[issue47237] Inheritance from Protocol with property in dataclass makes them non-instantiatable

2022-04-06 Thread Daniel Draper

New submission from Daniel Draper :


According to 
https://peps.python.org/pep-0544/#explicitly-declaring-implementation it should 
be possible to explicitly inherit from Protocols. This however breaks the 
dataclass constructor when using the @property decorator in the protocol, see 
this example:

from typing import Protocol
from dataclasses import dataclass

class SomeProtocol(Protocol):
def some_value(self) -> str: ...

class SomeDataclasss(SomeProtocol):
some_value: str

if __name__ == '__main__':
a = SomeDataclasss(some_value="value") # this crashes with AttributeError: 
can't set attribute 'some_value'

The pattern of @property in the protocol is one taken from the mypy docs (see 
https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html#recursive-protocols for 

When removing the explicit inheritiance mypy also correctly typechecks the 
dataclass implementation when doing something like, only the explicit 
inheritance seems to fail in python

a: SomeProtocol = SomeDataclass()

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 416846
nosy: Germandrummer92
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Inheritance from Protocol with property in dataclass makes them 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue40172] ZipInfo corrupts file names in some old zip archives

2022-03-21 Thread Daniel Hillier

Daniel Hillier  added the comment:

Related to issue https://bugs.python.org/issue28080 which has a patch that 
covers a bit of this issue


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[issue46958] json dump/dumps prints each array element on a new line (bad for readability)

2022-03-08 Thread Daniel

Change by Daniel :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +29873
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31762

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46958] json dump/dumps prints each array element on a new line (bad for readability)

2022-03-08 Thread Daniel

Change by Daniel :

components: Library (Lib)
nosy: Entirity
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: json dump/dumps prints each array element on a new line (bad for 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.11

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46440] ArgumentParser.parse_args exits on missing required argument with exit_on_error=False

2022-01-19 Thread Daniel Schulte

New submission from Daniel Schulte :

When calling ArgumentParser.parse_args(list_of_things_to_parse) sys.exit gets 
called even though the parser was constructed with exit_on_error=False. It 
doesn't matter if the parser has any subparsers added or not.

The docs say
> Normally, when you pass an invalid argument list to the parse_args() 
> method of an ArgumentParser, it will exit with error info.

> If the user would like to catch errors manually, the feature can be 
> enabled by setting exit_on_error to False:
> [example code follows]

The docs make me believe what I'm trying to do should work.
I've attached a minimal working example to show what happens (with and without 

components: Library (Lib)
files: bug.py
messages: 410984
nosy: trilader
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ArgumentParser.parse_args exits on missing required argument with 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50567/bug.py

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[issue32912] Raise non-silent warning for invalid escape sequences

2022-01-13 Thread Daniel Carpenter

Daniel Carpenter  added the comment:

I'm not sure if this is an issue or by design, but this DeprecationWarning 
behaves differently to other DeprecationWarnings.

A normal DeprecationWarning triggered by code in __main__ is printed by default:

$ python -c 'import warnings; warnings.warn("test", DeprecationWarning)'
:1: DeprecationWarning: test

But this one is silent:

$ python -c '"\,"'
[no output]

To see this DeprecationWarning at all, I need to type:

$ python -Wdefault -c '"\,"'
:1: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\,'

But that enables this DeprecationWarning for all modules, not just __main__ .

I've tested this with Python 3.9 on debian bullseye and the 3.10 docker image.

nosy: +dansebcar

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[issue22833] The decode_header() function decodes raw part to bytes or str, depending on encoded part

2022-01-11 Thread Daniel Lenski

Change by Daniel Lenski :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +28748
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30548

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46236] PyFunction_GetAnnotations returning Tuple vs Dict

2022-01-02 Thread Daniel McCarney

New submission from Daniel McCarney :

Hi there,

This is my first Python bug, hope I haven't missed anything important.

I noticed that the PyFunction_GetAnnotations function from the C API is 
returning a PyTuple when I link Python 3.10 where historically it returned a 

The documentation for PyFunction_GetAnnotations for 3.10 (here[0]) says its 
return can be:
> a mutable dictionary or NULL

I'm not sure if:
* This is user error and I should adapt to this case in my dependent code when 
using Python 3.10+.
* This is a documentation error, and it should say "a mutable dictionary, set, 
or NULL"
* This is a regression in the C API that should be fixed.

I've made a small reproduction program (here[1]) that can be used to quickly 
demonstrate the difference in return type between the two Python versions for 
the same C program and .py inputs.

I also noticed that issue42202 (here[2]) landed an optimization in 3.10.x that 
changed the internal representation of annotations to a set - could that 
possibly be related? I'm not 100% sure!


[0]: https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/function.html#c.PyFunction_GetAnnotations
[1]: https://github.com/cpu/pyfunction_getannotations_test
[2]: https://bugs.python.org/issue42202

components: C API
messages: 409555
nosy: cpu
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PyFunction_GetAnnotations returning Tuple vs Dict
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22833] The decode_header() function decodes raw part to bytes or str, depending on encoded part

2021-12-30 Thread Daniel Lenski

Daniel Lenski  added the comment:

Due to this bug, any user of this function in Python 3.0+ *already* has to be 
able to handle all of the following outputs in order to use it reliably:

   decode_header(...) -> [(str, None)]
or decode_header(...) -> [(bytes, str)]
or decode_header(...) -> [(bytes, (str|None)), (bytes, (str|None)), ...]

== Fix str/bytes inconsistency ==

We could eliminate the inconsistency, and make the function only ever return 
bytes instead of str, with the following changes to 

diff --git a/Lib/email/header.py.orig b/Lib/email/header.py
index 4ab0032..41e91f2 100644
--- a/Lib/email/header.py
+++ b/Lib/email/header.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ _max_append = email.quoprimime._max_append
 def decode_header(header):
 """Decode a message header value without converting charset.
-Returns a list of (string, charset) pairs containing each of the decoded
+Returns a list of (bytes, charset) pairs containing each of the decoded
 parts of the header.  Charset is None for non-encoded parts of the header,
 otherwise a lower-case string containing the name of the character set
 specified in the encoded string.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def decode_header(header):
 for string, charset in header._chunks]
 # If no encoding, just return the header with no charset.
 if not ecre.search(header):
-return [(header, None)]
+return [header.encode(), None)]
 # First step is to parse all the encoded parts into triplets of the form
 # (encoded_string, encoding, charset).  For unencoded strings, the last
 # two parts will be None.

With these changes, decode_header() would return one of the following:

   decode_header(...) -> [(bytes, None)]
or decode_header(...) -> [(bytes, str)]
or decode_header(...) -> [(bytes, (str|None)), (bytes, (str|None)), ...]

== Ensure that charset is always str, never None ==

A couple more small changes:

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def decode_header(header):
 unencoded = unencoded.lstrip()
 first = False
 if unencoded:
-words.append((unencoded, None, None))
+words.append((unencoded, None, 'ascii'))
 if parts:
 charset = parts.pop(0).lower()
 encoding = parts.pop(0).lower()
@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ def decode_header(header):
 # Now convert all words to bytes and collapse consecutive runs of
 # similarly encoded words.
 collapsed = []
-last_word = last_charset = None
+last_word = None
+last_charset = 'ascii'
 for word, charset in decoded_words:
 if isinstance(word, str):
 word = bytes(word, 'raw-unicode-escape')

With these changes, decode_header() would return only:

   decode_header(...) -> List[(bytes, str)]


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[issue22833] The decode_header() function decodes raw part to bytes or str, depending on encoded part

2021-12-30 Thread Daniel Lenski

Daniel Lenski  added the comment:

I recently ran into this bug as well.

