[issue18489] IDLE Unit test for SearchEngine.py

2013-08-19 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

As with searchdialogbase tests, I get the following in the console every time I 
run the test file within idle.
can't invoke event command:  application has been destroyed
while executing
event generate $w ThemeChanged
(procedure ttk::ThemeChanged line 6)
invoked from within
This seems like a bug somewhere, but where? Why is ttk involved?

When I applied the patch, the tests ran, but left two tk windows. I added the 
missing root.destroy() calls. I plan to separate the class methods that search 
a text widget into a separate test case (or more).

10 lines are not yet covered. 6 should be easy.

assignee:  - terry.reedy
stage:  - patch review

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[issue18489] IDLE Unit test for SearchEngine.py

2013-08-19 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Changes by Terry J. Reedy tjre...@udel.edu:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31369/18489-test_searchengine4.diff

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[issue18761] Fix internal doc references for the email package

2013-08-19 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 7a1534dba050 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Issue #18761: Improved cross-references in email documentation.

New changeset 464eed5ddb2e by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #18761: Improved cross-references in email documentation.

New changeset 062533327ad2 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #18761: Improved cross-references in email documentation.

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue18778] email docstrings and comments say about Unicode strings

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

email docstrings and comments uses the Unicode string term and refer to the 
unicode() built-in. In 3.x this should be corrected to string and str(). 
Perhaps some code (for example coercing a charset name to Unicode) is not 
needed more.

components: email
messages: 195605
nosy: barry, r.david.murray, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: email docstrings and comments say about Unicode strings
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue18761] Fix internal doc references for the email package

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Thank you for the review.

assignee: docs@python - serhiy.storchaka
resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue17400] ipaddress.is_private needs to take into account of rfc6598

2013-08-19 Thread Freek Dijkstra

Freek Dijkstra added the comment:

I don't understand your remark I think it would be pretty surprising for 
ipaddress to return True if it's not a network operator running the query.


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[issue17400] ipaddress.is_private needs to take into account of rfc6598

2013-08-19 Thread Freek Dijkstra

Freek Dijkstra added the comment:

Edit: could you rephrase?


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[issue5537] LWPCookieJar cannot handle cookies with expirations of 2038 or greater on 32-bit platforms

2013-08-19 Thread Alex Quinn

Alex Quinn added the comment:

This bug still exists in Python 2.7.3 32-bit on Linux.

I wonder if this might be because the patch (posted 2011-02-18) used 
utcfromtimestamp().  datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(2**32) will fail on 
32-bit systems.

The bug does NOT exist in Python 2.7.3 32-bit on Windows (64-bit OS).

$ python -c import sys, cookielib; print sys.version; print 
2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 05:46:21) 
[GCC 4.6.3]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/cookielib.py, line 99, in time2isoz
year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec = time.gmtime(t)[:6]
ValueError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t

$ python -c import sys, cookielib; print sys.version; print 
2.7.3 (default, Aug  3 2012, 17:21:07)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52)]
2043-08-11 16:36:07Z

C:\python -c import sys, cookielib; print sys.version; print 
2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
2043-08-11 16:36:07Z

nosy: +Alex Quinn
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31370/monkey_patch_cookielib_time2isoz.py

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[issue5537] LWPCookieJar cannot handle cookies with expirations of 2038 or greater on 32-bit platforms

2013-08-19 Thread Alex Quinn

Alex Quinn added the comment:

For those who are affected by this bug, here's a snippet to monkey-patch 
cookielib on any Python 2.4 to 2.7.

A more complete version of this was attached to my message a moment ago.

import cookielib
except ValueError:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def time2isoz(t=None):
if t is None:
dt = datetime.now()
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) + timedelta(seconds=int(t))
return %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02dZ%\
(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second)
cookielib.time2isoz = time2isoz


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[issue18779] Misleading documentations and comments in regular expression about alphanumerics and underscore

2013-08-19 Thread Vajrasky Kok

New submission from Vajrasky Kok:

According to:


Alphanumeric is defined as [A-Za-z0-9]. Underscore (_) is not one of them. One 
of the documentation in Python (Doc/tutorial/stdlib2.rst) differentiates them 
very clearly:

The format uses placeholder names formed by ``$`` with valid Python identifiers
(alphanumeric characters and underscores).  Surrounding the placeholder with
braces allows it to be followed by more alphanumeric letters with no intervening
spaces.  Writing ``$$`` creates a single escaped ``$``::

Yet, in documentations as well as comments in regex, we implicitely assumes 
underscore belongs to alphanumeric.

Explicit is better than implicit!

Attached the patch to differentiate alphanumeric and underscore in 
documentations and comments in regex.

This is important in case someone is confused with this code:
 import re
 re.split('\W', 'haha$hihi*huhu_hehe hoho')
['haha', 'hihi', 'huhu_hehe', 'hoho']

On the side note:
In Python code base, sometimes we write alphanumerics and underscores, yet 
sometimes we write alphanumeric characters and underscore characters. Which 
one again is the true way?

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: fix_alphanumeric_and_underscore_doc_in_regex.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 195611
nosy: akuchling, docs@python, vajrasky
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Misleading documentations and comments in regular expression about 
alphanumerics and underscore
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file: 

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[issue17400] ipaddress.is_private needs to take into account of rfc6598

2013-08-19 Thread Freek Dijkstra

Freek Dijkstra added the comment:

A bit odd questions: What is the is_private() function intended to accomplish?

I have been wondering what is_private() means, and how users of the library are 
going to use this function. I've actually failed to come up with any sensible 
use-case with the current implementation. So in the current state, without the 
modifications, my vote would be to remove the method, as it is more likely to 
add confusion than the be of a particular use.

The most useful method (which I originally thought it was meant to do) is a 
function that indicates if a certain IP range is NATted (only an indication, 
since it requires a network to reliable test). However, that's not what the 
current function entails: it misses the range, which is NATted, 
but includes the fc00::/7 unique local block, which is not NATted.

