[issue42962] Windows: SystemError during os.kill(..., signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)

2021-01-19 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

>For a new process group, the cancel event is initially ignored, but the break 
>event is always handled. To enable the cancel event, the process must call 
>SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, FALSE), such as via ctypes with 
>kernel32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(None, False). I think the signal module should 
>provide a function to enable/disable Ctrl+C handling without ctypes, and 
>implicitly enable it when setting a new SIGINT handler.

That's what Lib/test/win_console_handler.py:39 does. What I don't understand is 
why that's necessary. Isn't that what PyConfig.install_signal_handlers is 
supposed to do?

Which brings me to how I ended up here in the first place: I wanted to write a 
test that PyConfig.install_signal_handlers is set in an embedded instance of 
Python I'm working with. In outline, the following test works on both Windows 
and macOS *except on Windows running under Tox*.

def test_signal_handlers_installed(self):
SIG = signal.SIGINT
if sys.platform == 'win32':
with self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt):
os.kill(os.getpid(), SIG)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
time.sleep(.1)  # Give handler's thread time to join

Using SetConsoleCtrlHandler if I detect that I'm running on Windows under Tox 
would, if I understand correctly, hide whether PyConfig.install_signal_handlers 
was set before the Python I'm running in started, right? (I know this isn't the 
right venue for discussing my embedding/testing problem. But maybe the use case 
informs the pending discussion of what to do about os.kill's semantics.)


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[issue42962] Windows: SystemError during os.kill(..., signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)

2021-01-19 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

> Fixing the SystemError should be simple. Just clear an existing error if 
> TerminateProcess() succeeds.

Should there be a `return NULL;` between these two lines? 

I'm not the best person to work on a patch for this.


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[issue42962] Windows: SystemError during os.kill(..., signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)

2021-01-18 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

> In Windows, os.kill() is a rather confused function.

I know how it feels.

To be honest, I don't have an opinion about whether the steps I laid out ought 
to work. I just reported it because the SystemError indicates that a C-API 
function was returning non-NULL even after PyErr_Occurred() returns true. I 
think that's what you're referring to here...

> it doesn't clear the error that was set as a result of the 
> GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent() call, which causes SystemError to be raised.

...but I lost you on where that's happening and why. Frankly, Windows IPC is 
not in my wheelhouse.

>>  Oddly, `echo %errorlevel%` will print `0` rather than `-1073741510` 
> There's nothing odd about that.

Here's why I thought it was odd. The following session is from the Windows 
Command shell inside *Command Prompt* (not Windows Terminal):

 C:\Users\wksch>python --version
 Python 3.9.1
 C:\Users\wksch>python -c"import os, signal, time; os.kill(os.getpid(), 
signal.CTRL_C_EVENT); time.sleep(1)"
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in 
 C:\Users\wksch>echo %errorlevel%

In the Windows Command shell inside *Windows Terminal* (not Command Prompt):

 C:\Users\wksch>python -c"import os, signal, time; os.kill(os.getpid(), 
signal.CTRL_C_EVENT); time.sleep(1)"

 C:\Users\wksch>echo %errorlevel%

 C:\Users\wksch>python -c"raise KeyboardInterrupt"
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in 
 C:\Users\wksch>echo %errorlevel%


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[issue42962] Windows: SystemError during os.kill(..., signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)

2021-01-18 Thread William Schwartz

New submission from William Schwartz :

I don't have an automated test at this time, but here's how to get os.kill to 
raise SystemError. I did this on Windows 10 version 20H2 (build 19042.746) with 
Pythons 3.7.7, 3.8.5, and 3.9.1. os_kill_impl at Modules/posixmodule.c:7833 
does not appear to have been modified recently (but I haven't checked its 
transitive callees), so I imagine you can get the same behavior from os.kill on 
Python 3.10.

1. Open two consoles, A and B. (I'm using tabs in Windows Terminal, if that 
2. In console A, type but DO NOT EXECUTE the following command:

python -c"import os, signal; os.kill(, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)"

Move your cursor back before the comma.

3. In console B, create a process that does nothing but print its process 
identifier and wait long enough for you to type it in console A:

python -c"import os, time; print(os.getpid()); time.sleep(60); print('exiting 

Copy or remember the printed PID. Hurry to step 4 before your 60 seconds 

4. In console A, type the PID from console B and execute the command.
5. In console B, confirm that the Python exited without printing "exiting 
cleanly". Oddly, `echo %errorlevel%` will print `0` rather than `-1073741510` 
(which is `2**32 - 0xc13a`, the CTRL_C_EVENT exit code), which is what it 
prints after `python -c"raise KeyboardInturrupt"`.
6. In console A, you should see the following traceback.

