[issue43796] "install" package on PyPI

2021-04-09 Thread Jared Ondricek

New submission from Jared Ondricek :

I recently accidentally typed "pip install pip install " and it installed a package called "install" that has 1 star on GitHub. 
It is also in use by 2.3k repositories according to the GitHub dependency graph 
view. I don't think it's malicious, but it does seem a bit sketchy. I just know 
this sort of thing has been in the news lately, and maybe this is that sort of 
thing that ought to be looked at by someone smarter than me about security 

The way Perl deals with this specific issue is by using a specific dummy module 
so no one can do this on accident.

Is this worth the time to discuss? Or am I just being paranoid about a third 
party library called install?

PyPI entry: https://pypi.org/project/install/
GitHub page: https://github.com/eugenekolo/pip-install
GitHub projects that depend on it: 
Perl dummy install module: https://metacpan.org/pod/install

messages: 390647
nosy: flamableconcrete
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: "install" package on PyPI
type: security

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[issue43620] os.path.join does not use os.sep as documentation claims

2021-03-26 Thread Jared Sutton

Jared Sutton  added the comment:

Thank you for understanding my position, Fred. I submitted a draft PR (25025) 
for this bug.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43620] os.path.join does not use os.sep as documentation claims

2021-03-26 Thread Jared Sutton

Change by Jared Sutton :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23775
stage: needs patch -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/25025

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43620] os.path.join does not use os.sep as documentation claims

2021-03-25 Thread Jared Sutton

Jared Sutton  added the comment:

> Perhaps Jared was expecting that modifying os.sep would affect the functions 
> in os.path?

This is precisely what I thought, because the documentation makes it sound like 
that variable named os.sep is read and used as the path delimiter when 
constructing something with join(). In fact, that variable isn't read *at all* 
because the path separator is hard-coded in both posixpath.py and ntpath.py. 
Since os.sep isn't used, I see no reason why it should be referenced in the 
documentation at all.

I'm not trying to be pedantic here (though we nerds are famous for that :) ), 
but what I see here is a disagreement between what is documented and what 
actually exists in the implementation. Yes the *value* of os.sep happens to be 
the same as the one hard-coded into either ntpath or posixpath, but since that 
variable is not referenced in the implementation, its presence in the doc only 
serves to confuse people who take the documentation at face value and then get 
an unexpected result.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43620] os.path.join does not use os.sep as documentation claims

2021-03-25 Thread Jared Sutton

Jared Sutton  added the comment:

I can understand your suggestion to just utilize the posixpath library on 
Windows if needed. That's a reasonable work-around. But certainly you can see 
this is a doc bug, since the doc clearly states that os.sep is utilized to join 
the elements of the path, when it clearly isn't; right?

components:  -Library (Lib)

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43620] os.path.join does not use os.sep as documentation claims

2021-03-24 Thread Jared Sutton

New submission from Jared Sutton :

The behavior of os.path.join() does not match the documentation, in regards to 
the use of os.sep.  From the docs:

The return value is the concatenation of path and any members of *paths with 
exactly one directory separator (os.sep) following each non-empty part except 
the last, meaning that the result will only end in a separator if the last part 
is empty.

The documentation clearly states that the function uses the value of os.sep 
(which differs based on platform).  However, if you review the 2 
implementations (ntpath.py and posixpath.py), the separator character used is 
clearly hard-coded and doesn't reference os.sep at all.

One could say that this is either a doc bug or an implementation bug, depending 
on what the intended behavior is. I submit that this is an implementation bug, 
as one might want to use os.path.join() to construct a path to be used on a 
platform other than the one currently running the application. For example, a 
person might be running Python on Windows, but calling a web API and 
constructing a path for use on a remote posix system.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Library (Lib)
messages: 389489
nosy: docs@python, jpsutton
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.path.join does not use os.sep as documentation claims
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue34257] SSL should accept cert content, instead of just cert file path

2018-07-28 Thread Jared

Jared  added the comment:

Also [PEP 543](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0543/) is related to this. 
In addition, I think [PyOpenSSL](https://pyopenssl.org/en/stable/index.html) 
provides support for what you want.

nosy: +j-rewerts

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34258] Python shell keeps restarting

2018-07-28 Thread Jared

Jared  added the comment:

First off, no judgment! :)

I just want to get some more details from you. 
1) How are you running your program?
2) How far into your program do you get?
3) What are you passing in as values for your Input() calls?

nosy: +j-rewerts

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34266] Bad behavior with "restart \" or "restart "" in pdb

2018-07-28 Thread Jared

Jared  added the comment:


Is it possible to start a python program with either \ or " as arguments 
normally (without using character escaping)?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34266] Bad behavior with "restart \" or "restart "" in pdb

2018-07-28 Thread Jared

Jared  added the comment:

Would it be possible to escape both of those?

