[issue31085] Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically

2017-08-02 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

Not if one of the attributes is something that cannot be part of a typename:

>>> fields = ['def', '-']

>>> namedtuple ('test', fields, rename=True).__doc__

'test(_0, _1)'

>>> namedtuple ('__'.join (fields), fields, rename=True).__doc__

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 1, in 

line 339, in namedtuple

'alphanumeric characters and underscores: %r' % name)

ValueError: Type names and field names can only contain alphanumeric
characters and underscores: 'def_-'


Which I admit is a weird thing to be doing, but duplicating attribute names
or trying to use a keyword as an attribute name (or anything else that
requires rename=True) is also weird.

Also it's far from clear that the pre-renaming field names are what is
wanted in the auto-generated typename. If I was actually using attribute
names that required renaming I would want the auto-generated typename to
match the renamed attributes. The original fieldnames play no part in the
operation of the namedtuple class or its instances once it has been
created: only the renamed fieldnames even remain reachable from the
namedtuple object.

Anyway I think I'm probably out at this point. I think Python development
is not a good cultural fit for me, based on this discussion. Which is
weird, since I love working in Python. I even like the whitespace
indentation, although admittedly not quite as much as I thought I would
before I tried it. I hugely enjoy the expressiveness of the language
features, combined with the small but useful set of immediately-available
library functions, together with the multitude of importable standard
modules backing it all up. But I should have known when functools.compose
(which ought to be almost the first thing in any sort of "functional
programming" library) was rejected that I should stay away from attempting
to get involved in the enhancement side of things.


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[issue31085] Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically

2017-08-02 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

OK, so it's pretty clear this is heading towards a rejection, but I can't
help but respond to your points:

On 2 August 2017 at 01:12, Raymond Hettinger <rep...@bugs.python.org> wrote:

* This would be a potentially  confusing addition to the API.

I'm giving a natural meaning to providing a None where it is not permitted
now. The meaning is to provide a reasonable value for the missing
parameter. How could that be confusing? Also it's completely ignorable -
people don't have to pass None and get the auto-generated typename if they
don't want to.

> * It may also encourage bad practices that we don't want to see in real
> code.

What bad practices? There are lots of times when providing an explicit name
is a waste of effort. This provides a simple way of telling the library to
figure it out. Aren't there supposedly just two hard things in computer
science? Naming things, and cache invalidation. An opportunity to avoid
naming things that don't need to be specifically named is something worth

> * We want to be able to search for the namedtuple definition, want to have
> a meaningful repr, and want pickling to be easy.

You mean by searching for the typename in the source code? In my primary
usecase, the typename is computed regardless, so it doesn't appear in the
source code and can't be searched for. The other suggestion which appeared
at one point was passing "_" as the typename. This is going to be somewhat
challenging to search for also.

As to the meaningful repr, that is why I want auto-generation of the
typename. This is not for uses like this:

MyType = namedtuple ('MyType', ['a', 'b', 'c'])

It is for ones more like this:

rowtype = namedtuple (None, row_headings)

Or as it currently has to be:

rowtype = namedtuple ('rowtype', row_headings)

(leading to all the rowtypes being the same name, so less meaningful)


rowtype = namedtuple ('__'.join (row_headings), row_headings)

(which repeats the irrelevant-in-its-details computation wherever it is
needed and doesn't support rename=True, unless a more complicated
computation that duplicates code inside of namedtuple() is repeated)

Finally I'm not clear on how pickling is made more difficult by having
namedtuple() generate a typename. The created type still has a typename.
But I'm interested - this is the only point I don't think I understand.

* This doesn't have to be shoe-horned into the namedtuple API.  If an
> actual need did arise, it is trivial to write a wrapper that specifies
> whatever auto-naming logic happens to make sense for a particular
> application:
> >>> from collections import namedtuple
> >>> def auto_namedtuple(*attrnames, **kwargs):
> typename = '_'.join(attrnames)
> return namedtuple(typename, attrnames, **kwargs)
> >>> NT = auto_namedtuple('name', 'rank', 'serial')
> >>> print(NT.__doc__)
> name_rank_serial(name, rank, serial)

Your code will not work if rename=True is needed. I don't want to repeat
the rename logic as doing so is a code smell.

In short, I'm disappointed. I'm not surprised to make a suggestion, and
have people point out problems. For example, my original proposal ignored
the difficulties of creating the C implementation, and the issue of
circular imports, and I very much appreciated those criticisms. But I am
disappointed at the quality of the objections to these modified proposals.


