[issue45807] Strange SyntaxError message / suggestions for "@x = 123"

2021-11-15 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel :

In CPython 3.10 :

Python 3.10.0 (tags/v3.10.0:b494f59, Oct  4 2021, 19:00:18) [MSC v.1929 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> @x = 123
  File "", line 1
@x = 123
SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Maybe you meant '==' or ':=' instead of '='?

but both suggestions lead to a SyntaxError :

>>> @x == 123
  File "", line 2

SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> @x := 123
  File "", line 2

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Maybe an error message such as "cannot assign to decorator" would be more 
appropriate ?

components: Parser
messages: 406351
nosy: lys.nikolaou, pablogsal, quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Strange SyntaxError message / suggestions for "@x = 123"
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue44741] Pattern Matching - star subpattern with a subject derived from collections.abc.Sequence

2021-07-29 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

I found why len() is required, it's to avoid trying to match the subject (thus 
consuming a part of it) if its length is less than the number of non-star 
patterns, as explained in the PEP.

My mistake, sorry.


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[issue44741] Pattern Matching - star subpattern with a subject derived from collections.abc.Sequence

2021-07-27 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

Oh, I did not invent this class, it is in the test script for pattern matching 

With this class, [x, *_, y] matches, but not [x, *w, y] : this is what made me 
create this issue. Maybe it would be a good idea to change this class in 
test_patma.py ?

OTOH, if the current implementation remains the same, why does the PEP insist 
on subjects having a len() ? Could sequence patterns match a wider range of 
subjects that can be unpacked ?


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[issue44741] Pattern Matching - star subpattern with a subject derived from collections.abc.Sequence

2021-07-27 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

Thanks for the explanations, but I feel unconfortable with the fact that 
variable-length sequence patterns are implemented the same as unpacking. (sorry 
if this has been discussed before, I can't find references to the discussions 
that lead to the current version of the PEP).

There are obvious similarities between

[x, *y, z] = A


match A:
case [x, *y, z]:

but a big difference, put forward in PEP 634 : the classes supported for 
pattern matching are limited (unpacking a generator expression is possible, but 
they are not supported as subjects for sequence patterns), and the PEP 
explicitely refers to them having a len().

It seems to me that this implies that the algorithms should be different:

- for unpacking, the iterable must be completely consumed before binding the 
names on the left-hand side. If it is infinite, unpacking fails

- for variable-length sequence pattern matching (this is how I understand the 
last paragraph about them in PEP 634):
. get the subject length
. iterate one by one before the star pattern
. iterate (len(subject) - number of non-star patterns) times for the star 
. iterate one by one after the star pattern

In the second case, even if the subject never raises StopIteration, the match 

Does this make sense ?


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[issue44741] Pattern Matching - star subpattern with a subject derived from collections.abc.Sequence

2021-07-26 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel :

This code

match range(42):
case [x, *w, y]:
z = 0

sets w to a list with 40 items : the length of the subject, minus the number of 
non-star subpatterns.

But this code (adapted from test_patma_186) enters an infinite loop

import collections.abc

class Seq(collections.abc.Sequence):
def __getitem__(self, i):
print('get item', i)
return i
def __len__(self):
return 42

match Seq():
case [x, *w, y]:
z = 0

__getitem__ gets called forever, instead of stopping when the expected number 
of items in w is reached.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 398226
nosy: quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Pattern Matching - star subpattern with a subject derived from 
type: crash
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11

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[issue44589] Pattern Matching - duplicate keys in mapping patterns

2021-07-09 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

Sorry, I don't know C so I can't write a PR for this change.


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[issue44589] Pattern Matching - duplicate keys in mapping patterns

2021-07-09 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel :

PEP 634 specifies that

"A mapping pattern may not contain duplicate key values. (If all key patterns 
are literal patterns this is considered a syntax error; otherwise this is a 
runtime error and will raise ValueError.)"

but this is not what happens with the latest release:

Python 3.10.0b3 (tags/v3.10.0b3:865714a, Jun 17 2021, 20:39:25) [MSC v.1929 64 
bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> x = {'a': 1}
>>> match x:
...  case {'a': 1, 'a': 2}: # (A)
...   print('ok')
>>> x = {'a': 3}
>>> match x:
...  case {'a': 1, 'a': 2}: # (B)
...   print('ok')
>>> x = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> match x:
...  case {'a': 1, 'a': 2}: # (C)
...   print('ok')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in 
ValueError: mapping pattern checks duplicate key ('a')

If I understand the PEP correctly, all these examples should raise a 
SyntaxError for the line

case {'a': 1, 'a': 2}:

since all key patterns are literal patterns, and the key 'a' is duplicated.

Cases (A) where the subject matches one of the key-value patterns, and (B) when 
it doesn't, fail without raising SyntaxError.

Case (C) where one of the keys in the subject is not present in the mapping 
pattern raises a ValueError at runtime instead of SyntaxError.

This behaviour is tested in test_patma.py:

def test_patma_251(self):
x = {"a": 0, "b": 1}
w = y = z = None
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
match x:
case {"a": y, "a": z}:
w = 0
self.assertIs(w, None)
self.assertIs(y, None)
self.assertIs(z, None)

but this doesn't seem compliant with the specification.

BTW, it's not clear to me why the SyntaxError should be limited to the case 
when all keys are literal patterns; it could be raised whenever a literal 
pattern is repeated, even when there are value patterns or a double-star 
pattern, like in

case {'a': 1, 'a': 2, c.imag, **rest}:

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 397195
nosy: quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Pattern Matching - duplicate keys in mapping patterns
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue44085] Remaining invalid rules in simplified grammar

2021-05-09 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel :

In the simplified version of Python grammar at 
https://docs.python.org/3.10/reference/grammar.html, most 'invalid_' from 
the complete grammar at 
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.10/Grammar/python.gram have been 
removed, but 2 of them remain :

| invalid_primary  # must be before 'primay genexp' because of 

| '{' invalid_double_starred_kvpairs '}'

I suppose that the simplified version is extracted from the complete grammar 
with a program, and this program doesn't detect the 'invalid_' that don't 
end the line, since these 2 occurrences correspond to the only such lines in 
the complete grammar

| invalid_primary  # must be before 'primay genexp' because of 

| '{' invalid_double_starred_kvpairs '}'

Also note the typo in the comment : 'primay genexp' instead of 'primary genexp'

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 393306
nosy: docs@python, quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Remaining invalid rules in simplified grammar
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue38469] PEP 572 : assignment expression to a global variable in a comprehension

2019-10-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

That was a quick fix, thanks !