For those looking for a reliable workaround, here's an implementation of a 
'decode_header_to_string' function which should Just Work™ in all possible 

import email.header

# Workaround for https://bugs.python.org/issue22833
def decode_header_to_string(header):
'''Decodes an email message header (possibly RFC2047-encoded)
into a string, while working around 

return ''.join(
alleged_string if isinstance(alleged_string, str) else 
alleged_charset or 'ascii')
for alleged_string, alleged_charset in 

for header in ('=?utf-8?B?ZsOzbw==',
   'plain string',):
print("Header value: %r" % header)
print("email.header.decode_header(...) -> %r" % 
print("decode_header_to_string(...)-> %r" % 


Header value: '=?utf-8?B?ZsOzbw=='
email.header.decode_header(...) -> [('=?utf-8?B?ZsOzbw==', None)]
decode_header_to_string(...)-> '=?utf-8?B?ZsOzbw=='
Header value: '=?ascii?Q?hello?==?utf-8?B?ZsOzbw==?='
email.header.decode_header(...) -> [(b'hello', 'ascii'), (b'f\xc3\xb3o', 
decode_header_to_string(...)-> 'hellofóo'
Header value: 'bar=?ascii?Q?hello?==?utf-8?B?ZsOzbw==?='
email.header.decode_header(...) -> [(b'bar', None), (b'hello', 'ascii'), 
(b'f\xc3\xb3o', 'utf-8')]
decode_header_to_string(...)-> 'barhellofóo'
Header value: 'plain string'
email.header.decode_header(...) -> [('plain string', None)]
decode_header_to_string(...)-> 'plain string'
Header value: 'foo=?blah?Q??='
email.header.decode_header(...) -> [(b'foo', None), (b'', 'blah')]
decode_header_to_string(...)-> 'foo'

nosy: +dlenski

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[issue25044] bring BTPROTO_SCO inline with other Bluetooth protocols

2021-12-26 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7687] Bluetooth support untested

2021-12-26 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14844] netrc does not handle accentuated characters

2021-12-26 Thread Daniel Diniz

Daniel Diniz  added the comment:

Now that a PR has landed in #28806 to improve shlex, we need to check whether 
this issue can/needs to move forward.

nosy: +ajaksu2, asvetlov
type:  -> behavior
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 -Python 3.2

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1438480] shutil.move raises OSError when copystat fails

2021-12-26 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

keywords:  -easy
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 -Python 3.3

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue978604] wait_variable hangs at exit

2021-12-25 Thread Daniel Diniz

Daniel Diniz  added the comment:

Confirmed on Python 3.11.0a3+, assuming older versions also affected. This 
issue has different versions of tests to confirm it, but I think not in a test 
suite-friendly format yet.

There's also a patch and detailed analysis by gpolo indicating that it might 
need editing _tkinter.c to handle fallout from his proposed Python-side patch.

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 -Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 

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[issue46169] Same-moment datetimes with different ZoneInfo timezones are not considered ==

2021-12-24 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

nosy: +belopolsky

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46169] Same-moment datetimes with different ZoneInfo timezones are not considered ==

2021-12-23 Thread Daniel Diniz

Daniel Diniz  added the comment:

Confirmed for 3.11 in Windows. 

The C datetime code can be trivially fixed so your equality test returns True, 
but there are two Python tests that depend on current behavior so it might not 
be so easy. They were added with current code in issue 24773, to implement PEP 
495 -- Local Time Disambiguation.

Also, using a timezone implementation from the test suite makes the equality 
work, so maybe the bug depends on zoneinfo.

If you change datetimemodule.c line 5761 from "diff = 1;" to "diff = 0;", two 
tests fail and your code works.

See attached file for the tests that fail and using the timezone implementation 
mentioned above.

nosy: +ajaksu2
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50517/dt_equality.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue504219] locale.resetlocale is broken

2021-12-23 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

nosy: +ajaksu2
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 -Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 

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[issue46168] Incorrect format specified for the "style" key in the configuration file format formatter example

2021-12-23 Thread Daniel Diniz

Daniel Diniz  added the comment:

This example was added in issue 43047. It only seems to affect 3.10+ docs. Ian, 
is this something you'd like to tackle?

keywords: +easy
nosy: +ajaksu2, iwienand
stage:  -> needs patch
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11 -Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44413] Improvement mktime error reporting

2021-12-20 Thread Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald  added the comment:

Sounds good, thank you, Terry

type: enhancement -> behavior

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[issue44413] OverflowError: mktime argument out of range after 2019

2021-12-20 Thread Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald  added the comment:

A definitive assessment was obtained by Aurelien with Debian:


In brief, the OverflowError is expected and correct. 

Two factors contribute to the difference in observed behavior. First, the 
production of the -1 from mktime which Python uses to raise OverflowError 
depends on whether timezone is or is not set (e.g. "Etc/UTC"). This was 
confirmed on the Github Actions 20.04 ubuntu instance independent of Python 
directly with the mktime() function from C. Second, mktime returning -1 to 
indicate overflow is dependent on glibc >= 2.29, and versions prior "do not 
report any error if the date is not representable." This second factor is 
supported by testing the lack of the -1 (and subsequent OverflowError) on 
Github Actions ubuntu 18.04, which uses an older version of glibc.

The full thread with Debian is here:


With regards to CPython, a possible change to consider would be to test if 
tm_isdst < 0 prior to the mktime call, and if that evaluates true to provide an 
error indicating use requires a timezone being set. I think that change would 
make Python's behavior consistent with glibc >= 2.29, and smooth over a 
potential platform dependency, while also providing an informative error 
message. However, I have limited knowledge of how timezones are implemented and 
am unsure if more than "Etc/UTC" would result in tm_isdst being < 0. 

If that change makes sense, I'd be happy to submit a pull request to that 
effect. However, I recognize there may be considerations not accounted for here 
particularly as this is a central module, so I'll hold off issuing a pull 
request until hearing back from on this matter.


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[issue46138] Strange behavior with lists

2021-12-20 Thread Daniel Frey

New submission from Daniel Frey :


I found a strange behavior with lists. When I want to save the list {3,1,8}, it 
saves the 8 at the first entry. Only when I add the integers 7 and 9, the 8 is 
placed correctly. (See the attached picture)

Can anyone help me understand what is going on here?

Thanks in advance!

files: python_strange_behavior.png
messages: 408960
nosy: daniel.frey
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Strange behavior with lists
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50505/python_strange_behavior.png

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23224] bz2/lzma: Compressor/Decompressor objects are only initialized in __init__

2021-12-19 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11 -Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46127] Missing HTML span element in exceptions.html

2021-12-19 Thread Daniel Diniz

Daniel Diniz  added the comment:

That happens because EncodingWarning isn't highlighted as an Exception by 
Pygments[0]. The doc page gets its exceptions diagram by:
".. literalinclude:: ../../Lib/test/exception_hierarchy.txt"
and all other entries are recognized by Pygments, so we get the "ne" class for 

A PR for Pygments adding EncodingWarning could be interesting, but I'm not sure 
the doc build process would pick it up and fix the 3.10 docs issue.

For 3.11, the diagram drawing was changed so no highlighting happens anymore, 
which fixes the issue for us in the long run.


nosy: +ajaksu2

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41033] readline.c: endless loop on SIGWINCH when loaded twice

2021-12-17 Thread daniel hahler

Change by daniel hahler :

versions: +Python 3.11

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41033] readline.c: endless loop on SIGWINCH when loaded twice

2021-12-17 Thread daniel hahler

daniel hahler  added the comment:

Yes, the example also does not segfault for me either (also with Python 3.8.12 
I have now as `python3.8`), so this was likely only happening in the more 
complex setup, and/or maybe with some specific version of readline back then.

title: readline.c: SEGFAULT on SIGWINCH when loaded twice -> readline.c: 
endless loop on SIGWINCH when loaded twice

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[issue678264] test_resource fails when file size is limited

2021-12-16 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 -Python 2.7, Python 3.4, Python 

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9917] resource max value represented as signed when should be unsigned

2021-12-16 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 -Python 2.7, Python 3.4, Python 

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1062277] Pickle breakage with reduction of recursive structures

2021-12-16 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

versions: +Python 3.11 -Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45959] Teach pprint about dict views

2021-12-16 Thread Daniel Diniz

Daniel Diniz  added the comment:

I have tried to add this. The PR adds:
- PrettyPrinter._pprint_dict_view to handle dict_keys and dict_values (sorted 
with _safe_key).
= PrettyPrinter._pprint_dict_items_view to handle dict_items (sorted using 
- Tests.

