[issue30000] Inconsistency in the zlib module

2017-04-06 Thread Ellison Marks

Ellison Marks added the comment:

I'm not sure I agree with that. The docs for compressobj just say

"Returns a compression object, to be used for compressing data streams that 
won’t fit into memory at once."

Which I don't think says much about the complexity aspect. Whether you're 
compressing a smaller bit of data or a stream, I think the optional parameters 
in compressobj are just as applicable to compress. When you've got an in-memory 
chunk of data, it seems to be going out of the way to construct a compressobj 
just to get at the optional parameters.


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[issue30000] Inconsistency in the zlib module

2017-04-06 Thread Xiang Zhang

Xiang Zhang added the comment:

Such a change in my mind is an enhancement and only could get into 3.7.

IMHO zlib.compress() and zlib.decompress() are for simple usage, 
zlib.compressobj() and zlib.decompressobj() for advanced usage if you want more 
controls. Actually I would prefer simplifying zlib.decompress() signature 
(dropping the wbits parameter) than adding more complex to zlib.compress(). Of 
course we can't do that to maintain backwards compatibility. :-)

-1 on this change.

nosy: +martin.panter, xiang.zhang
versions:  -Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue30009] Integer conversion failure

2017-04-06 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

"%s" rounds float representation to 12 digits in Python 2.7. Replace "%s" with 
"%r" and you will get precise representation of floats.

int(4.01)= 4
int(0.019574)= 0
int(0.03915) = 0
int(0.09787) = 0
int(0.19574) = 0
int(0.9787)  = 0
R = 0.009787

See also https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/floatingpoint.html .

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

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[issue30009] Integer conversion failure

2017-04-06 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun added the comment:

Use %r instead of %s to show the repr. Hopefully that should clear things up 
for you. int() truncates toward 0. The float in this case is slightly less than 

nosy: +eryksun
resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue30009] Integer conversion failure

2017-04-06 Thread Tri Nguyen

New submission from Tri Nguyen:

This code below shows a situation when Python int() library would return a 
value of int(1.0) -> 0.0

CHANGES = [1.00, 0.50, 0.25, 0.10, 0.05, 0.01]

# This code was originally to solve the least number of changes needed.
# However, in an attempt to solve this. A bug is found.

def get_change(R):
for change in CHANGES:
# This division and int() is where failure is happening
num = int(R / change)
# This printing line shows the failure.
print 'int(%s)\t = %s' % (R / change, num)
R = R - num * change
print 'R = %s' % R



int(4.01)= 4
int(0.02)= 0
int(0.04)= 0
int(0.1) = 0
int(0.2) = 0
int(1.0) = 0# This should be 1, right?
R = 0.01

components: Library (Lib)
files: int_bug.py
messages: 291249
nosy: nvutri
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Integer conversion failure
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46783/int_bug.py

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[issue29996] Use terminal width by default in pprint

2017-04-06 Thread Xiang Zhang

Xiang Zhang added the comment:

I use screens and usually like to open a terminal to fill the screen. One of my 
use case is changed by this patch from:

 'manufacturers_specifications': '2U 2*Intel Xeon E5-2603 4核 8*8G '
 'DDR3-1333 ECC 1.35v,12*300G 15K '
 'RPM 3.5寸 SAS,RAID '
 '卡带电池cache大于等于1GB,支持 Raid0 1 10 5 '
 '6 50 60[D23]',


 'manufacturers_specifications': '2U 2*Intel Xeon E5-2603 4核 8*8G 
DDR3-1333 ECC 1.35v,12*300G 15K RPM 3.5寸 SAS,RAID 卡带电池cache大于等于1GB,支持 Raid0 1 
10 5 6 50 60[D23]',

Actually looks not bad. But why change the default behaviour? Can we provide 
this as a bonus and keep the default behaviour? Current defaults  80 is not 
unreasonable even for large terminals. If users prefer long lines and don't 
want to choose an arbitrary number, they could use this feature.

nosy: +xiang.zhang

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[issue29353] Incorrect handling of HTTP response with "Content-Type: message/rfc822" header

2017-04-06 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Changes by Senthil Kumaran :

nosy: +orsenthil

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[issue30000] Inconsistency in the zlib module

2017-04-06 Thread Ellison Marks

Ellison Marks added the comment:

I made a try at a patch for this.