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[issue38469] PEP 572 : assignment expression to a global variable in a comprehension

2019-10-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel :

PEP 572 says that "an assignment expression occurring in a (...) comprehension 
(...) binds the target in the containing scope, honoring a nonlocal or global 
declaration for the target in that scope, if one exists."

In Appendix B, the PEP shows this example :

def f():
global TARGET

So I don't understand why this fails:

Python 3.8.0rc1 (tags/v3.8.0rc1:34214de, Oct  1 2019, 18:42:37) [MSC v.1916 64 
bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> x = 0
>>> def f():
... global x
... [x := i for i in range(5)]
  File "", line 3
SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'x' found

Is this a bug or am I missing something ?

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 354601
nosy: quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PEP 572 : assignment expression to a global variable in a comprehension
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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[issue20504] cgi.FieldStorage, multipart, missing Content-Length

2019-09-29 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

Now that the PR has been merged, can someone close the issue ?


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[issue21705] cgi.py: Multipart with more than one file is misparsed

2019-09-25 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

Yes, in test_cgi.py, the method test_fieldstorage_multipart_w3c 
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/test/test_cgi.py#L316) uses a 
multipart content with 2 files in it 


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[issue21705] cgi.py: Multipart with more than one file is misparsed

2019-09-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

The patch has been applied some time ago (I couldn't find the exact commit), 
cf. https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/cgi.py#L750

I think we can close the issue.

nosy: +quentel

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[issue27777] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse simple body with Content-Length and no Content-Disposition

2018-11-28 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

I have submitted another Pull Request (10771) that seems to fix the bug while 
passing all the tests in test_cgi.py

nosy: +quentel

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[issue27777] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse simple body with Content-Length and no Content-Disposition

2018-11-28 Thread Pierre Quentel

Change by Pierre Quentel :

pull_requests: +10015

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20504] cgi.FieldStorage, multipart, missing Content-Length

2018-11-21 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

I have submitted PR #10638 to fix this issue.


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[issue20504] cgi.FieldStorage, multipart, missing Content-Length

2018-11-21 Thread Pierre Quentel

Change by Pierre Quentel :

pull_requests: +9885

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[issue20504] cgi.FieldStorage, multipart, missing Content-Length

2018-11-21 Thread Pierre Quentel

Change by Pierre Quentel :

pull_requests: +9881

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20504] cgi.FieldStorage, multipart, missing Content-Length

2018-11-21 Thread Pierre Quentel

Change by Pierre Quentel :

nosy: +quentel

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[issue10486] http.server doesn't set all CGI environment variables

2018-11-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

The QUERY_STRING value is always set by the code at lines 1135-1137 of 

env.setdefault(k, "")

The RFC for CGI has not evolved since 2004, probably because the technology is 
stable, and also because other, more efficient protocols have been defined to 
avoid the "CGI overhead" (FastCGI for instance).

I think that http.server should only implement the "meta-variables" defined in 
RFC 3875:
SERVER_SOFTWARE. Some of these must always be set (eg QUERY_STRING, 
REQUEST_METHOD, SERVER_NAME...) but for other ones, there are conditions (for 
instance for CONTENT_LENGTH: "The server MUST set this meta-variable if and 
only if the request is accompanied by a message-body entity")
- "protocol-specific meta variables" : for HTTP, variables determined by the 
HTTP request headers such as HTTP_COOKIE (cf section 4.1.18.  Protocol-Specific 

Other meta variables are probably beyond the scope of a module in the standard 

In short, in my opinion the issue can be closed.


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[issue10486] http.server doesn't set all CGI environment variables

2018-11-10 Thread Pierre Quentel

Change by Pierre Quentel :

nosy: +quentel

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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2018-09-22 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:

I have released the module as httpcompressionserver on PyPI : 


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2018-09-15 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel  added the comment:


Thanks for taking the time, you and other core devs, to review the PR and to 
explain why you took this decision. I am disappointed by the result, but I 
understand the reasons, having to face the same maintenance issues, on a much 
smaller scale, with the project I manage (Brython, an implementation of Python 
for the browser).

I will follow your advice to publish the server on PyPI and cross fingers that 
it gains enough support to be included in a future version.


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-11-23 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com> added the comment:

On the Github site Raymond Hettinger is mentioned as the reviewer. I don't know 
how to contact him, can anyone ask him if he can review the PR on time for 
inclusion in Python 3.7 ?

I understand that it's difficult to find time for this and that there are many 
pending PRs ; I can't judge if this one is more or less important than the 
others, but the issue has been discussed for a few months now, the code has 
been improved after many iterations, so hopefully it should not be too far from 


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-11-11 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com> added the comment:

I think I have made all the changes requested in the code review (many thanks 
to the reviewer !).

I see that the Pull Request has been flagged "awaiting core review". With the 
deadline for Python 3.7 coming soon (11 weeks), is there a chance that the 
feature will be added on time ? Is there something I should do or someone I 
should contact for that ?


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[issue30406] async and await should be keywords in 3.7

2017-11-04 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com> added the comment:

According to PEP 492, async and await should have been deprecated in 3.5 and 
3.6, but I don't think they have been :

await = 1
def f(async=True):

don't raise any deprecation warning in 3.6.