I would be all in favour of such a is_natted() function, but that's not what 
this is.

The is_private() function also does not simply list private IP addresses, 
when looking at the formal IETF definitions, since it includes fc00::/7, which 
are unique local addresses, which in practice used in a rather different way: 
IPv4 private IP addresses are often NATted (and routed after translation), 
while IPv6 unique local addresses are typically used for local non-routed 

Also, the is_private() function does not list all non-globally assigned 
addresses. That should includes a lot more ranges, as listed on 

So far, the is_private() function seems to return True for addresses which are:
* non-globally assigned (as opposed to regular unicast and multicast addresses)
* available for manual assignment (as opposed to link-local addresses)
* may be assigned by end-sites, but not by ISPs (as opposed to shared IP 
addresses and the small DS-Lite block)
* is not intended for benchmarking purposes (as opposed to benchmarking IP 

Frankly, I wonder if this very particular information of enough interest to 
warrant a function on its own.

In that case, I much rather see more generic (and hopefully more useful) 
functions such as is_natted() and for is_global(), is_forwardable() and 
is_reserved(), as defined by IANA.


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[issue18438] Obsolete url in comment inside decimal module

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka storch...@gmail.com:

nosy: +facundobatista, skrah

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[issue18777] Cannot compile _ssl.c using openssl 1.0

2013-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Rather than removing the call to CRYPTO_set_id_callback, it seems we should 
replace it with CRYPTO_THREADID_set_callback:

« CRYPTO_THREADID and associated functions were introduced in OpenSSL 1.0.0 to 
replace (actually, deprecate) the previous CRYPTO_set_id_callback(), 
CRYPTO_get_id_callback(), and CRYPTO_thread_id() functions which assumed thread 
IDs to always be represented by 'unsigned long'. »


components: +Extension Modules
nosy: +christian.heimes, giampaolo.rodola, janssen, pitrou
priority: normal - critical
stage:  - needs patch
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.4

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[issue18777] Cannot compile _ssl.c using openssl 1.0

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Something like that:

static void
_ssl_threadid_callback(CRYPTO_THREADID *id)
CRYPTO_THREADID_set_numeric(id, PyThread_get_thread_ident());


components:  -Extension Modules
stage: needs patch - patch review

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[issue18777] Cannot compile _ssl.c using openssl 1.0

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

I'm going to work on a modified patch.

assignee:  - christian.heimes
components: +Extension Modules

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[issue18777] Cannot compile _ssl.c using openssl 1.0

2013-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Indeed, only with the proper #ifdef's :-)


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[issue18779] Misleading documentations and comments in regular expression about alphanumerics and underscore

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka storch...@gmail.com:

components: +Regular Expressions
nosy: +ezio.melotti, mrabarnett, pitrou
stage:  - patch review

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[issue18779] Misleading documentations and comments in regular expression HOWTO

2013-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

I was wondering which doc you were alluding it, before I noticed your patch is 
against the regex HOWTO.
The HOWTO seems quite outdated wrt. Python 3. For example \w is not 
equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_], anymore, except with the ASCII flag.

title: Misleading documentations and comments in regular expression about 
alphanumerics and underscore - Misleading documentations and comments in 
regular expression HOWTO

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[issue18779] Misleading documentations and comments in regular expression HOWTO

2013-08-19 Thread Vajrasky Kok

Vajrasky Kok added the comment:

In Lib/re.py, starting from line 77 (Python 3.4):

\w   Matches any alphanumeric character; equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]
 in bytes patterns or string patterns with the ASCII flag.
 In string patterns without the ASCII flag, it will match the
 range of Unicode alphanumeric characters (letters plus digits
 plus underscore).
 With LOCALE, it will match the set [0-9_] plus characters defined
 as letters for the current locale.

The prelude is Matches any alphanumeric character;.

Yet, in any case (bytes, string patterns with ascii flag, string patterns 
without the ascii flag, strings with locale), the underscore is always included.

Then why don't we change the prelude to Matches any alphanumeric character and 
underscore character;? In the description we explain the alphanumeric 
depending on it's unicode or not can be [A-Za-z0-9] or wider than that.

The description is already okay but the prelude is misleading readers.


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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat added the comment:

The following benchmarks were run with the second version of the patch 
(so2.diff), once before and once after.

OSX 10.8 on a Macbook Pro, 2.5 GHz Core i5, two cores each with 256kb L2 cache, 
3MB L3 cache:

1.32% less time for first benchmark (7.07 before, 6.98 after)
1.31% less time for second benchmark (9.81 before, 9.68 after)

Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit, AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor (3.0 GHz, 2MB L2 cache, 
256KB total L1 per processor):

5% less time for first benchmark (13.6 before, 12.9 after)
11% less time for second benchmark (18.3 before, 16.3 after)

Win7 64-bit, Intel Xeon E3-1230 V2 (quad-core, 3.30GHz, 256kb L2 cache per 
core, 8MB L3 cache):

1.8% less time for first benchmark (3.90 before, 3.83 after)
3.5% less time for second benchmark (7.27 before, 7.02 after)

However, this processor has Intel SmartCache, which as far as I can tell 
means one processor can use other processors' caches if they are inactive. So I 
ran the benchmarks again with 4x larger data sets (revised benchmark script 

3.8% less time for first benchmark (19.3 before, 18.6 after)
7.5% less time for second benchmark (33.1 before, 30.6 after)

nosy: +taleinat
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31372/set_bench_smartcache.py

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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat added the comment:

Because of the unusually low differences, I tried running the benchmarks again 
on the MacBook (OSX 10.8). The first time was actually with so.diff, this time 
was with so2.diff.

