[issue17305] IDNA2008 encoding is missing

2021-03-31 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson  added the comment:

why the downgrade from security to enhancement and critical to high?

this is a significant issue that can impact everything from phishing to TLS 
certificate domain validation and SNI.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31116] base85 z85 variant encoding

2020-02-15 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson  added the comment:

z85 avoids all of:

` \ " ' _ , ;

Backtick and semicolon increase the number of places that z85 can be used
without issue over b85. All of these might not be as big an issue in python
as in other tools/languages but interoperability would still be improved
through the addition of z85.

- Derek

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020, 09:18 Dobatymo  wrote:

> Dobatymo  added the comment:
> base64.b85encode does not use ", ' or \ as well.
> That's the _b85alphabet
> _b85alphabet = (b"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
> b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!#$%&()*+-;<=>?@^_`{|}~")
> --
> nosy: +Dobatymo
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue31116>
> ___


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[issue31116] base85 z85 variant encoding

2017-08-03 Thread Derek Wilson

New submission from Derek Wilson:

Issue #17618 introduced base85 options into the base64 module including b85 and 
a85/adobe variants.

There has since been introduced a variant that is easier to work with 
specifically as it avoids " ' \ characters which avoids quoting/escaping issues 
when working with base85 literals in python, json, xml, etc.


there is a reference implementation in c for which an extension could easily be 

alternately it would be very easy to add a _z85alphabet etc. to the base64 
module to mirror what has been done with a/b85.

1) is there any interest in this being in the language
2) if so do we want python impl or c extension around ref impl?

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 299724
nosy: underrun
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: base85 z85 variant encoding
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3982] support .format for bytes

2016-06-10 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

Gregory - I'm glad that you're willing to consider this again. It still is a 
constant issue for me, and .format with variable width fields in binary 
protocols is so the right tool for the job. If there is anything I can do to 
help get this added to 3.6 let me know. The forward/backward compatibility 
issue is secondary to me to the flexibility gained from having .format 
available for bytes.

Also padding with null bytes that don't get converted would be awesome.


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[issue18689] add argument for formatter to logging.Handler and subclasses in logging module

2015-11-11 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

> It's not an ideal world. Sorry, but I think this change is too invasive to 
> consider.

Obviously its not ideal, which is why my suggestion doesn't require intelligent 
3rd party libraries and is explicitly not invasive. As I said in my previous 
comment, using a keyword only argument means: "If [3rd party libraries] haven't 
[properly handled **kwargs] then nothing changes for them and they just support 
exactly the same features they supported previously."

The upshot is it is not invasive and no one needs to care unless they want to 
use the new functionality.

As far as this change being needed or not, nothing "needs" to be made easier to 
use if it is possible to use it. But that isn't really a good reason not to 
improve things.

I honestly think that part of the reason this hasn't come up is because the 
advanced features of logging are so difficult to use that people just don't use 
it to its fullest extent. On top of that, when learning python, logging is way 
harder to grok than it should be for someone new to python.

Logging and unittest are two of the most important libraries for new 
pythonistas to learn, but they are also some of the most nebulous, stateful, 
magical, java-like, complicated, verbose, and difficult to master packages in 

They've been around for a while for sure - but doesn't that rather mean that 
they could use an update?

I'm willing to submit a patch if it has the smallest chance of being considered?

versions: +Python 3.6 -Python 3.4

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3982] support .format for bytes

2014-07-25 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

sorry, terry's patch does handle padding - just with the caveats i listed 
later. i should have removed that bullet.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3982] support .format for bytes

2014-07-25 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

First off, +1 for this feature. It's not just for twisted, but anyone doing 
anything with binary data (storage, compression, encryption and networking for 
me) with python since 2.6 will very likely have been using .format for building 
messages. I know I have and obviously others have been doing so as well.

