[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2017-07-14 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Thanks for analysing further, Terry. My original goal was a drop-in replacement 
for an aspect of IDLE I found quite annoying (on Windows).

Unfortunately, my limited playing with tkinter didn't inspire me to go beyond 


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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-10-20 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Is #24781 likely to make it into Python 3.6? Otherwise, would this patch be of 
any benefit in the meantime?


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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-15 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

I wasn't sure if the ongoing work in #24781 essentially rendered my patch 
obsolete, so I keenly await Mark's response.

Upon reflection, I think my patch is a cheap win even if it's later overhauled 
by other improvements.

status: closed -> open

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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-14 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Ah, I've noticed the folly of my ways. This sort of stuff is already being 
managed with patches filed under various other issues. It just wasn't obvious 
to me as I wasn't seeing many new improvements in the default branch or much 
communication on IDLE-dev.

resolution:  -> duplicate
status: open -> closed

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[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

This is no longer a problem for me and I can't reproduce why it was even a 
problem in the first place.

status: open -> closed

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[issue21417] Compression level for zipfile

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

I thought about that, but:

1. compresslevel=None might make look like no compression was being done at all
2. The current default is not 9 for all backends


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[issue21417] Compression level for zipfile

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Would compresslevel be a suitable argument? All the backend compressors accept 
values from 1 to 9 if I'm not mistaken.

nosy: +jfoo

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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Changes by Justin Foo <jcjf1...@gmail.com>:

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44097/issue27755.patch

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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

New submission from Justin Foo:

One aspect of the IDLE interface that looks extremely old is the the dropdown 
menu. In the patch, I think I've preserved whatever essential functionality 
DynOptionMenu used to have, but I'm relatively unfamiliar with Tk so I'm not 

assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 272609
nosy: jfoo, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2014-09-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

The failing tests were:

* test_complex_symlinks_absolute
* test_complex_symlinks_relative
* test_complex_symlinks_relative_dot_dot

for both PathTest and WindowsPathTest, via inheritance from the _BasePathTest 


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[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2014-09-12 Thread Justin Foo

New submission from Justin Foo:

The _check_complex_symlinks function compares paths for string equality instead 
of using the assertSame helper function. Patch attached.

components: Tests
messages: 226828
nosy: jfoo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2014-09-12 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

The _check_complex_symlinks function compares stringified paths for string 
equality instead of using the assertSame helper method. Patch attached.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36609/issue22395.patch

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[issue7511] msvc9compiler.py: ValueError when trying to compile with VC Express

2014-02-25 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

I think getting this bug fixed would be really nice from a user experience 
point of view.

I've further into this for my own setup, which is Python 3.3 64-bit, Visual C++ 
Express 2010 and the Windows SDK v7.1 (plus service packs), which is probably a 
typical setup for a user looking to build Python extensions without paying for 
a compiler. Here's what I've noticed, apart from the fact that msvccompiler9.py 
is a mess.

query_vcvarsall executes vcvarsall.bat amd64  set. The first part, trying to 
delegate to another batch file that doesn't exist, will fail. So no environment 
variables will be set, but the PATH environment variable always exists, hence 
ValueError: ['path'].

The DISTUTILS_USE_SDK environment variable is useless, even leaving aside the 
fact that MsSdk also needs to be defined. The idea is that distutils will trust 
that the user has set the appropriate environment variables (e.g. SetEnv.Cmd 
/Release). However, successful compilation of 64-bit extensions won't rely on 
this variable at all:

1. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk defined, SetEnv not called: cl.exe and friends 
can't be resolved and nothing works.

2. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk defined, SetEnv called: cl.exe and friends can be 
resolved and everything works.

3. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk undefined, SetEnv not called: vcvarsall.bat amd64 
will fail and we end up with ValueError: ['path'] as above.

4. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk undefined, SetEnv called: in query_vcvarsall, 
vcvarsall.bat amd64 still fails, but it doesn't matter at this point, because 
the environment variables INCLUDE, LIB, LIBPATH and PATH will exist, so parsing 
vcvarsall.bat amd64  set works. This doesn't guarantee linking with the 
correct bitness, but one would hope so :)

I believe SetEnv.Cmd can be found using 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\WinSDKTools 
or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft 

versions: +Python 3.4

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[issue20301] Correct docs for default access argument for DeleteKeyEx

2014-01-19 Thread Justin Foo

New submission from Justin Foo:

The default access for winreg.DeleteKeyEx is winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY (as per the 
function signature). This the documentation for Python 2.7 has this correct.

Reference: http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/2e32462e4832/PC/winreg.c#l1089

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: winreg.DeleteKeyEx.docs.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 208462
nosy: docs@python, jfoo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Correct docs for default access argument for DeleteKeyEx
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file33544/winreg.DeleteKeyEx.docs.patch

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[issue7511] msvc9compiler.py: ValueError when trying to compile with VC Express

2013-12-10 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

The speedups extension for MarkupSafe (which has a pure Python fallback) on 
Python 3.3.3 64-bit was happily compiled with `pip install markupsafe` after 
applying Steve's patch and Li Wah's definition for KEY_BASE.

nosy: +jfoo

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