[issue44921] dict subclassing is slow

2021-08-19 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Since probably Monica are taking her holidays, I try to decipher her answer.

Probably, the more problematic function spotted by Monica is update_one_slot. I 
re-quote her sentence:

update_one_slot looks for the parent implementation by trying to find the 
generated wrapper methods through an MRO search.

dict doesn't have generated wrappers for sq_contains and mp_subscript, because 
it provides explicit __contains__ and __getitem__ implementations.

Instead of inheriting sq_contains and mp_subscript, update_one_slot ends up 
giving the subclass sq_contains and mp_subscript implementations that perform 
an MRO search for __contains__ and __getitem__ and call those. This is much 
less efficient than inheriting the C slots directly.

The solution for Monica is to change the behaviour of update_one_slot for these 
cases (no wrappers, C slots directly).

I don't know the implications of this change...


Python tracker 
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[issue44921] dict subclassing is slow

2021-08-17 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

 I not finished my phrase. I'm sure that if there's a way to turn lemons 
into lemonade, she is **MUCH** more skilled than me to find one.


Python tracker 
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[issue44921] dict subclassing is slow

2021-08-17 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Since my knowledge of this is very poor, I informed Monica about the issue. I'm 
quite sure that if there's a way to turn lemons into lemonade :)


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[issue44921] dict subclassing is slow

2021-08-15 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I asked on SO why subclassing dict makes the subclass much slower in some 
operations. This is the answer by Monica 

Indexing and in are slower in dict subclasses because of a bad interaction 
between a dict optimization and the logic subclasses use to inherit C slots. 
This should be fixable, though not from your end.

The CPython implementation has two sets of hooks for operator overloads. There 
are Python-level methods like __contains__ and __getitem__, but there's also a 
separate set of slots for C function pointers in the memory layout of a type 
object. Usually, either the Python method will be a wrapper around the C 
implementation, or the C slot will contain a function that searches for and 
calls the Python method. It's more efficient for the C slot to implement the 
operation directly, as the C slot is what Python actually accesses.

Mappings written in C implement the C slots sq_contains and mp_subscript to 
provide in and indexing. Ordinarily, the Python-level __contains__ and 
__getitem__ methods would be automatically generated as wrappers around the C 
functions, but the dict class has explicit implementations of __contains__ and 
__getitem__, because the explicit implementations 
(https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/v3.8.1/Objects/dictobject.c) are a bit 
faster than the generated wrappers:

static PyMethodDef mapp_methods[] = {
{"__getitem__", (PyCFunction)(void(*)(void))dict_subscript,METH_O | 

(Actually, the explicit __getitem__ implementation is the same function as the 
mp_subscript implementation, just with a different kind of wrapper.)

Ordinarily, a subclass would inherit its parent's implementations of C-level 
hooks like sq_contains and mp_subscript, and the subclass would be just as fast 
as the superclass. However, the logic in update_one_slot 
looks for the parent implementation by trying to find the generated wrapper 
methods through an MRO search.

dict doesn't have generated wrappers for sq_contains and mp_subscript, because 
it provides explicit __contains__ and __getitem__ implementations.

Instead of inheriting sq_contains and mp_subscript, update_one_slot ends up 
giving the subclass sq_contains and mp_subscript implementations that perform 
an MRO search for __contains__ and __getitem__ and call those. This is much 
less efficient than inheriting the C slots directly.

Fixing this will require changes to the update_one_slot implementation.

Aside from what I described above, dict_subscript also looks up __missing__ for 
dict subclasses, so fixing the slot inheritance issue won't make subclasses 
completely on par with dict itself for lookup speed, but it should get them a 
lot closer.

As for pickling, on the dumps side, the pickle implementation has a dedicated 
fast path 
(https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/v3.8.1/Modules/_pickle.c#L4291) for 
dicts, while the dict subclass takes a more roundabout path through 
object.__reduce_ex__ and save_reduce.

On the loads side, the time difference is mostly just from the extra opcodes 
and lookups to retrieve and instantiate the __main__.A class, while dicts have 
a dedicated pickle opcode for making a new dict. If we compare the disassembly 
for the pickles:

In [26]: pickletools.dis(pickle.dumps({0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}))  

0: \x80 PROTO  4
2: \x95 FRAME  25
   11: }EMPTY_DICT
   12: \x94 MEMOIZE(as 0)
   13: (MARK
   14: KBININT10
   16: KBININT10
   18: KBININT11
   20: KBININT11
   22: KBININT12
   24: KBININT12
   26: KBININT13
   28: KBININT13
   30: KBININT14
   32: KBININT14
   34: uSETITEMS   (MARK at 13)
   35: .STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 4

In [27]: pickletools.dis(pickle.dumps(A({0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4})))   

0: \x80 PROTO  4
2: \x95 FRAME  43
   11: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE '__main__'
   21: \x94 MEMOIZE(as 0)
   22: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'A'
   25: \x94 MEMOIZE(as 1)
   26: \x93 STACK_GLOBAL
   27: \x94 MEMOIZE(as 2)
   29: \x81 NEWOBJ
   30: \x94 MEMOIZE(as 3)
   31: (MARK
   32: KBININT10
   34: KBININT10
   36: KBININT11
   38: KBININT11
   40: KBININT12
   42: KBININT12
   44: KBININT13
   46: KBININT1

[issue39940] Micro-optimizations to PySequence_Tuple()

2021-08-05 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Close it, I have no time now :-(

resolution:  -> later
stage:  -> resolved
status: pending -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36964] `python3 -m venv NAME`: virtualenv is not portable

2020-12-02 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

The PR will probably be rejected... you can do something like this:

1. in the venv on our machine, do `pip freeze`. This gives you the whole list 
of installed dependencies
2. download all the packages using `pip download`
3. copy all the packages on the cloud, create the venv and install them using 
`pip install $PATH_TO_PACKAGE`


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[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-11-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I did PGO+LTO... --enable-optimizations --with-lto


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-10-31 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Well, actually Serhiy is right, it does not seem that the macro benchs did show 
something significant. Maybe the code can be used in other parts of CPython, 
for example in _pickle, where dicts are loaded. But it needs also to expose, 
maybe internally only, dictresize() and DICT_NEXT_VERSION(). Not sure it's 
something desirable.

There's something that I do not understand: the speedup to unpack_sequence. I 
checked the pyperformance code, and it's a microbench for:

a, b = some_sequence

It should *not* be affected by the change. Anyway, I run the bench other 10 
times, and the lowest value with the CPython code without the PR is not lower 
than 67.7 ns. With the PR, it reaches 53.5 ns. And I do not understand why. 
Maybe it affects the creation of the dicts with the local and global vars?