The advantages of .format to me are:

* compatible with 2.6 (porting and single code base support easier)
* ease of composition (the format langauge makes it easy to build complex data 
structures out of bytes)
* readability (named fields make complex formats obvious)
* consistency (manipulating a block of bytes or characters can be done in a 
similar way)

Specific comments on the patch supplied by terry.reedy:

* it doesn't support named fields
* it doesn't handle padding
* it doesn't handle nested formats (like 
* formatting byte strings with a width embedds the repr of the byte string ( 
bf(b'{:>10}', [b'test']) == b"   b'test'" )

Really this isn't a good way to solve the problem.

Has a PEP been created for this? If not how can I help make that happen?

Including this in 3.5 would be so helpful for us low level systems programmers 
out there who have lots of code using .format for binary interfaces in python 
2.6/2.7 already.

Also, not to add to derailment, but if we're adding a .format for python3 bytes 
it would be great if .format could pad with the null byte ('\0') which it 
currently converts to spaces internally (which is strange). Since this 
unexpected conversion is bad (so padding with null doesn't happen in python2) 
its more like a bug fix... actually - maybe that's a separate bug to file on 
the current .format for text...

nosy: +underrun

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21416] argparse should accept bytes arguments as originally passed

2014-05-02 Thread Derek Wilson

New submission from Derek Wilson:

If I create an argument parser like:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('somebytes', type=bytes, help='i want some bytes')

the parse_args() call will raise an exception printing usage info indicating 
that an "invalid bytes value" was passed if any of the bytes on the command 
line are >127.

if i'm specifying that i want bytes then i should expect that the argument 
should be interpreted as bytes and not text.

I get that #8776 was closed because it makes sense not to clutter up internals, 
but in this instance i am building a command line parser and telling it exactly 
what i expect. if the solution from #8776 of os.fsencode(sys.argv) will 
definitely always work then argparse should do this internally if i tell it i 
expect bytes on the command line.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 217761
nosy: underrun
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: argparse should accept bytes arguments as originally passed
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4, Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17305] IDNA2008 encoding missing

2014-04-23 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

It is worth noting that the do exist some domains that have been registered in 
the past that work with IDNA2003 but not IDNA2008.

There definitely needs to be IDNA2008 support, for my use case I need to 
attempt IDNA2008 and then fall back to IDNA2003.

When support for IDNA2008 is added, please retain support for IDNA2003.

I would say that ideally there would be a codec that could handle both - 
attempt to use IDNA2008 and on error fallback to idna2003. I realize this isn't 
"official" but it would certainly be useful.

nosy: +underrun

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20209] Deprecate PROTOCOL_SSLv2

2014-01-24 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

sslv2 should not be deprecated yet.

in the field of security research it is highly valuable to locate servers that 
are still using sslv2 because it is a security risk.

i'm fine with making it not used by default, but there is no reason to remove 
the capability from the language itself. thats way overkill.

once sslv2 is no longer in the wild i have no problem with deprecation but the 
fact is that there is still a strong reason to keep the capability around.

nosy: +underrun

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20016] make site.py Quitter call itself on repr

2013-12-18 Thread Derek Wilson

New submission from Derek Wilson:

calling exit() or quit() is actually very cumbersome especially as most other 
commandline tools that have a command interface allow you to exit or quit by 
typing exit or quit and not by calling a function.

if quitter's builtins are only available in the interactive interpreter this 
seems like it would be perfectly safe. now that we are looking at 3.x going 
forward, perhaps we can reopen this: http://bugs.python.org/issue8220

components: Extension Modules
files: quit_from_repr.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 206537
nosy: underrun
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: make site.py Quitter call itself on repr
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file33194/quit_from_repr.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8220] site.py's Quitter pollutes builtins with exit and quit for non-interactive use

2013-12-18 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

could this be reconsidered for 3.5+? most of the legacy code that you were 
worried about breaking would not port without tonnes of work anyway.

it would also be nice to modify quitter's repr actually exit (so you don't get 
that ridiculously annoying "Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit" message). 
but that would be dangerous to do if it were not available only in the 
interactive interpreter. while that is my motivation for wanting quitter out of 
the global namespace, i do understand that is a different ticket. which i will 
submit. :-)

nosy: +underrun
versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 2.5, Python 2.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18233] SSLSocket.getpeercertchain()

2013-12-09 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

I could really use this sooner than later... and sometimes having a 
full-featured (or even secure) interface is not what you want.

