2.6

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

Filed http://bugs.python.org/issue15918 for the incorrect pipe read logic in 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15887] urlencode should accept generators or two elements tuples

2012-09-11 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

This is a feature request. urlencode tries to prepare the data in the form 
items are submitted. It has been like form is list of key,value pairs and 
that's what is reflect in the current behavior. That said, I am not -1 if see 
if some frameworks adopting generator approach or if it cna considered useful 
without any confusion. I still have soem doubts, namely if it can be just 
key,value pairs then why have a list at all?

nosy: +orsenthil

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11943] Add TLS-SRP (RFC 5054) support to ssl, _ssl, http, and urllib

2012-09-11 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

2012/9/10 Jesús Cea Avión rep...@bugs.python.org:


Guess, it is still for 3.4.


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[issue15899] howto/unicode.rst doctest corrections

2012-09-11 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

Thanks!. Verified the patch, it is fine and can be applied directly on
3.2 and 3.3 branch. Tested it as well. On 2.7, some changes would be

nosy: +orsenthil

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15899] howto/unicode.rst doctest corrections

2012-09-11 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 8a40bc71c072 by Senthil Kumaran in branch '3.2':
Fix issue #15899: Make the unicode.rst doctests pass. Patch by Chris Jerdonek.

New changeset 1d9e89f6abec by Senthil Kumaran in branch 'default':
merge.  Fix issue #15899: Make the unicode.rst doctests pass. Patch by Chris 

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

What's wrong with working around this bug by reading a smaller amount? How much 
data is there supposed to be?

BTW. URLs for reports in Apple's tracker are fairly useless as bugreports are 
private (only you and Apple's engineers can see the report). The bug number is 
useful though.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15899] howto/unicode.rst doctest corrections

2012-09-11 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

I shall make the changes 2.7, keeping this open for that.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15899] howto/unicode.rst doctest corrections

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Thanks, Senthil!


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15888] ipaddress doctest examples have some errors

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Adding Eli to this because he did some work on the HOWTO for this module in 
issue 14814.

nosy: +eli.bendersky

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15803] Incorrect docstring on ConfigParser.items()

2012-09-11 Thread Łukasz Langa

Changes by Łukasz Langa luk...@langa.pl:

assignee:  - lukasz.langa

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15917] hg hook to detect unmerged changesets

2012-09-11 Thread Jesús Cea Avión

Changes by Jesús Cea Avión j...@jcea.es:

nosy: +jcea

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15917] hg hook to detect unmerged changesets

2012-09-11 Thread Jesús Cea Avión

Jesús Cea Avión added the comment:

We need something like this.

I can not review, I am not familiar with mercurial hooks internals.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15919] hg.python.org: log page entries don't always link to revision

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

New submission from Chris Jerdonek:

On hg.python.org, it seems like the entries on the log page don't
always link to the corresponding revision, for example some of the rows in--


This seems to happen whenever the revision description begins with
text that results in a link to something else (e.g. an issue number).  See, for 
example, the row for--

#15886: remove redundant phrase

In contrast, the graph page seems always to link to the revision:


Related to this, if the description field contains text that results
in a link to something else, then the UI doesn't make a distinction
between the portion of the description that links to the revision and
the portion that links to the something else.

For example, with description text Fix for fcc629208842, Fix for
links to the revision for the log entry, but fcc629208842 links to
the named revision, and there is no separation or visual indicator
that the two portions of text link to different things.

It might be better if the revision link was separate from the
description text.  That would be one way to address both of the issues

(This was originally posted to python-dev here:
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-September/121635.html )

messages: 170290
nosy: cjerdonek, ezio.melotti, pitrou
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: hg.python.org: log page entries don't always link to revision

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15533] subprocess.Popen(cwd) documentation

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Andrew, do you think my changes to the patch are adequate given the response on 
python-dev to your question?