0.69% less time for first benchmark (7.30 before, 7.25 after)
8.08% less time for second benchmark (10.85 before, 9.97 after)



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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz on Ubuntu 13.04 X86_64 with GCC 4.7.3

1MB L2 cache test: 11.33sec / 10.83sec (4.4% faster)
8Mb L3 cache test: 22.16sec / 19.67sec (11% faster)


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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat added the comment:

Sorry to be pedantic, but while 19.67sec is about 11.2% less than 22.16sec, it 
is actually about 12.6% faster (22.16/19.67 - 1).

Regardless, that's a good result! And I'm happy that the modified benchmark is 


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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Oh *curse*, you are right. Why do I always confuse the order? :|

It looks like the performance boost increases with CPU cache size as well as 
the CPU's generation. The i7-4770K box at work is less than a week old. The CPU 
is currently the fast desktop CPU from Intel.


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[issue18652] Add itertools.first_true (return first true item in iterable)

2013-08-19 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

OK, now I have a place in the non-test email code where using this would lead 
to easier-to-read code.


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[issue18778] email docstrings and comments say about Unicode strings

2013-08-19 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

If you mean the code in Charset's __init__, if you change that you'll have 
backward compatibility issues.  As the code currently stands it is legal to 
pass in a charset name that is bytes.  And the string path of that if checks 
that it contains only ASCII characters, a check that is also still required.


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[issue18778] email docstrings and comments say about Unicode strings

2013-08-19 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

The comment, however, is clearly no longer appropriate :)


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[issue18779] Misleading documentations and comments in regular expression HOWTO

2013-08-19 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

The answer to the question about alphanumerics versus alphanumeric 
characters is that is is mostly likely context-dependent, so I'd have to see 
particular examples to say which I though read better.  So, there is no One 
True Answer for this question, I think.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue18738] String formatting (% and str.format) issues with Enum

2013-08-19 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith added the comment:

Oh, I don't feel my time has been wasted. Where else can I have a discussion of 

With this patch, given this:

class UpperString(str):
  def __format__(self, fmt):
return str.__format__(self, fmt).upper()

class UpperEnum(UpperString, Enum):

class S(UpperEnum):
  a = 'a'
  b = 'b'

this gives the (to me) surprising results of:

 format(S.a, '10')
'S.a   '
 format(S.a, '10s')
'A '

I'd expect this to always use UpperString.__format__, since it understands all 
str format specs.

And before you say UpperString is contrived, I've used classes like it in the 
past: they're just like a string, but the __format__ method does something 
special after calling through to str.__format__. 

Which is why I think __format__ has to go in the derived type (IntEnum, in the 
originally reported case): only it can decide whether to call str.__format__ or 
the mix-in class's __format__.

Now, whether or not Enum needs to support such classes with specialized 
__format___, I can't say. I suppose it's not super-important. But it will be 
difficult to explain all of this.

Also, the patch give this:

 class E(IntEnum):
...   one = 1
...   two = 2
 format(E.one, 's')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /home/eric/local/python/cpython/Lib/enum.py, line 463, in __format__
return obj.__format__(val, format_spec)
ValueError: Unknown format code 's' for object of type 'int'

I can't format it using the 's' presentation type, despite the fact it looks 
like a string. I think you need to add 's' to your _remove_plain_format_chars.

And consider this valid (but arguably pathological) code:

 format(datetime.datetime.now(), '10')

Despite this being a valid datetime format spec, your code would consider it a 
str spec.

tl;dr: I think __format__ belongs in the class that understands how the 
subclass handles format specs.


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[issue18750] '' % [1] doesn't fail

2013-08-19 Thread Giacomo Alzetta

Giacomo Alzetta added the comment:

Note that the documentation for formatting with %, found here: 

If format requires a single argument, values may be a single non-tuple object. 
[5] Otherwise, values must be a tuple with exactly the number of items 
specified by the format string, or a single mapping object (for example, a 

Note how it explicitly states that in an expression: format % value there are 
two different cases:

 - If format contains *exactly one* format specifier, then value can be any 
non-tuple item and it will be formatted as is. Otherwise, value MUST be either 
tuple or a mapping.

In your example '' contains 0 format specifiers, hence you MUST use either a 
tuple or a dict. Any other object triggers undefined behaviour(in particular 
depending on whether the object define __geitem__ or not the formatting might 
or might not raise an exception etc.)

AFAIK only few people know this, hence changing the code could potentially 
break a lot of code for apparently no reason.
Since people should start to move to str.format instead of % this wart may not 
be worth fixing.

nosy: +bakuriu

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[issue18606] Add statistics module to standard library

2013-08-19 Thread Oscar Benjamin

Oscar Benjamin added the comment:

I've just checked over the new patch and it all looks good to me apart
from one quibble.

It is documented that statistics.sum() will respect rounding errors
due to decimal context (returning the same result that sum() would). I
would prefer it if statistics.sum would use compensated summation with
Decimals since in my view they are a floating point number
representation and are subject to arithmetic rounding error in the
same way as floats. I expect that the implementation of sum() will
change but it would be good to at least avoid documenting this IMO
undesirable behaviour.

So with the current implementation I can do:

 from decimal import Decimal as D, localcontext, Context, ROUND_DOWN
 data = [D(0.1375), D(0.2108), D(0.3061), D(0.0419)]
 with localcontext() as ctx:
... ctx.prec = 2
... ctx.rounding = ROUND_DOWN
... print(statistics.variance(data))

The final result is not accurate to 2 d.p. rounded down. This is
because the decimal context has affected all intermediate computations
not just the final result. Why would anyone prefer this behaviour over
an implementation that could compensate for rounding errors and return
a more accurate result?

If statistics.sum and statistics.add_partial are modified in such a
way that they use the same compensated algorithm for Decimals as they
would for floats then you can have the following:

 statistics.sum([D('-1e50'), D('1'), D('1e50')])

whereas it currently does:

 statistics.sum([D('-1e50'), D('1'), D('1e50')])
 statistics.sum([D('-1e50'), D('1'), D('1e50')]) == 0

It still doesn't fix the variance calculation but I'm not sure exactly
how to do better than the current implementation for that. Either way
though I don't think the current behaviour should be a documented
guarantee. The meaning of honouring the context implies using a
specific sum algorithm, since an alternative algorithm would give a
different result and I don't think you should constrain yourself in
that way.