Would a NEWS entry or other form of documentation be necessary?


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[issue45959] Teach pprint about dict views

2021-12-16 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

keywords: +patch
nosy: +ajaksu2
nosy_count: 4.0 -> 5.0
pull_requests: +28355
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30135

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44413] OverflowError: mktime argument out of range after 2019

2021-12-15 Thread Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald  added the comment:

For reference, the bug reports with Debian and Ubuntu are at the following URLs:



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[issue44413] OverflowError: mktime argument out of range after 2019

2021-12-15 Thread Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald  added the comment:

Thank you, Christian, I apologize for missing your reply. That is great advice, 
and I will do so.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44413] OverflowError: mktime argument out of range after 2019

2021-12-15 Thread Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald  added the comment:

The use of tm_isdst=1 appears to trigger the overflow, and occurs when varying 
other aspects of the timetuple.  

Python's mktime wrapper can throw OverflowError in two places. The thrown error 
is the second location, following the call to glibc's mktime occurring in this 
specific if block:


Modification of Modules/timemodule.c as to printf tm struct members confirms 
that when tm_isdst=1, the result from mktime() is -1, and the tm_wday member is 
set to -1, the combination of which triggers the conditional. 

mktime within the Github Action ubuntu-latest (20.04) environment is sourced 
from glibc 2.31 as confirmed by ldd and nm on the compiled Python binary.

As a proof of concept, C program was written that calls mktime independent of 
CPython (can be compiled with "gcc bug.c -o bug"). The code below succeeds on 
both OSX 11.6.1 and Centos 7.9:


void do_test() {
  struct tm tm_works = { .tm_year=117,
 .tm_isdst=-1 };
  struct tm tm_fails = { .tm_year=117,
 .tm_isdst=1 };

  time_t works = mktime(_works);
  time_t fails = mktime(_fails);

  if(works == -1) {
  printf("Unexpected failure\n");
  } else {
  if(works == fails) {
  printf("Test passed\n");
  } else {
  printf("Test failed: works=%d; fails=%d\n", (int)works, (int)fails);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

When compiled and run within in the Github Actions ubuntu-latest (20.04) 
environment, the erroneous behavior occurs:


The use of tm_isdst=1 is valid according to multiple sources, a few examples 
are linked below. The sources are consistent, and indicate a positive value 
means Daylight Savings Time is in effect. 


At this time, I believe this remains unexpected behavior, however the source 
appears upstream of CPython as mktime is part of glibc. Unless suggested 
otherwise, I'll open an issue with on the glibc tracker.


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[issue44413] OverflowError: mktime argument out of range after 2019

2021-12-15 Thread Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald  added the comment:

Thank you, Terry. I'm currently exploring modifications to the test Andrei made 
within a fork of CPython using Github Actions (ubuntu-latest). These 
modifications include debug prints in the CPython mktime call, and some 
parameter exploration. I expect to have a summary of the observations this 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44413] OverflowError: mktime argument out of range after 2019

2021-12-15 Thread Daniel McDonald

Daniel McDonald  added the comment:

I'd like to politely request this issue be reopened. 

We recently observed a similar, if not the same, OverflowError during 
continuous integration using Github Actions on ubuntu-latest (20.04). We can 
produce the error using pure Python without pytz.

We have been unable to replicate the error using Github Actions on 
macos-latest, Centos 7.9, Ubuntu 18.04 or OSX 11.6.1.

Specifically, the following code, which I believe is pure python, will trigger 
the overflow. We've observed this using Python 3.7 and 3.9. 

import time

Exact error output from CI can be found at the link below: 


On a passing system, we receive "1495837816.0" as output. On a failing system, 
we observe "OverflowError: mktime argument out of range". 

More detail can be found on our issue with pytz and stub42 who helped guide a 
more definitive example of the bug showing it could be pure Python. That issue 
can be found here:


Last, I apologize in advance if any detail is missing here or if this is not 
formatted as well as it should be. This is my first bug report with Python and 
am unfamiliar with the norms. Please let me know if further information may be 

nosy: +wasade
versions: +Python 3.7, Python 3.9

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[issue766910] fix one or two bugs in trace.py

2021-12-10 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

nosy: +ajaksu2
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.9 -Python 2.7, Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1182143] making builtin exceptions more informative

2021-12-10 Thread Daniel Diniz

Change by Daniel Diniz :

nosy: +iritkatriel

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4733] Add a "decode to declared encoding" version of urlopen to urllib

2021-12-10 Thread Daniel Diniz

Daniel Diniz  added the comment:

As Victor notes, this is a controversial issue. And I'll add that the need for 
this feature seems not to have been brought up up in over a decade. So I'm 
closing this.

resolution:  -> rejected
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46036] Single-phase initialized modules gets initialized multiple times in 3.10.0

2021-12-10 Thread Daniel

New submission from Daniel :

The documentation 
(https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/init.html#c.Py_NewInterpreter) states:

For modules using single-phase initialization, e.g. PyModule_Create(), the 
first time a particular extension is imported, it is initialized normally, and 
a (shallow) copy of its module’s dictionary is squirreled away. When the same 
extension is imported by another (sub-)interpreter, a new module is initialized 
and filled with the contents of this copy; the extension’s init function is not 
called. Objects in the module’s dictionary thus end up shared across 
(sub-)interpreters, which might cause unwanted behavior (see Bugs and caveats 

This does however seem to have changed (sometime between 3.6.9 and 3.10.0). 
Consider the following code:


 * Create a module "my_spam" that uses single-phase initialization
static PyModuleDef EmbModule = {
  PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "my_spam", NULL, -1,

 * According to the docs this function is only called once when dealing with
 * subinterpreters, the next time a shallow copy of the initial state is
 * returned. This does however not seem to be the case in Python 3.10.0..
static PyObject* PyInit_emb(void) {
  PyObject *module = PyModule_Create();
  PyModule_AddObject(module, "test", PyDict_New());

  printf("Init my_spam module %p\n", module);
  return module;

 * Main program

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  PyImport_AppendInittab("my_spam", _emb);

  // Save the main state
  PyThreadState *mainstate = PyThreadState_Get();

  // Create two new interpreters
  PyThreadState *inter1 = Py_NewInterpreter();
  PyThreadState *inter2 = Py_NewInterpreter();

  // Import the my_spam module into the first subinterpreter
  // and change the global variable of it
  PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; print(sys.version_info)");
  PyRun_SimpleString("import my_spam; print('my_spam.test: ', my_spam.test)");
  PyRun_SimpleString("my_spam.test[1]=1; print('my_spam.test: ', 

  // Import the my_spam module into the second subinterpreter
  // and change the global variable of it
  PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; print(sys.version_info)");
  PyRun_SimpleString("import my_spam; print('my_spam.test: ', my_spam.test)");
  PyRun_SimpleString("my_spam.test[2]=2; print('my_spam.test: ', 

  // Close the subinterpreters

  // Swap back to the main state and finalize python
  if (Py_FinalizeEx() < 0) {

  return 0;

Compiled with python 3.6.9 this does act according to the documentation:

$ gcc test_subinterpreters.c 
-L/home/daniel/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/lib -lpython3.6m && 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/daniel/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/lib ./a.out
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=9, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
Init my_spam module 0x7ff7a63d1ef8
my_spam.test:  {}
my_spam.test:  {1: 1}
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=9, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
my_spam.test:  {1: 1}
my_spam.test:  {1: 1, 2: 2}

But compiled with 3.10.0 the module is reinitialized and thus objects in the 
module are not shared between the subinterpreters:

$ gcc test_subinterpreters.c 
-L/home/daniel/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/lib -lpython3.10 && 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/daniel/.pyenv/versions/3.10.0/lib ./a.out
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
Init my_spam module 0x7f338a9a9530
my_spam.test:  {}
my_spam.test:  {1: 1}
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
Init my_spam module 0x7f338a9a96c0
my_spam.test:  {}
my_spam.test:  {2: 2}