Since version 3.7 will break existing code with a SyntaxError, could it be 
possible to have something explicit in the SyntaxError message for these new 
keywords, for instance

SyntaxError : 'async' is a keyword

I don't speack C so I can't provide a patch, sorry.

nosy: +quentel

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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-08-15 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

On Python-ideas someone asked if other compressions could be supported besides 

The latest version of the PR adds a mechanism for that : 
SimpleHTTPRequestHandler has a new attribute "compressions", a dictionary that 
maps compression encodings (eg "gzip") to a "compressed data generator". The 
generator takes a file object as argument, yields non-empty chunks of 
compressed data and ends by yielding b'' for compliance with Chunked Transfer 
Encoding protocol.

To support other compression algorithms, "compressions" can be extended with 
another key (eg "brotli") mapped to the appropriate generator. A test has been 
added with the non-standard "bzip2" encoding, using the bz2 module in the 
standard distribution.

I also added support for "deflate" by default (it's very close to "gzip").


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-08-02 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

In the latest version of the PR, following Martin's comments :
- apply Chunk Transfer for HTTP/1.1 only, change implementation of compression 
for previous protocols (send gzipped data without Content-Length)
- use http.cookiejar to parse the Accept-Encoding header
- fix a bug with chunk length (conversion to hex)
- support x-gzip besides gzip
- handle Python builds without zlib / gzip

Headers parsing is done in several places in the standard distribution. It 
should probably be done in a single module, but I think it would be better to 
open a new issue for that, as it would impact more modules than just 

I couldn't find a simple way to reuse code from http.client to generate HTTP 
chunks (it's in HTTPConnection._send_output()), but I'm not sure it's worth it, 
the code to generate a chunk is a one-liner.


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[issue29654] SimpleHTTPRequestHandler should support browser cache

2017-07-29 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

Thanks for telling me. I must have run the test hundreds of times now, on a
Windows 7 PC, and this bug never occured.

Just for my information, why do you add temp.flush() in the "with" block ?
I thought the context manager took care of this.

2017-07-28 18:19 GMT+02:00 STINNER Victor <rep...@bugs.python.org>:

> STINNER Victor added the comment:
> FYI there was a race condition, impacting Windows. I just fixed it:
> bpo-31066, commit 28ce07ae9e34c70eea6b52515c7e1cefd41e.
> --
> nosy: +haypo
> ___
> Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue29654>
> ___


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-07-28 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:


Please forget my previous message. There is a 3rd solution, and you gave it : 
no Content-Length and close the connection when all (compressed) data has been 


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-07-26 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:


For HTTP/1.0, since chunked transfer is not supported, and storage in a 
temporary file is also not an option, I see 2 possible solutions :
- give up compressing big files - it would be a pity, compression is actually 
made for them...
- compress the file 2 times : a first time just to compute the content length, 
without storing or sending anything, and a second time to send the gzipped data 
after all headers have been sent

If there is a 3rd solution I'd be glad to know ; otherwise I prefer the second 
one, in spite of the waste of CPU.


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-07-25 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

In the latest version of the Pull Request 
- compression is disabled by default (compressed_types is set to [])
- as suggested by Chris Barker in the discussion on python-ideas, I added a 
list of commonly compressed types that can be used as the value of 
compressed_types in subclasses of SimpleHTTPRequestHandler. For want of 
official sources I took the list from 
- a command-line option --gzip has been introduced, when it is set, the list of 
commonly compressed types is used
- the implementation of compression for "big files" has been changed : as 
suggested by Victor and Christian, no more temporary file, compressed data is 
now sent as chunks using Chunked Transfer Encoding. The file object returned by 
send_head() is a generator that produces the chunks of compressed data


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[issue29512] regrtest refleak: implement bisection feature

2017-07-25 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

Maybe it's me who is doing things wrong, but when I run 
Lib/test/test_httpservers.py I get this strange error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\cpython\Lib\test\test_httpservers.py", line 7, in 
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer, \
  File "c:\python36\lib\http\server.py", line 92, in 
import email.utils
  File "c:\python36\lib\email\utils.py", line 28, in 
import random
  File "c:\python36\lib\random.py", line 48, in 
import bisect as _bisect
  File "C:\cpython\Lib\test\bisect.py", line 27, in 
import tempfile
  File "c:\python36\lib\tempfile.py", line 45, in 
from random import Random as _Random
ImportError: cannot import name 'Random'

I see that the bisect module is loaded from location /test/bisect.py because of 
the script introduced in the resolution of this issue. Is it intentional to 
give it the same name as a module of the standard library ?

nosy: +quentel

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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-07-22 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

Thank you Terry and Victor for your comments. I understand that you agree on 
adding HTTP compression to http.server, but don't want it to be enabled by 


With the implementation proposed in the Pull Request, to disable compression by 
default, all it takes is to set the attribute 
SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.compressed_types to the empty list.

Users who want to enable compression for some types would create subclasses of 
Simple... that set compressed_types. For instance :

import http.server

class CompressedHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):

compressed_types = ["text/html", "text/plain"]


Would that be ok ?

For a command line argument --gzip, compressed_types could be set to a list of 
commonly compressed types - I don't think we want to pass a list of types on 
the command line.

For CGI scripts, I may be missing something but for me it is up to the script 
to determine the response headers and content, I don't think a mixin class in 
http.server could help.


I fully agree on your comment about content-length, the implementation in the 
PR is not optimal.

The alternative would be to send the answer using chunked transfer encoding, 
which is currently not used in http.server, and would also be relevant for 
other use cases than gzipped files. It shouldn't be difficult to add, and I 
volunteer to propose an implementation, but it's yet another feature to add to 
the server. Do you think it's relevant ?


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-07-19 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

Is Python-ideas the appropriate place to get input from other core devs ?


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[issue30824] Add mimetype for extension .json

2017-07-01 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel:

I propose to add a mapping of file extension .json to mime type 
This is registered in https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 297494
nosy: quentel, r.david.murray
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add mimetype for extension .json
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-06-20 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

Thanks for the comments. I agree with some of them, and have improved the PR 
accordingly, but I don't agree on the opinion that HTTP compression is beyond 
the scope of http.server : like browser cache (which also implies a negociation 
between client and server) it's a basic, normalized feature of HTTP servers ; 
it doesn't change the intention of "mapping requests to the directory 
structure", it just changes the way some files are served, improving transfer 
speed and network load, which is especially useful on mobile networks.