My C is rudimentary at best, so I was hoping someone could look it over before 
I submitted a PR?



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[issue30004] in regex-howto, improve example on grouping

2017-04-06 Thread Cristian Barbarosie

Cristian Barbarosie added the comment:

Just discovered that a nearly identical example is presented in the end of 
section "Non-capturing and Named Groups". My proposal applies to this other 
example, too.
And, by the way, reading this HOWTO has been very useful to me.


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[issue29955] logging decimal point should come from locale

2017-04-06 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

> and provides no straightforward API for me to reconfigure its logger.

As far as I know, you just need to do something which configures a Flask 
logger, then call logging.config.dictConfig() with a suitable configuration 
which doesn't disable existing loggers and configures the Flask logger how you 
want. (The dictConfig call should replace any existing configuration with what 
you've passed to it). See this:


stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue29996] Use terminal width by default in pprint

2017-04-06 Thread Josh Rosenberg

Josh Rosenberg added the comment:

Thus, you keep your default behavior of width=80, while I just add the 
following to my PYTHONSTARTUP file:

from functools import partial
from pprint import pprint, AUTOWIDTH

pprint = partial(pprint, width=AUTOWIDTH)

and we both get what we want.


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[issue29996] Use terminal width by default in pprint

2017-04-06 Thread Josh Rosenberg

Josh Rosenberg added the comment:

If you want the dir listing output in a column, you're just relying on your 
listing to be wider than 80 characters, it still doesn't columnize unless you 
pass that point.

Personally, I feel if I made the terminal wider, I'd like to actually use that 

I suppose an alternative, if you really don't want autosizing, is to make 
auto-sizing supported without having to explicitly call getterminalsize over 
and over, perhaps by creating some sentinel value (pprint.AUTOWIDTH or 
whatever) to make it trivial to do (or to allow those who desire it to use 
partial binding to make it the default for a session up front).

nosy: +josh.r

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[issue29943] PySlice_GetIndicesEx change broke ABI in 3.5 and 3.6 branches

2017-04-06 Thread Christoph Gohlke

Changes by Christoph Gohlke :

nosy: +cgohlke

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[issue11978] Report correct coverage.py data for tests that invoke subprocesses

2017-04-06 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

There's also what changes might occur in the coverage results when we start 
using fullcoverage: https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/18


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[issue29999] repr() of ImportError misses keyword arguments name and path

2017-04-06 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

I consider it an enhancement, especially if someone was slopping with their 
tests and explicitly checks the repr of ImportError.

type:  -> enhancement

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[issue29996] Use terminal width by default in pprint

2017-04-06 Thread Fred L. Drake, Jr.

Fred L. Drake, Jr. added the comment:

I wouldn't go so far as to say it's never come up; it's something I've thought 
about a number of times, and I've waffled on it a few times.

It's not fundamentally unreasonable to want it to adapt to the current terminal 
window, though I think it would be in a minority among the Unix command line 
tools that I use.

Raymond's point about potentially confusing students is an important one, 
though.  If adaptive behavior is sufficiently desirable, the module should 
check the value of an environment variable, and default to the current 


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[issue29989] subprocess.Popen does not handle file-like objects without file descriptors

2017-04-06 Thread Josh Rosenberg

Changes by Josh Rosenberg :

nosy: +josh.r

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[issue29996] Use terminal width by default in pprint

2017-04-06 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

One other thought:  This module has a very long history. It is widely used, has 
had many feature requests and bug reports, but this particular feature has 
never been requested.  That should tell us something about whether there is an 
actual need.  To me, this seems like a new made-up requirement, invented in 
complete isolation from users.


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[issue29996] Use terminal width by default in pprint

2017-04-06 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

After more thought, put me down for -1 on this proposal.   

I use pprint() quite a bit when teaching Python courses.  I expect that 100% of 
the time that users are following the live examples, I will get stopped and 
asked why their output is different from mine.