To me the new behavior seems nicer, but at the very least the documentation 
should be updated. It also seems like if this could break integrations, albeit 
it is an unlikely "feature" to rely on.

components: C API
messages: 408209
nosy: daniel-falk
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Single-phase initialized modules gets initialized multiple times in 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45981] Get raw file name in bytes from ZipFile

2021-12-05 Thread Daniel Hillier

Daniel Hillier  added the comment:

Handling different character sets is not completely supported yet. There are a 
couple of open issues relating to this: https://bugs.python.org/issue40407 
(reading file names), https://bugs.python.org/issue41928 (support for reading 
and writing filenames using the unicode filename extra field) and 
https://bugs.python.org/issue40172 (issues with reading and then writing a 
filename from and back into a zip where the initial filename isn't encoded in 

Most modern zip programs that deal with characters outside ascii or cp437 
either set the utf-8 flag or write both an ascii or cp437 compatible filename 
(to the original filename field in the zip header) and the actual filename with 
all non-ascii characters in the unicode filename extra field. I think adding 
support for the unicode field to Python would probably cover the majority files 
generated by modern zip programs.

For complete support, including older zip programs that don't support the utf-8 
flag or unicode filename extra field, we may need to provide another parameter 
in Python's ZipFile's read and write functions to be able to override the 
charset used for the filename stored directly in the zip file header.

I've added my thoughts on how to approach this in 
https://bugs.python.org/issue40172 but haven't had time to implement these 

nosy: +dhillier

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45973] Not possible to clear PyImport_Inittab after PyImport_AppendInittab

2021-12-03 Thread Daniel

New submission from Daniel :


When embedding Python into a C application and not using Py_RunMain it is not 
possible to remove a module added to PyImport_Inittab even if the interpreter 
is finalized and a new is created.

One reason for not using Py_RunMain is to use python as a subprocessor to my 
primary C application by initializing an interpreter, run some python code, 
then go back to execute some C code and again execute some python code in the 
same interpreter. After a while I might want to finalize the interpreter and 
create a new one without the module added to inittab, still being in the same 

See example:


 * Create a python interpreter, run a command and delete the interpreter
void run_in_new_interpreter(char *cmd) {


if (Py_FinalizeEx() < 0) {

 * Create a module "my_spam" but do not append it to inittab
static PyModuleDef EmbModule = {
  PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "my_spam", NULL, -1,

static PyObject* PyInit_emb(void) {
return PyModule_Create();

 * Main program
char *LIST_MODULES_CMD="try:\n import my_spam; print('SPAM!');\nexcept:\n 
print('no mod my_spam')";

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Run with no "my_spam" module

// Run with "my_spam" module
PyImport_AppendInittab("my_spam", _emb);

// How to run without my_spam? The module is still in the PyImport_Inittab
// despite the Py_FinalizeEx() call. This list is not reset until
// _PyImport_Fini2() is called, but that is never exposed in anyi public 
// only in Include/internal/pycore_pylifecycle.h
return 0;

The output of the program is:

>>> gcc test_embed.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs python-3.6` && ./a.out
no mod my_spam

components: C API
messages: 407590
nosy: daniel-falk
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Not possible to clear PyImport_Inittab after PyImport_AppendInittab
type: behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45737] assertLogs to optionally not disable existing handlers

2021-11-06 Thread Daniel

Change by Daniel <3dan...@hotmail.com>:

type:  -> enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45737] assertLogs to optionally not disable existing handlers

2021-11-06 Thread Daniel

Change by Daniel <3dan...@hotmail.com>:

components: +Library (Lib)
versions: +Python 3.11

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45737] assertLogs to optionally not disable existing handlers

2021-11-06 Thread Daniel

New submission from Daniel <3dan...@hotmail.com>:

At the moment, assertLogs removes the handlers attached to the logger.
In general this is good, because it reduces message spamming in the test logs.
However, if the code being tested is relying on a handler to do something, then 
the test fails because the handler is being removed.
This leads to the situation that the same exact test must be run twice:
- first time within the context manager, to assert that specific messages were 
logged (using `with self.assertLogs()`)
- second time, without the assertLogs to ensure the code that uses a handler 
does the right thing

The proposal is to have `self.assertLogs()` accept a key word argument such as 
`keep_handlers=False`, which can be set to True, whenever the handlers should 
be preserved.
It would probably be also useful to add a note in the documentation that makes 
users aware that the existing handlers will be removed.

messages: 405858
nosy: dandiez
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: assertLogs to optionally not disable existing handlers
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30238] 2to3 doesn't detect or fix Exception indexing

2021-10-20 Thread Daniel Lenski

Daniel Lenski  added the comment:

Why was this closed?

As I wrote in a previous comment, this situation can be automatically 
identified and addressed via static analysis in the vastly-predominant case, 
where the Exception object is assigned via an `exception ... as exc:` clause.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45249] Update doctect SyntaxErrors for location range

2021-10-10 Thread daniel hahler

Change by daniel hahler :

versions: +Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45249] Update doctect SyntaxErrors for location range

2021-10-10 Thread daniel hahler

daniel hahler  added the comment:

I've noticed a regression/change with the code change for this issue.

When not catching the exception from `compile("invalid(", "", "single")` 
it has a caret below the opening parenthesis:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "…/t-syntaxerror-chained.py", line 2, in 
compile("invalid(", "", "single")
  File "", line 1
SyntaxError: '(' was never closed

When using `traceback.print_exc` however this is missing:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "…/t-syntaxerror-chained.py", line 2, in 
compile("invalid(", "", "single")
  File "", line 1

SyntaxError: '(' was never closed

The file used for testing:
compile("invalid(", "", "single")
except Exception:
# raise

(this change was noticed between 3.10.0rc2 and the final release with pdbpp's 
test suite)

I've not investigated further (yet), and also feel free to ask for creating a 
new issue, but I've figured it would be good to notify you here first (where 
the code was changed).

nosy: +blueyed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45347] datetime subject to rounding?

2021-10-03 Thread Daniel Fortunov

Change by Daniel Fortunov :

nosy: +dfortunov

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39359] zipfile: add missing "pwd: expected bytes, got str" exception message

2021-09-27 Thread Daniel Hillier

Daniel Hillier  added the comment:

I agree it is bad form but I would accidentally do it when I couldn't remember 
the proper API and took a stab in the dark without looking up the docs. I 
unfortunately used it in an example in the docs for pyzipper and started 
getting a few bug reports even after fixing my docs.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39359] zipfile: add missing "pwd: expected bytes, got str" exception message

2021-09-23 Thread Daniel Hillier

Daniel Hillier  added the comment:

Thanks Łukasz!


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45164] int.to_bytes()

2021-09-10 Thread daniel capelle

daniel capelle  added the comment:

An ASCII representation is shown instead of the hexadecimal value, if there is 
I was not aware this is an intended behaviour.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45164] int.to_bytes()

2021-09-10 Thread daniel capelle

daniel capelle  added the comment:

for example check:
(6500).to_bytes(2, 'big')
result is:
but was expected to be:
ord('d') is 100 = 0x64 there seems to be hex and char representation mixed up.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45164] int.to_bytes()

2021-09-10 Thread daniel capelle

New submission from daniel capelle :

for example check:
(6500).to_bytes(2, 'big')
result is:
but was expected to be:
ord('d') is 100 = 0x64 there seems to be hex and char representation mixed up.

messages: 401571
nosy: hypnoticum
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: int.to_bytes()
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36550] Avoid creating AttributeError exceptions in the debugger

2021-09-07 Thread daniel hahler

daniel hahler  added the comment:

Given code like the following the try/except handling of Pdb (via `Cmd.onecmd`, 
see https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/4666) will mess with 
`sys.exc_info()`, which could be avoided:

raise ValueError()
except Exception as exc:
e = exc

% ./python t_issue36550.py
> …/t_issue36550.py(5)()->None
-> __import__('pdb').set_trace()
(Pdb) import sys; sys.exc_info()
(, AttributeError("'Pdb' object has no attribute 
'do_import'"), )

The initial / better motivation was described in the original issue: with 
pdb++/pdbpp I want to display tracebacks/errors with errors that might occur 
via Pdb's prompt, where this then showed up as interfering with it.