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[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-10-30 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Well, following your example, since split dicts seems to be no more supported, 
I decided to be more drastic. If you see the last push in PR 22346, I do not 
check anymore but always resize, so the dict is always combined. This seems to 
be especially good for the "unpack_sequence" bench, even if I do not know what 
it is:

| chaos   | 132 ms   | 136 ms | 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-18.09) |
| crypto_pyaes| 136 ms   | 141 ms | 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-11.60) |
| float   | 133 ms   | 137 ms | 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-16.94) |
| go  | 276 ms   | 282 ms | 1.02x slower | 
Significant (t=-11.58) |
| logging_format  | 12.3 us  | 12.6 us| 1.02x slower | 
Significant (t=-9.75)  |
| logging_silent  | 194 ns   | 203 ns | 1.05x slower | 
Significant (t=-9.00)  |
| logging_simple  | 11.3 us  | 11.6 us| 1.02x slower | 
Significant (t=-12.56) |
| mako| 16.5 ms  | 17.4 ms| 1.05x slower | 
Significant (t=-17.34) |
| meteor_contest  | 116 ms   | 120 ms | 1.04x slower | 
Significant (t=-25.59) |
| nbody   | 158 ms   | 166 ms | 1.05x slower | 
Significant (t=-12.73) |
| nqueens | 107 ms   | 111 ms | 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-11.39) |
| pickle_pure_python  | 631 us   | 619 us | 1.02x faster | 
Significant (t=6.28)   |
| regex_compile   | 206 ms   | 214 ms | 1.04x slower | 
Significant (t=-24.24) |
| regex_v8| 28.4 ms  | 26.7 ms| 1.06x faster | 
Significant (t=10.92)  |
| richards| 87.8 ms  | 90.3 ms| 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-10.91) |
| scimark_lu  | 165 ms   | 162 ms | 1.02x faster | 
Significant (t=4.55)   |
| scimark_sor | 210 ms   | 215 ms | 1.02x slower | 
Significant (t=-10.14) |
| scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 6.45 ms  | 6.64 ms| 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-6.66)  |
| spectral_norm   | 158 ms   | 171 ms | 1.08x slower | 
Significant (t=-29.11) |
| sympy_expand| 599 ms   | 619 ms | 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-21.93) |
| sympy_str   | 376 ms   | 389 ms | 1.04x slower | 
Significant (t=-23.80) |
| sympy_sum   | 233 ms   | 239 ms | 1.02x slower | 
Significant (t=-14.70) |
| telco   | 7.40 ms  | 7.61 ms| 1.03x slower | 
Significant (t=-10.08) |
| unpack_sequence | 70.0 ns  | 56.1 ns| 1.25x faster | 
Significant (t=10.62)  |
| xml_etree_generate  | 108 ms   | 106 ms | 1.02x faster | 
Significant (t=5.52)   |
| xml_etree_iterparse | 133 ms   | 130 ms | 1.02x faster | 
Significant (t=11.33)  |
| xml_etree_parse | 208 ms   | 204 ms | 1.02x faster | 
Significant (t=9.19)   |


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[issue42141] Speedup various dict inits

2020-10-25 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Well, after a second thought I think you're right, there's no significant 
advantage and too much duplicated code.

stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42141] Speedup various dict inits

2020-10-25 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

The fact is that, IMHO, PGO will "false" the results, since it's quite 
improbable that in the test battery there's a test of creation of a dict from 
another dict with an hole. It seems to me that the comparison between the 
normal builds are more significant.


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[issue42141] Speedup various dict inits

2020-10-25 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Note that this time I've no slowdown in the macro bench, since I used normal 
builds, not optimized ones. I suppose an optimized build will show slowdown 
because the new functions are not in the test battery.


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[issue42141] Speedup various dict inits

2020-10-25 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I'm quite sure I not invented the wheel :) but I think it's a good improvement:

| pathlib | 35.8 ms  | 35.1 ms| 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=13.21) |
| scimark_monte_carlo | 176 ms   | 172 ms | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=9.48)  |
| scimark_sor | 332 ms   | 325 ms | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=11.96) |
| telco   | 11.0 ms  | 10.8 ms| 1.03x 
faster | Significant (t=8.52)  |
| unpickle_pure_python| 525 us   | 514 us | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=19.97) |
| xml_etree_process   | 132 ms   | 129 ms | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=17.59) |

components: +Interpreter Core
type:  -> performance
versions: +Python 3.10

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[issue42141] Speedup various dict inits

2020-10-24 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

The PR #22948 is an augmented version of #22346. It speeds up also the creation 

1. dicts from other dicts that are not "perfect" (combined and without holes)
2. fromkeys
3. copies of dicts with many holes
4. dict from keywords, as in #22346

A sample bench:

python -m pyperf timeit --rigorous "dict(o)" -s """
from uuid import uuid4

def getUuid():
return str(uuid4())

o = {getUuid():getUuid() for i in range(1000)}
delkey = getUuid()
o[delkey] = getUuid()
del o[delkey]

Before #22948:
Mean +- std dev: 35.9 us +- 0.6 us

Mean +- std dev: 26.4 us +- 0.4 us

messages: 379540
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
pull_requests: 21865
severity: normal
status: open
title: Speedup various dict inits

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-10-24 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I commented out sqlalchemy in the requirements.txt in the pyperformance source 
code, and it worked. I had also to skip tornado:

pyperformance run -r 
-b,-sqlalchemy_declarative,-sqlalchemy_imperative,-tornado_http -o 

This is my result:

pyperformance compare perf_master.json perf_dict_init.json -O table | grep 
| 2to3| 356 ms   | 348 ms  | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=7.28)   |
| fannkuch| 485 ms   | 468 ms  | 1.04x 
faster | Significant (t=9.68)   |
| pathlib | 22.5 ms  | 22.1 ms | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=13.02)  |
| pickle_dict | 29.0 us  | 30.3 us | 1.05x 
slower | Significant (t=-92.36) |
| pickle_list | 4.55 us  | 4.64 us | 1.02x 
slower | Significant (t=-10.87) |
| pyflate | 735 ms   | 702 ms  | 1.05x 
faster | Significant (t=6.67)   |
| regex_compile   | 197 ms   | 193 ms  | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=2.81)   |
| regex_v8| 24.5 ms  | 23.9 ms | 1.02x 
faster | Significant (t=17.63)  |
| scimark_fft | 376 ms   | 386 ms  | 1.03x 
slower | Significant (t=-15.07) |
| scimark_lu  | 154 ms   | 158 ms  | 1.03x 
slower | Significant (t=-12.94) |
| sqlite_synth| 3.35 us  | 3.21 us | 1.04x 
faster | Significant (t=17.65)  |
| telco   | 6.54 ms  | 7.14 ms | 1.09x 
slower | Significant (t=-8.51)  |
| unpack_sequence | 58.8 ns  | 61.5 ns | 1.04x 
slower | Significant (t=-19.66) |

It's strange that some benchmarks are slower, since the patch only do two 
additional checks to dict_vectorcall. Maybe they use many little dicts?

> Would you implement some more optimization based on your PR to demonstrate 
> your idea?

I already done them, I'll do a PR.


Python tracker 
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[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-10-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

@Mark.Shannon I tried to run pyperformance, but wheel does not work for Python 
3.10. I get the error:

AssertionError: would build wheel with unsupported tag ('cp310', 'cp310', 


Python tracker 
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[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-10-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

@methane: well, to be honest, I don't see much difference between the two 
pulls. The major difference is that you merged insertdict_init in 

But I kept insertdict_init separate on purpose, because this function can be 
used in other future dedicated function on creation time only. Furthermore it's 
more simple to maintain, since it's quite identical to insertdict.


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[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-10-22 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Another bench:

python -m pyperf timeit --rigorous "dict(ihinvdono='doononon', 
gowwondwon='nwog', bdjbodbob='nidnnpn', nwonwno='vndononon', 
dooodbob='iohiwipwgpw', doidonooq='ndwnnpnpnp', fndionqinqn='ndjboqoqjb', 
nonoeoqgoqb='bdboboqbgoqeb', jdnvonvoddo='nvdjnvndvonoq', 
njnvodnoo='hiehgieba', nvdnvwnnp='wghgihpa', nvfnwnnq='nvdknnnqkm', 
ndonvnipnq='fndjnaobobvob', fjafosboab='ndjnodvobvojb', 
nownwnojwjw='nvknnndnow', niownviwnwnwi='nownvwinvwnwnwj')"

Result without pull:
Mean +- std dev: 486 ns +- 8 ns

Result with pull:
Mean +- std dev: 328 ns +- 4 ns

I compiled both with optimizations and lto.