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15917] hg hook to detect unmerged changesets

2012-09-11 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

+1 for the feature

nosy: +christian.heimes

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15900] Memory leak in PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap()

2012-09-11 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4f2811e5e462 by Christian Heimes in branch 'default':
Issue #15900: Fixed reference leak in PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap()

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15900] Memory leak in PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap()

2012-09-11 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Yes, 3.2 and earlier are not affected.

Georg, I'm assigning the bug to you so you can decide if you like to cherry 
pick the fix.

assignee:  - georg.brandl
nosy: +georg.brandl
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15920] make howto/regex.rst doctests pass

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

New submission from Chris Jerdonek:

This issue is to make the doctests in howto/regex.rst pass using vanilla 
doctest.  After this issue, 10 out of the 17 HOWTO's will pass with vanilla 

Patch attached.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: issue-doctest-howto-regex-1.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 170295
nosy: cjerdonek, docs@python, orsenthil
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: make howto/regex.rst doctests pass
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27173/issue-doctest-howto-regex-1.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15895] PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() can leak a FILE pointer

2012-09-11 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4754c4a710e6 by Christian Heimes in branch 'default':
Issue #15895: Fix FILE pointer leak in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() when filename 
points to a pyc/pyo file and closeit is false.

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13773] Support sqlite3 uri filenames

2012-09-11 Thread André Anjos

André Anjos added the comment:

A question concerning this patch: is this going to be applied only to 3.3 or to 
2.7 as well? Python-2.7.x also does not have this functionality which would be 
interesting to get.

nosy: +anjos

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15895] PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() can leak a FILE pointer

2012-09-11 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

The bug was a 3.3 regression, possibly introduced with the merge of importlib. 
I forgot to tick the 3,3regression keyword.

I've applied the fix. I'm leaving this ticket open and assigned to Georg for 

keywords: +3.3regression
resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15921] select module uses uninitialized value tv.tv_usec

2012-09-11 Thread Christian Heimes

New submission from Christian Heimes:

Starting with Python 3.3 the select module access the uninitialized tv.tv_usec 
member of a timeval struct. I don't see the point of initializing the local 
variable long tv_usec from tv.tv_usec. The comment above the code states that 
long tv_usec is required as a workaround for Mac OS X.


Coverity message:
CID 719694: Uninitialized scalar variable (UNINIT)At (5): Using uninitialized 
value tv.tv_usec.
 242long tv_usec = tv.tv_usec;
 243if (_PyTime_ObjectToTimeval(tout, tv.tv_sec, tv_usec) == -1)
 244return NULL;
 245tv.tv_usec = tv_usec;

Suggested fix:
change line 242 to long tv_usec;

keywords: 3.3regression
messages: 170299
nosy: christian.heimes
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: select module uses uninitialized value tv.tv_usec
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15912] Intermittent import failure

2012-09-11 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

I don't think sys.modules is the right place about a warning regarding 
importlib.invalidate_caches(); this has nothing to do with sys.modules but 
instead import itself. Probably something more along those lines would be more 

This is also mentioned the 3.3 What's New on how to port your code, so at least 
that's covered.

nosy: +brett.cannon

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15911] can't step through _frozen_importlib/importlib._bootstrap using gdb

2012-09-11 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

I'm going to guess this is a shortcoming of pdb when it comes to frozen modules 
as I can get to the source using inspect (which pdb leans on)::


Which are accurate line counts::

$ wc Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py 
 1761  6236 62517 Lib/importlib/_bootstrap.py

So why gdb can't output the source line when it has the line number of the file 
I don't know when it can already get access to the source without issue.