Consider zmap and masscan etc and ssl mapping (similar to what the EFF did a 
couple years back - https://www.eff.org/observatory - but with the full chain 
instead of just the cert). The desire here would be low level, low overhead, no 
validation on the fly: All you want is the cert chain.

There are plenty of research and security applications where a simple wrapper 
around OpenSSL that returns DER bytes would be desirable. Please reconsider 
this patch for inclusion in 3.4 ...

versions: +Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18616] enable more ssl socket options with get_server_certificate

2013-12-09 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

any thoughts on this? there's a lot of room for improvement in python ssl...

versions: +Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5715] listen socket close in SocketServer.ForkingMixIn.process_request()

2013-10-31 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

this would still be nice to have fixed ... any progress?

nosy: +underrun
versions: +Python 3.4, Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18679] include a codec to handle escaping only control characters but not any others

2013-10-04 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

Any update on this? Just so you can see what my work around is, I'll paste in 
the code I'm using. The major issue I have with this is that performance 
doesn't scale to large strings.

This is also a bytes-to-bytes or str-to-str encoding, because this is the type 
of operation that one plans to do with the data one has.

Having a full fledged streaming codec to handle this would be very helpful when 
writing applications that stream tab and newline separated utf-8 data over 

text_types = (str, )  

escape_tm = dict((k, repr(chr(k))[1:-1]) for k in range(32))  
escape_tm[0] = '\0'
escape_tm[7] = '\a'
escape_tm[8] = '\b'
escape_tm[11] = '\v'   
escape_tm[12] = '\f'   
escape_tm[ord('\\')] = ''

def escape_control(s):  
if isinstance(s, text_types):   
return s.translate(escape_tm)
return s.decode('utf-8', 
'surrogateescape').translate(escape_tm).encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')

def unescape_control(s):
if isinstance(s, text_types):   
return s.encode('latin1', 'backslashreplace').decode('unicode_escape')
return s.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape').encode('latin1', 
'backslashreplace').decode('unicode_escape').encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')


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[issue18689] add argument for formatter to logging.Handler and subclasses in logging module

2013-08-12 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

dictConfig and fileConfig are nice for static needs, but when I want to quickly 
enable a complex (but not complicated) logging flow I find it just as tedious 
as the current situation with the direct API.

> ... as at the very least every handler would need to be changed to 
> accommodate the new kwarg

Adding a keyword only argument to the base handler and the other handler 
classes is a nearly trivial change in terms of lines and complexity of the code.

> Also, this isn't going to work for third-party handlers which are out there 
> already, since they won't necessarily recognise a new kwarg.

I don't see that as a problem. If 3rd party handlers are intelligent then they 
will include **kargs in their __init__ and pass that forward to the 
initialization of their parent. If they haven't done so then nothing changes 
for them and they just support exactly the same features they supported 

status: pending -> open

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18679] include a codec to handle escaping only control characters but not any others

2013-08-08 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

> e.encode('latin1', 'backslashreplace').decode('unicode-escape')

this works, but still the quotes are backslash escaped. 

translate will do what i need for my use case, but it doesn't support streaming 
for larger chunks of data.

it is nice that there is a workaround but i do still think this is a valuable 
enough feature that there should be a builtin codec for it.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18689] add argument for formatter to logging.Handler and subclasses in logging module

2013-08-08 Thread Derek Wilson

New submission from Derek Wilson:

It is common when setting up a logger to create both a handler and a formatter. 
Nice format strings make logging better. Like this:

>>> fmt_string = "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-9s] %(name)s: %(message)s"

We would use it like so: 

>>> from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, Formatter
>>> logger = getLogger('mypackage.mymodule')
>>> handler = StreamHandler()
>>> formatter = Formatter(fmt_string)
>>> handler.setFormatter(formatter)
>>> logger.addHandler(handler)
>>> logger.warning('she called out a warning...')

