[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2014-01-09 Thread Adam Tomjack

Adam Tomjack added the comment:

The proposed patches don't fix the problem.  They may well allow DDL in 
transactions, but that's not the real problem.

A database library must *NEVER* implicitly commit or rollback.  That's 
completely insane.

>>> import this
Explicit is better than implicit.

If a statement can't be executed in a transaction, then trying to execute such 
a statement in a transaction is an error.  Period.  An exception *MUST* be 
raised.  It is wrong to guess that the user really wanted to commit first.

>>> import this
Errors should never pass silently.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

If such an exception is raised, you'll run into the problem exactly once before 
figuring out that you need to commit or rollback first.  You can then change 
your code to safely and explicitly account for that limitation.

This issue is not an enhancement, it's a bug.  One might argue that fixing it 
will break existing code, but it won't.  Any affected code is already broken.  
It's depending on a promised level of safety, and this bug is breaking that 
promise.  It's better to fail noisily and consistently than to usually work, 
but sometimes silently corrupt data.

As is, it's pretty much guaranteed that there is existing code that does DDL 
expecting to be in a transaction when it isn't.  Even a well-tested schema 
upgrade can fail in production if the data is slightly different that in a 
testing database.  Unique constraints can fail, etc.  I frequently use the 
psycopg2 module and psql command, which get this issue right.  They've saved me 
several times.

The current behavior is buggy and should be changed to be correct.  There 
should not merely be an option to enable the correct behavior.  There should 
also be no option to enable the old buggy behavior.  It's too dangerous.

In general, it's a code-smell to inspect the SQL that's being executed before 
sending it to the database.  The only reason I can think of to inspect SQL is 
to work around brokenness in the underlying database.  Suppose, for example, 
that SQLite implicitly committed when it got DDL.  (I don't know what it 
actually does.  Just suppose.)  In that case, it would be necessary to check 
for DDL and raise an exception before passing the statement to the database.  
If the database correctly errors in such a situation, then the python wrapper 
should just pass the DDL to the database and deal with the resulting error.  
That's way easier that trying to correctly detect what the statement type is.  
Parsing SQL correctly is hard.

As evidence of that, note that the existing statement detection code is broken: 
it doesn't strip comments first!  A simple SELECT statement preceeded by a 
comment will implicitly commit!  But commenting is good.

>>> import this
Readability counts.

So it's not even just an issue of DDL or PRAGMAs!

Anything that causes the underlying database to implicitly commit must be 
avoided (yet the python module goes out of it's way to add *MORE* such buggy 
behavior!)  Fixing brokenness in the underlying database is the only reason to 
inspect SQL as it passes through this module.  If there are other ways to avoid 
such problems, they will likely be better than inspecting SQL.

Anything which causes implicit rollbacks in the underlying database is a 
similar issue, but easier to handle without parsing SQL.  It's not safe to 
implicitly rollback, even if a new transaction is begun.  For example, you 
might be doing foreign key validation outside the database.  If one INSERT were 
implicitly rolled back and a new transaction begun, a second INSERT may then 
succeed and be committed.  Now you have a constraint violation, even though you 
correctly checked it before.

If there is anything that triggers an implicit rollback in the underlying 
database connection, those rollbacks must be dectected all subsequent 
statements or actions on the python wrapper *should* raise exceptions until an 
explicit rollback is performed, except for commit() which *must* raise.

For example:

con.isolation_level = 'DEFERRED'
# Nothing in here can implicitly commit or rollback safely.  
# Doing so risks data corruption.

cur.execute("INSERT INTO foo ...")

con.somehow_trigger_implicit_rollback() # must raise
# Throw away the exception.

# This *should* raise too, but isn't strictly necessary,
# as long as commit() is implemented correctly.
cur.execute("INSERT INTO bar ...")

# The underlying database rolled back our transaction.
# A successful commit here would not matc

[issue14432] Bug in generator if the generator in created in a C thread

2012-04-02 Thread Adam Tomjack

Adam Tomjack  added the comment:

For what it's worth, I think I've seen this bug in 2.6 and 2.5, using 
generators created in python threads, while profiling not tracing.

I'm creating generators in one python thread and storing them in a variable.  
In a different python thread I overwrite the variable, which garbage collects 
the generator.  Sometimes it causes an interpreter crash.  Other times, it 
seems to trigger a return event in the profiler, but it's associated with an 
incorrect thread.  The thread in question is often (always?) in the profiler 
code, so it looks like the profiler is profiling itself.

nosy: +adamtj
versions: +Python 2.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14453] profile.Profile.calibrate can produce incorrect numbers in some circumstances

2012-03-30 Thread Adam Tomjack

New submission from Adam Tomjack :

profile.Profile.calibrate can only produces a bias for the default timer.  If 
you've specified a different timer, it will not be used when calibrating.

Additionally, setting profile.Profile.bias will affect the computed bias.  It 
will produce a bias that must be added to profile.Profile.bias and cannot be 
used independently, which is surprising.

The fix is to change
p = Profile()
p = Profile(timer=self.timer, bias=0)
in _calibrate_inner().

The attached patch makes that change and additionally removes some code that 
temporarily resets self.bias in calibrate(), as it had no effect.  Perhaps 
Profile.bias was meant instead.  At any rate, _calibrate_inner() no longer 
needs to exist, but is left for backwards compatibility.

This will demonstrate the problem with calibrating after setting 

import profile
profile.Profile.bias = profile.Profile().calibrate(10); 
print '%+.9f' % profile.Profile.bias
profile.Profile.bias = profile.Profile().calibrate(10); 
print '%+.9f' % profile.Profile.bias

components: Library (Lib)
files: profile-calibrate.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 157145
nosy: adamtj
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: profile.Profile.calibrate can produce incorrect numbers in some 
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file25073/profile-calibrate.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7323] decimal.Decimal greater than/less than sometimes gives wrong answers when comparing to floats.

2009-11-14 Thread Adam Tomjack

Changes by Adam Tomjack :

type:  -> behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7323] decimal.Decimal greater than/less than sometimes gives wrong answers when comparing to floats.

2009-11-14 Thread Adam Tomjack

New submission from Adam Tomjack :

These should all return False, or some of them should raise exceptions:

Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:58:18)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import decimal
>>> decimal.Decimal('0') > 0
>>> decimal.Decimal('0') < 0
>>> decimal.Decimal('0') > 0.0
>>> decimal.Decimal('0') < 0.0
>>> 0.0 > decimal.Decimal('0')
>>> 0.0 < decimal.Decimal('0')
>>> 0.0 < decimal.Decimal('0.0')
>>> decimal.Decimal('0') > decimal.Decimal('0')

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 95248
nosy: adamtj
severity: normal
status: open
title: decimal.Decimal greater than/less than sometimes gives wrong answers 
when comparing to floats.
versions: Python 2.4, Python 2.5, Python 2.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list