And yes, debugging imports are hard. =) Still, it's better than before as you 
can easily toss in a print statement or two and then just regenerate the frozen 
object. But I do agree it would be nice to get gdb to play along with the whole 
situation (and thus the title change for this bug).

nosy: +brett.cannon
stage:  - test needed
title: Debugging import problems is hard - can't step through 
_frozen_importlib/importlib._bootstrap using gdb
type:  - behavior
versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15719] Sort dict items in urlencode()

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

As an aside, I noticed a doctest affected by this in the urllib HOWTO:

 url_values = urllib.parse.urlencode(data)


(search for the string Somebody).  This is merely a curiosity though (i.e. 
don't construe this as an argument on the issue :)).

nosy: +cjerdonek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15860] Use TestCase assertion methods in unittest.mock.assert* to make them easier to read

2012-09-11 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord added the comment:

Yep, interesting idea. In Python 3 you can't import unittest.mock without 
importing unittest, so there could even be a default testcase to fall back 
on. For the external release I'd rather not have unittest as a dependency, but 
allowing a testcase to be provided at instantiation would be fine.

assignee:  - michael.foord

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15860] Use TestCase assertion methods in unittest.mock.assert* to make them easier to read

2012-09-11 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord added the comment:

The only issue is that the testcase would have to be propagated to child mocks 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15922] make howto/urllib2.rst doctests pass

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

New submission from Chris Jerdonek:

This issue is to make the doctests in howto/urllib2.rst pass using vanilla 

Patch attached.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: issue-doctest-howto-urllib-1.patch
keywords: easy, patch
messages: 170305
nosy: cjerdonek, docs@python, orsenthil
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: make howto/urllib2.rst doctests pass
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27174/issue-doctest-howto-urllib-1.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15922] make howto/urllib2.rst doctests pass

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Changes by Chris Jerdonek chris.jerdo...@gmail.com:

stage:  - patch review

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15895] PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() can leak a FILE pointer

2012-09-11 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset c3539eb02470 by Christian Heimes in branch 'default':
Issue #15895: my analysis was slightly off. The FILE pointer is only leaked 
when set_main_loader() fails for a pyc file with closeit=0. In the success case 
run_pyc_file() does its own cleanup of the fp. I've changed the code to use 
another FILE ptr for pyc files and moved the fclose() to 
PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() to make it more obvious what's happening.


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[issue11943] Add TLS-SRP (RFC 5054) support to ssl, _ssl, http, and urllib

2012-09-11 Thread Jesús Cea Avión

Jesús Cea Avión added the comment:

Yes, 3.4.

I would hate to rush, in two years, because this issue was neglected during 18 
months :)

No reason for not starting now.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11943] Add TLS-SRP (RFC 5054) support to ssl, _ssl, http, and urllib

2012-09-11 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Le mardi 11 septembre 2012 à 13:52 +, Jesús Cea Avión a écrit :
 No reason for not starting now.

There's no point in being pushy, though. If you want to start, the
best thing is to work on the patch and update it.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15917] hg hook to detect unmerged changesets

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

Attached a set up script to reproduce a test environment for the hook.

Create an empty dir and run ``sh setup.sh`` in it.  This will:
  1) create a 'c1' subdir which is a cpython-like repo with the branches 2.7, 
3.1, 3.2, default;
  2) download and set up the hook for this repo; 
  3) create a 'c2' clone of 'c1';

Once the clones are created, cd in 'c2', try to commit something, and push it.

Use `hg up branchname` to switch between branches.

If you `hg up 3.1`, change something, commit, and push, the hook will tell you 
that you have to merge with 3.2, if you do the same on 3.2 it will say you have 
to merge with default.

You can try unusual combinations (e.g. null merges, rollbacks, multiple commits 
per branch, etc.) to see how well the hook works.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27175/setup.sh

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[issue15912] Intermittent import failure

2012-09-11 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow added the comment:

The relationship between invalidate_caches() and sys.modules is definitely 
tenuous.  However, my rationale was that people would look for an explanation 
on why modifying sys.modules was not working as expected.  The sys.modules doc 
entry was the one that seemed to make the most sense.  

