[issue41629] __class__ not set defining 'X' as

2021-01-06 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

I just stumbled across this issue trying to resolve this: 

While this fails:

from typing import NamedTuple

class Spamm(NamedTuple):

foo: int
bar: str

def __getitem__(self, index_or_key):
"""Returns the respective item."""
if isinstance(index_or_key, str):
return getattr(self, index_or_key)
except AttributeError:
raise IndexError(index_or_key) from None

return super().__getitem__(index_or_key)

def keys(self):
return self._fields

def main():

spamm = Spamm(12, 'hello')
d = dict(spamm)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neumann/test.py", line 4, in 
class Spamm(NamedTuple):
RuntimeError: __class__ not set defining 'Spamm' as . 
Was __classcell__ propagated to type.__new__?

The following works:

from typing import NamedTuple

def _getitem(instance, index_or_key):
"""Returns the respective item."""

if isinstance(index_or_key, str):
return getattr(instance, index_or_key)
except AttributeError:
raise IndexError(index_or_key) from None

return super().__getitem__(index_or_key)

def dicttuple(cls: tuple):
"""Extends a tuple class with methods for the dict constructor."""

cls.keys = lambda self: self._fields
cls.__getitem__ = _getitem
return cls

class Spamm(NamedTuple):

foo: int
bar: str

def main():

spamm = Spamm(12, 'hello')
d = dict(spamm)

if __name__ == '__main__':

And produces:

['__add__', '__annotations__', '__class__', '__class_getitem__', 
'__contains__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', 
'__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__', '__gt__', 
'__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', 
'__lt__', '__module__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__orig_bases__', 
'__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', 
'__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_asdict', 
'_field_defaults', '_fields', '_make', '_replace', 'bar', 'count', 'foo', 
'index', 'keys']
('foo', 'bar')
{'foo': 12, 'bar': 'hello'}

I am a bit baffled, why it works when the method is injected via a decorator.

nosy: +conqp

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[issue42765] Introduce new data model method __iter_items__

2021-01-06 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

Okay, I found the solution. Not using super() works:

from typing import NamedTuple

class Spamm(NamedTuple):

foo: int
bar: str

def __getitem__(self, index_or_key):
if isinstance(index_or_key, str):
return getattr(self, index_or_key)
except AttributeError:
raise KeyError(index_or_key) from None

return tuple.__getitem__(self, index_or_key)

def keys(self):
yield 'foo'
yield 'bar'

def main():

spamm = Spamm(12, 'hello')
d = dict(spamm)

if __name__ == '__main__':


{'foo': 12, 'bar': 'hello'}


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[issue42765] Introduce new data model method __iter_items__

2021-01-06 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

Thank you all for your input.
I had a look at aforementioned discussion and learned something new.
So I tried to implement the dict data model by implementing keys() and 
__getitem__() accordingly:

from typing import NamedTuple

class Spamm(NamedTuple):

foo: int
bar: str

def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, str):
return getattr(self, item)
except AttributeError:
raise KeyError(item) from None

return super().__getitem__(item)

def keys(self):
yield 'foo'
yield 'bar'

def main():

spamm = Spamm(12, 'hello')
d = dict(spamm)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Unfortunately this will result in an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neumann/test.py", line 4, in 
class Spamm(NamedTuple):
RuntimeError: __class__ not set defining 'Spamm' as . 
Was __classcell__ propagated to type.__new__?

Which seems to be caused by the __getitem__ implementation.
I found a corresponding issue here: https://bugs.python.org/issue41629
Can I assume, that this is a pending bug and thusly I cannot implement the 
desired behaviour until a fix?


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[issue42768] super().__new__() of list expands arguments

2020-12-28 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

I could have sworn, that this worked before, but it was obviously me being 
tired at the end of the work day.
Thanks for pointing this out and sorry for the noise.