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[issue31085] Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically

2017-08-02 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

On 1 August 2017 at 14:32, R. David Murray <rep...@bugs.python.org> wrote:

> R. David Murray added the comment:
> I wrote a "parameterized tests" extension for unittest, and it has the
> option of autogenerating the test name from the parameter names and
> values.  I've never used that feature, and I am considering ripping it out
> before I release the package, to simplify the code.  If I do I might
> replace it with a hook for generating the test name so that the user can
> choose their own auto-naming scheme.
> Perhaps that would be an option here: a hook for generating the name, that
> would be called where you want your None processing to be?  That would not
> be simpler than your proposal, but it would be more general (satisfy more
> use cases) and might be worth the cost.  On the other hand, other
> developers might not like the API bloat ;)

It's August, not April. Raymond Hettinger is accusing my proposed API of
being potentially confusing, while you're suggesting providing a hook? All
I want is the option of telling namedtuple() to make up its own typename,
for situations where there should be one but I don't want to provide it.

Having said that, if people really think a hook like this is worth doing,
I'll implement it. But I agree that it seems excessively complicated. Let's
see if auto-generation is useful first, then if somebody wants a different
auto-generation, provide the capability.


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[issue31085] Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically

2017-08-01 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

First, another note I would like to point out: this is much nicer to write
within namedtuple than as a wrapper function because it is trivial to use
the existing rename logic when needed, as seen in the diff I provided. I
suppose I could write a wrapper which calls namedtuple and then changes the
class name after creation but that just feels icky. The only other
alternatives would be to duplicate the rename logic or have the wrapper not
work with rename.

By way of response to R. David Murray: Every use case, of everything, is
specialized. Another way of thinking of what I'm suggesting is that I would
like to make providing a typename optional, and have the library do its
best based on the other information provided in the call to namedtuple.
This pretty well has to mean mashing the fieldnames together in some way
because no other information about the contents of the namedtuple is
provided. So I think this is a very natural feature: what else could it
possibly mean to pass None for the typename?

If for a particular application some other more meaningful auto-generated
name is needed, that could still be provided to namedtuple(). For example,
an ORM that uses the underlying table name.

In response to other suggestions, I don't see how one can prefer "_" all
over the place in debugging output to a string that identifies the
fieldnames involved. Or really, just the option of having a string that
identifies the fieldnames: I'm not forcing anyone to stop passing '_'.

To INADA Naoki: thanks for pointing that out. I agree that in the subclass
case it no longer matters what typename is used for the namedtuple itself.
But isn't that a good reason to allow skipping the parameter, or (since you
can't just skip positional parameters) passing an explicit None?

On 1 August 2017 at 11:02, R. David Murray <rep...@bugs.python.org> wrote:

> R. David Murray added the comment:
> I think the "vaguely" pretty much says it, and you are the at least the
> first person who has *requested* it :)
> This is one of those cost-versus-benefit calculations.  It is a
> specialized use case, and in other specialized use cases the "automatically
> generated" name that makes the most sense is likely to be something
> different than an amalgamation of the field names.
> So I vote -0.5.  I don't think even the small complication of the existing
> code is worth it, but I'm not strongly opposed.
> --
> nosy: +r.david.murray
> ___
> Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue31085>
> ___


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[issue31086] Add namedattrgetter function which acts like attrgetter but uses namedtuple

2017-07-31 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

Maybe the issue is that I work with SQL constantly.  In SQL, if I say "SELECT 
a, b, c FROM t" and table t has columns a, b, c, d, e, f, I can still select a, 
b, and c from the result.  So to me it is natural that getting a bunch of 
attributes returns something (row or object, depending on the context), where 
the attributes are still labelled.

I understand why this was rejected as a universal change to attrgetter - in 
particular, I didn't re-evaluate the appropriateness of the change once I 
realized that attrgetter has a C implementation - but I don't understand why 
this isn't considered a natural option to provide.

Using rename=True is just a way of having it not blow up if an attribute name 
requiring renaming is supplied.  I agree that actually using such an attribute 
requires either guessing the name generated by the rename logic in namedtuple 
or using numeric indexing.  If namedtuple didn't have rename=True then I 
wouldn't try to re-implement it but since it does I figure it's worth typing ", 
rename=True" once - it's hardly going to hurt anything.