The implementation makes HTTP compression the default for the types defined in 
SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.compressed_types, but it can be disabled if the system 
can't handle it, like in the case you mention : just by setting 
compressed_types to the empty list. I have made it more clear in the 

I understand the concern for HEAD requests, but they must return the same 
headers as GET, so the compression must be done to determine the content-length 

To address the case when the tmp zone is limited, I have also added a 
try/except block that checks if the temporary gzipped file can be created ; if 
not, the file is returned uncompressed.

I don't understand Martin's suggestion to use HTTP compression for .gz files : 
they are already compressed, there wouldn't be any benefit to compress them 
again. It's the same for audio or video files. Compression is only useful for 
uncompressed data such as text files, scripts, css files, etc. that are not 
already compressed. All those files are sent unmodified and with their own 
content type.

I have also improved the PR for the alternative forms of Accept-Encoding 
("gzip;q=0", "*", "GZIP", etc.).


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-06-10 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com>:

pull_requests: +2142

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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-06-10 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

The compression is done on the fly : if compression criteria are satisfied, the 
original content is gzipped, either in memory or on a temporary file on disk, 
depending on the file size.

The gzipped content is not cached, but since the server now supports browser 
cache, on the next requests for the same file a 304 response will be sent.


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-06-06 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

I propose this as a minor improvement to the built-in server, like the support 
of browser cache that will be included in Python 3.7 (issue #29654, PR #298). I 
understand that the server is not supposed to be full-featured, but HTTP 
compression is widespread, reduces network load and is easy to implement (the 
code will be very similar to SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler).

Content-Encoding is used because it's the most simple to implement. Chunked 
transfer for large amount of data seems to me to be out of the scope of the 
built-in server.

Content-Length is set to the length of the compressed data. I don't understand 
your question about persistent connections : the proposal covers a single 
request / response sequence, it doesn't depend on the underlying TCP connection 
being reused or not.

>From what I understand, issue #1508475 refers to the http client, not server ; 
>and #4733 refers to another meaning of encoding (conversion from characters to 
>bytes with a charset such as utf-8), not to HTTP compression, which 
>unfortunately also uses "encoding" in headers names.


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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-06-05 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com>:

type:  -> enhancement

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[issue30576] http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)

2017-06-05 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel:

The server in http.server currently doesn't support HTTP compression.

I propose to implement it in the method send_head() of SimpleHTTPRequestHandler 
this way : for each GET request, if the request header "Accept-Encoding" is 
present and includes "gzip" among the possible compression schemes, and if the 
Content-Type determined by the file extension is in a list compressed_types, 
then the server sends the "Content-Encoding" response header to "gzip" and 
send_head() returns a file object with the gzipped value.

compressed_types is an attribute of the SimpleHTTPRequestHandler class and is 
set by default to ["text/plain", "text/html", "text/css", "text/xml", 
"text/javascript", "application/javascript", "application/json"].

The implementation is very simple (a few lines of code).

I also propose to modify mimetypes to add the mapping of extension ".json" to 

I will make a Pull Request on the CPython Github site with these changes.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 295207
nosy: quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: http.server should support HTTP compression (gzip)
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue29979] cgi.parse_multipart is not consistent with FieldStorage

2017-04-11 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:


Can you take a look at the Pull Request when you have time ? The correct PR is 
#991, not #990.


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[issue29979] cgi.parse_multipart is not consistent with FieldStorage

2017-04-04 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com>:

pull_requests: +1163

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[issue29979] cgi.parse_multipart is not consistent with FieldStorage

2017-04-04 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com>:

pull_requests: +1162

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29979] cgi.parse_multipart is not consistent with FieldStorage

2017-04-04 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel:

In the cgi module, the parse_multipart() function duplicates code from 
FieldStorage, and the result is not compliant with that of FieldStorage for 
requests sent with multipart/form-data : for non-file fields, the value 
associated with a key is a list of *bytes* in parse_multipart() and a list of 
*strings* for FieldStorage (the bytes decoded with the argument "encoding" 
passed to FieldStorage()).

I will propose a PR on the Github repo with a version of parse_multipart that 
uses FieldStorage and returns the same result (values as strings). The function 
will take an additional argument "encoding".

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 291117
nosy: quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: cgi.parse_multipart is not consistent with FieldStorage
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue11066] cgi.py proposals : sys.stdout encoding + rewriting of parsing functions

2017-04-04 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

I close this issue and will open a more specific one for the rewriting of 

resolution:  -> out of date
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue29654] SimpleHTTPRequestHandler should support browser cache

2017-02-25 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel:

SimpleHTTPServer send a Last-Modified response header, but doesn't take into 
account the If-Modified-Since header if it was sent by the user agent. 

If a url matches a file and this file was not modified after the value of the 
If-Modified-Since header, the server should return HTTP status 304 (Not 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 288581
nosy: quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: SimpleHTTPRequestHandler should support browser cache
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue24764] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse multipart part headers with Content-Length and no filename in Content-Disposition

2015-08-08 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

Victor, you can apply the patch and close the issue.
Le 7 août 2015 17:12, Peter Landry rep...@bugs.python.org a écrit :

 Peter Landry added the comment:

 A new patch that simply removes Content-Length from part headers when

 Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40145/cgi_multipart.patch

 Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org


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[issue24764] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse multipart part headers with Content-Length and no filename in Content-Disposition

2015-08-07 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

I don't really see why there is a Content-Length in the headers of a
multipart form data. The specification at
http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h- doesn't
mention it, and it is absent in the example that looks like the one tested
by Peter :

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=submit-name

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=files; filename=file1.txt
Content-Type: text/plain
... contents of file1.txt ...