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[issue42768] super().__new__() of list expands arguments

2020-12-28 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann :

When sublassing the built-in list, the invocation of super().__new__ will 
unexpectedly expand the passed arguments:

class MyTuple(tuple):

def __new__(cls, *items):
print(cls, items)
return super().__new__(cls, items)

class MyList(list):

def __new__(cls, *items):
print(cls, items)
return super().__new__(cls, items)

def main():

my_tuple = MyTuple(1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
print('My tuple:', my_tuple)
my_list = MyList(1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
print('My list:', my_list)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Actual result:

 (1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
My tuple: (1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
 (1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neumann/listbug.py", line 24, in 
  File "/home/neumann/listbug.py", line 19, in main
my_list = MyList(1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
TypeError: list expected at most 1 argument, got 5


 (1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
My tuple: (1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
 (1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar')
My list: [1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar']

components: ctypes
messages: 383902
nosy: conqp
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: super().__new__() of list expands arguments
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42765] Introduce new data model method __iter_items__

2020-12-28 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann :

I have use cases in which I use named tuples to represent data sets, e.g:

class BasicStats(NamedTuple):
"""Basic statistics response packet."""

type: Type
session_id: BigEndianSignedInt32
motd: str
game_type: str
map: str
num_players: int
max_players: int
host_port: int
host_ip: IPAddressOrHostname

I want them to behave as intended, i.e. that unpacking them should behave as 
expected from a tuple:

type, session_id, motd, … = BasicStats(…)

I also want to be able to serialize them to a JSON-ish dict.
The NamedTuple has an _asdict method, that I could use.

json = BasicStats(…)._asdict()

But for the dict to be passed to JSON, I need customization of the dict 
representation, e.g. set host_ip to str(self.host_ip), since it might be a 
non-serializable ipaddress.IPv{4,6}Address. Doing this in an object hook of 
json.dumps() is a non-starter, since I cannot force the user to remember, which 
types need to be converted on the several data structures.
Also, using _asdict() seems strange as an exposed API, since it's an underscore 
method and users hence might not be inclined to use it.

So what I did is to add a method to_json() to convert the named tuple into a 
JSON-ish dict:

def to_json(self) -> dict:
"""Returns a JSON-ish dict."""
return {
'type': self.type.value,
'session_id': self.session_id,
'motd': self.motd,
'game_type': self.game_type,
'map': self.map,
'num_players': self.num_players,
'max_players': self.max_players,
'host_port': self.host_port,
'host_ip': str(self.host_ip)

It would be nicer to have my type just return this appropriate dict when 
invoking dict(BasicStats(…)). This would require me to override the __iter__() 
method to yield key / value tuples for the dict.
However, this would break the natural behaviour of tuple unpacking as described 

Hence, I propose to add a method __iter_items__(self) to the python data model 
with the following properties:

1) __iter_items__ is expected to return an iterator of 2-tuples representing 
key / value pairs.
2) the built-in function dict(), when called on an object, will attempt to 
create the object from __iter_items__ first and fall back to __iter__.

Alternative names could also be __items__ or __iter_dict__.

components: C API
messages: 383897
nosy: conqp
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Introduce new data model method __iter_items__
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41795] Allow assignment in yield statement

2020-09-16 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

Awesome, I didn't know that.
I tried it without the parens and it gave me a SyntaxError.
This can be closed then as it's obviously already implemented.
Let's get to refactoring.


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[issue41795] Allow assignment in yield statement

2020-09-16 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann :

I often write factory (deserialization) methods for ORM models for web 
application backends that produce a number of records (ORM model instances) of 
itself and related database tables:

def from_json(cls, json):
"""Yields records from a JSON-ish dict."""
modules = json.pop('modules', None) or ()
order = super().from_json(json)
yield order

for module in modules:
yield OrderedModule(order=order, module=Module(module))

This yields the main record "order" and related records from OrderedModules, 
which have a foreign key to Order.
Thusly I can save all records by:

for record in Order.from_json(json):