Finally as to use cases, I agree that if the only thing one is doing is sorting 
it doesn't matter.  But with groupby it can be very useful.  Say I have an 
iterator providing objects with fields (heading_id, heading_text, item_id, 
item_text).  I want to display each heading, followed by its items.

So, I groupby attrgetter ('heading_id', 'heading_text'), and write a loop 
something like this:

for heading, items in groupby (source, attrgetter ('heading_id', 
# display heading
# refer to heading.heading_id and heading.heading_text
for item in items:
# display item
# refer to item.item_id and item.item_text

Except I can't, because heading doesn't have attribute names.  If I replace 
attrgetter with namedattrgetter then I'm fine.  How would you write this?  In 
the past I've used items[0] but that is (a) ugly and (b) requires "items = 
list(items)" which is just noise.

I feel like depending on what is being done with map and filter you could have 
a similar situation where you want to refer to the specific fields of the tuple 
coming back from the function returned by attrgetter.


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[issue31085] Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically

2017-07-31 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

I want a meaningful name to appear in debugging output generated by repr() or 
str(), not just _ all over the place.  I just don't want to specifically come 
up with the meaningful name myself.

Right now I pass in the same generated name ('__'.join (field_names)) to the 
constructor, but this means I need to repeat that logic in any other similar 
application, and I would have to put in special handling if any of my attribute 
names required renaming.

I would rather be explicit that I'm not providing a specific name.  With your 
'_' suggestion it looks like a magic value - why '_'?  By specifying None, it's 
obvious at the call point that I'm explicitly declining to provide a name, and 
then the code generates a semi-meaningful name automatically.

Also, please note that I moved the place where typename is assigned to after 
the part where it handles the rename stuff, so the generated names 
automatically incorporate a suitable default and remain valid identifiers.

I'm having trouble seeing the downside here.  I'm adding one "is None" check 
and one line of code to the existing procedure.  I can't believe I'm the only 
person who has wanted to skip making up a type name but still wanted something 
vaguely meaningful in debug output.


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[issue31086] Add namedattrgetter function which acts like attrgetter but uses namedtuple

2017-07-30 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

Here is the diff.  Note that I assume implementation of #31085, which allows me 
to push determination of a name for the namedtuple down into namedtuple itself:

diff --git a/Lib/collections/__init__.py b/Lib/collections/__init__.py
index 62cf708..d507d23 100644
--- a/Lib/collections/__init__.py
+++ b/Lib/collections/__init__.py
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ list, set, and tuple.
-__all__ = ['deque', 'defaultdict', 'namedtuple', 'UserDict', 'UserList',
+__all__ = ['deque', 'defaultdict', 'namedtuple', 'namedattrgetter',
+'UserDict', 'UserList',
 'UserString', 'Counter', 'OrderedDict', 'ChainMap']
 # For backwards compatibility, continue to make the collections ABCs
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ from _collections_abc import *
 import _collections_abc
 __all__ += _collections_abc.__all__
-from operator import itemgetter as _itemgetter, eq as _eq
+from operator import itemgetter as _itemgetter, attrgetter as _attrgetter, eq 
as _eq
 from keyword import iskeyword as _iskeyword
 import sys as _sys
 import heapq as _heapq
@@ -451,6 +452,14 @@ def namedtuple(typename, field_names, *, verbose=False, 
rename=False, module=Non
 return result
+def namedattrgetter (attr, *attrs):
+ag = _attrgetter (attr, *attrs)
+if attrs:
+nt = namedtuple (None, (attr,) + attrs, rename=True)
+return lambda obj: nt._make (ag (obj))
+return ag
 ###  Counter


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[issue31086] Add namedattrgetter function which acts like attrgetter but uses namedtuple

2017-07-30 Thread Isaac Morland

New submission from Isaac Morland:

This is meant to replace my proposal in #30020 to change attrgetter to use 
namedtuple.  By creating a new function implemented in Python, I avoid making 
changes to the existing attrgetter, which means that both the need of 
implementing a C version and the risk of changing the performance or other 
characteristics of the existing function are eliminated.