In case a user agent would insert it, I think the best would be to
ignore it. That is, inside read_multi(), after

headers = parser.close()

add these lines :

if 'content-length' in headers:
del headers['content-length']

It's hard to see the potential side effects but I think it's cleaner
than the proposed patch, which is not correct anyway for another
reason : the attribute value is set to a bytes objects, instead of a

Peter, does this make sense ? If so, can you submit another patch ?


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[issue24764] cgi.FieldStorage can't parse multipart part headers with Content-Length and no filename in Content-Disposition

2015-08-01 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

Yes, I will be able to review the patch next week

2015-07-31 18:13 GMT+02:00 STINNER Victor rep...@bugs.python.org:

 STINNER Victor added the comment:

 @Pierre Quentel: Hi! Are you still working on CGI? Can you please review
 this patch? Thanks.


 Previous large change in the cgi module: issue #4953. Pierre helped a lot
 on this one.

 nosy: +quentel

 Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org


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[issue11352] Update cgi module doc

2012-05-10 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

I attach a new version after sharing thought with Glenn

CGI scripts are still unable to define which encoding to use to print the 
strings received from the user agent. A patch was proposed #11066 but the issue 
is still pending. The new version documents this issue

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file25519/cgi-doc.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue11352] Update cgi module doc

2012-05-09 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:


I started working on a revised version of the whole cgi documentation. I mostly 
changed paragraphs 2  3 (Using the CGI module and Higher level interface) 
and replaced them by a paragraph still called Using the CGI module + 2 other 
paragraphs for special cases : Multiple fields with the same name and File 

The content is basically the same but the new presentation is hopefully more 

The patch is attached as file cgi-doc.patch

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file25512/cgi-doc.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14565] is_cgi doesn't function as documented for cgi_directories

2012-05-08 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Hi Glenn,

My proposal was not about optimization, I just thought that if x==y is 
simpler than if len(x)==len(y) and x==y. Since we don't expect that there 
will be many directories in the list, I don't think optimizing is so important. 
But it doesn't matter to me really, the most important is to have the bug fixed

Can you propose a diff file so that the committers can review it ?


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[issue14565] is_cgi doesn't function as documented for cgi_directories

2012-05-07 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Thanks for the explanation

I still think that the patch can be simplified, not using path lengths and the 
found flag

collapsed_path = _url_collapse_path(self.path)
for head in self.cgi_directories:
if head==collapsed_path:
self.cgi_info = (head,'')
return True
elif collapsed_path.startswith(head) \
and collapsed_path[len(head)]=='/':
self.cgi_info = head, collapsed_path[len(head)+1:]
return True
return False

BTW the last return False is rather useless since is_cgi() is only used in 
tests like if is_cgi()


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[issue14565] is_cgi doesn't function as documented for cgi_directories

2012-05-06 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Hi Glenn, good to hear from you ;-)

I think the fix can be simplified replacing

dir_sep = collapsed_path.find('/', 1)


dir_sep = collapsed_path.rfind('/', 1)

nosy: +quentel

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[issue8077] cgi handling of POSTed files is broken

2012-05-03 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

There are 2 different problems :
- handling of data by cgi.FieldStorage (issue 4953) : fixed since version 3.2
- in http.server.CGIHTTPRequestHandler, for POST requests on Windows, before 
opening the subprocess in run_cgi() all data is read by a *single* call to 
self.rfile.read(). If not all bytes are read by this single call, which is the 
case for a large file upload, only the read data are processed

The attached patch modifies http.server :
- if all data are read in the first call to self.rfile.read() (that is, if its 
length is equal to the Content-length header), process them
- if not, store all data in a temporary file (not in memory) and set the stdin 
argument of subprocess.Popen to this temporary file

With this patch, the tests provided by Mitchell all work on my PC (Windows XP 
Pro SP3)

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file25440/http-server.patch

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[issue8077] cgi handling of POSTed files is broken

2012-05-02 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

nosy: +quentel

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[issue11352] Update cgi module doc

2012-04-30 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Thanks Hynek for raising this issue from the dead

Patch proposal attached. Sorry if there are markup errors, it's my first 
contact with rst

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file25416/cgi.rst

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[issue11352] Update cgi module doc

2012-04-30 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Sorry about that. I didn't dare to say I was also a Mercurial newbie

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file25421/cgi-doc-update.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue11352] Update cgi module doc

2012-04-30 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file25416/cgi.rst

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[issue11352] Update cgi module doc

2012-04-30 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Thanks Senthil
I spot a typo in the first modified paragraph : cet instead of set


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[issue12922] StringIO and seek()

2011-09-07 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

nosy: +quentel

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[issue12411] cgi.parse_multipart is broken on 3.x

2011-07-04 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

When the FieldStorage class was fixed there was a discussion in issue 4953 
about the module-level functions parse() and parse_multipart(). The code was 
very similar to methods of the FieldStorage class so the idea was to use 
FieldStorage inside the functions

The patch proposed in issue 11066 replaced the code in parse_multipart by just :

def parse_multipart(fp, pdict):
return FieldStorage(fp,environ=pdict)

Did anyone test it ?


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[issue11352] Buf in cgi module doc

2011-02-28 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:


I wrote a patch for the cgi module in version 3.2rc1 (#4953). Small changes 
should be done to the documentation of this module to reflect the changes in 
the module API :

- in section 20.2.2. Using the cgi module

original text :
If a field represents an uploaded file, accessing the value via the value 
attribute or the getvalue() method reads the entire file in memory as a string. 
This may not be what you want. You can test for an uploaded file by testing 
either the filename attribute or the file attribute. You can then read the data 
at leisure from the file attribute:

proposed new text (for files, value is bytes, not string, and the read() method 
on file also returns bytes) :
If a field represents an uploaded file, accessing the value via the value 
attribute or the getvalue() method reads the entire file in memory as bytes. 
This may not be what you want. You can test for an uploaded file by testing 
either the filename attribute or the file attribute. You can then read the data 
at leisure from the file attribute (the read() and readline() methods will 
return bytes) :