Some arch info:

python -VV
Python 3.10.0a1+ (heads/master-dirty:dde91b1953, Oct 22 2020, 14:00:51) 
[GCC 10.1.1 20200718]

uname -a
Linux buzz 4.15.0-118-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 8 12:30:01 UTC 2020 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS


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[issue41901] Added some explaining to pickle errors.

2020-10-02 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I closed it for this reason:


stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41901] Added some explaining to pickle errors.

2020-10-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I do not remember the problem I had, but when I experimented with frozendict I 
get one of these errors. I failed to understand the problem so I added the 
additional info.

Maybe adding an assert in debug mode? It will be visible only to devs.


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[issue41901] Added some explaining to pickle errors.

2020-10-01 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

All pickle error messages in typeobject.c was a generic "cannot pickle 'type' 
object". Added some explaining for every individual error.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 377747
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
pull_requests: 21494
severity: normal
status: open
title: Added some explaining to pickle errors.
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-09-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> `dict(**o)` is not common use case. Could you provide some other benchmarks?

You can do

python -m timeit -n 200 "dict(key1=1, key2=2, key3=3, key4=4, key5=5, 
key6=6, key7=7, key8=8, key9=9, key10=10)"

or with pyperf. In this case, since the dict is little, I observed a speedup of 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41835] Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords

2020-09-22 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I've done a PR that speeds up the vectorcall creation of a dict using keyword 
arguments. The PR in practice creates a insertdict_init(), a specialized 
version of insertdict. I quote the comment to the function:

Same to insertdict but specialized for inserting without resizing and for dict 
that are populated in a loop and was empty before (see the empty arg).
Note that resizing must be done before calling this function. If not 
possible, use insertdict(). Furthermore, ma_version_tag is left unchanged, you 
have to change it after calling this function (probably at the end of a loop).

This change speeds up the code up to a 30%. Tested with:

python -m timeit -n 2000  --setup "from uuid import uuid4 ; o =
{str(uuid4()).replace('-', '') : str(uuid4()).replace('-', '') for i
in range(1)}" "dict(**o)"

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 377318
nosy: Marco Sulla, inada.naoki
priority: normal
pull_requests: 21398
severity: normal
status: open
title: Speed up dict vectorcall creation using keywords
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39940] Micro-optimizations to PySequence_Tuple()

2020-03-11 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

This is a little PR with some micro-optimizations to the PySequence_Tuple() 
function. Mainly, it simply add a support variable new_n_tmp_1 instead of 
reassigning newn multiple times.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 363974
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
pull_requests: 18296
severity: normal
status: open
title: Micro-optimizations to PySequence_Tuple()
type: performance
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39842] partial_format()

2020-03-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

@Eric V. Smith: that you for your effort, but I'll never use an API marked as 
private, that is furthermore undocumented.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39842] partial_format()

2020-03-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> What would "{} {}".partial_format({}) return?
`str.partial_format()` was proposed exactly to avoid such tricks.

> It is not possible to implement a "safe" variant of str.format(),
> because in difference to Template it can call arbitrary code

If you read the documentation of `Template.safe_substitute()`, you can read 
also this function is not safe at all.

But Python, for example, does not implement private class attributes. Because 
Python is for adult and consciousness people, no?


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[issue39848] Warning: 'classifiers' should be a list, got type 'tuple'

2020-03-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Change by Marco Sulla :

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed
type:  -> behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19610] Give clear error messages for invalid types used for setup.py params (e.g. tuple for classifiers)

2020-03-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

This is IMHO broken.

1. _ensure_list() allows strings, because, documentation says, they are split 
in finalize_options(). But finalize_options() does only split keywords and 
platforms. It does _not_ split classifiers.

2. there's no need that keywords, platforms and classifiers must be a list. 
keywords and platforms can be any iterable, and classifiers can be any non 
text-like iterable. 

Indeed, keywords are written to file using ','.join(), and platforms and 
classifiers are written using DistributionMetadata._write_list(). They both 
accepts any iterable, so I do not understand why such a strict requirement.

nosy: +Marco Sulla

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[issue39842] partial_format()

2020-03-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> Do you have some concrete use case for this?

Yes, for EWA:

Since it's a code generator, it uses templates a lot, and much times I feel the 
need for a partial substitution. In the end I solved with some ugly tricks.

Furthermore, if the method exists in the stdlib for `string.Template`, I 
suppose it was created because it was of some utility.


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[issue39848] Warning: 'classifiers' should be a list, got type 'tuple'

2020-03-04 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I got this warning. I suppose that `distutils` can use any iterable.

components: Distutils
messages: 363354
nosy: Marco Sulla, dstufft, eric.araujo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Warning: 'classifiers' should be a list, got type 'tuple'
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39820] Bracketed paste mode for REPL

2020-03-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

IMHO such a feature is useful for sysops that does not have a graphical 
interface, as Debian without an X. That's why vi is (unluckily) very popular 
also in 2020. IDLE can't be used in this cases.

Windows users can't remotely login without a GUI, so the feature for such 
platforms can be not implemented, since there's builtin solutions (IDLE)


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[issue39842] partial_format()

2020-03-03 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

In `string` module, there's a very little known class `Template`. It implements 
a very simple template, but it has an interesting method: `safe_substitute()`.

`safe_substitute()` permits you to not fill the entire Template at one time. On 
the contrary, it substitute the placeholders that are passed, and leave the 
others untouched.

I think it could be useful to have a similar method for the format 
minilanguage. I propose a partial_format() method.

=== WHY I think this is useful? ===

This way, you can create subtemplates from a main template. You could want to 
use the template for creating a bunch of strings, all of them with the same 
value for some placeholders, but different values for other ones. This way you 
have *not* to reuse the same main template and substitute every time the 
placeholders that does not change.

`partial_format()` should act as `safe_substitute()`: if some placeholder 
misses a value, no error will be raised. On the contrary, the placeholder is 
leaved untouched.

Some example:

>>> "{} {}".partial_format(1)
'1 {}'

>>> "{x} {a}".partial_format(a="elephants")
'{x} elephants'

>>> "{:-f} and {:-f} nights".partial_format(1000)
'1000 and {:-f} nights'

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 363317
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: partial_format()
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39820] Bracketed paste mode for REPL

2020-03-03 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Excuse me, but my original "holistic" proposal was rejected and it was 
suggested to me to propose only relevant changes, and one for issue. Now you 
say exactly the contrary. I feel a bit confused.

PS: yes, I can, and I use, IPython. But IMHO IPython does too much things and 
its design is not very pythonic. Bracketed paste mode is a good feature, and I 
think REPL will be much more useful if it implements it.

On the contrary, if you don't think IPython is good, pythonic and essential, I 
suppose there's no problem to substitute REPL with IPython in CPython core 

nosy: +eryksun, steven.daprano, terry.reedy

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-03-03 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I agree with Pablo Galindo Salgado: https://bugs.python.org/issue35912#msg334942

The "quick and dirty" solution is to change MAINCC to CC, for _testembed.c AND 
python.c (g++ fails with both).

After that, _testembed.c and python.c should be changed so they can be compiled 
with a c++ compiler, and a system test should be added.

Anyway, I found the original patch:

In the original patch, the README contained detailed information. I think these 
informations could be restored, maybe in ./configure --help

Anyway, I have a question. In README, it's stated:

There are platforms that do not require you to build Python
with a C++ compiler in order to use C++ extension modules.
E.g., x86 Linux with ELF shared binaries and GCC 3.x, 4.x is such
a platform.

All x86 platforms? Also x86-64? And what does it means "Linux with ELF"? It 
means that Linux has shared libraries or that Python is compiled with 
--enable-shared? And what it means gcc 3 and 4? It means gcc 3+?