For the first one, restart "\\"

and for the second one, restart "\""


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34266] Bad behavior with "restart \" in pdb

2018-07-28 Thread Jared

Jared  added the comment:

I wouldn't mind taking a look at this. Feel free to assign it to me!

nosy: +j-rewerts

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32752] no information about accessing typing.Generic type arguments

2018-07-23 Thread Jared Deckard

Jared Deckard  added the comment:

typing_inspect is now filled with python version checks for 3.7. The 
implementation got significantly more complex when differentiating generics at 

3.6 was undocumented, but the OO API was intuitive:

>>> T = typing.Union[int, float]
>>> assert T.__class__ == typing.Union
>>> assert T.__args__ == (int, float)

3.7 is less convenient and less consistent:

>>> T = typing.Union[int, float]
>>> assert T.__class__ == typing._GenericAlias
>>> assert T.__origin__ == typing.Union
>>> L = typing.List[int]
>>> assert L.__class__ == typing._GenericAlias
>>> assert L.__origin__ == list

nosy: +Jared Deckard

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22401] argparse: 'resolve' conflict handler damages the actions of the parent parser

2016-03-24 Thread Jared Deckard

Jared Deckard added the comment:

That is correct. (Thank you for whipping up a repro script from my description).

I appreciate the work around, but it is nearly as verbose as manually 
duplicating the parameters on the child and I would have to type up a large 
comment block to educate future developers on the hack.

Is there some documentation I am missing or is the "resolve" conflict handler 

> The parents= argument takes a list of ArgumentParser objects, collects all 
> the positional and optional actions from them, and adds these actions to the 
> ArgumentParser object being constructed.

It would be nice if the "error" conflict handler ignored conflicts when the 
actions are identical.

It should be expected that the "resolve" conflict handler would not modify the 
parents. It is exhibiting undocumented and undesirable side effect, which 
indicates to me that it is a bug not a missing feature.

As for the patch, I'm not sure why you would ever want "action_copy" to be 
False. It seems like creating copies to insulate the originals ignores the 
underlying issue that these parents are being mutated when the operation 
implies a union of properties with no side effects.

I don't think the fix for this should be behind an optional flag, I think the 
fix is to update "resolve" to take into consideration multiple parents like the 
custom conflict handler in your sample.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22401] argparse: 'resolve' conflict handler damages the actions of the parent parser

2016-03-24 Thread Jared Deckard

Jared Deckard added the comment:

Adding back components and version data I unintentionally removed in 

components: +Documentation, Tests
versions: +Python 3.5

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
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[issue22401] argparse: 'resolve' conflict handler damages the actions of the parent parser

2016-03-23 Thread Jared Deckard

Jared Deckard added the comment:

This behavior is preventing me from using more than one parent parser.

My use case is a convenience subcommand that performs two existing subcommands, 
therefore logically its subparser is required to support the arguments of both 

The only conflict is the "help" argument, which is annoying, but setting the 
conflict handler to "resolve" on the child subparser should just ignore the 
first parent's "help" argument in favor of the second parent.

Instead the "resolve" conflict handler breaks the first parent and causes it to 
output the help info no matter what arguments are given to it.

I am forced to only include one parent and manually duplicate the arguments for 
any additional parents.

components:  -Documentation, Tests
nosy: +deckar01
versions: +Python 2.7 -Python 3.5

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25174] Backspace Escape Character at End of String

2015-09-18 Thread Jared Bevis

New submission from Jared Bevis:

I'm a new python learner but I noticed inconsistent behavior of the backspace 
character when used in strings.  I'm running 2.7.10.  Whenever the backspace 
character '\b' is at the very end of a string, nothing happens, but if it is in 
the middle of string it behaves as expected.  

For example:
print "12345" + '\b'

print "12345" + '\b' + '6'
>>> 12346

components: Regular Expressions
messages: 251049
nosy: Jared Bevis, ezio.melotti, mrabarnett
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Backspace Escape Character at End of String
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue16990] re: match of nongreedy regex not grouping right

2013-01-17 Thread Jared Grubb

New submission from Jared Grubb:

re.match matches, but the capture groups are empty. That's not possible.