- version 3.2 introduced a parameter encoding for the FieldStorage 
constructor, used to decode the bytes received on the HTTP connection for 
fields other than files. This encoding must the one defined in the HTML 
document holding the form submitted to the CGI script ; it is usually defined 
by a meta tag :
meta http-equiv=Content-type content=text/html;charset=latin-1
or by the Content-Type header for this document

I'm not sure where this should be mentioned in the module documentation. Maybe 
in 20.2.9. Common problems and solutions for the moment. But there are plans 
(#11066) to introduce another interface to change the encoding of sys.stdout in 
the CGI script itself, so another option would be to open a specific section 
about encodings

Hope it's clear enough

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 129691
nosy: docs@python, quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Buf in cgi module doc
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2

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[issue11352] Bug in cgi module doc

2011-02-28 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

bug, not buf...

title: Buf in cgi module doc - Bug in cgi module doc

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[issue10911] cgi: add more tests

2011-02-04 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

I opened issue #11066 for the code refactoring


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[issue10911] cgi: add more tests

2011-01-29 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Here is the diff file for test_cgi.py
I added a test for a multipart/form-data form with non ASCII data to test the 
encoding parameter of FieldStorage

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20611/test_cgi.diff

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[issue11066] cgi.py proposals : sys.stdout encoding + rewriting of parsing functions

2011-01-29 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Python 3.2rc1 introduced a new version of cgi.py that handles correctly file 

In this version, the FieldStorage constructor receives an argument encoding 
which is the encoding used by the document holding the submitted form

On the CGI script side, there is currently no easy way to print the received 
form fields with another encoding than sys.stdout.encoding. 

The proposed version introduces a function, set_stdout_encoding(charset), which 
can be used in the CGI script to set sys.stdout to an instance of a class that 
uses the charset encoding. This way, print() will use this encoding. charset 
must be the encoding defined in the content-type header sent by the CGI scrpt

This class (IOMix) was written by Glen Linderman and proposed in the 3.2rc1 
version, but no consensus could be reached on time for the release

Another proposed change is a rewriting of the module-level functions parse() 
and parse_multipart() : they now use the FieldStorage methods instead

components: Library (Lib)
files: cgi_20110129.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 127487
nosy: quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: cgi.py proposals : sys.stdout encoding + rewriting of parsing functions
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20612/cgi_20110129.diff

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[issue10911] cgi: add more tests

2011-01-21 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:


I have written more tests, but also propose changes to cgi.py : 
- rewrite the parse_qs() and parse_multipart() functions so that they use 
FieldStorage methods instead of duplicating them
- add a function set_stdout_encoding(encoding), using the IOMix class proposed 
by Glen Linderman in issue #4953

Should I post the new version of test_cgi.py here and open another issue for 
the other proposed changes to cgi.py, or use this issue to discuss both ?

nosy: +quentel

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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:


Thanks for the comments

- I don't understand why FieldStorage changes sys.stdout and sys.stderr (see 
remarks about IOMix above): please remove the charset argument (it is also 
confusing to have two encoding arguments). it should be done somewhere else


please remove the O_BINARY hack: the patch is for Python 3.2 and I closed 
issue #10841. If you would like a backport, another patch should be written 


encoding = 'latin-1' # ?: write a real comment or remove it

I removed this part

'self.fp.read(...) # bytes': you should add a test on the type if you are not 
sure that fp.read() gives bytes

added tests in read_urlencoded(), read_multi() and read_binary()

 file: the file(-like) object from which you can read the data *as bytes*: 
you should mention that TextIOWrapper is also tolerated (accepted?)

not done : here file is not the argument passed to the FieldStorage 
constructor, but the attribute of values returned from calls to FieldStorage. 
In the new implementation, its read() method always returns bytes

you may set fp directly to sys.stdin.buffer (instead of sys.stdin) if fp is 
None (it will be easier after removing the O_BINARY thing)
 the patch adds a tab in an empty line, please don't do that :-)
done (hopefully :-)
you should add a (private?) attribute to FieldStorage to decide if it works on 
bytes or unicode, instead of using self.filename is not None test (eg. 
self._use_bytes = (self.filename is not None)


 i don't like the idea of having a generic self.__write() method supporting 
bytes and unicode. it would prefer two methods, eg. self.__write_text() and 
self.__write_binary() (they can share a third private method)
not done, the argument of __write is always bytes
i don't like stream_encoding name: what is the stream here? do you process 
a file, a string or a stream? why not just self.encoding?


 - import email.parser,email.feedparser one import is useless here. I prefer 
from email.feedparser import FeedParser because you get directly a 
ImportError if the symbol is missing. And it's already faster to get FeedParser 
instead of email.feedparser.FeedParser in a loop (dummy micro-optimization)


 even I like the following change, please do it in a separated patch:
-if type(value) is type([]):
+if isinstance(value,list):

not done

I really don't like the IOMix thing:


I vote +0 to commit the patch now (if the release manager agrees), and +1 if 
all of my remarks are fixed.

should be close to +0.8 now ;-)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20402/cgi_32.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20387/cgi_32.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Glenn, you read my mind ;-)

Thanks for mentioning the O_BINARY thing. New (last !) patch attached

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20403/cgi_32.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20402/cgi_32.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Thanks a lot Victor !

I wrote the patch : Pierre Quentel (pierre.quen...@gmail.com) with many
inputs by Glenn Linderman

2011/1/14 STINNER Victor rep...@bugs.python.org

 STINNER Victor victor.stin...@haypocalc.com added the comment:

 Oh, I forgot to credit the author(s): who wrote the patch?


 Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org

title: cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in3.x - 
cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20405/unnamed

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
___Thanks a lot Victor !brbrI wrote the patch : Pierre Quentel (a 
href=mailto:pierre.quen...@gmail.com;pierre.quen...@gmail.com/a) with many 
inputs by Glenn Lindermanbrbrdiv class=gmail_quote2011/1/14 STINNER 
Victor span dir=ltrlt;a 
blockquote class=gmail_quote style=margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 
1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;div class=imbr
STINNER Victor lt;a 
added the comment:br
/divOh, I forgot to credit the author(s): who wrote the patch?br
divdiv/divdiv class=h5br
Python tracker lt;a 
lt;a href=http://bugs.python.org/issue4953; 
/div/div/blockquote/divbrdiv class=ogc-tooltip-class 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20405/unnamed

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-14 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

My latest patch for test_cgi is in cgi_32.patch

I will try to add more tests later


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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

I knew the builtins hack was terrible, thanks for the replies...