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[issue39820] Bracketed paste mode for REPL

2020-03-03 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Please read the message of Terry J. Reed: 

I quote the relevant part below

> Skipping the rest of your post, I will just restate why I closed this
> issue.
> 1. It introduces too many features not directly related.  The existing
> unix-only completions uses two modules.  I suspect some of the other
> features would also need new modules.  (But Marco, please don't rush 
> to immediately open 8 new issues.)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39820] Bracketed paste mode for REPL

2020-03-02 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> Is this even possible in a plain text console?

Yes. See Jupyter Console (aka IPython).


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39820] Bracketed paste mode for REPL

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I suggest to add an implementation of bracketed paste mode in the REPL.

Currently if you, for example, copy & paste a piece of Python code to see if it 
works, if the code have a blank line without indentation and the previous and 
next line are indented, REPL raises an error.
If you create a .py, paste the same code and run it with the python 
interpreter, no error is raised, since the syntax is legit.

Bracketed paste mode is implemented in many text editors, as vi.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 363109
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Bracketed paste mode for REPL
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Furthermore, I have not understood a think: if I understood well, 
--with-cxx-main is used on _some_ platforms that have problems with C++ 
extensions. What platforms? Is there somewhere a unit test for testing if 
Python compiled on one of these platforms with 
-with-cxx-main= works, and if a C++ extension works with 
this build?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Okay... if I have understood well, the problem is with C++ Extensions.

Some questions:

1. does this problem exists yet?
2. if yes, maybe Python have to wrap the python.c and _testembed.c so they can 
also be compiled with a C++ compiler?
3. --with-cxx-main is not somewhat misleading? There's no documentation, and I 
interpreted it as "the _main_ compiler for C++", while it means "the compiler 
for main()". Should I suggest (maybe in another issue) to deprecate it and use 
--with-mainfun-compiler ?


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[issue39813] test_ioctl skipped -- Unable to open /dev/tty

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

OS: Lubuntu 18.04.4

Steps to reproduce:

sudo apt-get install git libbz2-dev liblzma-dev uuid-dev libffi-dev 
libsqlite3-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libgdbm-compat-dev tk-dev 
git clone https://github.com/python/cpython.git
cd cpython
CC=gcc-9 CXX=g++-9 ./configure --enable-optimizations --with-lto
make -j 4
make test

marco@buzz:~/sources/cpython_test$ python3.9
Python 3.9.0a0 (heads/master-dirty:d8ca2354ed, Oct 30 2019, 20:25:01) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20190909] on linux


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Mmmm... wait a moment. It seems the behavior is intended:


I quote:

The patch contains the following changes:
2) The compiler used to translate python's main() function is 
stored in the configure / Makefile variable MAINCC. By 
default, MAINCC=$(CC). [...] If 
--with-cxx-main= is on the configure command 
line, then MAINCC=.

Honestly I have _no idea_ why this change was made. Unluckily, the link to the 
discussion is broken.

nosy: +cludwig

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:



Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Change by Marco Sulla :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +18079
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/18721

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

The problem is here:

Programs/_testembed.o: $(srcdir)/Programs/_testembed.c
$(MAINCC) -c $(PY_CORE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(srcdir)/Programs/_testembed.c

`MAINCC` in my Makefile is `g++-9`. Probably, MAINCC is set to the value of 
``--with-cxx-main`, if specified.

I replaced `MAINCC` with `CC` at this line, and it works.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39813] test_ioctl skipped -- Unable to open /dev/tty

2020-03-01 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

During `make test`, I get the error in the title.

(venv_3_9) marco@buzz:~/sources/cpython_test$ ll /dev/tty
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 0 Mar  1 15:24 /dev/tty

components: Tests
messages: 363063
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_ioctl skipped -- Unable to open /dev/tty
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39788] Exponential notation should return an int if it can

2020-02-29 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> >>> int(1e100)
> 1159028911097599180468360808563945281389781327557747838772170381060813469985856815104

Oh my God... I'm just more convinced than before :-D

> Ya, this change will never be made - give up gracefully :-)

Well, even if it's Tim Peters himself that ask it to me :-) I can't.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39788] Exponential notation should return an int if it can

2020-02-29 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

All the examples you mentioned seems to me to fix code, instead of breaking it.

About 1e300**1, it's not a bug at all. No one can stop you to full your RAM 
in many other ways :-D

About conventions, it does not seems to me that Python cares about other 
languages very much, if it's more natural for normal people to expect a result 
instead of a consolidated one among devs. See `1 / 2 == 0.5`, for example.

> But by your own feature request, this would return an int and your 
"feature" would bite you

You're citing the *optional* extra to the original idea. We can agree it is not 
a good addition at all.

I continue to think that nE+m, where n and m are integers, should return an 
integer. If this can break old code, I'm the first to think it should not be 
implemented, but I don't see any problem (yet).


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39788] Exponential notation should return an int if it can

2020-02-29 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Sorry, but I can't figure out what code can break this change. Integers are 
implicitly converted to floats in operations with floats. How can this change 
break old code?

> if you are worried about the performance

No, I'm worried about the expectations of coders.
Personally, I expected that 1E2 returned a integer. And this is not true.
If I wanted a float, I'd wrote 1.0E2 . The fact the exponential notation 
returns always a float is really misleading, IMHO.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39788] Exponential notation should return an int if it can

2020-02-28 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

(venv_3_9) marco@buzz:~/sources/python-frozendict$ python
Python 3.9.0a0 (heads/master-dirty:d8ca2354ed, Oct 30 2019, 20:25:01) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20190909] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = 1E9
>>> type(a)

IMHO if the exponent is positive, and the  "base number" (1 in the example) is 
an integer, the result should be an integer.

Optionally, also if the "base number" has a number of decimal places <= the 
exponent, the result should be an integer. Example:

1.25E2 == 125

If the user wants a float, it can write

1.2500E2 == 125.0

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 362918
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Exponential notation should return an int if it can
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39784] Tuple comprehension

2020-02-28 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I think a tuple comprehension could be very useful.

Currently, the only way to efficiently create a tuple from a comprehension is 
to create a list comprehension (generator comprehensions are more slow) and 
convert it with `tuple()`.

A tuple comprehension will do exactly the same thing, but without the creation 
of the intermediate list.

IMHO a tuple comprehension can be very useful, because:

1. there are many cases in which you create a list with a comprehension, but 
you'll never change it later. You could simply convert it with `tuple()`, but 
it will require more time
2. tuples uses less memory than lists
3. tuples can be interned

As syntax, I propose 

(* expr for x in iterable *)

with absolutely no blank character between the character ( and the *, and the 
same for ).

Well, I know, it's a bit strange syntax... but () are already taken by 
generator comprehensions. Furthermore, the * remembers a snowflake, and tuples 
are a sort of "frozenlists".

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 362888
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Tuple comprehension
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39698] asyncio.sleep() does not adhere to time.sleep() behavior for negative numbers

2020-02-26 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> I also distinctly remember seeing code (and writing such code myself) that 
> performs computation on timeouts and does not care if the end value goes 
> below 0.

This is not a good statistics. Frankly we can't measure the impact of the 
change from these considerations. And furthermore, `asyncio.sleep()` is used 
often, testing and mocking apart? I doubt it.

> we always try to have a very good explanation "why" we want to bother 
> ourselves and users to break backwards compat.

Coherence and unhide mistakes are *very* strong points.

That said, I'm not so much interested in practice. Do as you wish. The problem 
is I always considered Python a very elegant programming language, and this 
behavior is not elegant at all. But, hey, amen.


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[issue39698] asyncio.sleep() does not adhere to time.sleep() behavior for negative numbers

2020-02-26 Thread Marco Sulla

Change by Marco Sulla :

resolution: not a bug -> rejected

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34396] Certain methods that heap allocated subtypes inherit suffer a 50-80% performance penalty

2020-02-26 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I asked why on StackOverflow, and an user seemed to find the reason. The 
problem for him/her is in `update_one_slot()`. 