Also, I question the usefulness of the auto-resizing.  When I pprint a dir() 
listing or some such, the intended effect is almost always that I want a 
vertical presentation.  If a horizontal one-liner was desired, I would have 
used print() instead.  ISTM, this proposal is out of touch with the actual 
needs and desires of users.

As a reference point, consider that IPython pretty prints output by default and 
is not terminal width sensitive.


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[issue30001] CPython contribution docs reference missing /issuetracker page

2017-04-06 Thread Alex Jordan

Alex Jordan added the comment:

Filed https://github.com/python/devguide/issues/156.

Sorry for the noise! I just assumed everything went through bpo. Guess not :)


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[issue30008] OpenSSL 1.1.0 deprecated functions

2017-04-06 Thread Mike Gilbert

New submission from Mike Gilbert:

Some effort was made to port Python to OpenSSL 1.1.0 (see issue 26470). 
However, the code still uses several deprecated functions, and fails to compile 
against OpenSSL 1.1.0 if these functions are disabled.

This may be replicated by building OpenSSL with --api=1.1.0. This will disable 
all functions marked as deprecated.

I have attached a build log from the cpython master branch.

Downstream bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=592480

components: Library (Lib)
files: build.log
messages: 291236
nosy: floppymaster
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: OpenSSL 1.1.0 deprecated functions
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46782/build.log

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[issue29955] logging decimal point should come from locale

2017-04-06 Thread Skip Montanaro

Skip Montanaro added the comment:

Vinay> I would like to close this issue now...

Go for it.

As I indicated in a previous comment, the exercise was as much to try and
come to grips with the process as to actually make the change. There
certainly appear to be good reasons to leave well enough alone. My primary
(though minor) concerns at this point are:

* the datetime module hard-coded it one way (period) while the logging
package hard-coded it the other way.

* other logging packages I've used/inherited in other languages
(admittedly, pretty much Americo-centric) all seem to have used periods.

This only became an issue for me because I recently started using Flask,
which sets up the logging environment and provides no straightforward API
for me to reconfigure its logger. (Peter Otten demonstrated a way to do
this using functools.partial, which, while doable, certainly doesn't strike
me as straightforward.) In cases where I'm in complete control, configuring
my own logging environment makes sense. (In reality, when I'm in complete
control, I tend to roll my own 20-line Logger class and not use the logging
module at all, but that's a historical artifact of me discovering
performance issues several years ago in applications which logged heavily.
Those issues may well not exist today.)


status: pending -> open

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[issue29939] Compiler warning in _ctypes_test.c

2017-04-06 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

Added relevant "needs backport" tags to PR, will get to it soon. Reopening till 

status: closed -> open

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[issue29939] Compiler warning in _ctypes_test.c

2017-04-06 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

IHMO it's worth it to backport the fix, since Benjamin showed that GCC 
optimizer removes the function body and so defeat the purpose of the test.

nosy: +haypo

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[issue29939] Compiler warning in _ctypes_test.c

2017-04-06 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Thanks Vinay!


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[issue29939] Compiler warning in _ctypes_test.c

2017-04-06 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

Should be fixed by 164d30e.

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: needs patch -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue26789] Please do not log during shutdown

2017-04-06 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

In the OP, the error is caused by `open` being unavailable, which is a builtin. 
According to what Serhiy says, this error would be after step 6 in his list, so 
`sys` wouldn't be available either, and nor perhaps would any other builtins.

As some termination issues are asyncio-related (e.g. this one, "coroutine was 
never awaited"), it would make more sense for this kind of error handling to 
happen there - there's more contextual information available than there is in 
logging, so the error message displayed would be more useful because it could 
use the additional context available.


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[issue19225] lack of PyExc_BufferError doc

2017-04-06 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Sorry, but I just found that warning categories are enumerated near the 
documentation of PyErr_WarnEx(). I think that that enumeration is no longer 
needed and can be removed.