I changed cgi.py with Glenn's IOMix class, and included the changes in 
make_file(). The patch is attached to this message

Is it really too late to include it in 3.2 ? Missing a working cgi module is 
really a problem for a wider 3.x adoption

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20383/cgi_20110113.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

diff for the updated version of test_cgi.py, compatible with cgi.py

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20384/test_cgi_20111013.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

zip file with the updated cgi_test.py and associated files

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20385/cgi_tests.zip

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20229/cgi_diff.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20235/cgi_diff.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20322/cgi_diff_20110109.txt

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[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20323/cgi_tests.zip

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20356/cgi_diff_20110111.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20382/cgi_diff_20110112.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20383/cgi_20110113.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20384/test_cgi_20111013.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Changes by Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20244/cgi_diff.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Ok Eric, thanks for the tips

I attach the diff for the 2 modified modules (cgi.py and test_cgi.py). For the 
other tests, they are not in the branch and there are many test files so I 
leave the zip file

I removed outdated diffs

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20387/cgi_32.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Ok, thanks. Here is a summary of the API changes :

- the argument fp passed to FieldStorage is either an instance of (a subclass 
of) io.TextIOBase with a buffer attribute for the underlying binary layer 
(thus, it can't be a StringIO instance) ; or an object with read() and 
readline() methods that return bytes
Defaults to sys.stdin

- 2 additional arguments can be passed to the FieldStorage constructor :
. stream_encoding : the encoding used by the user agent to encode submitted 
data. It must be the same as the content-type of the HTML page where the form 
stands. Defaults to utf-8
. charset : the encoding used by the CGI script (the one used by the print() 
function to encode and send to sys.stdout). It must be the same as the charset 
in the content-type header sent by this script. Defaults to None, in which case 
the default encoding of sys.stdout is used

- the only change in the object returned by FieldStorage() is that, if a field 
represents a file (its argument filename is not None), the read() method on 
this field returns bytes, and its attribute value is a bytestring, not a 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.x

2011-01-13 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Comment ça, no up to date patch ? cgi_32.patch is up to date, the API changes 
are documented, the unittests work, what else do you want ?


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-12 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Many thoughts and tests after...

Glenn, the both of us were wrong : the encoding to use in FieldStorage is 
neither latin-1, nor sys.stdin.encoding : I tested form fields with characters 
whose utf-8 encoding has bytes that map to undefined in cp1252, the calls to 
the decode() method with sys.stdin.encoding failed

The encoding used by the browser is defined in the Content-Type meta tag, or 
the content-type header ; if not, the default seems to vary for different 
browsers. So it's definitely better to define it

The argument stream_encoding used in FieldStorage *must* be this encoding ; in 
this version, it is set to utf-8 by default

But this raises another problem, when the CGI script has to print the data 
received. The built-in print() function encodes the string with 
sys.stdout.encoding, and this will fail if the string can't be encoded with it. 
It is the case on my PC, where sys.stdout.encoding is cp1252 : it can't handle 
Arabic or Chinese characters

The solution I have tried is to pass another argument, charset, to the 
FieldStorage contructor, defaulting to utf-8. It must be the same as the 
charset defined in the CGI script in the Content-Type header

FieldStorage uses this argument to override the built-in print() function :
- flush the text layer of sys.stdin, in case calls to print() have been made 
before calling FieldStorage
- get the binary layer of stdout : out = sys.stdout.detach()
- define a function _print this way:
def _print(*strings):
for item in strings:
- override print() :
import builtins
builtins.print = _print

The function print() in the CGI script now sends the strings encoded with 
charset to the binary layer of sys.stdout. All the tests I made with Arabic 
or Chinese input fileds, or file names, succed when using this patch ; so do 
test_cgi and cgi_test (slightly modified)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20382/cgi_diff_20110112.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-11 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

I'm curious what your system (probably Windows since you mention cp-) and 
browser, and HTTP server is, that you used for that test.  Is it possible to 
capture the data stream for that test?  Describe how, and at what stage the 
data stream was captured, if you can capture it.  Most interesting would be on 
the interface between browser and HTTP server.

I tested it on Windows XP Family Edition 2020, Service Pack 3, with Python 3.2b2
Browsers : Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13 and Internet Explorer 7.0
Servers : Apache 2.2, and the built-in server started by :

import http.server

I print the bytes received in the multipart/form-data part by 
print(odelim+line) at the end of method  read_lines_to_outerboundary() of 
FieldStorage. The bytes sent when I enter the string 
a+n tilde + the euro sign 
are : b'a\xf1\x80' - that is, the cp-1252 encoding of the string

Since it works the same with 2 browsers and 2 web servers, I'm almost sure it's 
not dependant on the configuration - but if others can tests on different 
configurations I'd like to know the result

Basically, this behaviour is not surprising : if sys.stdin.encoding is set to a 
certain value, it's natural that the bytes sent on the binary layer are encoded 
with this encoding, not with latin-1

I attach the diff file for an updated version of cgi.py :
- new argument stream_encoding instead of setting an attribute encoding to fp
- use locale.getpreferredencoding() to decode the query string

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20356/cgi_diff_20110111.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-10 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Also, the use of FeedParser could be replaced by BytesFeedParser, thus 
eliminating the need to decode header lines in that loop.

