[issue40321] urllib.request does not support HTTP response status code 308

2021-09-28 Thread Roland Crosby

Roland Crosby  added the comment:

Hi, wanted to ping those watching this issue - there is a complete PR on 
GitHub, and all contributors have signed the CLA, but the bot hasn't updated 
the CLA status on the PR so it's still shown as blocking. Would appreciate if 
someone could manually fix the status and help get this merged.

nosy: +rolandcrosby

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[issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD

2021-01-10 Thread Roland Hieber

Roland Hieber  added the comment:

Okay, I've had a look at this, and it seems that all the heavy lifting is 
already included in 68669ef7883 (via #38634, PR 16986). The selection of 
libedit vs. readline still needs to be ported. I've prepared (and tested) PR 
24189 for the rebase of this patch to the current master.


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[issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD

2021-01-10 Thread Roland Hieber

Change by Roland Hieber :

pull_requests: +23016
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/24189

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD

2020-12-13 Thread Roland Hieber

Roland Hieber  added the comment:

(That was meant to be 68669ef7883 for the autolinking feature)


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[issue13501] Make libedit support more generic; port readline / libedit to FreeBSD

2020-12-13 Thread Roland Hieber

Roland Hieber  added the comment:

What's the status of this patch? Is it still needed after 68669ef7883e, which 
went into v3.8.1?

nosy: +rhi

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37202] Future.cancelled is not set to true immediately after calling Future.cancel

2019-06-08 Thread Roland Netzsch

Change by Roland Netzsch :

resolution:  -> not a bug

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37202] Future.cancelled is not set to true immediately after calling Future.cancel

2019-06-08 Thread Roland Netzsch

Roland Netzsch  added the comment:

So there is no way to reliably find out whether a task has been cancelled by 
calling Task.cancelled()?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37202] Future.cancelled is not set to true immediately after calling Future.cancel

2019-06-08 Thread Roland Netzsch

Roland Netzsch  added the comment:


[stuxcrystal@caprica ~]$ python3.7 --version
Python 3.7.3

Additional Notes:
Distribution: Fedora 30 (Workstation Edition)
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.0.9-301.fc30.x86_64


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[issue37202] Future.cancelled is not set to true immediately after calling Future.cancel

2019-06-08 Thread Roland Netzsch

New submission from Roland Netzsch :

The attached file produces the following output:

wait is still running
wait is not set to cancelled!
Awaiting cancelled future produced a CancelledError.

A look a the documentation does not suggest a need to await the future in order 
to make sure the cancelled-flag is being set.

components: asyncio
files: test.py
messages: 345029
nosy: Roland Netzsch, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Future.cancelled is not set to true immediately after calling 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48405/test.py

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[issue34050] Broken links to "OpenSSL cipher list format" in documentation

2018-07-10 Thread Roland Weber

Roland Weber  added the comment:



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[issue34050] Broken links to "OpenSSL cipher list format" in documentation

2018-07-05 Thread Roland Weber

Roland Weber  added the comment:

I'm afraid I don't have the time to work on a patch.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34050] Broken links to "OpenSSL cipher list format" in documentation

2018-07-05 Thread Roland Weber

New submission from Roland Weber :

The docs for SSLContext.set_ciphers [1] in Python 3 and ssl.wrap_socket [2] in 
Python 2 contain a link for "OpenSSL cipher list format", which points to an 
empty wiki page at 

The OpenSSL cipher list format is currently documented here instead:

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/ssl.html#ssl.SSLContext.set_ciphers
[2] https://docs.python.org/2/library/ssl.html#ssl.wrap_socket

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 321085
nosy: docs@python, rolweber
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Broken links to "OpenSSL cipher list format" in documentation

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28449] tarfile.open(mode = 'r:*', ignore_zeros = True) has 50% chance failed to open compressed tars?