But its nice to separate adding handlers from using loggers. so in mymodule I 
might do:

>>> logger = getLogger('mypackage.mymodule')
>>> logger.warning('do not pass go...')

and in whatever entry point cares about logging from mypackage (like a cli or 
another module importing my package that wants log data) I would do:

>>> base_logger = getLogger('mypackage')
>>> handler = StreamHandler()
>>> formatter = Formatter(fmt_string)
>>> handler.setFormatter(formatter)
>>> base_logger.addHandler(handler)

but usually, at this point, i don't care about this base_logger at all and i've 
got a bunch of refs to things i don't need anymore - the only purpose of all 
this code is to handle any logging that may be done elsewhere in the package.

If handlers allowed passing in a formatter into __init__, then we could reduce 
the above to something like this:

>>> getLogger('mypackage').addHandler(StreamHandler(

Using a kwarg would make it so we don't need to worry about existing argument 
order so that should be completely backward compatible.

It'd be extra friendly if Handler could introspect fmt and see if it is an 
instance str and if so create a Formatter in itself ... that way we could do:

>>> getLogger('mypackage').addHandler(StreamHandler(fmt=fmt_string))

This would reduce the barrier to entry to customizing logging functionality and 
might go a long way toward increasing effective use of the same.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 194706
nosy: underrun
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: add argument for formatter to logging.Handler and subclasses in logging 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18679] include a codec to handle escaping only control characters but not any others

2013-08-08 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

> ast.literal_eval("'%s'" % e)

this doesn't work if you use the wrong quote. without introspecting the data in 
e you can't reliably choose whether to use "'%s'" '"%s"' '"""%s"""' or 
"'''%s'''". which ones break (and break siliently) depend on the data.

> e.encode().decode('unicode-escape').encode('latin1').decode()

so ... encode the repr()[1:-1] string in utf-8 bytes, decode backslash escape 
sequences and individual bytes as if they are latin1, encode as latin1 (which 
is just byte for byte serialization), then decode the byte representation as if 
it is utf-8 encoded to recombine the characters that were broken with the 
'unicode-escape' decode earlier? 

this may work for my example, but this looks and feels very hacky for something 
that should be simple and straight forward. and again tools other than python 
will run into escaped quotes in the data which may cause problems.

> e.encode('latin1', 'backslashescape').decode('unicode-escape')

when i execute this i get a traceback

LookupError: unknown error handler name 'backslashescape'


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[issue18679] include a codec to handle escaping only control characters but not any others

2013-08-08 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

using repr(x)[1:-1] is not safe for my use case as i need this for encoding and 
decoding data. the "deserialization" of repr would be eval, and aside from the 
security issues with that, if I strip the quotes off I can't reliably eval the 
result and get back the original. On top of that, quote escape handling makes 
this non-portable to other languages/tools that do understand control character 
escapes. Consider:

>>> s = """Α""\t'''Ω"""
>>> print(s)
Α"" '''Ω
>>> e = repr(s)[1:-1]
>>> print(e)

how do i know what to quote e with before I eval it to get back the value? I 
can't even try all the quoting options and stop when i don't get a syntax error 
because more than one could work and give me a bad result:

>>> d = eval('"{}"'.format(e))
>>> d == s
>>> print(d)
Α   '''Ω

Aside from python not being able to handle the repr(x)[1:-1] case itself, the 
goal is to use output generated in common tools from cut to hadoop where tab is 
a field separator (aside: wouldn't adoption of ascii 0x1f as a common unit 
separator be great). Sometimes it is useful to separate newlines in data from a 
literal new line in formats (again like hadoop or unix utilities) that treat 
lines as records (and here again ascii 0x1e would have been a nice solution).

But we have to work with what we've got and there are many tools that care 
about tab separated fields and per line records. In these cases, the right tool 
for the interoperability job is a codec that simply backslash escapes control 
characters and nothing else.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18679] include a codec to handle escaping only control characters but not any others

2013-08-07 Thread Derek Wilson

New submission from Derek Wilson:

Escaping strings for serialization or display is a common problem. Currently, 
in python3, in order to escape a sting, you need to do this:


This would give you a string that was represented like this:


But this does not present a suitable representation when the string contains 
unicode characters. Consider this example:

s = 'Α\tΩ'

There is no method to write this string this with only the control character 

Even python itself recognizes this as a problem and implemented a "solution" 
for it.