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[issue18780] SystemError when formatting int subclass

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

 class I(int):
... def __str__(self):
... return 'spam'
 '%i' % (I(42),)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
SystemError: Objects/unicodeobject.c:13595: bad argument to internal function

This issue is related to issue18738 and will be fixed when use 
PyNumber_ToBase() for any int subclass (not only for bool).

messages: 195631
nosy: haypo, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: SystemError when formatting int subclass
type: crash
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue18738] String formatting (% and str.format) issues with Enum

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

For C-style formatting see also issue18780.


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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

Wow, thanks for running these tests and posting the results :-)


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[issue18780] SystemError when formatting int subclass

2013-08-19 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

formatlong() should copy the string if Py_REFCNT(str) != 1.


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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset a887596b841f by Raymond Hettinger in branch 'default':
Issue18771:  Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects.

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Changes by Raymond Hettinger raymond.hettin...@gmail.com:

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

How about a Misc/NEWS and a Doc/whatsnew/3.4 entry, too?


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[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

This optimization cannot be applied to the dict type?


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[issue18781] re.escape escapes underscore (Python 2.7)

2013-08-19 Thread Vajrasky Kok

New submission from Vajrasky Kok:

$ ./python --version
Python 2.7.5+
$ ./python
Python 2.7.5+ (2.7:062533327ad2, Aug 19 2013, 22:44:52) 
[GCC 4.7.2 20121109 (Red Hat 4.7.2-8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import re

Python 3.3 and 3.4 got it right and don't escape the underscore.

Because many people are still doing their livelihoods with Python 2.7 and I am 
a compassionate person, here is the patch to fix the bug in Python 2.7.

components: Regular Expressions
files: dont_escape_underscore_in_regex_27.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 195638
nosy: ezio.melotti, mrabarnett, vajrasky
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: re.escape escapes underscore (Python 2.7)
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: 

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[issue18777] Cannot compile _ssl.c using openssl 1.0

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:


Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31374/18777.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18781] re.escape escapes underscore (Python 2.7)

2013-08-19 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

This was considered a new feature when it was added in 3.2 (see #2650), so it 
was not backported to 2.7 because -- even if it was a minor change -- it was 
not 100% backward compatible.

assignee:  - ezio.melotti
resolution:  - rejected
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18782] sqlite3 row factory and multiprocessing map

2013-08-19 Thread Timothy O'Keefe

New submission from Timothy O'Keefe:

If you run this code, you will get a segfault. If you a) remove the row factory 
from the following code or b) use the standard library map() instead of 
multiprocessing.Pool.map, then the code does not crash.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sqlite3
import multiprocessing as mp

def main():
## --- create a database
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()

## --- create example table similar to python docs
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE stocks (date text, trans text, symbol text, qty 
real, price real)''')
c.execute(INSERT INTO stocks VALUES 
c.execute(INSERT INTO stocks VALUES 
c.execute(SELECT * FROM stocks)

## --- map fun over cursor iterable (fun does nothing)
pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count())
features = pool.map(fun, c)

def fun(row):
return row

if __name__ == __main__:

messages: 195641
nosy: tokeefe
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sqlite3 row factory and multiprocessing map
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18777] Cannot compile _ssl.c using openssl 1.0

2013-08-19 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset f967ded6f9dd by Christian Heimes in branch '3.3':
Issue #18777: The ssl module now uses the new CRYPTO_THREADID API of

New changeset 28e68f4807a2 by Christian Heimes in branch 'default':
Issue #18777: The ssl module now uses the new CRYPTO_THREADID API of

New changeset 5d691723bfbd by Christian Heimes in branch '2.7':
Issue #18777: The ssl module now uses the new CRYPTO_THREADID API of

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18777] Cannot compile _ssl.c using openssl 1.0

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Changes by Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de:

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18774] There is still last bit of GNU Pth code in signalmodule.c

2013-08-19 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset a02339bda413 by Raymond Hettinger in branch 'default':
Issue 18774:  Update news and whatsnew for the set optimizations


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18771] Reduce the cost of hash collisions for set objects

2013-08-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

Victor, this should also work for dictionaries as well.   Fundamentally, the 
concepts of loop-unrolling and exploiting cache locality should apply to any 
hash table implementation.

That said, the dicts are more complex than sets due to 1) storing the 
hash/key/value 2) key-sharing, and 3) different access patterns.  So, it will 
require more effort than just porting over the patch.  Feel free to open a new 
tracker item for that one.  It will take more work but will potentially have a 
much greater pay-off.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17276] HMAC: deprecate default hash

2013-08-19 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

assertWarns() is much easier than the block I have copied and pasted. Thanks. :)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31375/17276-2.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18606] Add statistics module to standard library

2013-08-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano added the comment:

On 19/08/13 23:15, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

 So with the current implementation I can do:

 from decimal import Decimal as D, localcontext, Context, ROUND_DOWN
 data = [D(0.1375), D(0.2108), D(0.3061), D(0.0419)]
 with localcontext() as ctx:
 ... ctx.prec = 2
 ... ctx.rounding = ROUND_DOWN
 ... print(statistics.variance(data))

 The final result is not accurate to 2 d.p. rounded down. This is
 because the decimal context has affected all intermediate computations
 not just the final result.

Yes. But that's the whole point of setting the context to always round down. If 
summation didn't always round down, it would be a bug.

If you set the precision to a higher value, you can avoid the need for 
compensated summation. I'm not prepared to pick and choose which contexts I'll 
honour. If I honour those with a high precision, I'll honour those with a low 
precision too. I'm not going to check the context, and if it is too low 
(according to whom?) set it higher.