(Sorry for not responding on https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/4666 
earlier, but I think it is only part of this issue, and therefore it should not 
get closed, and also creating a new one instead does not sound useful to me, so 
please consider to re-open it instead.)

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44963] anext_awaitable is not a collections.abc.Generator

2021-08-20 Thread Daniel Pope

New submission from Daniel Pope :

The anext_awaitable object returned by anext(..., default) does not support 
.send()/.throw(). It only supports __next__().

So we can pass messages from the suspending coroutine to the event loop but not 
from the event loop to the suspending coroutine.

trio and curio rely on both directions working. (I don't know about asyncio.)

For example, this trio code fails:

import trio

async def produce():
   for v in range(3):
   await trio.sleep(1)
   yield v

async def consume():
   p = produce()
   while True:
print(await anext(p, 'finished'))


raising AttributeError: 'anext_awaitable' object has no attribute 'send'.

I realise that any awaitable that wants to await another awaitable must return 
not an iterator from __await__() but something that implements the full PEP-342 
generator protocol. Should PEP-492 section on __await__()[1] say something 
about that?

[1] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0492/#await-expression

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 399982
nosy: lordmauve
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: anext_awaitable is not a collections.abc.Generator
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-08 Thread Daniel Fleischman

Daniel Fleischman  added the comment:

Hey Raymond,

> "Changing the dict implementation to a linked list would make your case
perform better but would make most users worse off."

Is there any standard benchmark? I would like to implement my idea, as I
think that it is very unlikely that "most users would be made worse off" by
a measurable amount if I implement what I have in mind. If there aren't
standard benchmarks, I can always make artificial ones (insert a lot of
entries, remove them, access, iterate, etc).

Thank you,


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-05 Thread Daniel Fleischman

Daniel Fleischman  added the comment:

Thank you for your reply. I didn't know that this was the expected behavior 
(found it at https://wiki.python.org/moin/TimeComplexity):

"For these operations, the worst case n is the maximum size the container ever 
achieved, rather than just the current size. For example, if N objects are 
added to a dictionary, then N-1 are deleted, the dictionary will still be sized 
for N objects (at least) until another insertion is made."

Thank you for pointing out! 

I still disagree with this design since it's not how a person using a hash map 
expects it to behave. That said, this link clearly shows that it's *not* a bug, 
and that we just have different opinions on what is the best trade-off between 
space, code complexity, and speed, especially on something as ubiquitous as a 

Just one final attempt to gain support for my idea before I close the issue. 
When I proposed a linked list I didn't mean an "intro to programming" linked 
list, with pointers and a new malloc for every node. I meant simply adding two 
fields to PyDictKeyEntry with the indices of the next and previous valid 
entries. There would be a tiny memory overhead, and we would get a data 
structure that behaves how one would reasonably expect it to (compare with hash 
table found in the standard libraries of other languages. It's usually 
unexpected for an operation in a data structure to take time proportional to 
its historical value).

I will close this issue in two days if there are no further replies. Thank you 
for the discussion!


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-03 Thread Daniel Fleischman

Daniel Fleischman  added the comment:

Thank you again, Dennis.

I would disagree with your conclusion for mainly 3 reasons:

1. The linked list proposal would increase the memory usage by 2 Py_ssize_t per 
entry, plus another 2 for the whole dictionary. I don't think this is an 
overwhelming amount of extra memory for Python, but of course it's open for 
discussion. Insertions and removals would become marginally slower (I'll try to 
measure it), membership wouldn't suffer, and iteration would become O(1) per 
element iterated on. 

2. I think that this case is covered by "Dynamic Mappings" in the document 
you've linked to.

3. This is not about the ordering in ducts being first or second nature. Please 
read the example in bad_dict_example.py to see a bad case where hearing over a 
dict of size 1 can take milliseconds.

I want to reiterate (pun not intended) that this is not a use case for me, but 
it surprised me that dictionaries display this behavior. It's not hard to 
imagine a real use case where it just happens that someone deletes elements 
from a dictionary in insertion order. Or that someone deletes all keys but the 
last inserted (in any order), resulting in a dictionary that takes way too long 
to iterate on. 

Thank you for the discussion. :)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-03 Thread Daniel Fleischman

Daniel Fleischman  added the comment:

I think the idea of augmenting the struts to maintain a linked list of elements 
together with periodically shrinking on removal would solve both time and space 
issues, right? 

Space will be always linear, and operations would still be constant amortized 
time (of course the worst case of removing will be linear because of the 
shrinking, but I guess this behavior is expected).

I wrote a worse example in bad_dict_example.py submitted to this issue.  This 
example would be fixed simply by the shrinking, but as is it's a pretty 
unexpected bug, as a simple sum(d.values()) can take milliseconds on a 
dictionary with only one entry (both key and value are int).


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-02 Thread Daniel Fleischman

Daniel Fleischman  added the comment:

Please find attached a more complete example of the issue I am reporting.

tl;dr: I can make `sum(d.values())` run in O(maximum_size_in_d's_history) 
instead of O(len(d)), even when len(d) == 1.

The linked list approach would work in terms of making it faster, but we would 
still be using too much space.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50138/bad_dict_example.py

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-02 Thread Daniel Fleischman

Daniel Fleischman  added the comment:

Thank you for your message!

I'm not particularly looking for an implementation, I was just surprised by
this behavior.

It can get even worse. Consider this example:

d = large_dict()
# remove all but one element of d, runs in quadratic time as explained above
while len(d) > 1:
del d[next(iter(d))]

# now iterating over d takes O(d), even when d has only one item:

# the following prints one key, but takes O(N)
for key in d:

I think this example is better, since a person would expect iterating over
a singleton dictionary would be really fast, but it can be made as slow as
one wants. A "print_keys()" function would reasonably be expected to take
O(size of dictionary), but it doesn't.

Am I right to think that this is a performance bug?

On Fri, Jul 2, 2021, 8:10 PM Dennis Sweeney  wrote:

> Dennis Sweeney  added the comment:
> For what it's worth, using collections.OrderedDict gives constant-time
> behavior you're looking for.
> --
> nosy: +Dennis Sweeney
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue44555>
> ___


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-02 Thread Daniel Fleischman

Daniel Fleischman  added the comment:

The linked list solution is not as easy to implement as I expected, because of 
insertions. :(


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44555] Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular code).

2021-07-02 Thread Daniel Fleischman

New submission from Daniel Fleischman :

The following code takes quadratic time on the size of the dictionary passed, 
regardless of the dictionary (explanation below):

def slow_dictionary(d):
while len(d) > 0:
# Remove first element
key = next(iter(d))
del d[key]

The problem is that when an element is deleted a NULL/NULL placeholder is set 
in its place 
 and when we try to find the first element with `next(iter(d))` the code needs 
to skip over all the NULL elements until it finds the first non-NULL element 

I'm not sure of what is the best way to fix it, but note that simply adding a 
field to the struct with the position of the first non-NULL element is not 
enough, since a code that always deletes the SECOND element of the dictionary 
would still have linear operations.

An easy (but memory-wasteful) fix would be to augment the struct PyDictKeyEntry 
with the indices of the next/previous non empty elements, and augment 
_dictkeysobject with the index of the first and last non empty elements (in 
other words, maintain an underlying linked list of the non empty entries). With 
this we can always iterate in O(1) per entry.

(I tested it only on version 3.9.2, but I would be surprised if it doesn't 
happen in other versions as well).