OSError: [WinError 87] The parameter is incorrect

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
SystemError:  returned a result with an error set

components: Extension Modules, Windows
messages: 385235
nosy: William.Schwartz, ncoghlan, paul.moore, petr.viktorin, steve.dower, 
tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Windows: SystemError during os.kill(..., signal.CTRL_C_EVENT)
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue42531] importlib.resources.path() raises TypeError for packages without __file__

2021-01-11 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

> For that, please submit a PR to importlib_resources and it will get synced to 
> CPython later.

Will do once PR 23611 gets in shape. 

> Can you tell me more about the use-case that exhibited this undesirable 
> behavior?

Using the [PyOxidizer] "freezer". It compiles Python together with frozen 
Python code or byte code.

> That is, what loader is it that supports `open_binary` but not `is_resource` 
> and doesn't have a `__origin__`?

PyOxidizer's [OxidizedImporter] importer. It [does not set `__file__`] (i.e., 
`__spec__.origin__ is None`). Its maintainer has resolved some ambiguities in 
the resources API contract (#36128) [differently from CPython], but I don't 
think that's related to the issue I ran into. The resource-related 
functionality of the importer is implemented here (extension module written in 

[PyOxidizer]: https://pyoxidizer.readthedocs.io
[does not set `__file__`]: 
[unsure about `ResourceReader` semantics]: 


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[issue42531] importlib.resources.path() raises TypeError for packages without __file__

2021-01-05 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

@jaraco Did you have any other questions after my comments in msg382423? Do you 
think you or someone else could review PR 23611? Thanks!


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[issue42531] importlib.resources.path() raises TypeError for packages without __file__

2020-12-03 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

> If the issue has been fixed on Python 3.9 but not on 3.8, then it was likely 
> a redesign that enabled the improved behavior

That appears to be the case: path() shares code with files().

> a redesign that won't be ported back to Python 3.8 and earlier.

Nor should it.

> In these situations, the best recommendation is often to just rely on 
> importlib_resources (the backport) for those older Python versions.

I do not need the files() API or anything else added in 3.9 at this time. I 
just need the existing 3.7/3.8 functionality to work as documented.

> have you considered using importlib_resources for Python 3.8 and earlier? 
> That would likely also address the issue and you could adopt it sooner.

My application is sensitive to the size of the installed site-packages both in 
bytes and in just the number of packages. Yes, importlib_resources would very 
likely solve the problem reported in the OP. However I don't need the files() 
API, so adding an extra requirement feels like a heavy solution.

> To some extent, the behavior you've described could be considered a bug or 
> could be considered a feature request (add support for path on packages that 
> have no __spec__.origin). I am not aware whether this limitation was by 
> design or incidental.

I agree there should be a high bar for patching old versions, but I posit that 
the behavior is an unintentional bug. In particular, I believe the behavior 
contradicts the documentation. Below I link and quote relevant documentation.

The function in question:

> importlib.resources.path(package, resource)¶
> ...package is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
> Package requirements.

So we jump to Package:

> importlib.resources.Package
> The Package type is defined as Union[str, ModuleType]. This means that
> where the function describes accepting a Package, you can pass in either a
> string or a module. Module objects must have a resolvable
> __spec__.submodule_search_locations that is not None.

The Package type restricts the types of modules based on 
__spec__.submodule_search_locations. This suggests to me that the original 
author thought about which __spec__s to accept and which to reject but chose 
not to say anything about __spec__.origin, which is documented as possibly 
being None:

> class importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec(...)
> ...module.__spec__.origin == module.__file__ Normally “origin” should
> be set, but it may be None (the default) which indicates it is unspecified
> (e.g. for namespace packages).

In particular, __spec__.origin *should* be None in certain situations:

> __file__
> __file__ is optional The import system may opt to leave __file__ unset
> if it has no semantic meaning (e.g. a module loaded from a database).

Taken together, the foregoing passages describe an `import` API in which path() 
works for all modules that are packages (i.e., 
__spec__.submodule_search_locations is not None), and in which some packages' 
__spec__.origin is None. That path() fails in practice to support some packages 
is therefore a bug not a the absence of a feature.

Regardless of whether PR 23611 is accepted, the test that it adds should be 
added to Python master to guard against regressions. I can submit that as a 
separate PR. Before I do that, do I need to create a new bpo ticket, or can I 
just reference this one?