2016-10-16 Thread Roland Bogosi

Roland Bogosi added the comment:

For anyone finding this bug through Google before it is fixed, a workaround 
could be to monkeypatch the OPEN_METH dict with an OrderedDict:

tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH = OrderedDict()
tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH['gz']  = 'gzopen'
tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH['bz2'] = 'bz2open'
tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH['xz']  = 'xzopen'
tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH['tar'] = 'taropen'

nosy: +RoliSoft

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[issue26022] string.replace(' ', ' ') has to be called 2 times before it works

2016-01-06 Thread Roland Eichman

New submission from Roland Eichman:

Windows 10 
python 3.5
small function in a small module 
contained a string len(str1) == 5000 {approx}
str1 = str1.replace('  ',' ')
did not work
added, via copy & paste, a second identical line
str1 = str1.replace('  ',' ')
str1 = str1.replace('  ',' ')

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 257603
nosy: roland_eichman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: string.replace('  ',' ') has to be called 2 times before it works
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16117] python2.7.3 struct misaligned when returned

2012-10-03 Thread Roland Lezuo

New submission from Roland Lezuo:

class Int(ctypes.Structure):
   _fields_ = [ ("_i", ctypes.c_uint64),
   ("undef", ctypes.c_bool)]

class Int {
Int(uint64_t i);

uint64_t _i;
bool undef;

extern "C" Int foo(const Int& a , const Int& b , const Int& c)
ret = ...
return Int(ret);

(gdb) p ret
$3 = 16
(gdb) fin
Run till exit from #0  BVSignExtend (a=..., b=..., c=...) at foo.hpp:130
0x7784eea4 in ffi_call_unix64 () from 
Value returned is $4 = {_i = 18577824, undef = 16}

My guess: The value 18577824 was not expected to be on the stack.

The following actions "solve" the problem:

1) add another int the class Int (after bool) and adopt _fields_ accordingly.
2) in foo C++ function:
   Int reti = Int(ret);
   return reti;

Because of the "above" solutions I strongly suspect a bug in ctypes.

components: ctypes
messages: 171876
nosy: iroli
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: python2.7.3 struct misaligned when returned
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue14606] Memory leak subprocess on Windows

2012-04-21 Thread Roland

Roland  added the comment:

yes, thank you.


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[issue14606] Memory leak subprocess on Windows

2012-04-18 Thread Roland

Roland  added the comment:

20kb exactly, I can confirm it is only on Windows. I'm currently running some 
tests to make sure it isn't a general Windows problem. I'll post an update as 
soon as done.


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[issue14606] Memory leak subprocess

2012-04-17 Thread Roland

New submission from Roland :

subprocess leaks memory on win 7 64bit (Python 2.7.3 32bit).
The following code snippet will fill up memory slowly but completely after 
running it multiple times. When python exits the memory is not freed.


import subprocess
import shlex

for i in range(0, 1):
p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("ipconfig", posix=False))

result = p.communicate()

print "end"



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[issue14606] Memory leak subprocess

2012-04-17 Thread Roland

Changes by Roland :

nosy: rfs
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Memory leak subprocess
type: resource usage
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9045] 2.7rc1: 64-bit OSX installer is not built with 64-bit tkinter

2010-06-25 Thread Roland Johnson

Roland Johnson  added the comment:

Does this also relate to 3.1? Tkinter in not installing for that version under 

nosy: +RolandJ

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9073] Tkinter module missing from install on OS X 10.6.4

2010-06-24 Thread Roland Johnson

New submission from Roland Johnson :

Tkinter no where to be found in the 3.1 install. No lib-tk folder either. There 
is a Tkinter folder but this conatains very few modules and none of the 
standard ones

messages: 108547
nosy: RolandJ
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Tkinter module missing from install on OS X 10.6.4
versions: Python 3.1

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4254] _cursesmodule.c callable update_lines_cols()

2008-11-03 Thread Roland Brickl

Roland Brickl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:

>> i use this to get updated versions of curses.COLS and curses.LINES in
>> the fact of an curses.KEY_RESIZE event.