Why would anyone prefer this behaviour over
 an implementation that could compensate for rounding errors and return
 a more accurate result?

Because that's what the Decimal standard requires (as I understand it), and 
besides you might be trying to match calculations on some machine with a lower 
precision, or different rounding modes. Say, a pocket calculator, or a Cray, or 
something. Or demonstrating why rounding matters.

Perhaps it will cause less confusion if I add an example to show a use for 
higher precision as well.

 If statistics.sum and statistics.add_partial are modified in such a
 way that they use the same compensated algorithm for Decimals as they
 would for floats then you can have the following:

 statistics.sum([D('-1e50'), D('1'), D('1e50')])

statistics.sum can already do that:

py with localcontext() as ctx:
... ctx.prec = 50
... x = statistics.sum([D('-1e50'), D('1'), D('1e50')])
py x

I think the current behaviour is the right thing to do, but I appreciate the 
points you raise. I'd love to hear from someone who understands the Decimal 
module better than I do and can confirm that the current behaviour is in the 
spirit of the Decimal module.


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[issue16255] subrocess.Popen needs /bin/sh but Android only has /system/bin/sh

2013-08-19 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Changes by Andrew Svetlov andrew.svet...@gmail.com:

dependencies: +add function to os module for getting path to default shell

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[issue16255] subrocess.Popen needs /bin/sh but Android only has /system/bin/sh

2013-08-19 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Changes by Andrew Svetlov andrew.svet...@gmail.com:

versions:  -Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3

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[issue17560] problem using multiprocessing with really big objects?

2013-08-19 Thread Olivier Grisel

Olivier Grisel added the comment:

I have implemented a custom subclass of the multiprocessing Pool to be able 
plug custom pickling strategy for this specific use case in joblib:


In particular it can:

- detect mmap-backed numpy
- transform large memory backed numpy arrays into numpy.memmap instances prior 
to pickling using the /dev/shm partition when available or TMPDIR otherwise.

Here is some doc: 

I could submit the part that makes it possible to customize the picklers of 
multiprocessing.pool.Pool instance to the standard library if people are 

The numpy specific stuff would stay in third party projects such as joblib but 
at least that would make it easier for people to plug their own optimizations 
without having to override half of the multiprocessing class hierarchy.

nosy: +Olivier.Grisel

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17560] problem using multiprocessing with really big objects?

2013-08-19 Thread Olivier Grisel

Olivier Grisel added the comment:

I forgot to end a sentence in my last comment:

- detect mmap-backed numpy

should read:

- detect mmap-backed numpy arrays and pickle only the filename and other buffer 
metadata to reconstruct a mmap-backed array in the worker processes instead of 
copying the data around.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18772] Fix gdb plugin for new sets dummy object

2013-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Raymond, if you don't have time for this issue, I'd prefer your patch to be 
reverted. It hasn't been proven to accelerate any benchmark, and the problems 
it triggered need solving.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18783] No more refer to Python long

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

Here is a patch which removes (almost all) mentions of Python long type from 
docstrings, exception messages and comments.

files: no_long.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 195650
nosy: serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: No more refer to Python long
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31376/no_long.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18778] email docstrings and comments say about Unicode strings

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

It is just unusual to accept a bytes object as a charset name. Of course if it 
is needed for Charset's __init__ the code should not be removed.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18784] minor uuid.py loading optimization

2013-08-19 Thread Evgeny Sologubov

New submission from Evgeny Sologubov:

Please see the patch attached.
It quite is primitive and self-explanatory: the code wouldn't attempt to load 
*libc* via ctypes.CDLL, if all necessary functions are already found in 

This patch also can serve as a work-around solution to issue #17213 
(which I encountered on cygwin+python27)

components: Library (Lib), Windows, ctypes
files: uuid.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 195653
nosy: eugals
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: minor uuid.py loading optimization
type: performance
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31377/uuid.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16396] Importing ctypes.wintypes on Linux gives a traceback

2013-08-19 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment:

I think it's the opposite: when Unix support was added to ctypes, 'import 
ctypes.wintypes' was not considered. By that logic, the patch is a new feature.
IMO historical arguments are moot :-)

I agree with the conclusion tough: the patch will not break code that carefully 
catches ValueError, and so it suitable for 2.7.


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[issue18772] Fix gdb plugin for new sets dummy object

2013-08-19 Thread Dave Malcolm

Dave Malcolm added the comment:

Antoine's patch looks reasonable to me, FWIW.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18772] Fix gdb plugin for new sets dummy object

2013-08-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Changes by Raymond Hettinger raymond.hettin...@gmail.com:

assignee:  - rhettinger

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[issue18784] minor uuid.py loading optimization

2013-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou pit...@free.fr:

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

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[issue17998] internal error in regular expression engine

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

For other related issues see issue18672 and issue18684.

resolution:  - fixed
stage: test needed - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18750] '' % [1] doesn't fail

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

 Since people should start to move to str.format instead of % this wart may 
 not be worth fixing.


However I agree that this is not worth fixing.

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17560] problem using multiprocessing with really big objects?

2013-08-19 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

 I could submit the part that makes it possible to customize the picklers 
 of multiprocessing.pool.Pool instance to the standard library if people 
 are interested.

2.7 and 3.3 are in bugfix mode now, so they will not change.

In 3.3 you can do

from multiprocessing.forking import ForkingPickler
ForkingPickler.register(MyType, reduce_MyType)

Is this sufficient for you needs?  This is private (and its definition has 
moved in 3.4) but it could be made public.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18778] email docstrings and comments say about Unicode strings

2013-08-19 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Yeah, if I could have a do-over of the 3.0 port, I'd probably drop the 
acceptance of byte strings.  Maybe we can deprecate it.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15809] IDLE console uses incorrect encoding.