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[issue42531] importlib.resources.path() raises TypeError for packages without __file__

2020-12-01 Thread William Schwartz

Change by William Schwartz :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22477
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23611

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[issue42531] importlib.resources.path() raises TypeError for packages without __file__

2020-12-01 Thread William Schwartz

New submission from William Schwartz :

Suppose pkg is a package, it contains a resource r, pkg.__spec__.origin is 
None, and p = importlib.resources.path(pkg, r). Then p.__enter__() raises a 
TypeError in Python 3.7 and 3.8. (The problem has been fixed in 3.9). The error 
can be demonstrated by running the attached path-test.py. The tracebacks in 3.7 
and 3.8 are nearly identical, so I'll just show the 3.8 traceback.

3.8.6 (default, Nov 20 2020, 18:29:40) 
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.27)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "path-test.py", line 19, in 
p.__enter__()  # Kaboom
 line 113, in __enter__
return next(self.gen)
 line 196, in path
package_directory = Path(package.__spec__.origin).parent
 line 1041, in __new__
self = cls._from_parts(args, init=False)
 line 682, in _from_parts
drv, root, parts = self._parse_args(args)
 line 666, in _parse_args
a = os.fspath(a)
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

The fix is super simple, as shown below. I'll submit this as a PR as well.

diff --git a/Lib/importlib/resources.py b/Lib/importlib/resources.py
index fc3a1c9cab..8d37d52cb8 100644
--- a/Lib/importlib/resources.py
+++ b/Lib/importlib/resources.py
@@ -193,9 +193,11 @@ def path(package: Package, resource: Resource) -> 
 # Fall-through for both the lack of resource_path() *and* if
 # resource_path() raises FileNotFoundError.
-package_directory = Path(package.__spec__.origin).parent
-file_path = package_directory / resource
-if file_path.exists():
+file_path = None
+if package.__spec__.origin is not None:
+package_directory = Path(package.__spec__.origin).parent
+file_path = package_directory / resource
+if file_path is not None and file_path.exists():
 yield file_path
 with open_binary(package, resource) as fp:

components: Library (Lib)
files: path-test.py
messages: 382297
nosy: William.Schwartz, brett.cannon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: importlib.resources.path() raises TypeError for packages without __file__
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49643/path-test.py

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[issue42315] `python -m` semantics conflict with `__file__`'s being optional

2020-11-10 Thread William Schwartz

New submission from William Schwartz :

`python -m mod` sets `sys.argv[0]` to the `mod.__file__` according to 

> If ["-m"] is given, the first element of sys.argv will be the full path to 
> the module file (while the module file is being located, the first element 
> will be set to "-m").

But `__file__` may not exist according to 

> __file__ is optional. If set, this attribute’s value must be a string. The 
> import system may opt to leave __file__ unset if it has no semantic meaning 
> (e.g. a module loaded from a database).

More technically, `__spec__.origin` is the source of `__file__`, and the former 
may be `None`, according to 

> (__file__)
> Name of the place from which the module is loaded, e.g. “builtin” for 
> built-in modules and the filename for modules loaded from source. Normally 
> “origin” should be set, but it may be None (the default) which indicates it 
> is unspecified (e.g. for namespace packages).

`python -m mod` sets sys.argv[0] to `mod.__spec__.origin` at 

It seems clear to me that the code is doing the right thing relative to the 
documentation for `-m`. But as #26388 and 
https://github.com/indygreg/PyOxidizer/issues/307 show, embedded Python runs 
into the semantic conflict with the documented behavior of `__spec__.origin` 
and `__file__`.

My proposed resolution of this contradiction is to set `sys.argv[0] = 
sys.orig_argv[0]` or, even better, `sys.argv[0] = sys.executable` when 
`PyConfig.run_module` is set but the named module's `__spec__.origin` is `None`.

components: Interpreter Core, Library (Lib)
messages: 380689
nosy: William.Schwartz, brett.cannon, eric.snow, ncoghlan
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: `python -m` semantics conflict with `__file__`'s being optional
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue26388] Disabling changing sys.argv[0] with runpy.run_module(...alter_sys=True)

2020-11-10 Thread William Schwartz

Change by William Schwartz :

nosy: +William.Schwartz

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[issue5614] Malloc errors in test_io

2018-10-09 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

In Jupyter Notebook, I tried to pass a large amount of data (about 2.3 GB) to 
Statsmodels's KDEUnivariate.fit 
 with kernel='cos'. In the Notebook, I got a MemoryError exception and 
traceback (which unfortunately I have since lost).

In the terminal where I was running the Jupyter server, the Python 3.7 kernel 
spat out:

Python(86244,0x7fff91104380) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=465845322670080) 
failed (error code=3)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

The MemoryError coming up in the Notebook interface is the correct behavior, 
but I wanted to bring to your attention that the malloc junk on stderr happens 
even outside of Python's tests.