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 396880
nosy: danielfleischman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Dictionary operations are LINEAR for any dictionary (for a particular 
type: performance
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue30238] 2to3 doesn't detect or fix Exception indexing

2021-06-21 Thread Daniel Lenski

Daniel Lenski  added the comment:

> There is no way to know through static analysis that the subscript is on an 
> object of type exception. I think this should be closed as won't fix.

In almost all cases, the variable in question will receive its value via 
`except ... as e:`.

   except (Exception1, Exception2, ...) as e:

Seems to me that it should be possible for 2to3 to handle this large subset of 
applicable cases via static analysis.

status: pending -> open

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44410] Exception in AsyncMock side_effect cases incorrect refcount

2021-06-13 Thread Daniel Andersson

New submission from Daniel Andersson :

Dear maintainers,

I discovered an unexpected behavior when the `side_effect` of an `AsyncMock` 
includes an exception. The test case below fails but I expected it to pass:

import sys
import unittest
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock

class A:
async def foobar(self):
while True:
return await self.mock()
except Exception:

class TestA(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
async def test_refcount(self):
a = A()
a.mock = AsyncMock(side_effect=[Exception(), None])
refc = sys.getrefcount(a)
await a.foobar()
self.assertEqual(refc, sys.getrefcount(a))

if __name__ == "__main__":

If `side_effect=[Exception(), None]` is changed to `side_effect=[None, None]` 
the test case pass.

I discovered this in a bigger codebase while debugging why a weakref.finalize 
did not trigger as expected.

components: asyncio
messages: 395752
nosy: asvetlov, penlect, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Exception in AsyncMock side_effect cases incorrect refcount
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44238] Unable to install Python 3.9.5 - Windows Server

2021-06-02 Thread Ricardo Daniel Fuentes

Ricardo Daniel Fuentes  added the comment:

Hi Steve,

I am attaching the latest log files I see on temp.

This is the first version of python I have installed on this server, we do
install and uninstall SW on this machine all the time. As we run the
operations and need to update sw there often.



On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 10:19 PM Steve Dower  wrote:

> Steve Dower  added the comment:
> Unfortunately, I've got no idea whether it's failing to uninstall the MSI
> or if it's specific to removing the PATH environment variable. If you've
> still got the rest (no more than 2-3 I'd expect) of the uninstall log files
> in your %TEMP% directory that may show something.
> Have you successfully installed/uninstalled other versions of Python
> before on this machine/OS?
> --
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue44238>
> ___

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50082/archive (1).zip

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40172] ZipInfo corrupts file names in some old zip archives

2021-05-26 Thread Daniel Hillier

Daniel Hillier  added the comment:

Looking into this more and it appears that while Appendix D of 
https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT says "If general 
purpose bit 11 is unset, the file name and comment SHOULD conform to the 
original ZIP character encoding" where the original encoding is IBM 437 
(cp437), this is not always followed. This isn't too surprising as cp437 
doesn't have every character for every language! In particular, some archive 
programs on windows will use the user's locale code page.


A UTF filename can be stored in the extra field 0x7075 in addition to a 
filename encoded in an arbitrary code page stored in the header's filename 
section. There is a open issue to add handling these fields (for reading) to 
zipfile: https://bugs.python.org/issue41928 and that issue may be related to 
this one https://bugs.python.org/issue40407

For this issue, with regards to encoding, I prefer the current situation where 
general purpose bit 11 for UTF is preferentially used because it doesn't change 
the behaviour compared to previous Python versions and it reduces file size as 
the filename isn't repeated in the extra field.

For compatibility with other archive programs that don't support the general 
purpose bit 11, I suggest we add an additional mechanism to allow the code page 
for the path name (and comment) to be set and use the 0x7075 extra field to 
store the UTF name in those cases where the filename can't be encoded in ascii 
(and 0x6075 to store the utf comment where it can't be encoded in ascii)


Python tracker 
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[issue44238] Unable to install Python 3.9.5 - Windows Server

2021-05-26 Thread Ricardo Daniel Fuentes

Change by Ricardo Daniel Fuentes :

type:  -> behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44238] Unable to install Python 3.9.5 - Windows Server

2021-05-26 Thread Ricardo Daniel Fuentes

New submission from Ricardo Daniel Fuentes :


I am Admin of a Windows Server 2012 R2, I have installed successfully Python 
3.9.5 (64-bit) however I cannot uninstall it, I get the error: "0x80070659 - 
The installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system 

I don't have any software system policies defined on this server so this could 
be a Python bug.

attached the log.


components: Installation
files: Python 3.9.5 (64-bit)_20210526084254.txt
messages: 394421
nosy: RFuentes
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Unable to install Python 3.9.5 - Windows Server
versions: Python 3.9
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50064/Python 3.9.5 

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[issue40172] ZipInfo corrupts file names in some old zip archives

2021-05-24 Thread Daniel Hillier

Daniel Hillier  added the comment:

zipfile decodes filenames using cp437 or unicode and encodes using ascii or 
unicode. It seems like zipfile has a preference for writing filenames in 
unicode rather than cp437. Is zipfile's preference for writing filenames in 
unicode rather than cp437 intentional?

Is the bug you're seeing related to using zipfile to open and rewrite old zips 
and not being able to open the rewritten files in an old program that doesn't 
support the unicode flag?

We could address this two ways:
- Change ZipInfo._encodeFilenameFlags() to always encode to cp437 if possible
- Add a flag to write filenames in cp437 or unicode, otherwise the current 
situation of ascii or unicode

I guess the choice will depend on if preferring unicode rather than cp437 is 
intentional and if writing filenames in cp437 will break anything (it shouldn't 
break anything according to Appendix D of 

Here's a test for your current patch (I'd probably put it alongside 
OtherTests.test_read_after_write_unicode_filenames as this test was adapted 
from that one)

class OtherTests(unittest.TestCase):

def test_read_after_write_cp437_filenames(self):
fname = 'test_cp437_é'
with zipfile.ZipFile(TESTFN2, 'w') as zipfp:
zipfp.writestr(fname, b'sample')

with zipfile.ZipFile(TESTFN2) as zipfp:
zinfo = zipfp.infolist()[0]
# Ensure general purpose bit 11 (Language encoding flag
# (EFS)) is unset to indicate the filename is not unicode
self.assertFalse(zinfo.flag_bits & 0x800)
self.assertEqual(zipfp.read(fname), b'sample')

nosy: +dhillier

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[issue14965] super() and property inheritance behavior

2021-05-20 Thread Daniel Urban

Daniel Urban  added the comment:

@habnabit I believe I've already signed some contributor form some years ago. 
If there is a new one, I can sign that one too.


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[issue44129] zipfile: Add descriptive global variables for general purpose bit flags

2021-05-13 Thread Daniel Hillier

Change by Daniel Hillier :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24763
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/26118

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[issue44129] zipfile: Add descriptive global variables for general purpose bit flags

2021-05-13 Thread Daniel Hillier

New submission from Daniel Hillier :

In the zipfile module, masking of bit flags is done against hex numbers eg. if 
flags & 0x800...

To increase readability I suggest we replace these with global variables named 
for the purpose of the flag. From the example above:

if flags & 0x800

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 393622
nosy: dhillier, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: zipfile: Add descriptive global variables for general purpose bit flags
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11

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[issue44128] zipfile: Deduplicate ZipExtFile code for init and resetting when seeking

2021-05-13 Thread Daniel Hillier

Change by Daniel Hillier :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +24761
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/26116

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[issue44128] zipfile: Deduplicate ZipExtFile code for init and resetting when seeking

2021-05-13 Thread Daniel Hillier

New submission from Daniel Hillier :

Integrating a refactor suggested in https://bugs.python.org/issue38334

The logic for preparing a ZipExtFile for reading (setting CRC state, read 
positions, etc) is currently in two locations: first initialisation and when 
seeking back to the start of a file.

This change moves the logic into the method `ZipExtFile.init_read()`

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 393619
nosy: dhillier, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: zipfile: Deduplicate ZipExtFile code for init and resetting when seeking
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11

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[issue43882] [security] urllib.parse should sanitize urls containing ASCII newline and tabs.