2013-08-19 Thread ali

Changes by ali mr.da...@gmail.com:

nosy: +irdb

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18772] Fix gdb plugin for new sets dummy object

2013-08-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

This is a bummer.  The internal comments made the claim that any python object 
would suffice.   The use of a unicode object was unfortunate because it isn't 
guaranteed to be unique (i.e. a user can legitimately store dummy as a 
valid member of a set).  As a consequence, the tight loops for the hash table 
lookups had to add special case checks for the dummy variables.  Eliminating 
those checks made the generated code shorter and faster.  It also paved the way 
for a future optimization for non-debug builds to eliminate all non-essential 
increfs and decrefs to the dummy object.

In other words, we're paying a price for the dummy object being printable as a 

Antoine, thanks to the link to the python-dev discussion.  I hope we can come 
with a solution that doesn't involve going back to unicode objects.


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[issue18782] sqlite3 row factory and multiprocessing map

2013-08-19 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

What platform are you running on? Please run the following script in the same 
environment as you get the segfault and report the results.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import multiprocessing
import platform
import sqlite3
import sys


For what it's worth, I was not able to reproduce this behavior using several 
different environments.  Also, what happens if you add


following the pool.map call?

nosy: +ned.deily

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2537] re.compile(r'((x|y+)*)*') should fail

2013-08-19 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 7ab07f15d78c by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Issue #2537: Remove breaked check which prevented valid regular expressions.

New changeset f4271cc2dfb5 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #2537: Remove breaked check which prevented valid regular expressions.

New changeset 7b867a46a8b4 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #2537: Remove breaked check which prevented valid regular expressions.

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18647] re.error: nothing to repeat

2013-08-19 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset de049e9abdf7 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Issue #18647: Correctly bound calculated min/max width of a subexpression.

New changeset e47f2dc564bc by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #18647: Correctly bound calculated min/max width of a subexpression.

New changeset d10c287c200c by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #18647: Correctly bound calculated min/max width of a subexpression.

New changeset 19ed2fbb8e6b by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Issue #18647: A regular expression in the doctest module rewritten so that

New changeset 8b24818c7327 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #18647: A regular expression in the doctest module rewritten so that

New changeset c2dc99ec46bc by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #18647: A regular expression in the doctest module rewritten so that

New changeset 7ab07f15d78c by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Issue #2537: Remove breaked check which prevented valid regular expressions.

New changeset f4271cc2dfb5 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #2537: Remove breaked check which prevented valid regular expressions.

New changeset 7b867a46a8b4 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #2537: Remove breaked check which prevented valid regular expressions.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1633953] re.compile((.*$){1,4}, re.MULTILINE) fails

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Fixed in issue2537. See also issue18647.

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka
resolution:  - duplicate
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
superseder:  - re.compile(r'((x|y+)*)*') should fail

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2537] re.compile(r'((x|y+)*)*') should not fail

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

This issue is a duplicate of issue1633953. See also issue18647. After some 
fixes in other parts of the re module this check has become even more invalid.

resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
title: re.compile(r'((x|y+)*)*') should fail - re.compile(r'((x|y+)*)*') 
should not fail
versions: +Python 3.3

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18647] re.error: nothing to repeat

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka storch...@gmail.com:

stage:  - commit review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18782] sqlite3 row factory and multiprocessing map

2013-08-19 Thread Timothy O'Keefe

Timothy O'Keefe added the comment:

Could you change the dummy function to do something other than simply return 
the row? For example:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sqlite3
import multiprocessing as mp

def main():
## --- create a database
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()

## --- create example table similar to python docs
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE stocks (date text, trans text, symbol text, qty 
real, price real)''')
c.execute(INSERT INTO stocks VALUES 
c.execute(INSERT INTO stocks VALUES 
c.execute(SELECT * FROM stocks)

## --- map fun over cursor (fun does little to nothing)
pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count())
rows = pool.map(fun, c)

def fun(row):
_ = len(row)
return row

if __name__ == __main__:

In this example the code simply hangs. For whatever reason, I can no longer 
provoke the segfault.

Regardless, there is something going on. Here are the results from the print 
statements you asked for:

2.7.2 (default, Oct 11 2012, 20:14:37) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.0 (tags/Apple/clang-418.0.60)]

I have also tried this on Ubuntu 12.04:

2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 06:20:15) 
[GCC 4.6.3]


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[issue18712] Pure Python operator.index doesn't match the C version.

2013-08-19 Thread Zachary Ware

Zachary Ware added the comment:

A lot of this discussion has flown a rather unfortunate distance over my head, 
especially since I've barely had time to follow it.  But it looks to me 
like--given the number of other places that do the same thing as operator.index 
currently does--there needs to be a simple way to do the right thing somewhere 
accessible, which probably means a builtin.

On the other hand, it seems to me like 'a.__index__()' *should* be the right 
thing to do, but I get the feeling that making that so would be an 
astronomically huge change without much real benefit and lots of opportunities 
to break everything.  I suspect I'm also missing something fundamental in why 
it's not the right thing to do.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18782] sqlite3 row factory and multiprocessing map

2013-08-19 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

Adding the line


to the end of main() produces a segfault for me on Linux.

The FAQ for sqlite3 says that

Under Unix, you should not carry an open SQLite database across a 
fork() system call into the child process. Problems will result if 
you do.

-- see http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html.  So assuming you are using Unix, this is 
probably not a Python bug.

(And anyway, I would not expect the pickling of row objects to work correctly.)

nosy: +sbt

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18571] Implementation of the PEP 446: non-inheritable file descriptors

2013-08-19 Thread STINNER Victor

Changes by STINNER Victor victor.stin...@gmail.com:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31378/00df7fc6d2ef.diff

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13461] Error on test_issue_1395_5 with Python 2.7 and VS2010

2013-08-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka storch...@gmail.com:

assignee:  - serhiy.storchaka

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7732] imp.find_module crashes Python if there exists a directory named __init__.py

2013-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

The bug still fails on a regular basis on the Windows buildbots:

FAIL: test_bug7732 (test.test_imp.ImportTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 285, in test_bug7732
imp.find_module, support.TESTFN, [.])
AssertionError: ImportError not raised by find_module


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18785] Add get_body and iter_attachments to provisional email API

2013-08-19 Thread R. David Murray

New submission from R. David Murray:

I'm working on completing the API changes for the email package for 3.4.  This 
means I'm adding some more stuff to the current provisional API, which I will 
then aim to make non-provisional in 3.5.