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[issue19225] lack of PyExc_BufferError doc

2017-04-06 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

New changeset 2cfe583ac8d3eaa98e3d2aca597577ce4787ca20 by Serhiy Storchaka 
(cocoatomo) in branch '3.5':
[3.5] bpo-19225: Lack of c api exceptions doc (#965)


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[issue29955] logging decimal point should come from locale

2017-04-06 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

I would like to close this issue now, without making changes. Will do in one 
day, unless someone pipes up.

resolution:  -> not a bug
status: open -> pending

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[issue30007] report bug

2017-04-06 Thread Xiang Zhang

Xiang Zhang added the comment:

This tracker is for CPython developing. Your problem is in the third party 
module. You could refer Google or stackoverflow.

nosy: +xiang.zhang
resolution:  -> third party
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue30007] report bug

2017-04-06 Thread Yared Gebre

New submission from Yared Gebre:


I am using python 3.6 could you look at this bug. Thanks.

in add_ext_name(cls, path, ext_name) 63 @classmethod 64
 def add_ext_name(cls, path, ext_name):---> 65 name, ext =
os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path)) 66 added =
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), name + ext_name + ext) 67
   return added
/home/yared/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/posixpath.py in basename(p)142
def basename(p):143 """Returns the final component of a
pathname"""--> 144 p = os.fspath(p)145 sep = _get_sep(p)
 146 i = p.rfind(sep) + 1

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not ImageProperty

messages: 291225
nosy: Yaredoh
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: report bug

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[issue30006] Deadlocks in `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`

2017-04-06 Thread Thomas Moreau

New submission from Thomas Moreau:

The design of ProcessPoolExecutor contains some possible race conditions that 
may freeze the interpreter due to deadlocks. This is notably the case  with 
pickling and unpickling errors for a submitted job and returned results. This 
makes it hard to reuse a launched executor.

We propose in the joint PR to fix some of those situations to make the 
ProcessPoolExecutor more robust to failure in the different threads and worker.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 291224
nosy: tomMoral
priority: normal
pull_requests: 1180
severity: normal
status: open
title: Deadlocks in `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor`
type: behavior

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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-04-06 Thread Marc Schlaich

Marc Schlaich added the comment:

This could be even a security issue.

People might rely on a proxy as a privacy feature. In this case the proxy 
should do forward/reverse DNS requests and not the client. Doing DNS lookups to 
check for proxy bypass doesn't seem right. I don't think that major browsers 
are doing this, at least Firefox is not 

nosy: +schlamar

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[issue29533] urllib2 works slowly with proxy on windows

2017-04-06 Thread Julia Dolgova

Julia Dolgova added the comment:

Steve, do you mean that there should be no address to IE configuration from 
urllib? I could undertake it if I understand the task.

gethostbyaddr() is ok. It just makes a reverse lookup, that some dns-servers 
work up too slow. The command "nslookup" also works slowly in same conditions. 
The problem is in those dns-servers I think.


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[issue11978] Report correct coverage.py data for tests that invoke subprocesses

2017-04-06 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

To be more specific regarding `sitecustomize.py`:

$ echo "print('Hello from sitecustomize.py')" > Lib/sitecustomize.py
$ ./python -c "print('Hello from command line')"
Hello from sitecustomize.py
Hello from command line

Since we only need these instructions to work for a local checkout, we can rely 
on the `sitecustomize.py` hook.

It means we'll still miss coverage results from subprocess tests run in 
isolated mode or with site.py processing disabled, but those are both 
relatively rare and involve *not* running code that is normally run, so 
shouldn't impact the aggregate coverage results.


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[issue29989] subprocess.Popen does not handle file-like objects without file descriptors

2017-04-06 Thread Raphael Gaschignard

Raphael Gaschignard added the comment:

the subprocess module has code to handle file objects that don't use file 
descriptors. It's not that file descriptors are necessary for the parameter, 
but that the way POpen is trying to detect "no file descriptor support" is 
through "fileno returns -1" rather than "fileno raises OSError"


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[issue11978] Report correct coverage.py data for tests that invoke subprocesses

2017-04-06 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

As a starting point, I'd suggest looking at what can be achieved without making 
any changes to CPython or its test suite:

1. Set COVERAGE_PROCESS_START in the environment where the tests are being run

2. Inject a sitecustomize.py file into Lib (and add `Lib/sitecustomize.py` to 

There are cases that won't cover (like subprocesses with a custom environment), 
but it will provide a starting point for the tests that just pass the current 
environment through, and will also provide a way to notify 
test.support.script_helper of the expected value of COVERAGE_PROCESS_START in 
the future.