`dict` implements directly `__contains__()` and `__getitem__()`. Usually, 
`sq_contains` and `mp_subscript` are wrapped to implement `__contains__()` and 
`__getitem__()`, but this way `dict` is a little faster.

The problem is that `update_one_slot()` searches for the wrappers. If it does 
not find them, it does not inherit the `__contains__()` and `__getitem__()` of 
the class, but create a `__contains__()` and `__getitem__()` functions that do 
an MRO search and call the superclass method. This is why `__contains__()` and 
`__getitem__()` of `dict` subclasses are slower.

Is it possible to modify `update_one_slot()` so that, if no wrapper is found, 
the explicit implementation is inherited?

SO answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59914459/1763602

components: +C API -Interpreter Core
nosy: +Marco Sulla
versions: +Python 3.9 -Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39754] update_one_slot() does not inherit sq_contains and mp_subscript if they are explictly declared

2020-02-26 Thread Marco Sulla

Change by Marco Sulla :

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39754] update_one_slot() does not inherit sq_contains and mp_subscript if they are explictly declared

2020-02-25 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I noticed that `__contains__()` and `__getitem__()` of subclasses of `dict` are 
much slower. I asked why on StackOverflow, and an user seemed to find the 

The problem for him/her is that `dict` implements directly `__contains__()` and 
`__getitem__()`. Usually, `sq_contains` and `mp_subscript` are wrapped to 
implement `__contains__()` and `__getitem__()`, but this way `dict` is a little 
faster, I suppose.

The problem is that `update_one_slot()` searches for the wrappers. If it does 
not find them, it does not inherit the `__contains__()` and `__getitem__()` of 
the class, but create a `__contains__()` and `__getitem__()` functions that do 
an MRO search and call the superclass method. This is why `__contains__()` and 
`__getitem__()` of `dict` subclasses are slower.

Is it possible to modify `update_one_slot()` so that, if no wrapper is found, 
the explicit implementation is inherited?

SO answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59914459/1763602

components: C API
messages: 362662
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: update_one_slot() does not inherit sq_contains and mp_subscript if they 
are explictly declared
type: performance
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-02-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I think in this case the error is more trivial: simply `Programs/_testembed.c` 
is compiled with g++ but it should be compiled with gcc.

Indeed, there are much gcc-only options in the compilation of 
`Programs/_testembed.c`, and g++ complains about them:

> cc1plus: warning: ‘-Werror=’ argument ‘-Werror=implicit-function-declaration’ 
> is not valid for C++
> cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-std=c99’ is valid for C/ObjC but not 
> for C++


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[issue39698] asyncio.sleep() does not adhere to time.sleep() behavior for negative numbers

2020-02-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I see that many breaking changes was done in recent releases. I get only the 
ones for `asyncio` in Python 3.8:


So I suppose the ship isn't sailed yet.

Passing a negative number to a function that should sleep the task for x 
seconds is a mistake. And mistakes should never pass silently.

Furthermore, coherence matters. It's really confusing that two functions in two 
builtin modules that are quite identical have a different behavior.

IMHO, deprecating and then removing support for negative argument in 
`asyncio.sleep()` is very much less breaking compared to issues #36921 and 
#36373 .

type:  -> behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39695] Failed to build _uuid module, but libraries was installed

2020-02-20 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Ah, well, this is not possible. I was banned from the mailing list. I wrote my 
"defense" to conduct...@python.org in date 2019-12-29, and I'm still waiting 
for a response...


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[issue39695] Failed to build _uuid module, but libraries was installed

2020-02-20 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Well, the fact is, basically, for the other libraries you have not to re-run 
`configure`. You have to install only the missing C libraries and redo `make`. 
This works, for example, for zlib, lzma, ctypes, sqlite3, readline, bzip2.

Furthermore, it happened to me that I re-run `configure` without a `make clean` 
before: the `make` process stopped because configuration was changed, and I 
have to do a `make clean`. A big waste of time.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39698] asyncio.sleep() does not adhere to time.sleep() behavior for negative numbers

2020-02-20 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> I recall very many cases in third-party libraries and commercial applications



Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39698] asyncio.sleep() does not adhere to time.sleep() behavior for negative numbers

2020-02-20 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

Python 3.9.0a3+ (heads/master-dirty:f2ee21d858, Feb 19 2020, 23:19:22) 
[GCC 9.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import time
>>> time.sleep(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
ValueError: sleep length must be non-negative
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def f():
... await asyncio.sleep(-1)
... print("no exception")
>>> asyncio.run(f())
no exception

I think that also `asyncio.sleep()` should raise `ValueError` if the argument 
is less than zero.

components: asyncio
messages: 362314
nosy: Marco Sulla, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio.sleep() does not adhere to time.sleep() behavior for negative 
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0

2020-02-20 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I tried to compile Python 3.9 with:

CC=gcc-9.2.0  ./configure --enable-optimizations --with-lto 
make -j 2

I got this error:

g++-9.2.0 -c -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall
-flto -fuse-linker-plugin -ffat-lto-objects -flto-partition=none -g -std=c99 
-Wextra -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-parameter 
-Wno-missing-field-initializers -Werror=implicit-function-declaration 
-fvisibility=hidden -fprofile-generate -I./Include/internal  -I. -I./Include
-DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Programs/_testembed.o ./Programs/_testembed.c
cc1plus: warning: ‘-Werror=’ argument ‘-Werror=implicit-function-declaration’ 
is not valid for C++
cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-std=c99’ is valid for C/ObjC but not 
for C++
sed -e "s,@EXENAME@,/usr/local/bin/python3.9," < ./Misc/python-config.in 
LC_ALL=C sed -e 's,\$(\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\)),\$\{\1\},g' < Misc/python-config.sh 
gcc-9.2.0 -pthread -c -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 
-Wall-flto -fuse-linker-plugin -ffat-lto-objects -flto-partition=none -g 
-std=c99 -Wextra -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-parameter 
-Wno-missing-field-initializers -Werror=implicit-function-declaration 
-fvisibility=hidden -fprofile-generate -I./Include/internal  -I. -I./Include
  -DGITVERSION="\"`LC_ALL=C git --git-dir ./.git rev-parse --short HEAD`\"" 
  -DGITTAG="\"`LC_ALL=C git --git-dir ./.git describe --all --always 
--dirty`\"" \
  -DGITBRANCH="\"`LC_ALL=C git --git-dir ./.git name-rev --name-only 
HEAD`\"" \
  -o Modules/getbuildinfo.o ./Modules/getbuildinfo.c
In file included from ./Include/internal/pycore_atomic.h:15,
 from ./Include/internal/pycore_gil.h:11,
 from ./Include/internal/pycore_pystate.h:11,
 from ./Programs/_testembed.c:10:
/usr/local/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/9.2.0/include/stdatomic.h:40:9: error: 
‘_Atomic’ does not name a type

I suppose simply `Programs/_testembed.c` is a C source file and must not be 
compiled with g++

PS: as a workaround, `--with-cxx-main=gcc-9.2.0` works, but probably it's not 

components: Build
messages: 362313
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39696] Failed to build _ssl module, but libraries was installed

2020-02-20 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

Similarly to enhancement request #39695, I missed to install the debian package 
with the include files for SSL, before compiling Python 3.9.

After installed it, `make` continued to not find the libraries and skipped the 
creation of module _ssl.

Searching on internet, I found that doing:

make clean
./configure etc


Maybe the SSL library check is done only at configure phase?

components: Build
messages: 362311
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Failed to build _ssl module, but libraries was installed
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39695] Failed to build _uuid module, but libraries was installed

2020-02-20 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

When I first done `make` to compile Python 3.9, I did not installed some debian 
development packages, like `uuid-dev`. So `_uuid` module was not built.