Since I have several of those deserialization functions for multiple tables in 
multiple databases, it'd be nice to reduce the amount of code with some extra 
syntactic sugar, like:

def from_json(cls, json):
"""Yields records from a JSON-ish dict."""
modules = json.pop('modules', None) or ()
yield order = super().from_json(json)  # Assignment via "="

for module in modules:
yield OrderedModule(order=order, module=Module(module))


def from_json(cls, json):
"""Yields records from a JSON-ish dict."""
modules = json.pop('modules', None) or ()
yield order := super().from_json(json)  # Assignment via ":="

for module in modules:
yield OrderedModule(order=order, module=Module(module))

I therefor propose to allow assignment of names in generator-like yield 
statements as described above.

messages: 376979
nosy: conqp
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Allow assignment in yield statement
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40054] Allow formatted strings as docstrings

2020-03-24 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann :

Currently only plain strings can be used as docstrings, such as:

class Foo:
"""Spamm eggs."""

For dynamic class generation, it would be useful to allow format strings as 
docstrings as well:

doc = 'eggs'

class Foo:
"""Spamm {}.""".format(doc)


doc = 'eggs'

class Foo:
f"""Spamm {doc}."""

A current use case in which I realized that this feature was missing is:

class OAuth2ClientMixin(Model, ClientMixin):   # pylint: disable=R0904
"""An OAuth 2.0 client mixin for peewee models."""

def get_related_models(cls, model=Model):
"""Yields related models."""
for mixin, backref in CLIENT_RELATED_MIXINS:
yield cls._get_related_model(model, mixin, backref)

def _get_related_model(cls, model, mixin, backref):
"""Returns an implementation of the related model."""
class ClientRelatedModel(model, mixin):
f"""Implementation of {mixin.__name__}."""
client = ForeignKeyField(
cls, column_name='client', backref=backref,
on_delete='CASCADE', on_update='CASCADE')

return ClientRelatedModel

It actually *is* possible to dynamically set the docstring via the __doc__ 

doc = 'eggs'

class Foo:

Foo.__doc__ = doc

Allowing format strings would imho be more obvious when reading the code as it 
is set, where a docstring is expected i.e. below the class / function 

messages: 364934
nosy: conqp
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Allow formatted strings as docstrings
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37113] 'ß'.upper() should return 'ẞ'

2019-05-31 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_%E1%BA%9E


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[issue37113] 'ß'.upper() should return 'ẞ'

2019-05-31 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann :

Currently, calling the method .upper() on a string containing 'ß' will replace 
this character by 'SS'. It should, however, be replaced by 'ẞ'.

components: Unicode
messages: 344065
nosy: Richard Neumann, ezio.melotti, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: 'ß'.upper() should return 'ẞ'
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue34732] uuid returns version more than 5

2018-09-20 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

I updated my pull request.
Since "_windll_getnode()" is only returning a (random?) node for a UUID, I 
circumevented the value checking by introducing a new keyword-only argument 
"strict" defaulting to "True", there being set to "False".


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[issue31958] UUID versions are not validated to lie in the documented range

2018-09-19 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

@xtreak Indeed. It fails on _windll_getnode().

ERROR: test_windll_getnode (test.test_uuid.TestInternalsWithoutExtModule)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\projects\cpython\lib\test\test_uuid.py", line 748, in 
node = self.uuid._windll_getnode()
  File "C:\projects\cpython\lib\uuid.py", line 659, in _windll_getnode
return UUID(bytes=bytes_(_buffer.raw)).node
  File "C:\projects\cpython\lib\uuid.py", line 208, in __init__
raise ValueError('illegal version number')
ValueError: illegal version number

Apparently on Windows systems, there are UUIDs of type RFC_4122 being used 
which have versions not in 1..5, which actually makes them non-RFC 4122 
Unfortunately I cannot investigate this further, since I do not have a windows 
machine available right now.

nosy: +conqp

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34732] uuid returns version more than 5

2018-09-19 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

"For explicitely checking the version" → "For explicitely *setting* the 
"on not 1<= verision 1<=5" → "on not 1 <= version <= 5".