BytesFeedParser only uses the ascii codec ; if the header has non ASCII 
characters (filename in a multipart/form-data), they are replaced by ? : the 
original file name is lost. So for the moment I leave the text version of 

@Victor :
you should use qs.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), 'surrogateescape')
Ok, I changed the code to that

Maybe a DeprecationWarning if we would like to drop support of TextIOWrapper 
later :-)
Maybe I'm missing something here, but sys.stdin is always a TextIOWrapper 
instance, even if set to binary mode

For the else case: you should maybe add a strict test on the type, eg. check 
for RawIOBase or BufferedIOBase subclass, isinstance(fp, (io.RawIOBase, 
io.BufferedIOBase)). It would avoid to check that fp.read() returns a bytes 
object (or get an ugly error later).

Rejecting non-instances of RawIOBase or BufferedIOBase is too much, I think. 
Any class whose instances have a read() method that return bytes should be 
accepted, like the TestReadLine class in test_cgi.py

Set sys.stdin.buffer.encoding attribute is not a good idea. Why do you modify 
fp, instead of using a separated attribute on FieldStorage (eg. 

I set an attribute encoding to self.fp because, for each part of a 
multipart/form-data, a new instance of FieldStorage is created, and this 
instance needs to know how to decode bytes. So, either an attribute must be set 
to one of the arguments of the FieldStorage constructor, and fp comes to mind, 
or an extra argument has to be passed to this constructor, i.e. the encoding of 
the original stream


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-10 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

 The _defined_ encoding of the original stream is irrelevant, in the same 
manner that if it is a text stream, that is irrelevant.  The stream is binary, 
and latin-1, or it is non-standard

I wish it could be as simple, but I'm afraid it's not. On my PC, 
sys.stdin.encoding is cp-1252. I tested a multipart/form-data with an INPUT 
field, and I entered the euro character, which is encoded  \x80 in cp-1252

If I use the encoding defined for sys.stdin (cp-1252) to decode the bytes 
received on sys.stdin.buffer, I get the correct value in the cgi script ; if I 
set the encoding to latin-1 in FieldStorage, since \x80 maps to undefined in 
latin-1, I get a UnicodeEncodeError if I try to print the value (character 
maps to undefined)


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-09 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Here is the diff file for the revised version of cgi.py

FieldStorage tests if the stream is an instance of (a subclass of) 
io.TextIOBase. If true, data is read from its attribute buffer ; if it hasn't 
one (eg for StringIO instances), an AttributeException is raised. Should we 
have a more specific exception ?
If false, the stream's method read() is supposed to return bytes ; an exception 
will be raised if it's not the case

The encoding used to decode keys and values to strings is the attribute 
encoding of the stream, or latin-1 if this attribute doesn't exist

Besides FieldStorage, I modified the  parse() function at module level, but not 
parse_multipart (should it be kept at all ?)

I leave the code to set sys.stdin to binary on Windows for the moment, but it 
can be removed in the final version thanks to Victor's fix of issue 10841

I modified cgi_test.py and test_cgi.py (sent in a next post), all the tests 
pass with the revised version of cgi.py on my PC

While testing the patch I found other related things that I suppose should be 
changed (but need to check again - perhaps there are already tracker issues 
about them) :
- in http.server.CGIHTPPRequestHandler, the -u option should be removed (line 
- on Windows, http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.list_directory() fails with 
Arabic characters (mbcs encoding fails, utf-8 works)
- in urllib.parse.unquote(), default encoding should be latin-1, not utf-8 
(submitting a simple form with French accented characters raises a 
UnicodeEncodeError when trying to print the submitted value)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20322/cgi_diff_20110109.txt

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-09 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

cgi tests

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20323/cgi_tests.zip

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-07 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

Option 1 is impossible, because the CGI script sometimes has no control on the 
stream : for instance on a shared web host, it will receive sys.stdin as a text 

I also vote for option 3 ; explaining that if no argument is passed, the 
program will use sys.stdin.buffer (or the result of sys.stdin.detach() : I 
guess it's the same ?), and that if an argument is passed, it must provide an 
attribute buffer (or a method detach() ?) as the binary layer of the stream

BTW, I didn't have time to finish the versions of cgi.py and tests, my next 
slot is this week-end


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4953] cgi module cannot handle POST with multipart/form-data in 3.0

2011-01-05 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel pierre.quen...@gmail.com added the comment:

I agree that the only consistent solution is to impose that the attribute 
self.fp must read bytes in all cases, all required conversions should occur 
inside FieldStorage, using some encoding (not sure how to define it...)

If no argument fp is passed to __init__(), the instance uses the binary version 
of sys.stdin. In my patch I use sys.stdin.buffer, but it also works if I set it 
to sys.stdin.detach()

In all cases the interpreter must be launched with the -u option. As stated in 
the documentation, the effect of this option is to force the binary layer of 
the stdin, stdout and stderr streams (which is available as their buffer 
attribute) to be unbuffered. The text I/O layer will still be line-buffered.. 
On my PC (Windows XP) this is required to be able to read all the data stream ; 
otherwise, only the beginning is read. I tried Glenn's suggestion with mscvrt, 
with no effect

I am working on the cgi.py module so that all tests (test_cgi and cgi_test) 
pass with binary streams. It's almost finished ; I had to adapt the tests, and 
sometimes fix bugs in them

Problems in test_cgi.py :
- in testQSAndFormData() string data should not begin with a line feed
- in testQSAndFormDataFile() : same thing as above + the argument to update 
result should be {'upload': b'this is the content of the fake file\n'} : bytes, 
ending with a line feed as in the string data
- in do_test(), for POST method, fp must be a BytesIO
- in test_fieldstorage_multipart(), expected value should be b'Testing 123.\n' 
for the third case (filename is not None, bytes expected, there is a line feed 
in string data)

Problems in cgi_test.py
- data files mix headers (which should be strings) and POST data which should 
be read as bytes. In setup(), the file is opened in binary mode, the first two 
lines are read to initialize Content-Length and Content-Type, and an attribute 
encoding = 'latin-1' is set
- the tests showed warnings ResourceWarning: unclosed file _io.BufferedReader 
name='zenASCII.txt', I changed the code to avoid these warnings

I will send the results (diff for new version of cgi + tests) hopefully tomorrow


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