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[issue11978] Report correct coverage.py data for tests that invoke subprocesses

2017-04-06 Thread Jaysinh shukla

Jaysinh shukla added the comment:

I found the regrtest wasn't displaying correct coverage for when the code is 
executed from call `Lib.test.support.script_helper.assert_python_ok`. I found 
`assert_python_ok` is using `subprocess` under the hood. It seems this problem 
is unobserved from a long time but it is having status `open`.

What should be the ideal situation for this? I request any core-developer to 
guide on this. I am interested in doing some more research on this issue. 

nosy: +jaysinh.shukla

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[issue29989] subprocess.Popen does not handle file-like objects without file descriptors

2017-04-06 Thread Xiang Zhang

Xiang Zhang added the comment:

Hmm, what do you mean by 'the raised exception is not handled properly'? 
Currently the exception is just propagated to the user to signal the argument 
seems to be wrong, right?

nosy: +xiang.zhang

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[issue30003] Remove hz codec

2017-04-06 Thread Ma Lin

Ma Lin added the comment:

I tried to fix this two years ago, here is the patch (not merged):

But later, I thought it's a good opportunity to remove this codec, this serious 
bug indicates that almost no one is using it. But fixing will create a 
possibility that someone will using it in future.
So I suggest we don't fix it, just remove it or leave it as is.

hz is outdated, searching on internet almost no one talking about it.

> Or do you know other bugs?
It has another small bug in decoder, about state switch, but it's trivial, also 
fixed in the patch.


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[issue29990] Range checking in GB18030 decoder

2017-04-06 Thread Ma Lin

Ma Lin added the comment:

This is a very trivial bug, it's hard to imagine a scene that someone trying to 
decode those 8630 illegal 4-byte sequences with GB18030 decoder.
And I think this bug can't lead to security vulnerabilities.

As far as I can see, GB2312/GBK/GB18030 codecs are bugfree except this bug, of 
course maybe I'm wrong.


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[issue30003] Remove hz codec

2017-04-06 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Can't we fix the bug instead of removing the whole codec? Or do you know other 

The bug is only on the encoder part, right? I see unit test for '~' on the hz 


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[issue29990] Range checking in GB18030 decoder

2017-04-06 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

An incorrect implementation of a decoder might lead to security vulnerabilities:

*But* UTF-8 decoder of Python 2 is *not* strict and nobody complained.

I suggest that, once the changed is merged in master, backport the fix to 3.6 
and 3.5.

But I'm not sure that it's worth it to backport it to 2.7? Is there a risk to 
break an application?


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[issue30005] Pickling and copying exceptions doesn't preserve non-__dict__ attributes

2017-04-06 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka :

dependencies: +Pickling and copying ImportError doesn't preserve name and path

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[issue30005] Pickling and copying exceptions doesn't preserve non-__dict__ attributes

2017-04-06 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

Pickling and copying exceptions preserves only __dict__ attributes.

This includes writeable internal fields initialized in constructor:

>>> import pickle, copy
>>> e = StopIteration(12)
>>> e.value = 34
>>> e.value
>>> e2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(e, 4))
>>> e2.value
>>> e2 = copy.copy(e)
>>> e2.value

And __slots__:

>>> class E(Exception): __slots__ = ('x', 'y')
>>> e = E()
>>> e.x = 12
>>> e.x
>>> e2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(e, 4))
>>> e2.x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
AttributeError: x
>>> e2 = copy.copy(e)
>>> e2.x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
AttributeError: x

__context__, __cause__ and __traceback__ are lost too (see issue29466).

Issue26579 is similar, but resolving it will not resolve this issue since 
BaseException has its own __reduce__ and __setstate__ implementations.

The solution of this issue will look similar to issue29998, but more complex 
and general.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 291212
nosy: alexandre.vassalotti, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Pickling and copying exceptions doesn't preserve non-__dict__ attributes
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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