However, this is a pretty uncommon case and you're right that the What's New 
entry should be enough.

resolution:  - rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15860] Use TestCase assertion methods in unittest.mock.assert* to make them easier to read

2012-09-11 Thread Éric Araujo

Changes by Éric Araujo mer...@netwok.org:

nosy: +eric.araujo
versions:  -Python 3.3

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[issue13773] Support sqlite3 uri filenames

2012-09-11 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

2.7 and 3.2 are stable versions which only get bug fixes.  3.3 is in release 
candidate stage, so this new feature can only go into 3.4.  See the devguide 
and PEPs for more info about the process we follow.

versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

Okay, this bug is clearly caused by the patch applied for issue 12776.  Here's 
the patch set url: http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/74f6d87cd471

Now, if you look at this, I think this changes the semantics for non-string 
default with a type converter, but the question then becomes, what is the 
intended semantics?

The documentation at:



type - The type to which the command-line argument should be converted.

Okay, that makes perfect sense, because the command line arguments will always 
be strings in need of conversion.  What *doesn't* make sense, IMHO, is that the 
type conversion should be applied to the default value.  This is not documented 
behavior, but more importantly, is unnecessary, because the .add_argument() 
call site can just as easily provide a default that's already been converted.  
However, if you do this with the change, then the default value will get 
converted twice, once explicitly at the .add_argument() call site, and again, 
implicitly by argparse.

Also, as this bug report indicates, it then becomes impossible to provide a 
default that is not converted.

So I believe that the test added for issue 12776 is not correct (specifically 
test_type_function_call_with_non_string_default), and should be removed.  I'm 
not even sure the original analysis of that bug is correct, but there is a 
serious semantic ambiguity that needs to be resolved.  Specifically, should you 
support both the use case given in that bug and this bug's use case, and if so, 
how?  E.g.  should you even expect this to work:

.add_argument('--foo', type=open, default='/etc/passwd')


Maybe another way to look at it is that the conversion should only happen if 
the action is 'store'.  It definitely should not happen if the action is 

Let's say that the latter is the intended semantics.  Attached is a patch that 
implements these semantics, with a test.  If approved, I think we also need to 
describe the exact semantics in the documentation.  I will do that, add a NEWS 
entry, and back port.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27176/15906-1.diff

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15914] multiprocessing.SyncManager connection hang

2012-09-11 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

I get the same hang on Linux with Python 3.2.

For Windows the documentation does warn against starting a process as a side 
effect of importing a process.  There is no explicit warning for Unix, but I 
would still consider it bad form to do such things as a side effect of 
importing a module.

It appears that it is the import of the hmac module inside deliver_challenge() 
that is hanging.  I expect forking a process while an import is in progress may 
cause the import machinery (which I am not familiar with) to be in an 
inconsistent state.  The import lock should have been reset automatically after 
the fork, but maybe that is not enough.  Maybe the fact that the import is 
being done by a non-main thread is relevant.

I would suggest just rewriting the code as


import multiprocessing

def main():
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
namespace = manager.Namespace()
print(create.py complete)

if __name__ == '__main__':


import create
print(run.py complete)


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[issue15914] multiprocessing.SyncManager connection hang

2012-09-11 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

Here is a reproduction without using multiprocessing:


import threading, os

def foo():
print(Trying import)
import sys
print(Import successful)

pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
t = threading.Thread(target=foo)

os.waitpid(pid, 0)
print(create.py complete)


import create
print(run.py complete)

Using python2.7 and python3.3 this works as expected, but with python3.2 I get

user@mint-vm /tmp $ python3 create.py
Trying import
Import successful
create.py complete
user@mint-vm /tmp $ python3 run.py 
Trying import
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File run.py, line 1, in module
import create
  File /tmp/create.py, line 17, in module
os.waitpid(pid, 0)


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[issue15914] multiprocessing.SyncManager connection hang

2012-09-11 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Changes by Richard Oudkerk shibt...@gmail.com:

type: crash - behavior

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[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

 What's wrong with working around this bug by reading a smaller amount? How 
 much data is there supposed to be?

