[issue29235] Allow profile/cProfile to be used as context managers

2017-01-15 Thread Thane Brimhall

Thane Brimhall added the comment:

I've signed the agreement. I will do the necessary research to figure out how 
to do unit tests and documentation updates.

I should also mention that while maintaining API-compatibility with `profile` 
was a stated goal, it turns out that the pure-python profiler actually does not 
have the enable() and disable() methods that the context manager needs.


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[issue29235] Allow profile/cProfile to be used as context managers

2017-01-15 Thread Thane Brimhall

Thane Brimhall added the comment:

So this is my first time contributing to Python, but here's a (trivial) patch 
for this issue. Let me know what else is required to make this happen. I 
suspect unit tests and documentation updates?

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46295/profileContextManager.patch

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[issue29238] Add more kwargs to cProfile's print_stats

2017-01-10 Thread Thane Brimhall

New submission from Thane Brimhall:

Using the pstats class to print off profiler results is helpful when you want 
to filter, order, and limit the number of returned lines. I'd rather see the 
most commonly-used subset of pstats functionality included in the profiler's 
print_stats implementation directly.

# The current way


# Proposed way
profiler.print_stats(strip_dirs=False, sort='cumulative', reverse=True, 

Currently only the `sort` kwarg is available. To me this implies that some 
level of control was originally intended to be available in the print_stats 
method anyway. I also feel like the proposed API is more readable and explicit.

Note that for complex situations you'd still need to use the pstats class 
directly, eg. substituting a different stream implementation or 
filtering/sorting by multiple values.

This would be a backwards-compatible patch and would be implemented something 
like this:

def print_stats(self, sort=-1, limit=None, strip_dirs=True, reverse=True):
import pstats
stats = pstats.Stats(self)
if strip_dirs:
stats = stats.strip_dirs()
stats = stats.sort_stats(sort)
if reverse:
stats = stats.reverse_order()

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 285183
nosy: Thane Brimhall
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add more kwargs to cProfile's print_stats
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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[issue29237] Create enum for pstats sorting options

2017-01-10 Thread Thane Brimhall

New submission from Thane Brimhall:

When using the cProfile and pstats modules, I often forget which string keys 
are available for sorting. It would be nice to add an enum for these so a user 
could have their linter and IDE check that value pre-runtime.

By subclassing both `str` and `Enum` this proposal would be 
backwards-compatible with all existing code.

The patch for such a change would be trivial:

1. Add a new Sort class to the pstats module:

class Sort(str, enum.Enum):
calls = 'calls'  # call count
cumulative = 'cumulative'  # cumulative time
cumtime = 'cumtime'  # cumulative time
file = 'file'  # file name
filename = 'filename'  # file name
module = 'module'  # file name
ncalls = 'ncalls'  # call count
pcalls = 'pcalls'  # primitive call count
line = 'line'  # line number
name = 'name'  # function name
nfl = 'nfl'  # name/file/line
stdname = 'stdname'  # standard name
time = 'time'  # internal time
tottime = 'tottime'  # internal time

2. Change the print_stats method signature on the profiler base and subclasses 
to look like this:

def print_stats(self, sort: Sort=Sort.stdname):

Optionally, you could build the Sort enum like below to remove redundant 
options and increase explicitness:

class Sort(str, enum.Enum):
call_count = 'calls'
cumulative_time = 'cumulative'
filename = 'filename'
primitive_call_count = 'pcalls'
line_number = 'line'
function_name = 'name'
name_file_line = 'nfl'
standard_name = 'stdname'
internal_time = 'time'

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 285178
nosy: Thane Brimhall
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Create enum for pstats sorting options
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29235] Allow profile/cProfile to be used as context managers

2017-01-10 Thread Thane Brimhall

New submission from Thane Brimhall:

The `enable` and `disable` methods on the profilers fit the description of a 
context manager very well. The following code:

pr = cProfile.Profile()
# ... do something ...

Would turn into something like this:

with cProfile.Profile() as pr:
# ... do something ...

The patch for this code would be trivial and backwards-compatible: simply add 
something like the following lines to the _lsprof.Profiler base class:

def __enter__(self):
return self

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 285175
nosy: Thane Brimhall
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Allow profile/cProfile to be used as context managers
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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