Python 2.7.2 (default, Oct 11 2012, 20:14:37) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.0 (tags/Apple/clang-418.0.60)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import re
 re.match('.*', 'stuff').group()  # greedy matches and captures; cool.
 re.match('.*?', 'stuff').group() # nongreedy matches (cool) but doesnt 
 capture (huh?)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 180162
nosy: jaredgrubb
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: re: match of nongreedy regex not grouping right
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue16990] re: match of nongreedy regex not grouping right

2013-01-17 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb added the comment:

 re.match('.*', '')
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x107c6d308
 re.match('.*?', '')
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x107c6d370


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[issue16990] re: match of nongreedy regex not grouping right

2013-01-17 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb added the comment:

You're right. My mistake. I thought match meant the full string must match, 
but in Python it means the beginning must match.

Sorry for the noise.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9670] Exceed Recursion Limit in Thread

2010-08-24 Thread Jared Lang

New submission from Jared Lang jsl...@mail.ucf.edu:

Recursion within a thread on OSX can result in a crash by exceeding the systems 
recursion limit.  Recursion behaves as expected if not in thread, meaning it 
throws a RunTimeError with the message maximum recursion depth exceeded.

The crash is able to be avoided if the recursion limit is set to a lower 
number, ie. 800, via sys.setrecursionlimit.

Example program which crashes on OSX:

 def f():
... return f()
 import threading
 thread = threading.Thread(target=f)
Bus error

Alternatively, the following works as expected:

 import sys
 def f():
... return f()
 import threading
 thread = threading.Thread(target=f)

 Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
 line 484, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File stdin, line 2, in f
  File stdin, line 2, in f
  File stdin, line 2, in f
  File stdin, line 2, in f
  File stdin, line 2, in f
  File stdin, line 2, in f

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

assignee: ronaldoussoren
components: Macintosh
messages: 114787
nosy: jaredlang, ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Exceed Recursion Limit in Thread
type: crash
versions: Python 2.6

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[issue7432] Py3k doc: from __future__ import division not necessary

2009-12-03 Thread Jared Grubb

New submission from Jared Grubb pyt...@jaredgrubb.com:

In the Python 3.1 docs for the 'dis' module, the following appears:
( http://docs.python.org/3.1/library/dis.html )

Implements TOS = TOS1 / TOS when from __future__ import division is
in effect.

There is always true in 3k, correct? The when clause should be removed.

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 95950
nosy: georg.brandl, jaredgrubb
severity: normal
status: open
title: Py3k doc: from __future__ import division not necessary
versions: Python 3.1

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[issue7432] Py3k doc: from __future__ import division not necessary

2009-12-03 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb pyt...@jaredgrubb.com added the comment:

Ditto on a few dozen lines later:

Implements in-place TOS = TOS1 / TOS when from __future__ import
division is in effect.


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[issue7343] What's new in 3.0 says % operator will be deprecated in 3.1

2009-11-17 Thread Jared Grubb

New submission from Jared Grubb pyt...@jaredgrubb.com:

The existing text:

A new system for built-in string formatting operations replaces the %
string formatting operator. (However, the % operator is still supported;
it will be deprecated in Python 3.1 and removed from the language at
some later time.) Read PEP 3101 for the full scoop.

Python 3.1 did not deprecate the % operator, right? Is it appropriate to
edit the 3.0 docs to reflect that?

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 95411
nosy: georg.brandl, jaredgrubb
severity: normal
status: open
title: What's new in 3.0 says % operator will be deprecated in 3.1
versions: Python 3.0

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[issue1580] Use shorter float repr when possible

2009-04-07 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb pyt...@jaredgrubb.com added the comment:

I think ANY attempt to rely on eval(repr(x))==x is asking for trouble,
and it should probably be removed from the docs.

Example: The following C code can vary *even* on a IEEE 754 platform,
even in two places in the same source file (so same compile options),
even in the same 5 lines of code recompiled after changing code that
does even not touch/read 'x' or 'y':

double x, y;
x = 3.0/7.0;
y = x;
/* ... code that doesnt touch/read x or y ... */
printf( x==y: %s, (x==y) ? true : false);

So, how can we hope that eval(repr(x))==x is EVER stable? Equality and
floating point should raise the hairs on the back of everyone's neck...