My suggestion is to put this in the collections module next to namedtuple.  
This eliminates the circular import problem and is a natural fit as it is an 
application of namedtuple.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 299534
nosy: Isaac Morland
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add namedattrgetter function which acts like attrgetter but uses 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
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[issue31085] Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically

2017-07-30 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

I'm hoping to make a pull request but while I figure that out here is the diff:

diff --git a/Lib/collections/__init__.py b/Lib/collections/__init__.py
index 8408255..62cf708 100644
--- a/Lib/collections/__init__.py
+++ b/Lib/collections/__init__.py
@@ -384,7 +384,6 @@ def namedtuple(typename, field_names, *, verbose=False, 
rename=False, module=Non
 if isinstance(field_names, str):
 field_names = field_names.replace(',', ' ').split()
 field_names = list(map(str, field_names))
-typename = str(typename)
 if rename:
 seen = set()
 for index, name in enumerate(field_names):
@@ -394,6 +393,10 @@ def namedtuple(typename, field_names, *, verbose=False, 
rename=False, module=Non
 or name in seen):
 field_names[index] = '_%d' % index
+if typename is None:
+typename = '__'.join (field_names)
+typename = str(typename)
 for name in [typename] + field_names:
 if type(name) is not str:
 raise TypeError('Type names and field names must be strings')


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[issue31085] Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically

2017-07-30 Thread Isaac Morland

New submission from Isaac Morland:

I would like to have the possibility of creating a namedtuple type without 
explicitly giving it a name.  I see two major use cases for this:

1) Automatic creation of namedtuples for things like CSV files with headers 
(see #1818) or SQL results (see #13299).  In this case at the point of calling 
namedtuple I have column headings (or otherwise automatically-determined 
attribute names), but there probably isn't a specific class name that makes 
sense to use.

2) Subclassing from a namedtuple invocation; I obviously need to name my 
subclass, but the name passed to the namedtuple invocation is essentially 

My idea is to allow giving None for the typename parameter of namedtuple, like 

class MyCustomBehaviourNamedtuple (namedtuple (None, ['a', 'b'])):

In this case namedtuple will generate a name based on the field names.

This should be backward compatible because right now passing None raises a 
TypeError.  So there is no change if a non-None typename is passed, and an 
exception is replaced by computing a default typename if None is passed.

Patch to follow.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 299532
nosy: Isaac Morland
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add option for namedtuple to name its result type automatically
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue30020] Make attrgetter use namedtuple

2017-04-08 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

What are the "other issues"?

As to the issue you raise here, that's why I use rename=True.

First create a type with an underscore attribute:

>>> t = namedtuple ('t', ['a', '1234'], rename=True)

(just an easy way of creating such a type; used of namedtuple specifically is 
admittedly a bit of a red herring)

Now create an object and illustrate its attributes:

>>> tt = t ('c', 'd')
>>> tt.a
>>> tt._1

Now use my modified attrgetter to get the attributes as a namedtuple:

>>> attrgetter ('a', '_1') (tt)
attrgetter(a='c', _1='d')

And the example from the help, used in the test file I've already attached, 
illustrates that the dotted attribute case also works.

Essentially, my patch provides no benefit for attrgetter specified attributes 
that aren't valid namedtuple attribute names, but because of rename=True it 
still works and doesn't break anything.  So if you give "a" as an attribute 
name, the output will have an "a" attribute; if you give "_b" as an attribute 
name, the output will have an "_1" (or whatever number) attribute.  Similarly, 
it doesn't help with dotted attributes, but it doesn't hurt either.


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[issue30020] Make attrgetter use namedtuple

2017-04-08 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

I've attached a file which illustrates what I'm proposing to happen with the 
examples from the help.  Note that attrgetter (attr) is not affected, only 
attrgetter (*attrs) for more than one attribute.  The idea is that tuples 
resulting from attrgetter functions will retain the attribute names from the 
original object.  In some work I have done recently this would have been very 
handy with groupby.

I had some initial confusion because changing the Python attrgetter 
implementation didn't make any difference.  Once I realized I needed to turn 
off import of the C implementation, I figured the rest out fairly quickly.  
Here is the diff:

diff --git a/Lib/operator.py b/Lib/operator.py
index 0e2e53e..9b2a8fa 100644
--- a/Lib/operator.py
+++ b/Lib/operator.py
@@ -247,8 +247,12 @@ class attrgetter:
 self._attrs = (attr,) + attrs
 getters = tuple(map(attrgetter, self._attrs))
+from collections import namedtuple
+nt = namedtuple ('attrgetter', self._attrs, rename=True)
 def func(obj):
-return tuple(getter(obj) for getter in getters)
+return nt._make (getter(obj) for getter in getters)
 self._call = func
 def __call__(self, obj):
@@ -409,7 +413,7 @@ def ixor(a, b):
-from _operator import *
 except ImportError:

There are some issues that still need to be addressed.  The biggest is that 
I've turned off the C implementation.  I assume that we'll need a C 
implementation the new version.  In addition to this:

1) I just call the namedtuple type "attrgetter".  I'm thinking something 
obtained by mashing together the field names or something similar might be more 
appropriate.  However, I would prefer not to repeat the logic within namedtuple 
that deals with field names that aren't identifiers.  So I'm wondering if maybe 
I should also modify namedtuple to allow None as the type name, in which case 
it would use an appropriate default type name based on the field names.

2) I import from collections inside the function.  It didn't seem to work at 
the top-level, I'm guessing because I'm in the library and collections isn't 
ready when operator is initialized.  This may be fine I just point it out as 
something on which I could use advice.

I'm hoping this provides enough detail for people to understand what I'm 
proposing and evaluate whether this is a desireable enhancement.  If so, I'll 
dig into the C implementation next, although I may need assistance with that.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46791/test_attrgetter.py

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[issue30020] Make attrgetter use namedtuple

2017-04-07 Thread Isaac Morland

New submission from Isaac Morland:

I would find it useful if the tuples returned by attrgetter functions were 
namedtuples.  An initial look at the code for attrgetter suggests that this 
would be an easy change and should make little difference to performance.  
Giving a namedtuple where previously a tuple was returned seems unlikely to 
trigger bugs in existing code so I propose to simply change attrgetter rather 
than providing a parameter to specify whether or not to use the new behaviour.

Patch will be forthcoming but comments appreciated.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 291314
nosy: Isaac Morland
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Make attrgetter use namedtuple
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue9299] os.mkdir() and os.makedirs() add a keyword argument to suppress File exists exception.

2010-07-19 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland ijmor...@uwaterloo.ca added the comment:

This exact issue has already been discussed in Issue 1675.

nosy: +ijmorlan

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[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2010-07-19 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland ijmor...@uwaterloo.ca added the comment:

This is again being discussed in Issue 9299.


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[issue9299] os.mkdir() and os.makedirs() add a keyword argument to suppress File exists exception.

2010-07-19 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland ijmor...@uwaterloo.ca added the comment:

How different is this issue from Issue 1608579, Issue 1239890, Issue 1223238, 
and Issue 1314067?


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[issue3485] os.path.normcase documentation/behaviour unclear on Mac OS X

2008-08-01 Thread Isaac Morland

New submission from Isaac Morland [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

$ python
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 15 2008, 22:57:26) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from os.path import normcase
 normcase ('aB')

From http://docs.python.org/lib/module-os.path.html:  On Unix, this
returns the path unchanged; on case-insensitive filesystems, it converts
the path to lowercase.  Of course, Mac OS X is both Unix and
case-insensitive, which is a rather bizarre combination, but that's it
is.  Where is the item for make all file systems case-sensitive, put
the case-insensitivity in the user interface?

components: Macintosh
messages: 70571
nosy: ijmorlan
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.path.normcase documentation/behaviour unclear on Mac OS X
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[issue3485] os.path.normcase documentation/behaviour unclear on Mac OS X

2008-08-01 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Ok, good point.  Perhaps the documentation should be updated to clarify
that Mac OS is treated as Unix even though a default Mac OS X
installation will have a case-insensitive file system.  Wouldn't it be
possible for a Windows machine to have a case-sensitive file system
similarly?  Or is it more built-in that the file system on a Windows
box will be case-insensitive?

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[issue2269] Problem reporting non-keyword arg after keyword arg syntax error

2008-03-10 Thread Isaac Morland

New submission from Isaac Morland [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

$ cat bug_fine.py 
if True:
max (a='a', 'b')
#elif True:
#   pass
$ python bug_fine.py 
  File bug_fine.py, line 2
max (a='a', 'b')
SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
$ cat bug_show.py 
if True:
max (a='a', 'b')
elif True:
$ python bug_show.py 
Exception exceptions.SyntaxError: ('non-keyword arg after keyword arg',
2) in 'garbage collection' ignored
Fatal Python error: unexpected exception during garbage collection
Abort trap