>>> s = 'Α\tΩ'
>>> print(s)
Α   Ω
>>> print(repr(s))
>>> print(s.encode('unicode_escape').decode('ascii'))

What I want is public exposure of the functionality to represent control 
characters with their common \ escape sequences (or \x## for control characters 
where necessary - for instance unit and record separators).

I have numerous use cases for this and python's own str.__repr__ implementation 
shows that the functionality is valuable. I would bet that the majority of 
cases where people use unicode_escape something like a control_escape is more 
along the lines of what is desired.

And while we're at it, it would be great if this were a unicode->unicode codec 
like the rot_13 codec. My desired soluiton would look like this:

>>> import codecs
>>> s = 'Α\tΩ'
>>> e = codecs.encode(s, 'control_escape'))
>>> print(e)
>>> print(codecs.decode(e, 'control_escape'))
Α   Ω

If this is something that could be included in python 3.4, that would be 
awesome. I am willing to work on this if so.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 194625
nosy: underrun
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: include a codec to handle escaping only control characters but not any 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18616] enable more ssl socket options with get_server_certificate

2013-08-01 Thread Derek Wilson

New submission from Derek Wilson:

ssl.get_server_certificate does not allow advanced options like what ciphers to 
use (for ssl2 for instance) or SNI for virtual hosts with multiple ssl sites on 
one IP address.

Adding **kwargs enables any current and future SSLSocket options to be passed 
along to the underlying connection. wrap_socket doesn't include all the options 
(npn and sni for instance), so I use SSLSocket instead.

components: Extension Modules
files: ssl_get_server_certificate_kwargs.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194083
nosy: underrun
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: enable more ssl socket options with get_server_certificate
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4
Added file: 

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[issue18369] X509 cert class for ssl module

2013-07-30 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

actually, i suppose rather than change a bunch of existing functions/methods to 
handle X509 certs it would make more sense to add new methods to the X509 cert 
class (like match_hostname) so that old stuff doesn't break.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18369] X509 cert class for ssl module

2013-07-26 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

For ssl.match_hostname to work with this, you need to get the info dict first. 
I've attached at patch for it.

nosy: +underrun
Added file: 

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18546] ssl.get_server_certificate like addition for cert chain

2013-07-24 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

very cool - i had seen a couple of those patches and they look good. Most of 
what I asked for is implemented in supporting bits for those issues.

Is their anything you could use some help on? I'm very interested in seeing 
better ssl support in python.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18546] ssl.get_server_certificate like addition for cert chain

2013-07-24 Thread Derek Wilson

New submission from Derek Wilson:

the ssl.get_server_certificate function is very useful for just requesting a 
cert. It would also be very useful to have a parallel function, possibly 
ssl.get_server_cert_chain that does the same thing except but provides a tuple 
of PEM encoded certs comprising the chain provided by the peer.

It would also be very useful, given that we have the ability to collect certs 
and cert chains without validating them, to have a separate convenience method 
for validation of certs given a cert (or chain) and the file/path to trusted CA 
root certs.

This way we could collect a cert chain once and validate against different ca 
cert stores, or collect a set of cert chains and do batch validation.

oh, and I'd love to see the _ssl._decode_certificate function exposed so that 
we can get easily get python data structure from certs.

If any of this sounds useful I would be happy to submit patches.

components: Extension Modules
messages: 193654
nosy: underrun
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ssl.get_server_certificate like addition for cert chain
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18293] ssl.wrap_socket (cert_reqs=...), getpeercert, and unvalidated certificates

2013-07-22 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

Custom cert validation may make sense in edge cases, so this looks interesting.

But I got here looking to file a bug on the returning empty dict from 
SSLContext.getpeercert - I don't feel like that makes sense. Its not like a 
peer cert doesn't exist just because it doesn't pass verification. 

And I know I can get the binary DER cert, but then I need to figure out how to 
parse it myself? pyasn1 makes me cry. 