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[issue34732] uuid returns version more than 5

2018-09-19 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

@xtreak RFC 4122, section 4.1.3. specifies only versions 1 to 5.
For explicitely checking the version, there is already a test in UUID.__init__, 
raising a ValueError on not 1<= verision 1<=5.
I moved it to the bottom of __init__, i.e. after setting the "int" property, 
causing the test to run on the actual instance's property value.


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[issue34732] uuid returns version more than 5

2018-09-19 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann  added the comment:

I'm not sure whether the property method should be changed.
I think it'd be more appropriate to raise a value error upon __init__ in this 
case as it is done with other checks.

nosy: +conqp

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33028] tempfile.TemporaryDirectory incorrectly documented

2018-03-08 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann <r.neum...@homeinfo.de>:

The tempfile.TemporaryDirectory is incorrectly documented at 

It is described as a function, though actually being a class (unlinke 
The respective property "name" and method "cleanup" are only documented in the 
continuous text but not explicitely highlighted as the properties and method of 
e.g. TarFile (https://docs.python.org/3/library/tarfile.html#tarfile-objects).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 313431
nosy: Richard Neumann, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tempfile.TemporaryDirectory incorrectly documented
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue32664] Connector "|" missing between ImportError and LookupError

2018-01-25 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann <r.neum...@homeinfo.de>:

In the documentation of the built-in exceptions hierarchy, there is a "|" 
missing connecting ImportError and LookupError.


>From LookupError.__mro__ we can tell, that it is actually derived from 
>Exception, thus there should be a "|" connecting it to the hierarchy under 
>Exception to emphasize that (like between ArithmeticError and AssertionError).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 310666
nosy: Richard Neumann, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Connector "|"  missing between ImportError and LookupError
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue31992] Make iteration over dict_items yield namedtuples

2017-11-10 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann <r.neum...@homeinfo.de> added the comment:

Maybe there is no need to sacrifice performance, if a new, optional keyword 
argument would be introduced to dict.items():

def items(self, named=False):
if named:


Currently I need to define a namedtuple everywhere I do this and starmap the 
dicts' items.

It'd be nice to have this option built-in or a new collections class like:

from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import starmap

DictItem = namedtuple('DictItem', ('key', 'value'))

class NamedDict(dict):
"""Dictionary that yields named tuples on item iterations."""

def items(self):
"""Yields DictItem named tuples."""
return starmap(DictItem, super().items())


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[issue31992] Make iteration over dict_items yield namedtuples

2017-11-09 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann <r.neum...@homeinfo.de>:

Currently, iterating over dict_items will yield plain tuples, where the first 
item will be the key and the second item will be the respective value.

This has some disadvantages when e.g. sorting dict items by value and key:

def sort_by_value_len(dictionary):
return sorted(dictionary.items(), key=lambda item: (len(item[1]), 

I find this index accessing extremely unelegant and unnecessarily hard to read.

If dict_items would instead yield namedtuples like

DictItem = namedtuple('DictItem', ('key', 'value'))

this would make constructs like

def sort_by_value_len(dictionary):
return sorted(dictionary.items(), key=lambda item: (len(item.value), 

possible and increase code clarity a lot.
Also, namedtuples mimic the behaviour of plain tuples regarding unpacking and 
index accessing, so that backward-compatipility should exist.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 305970
nosy: Richard Neumann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Make iteration over dict_items yield namedtuples
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8

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[issue25452] Add __bool__() method to subprocess.CompletedProcess

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann added the comment:

Thank you for the hint.
I never before contributed code to the python foundation and thus am not 
familiar with the process.
I will look into it when I find the time.


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[issue25452] Add __bool__() method to subprocess.CompletedProcess

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann added the comment:

Please excuse my ambiguous phrasing.
What I meant was I created the patch _from_ the Python 3.5.1 module _for_ 
Python 3.6.