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 63448
nosy: ijmorlan
severity: normal
status: open
title: Problem reporting non-keyword arg after keyword arg syntax error
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.5

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2269] Problem reporting non-keyword arg after keyword arg syntax error

2008-03-10 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I should add that the full version information is:

Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Aug 15 2007, 11:38:03) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin

Also, in my actual code (a much larger file, in a project using ll.xist
and other libraries), the error manifests differently:  I get
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable on startup the first time it
loads, then it appears to run subsequent times, but behaves bizarrely. 
Specifically, *none* of the branches of the if statement run (verified
by putting a nonsense symbol after the if statement, and at the
beginning and end of each branch of the if statement; the no such
symbol error concerns the one *after* the if statement).  On neither
run is the non-keyword arg after keyword arg reported.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2007-12-21 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

Attached is an svn diff against the trunk.  I was looking at os.py from
Python 2.5 not the trunk, and it appears that an attempt at fixing the
race condition has already been put into os.py, but I don't believe it's

The attached patch renames the existing mkdir to _mkdir, and creates a
new mkdir with an additional excl parameter to select
error-if-already-exists or not.  It defaults to the current behaviour. 
Similarly, makedirs gets the same extra parameter which is passed down
to mkdir.

By simply using the new versions as before, one obtains the old
behaviour unchanged except that the race condition is corrected.  By
using excl=False one gets the new behaviour.

I have updated the documentation also but I don't really know what I'm
doing there so my use of the rst format may not be right.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9022/patch.txt

__Index: Doc/library/os.rst
--- Doc/library/os.rst  (revision 59590)
+++ Doc/library/os.rst  (working copy)
@@ -1007,17 +1007,20 @@
.. versionadded:: 2.3
-.. function:: mkdir(path[, mode])
+.. function:: mkdir(path[, mode[, excl=True]])
Create a directory named *path* with numeric mode *mode*. The default 
*mode* is
``0777`` (octal).  On some systems, *mode* is ignored.  Where it is used, 
current umask value is first masked out. Availability: Macintosh, Unix, 
+   By default, if the directory already exists, :exc:`OSError` is thrown.  If 
excl is
+   False, it is not an error for the directory to exist already.
It is also possible to create temporary directories; see the
:mod:`tempfile` module's :func:`tempfile.mkdtemp` function.
-.. function:: makedirs(path[, mode])
+.. function:: makedirs(path[, mode[, excl=True]])
.. index::
   single: directory; creating
@@ -1029,6 +1032,10 @@
created.  The default *mode* is ``0777`` (octal).  On some systems, *mode* 
ignored. Where it is used, the current umask value is first masked out.
+   By default, if the directory already exists, :exc:`OSError` is thrown.  If
+   excl is False, it is not an error for the directory to exist already.  It
+   is never an error for ancestor directories to exist already.
.. note::
   :func:`makedirs` will become confused if the path elements to create 
Index: Lib/os.py
--- Lib/os.py   (revision 59590)
+++ Lib/os.py   (working copy)
@@ -146,29 +146,39 @@
 # Super directory utilities.
 # (Inspired by Eric Raymond; the doc strings are mostly his)
+_mkdir = mkdir
-def makedirs(name, mode=0777):
-makedirs(path [, mode=0777])
+def mkdir(name, mode=0777, excl=True):
+mkdir(path [, mode=0777 [, excl=True]])
+Create the named directory in the indicated mode.  By default, if the
+directory already exists, OSError is thrown.  If excl is False, it is
+not an error for the directory to exist already.
+_mkdir(name, mode)
+except OSError, e:
+if excl or not (e.errno == errno.EEXIST and path.isdir (name)):
+def makedirs(name, mode=0777, excl=True):
+makedirs(path [, mode=0777 [, excl=True]])
 Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones.
 Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not
 just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist.  This is
+recursive.  By default, if the directory already exists, OSError is
+thrown.  If excl is False, it is not an error for the directory to exist
+already.  It is never an error for ancestor directories to exist already.
 head, tail = path.split(name)
 if not tail:
 head, tail = path.split(head)
 if head and tail and not path.exists(head):
-makedirs(head, mode)
-except OSError, e:
-# be happy if someone already created the path
-if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+makedirs(head, mode, excl=False)
 if tail == curdir:   # xxx/newdir/. exists if xxx/newdir exists
-mkdir(name, mode)
+mkdir(name, mode, excl)
 def removedirs(name):
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2007-12-21 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

I should add that the new parameter is called excl by analogy with the
O_EXCL option to os.open().