I've made a complete proposal to the email-sig, and have gotten some positive 
feedback but no detailed reviews yet.

One part of the new API proposal is independent of the rest, and I've 
documented that part and implemented it.  I'm posting the patch for that part.  
The patch includes some of the documentation for the rest, though not all of 
it...you can ignore all the doc changes in the new doc page except for the docs 
for the three new methods implemented by the patch for the purposes of 
reviewing this patch, though of course feedback on the (incomplete) rest is 

I'm posting this now because this part of the enhancement can be reviewed 
independently of the other changes.

Note: I'm aware that MIMEMessage duplicates the name of a class in the mime 
subpackage.  By the time I'm done that class will be deprecated (in 3.5).  I 
haven't got that approved by the SIG yet, though, so it may change :)

components: email
files: get_body_iter_attachments.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 195669
nosy: barry, r.david.murray
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Add get_body and iter_attachments to provisional email API
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31379/get_body_iter_attachments.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18606] Add statistics module to standard library

2013-08-19 Thread Oscar Benjamin

Oscar Benjamin added the comment:

On 19 August 2013 17:35, Steven D'Aprano rep...@bugs.python.org wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano added the comment:

 On 19/08/13 23:15, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

 The final result is not accurate to 2 d.p. rounded down. This is
 because the decimal context has affected all intermediate computations
 not just the final result.

 Yes. But that's the whole point of setting the context to always round down. 
 If summation didn't always round down, it would be a bug.

If individual binary summation (d1 + d2) didn't round down then that
would be a bug.

 If you set the precision to a higher value, you can avoid the need for 
 compensated summation. I'm not prepared to pick and choose which contexts 
 I'll honour. If I honour those with a high precision, I'll honour those with 
 a low precision too. I'm not going to check the context, and if it is too 
 low (according to whom?) set it higher.

I often write functions like this:

def compute_stuff(x):
with localcontext() as ctx:
 ctx.prec +=2
 y = ... # Compute in higher precision
return +y  # __pos__ reverts to the default precision

The final result is rounded according to the default context but the
intermediate computation is performed in such a way that the final
result is (hopefully) correct within its context. I'm not proposing
that you do that, just that you don't commit to respecting inaccurate

Why would anyone prefer this behaviour over
 an implementation that could compensate for rounding errors and return
 a more accurate result?

 Because that's what the Decimal standard requires (as I understand it), and 
 besides you might be trying to match calculations on some machine with a 
 lower precision, or different rounding modes. Say, a pocket calculator, or a 
 Cray, or something. Or demonstrating why rounding matters.

No that's not what the Decimal standard requires. Okay I haven't fully
read it but I am familiar with these standards and I've read a good
bit of IEEE-754. The standard places constrainst on low-level
arithmetic operations that you as an implementer of high-level
algorithms can use to ensure that your code is accurate.

Following your reasoning above I should say that math.fsum and your
statistics.sum are both in violation of IEEE-754 since
fsum([a, b, c, d, e])
is not equivalent to
under the current rounding scheme. They are not in violation of the
standard: both functions use the guarantees of the standard to
guarantee their own accuracy. Both go to some lengths to avoid
producing output with the rounding errors that sum() would produce.

 I think the current behaviour is the right thing to do, but I appreciate the 
 points you raise. I'd love to hear from someone who understands the Decimal 
 module better than I do and can confirm that the current behaviour is in the 
 spirit of the Decimal module.

I use the Decimal module for multi-precision real arithmetic. That may
not be the typical use-case but to me Decimal is a floating point type
just like float. Precisely the same reasoning that leads to fsum
applies to Decimal just as it does to float

(BTW I've posted on Rayomnd Hettinger's recipe a modification that
might make it work for Decimal but no reply yet.)


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[issue17560] problem using multiprocessing with really big objects?

2013-08-19 Thread Olivier Grisel

Olivier Grisel added the comment:

 In 3.3 you can do

 from multiprocessing.forking import ForkingPickler
 ForkingPickler.register(MyType, reduce_MyType)

 Is this sufficient for you needs?  This is private (and its definition has 
 moved in 3.4) but it could be made public.

Indeed I forgot that the multiprocessing pickler was made already made
pluggable in Python 3.3. I needed backward compat for python 2.6 in
joblib hence I had to rewrite a bunch of the class hierarchy.


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[issue7732] imp.find_module crashes Python if there exists a directory named __init__.py

2013-08-19 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 4f7845be9e23 by Antoine Pitrou in branch 'default':
Issue #7732: try to fix test_bug7732's flakiness on Windows by executing it in 
a fresh temporary directory.


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[issue18786] test_multiprocessing_spawn crashes under PowerLinux

2013-08-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

New submission from Antoine Pitrou:


[319/379] test_multiprocessing_spawn
 UserWarning: semaphore_tracker: There appear to be 2 leaked semaphores to 
clean up at shutdown
 UserWarning: semaphore_tracker: '/mp-t89tlie_': [Errno 2] No such file or 
  warnings.warn('semaphore_tracker: %r: %s' % (name, e))
make: *** [buildbottest] User defined signal 1
Process PoolWorker-777:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 123, in worker
put((job, i, result))
 line 368, in put
 line 202, in send_bytes
self._send_bytes(m[offset:offset + size])
 line 401, in _send_bytes
self._send(struct.pack(!i, n))
 line 371, in _send
n = write(self._handle, buf)
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 255, in _bootstrap
 line 92, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 128, in worker
put((job, i, (False, wrapped)))
 line 368, in put
 line 202, in send_bytes
self._send_bytes(m[offset:offset + size])
 line 401, in _send_bytes
self._send(struct.pack(!i, n))
 line 371, in _send
n = write(self._handle, buf)
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
 UserWarning: semaphore_tracker: There appear to be 4 leaked semaphores to 
clean up at shutdown
program finished with exit code 2

assignee: sbt
components: Library (Lib), Tests
messages: 195673
nosy: David.Edelsohn, pitrou, sbt
priority: critical
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_multiprocessing_spawn crashes under PowerLinux
type: crash
versions: Python 3.4

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[issue18571] Implementation of the PEP 446: non-inheritable file descriptors

2013-08-19 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 make_inheritable() should ignore errpipe_write, instead of changing twice the 
 inheritable flag of errpipe_write.