After installed the debian package I re-run `make`, but it failed to build 
`_uuid` module. I had to edit manually `Modules/_uuidmodule.c` and remove all 
the `#ifdef` directives and leave only `#include `

Maybe `HAVE_UUID_UUID_H` and `HAVE_UUID_H` are created at `configure` phase 

components: Build
messages: 362309
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Failed to build _uuid module, but libraries was installed
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-04 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> this is the sort of thing that is usually best suited to be reported by 
> linters, not the Python runtime.

TL;DR: if you write something like `a -- b`, it's quite extraordinary that you 
really wanted to write this. You probably wanted to write `a - -b` or, more 
probably, `a -= b`. So the parser is **masking a potential subtle bug**, that 
can cause hours of stressing debugging, because probably the program will run 
without problem but gives you a wrong result, or will throw an exception but in 
a completely different point.

Long version:

Normally I agree, but not in this case.

PEP 8 defines line guides for writing a more readable code. They are not 
mandatory because:

1. there are cases in which is more readable if you not follow PEP 8 (for 
example, using `\` with long `with` statements)
2. there are cases in which the rule is not followed because of using it in 
fast tests (as for from module import *)
3. sometimes is simply not possible to follow PEP 8 (for example, many classes 
can easily implement __eq__, but implementing all the other comparison 
operators many times is simply not possible)
4. sometimes the recommendation can't be followed, because it's not what you 
want to achive (for example, sometimes you need to check the exact class of an 
object and use `type(a) == SomeClass` instead of `isinstance(a, SomeClass)`)
5. there are cases that PEP 8 does not work. For example, bool(numpy.ndarray) 
does not work, you must do len(numpy.ndarray)
6. sometimes, it's simply a matter of style. One prefers a style, another one 
prefer another style

That said, none of these valid border cases can be applied to this case:

1. `a+-b` can be NEVER more readable than `a + -b`
2. `a++b` is clearly faster because you have to write... 2 spaces less. Well, I 
think that you'll never write a ton of binary operators followed by a unary 
one, so I suppose two little blank spaces does not slow down you too much :-D
3. it's always possible to separate `a * -b`, for example
4. if you write something like `a -- b`, it's quite extraordinary that you 
really wanted to write this. You probably wanted to write `a - -b` or, more 
probably, `a -= b`. So the parser is **masking a potential subtle bug**, that 
can cause hours of stressing debugging, because probably the program will run 
without problem but gives you a wrong result, or will throw an exception but in 
a completely different point.
5. See 3
6. this is IMHO not a matter of style. Writing `a ++ b` is simply ugly, 
**much** unreadable and prone to errors.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> `++` isn't special

Indeed the problem is that no error or warning is raised if two operators are 
consecutive, without a space between. All the cases you listed are terribly 
unreadable and hardly intelligible. 

Anyway I do not agree `++` is not special:

> you should know that this example is a syntax error because you are missing 
> the right hand operand, not because `++` has no meaning

But you should know that in a *lot* of other popular languages, `++` and `--` 
are unary operators, so it's particularly surprisingly to see that they *seems* 
to work in Python, even if they *seems* to be a binary operator.

This is completely confusing and messy. Frankly, I'm not a PEP 8 orthodox at 
all. I think that you can write `a+b`. It's not elegant, it's a bit less 
readable that `a + b`, but it's not the end of the world. 

But you should *not* be allowed to write `a+-b` without at least a warning, 
because `+-` seems a binary operator. And you should not be able to write `a+ 
-b` too, with the interpreter that acts like Ponzio Pilato, because what's 
this? Is it an unary `+` or an unary `-`? 
We know the unary is the `-`, `a+` has no sense. but for someone that does not 
know Python, __it's not readable__. So, IMHO, the interpreter should at least 
raise a warning if the syntax is not: 
`a + -b`
for any combination of binary and unary operators.


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[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> This is not a bug
No one said it's a bug. It's a defect.

> This has been part of Python since version 1
There are many things that was part of Python 1 that was removed.

> `++` should never be an operator in the future, precisely because it already 
> has a meaning today

This is not a "meaning". `++` means nothing. Indeed

>>> 1++
  File "", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

> The first expression is not "unreadable". The fact that you were able to read 
> it and diagnose it [...]

The fact I understood it it's because I'm a programmer with more than 10 years 
of experience, mainly in Python. And I discovered this defect by acccident, 
because I wanted to write `a += b` and instead I wrote `a ++ b`. And when 
happened, I didn't realized why it didn't raised a SyntaxError or, at least, a 
SyntaxWarning. I had to take some minutes to realize the problem. 

So, in my "humble" opinion, it's *highly* unreadable and surprising.


Python tracker 
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[issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError

2020-02-01 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

Python 3.9.0a0 (heads/master-dirty:d8ca2354ed, Oct 30 2019, 20:25:01) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20190909] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1 ++ 2

This is probably because the interpreter reads:

1 + +2

1. ++ could be an operator in future. Probably not. Probably never. But you 
never know.
2. A space between an unary operator and the object should not be allowed
3. the first expression is clearly unreadable and hard to understand, so 
completely unpythonic

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 361159
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ++ does not throw a SyntaxError
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue11986] Min/max not symmetric in presence of NaN

2019-12-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

marco@buzz:~$ python3.9
Python 3.9.0a0 (heads/master-dirty:d8ca2354ed, Oct 30 2019, 20:25:01) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20190909] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from decimal import Decimal as Dec, BasicContext as Bctx
>>> a = Dec("1981", Bctx)
>>> b = Dec("nan", Bctx)
>>> a.max(b)
>>> b.max(a)
>>> Bctx.max(a, b)
>>> Bctx.max(b, a)

`Decimal` completely adheres to IEEE 754 standard.

There's a very, very simple and generic solution for builtin min and max:

_sentinel = object()

def max(*args, key=None, default=_sentinel):
args_len = len(args)

if args_len == 0:
if default is _sentinel:
fname = max.__name__
raise ValueError(f"{fname}() expected 1 argument, got 0")

return default
elif args_len == 1:
seq = args[0]
seq = args

it = iter(seq)

vmax = next(it, _sentinel)

if vmax is _sentinel:
if default is _sentinel:
fname = max.__name__
raise ValueError(f"{fname}() arg is an empty sequence")

return default

first_comparable = False

if key is None:
for val in it:
if vmax < val:
vmax = val
first_comparable = True
elif not first_comparable and not val < vmax :
# equal, or not comparable object, like NaN
vmax = val
fmax = key(vmax)

for val in it:
fval = key(val)

if fmax < fval :
fmax = fval
vmax = val
first_comparable = True
elif not first_comparable and not fval < fmax:
fmax = fval
vmax = val

    return vmax

This function continues to give undefined behavior with sets... but who 
calculates the "maximum" or "minimum" of sets?

nosy: +Marco Sulla

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[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Excuse me, ignore my previous post.


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[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-23 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

marco@buzz:~$ python3.9
Python 3.9.0a0 (heads/master-dirty:d8ca2354ed, Oct 30 2019, 20:25:01) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20190909] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from decimal import Decimal as Dec, BasicContext as Bctx
>>> a = Dec("1981", Bctx)
>>> b = Dec("nan", Bctx)
>>> a.max(b)
>>> b.max(a)
>>> Bctx.max(a, b)
>>> Bctx.max(b, a)


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[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-15 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Excuse me, I had an epiphany.

NaN returns False for every comparison.

So in teory any element of the iterable should result minor that NaN.

So NaN should treated as the highest element, and should be at the end of the 
sorted result!