(Code above based on
http://docs.sun.com/source/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html in section
Current IEEE 754 Implementations, along with a great explanation on
why this is true. The code example is a little different, but the same
concept applies.)

nosy: +jaredgrubb

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[issue1580] Use shorter float repr when possible

2009-04-07 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb pyt...@jaredgrubb.com added the comment:

The process that you describe in msg85741 is a way of ensuring
memcmp(x, y, sizeof(x))==0, and it's portable and safe and is the
Right Thing that we all want and expect. But that's not x==y, as that
Sun paper explains. It's close, but not technically accurate, as the
implication arrow only goes one way (just as x=1/y implies xy=1 in
algebra, but not the other way around)

I'd be interested to see if you could say that the Python object
model/bytecode interpretation enforces a certain quauntum of operations
that actually does imply eval(repr(x))==x; but I suspect it's
unprovable, and it's fragile as Python grows to have more support in
CLI/LLVM/JVM backends. 

My pedantic mind would strip any and all references to floating-point
equality out of the docs, as it's dangerous and insidiously misleading,
even in obvious cases. But, I'll stop now :) (FYI: I've enjoyed the
~100 messages here.. Great stuff!)


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[issue5349] abstractmethod vs C++ pure virtual

2009-02-22 Thread Jared Grubb

New submission from Jared Grubb pyt...@jaredgrubb.com:

On page library/abc.html documenting abc.abstractmethod, the following
text about C++ is placed in a note:

Note: Unlike C++’s pure virtual functions, or Java abstract methods,
these abstract methods may have an implementation. This implementation
can be called via the super() mechanism from the class that overrides
it. This could be useful as an end-point for a super-call in a framework
that uses cooperative multiple-inheritance.

This is not an accurate description of C++'s pure virtual functions.
Pure virtual functions CAN have an implementation, which can be called
from derived classes; this makes them behave just like Python's

struct Abstract {
   virtual void foo() = 0;
void Abstract::foo() {
   std::cout  pure virtual function called;
struct Derived : public Abstract {
   virtual void foo() { 
   Abstract::foo(); // call the abstract impl

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 82618
nosy: georg.brandl, jaredgrubb
severity: normal
status: open
title: abstractmethod vs C++ pure virtual
versions: Python 2.6

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[issue4130] Intel icc 9.1 does not support __int128_t used by ctypes

2008-10-16 Thread jared jennings

jared jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

According to §7.1.3 of the C99 standard, the name __int128_t is reserved
for implementation-specific use because it starts with an underscore. So
if gcc defines this type and icc does not, that is not a bug in icc; and
if Python uses this type, it will only certainly build using gcc. I
doubt such a dependency was intended, because it is not documented, and
no error was thrown when the autoconf script detected that a compiler
other than GCC was being used.

C99 standard: http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG14/www/docs/n1124.pdf

Exact-width integer types (e.g. int64_t) are documented in § of
the above.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4130] Intel icc 9.1 does not support __int128_t used by ctypes

2008-10-15 Thread jared jennings

New submission from jared jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

If the Intel 9.1 compilers are used to compile Python 2.6, the following
compiler error results:

error: identifier __int128_t is undefined
__int128_t sse[MAX_SSE_REGS];

Forum thread regarding lack of support for __int128_t in icc:

Intel C++ Compiler 10.1 for Linux, Intrinsic Reference:

The Intrinsic Reference details (pp. 2-4) the __m128 type supported by
the Intel compiler, and restrictions on its use. (Note that the compiler
used was 9.1 but the documentation is from 10.1.)

assignee: theller
components: ctypes
messages: 74813
nosy: jared.jennings, theller
severity: normal
status: open
title: Intel icc 9.1 does not support __int128_t used by ctypes
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.6

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2182] tokenize: does not allow CR for a newline

2008-04-08 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Yes, but exec(string) also gives a syntax error for \r\n:

exec('x=1\r\nprint x') 

The only explanation I could find for ONLY permitting \n as newlines in
 exec(string) comes from PEP278: There is no support for universal
newlines in strings passed to eval() or exec. It is envisioned that such
strings always have the standard \n line feed, if the strings come from
a file that file can be read with universal newlines. (This is why my
original example had to be exec(file) and not just a simple exec(string))

Of the 3 newline types, exec(*) allows 1 or all 3 as the case may be,
and tokenize allows exactly 2 of them. I honestly am not sure what the
right way is (or should be), but either way, the tokenize module is
not consistent with exec.