2021-05-06 Thread Daniel Watkins

Daniel Watkins  added the comment:

(Accidentally dropped Ned from nosy list; apologies!)

nosy: +ned.deily

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43882] [security] urllib.parse should sanitize urls containing ASCII newline and tabs.

2021-05-06 Thread Daniel Watkins

Daniel Watkins  added the comment:

Hey folks,

Thanks for all the work on this: I really appreciate the efforts to keep Python 
as secure as possible!

This change _is_ causing us problems in the cloud-init codebase, which 
thankfully have been caught by our testing in Ubuntu's development release.  
This is in a fairly deep part of the codebase, so apologies in advance for the 
detailed description.

TL;DR: cloud-init constructs mirror URLs and then sanitises them by replacing 
invalid characters with hyphens.  With the fix for this bug, urlsplit silently 
removes (some of) those characters before we can replace them, modifying the 
output of our sanitisation code, and therefore meaning cloud-init will, albeit 
in fairly specific corner cases, configure different mirrors if run with a 
Python including this fix vs. one that precedes it.

cloud-init constructs mirror URLs based on applying cloud metadata to 
user-configured (or default) templates.  As we're responsible for constructing 
these URLs, we also sanitise them before configuring the package manager to use 
them: specifically, we urlsplit to get the hostname, IDNA-encode (to handle 
non-ASCII input), replace any invalid URL characters with a "-", and then strip 
"-" off each part of the hostname (to handle leading/trailing invalid 
characters), then recombine the URL.  The most common case for this is a cloud 
which specifies values for the variables used in the template with an 
underscore: http://my_openstack_region.cloud.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu causes 
Apache mirrors with the default "HTTPProtocolOptions Strict" configuration to 
reject all requests to them (as that's an invalid hostname).  In contrast, 
http://my-openstack-region.cloud.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu *is* accepted, so is 
preferable.  (This is important because *.cloud.archive.ubuntu.com exists so 
that l
 ocal cloud admins can DNS "hijack" subdomains of it to point at internal 
servers: even though the Ubuntu mirrors don't reject underscored domains (any 
longer), this is a landmine waiting for any admins running their own mirrors.)  
For more background, see the bug where we figured this all out: 

So, more concretely: if we consider a post-templated URL of 
http://my\topenstack\tregion.mirror.internal/ubuntu, cloud-init changes from 
rewriting that to my-openstack-region.mirror.internal (on < 3.9.5) to 
myopenstackregion.mirror.internal (on 3.9.5+): if, in this notional deployment, 
an apt mirror is running at (exactly) my-openstack-region.mirror.internal, then 
new instance deployments will start failing: they won't be able to install 
packages.  This is the sort of breakage that we aim to avoid in cloud-init 
(because you just _know_ that everyone who deployed this cloud left 
NotionalCorp years ago, so fixing the configuration to remove these 
obviously-incorrect tabs is not necessarily trivial).

Given the current state of the fix here, it's not clear to me how we could 
(cleanly) achieve our desired behaviour.  We could perform replacement of these 
characters before invoking `urlsplit` but that would then substitute these 
characters outside of only the hostname: this is also a change in behaviour.  
We could substitute those characters with magic strings, perform the split, and 
then replace them in the non-hostname parts with the original character and in 
the hostname with hyphens: we've obviously left "cleanly" behind at this point. 
 Another option would be to monkeypatch _UNSAFE_URL_BYTES_TO_REMOVE to an empty 
list: again, not a solution I'd want to have to support across Python versions!

One solution that presents itself to me: add a `strip_insecure_characters: bool 
= True` parameter.  We, in cloud-init, would pass this in as `False`, knowing 
that we're going to handle those ourselves.  Of course, this does leave the 
door open for API users to keep the current insecure behaviour: if library code 
(either public or project-internal) were to default to `False`, then the 
situation is no better than today.

For our use case, at least, I think a more restricted solution would work: 
`url_replacement_char: str = ""`.  We'd call `urlsplit(..., 
url_replacement_char="-")` and the rest of our code would work as it does 
today: from its POV, there were never these invalid chars in the first place.

Thanks once again for the work (and apologies for the wall of text)!


nosy: +odd_bloke -ned.deily

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[issue43798] Add position metadata to alias AST type

2021-04-12 Thread daniel hahler

Change by daniel hahler :

versions:  -Python 3.9

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[issue43798] Add position metadata to alias AST type

2021-04-12 Thread daniel hahler

daniel hahler  added the comment:

@Pablo: the problem (referenced in the pytest issue) is that `ast.alias` has 
new required arguments now (see also the adjusted test in
  That's expected/wanted though (assuming that it should not have "defaults" 
for B/C), and there's a patch for the issue at 

nosy: +blueyed

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[issue43677] Descriptor.rst - Reference to Py_MethodType is not up to date

2021-03-31 Thread Daniel Torres

Change by Daniel Torres :

title: Descriptor Documentation - Reference to Py_MethodType is not up to date 
-> Descriptor.rst - Reference to Py_MethodType is not up to date

Python tracker 
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[issue43677] Descriptor Documentation - Reference to Py_MethodType is not up to date

2021-03-31 Thread Daniel Torres

Change by Daniel Torres :

title: Documentation -> Descriptor Documentation - Reference to Py_MethodType 
is not up to date

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[issue43677] Documentation

2021-03-31 Thread Daniel Torres

New submission from Daniel Torres :


Section 'Functions and methods' 

The provided example contains comment 'Emulate Py_MethodType in 

But Py_MethodType is nowhere to be found under 'Objects/classobject.c'

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 389878
nosy: danielcft, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Documentation
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue42128] Structural Pattern Matching (PEP 634)

2021-02-27 Thread Daniel Moisset

Change by Daniel Moisset :

pull_requests: +23450
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/24664

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[issue43335] _ctypes/callbacks.c cannot be compiled by gcc 4.4.7 (RHEL6)

2021-02-27 Thread DANIEL VILLENEUVE

DANIEL VILLENEUVE  added the comment:

I'll let you do so if it's ok for you, since I'm not equipped with Python dev 



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[issue42128] Structural Pattern Matching (PEP 634)

2021-02-27 Thread Daniel Moisset

Daniel Moisset  added the comment:

Thanks @xtreak, I'll make some changes in these sections too. 

The docs are coming along well, there's still some refinement to do in the 
compound statements section (it's there, but looks to big), I'll submit a draft 
PR during the weekend so interested people can review


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[issue43335] _ctypes/callbacks.c cannot be compiled by gcc 4.4.7 (RHEL6)

2021-02-26 Thread DANIEL VILLENEUVE

New submission from DANIEL VILLENEUVE :

gcc 4.4.7 does not accept #pragma's inside functions.
I made the following patch, inspired by code found in other Python source files.

diff -r U/Python-3.9.2/Modules/_ctypes/callbacks.c 
< #if defined(__GNUC__)
> #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4) && 
> (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)))
< #if defined(__GNUC__)
> #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4) && 
> (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)))


components: ctypes
messages: 387755
nosy: dvilleneuve
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: _ctypes/callbacks.c cannot be compiled by gcc 4.4.7 (RHEL6)
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue42128] Structural Pattern Matching (PEP 634)

2021-02-20 Thread Daniel Moisset

Daniel Moisset  added the comment:

Note: I will NOT write something for "What's New in 3.10" seeing that's in 


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[issue42128] Structural Pattern Matching (PEP 634)

2021-02-20 Thread Daniel Moisset

Daniel Moisset  added the comment:

Fyi, I'm looking into the documentation. I think I can have something basic for 
the middle of this week, so it should be ok for March 1st.