Indeed this is the behavior in Java. NaNs are in the end of the sorted iterator.

On the contrary, Python sorting does not move the NaN from its position.



Python tracker 
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[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-15 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> No idea what "are minor that another object" could possibly mean.

Oh my god... a < b?

> I don't know what purpose would be served by checking ">=" too

Well, it's very simple. Since the sorting algorithm checks if a < b, if this 
check fails, I propose to check also a >= b. If this is false too, the iterable 
contains an unorderable object. From this point, the check will never done 
again, an unorderable object is sufficient to raise the warning.

The check a >= b is *not* for ordering the iterable, is only for checking if 
the elements are orderable or not, and raise the warning.

Furthermore, I suppose that if someone is sure that its iterable is 
unorderable-free and want a fine-grained boost to speed, a flag can added. If 
true, sorting will not use the algorithm with the check, but the old algorithm.

> You haven't addressed any of the points he (Dickinson) raised

Dickinson said you have to check for total preorder. If you have understood my 
idea, this is not needed at all.


Python tracker 
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[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-15 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Anyway, Java by default puts NaNs at the end of the iterable:



Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-15 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Excuse me, but have you, Dickinson and Peters, read how I propose to check if 
the object is orderable or not? 

I explained it in a very detailed way, and this does not change the float 
comparison. And does not need to check first if the iterable it totally 

Can you please read my post?


Python tracker 
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[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-15 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Excuse me, a little errata:

> After the current object a is checked against the object b, if 
> `all_orderables` is true [...]

must be change to

> After the current object a is checked against the object b, ***if the check 
> returns false and*** if `all_orderables` is true [...]


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[issue36095] Better NaN sorting.

2019-12-15 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

I'm in favor of a `math.total_ordering` function, but IMHO sorting functions 
should emit a warning if they contains an unorderable objects.

This can be done easily: I suppose the sorting function checks if the objects 
of the iterable are minor that another object. And soon or later, this check 
will be done for all objects in the iterable.

What I propose is simply to add a flag `all_orderables`, true by default.

After the current object a is checked against the object b, if `all_orderables` 
is true, another check will be performed: `a >= b`?

If this return false, `all_orderables` will be set to false.

At the end of sorting, if `all_orderables` is false, a warning will be emitted.

This way, no old code will break, but developers will be informed of the 
problem. Because "Errors should never pass silently" :)

nosy: +Marco Sulla

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38747] Slowly introduce a subset of Jupyter console (IPython) features into CPython command line interactive mode

2019-11-11 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:


> Jupyter Console is, I read, QT based

Nope. It's shell based by default. You can open it also as a QT app, like IDLE, 
but by default `jupyter console` is via terminal.

> they must use "‘magic’ commands" entered after the '>>>' prompt 
> instead of code.  Guido specifically vetoed the idea

Indeed I'm against too, and I wrote it. And if you read my proposals, I do not 
suggest any magic word

> the answer to that proposal would be to use a PYTHONSTARTUP module 
> with code such as "import pprint as _; pprint = _.pprint"

I know this, but it should be the default behaviour, IMHO. I mean, you can 
invoke `help()` in REPL but also in a `.py`. It makes no sense, but you can do 
it and you have not to import a separate module before.

> The console feeds pasted lines *1 at a time* to interactive Python

This is fixed by many terminal editors, like `vi`, with bracketed paste mode, 
as I wrote.

> When REPL sends a prompt, everything up to and including a prompt is 
> somehow marked read-only.

A workaround could be simulate input by user. Ugly but effective.

> Syntax-coloring [...] requires full screen editing


> [Syntax-coloring] also needs to be configurable

This could be IMHO delayed, or not implemented at all. If you don't like the 
colors, you can always not use it :D It will suffice that the colors will be as 
much as possible readable also by the majority of color-blind person.


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[issue38747] Slowly introduce a subset of Jupyter console (IPython) features into CPython command line interactive mode

2019-11-10 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

@Eryk: why a C extension apart and not a patch to `readline`?


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[issue38747] Slowly introduce a subset of Jupyter console (IPython) features into CPython command line interactive mode

2019-11-10 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Steven: currently I'm developing `frozendict` as part of CPython. About IDLE, 
IDLE can't be used on a server without a GUI. Furthermore, I *really* hope that 
IDLE is simply a GUI wrapper of REPL, with some additional features.


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[issue38747] Slowly introduce a subset of Jupyter console (IPython) features into CPython command line interactive mode

2019-11-10 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Well, maybe too much feature requests in a single report. I'll report them 
separately, with more rationale.


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[issue38747] Slowly introduce a subset of Jupyter console (IPython) features into CPython command line interactive mode

2019-11-08 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

Sometimes I’m lazy and I would test code copy - pasted from internet or from 
other sources directly in the interpreter, in interactive mode. But if the code 
contains completely blank lines, the copy - paste fails. For example:

def f():


does not work, but

def f():


yes. Notice that in a script the first code block is perfectly valid and works.

This does not happen with Jupiter console, aka IPython. Jupiter implements 
bracketed paste mode, so it distinguish between normal input and pasted input.

Jupyter offers also:
- autoindent
- save code blocks in one history entry: this way, if you write a function, for 
example, and you press the up key, the whole function will be loaded, and not 
its last line.
- auto-reloading of modules. It should be disabled by default and enabled by a 
flag, and could auto-reload a module if its code changes.
- save code to console. All the code written in the current interactive session 
could be saved to the clipboard. It could be triggered by F12.
- history: it could be a new built-in function. if called without parameters, 
it could show the history, with lines numbered. If called with a number, it 
will paste the corresponding history line to the console
- pretty printing and source inspection. IMHO pprint.pprint() and 
inspect.getsource() are so useful in interactive mode that could be added to 
- syntax coloring. It should be disabled by default, and could be enabled by a 
flag or a config.
- bracket matching. See above.

I think that implementing all of this in CPython is really hard. I suppose that 
maybe many things are not possible for compatibility between platforms, or 
can't be available everywhere, like syntax coloring.

components: Demos and Tools
messages: 356248
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Slowly introduce a subset of Jupyter console (IPython) features into 
CPython command line interactive mode
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue36906] Compile time textwrap.dedent() equivalent for str or bytes literals

2019-11-07 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

When Python started to emulate the other languages?

Who cares about what other languages do? Python uses `raise` instead of 
`throw`, even if `throw` is much more popular in the most used languages, only 
because `raise` in English has more sense. 

And IMHO a newbie that see a multi-string in the code does not read the 
documentation. It's evident that is a multi-string. And it expects that it acts 
as in English or any other written language, that is the text is *that* one 
that (s)he read.

On the contrary, if (s)he reads 


maybe (s)he thinks "this must be something different", and read the docs.


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[issue36906] Compile time textwrap.dedent() equivalent for str or bytes literals

2019-11-07 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Excuse me for the spam, but against make it the default behavior I have a 
simple consideration: what will expect a person that reads the code, that 
doesn't know Python?

IMHO it expects that the string is *exactly* like it's written. The fact that 
it will be de-dented it's a bit surprising.

For readability and for not breaking old code, I continue to be in favor of a 
letter before the multi-string. Maybe `d`, for de-dent, it's more appropriate 
than `t`, since it does not only trim the string.

But probably there's a better solution than the letter.


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[issue36906] Compile time textwrap.dedent() equivalent for str or bytes literals

2019-11-07 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Anyway there's something strange in string escaping and `inspect.cleandoc()`:

>>> a = """
... \nciao
... bello
... \ ciao
... """
>>> print(inspect.cleandoc(a))
\ ciao
>>> print("\ ciao")
\ ciao

I expected:

>>> print(inspect.cleandoc(a))

>>> print("\ ciao")


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[issue36906] Compile time textwrap.dedent() equivalent for str or bytes literals

2019-11-06 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

If I can say my two cents:

1. I preferred that the default behaviour of multi-line was to dedent. But 
breaking old code, even if for a little percentage of code, IMHO is never a 
good idea. Py2->Py3 should have proved it.

