[issue18309] Make python slightly more relocatable

2022-03-14 Thread Shakeeb Alireza

Shakeeb Alireza  added the comment:

Thanks, Mathias. This is all about improving python's 'relocatability'.

Just to expand on my prior point: the scenario we are talking about is where 
one embeds python in a host application's plugin system rather than in the host 
application itself.

In this case, sys.executable is the host application and a relocatable plugin 
embeds a 'python client'. If a full python distribution is not bundled within 
this client[*], it needs to (1) link to libpythonX.Y.dylib and (2) get the 
location of the standard library. 

There are standard cross-platform methods for (1) to be achieved by way of 
symmetrical @rpath lookups on the client and libpythonX.Y.dylib sides. So this 
resolvable even in the case when python is compiled with --enabled-shared.

However, even if (1) is achieved, the client cannot get, programmatically via 
the python c-api, the location of libpythonX.Y.dylib (even if it is properly 
dynamically linking to it), because it cannot rely on sys.executable. I think 
this is crux of Mathias' argument.

Of course there are workarounds, but they are (at least to me) all platform 

The first and easiest is to just build using the Framework structure and don't 
ever use --enable-shared, provided you find Greg Neagle's solution 

Another workaround which is specific to my context (which I have attached), is 
to use Apple's CoreFoundation library to get the path to the plugin bundle and 
from there find our way to the python distribution in the containing folder 
structure (package).

[*] It is possible to insert a full python distribution into a bundle (in the 
osx meaning), but then it becomes necessarily frozen or 'sealed' due to Apple's 
codesigning and notarization requirements, and it basically means that the user 
cannot extend it with further installations of python packages which contain 
c-extensions unless they jump through some additional codesigning and 
notarization hoops.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50677/workaround.c

Python tracker 
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[issue18309] Make python slightly more relocatable

2022-03-14 Thread Shakeeb Alireza

Shakeeb Alireza  added the comment:

Thanks, Victor. I can imagine getpath.py will be more hackable (even if it is 

Still, it replicates the old algorithm:

# Before any searches are done, the location of the executable is
# determined.  If Py_SetPath() was called, or if we are running on
# Windows, the 'real_executable' path is used (if known).  Otherwise,
# we use the config-specified program name or default to argv[0].

In my case (and I think for Mathias), the executable is a non python 
application and what is actually dynamically linking to libpythonX.Y.dylib 
(built via --enable-shared) is a c-based plugin (which calls PyInitialize()), 
and these two are only aware of their relative locations via the @rpath, 
@loader_path mechanism. 

Currently, in this scenario, libpythonX.Y.dylib doesn't know here pythonhome is 
unless explicitly told via PySetPath() or it defaults to the hardcoded 
sys.prefix .

If this is to be relocatable, then PySetPath() should be able to handle 
relative paths.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18309] Make python slightly more relocatable

2022-03-14 Thread Shakeeb Alireza

Shakeeb Alireza  added the comment:

I have exactly the same need and use-case as Mathias in my project which 
includes a requirement to embed python3 in a relocatable folder structure w 
which serves as an application package (https://github.com/shakfu/py-js).

This can be done using the Framework structure, thanks to Greg Neagle's 
solution referenced in (https://bugs.python.org/issue42514), but not for any 
python builds with --enabled-shared.

In any case, providing options (at the c-level or otherwise, for embedded 
applications as described by Mathias would be ideal: "I can imagine to provide 
several functions to build up the pythonpath starting from something.
So say, have a 'get python path from argv[0]', a 'get python path from shared 
python library' and a 'get python path from prefix' function (I may miss a 

nosy: +shakfu

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[issue42514] Relocatable framework for macOS

2022-03-14 Thread Shakeeb Alireza

Shakeeb Alireza  added the comment:

I have struggled with this exact issue in my py-js project 
(https://github.com/shakfu/py-js) which embeds a python3 interpreter in a 
max/msp plugin or in a relocatable folder (package) structure. For the latter 
case, Greg's solution, which is based on standard methods, has been absolutely 
crucial. Thank you!

I have found that trying to do the same with a python distro built with 
--enable-shared is basically impossible because in this case sys.prefix is 
hardcoded and it dos not respond (like the framework structure) to the same 
@rpath methods used by Greg.

It would be great for those who embed python for a fun or profit to have these 
issues addressed across all of the standard build structures.

nosy: +shakfu

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34309] Trouble when reloading extension modules.

2021-04-11 Thread Shakeeb Alireza

Shakeeb Alireza  added the comment:

In my project (https://github.com/shakfu/py-js), which provides an embedded 
python3 interpreter to Max/MSP in the form of an 'external' plugin, I have 
faced similar issues of being unable to reload extension modules, namely numpy, 
without reliably crashing the host application, in this case Max. 

Being able to reload extension modules cleanly is absolutely critical 
especially in case when python is embedded. Since Numpy is one of the key 
reasons why people would want to use Python, such a constraint, in this 
embedded context, becomes a sufficient reason not to use Python at all.

For example, I have recently taken note of similar frustration with this exact 
same issue from the VCV project 
 I quote: "I should add that CPython and more notably numpy do not support nor 
advise a complete restart of the interpreter in embedded scenarios without 
restarting the host process which kind of defeats our purpose in Prototype.
At that point I think I can safely take a step back and turn to the dev 
community looking for suggestions. Should we throw away numpy, or even python, 

nosy: +shakfu
versions: +Python 3.9 -Python 3.8

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