This makes sense for working around the issue.  Even in the blocking-read case, 
such as in subprocess.Popen, attempting to read a 1MB chunk of data in a single 
os.read call is unhelpful anyway - see http://bugs.python.org/issue15918.  
Also, the 1MB read forces os.read() to unnecessarily allocate a huge !MB buffer 
(even if only for a short lifetime)


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[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

Also, attempting to read a 1MB chunk of data in a single os.read call forces 
os.read() to unnecessarily allocate a huge !MB buffer (even if only for a short 
lifetime).  Using something like 4KB read calls in a loop is more practical 
(and looping is necessary anyway).


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

2.6 doesn't receive bug fixes anymore. Can you at least test with a recent 2.7?

nosy: +gregory.p.smith, pitrou

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15917] hg hook to detect unmerged changesets

2012-09-11 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

I might be wrong, but the logic in your hook looks a bit complicated. Wouldn't 
it be simpler to find all topological heads in the new csets (a topological 
head is a cset without any child), and check that none of them is on a 3.* 

Finding topological heads is very easy, so 


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[issue15917] hg hook to detect unmerged changesets

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

 I might be wrong, but the logic in your hook looks a bit complicated.

This might be true.  The logic I followed is that once a cset is merged, it 
becomes a parent of another cset (either in the same branch or in the next 
one).  So, if the cset is in 3.x and is not a parent, it should be merged.

 Wouldn't it be simpler to find all topological heads in the new csets
 (a topological head is a cset without any child), and check that none
 of them is on a 3.* branch?

If it's not a parent, it also means that it doesn't have any child, so we are 
looking at the same thing from two different points of view.

If I'm reading the code you linked correctly, it's adding all the incoming 
changesets in a set, and for each changeset added to the set, all its parent 
are removed, so that eventually only the childless changesets (the topological 
heads) are left.  This should also be equivalent to set(allcsets) - 

On the other hand my code checks for specific branches, so if you commit on 3.1 
and merge on default, the cset in 3.1 is not a topological head so it's not 
detected by the version you linked, whereas my script will complain saying that 
it should be merged with 3.2 and then with default (even if maybe it should 
complain because you merged it in the wrong branch).

nosy: +eric.araujo

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[issue15896] Sporadic EINVAL in nonblocking pipe os.read when forked child fails on Mac OS

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Changes by Vitaly vitaly.krugl.nume...@gmail.com:

versions: +Python 2.7

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[issue15914] multiprocessing.SyncManager connection hang

2012-09-11 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

Python 3.2 has extra code in _PyImport_ReInitLock() which means that when a 
fork happens as a side effect of an import, the main thread of the forked 
process owns the import lock.  Therefore other threads in the forked process 
cannot import anything.

if (import_lock != NULL)
import_lock = PyThread_allocate_lock();
if (import_lock_level  1) {
/* Forked as a side effect of import */
long me = PyThread_get_thread_ident();
PyThread_acquire_lock(import_lock, 0);
/* XXX: can the previous line fail? */
import_lock_thread = me;
} else {
import_lock_thread = -1;
import_lock_level = 0;

I think the reason this code is not triggered in Python 3.3 is the introduction 
of per-module import locks.

type: behavior - crash

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[issue15921] select module uses uninitialized value tv.tv_usec

2012-09-11 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 6cdc72f4d82c by Benjamin Peterson in branch 'default':
remove useless and defined initialization (closes #15921)

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

I'm not sure of all the implications of this, but it seems like this is a 
relevant piece of information from the docs:

type= can take any callable that takes a single string argument and returns 
the converted value:

(from http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#type )

In particular, it doesn't seem like it's meant to be supported to be calling 
type on an argument (e.g. a default argument) that's not a string.  That's 
what's happening in the code snippet in the first comment above, where the 
default argument is a list.

I haven't thought about this very long, but what would happen if the type 
conversion is only called on arguments and default arguments that are strings, 
and otherwise left alone?  It seems like that would at least address the use 
case in the first comment, and maybe the type=open one as well.