>I didn't know this event. Is a key in a special keyboard? Or an event 
>by some curses internals?
Internal curses event.

>Oh I just realized that _curses functions have no documentation, 
>great :-/
Thats why python_curses should be more compatible to the existing 
c_curses documentations.

>> It's my first day here on the issue tracker.

Welcome on the tracker ;-)

Any questions? :)

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4254] _cursesmodule.c callable update_lines_cols()

2008-11-03 Thread Roland Brickl

Roland Brickl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:

Hi Victor,

i use this to get updated versions of curses.COLS and curses.LINES in 
the fact of an curses.KEY_RESIZE event.
So i can use curses within python even without to have panels.
It seems that curses.panel are the prefered way to deal with terminal 
The curses.resize[_]term() are only to change the terminal manualy.
What i also found in PyTone is more or less this functionality from 

def getmaxyx(self):
# taken from http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/dstat/
h, w = int(os.environ["LINES"]), int(os.environ["COLUMNS"])
except KeyError:
h, w = curses.tigetnum('lines'), curses.tigetnum('cols')
s = struct.pack('', 0, 0, 0, 0)
x = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ,
h, w = struct.unpack('', x)[:2]
h, w = 25, 80

And please excuse me for the missing documentation. English aren't my 
native language so i would document it like:
Updates curses.LINES and curses.COLS :)

It's my first day here on the issue tracker.

Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[issue4254] _cursesmodule.c callable update_lines_cols()

2008-11-03 Thread Roland Brickl

New submission from Roland Brickl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

curses.update_lines.cols() are normally usable within c programs. With
this change, it can now be used too. It only calls the preexisting
function that where only used internally. The cast in the return
statement are possibly false? But it works.
Because this aren't a big change, it would apply to some more

components: Extension Modules
files: _curses.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 75464
nosy: nemesis
severity: normal
status: open
title: _cursesmodule.c callable update_lines_cols()
type: feature request
versions: Python 2.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11932/_curses.diff

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[issue4100] xml.etree.ElementTree does not read xml-text over page bonderies

2008-10-13 Thread roland rehmnert

roland rehmnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:

We had to be careful how we should handle this.


A note on this site says following : 

Note: The tree builder and the event generator are not necessarily
synchronized; the latter usually lags behind a bit. This means that when
you get a “start” event for an element, the builder may already have
filled that element with content. You cannot rely on this, though — a
“start” event can only be used to inspect the attributes, not the
element content. For more details, see this

I do understand that it might be so that elem.text is undefined at start.

I have not investigated how iterparse handle this situation over boundaries:

 text  text  text 

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[issue4100] xml.etree.ElementTree does not read xml-text over page bonderies

2008-10-10 Thread roland rehmnert

Changes by roland rehmnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11763/bug.xml

Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[issue4100] xml.etree.ElementTree does not read xml-text over page bonderies

2008-10-10 Thread roland rehmnert

Changes by roland rehmnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11762/bug.py

Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[issue4100] xml.etree.ElementTree does not read xml-text over page bonderies

2008-10-10 Thread roland rehmnert

New submission from roland rehmnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

xml text fields are not read properly when it is encountered in a
'start' event.

During a 'start'-event elem.text returns None, if the text string cross
a page boundary of the file. (this is platform dependent and a typical
value is 8K (8192 byte)).  

This line cause an error if the page size is 8192.
this is a text where X has position 8192 in the file

In most cases this erroneous behaviour can be avoid when elem.tree
always returns the proper value at the 'end'-event.   

Two files are submitted:
bug.py: An excerpted file that produced an error with the submitted xml

bug.xml: An xml file, a little bit more then 8200 bytes. In can of the
page size is greater than 8K.. file should be enlarged. Important is
however that the text should cross the page boundary. Tags and
attributes and attribute values as well are OK

I might have misunderstood the documentation of etree, because there are
situations that I have not tested.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 74635
nosy: roland
severity: normal
status: open
title: xml.etree.ElementTree does not read xml-text over page bonderies
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5

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