[issue44951] selector.EpollSelector: EPOLLEXCLUSIVE, round 2

2021-08-19 Thread David Gilman

David Gilman  added the comment:

Reflecting on this a bit I wonder if the best of all worlds is to have an 
EpollExclusiveSelector whose modify() implementation just unregisters and 
registers the file descriptor.


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[issue44951] selector.EpollSelector: EPOLLEXCLUSIVE, round 2

2021-08-18 Thread David Gilman

David Gilman  added the comment:

I also played with making another whole subclass that has it on by default, see 
this package https://github.com/dgilman/selector-epoll-exclusive

That class could have EPOLLEXCLUSIVE on by default but could raise 
NotImplemented if you try and modify() it. Putting it in as a second class 
means you can also drop it into existing code unmodified, something that will 
play very nicely with all existing users of selector.


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[issue44951] selector.EpollSelector: EPOLLEXCLUSIVE, round 2

2021-08-18 Thread David Gilman

Change by David Gilman :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +26284
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27819

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[issue44951] selector.EpollSelector: EPOLLEXCLUSIVE, round 2

2021-08-18 Thread David Gilman

New submission from David Gilman :

Note that this is a different approach from the one taken in 
https://bugs.python.org/issue35517 although the issue is still the same.

I've written a patch that allows users of selector.EpollSelector to enable 
EPOLLEXCLUSIVE on their file descriptors. This PR adds a setter and read only 
property to only the EpollSelector class instead of trying to expand the entire 
selector API like the other patch. The other discussion mentioned that there 
are some useful flags that could be passed down like this one. If other useful 
behavioral flags emerged in the future I think they should get their own API 
similar to how I've done it here. However, the other flags available so far for 
epoll are not useful for the selector module: EPOLLONESHOT and EPOLLET are 
incompatible with the design of the selector API and EPOLLWAKEUP is only 
marginally useful, not even getting exported into the select module after 
nearly a decade (Linux 3.5 was released in 2012).

My API uses a getter/method instead of a read/write property because my 
understanding is that property access shouldn't raise exceptions, but if that 
doesn't matter here, it could be a read/write property.


First, this is a useful flag that improves performance of epoll under even 
moderate load. I was going to turn it on by default in this patch but 
unfortunately Linux prevents you from doing epoll_mod() on anything that has 
EPOLLEXCLUSIVE set on it, breaking the python-level API. With this patch if you 
try to modify() after EPOLLEXCLUSIVE is set you'll get an EINVAL but I think 
the trade-off here is worth it. You don't enable EPOLLEXCLUSIVE on accident and 
you're reading the manpage for EPOLLEXCLUSIVE where this exact behavior is 
mentioned before turning anything on, right? And of course the Python docs also 
warn you about modify().

Second, the thundering herd problem solved by EPOLLEXCLUSIVE is somewhat of a 
sore spot for Python's PR. In the past year two widely disseminated articles 
have brought up this issue. This PR isn't going to be a silver bullet however 
it can make a huge impact in gunicorn, the 3rd party library mentioned in both 
articles. Gunicorn is a popular WSGI web server and its gthread worker (not the 
default but the one most often used in production) directly uses the selector 
module from the standard library. Honestly, it's pretty cool that they were 
able to make such efficient use of a standard library module like this - how 
far we've come from the days of asynchat! There is nothing in gunicorn's 
threaded worker that calls modify() so there would be no API breakage there.

Gunicorn thundering herd articles:

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 399880
nosy: David.Gilman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: selector.EpollSelector: EPOLLEXCLUSIVE, round 2

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[issue22392] Clarify documentation of __getinitargs__

2014-09-11 Thread David Gilman

New submission from David Gilman:

Implementations of __getinitargs__ return a tuple of the positional arguments 
for __init__.   This wasn't initially apparent to me after reading the docs: I 
thought you were passing a tuple (args, kwargs) that would get called f(*args, 
**kwargs) and had to go to the pickle implementation to find out what you were 
supposed to do.

The proposed documentation enhancement: mention that you're just supposed to 
return a tuple of positional args and that it doesn't support kwargs.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 226795
nosy: David.Gilman, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Clarify documentation of __getinitargs__
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue18040] SIGINT catching regression on windows in 2.7

2013-05-30 Thread David Gilman

David Gilman added the comment:

So the original motivation here was to piggyback on SIGINT in order to do 
something like this on Windows: 

I've given Tim's patch a shot and I see that I've been barking up the wrong 
tree.  I agree that this one-liner is a kinda invasive change and probably 
isn't worth putting in a point release.  Thanks for the help.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue18040] SIGINT catching regression on windows in 2.7

2013-05-22 Thread David Gilman

New submission from David Gilman:

I opened this StackOverflow bug with an example simplified testcase.  As you 
can see in the first comment a user added that this code worked under Python 
2.6 on Windows and no longer works on 2.7.


Here's a patch that went into the 2.7 release that maybe is related? 

messages: 189843
nosy: David.Gilman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: SIGINT catching regression on windows in 2.7
versions: Python 2.7

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