Either way, it seems like you still might need to track whether an argument has 
been converted (e.g. if type converts string to another string type).

nosy: +cjerdonek

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14617] confusing docs with regard to __hash__

2012-09-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

RC2 has just been released.  Any chance of this getting in to the final 
release?  Nobobdy has pointed out any problems with the last update...


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[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Along the lines of my previous comment, I notice that the following str type 
check was removed in the patch for issue 12776:

-if isinstance(action.default, str):
-default = self._get_value(action, default)
-setattr(namespace, action.dest, default)

But it was not preserved when the call to _get_value() was added back elsewhere:

+if (action.default is not None and
+hasattr(namespace, action.dest) and
+action.default is getattr(namespace, action.dest)):
+setattr(namespace, action.dest,
+self._get_value(action, action.default))


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[issue15914] multiprocessing.SyncManager connection hang

2012-09-11 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

It looks like the problem was caused be the fix for


I think the usage this was intended to enable is evil since one of the forked 
processes should always be terminated with os._exit().


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[issue14617] confusing docs with regard to __hash__

2012-09-11 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 957e1eef3296 by R David Murray in branch '3.2':
#14617: clarify discussion of interrelationship of __eq__ and __hash__.

New changeset c8d60d0c736b by R David Murray in branch 'default':
Merge #14617: clarify discussion of interrelationship of __eq__ and __hash__.

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14617] confusing docs with regard to __hash__

2012-09-11 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I rewrote the section a bit differently than you did in your patch...if you 
think my changes are not an improvement please let me know.

nosy: +r.david.murray
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Gregory P. Smith

Gregory P. Smith added the comment:

fyi - i suspect Python 3.2 and the backport of that to 2.x 
http://code.google.com/p/python-subprocess32/ do not have this issue.

but you didn't give enough information in the bug report for me to know which 
pipe and which read call you're talking about to really be sure.  (show 
tracebacks, mention specific version source lines, etc..).  If the bug is 
present in 2.7, we'll consider a fix for it.

regardless, I recommend *everyone* using Python 2.x use the subprocess32 module 
rather than the built in subprocess module.


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[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Here is a type of test case that I think should be considered for addition (to 
confirm that the code doesn't double-convert strings in at least one case).  
Maybe there is already a test case like this:

class MyString(str): pass

def convert(s):
return MyString(* + s)

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(--test, dest=test, type=convert, default=foo)
args = parser.parse_args()



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[issue15629] Add to regrtest the ability to run Lib and Doc doctests

2012-09-11 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

turtle uses it because that was the file that I made work when I was playing 
with 'make doctest'.  I think being able to use the testsetup directive would 
be good.  It could also them be used (I think!) to put resource directives in 
the docs that would control whether or not (eg) turtle was run via regertest 
'-u', making it not run by default.  What make doctest does is to write the 
doctests out to to a file and then run them with the normal doctest tools, so 
there ought to be a way to integrate with it.  I guess how easy that is depends 
on how easy it is to run sphinx on just one file...which might not be easy.


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[issue15917] hg hook to detect unmerged changesets

2012-09-11 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com:

nosy: +r.david.murray

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15895] PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() can leak a FILE pointer

2012-09-11 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 6fea947edead by Christian Heimes in branch 'default':
Updates NEWS for issue #15895


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[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I believe you've identified the broken part of the change, Chris.  So to 
restore previous behavior we need to add that back correctly.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com:

priority: high - deferred blocker

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[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

My bug report refers to the following code block in subprocess.py. The problem 
is the same in 2.6.7 and 2.7.3:

=== From subprocess.py in Python 2.7.3 Source Distribution:
# Wait for exec to fail or succeed; possibly raising exception
# Exception limited to 1M
data = _eintr_retry_call(os.read, errpipe_read, 1048576)
# be sure the FD is closed no matter what

However, Python 3.2.3 appears to be doing this correctly; it loops, gathers the 
data from multiple os.read calls, and doesn't make huge (1048576) os.read 

=== from subprocess.py in 3.2.3 source distribution
# Wait for exec to fail or succeed; possibly raising an
# exception (limited in size)
data = bytearray()
while True:
part = _eintr_retry_call(os.read, errpipe_read, 5)
data += part
if not part or len(data)  5:


versions: +Python 2.7

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[issue14617] confusing docs with regard to __hash__

2012-09-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

R. David Murray wrote:
 I rewrote the section a bit differently than you did in your patch...if you 
 think my changes are not an improvement please let me know.