(By the way, if you're curious why I filed this issue and Issue#2180,
I'm working on the PyPy project to help improve its current Python
lexer/parser. In order to ensure that it is correct and robust, I was
experimenting with corner cases in Python syntax and I found these cases
where tokenize disagrees with exec.)

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2182] tokenize: does not allow CR for a newline

2008-04-08 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I actually hadnt thought of that. PyPy should actually use universal
newlines to its advantage; after all, it IS written in Python... Thanks
for the suggestion!

In any case, I wanted to get this bug about the standard library in your
record, in case you wanted to handle it. It is fairly innocuous, so I'll
let it go. Take care.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2182] tokenize: does not allow CR for a newline

2008-04-07 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

This is not a report on a bug in exec(), but rather a bug in the
tokenize module -- the behavior between the CPython tokenizer and the
tokenize module is not consistent. If you look in the tokenize.py
source, it contains code to recognize both \n and \r\n as newlines, but
it ignores the possibility that \r could be the line ending character
(as the Python reference says).

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2273] test_decimal: possible thread lockup in test case

2008-03-11 Thread Jared Grubb

New submission from Jared Grubb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

In Lib\test\test_decimal.py, attached is a bugfix for two bugs:
1) If the thfunc2 actually fails, then its thread will throw an
exception and never set the Events that thfunc1 is waiting for; thus,
thfunc1 never returns, causing the whole unittest to hang.
2) DecimalUseOfContextTest.test_threading should wait on both finish1
and finish2 (instead of waiting on finish1 twice).

components: Library (Lib)
files: test_decimal.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 63463
nosy: jaredgrubb
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_decimal: possible thread lockup in test case
type: crash
versions: Python 2.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9656/test_decimal.patch

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2273] test_decimal: possible thread lockup in test case

2008-03-11 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I ran into this bug because I created a context manager in one of my own
projects, and the regression tests in test_decimal looked like a good
start for my own regression tests... when some recent changes broke MY
code, I found the test bug too and realized that the test_decimal file
had the same problem. So, I figured I'd share the wealth :)

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2180] tokenize: mishandles line joining

2008-02-24 Thread Jared Grubb

Changes by Jared Grubb:

components: Extension Modules
nosy: jaredgrubb
severity: minor
status: open
title: tokenize: mishandles line joining
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2180] tokenize: mishandles line joining

2008-02-24 Thread Jared Grubb

New submission from Jared Grubb:

tokenize does not handle line joining properly, as the following string
fails the CPython tokenizer but passes the tokenize module.

Example 1:
 s = if 1:\n  \\\n  #hey\n  print 1
 exec s
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File string, line 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

1,3-1,4:NUMBER  '1'
1,4-1,5:OP  ':'
1,5-1,6:NEWLINE '\n'
2,0-2,2:INDENT  '  '
3,2-3,6:COMMENT '#hey'
3,6-3,7:NEWLINE '\n'
4,8-4,9:NUMBER  '1'
5,0-5,0:DEDENT  ''
5,0-5,0:ENDMARKER   ''

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2182] tokenize: does not allow CR for a newline

2008-02-24 Thread Jared Grubb

New submission from Jared Grubb:

tokenize recognizes '\n' and '\r\n' as newlines, but does not tolerate '\r':

 s = print 1\nprint 2\r\nprint 3\r
1,6-1,7:NUMBER  '1'
1,7-1,8:NEWLINE '\n'
2,6-2,7:NUMBER  '2'
2,7-2,9:NEWLINE '\r\n'
3,6-3,7:NUMBER  '3'
3,7-3,8:ERRORTOKEN  '\r'
4,0-4,0:ENDMARKER   ''

components: Extension Modules
messages: 62959
nosy: jaredgrubb
severity: minor
status: open
title: tokenize: does not allow CR for a newline
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue2180] tokenize: mishandles line joining

2008-02-24 Thread Jared Grubb

Jared Grubb added the comment:

CPython allows \ at EOF, but tokenize does not.

 s = 'print 1\\\n'
 exec s
1,6-1,7:NUMBER  '1'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
line 153, in tokenize
tokenize_loop(readline, tokeneater)
line 159, in tokenize_loop
for token_info in generate_tokens(readline):
line 283, in generate_tokens
raise TokenError, (EOF in multi-line statement, (lnum, 0))
tokenize.TokenError: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (2, 0))

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