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[issue25452] Add __bool__() method to subprocess.CompletedProcess

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann added the comment:

I took the liberty to create a patch for Python v3.5.1.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +Richard Neumann
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42828/subprocess.patch

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[issue26999] Add child separator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in Logger.getChild()

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Changes by Richard Neumann <r.neum...@homeinfo.de>:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42827/logger.patch

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[issue26999] Add child separator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in Logger.getChild()

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Changes by Richard Neumann <r.neum...@homeinfo.de>:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file42825/logger.patch

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[issue26999] Add child separator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in Logger.getChild()

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann added the comment:

Added proposed patch

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42825/logger.patch

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[issue26999] Add child separator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in Logger.getChild()

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann added the comment:

PS: @vinay.sajip

You do realize that I want this argument to be optional and to retain '.' as 
default setting in order to keep the current behaviour?!


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[issue26999] Add child separator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in Logger.getChild()

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann added the comment:

I am using loggers and sub-loggers (getChild()) in classes, which contain 
sub-classes, wich contain sub-sub-classes and so on for complex data processing.
Hence I was using the logging library with sub-loggers to see in which of the 
(sub-)classes things happen.
Most classes are, however, instanced for different configuration and are 
represented by strings like {instance_config}@{class_name} where 
{instance_config} often contains dots as separators for IDs.

INFO1000@TerminalsSyncer:   Aggregating customer data: 
INFO1000@TerminalsSyncer:   Aggregating virtual data: 
INFO1000@TerminalsSyncer:   Aggregating virtual data: 
WARNING 1000@TerminalsSyncer->1.1000@TerminalSyncer:Terminal 1.1000 is 

However, if you still think that this is not, what the logging library is meant 
for, I'd appreciate to know.


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[issue26999] Add child separator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in Logger.getChild()

2016-05-11 Thread Richard Neumann

Changes by Richard Neumann <r.neum...@homeinfo.de>:

title: Add child seperator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in 
Logger.getChild() -> Add child separator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use 
it in Logger.getChild()

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[issue26999] Add child seperator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in Logger.getChild()

2016-05-11 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann:

Currently Python's logging library has the Child-Separator hard-coded in 
Logger.getChild() as '.'.
It would be useful to have the ability to preset this via an optional 
basicConfig() argument like 'child_sep=' and preset it to '.' to retain the 
current behaviour.
In my case I will need to monkey-patch the getChild() method to use a different 
separator ('->') because I use '.' for different purposes within the loggers' 
The current behaviour would lead to ugly and mistakable output.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 265312
nosy: Richard Neumann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add child seperator keyword to logging.basicConfig and use it in 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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[issue25452] Add __bool__() method to subprocess.CompletedProcess

2015-10-22 Thread Richard Neumann

Richard Neumann added the comment:

A useless use case is attached.
Basically it boils down to having the ability to evaluate the CompletedProcess 
directly by if/else rather than comparing its returncode attribute to zero each 
time or handling the exception raised by check_returncode().
I use this quite frequently in programs which run system commands.
Before the new subprocess.run() method and subprocess.CompletedProcess were 
introduced with python 3.5 I already wrote my own library for that, wich now 
nearly became obsoleted by the new subprocess library of python 3.5 with the 
expection that it does not have this feature.
See the class ProcessResult here: 

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40836/usecase.py

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[issue25452] Add __bool__() method to subprocess.CompletedProcess

2015-10-21 Thread Richard Neumann

New submission from Richard Neumann:

The class subprocess.CompletedProcess is currently lacking a __bool__() method.

It might be a practical feature to have the possibility to evaluate a 
CompletedProcess instance in an if/else block without the necessity to handle 
the exception raised by CompletedProcess.check_returncode().

Hence, I suggest adding the method

def __bool__(self):
return self.returncode == 0

to the class.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 253282
nosy: conqp
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add __bool__() method to subprocess.CompletedProcess
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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