This line is incorrect:

A class which defines its own :meth:`__hash__` that explicitly raises a 
:exc:`TypeError` would be incorrectly identified as hashable by an 
``isinstance(obj, collections.Hashable)`` call.

It should be would not be correctly identified as hashable.

Otherwise, looks great.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

Sorry, there is no traceback.  The issue was identified in code review.

'man 2 read' states:

The system guaran-
 tees to read the number of bytes requested if the descriptor references a
 normal file that has that many bytes left before the end-of-file, but in
 no other case.

Since a pipe is not a normal file, the guarantee to read the number of bytes 
requested does not apply.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14617] confusing docs with regard to __hash__

2012-09-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Ethan Furman wrote:
 Ethan Furman added the comment:
 R. David Murray wrote:
 I rewrote the section a bit differently than you did in your patch...if you 
 think my changes are not an improvement please let me know.
 This line is incorrect:
 A class which defines its own :meth:`__hash__` that explicitly raises a 
 :exc:`TypeError` would be incorrectly identified as hashable by an 
 ``isinstance(obj, collections.Hashable)`` call.
 It should be would not be correctly identified as hashable.
 Otherwise, looks great.

Argh.  Nevermind!  It all looks good.  :)


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[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

The prior 'man 2 read' quote was from Mac OS X;

On amazon (centos) Linux, 'man 2 read' makes the same claim, albeit in 
different verbiage:

It is not an error if this number is smaller than the number of bytes 
requested; this may happen for example because fewer bytes are actually 
available right now (maybe because we were close to  end-of-file,  or  because  
we  are  reading  from a pipe, or from a terminal), or because read() was 
interrupted by a signal.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Gregory P. Smith

Gregory P. Smith added the comment:

Yeah, sounds like _eintr_retry_call alone isn't appropriate here in 2.7.
I'll fix it.

In practice I doubt this matters much as this error string is likely to be
less than one page (depends on pathnames involved) but it is still
technically incorrect as written.


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[issue15209] Re-raising exceptions from an expression

2012-09-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Can we also get this committed before 3.3.0 final?


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[issue15209] Re-raising exceptions from an expression

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

nosy: +georg.brandl

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Sep 11, 2012, at 04:15 PM, Chris Jerdonek wrote:

I haven't thought about this very long, but what would happen if the type
conversion is only called on arguments and default arguments that are
strings, and otherwise left alone?

I thought about that, and actually, my first take on a fix was almost exactly
to restore the isinstance check for str-ness.  When I thought about it longer,
it occurred to me that the type conversion for default only made sense when
action was 'store'.  Still, either approach would solve the problem.

It seems like that would at least address the use case in the first comment,
and maybe the type=open one as well.

Either way, it seems like you still might need to track whether an argument
has been converted (e.g. if type converts string to another string type).

That would be more complicated, so we'd really have to decide whether to back
port such changes, and whether we can sneak that into 3.3 given how late in
the process we are.

I'd be in favor either of my patch, or restoring the isinstance check
(probably in that order).


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15918] subprocess.Popen reads errpipe_read incorrectly, can result in short read

2012-09-11 Thread Vitaly

Vitaly added the comment:

 In practice I doubt this matters much as this error string is likely to be 
 less than one page (depends on pathnames involved) but it is still
technically incorrect as written.