Also, I'm not absolutely certain about the test for which exceptions
should be ignored when excl == False:

e.errno == errno.EEXIST and path.isdir (name)

This will not work if errno is set to something other than EEXIST when
mkdir fails due to the directory already existing.  The above works on
my system but I can't be certain that all mkdir implementations report

It should be safe to drop the errno check altogether, and I'm starting
to think that we should; at present it's really just an optimization to
avoid using .isdir, but only in what should be rather uncommon
circumstances.  I think the smell of premature optimization may be
hard to ignore.

So the if statement would be:

if excl or not path.isdir (name):

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1432] Strange behavior of urlparse.urljoin

2007-12-21 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

RFC 1808 has been obsoleted by RFC 3986:


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1432] Strange behavior of urlparse.urljoin

2007-12-21 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

Issue 1637, Issue 1779700, and Issue 1462525 also relate to this problem.

nosy: +ijmorlan

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2007-12-20 Thread Isaac Morland

New submission from Isaac Morland:

There appears to be a race condition in os.makedirs.  Suppose two
processes simultaneously try to create two different directories with a
common non-existent ancestor.  For example process 1 tries to create
a/b and process 2 tries to create a/c.  They both check that a
does not exist, then both invoke makedirs on a.  One of these will
throw OSError (due to the underlying EEXIST system error), and this
exception will be propagated.  Note that this happens even though the
two processes are trying to create two different directories and so one
would not expect either to report a problem with the directory already

messages: 58919
nosy: ijmorlan
severity: minor
status: open
title: Race condition in os.makedirs
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2007-12-20 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

The only thing I found in the bug database concerning os.makedirs was
Issue 766910 (http://bugs.python.org/issue766910).  I realized
os.makedirs had a race condition because in my application I want to
create directories but it's perfectly fine if they already exist.  This
is exactly what trace.py in Issue 766910 seems to need.

I started writing my own, which was basically just os.makedirs but
calling my own version of os.mkdir which didn't worry about
already-existing directories, but realized that wouldn't work. 
Eventually I ended up with the routines I've put in the attached

I think os.makedirs can be fixed by making what is now its recursive
call instead call my version of makedirs.  I also think both my mkdir
and my makedirs should be present in the standard library as well as the
existing versions.  Possibly this could be done by adding a flag to the
existing versions, defaulted to obtain the current behaviour.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue766910] fix one or two bugs in trace.py

2007-12-20 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

I would suggest that the need to create directories that may already
exist (really ensure existence of directories) is not exclusive to
trace.py.  I am suggesting this be added as an option to os.mkdir and
os.makedirs.  See Issue 1675.

nosy: +ijmorlan


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2007-12-20 Thread Isaac Morland

Changes by Isaac Morland:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9016/makedirs.py

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1675] Race condition in os.makedirs

2007-12-20 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

Yes, I'm really combining two things here - the race condition, which I
argue is a (minor) bug, and a feature request to be able to ensure
exists a directory.

I have not produced a proper Python patch before and I have other things
to do so this will take longer than one might hope, but I would be happy
to create a patch.  Note too that the file I uploaded is from my
project; I will attempt to make the patch be more appropriate for the
standard library than an extract from my project.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1462525] URI parsing library

2007-10-29 Thread Isaac Morland

Isaac Morland added the comment:

This is probably overkill, but I've created a Python script (attached)
that runs all the tests given in Section 5.4 of RFC 3986.  It reports
the following:

failed for ?y: got http://a/b/c/?y, expected http://a/b/c/d;p?y
failed for ../../../g: got http://a/../g, expected http://a/g
failed for ../../../../g: got http://a/../../g, expected http://a/g
failed for /./g: got http://a/./g, expected http://a/g
failed for /../g: got http://a/../g, expected http://a/g
failed for http:g: got http://a/b/c/g, expected http:g

The last of these is sanctioned by the RFC as acceptable for backward
compatibility, so I'll ignore that.  The remainder suggest that in
addition to the query-relative bug, there is a problem with not reducing
/./ to just /, and with dropping excess occurrences of .. that
would go above the root.  On the other hand, these additional issues are
listed in the RFC as abnormal so I'm not sure if people are going to
want to put in the time to address them.

nosy: +ijmorlan
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file8651/testurlparse.py


Description: Binary data
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