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[issue43253] asyncio open_connection fails when a socket is explicitly closed

2021-02-18 Thread Daniel Engel

Daniel Engel  added the comment:

It reproduced on a windows machine


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[issue43253] asyncio open_connection fails when a socket is explicitly closed

2021-02-18 Thread Daniel Engel

New submission from Daniel Engel :

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.18.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import socket
   ...: s1, s2 = socket.socketpair()
   ...: import asyncio
   ...: async def test():
   ...: r1, w1 = await asyncio.open_connection(sock=s1)
   ...: r2, w2 = await asyncio.open_connection(sock=s2)
   ...: s1.close()
   ...: asyncio.run(test())
Exception in callback 
_ProactorBasePipeTransport._call_connection_lost(ConnectionAbo...e, 1236, None))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\python39\lib\asyncio\events.py", line 80, in _run
self._context.run(self._callback, *self._args)
  File "c:\python39\lib\asyncio\proactor_events.py", line 162, in 
OSError: [WinError 10038] An operation was attempted on something that is not a 

components: asyncio
messages: 387228
nosy: asvetlov, danielen1337, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio open_connection fails when a socket is explicitly closed
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue42128] Structural Pattern Matching (PEP 634)

2021-02-09 Thread Daniel Moisset

Daniel Moisset  added the comment:

@Ken: I've invited you to the repo. For tracking the WIP, 

Do you want to see if you can base the reference/compound_stmts.rst changes in 
PEP 634? I'll try to fit a variant of the Appendix A of PEP 636 into the 
tutorial and make something up for the reference/lexical_analysis.rst (which 
needs  a section of soft keywords which are not in the PEP trilogy. Perhaps I 
can rescue something from PEP 622)


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[issue42128] Structural Pattern Matching (PEP 634)

2021-02-09 Thread Daniel Moisset

Daniel Moisset  added the comment:

Hey Ken, I was about to take on this myself, but I wouldn't mind a bit of help.

Your list seems ok, I would add to it a section about PM in the python tutorial 
(which was explicitly mentioned in the SC acceptance notice). 

Regarding the grammar, I believe that one is autogenerated from the parser, so 
it's likely that no changes are required there. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

I'll set up a branch in github and add you as a collaborator so we can prepare 
a PR. I'll base the branch of Brandt's implementation PR. If you give me your 
github id I can add you as collaborator so we can work there.

nosy: +Daniel Moisset

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[issue43092] Python installation fails to install pip3 if pip, setuptools in ~/.local

2021-02-01 Thread Daniel Colascione

New submission from Daniel Colascione :

The ensurepip module in the Python distribution bootstraps the pip package 
manager. The Python build system runs this module during installation so that 
the resulting Python installation is ready to install packages. Right now, the 
pip command that ensurepip installs the pip and setuptools packages only if it 
doesn't find them installed already. The problem is that the pip run by 
ensurepip checks for its bootstrap packages in ~/.local, and if it finds them 
there, it concludes it doesn't need to install these packages as part of 
bootstrap. But in various situations (e.g., installing Python into an isolated 
environment), these packages need to be installed anyway.

ensurepip should ignore packages in ~/.local, at least when as part of the 
Python build system

components: Installation
messages: 386079
nosy: quotemstr
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python installation fails to install pip3 if pip, setuptools in ~/.local
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43041] copying WeakValueDictionary is not iteration safe

2021-01-27 Thread Daniel Romberg

Daniel Romberg  added the comment:

Sorry, I meant an exception. I changed the type to "behavior", thanks for the 

type: crash -> behavior

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43041] copying WeakValueDictionary is not iteration safe

2021-01-27 Thread Daniel Romberg

New submission from Daniel Romberg :

The copy operation is not safe to use during iteration. The following test case 
raises a "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration":

import weakref

class Class:

def TEST_weakValue():
  d = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
  a = Class()
  b = Class()
  d["a"] = a
  d["b"] = b
  e = d.copy()
  for key in e:
a = None
c = e.copy()


This is related to https://bugs.python.org/issue35615 where I commented as 
well, but I couldn't find a way to reopen this issue, which is why I open this 

We experience a lot fewer crashes in weakref than before 
https://bugs.python.org/issue35615 had been fixed, however, there are recursive 
situations in which copy() is invoked while iterating the WeakValueDictionary 
(e.g., in our case it is a signal/slot implementation where the slots are 
stored in a WeakValueDictionary). _commit_removals(), which is called at the 
beginning of the copy operation, might change the dictionary if there are items 
that are to be removed. If there is an ongoing iteration, the corresponding 
RuntimeError is raised.

I haven't thought that through entirely, but I wonder whether the copy (and 
also deepcopy) operation could just blindly copy everything without "committing 
removals". After the copy, both instances would do their _commit_removals on 
their own upon access.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 385779
nosy: djromberg
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: copying WeakValueDictionary is not iteration safe
type: crash
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35615] "RuntimeError: Dictionary changed size during iteration" when copying a WeakValueDictionary

2021-01-25 Thread Daniel Romberg

Daniel Romberg  added the comment:

I think this issue needs to be reopened. The problem has not been solved 
completely. We experience a lot fewer crashes in weakref than before this fix, 
however, there are recursive situations in which copy() is invoked while 
iterating the WeakValueDictionary (e.g., in our case it is a signal/slot 
implementation where the slots are stored in a WeakValueDictionary). 
_commit_removals(), which is called at the beginning of the copy operation, 
might change the dictionary if there are items that are to be removed. If there 
is an ongoing iteration, the corresponding RuntimeError is raised.

I haven't thought that through entirely, but I wonder whether the copy (and 
also deepcopy) operation could just blindly copy everything without "committing 
removals". After the copy, both instances would do their _commit_removals on 
their own upon access.

nosy: +djromberg

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35829] datetime: parse "Z" timezone suffix in fromisoformat()

2021-01-19 Thread Daniel Lenski

Daniel Lenski  added the comment:

Like many others here, I've run into this issue because I'm trying to parse 
timestamps from JSON.

(Specifically, I'm trying to parse timestamps from JSON serialization of Java 
POJOs and/or Kotlin data classes, as serialized by the Jackson serialization 
library for JVM languages, in conjunction with JavaTimeModule.

In order to "be lenient in what I accept" (adhering to the robustness 
principal), I need to add a special case for deserialization of strings ending 
with 'Z'. This gets pretty tricky and pretty subtle quickly.

Here is my Python 3.7+ code path (the strptime-based code path for earlier 
versions is much, much uglier).

from numbers import Number
from datetime import datetime, timezone
def number_or_iso8601_to_dt(ts, t=datetime):
if isinstance(ts, Number):
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
elif ts.endswith('Z'):
# This is not strictly correct, since it would accept a string with
# two timezone specifications (e.g. ending with +01:00Z) and 
# silently pass that erroneous representation:
# return 
# This version is better:
d = datetime.fromisoformat(ts[:-1])
if d.tzinfo is not None:
raise ValueError(f"time data '{ts}' contains multiple timezone 
return d.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
return datetime.fromisoformat(ts)

I don't really understand why .fromisoformat() must be *strictly* the inverse 
of .isoformat(). As @mehaase points out, the transformation isn't strictly 
reversible as is.

There are other functions where the Python standard library has special-cased 
options for extremely common use cases. For example, `str.split(None)`, which 
is certainly not the inverse of the non-existent `None.join()`.

This feels to me like a case where the standard library should simply just 
accept an extremely-common real-world variant in the interests of 

I would also be in favor of @p-ganssle's proposal (3), wherein 
`datetime.isoformat` would also output the 'Z' suffix for the UTC timezone.


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[issue35829] datetime: parse "Z" timezone suffix in fromisoformat()

2021-01-19 Thread Daniel Lenski

Change by Daniel Lenski :

nosy: +dlenski

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42968] multiprocessing handle leak on Windows when child process is killed during startup/unpickling

2021-01-19 Thread Daniel Grunwald

Daniel Grunwald  added the comment:

Fix idea: get_spawning_popen().pid could be used to directly copy the handle 
into the child process, thus avoiding the temporary copy in the main process.
This would help at least in our case (where we pass all connections during 

I don't know if the general case is solvable -- in general we don't know which 
process will unpickle the data, and "child process is killed" isn't the only 
possible reason why the call to rebuild_pipe_connection() might not happen 
(e.g. exception while unpickling an earlier part of the same message).


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