Done in the last patch (00df7fc6d2ef.diff).


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[issue16396] Importing ctypes.wintypes on Linux gives a traceback

2013-08-19 Thread Meador Inge

Meador Inge added the comment:

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 7:11 AM, Ezio Melotti rep...@bugs.python.orgwrote:

 Even if the patch is applied only on 3.4, I would still like to see the
 ValueError turned into ImportError for 2.7/3.3.

Why not raise an ImportError for all versions?  I don't see how
'ctypes.wintypes' is ever actually useful on anything but Windows.
 Allowing it to successfully import on non-Windows systems seems misleading.


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[issue18704] IDLE: PEP8 Style Check Integration

2013-08-19 Thread Todd Rovito

Todd Rovito added the comment:

   I think modern editors are expected to have this sort of functionality built 
into them [1].  XCode is simply amazing where it will pop up errors and quote 
the C99 standard [2].  We don't expect IDLE to have all that functionality but 
it seemed to us like it would be great to add pep8 or PyFlakes to IDLE.  It is 
possible we could create an extension but that would void Python's motto 
batteries included.  In addition tools like pep8 and PyFlakes could be useful 
for other purposes as well.  JayKrish is checking with the authors of pep8 
about license issues.  As always we will defer to the judgement of Core 
Developers and could pursue either option.  

[1] Wikipeida Microsoft Visual Studio, 
[2] XCode, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XCode

status: pending - open

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[issue18704] IDLE: PEP8 Style Check Integration

2013-08-19 Thread Todd Rovito

Todd Rovito added the comment:

   Would you prefer PyFlakes instead?  Try to consider IDLE being for beginners 
so they need all the help they can get.  Advanced users can always turn the 
extension off.  Thanks for your input.


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[issue18704] IDLE: PEP8 Style Check Integration

2013-08-19 Thread Todd Rovito

Changes by Todd Rovito rovit...@gmail.com:

nosy: +terry.reedy

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[issue18787] Misleading error from getspnam function of spwd module

2013-08-19 Thread Vajrasky Kok

New submission from Vajrasky Kok:

As root:

$ sudo python3
[sudo] password for ethan: 
Python 3.2.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 05:07:54) 
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import spwd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
KeyError: 'getspnam(): name not found'
spwd.struct_spwd(sp_nam='bin', sp_pwd='*', sp_lstchg=15259, sp_min=0, 
sp_max=9, sp_warn=7, sp_inact=-1, sp_expire=-1, sp_flag=-1)

As normal user:

$ python3
Python 3.2.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 05:07:54) 
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import spwd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
KeyError: 'getspnam(): name not found'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
KeyError: 'getspnam(): name not found'

People can be confused. How could the name not found if the name actually 

Attached the patch to differentiate the error whether the error is really 'name 
not found' or 'permission denied'.

I use the error message from the getspnam manual:

There is another error message from getspnam beside EACCES (permission denied), 
which is ERANGE, but I don't think we need to handle this.

components: Extension Modules
files: fix_error_message_getspnam.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 195678
nosy: vajrasky
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Misleading error from getspnam function of spwd module
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31380/fix_error_message_getspnam.patch

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[issue18788] Proof of concept: implicit call syntax

2013-08-19 Thread Nick Coghlan

New submission from Nick Coghlan:

After watching one of the presenters at PyTexas struggle painfully with the 
fact print value doesn't work in Python 3, I decided I had to at least *try* 
to see if a general implicit call syntax was feasible within the constraints 
of the CPython parser.

The attached patch shows that it is, indeed, possible to implement such a 
syntax by modifying the definition of expr_stmt to allow for an implicit 
trailing argument list (using the normal argument syntax).

The key benefit of such a feature is that the following would once again be 
legal Python syntax:

print Hello world!

Ambiguous cases (such as expr * expr and expr ** expr) obey the rule that 
implicit calls are very *low* precedence, so you have to use parens to force 
the call interpretation. Similarly, a bare expression is not call - you must 
still append () to force a call without arguments.

In addition to being a pain at the interactive prompt, the change of print from 
a statement to a function has also been noted as one of the biggest problems 
with compatibility of third party user scripts for Linux distros changing the 
default system Python to Python 3. This change would mean most Python 2 print 
statements either do nothing (no arguments), produce an unexpected trailing 
newline (trailing comma) or work exactly as they do in Python 2. Only those 
that use the Python 2 redirection syntax continue to trigger a syntax error in 
Python 3.

While the *code* changes to achieve this behaviour turned out to be relatively 
small (most of the diff is in the autogenerated parser code), the documentation 
and general pedagogical impact could be substantially larger.

If there's even an outside chance this could be accepted, I'm happy to work up 
a full PEP for it.

files: implicit_call_statements.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 195679
nosy: gvanrossum, ncoghlan
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Proof of concept: implicit call syntax
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file31381/implicit_call_statements.diff

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[issue18672] Fix format specifiers for debug output in _sre.c

2013-08-19 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Changes by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis arfrever@gmail.com:

nosy: +Arfrever

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[issue18684] Pointers point out of array bound in _sre.c

2013-08-19 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Changes by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis arfrever@gmail.com:

nosy: +Arfrever

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