2. ``` remembers me too much the Markdown for add a code block, not a text block

3. yes, the new prefix is really useless, because it's significant only for 
multiline strings. Anyway, if this solution is accepted, I propose `t` for 

nosy: +Marco Sulla

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[issue38569] Unknown distribution option: 'license_files'

2019-10-23 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I tried to add to `setuptools.setup()` the argument license_files. It works, 
but I get this warning:

/usr/lib/python3.6/distutils/dist.py:261: UserWarning: Unknown distribution 
option: 'license_files'

I suppose the warning can be removed.

components: Distutils
messages: 355262
nosy: Marco Sulla, dstufft, eric.araujo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Unknown distribution option: 'license_files'
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue37918] What about an enum for open() modes?

2019-08-30 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

@vstinner Note that I wrote about os.fdopen(), not os.open().


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[issue37918] What about an enum for open() modes?

2019-08-30 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Well, I'll discuss it in python-ideas. Let me do the testament before... :D

@serhiy.storchaka thank you for the StrEnum tip, but no PyPi package please. It 
has no sense to add an addional package only for having an enum that should be 
built-in as in all other languages.

And at most I'll do it myself, thank you ;)


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[issue37918] What about an enum for open() modes?

2019-08-29 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Excuse me, but this is not a bug report, but a feature request. Indeed there's 
the possibility to submit also enhancements, not only bugs, as in all bug 
reporting board worthy of respect. You see the Type select with "Enhancement" 
option selected?

resolution: not a bug -> 
status: closed -> open

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[issue37918] What about an enum for open() modes?

2019-08-28 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Mh. No one is interested?


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[issue37792] xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.__eq__ does compare only objects identity

2019-08-22 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Thanks, but telling the truth:

1. I just not use SubElement, even if it's more convenient. I just create an 
Element and I append to the parent one. It's much more clear IMHO

2. I do not use `fromstring` and all its friends. It was just a suggestion

3. I already copy/pasted from SO a function that serialize the Element. I do 
not want to waste time to do something that will be not used as 
`Element.__eq__()` implementation, as IMHO should be. 

See ya.


Python tracker 
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[issue37918] What about an enum for open() modes?

2019-08-22 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

As title. I just created it:


I think it could be useful to have a more descriptive way to declare a file 
open mode. Many languages has an enum for this.

Maybe open(), os.fdopen(), os.popen() and pathlib.Path.open() can just accept 
also an OpenMode enum as mode parameter, without the need to write 
OpenMode.append.value, for example, but just OpenMode.append. As an 
alternative, OpenMode could be a namedtuple.

I don't know in which module should be put. In `builtins`, `os` or `pathlib`?

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 350203
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: What about an enum for open() modes?
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37792] xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.__eq__ does compare only objects identity

2019-08-22 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:


"Deprecating [...] just cause disruption to existing, deployed code"

How? Deprecating is used just to maintain intact the already existing code...

"Please do not go down of the path of making yourself the arbiter of what is 
Pythonic or standard.  The other core devs in this conversation are highly 
experienced.  Insulting them or the Fredrik Lundh's existing API won't help 

I'm not insulting anyone, I just said *IMHO* it's not pythonic. 

I think the example of a tree created with a simple dictionary is a clear 
signal that Python, in the Guido's mind, was created with the intention that 
equality should check the content of the objects and not just the ids, as Java, 
for example, does, even for objects that must be traversed to see if they are 
equal to another one.

The fact you can check if two objects are equal using simply == is, _IMHO_, 
more elegant, simple and useful. The fact that == checks the ids is not useful 
at all, since I can do it with id(elem1) == id(elem2). So what's the purpose of 
== ?


Python tracker 
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[issue37792] xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.__eq__ does compare only objects identity

2019-08-21 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:


1. the fact that == does not traverse the Element is IMHO unpythonic and 
non-standard. A trivial example:

>>> a = {1: {2: 3}}
>>> b = {1: {2: 3}}
>>> a == b

You can have a dictionary complicated as you want, but if they have the same 
structure, the two dictionaries will be always equals, even if their id are 

I think that no one could say to remove this dictionary feature and simply 
check the ids, leaving the deep comparison to the user, without raising a 
rebellion :)

2. the fact that SubElement seems a constructor is not an implementation 
detail. It's misleading and confusing, since a programmer expects that it will 
return an object of type SubElement, while there's no SubElement class. This is 
peculiar. I can be wrong, but I never encountered such a bizarre naming in the 
standard library. IMHO SubElement should be deprecated and it should call 
`subElement()`, a simply copy of the old SubElement

3. I'm not suggesting to remove fromstringlist and tostringlist, but that they 
could be deprecated and simply call fromstring and tostring, that should use 
duck typing for doing what fromstringlist and tostringlist did.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37792] xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.__eq__ does compare only objects identity

2019-08-08 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

Currectly, even if two `Element`s elem1 and elem2 are different objects but the 
tree is identical, elem1 == elem2 returns False. The only effective way to 
compare two `Element`s is

ElementTree.tostring(elem1) == ElementTree.tostring(elem2)

Furthermore, from 3.8 this could be not true anymore, since the order of 
insertion of attributes will be preserved. So if I simply wrote a tag with two 
identical attributes, but with different order, the trick will not work anymore.

Is it so much complicated to implement an __eq__ for `Element` that traverse 
its tree?

PS: some random remarks about xml.etree.ElementTree module:

1. why `fromstring` and `fromstringlist` separated functions? `fromstring` 
could use duck typing for the main argument, and `fromstringlist` deprecated.

2. `SubElement`: why the initial is a capital letter? It seems the constructor 
of a different class, while it's a factory function. I'll change it to 
`subElement` and deprecate `SubElement`

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 349230
nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.__eq__ does compare only objects identity
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37791] Propose to deprecate `ignore_errors` and `onerror` parameters of `shutil.rmtree()`

2019-08-08 Thread Marco Sulla

New submission from Marco Sulla :

I propose to mark as deprecated the parameters `ignore_errors` and `onerror` of 
`shutil.rmtree()`, and raise a warning if used.

The reason is I feel them unpythonic. For emulating `ignore_errors=True`, the 
code can be written simply with a `try-except` that passes by default all 
`OSError`s . The `ignore_errors=True, onerror=myHandler` case can written 
simply with a `try-except` that handles `OSError`s. And in the handle can be 
code or a call to an handler with the same paramaters `myHandler` accept.

components: +Library (Lib)
title: Propose to deprecate ignore_errors, -> Propose to deprecate 
`ignore_errors` and `onerror` parameters of `shutil.rmtree()`
type:  -> enhancement
versions: +Python 3.9

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[issue37791] Propose to deprecate ignore_errors,

2019-08-08 Thread Marco Sulla

Change by Marco Sulla :

nosy: Marco Sulla
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Propose to deprecate ignore_errors,

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[issue36964] `python3 -m venv NAME`: virtualenv is not portable

2019-06-16 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

> I don't like the idea of changing what VIRTUAL_ENV gets set to when I 
> believe you should recreate the virtual environment as necessary and 
> risk surprising people who expect VIRTUAL_ENV to function as it does 
> today and has for years.

(Talking to the wind) Well, didn't you have software tests?


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[issue36964] `python3 -m venv NAME`: virtualenv is not portable

2019-06-07 Thread Marco Sulla

Marco Sulla  added the comment:

Please Mr. Cannon, can you read my last posts? I think they are not describing 
a mad idea, but something reasonable.

nosy: +brett.cannon

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