It would be really nice if we could get the decoded-into-dict peer cert even 
when verification fails or when CERT_NONE is set. If it isn't possible (or 
advisable) for getpeercert to return the dict, exposing cert decoder would be 
really useful.

Is this related enough to this request or should I file a separate issue?

nosy: +underrun

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18233] SSLSocket.getpeercertchain()

2013-07-20 Thread Derek Wilson

Changes by Derek Wilson :

nosy: +Derek.Wilson

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15468] Edit docs to hide hashlib.md5()

2012-07-30 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson added the comment:

Attached patch mentioning availability of md5 under FIPS compliance and the use 
of OpenSSL algorithms when available and altering the initial example to use 
sha1 instead of md5.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +Derek.Wilson
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file26609/issue15468.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6056] socket.setdefaulttimeout affecting multiprocessing Manager

2012-07-24 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson  added the comment:

Thanks, Jim, here is an updated patch. 

1) I feel like it is clearly not-a-feature. Currently 2.7 crashes if remote 
managers are used and socket.setdefaulttimeout is anything other than None. 
Crashing seems bad and all this does is keep multiprocessing connection sockets 
non-blocking even if a default timeout is specified (so it maintains current 
behavior rather than crashing).

2) This problem is still evident on 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3 beta 1. This patch is 
against the current dev tip as of a few days ago.

3) here it is!

4) I agree that setblocking is more clear. I made the change.

My test modifications cover the entire suite twice, once without a default 
timeout and once with. This may be excessive? I'm not sure where non-blocking 
sockets might pop up as an issue since there is C code that relies on blocking 
sockets and I haven't dug that deep.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file26497/mp6056fix.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6056] socket.setdefaulttimeout affecting multiprocessing Manager

2012-01-25 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson  added the comment:

Any chance this patch will be accepted (or at least reviewed) soon?

type: behavior -> crash
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6056] socket.setdefaulttimeout affecting multiprocessing Manager

2011-06-16 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson  added the comment:

I was wrong about exit behavior of a process that has put to a queue -- it 
seems to behave as expected. i had been playing with a proxy to a queue rather 
than a queue (to which, if you put, the process can exit right away because the 
actual put happens in the process that owns the queue).

I think this works as intended, but lmk. Also, I haven't really played with the 
tests that much, so that bit could use some review. It hasn't broken anything 
in any of my real world tests though.

Also, have I mentioned that the multiprocessing module is amazing? Cause it is. 
I sort of feel like antigravity == multiprocessing ...


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[issue6056] socket.setdefaulttimeout affecting multiprocessing Manager

2011-06-15 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson  added the comment:

While having multiprocessing use a timeout would be great, I didn't really have 
the time to fiddle with the c code.

Instead of using the socket timeout, I'm modifying all the sockets created by 
the socket module to have no timeout (and thus to be blocking) which makes the 
multiprocessing module 'immune' to the socket module's default timeout.

For testing, I just run the test suite twice, once with the initial default 
socket timeout and once with a 60 second timeout. Nothing there failed with 
this issue.

It is worth noting, however, that when using a default socket timeout, for some 
reason processes that have have put data into a queue no longer block at exit 
waiting for the data to be consumed. I'm not sure if there is some additional 
cleanup code that uses sockets and might need to block? Or maybe whatever the 
issue was with blocking sockets is not an issue with non-blocking sockets?

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file22376/mpsock.patch

Python tracker 
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[issue6056] socket.setdefaulttimeout affecting multiprocessing Manager

2011-06-07 Thread Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson  added the comment:

This should be higher priority as one of the major benefits of the 
multiprocessing module is remote process management in a completely transparent 
manner. socket timeouts are very important in this context as blocking forever 
waiting for a connection is not always an option. 

The problem of not being able to use a default socket timeout for other 
purposes in combination with multiprocessing managers is definitely an issue, 
but making multiprocessing actually use the timeout itself if set would be a 
huge advantage.

This might not be the place to ask for it, but it would make sense for manager 
objects to gain a timeout attribute to be used as a timeout for local or remote 
communications. At the very least, the manager.connect() method should accept a 
timeout argument.

nosy: +Derek.Wilson

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