Agreed.  Thank you.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

To repeat: there is no change to be made for 3.3.  3.3.0 will go out the door 
with the pre-12776 behavior.  So any backward compatibility concerns that apply 
to 2.7 and 3.2 also apply to 3.3.  Thus I suggest we restore the string check, 
and consider an enhancement patch at more leisure for 3.4.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15906] argparse add_argument() confusing behavior when type=str, default=

2012-09-11 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Sep 11, 2012, at 07:00 PM, R. David Murray wrote:

To repeat: there is no change to be made for 3.3.  3.3.0 will go out the door
with the pre-12776 behavior.  So any backward compatibility concerns that
apply to 2.7 and 3.2 also apply to 3.3.  Thus I suggest we restore the string
check, and consider an enhancement patch at more leisure for 3.4.

Okay, I missed that Georg has a separate branch for the 3.3.0 release, so we
don't have to worry about it there.  But yes, 2.7, 3.2, and 3.3.1 must be


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[issue15923] Building from a fresh clone breaks on Parser/asdl_c.py

2012-09-11 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

New submission from Barry A. Warsaw:

After a fresh clone, configure  make fails due to a fairly obvious bug in the 
code.  Note that if you `hg revert --all`, configure  make will succeed, 
probably because the timestamps get updated enough to fool make.

@resist[~/projects/python:1043]% hg clone 
@resist[~/projects/python:1044]% cd 3.3.0/
@resist[~/projects/python/3.3.0:1045]% ./configure  make

gcc -pthread -c -Wno-unused-result -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes-I. -I./Include-DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Python/_warnings.o 
./Parser/asdl_c.py -h ./Include ./Parser/Python.asdl
./Parser/asdl_c.py -c ./Python ./Parser/Python.asdl
Error visitingSum([Constructor(Load, []), Constructor(Store, []), 
Constructor(Del, []), Constructor(AugLoad, []), Constructor(AugStore, []), 
Constructor(Param, [])], [])
not all arguments converted during string formatting
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/barry/projects/python/3.3.0/Parser/asdl.py, line 309, in visit
meth(object, *args)
  File ./Parser/asdl_c.py, line 1043, in visitSum
self.simpleSum(sum, name)
  File ./Parser/asdl_c.py, line 1067, in simpleSum
self.emit(default: % name, 2)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
make: *** [Python/Python-ast.c] Error 1

messages: 170344
nosy: barry, georg.brandl, loewis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Building from a fresh clone breaks on Parser/asdl_c.py
versions: Python 3.3

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15923] Building from a fresh clone breaks on Parser/asdl_c.py

2012-09-11 Thread Christian Heimes

Changes by Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de:

nosy: +christian.heimes

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15924] 404 link on Python about page

2012-09-11 Thread Joshua Landau

New submission from Joshua Landau:

http://www.python.org/about/ section Python plays well with others, last 
paragraph, link extension modules links to 
http://www.python.org/doc/ext/intro.html, a 404 page.

http://www.python.org/doc/ext/ redirects to http://docs.python.org/extending/

components: None
messages: 170345
nosy: Joshua.Landau
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: 404 link on Python about page

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[issue5766] Mac/scripts/BuildApplet.py reset of sys.executable during install can cause it to use wrong modules

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

versions: +Python 2.7 -Python 2.6

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[issue1005895] curses for win32

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.2

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1005895] curses for win32

2012-09-11 Thread Brian Curtin

Changes by Brian Curtin br...@python.org:

nosy:  -brian.curtin

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8964] platform._sys_version does not parse correctly IronPython 2.x version

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

keywords: +easy
versions: +Python 3.3 -Python 3.1

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11385] TextTestRunner methods are not documented

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

nosy: +ezio.melotti
versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.1

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15315] Can't build Python extension with mingw32 on Windows

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

dependencies: +Remove -mno-cygwin from distutils
type:  - behavior

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10445] _ast py3k : add lineno back to args node

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

components: +Interpreter Core -None
nosy: +ncoghlan
stage:  - needs patch
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13990] Benchmarks: 2to3 failures on the py3 side

2012-09-11 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti ezio.melo...@gmail.com:

status: open - pending

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

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