I'm on macOS 10.13.5.

components: +macOS
nosy: +William.Schwartz
versions: +Python 3.7 -Python 3.1

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[issue29620] unittest.TestCase.assertWarns raises RuntimeEror if sys.modules changes size

2018-08-20 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz  added the comment:

I am also running into this problem. I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure that 
looping over sys.modules and accessing __warningregistry__ on each module 
triggers one of my module's __getattr__ functions (PEP 562), which in turn uses 
setuptools entry points to import an arbitrary set of other modules.

Bizarrely, however, I cannot reproduce on macOS, only Linux. Presumably there's 
something platform dependent about how the default unittest test runner orders 
my tests, and hence which modules have already been loaded by the time I call 

nosy: +William.Schwartz

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21112] 3.4 regression: unittest.expectedFailure no longer works on TestCase subclasses

2015-03-14 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz added the comment:

3.4.3 has been released, it seems, without this getting fixed.

3.4.4 then?

William Schwartz

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:42 AM, Michael Foord rep...@bugs.python.org

 Michael Foord added the comment:

 The patch looks good to me.


 Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org


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[issue21112] 3.4 regression: unittest.expectedFailure no longer works on TestCase subclasses

2014-10-16 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz added the comment:

3.4.2 has been released, it seems, without this getting fixed.

3.4.3 then? Are we still happy with the patch?


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[issue21112] 3.4 regression: unittest.expectedFailure no longer works on TestCase subclasses

2014-03-31 Thread William Schwartz

New submission from William Schwartz:

In Python 2.7 and 3.3, decorating a unittest.TestCase subclass with 
unittest.expectedFailure caused test discover to skip the decorated test case. 
Python 3.4 apparently ignores the decorator when applied to classes.

The attached file when run with Python 2.7.6 on Mac OS X produces the following 

$ python -m unittest discover
FAIL: test_fails (test.TestControl)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/schwartz_w/Documents/testtest/test.py, line 9, in test_fails
AssertionError: True is not false

Ran 2 tests in 0.000s

FAILED (failures=1)

When run with Python 3.4.0 produces the following output.

~/Documents/testtest $ python3 -m unittest discover
FAIL: test_fails (test.TestControl)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/schwartz_w/Documents/testtest/test.py, line 9, in test_fails
AssertionError: True is not false

FAIL: test_fails (test.TestTreatment)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/schwartz_w/Documents/testtest/test.py, line 9, in test_fails
AssertionError: True is not false

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=2)

The expectedFailure decorator when applied to a class should either skip the 
class or run all of its tests and check that they failed for consistency with 
how expectedFailure applies to test methods.

components: Library (Lib)
files: test_expectedFailure.py
messages: 215240
nosy: William.Schwartz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: 3.4 regression: unittest.expectedFailure no longer works on TestCase 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34680/test_expectedFailure.py

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[issue13153] IDLE crashes when pasting non-BMP unicode char on Py3

2013-07-03 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz added the comment:

Looks like this issue is closed, but I got IDLE to crash.

On Python 3.3.2, Windows 7, and Tk version 8.5, IDLE crashes when pasting 
\U0001F382 (Unicode birthday cake character). Below is the version string for 
the Python I'm running.

Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:06:53) [MSC v.1600 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32.

According to http://docs.python.org/3.3/whatsnew/changelog.html this issue was 
fixed in Python 3.3.1 RC 1. Indeed the patch discussed above exists in the 
cpython 3.3 branch: 
http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/910ec3471d55/Modules/_tkinter.c. But IDLE 
still crashes, at least for me.

nosy: +William.Schwartz

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[issue15243] Misleading documentation for __prepare__

2012-07-05 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz wkschwa...@gmail.com added the comment:

Daniel, Good point. However it would still be useful for documentation to point 
out that __prepare__ can be passed the metaclass as the implicit first argument 
by being decorated by classmethod.

I'll post a small patch when I get a chance to add a sentence saying as much in 
the documentation and reorganize the test cases in Lib/test/test_metaclass.py 
to make it part of the narrative of the doctests.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue15243] Misleading documentation for __prepare__

2012-07-03 Thread William Schwartz

New submission from William Schwartz wkschwa...@gmail.com:

Section Preparing the class namespace of the documentation 
 states that If the metaclass has a __prepare__ attribute, it is called as 
``namespace = metaclass.__prepare__(name, bases, **kwds)`` This isn't 
quite true. By just defining a ``__prepare__`` method in a metaclass, the 
interpreter calls it as it would a static method -- there is no implicit first 
argument referring to ``metaclass`` as the documentation implies. The 
documentation should be amended to say that users can decorate ``__prepare__`` 
as a class method to get ``metaclass`` passed in as the implicit first argument.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Tests
messages: 164606
nosy: William.Schwartz, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Misleading documentation for __prepare__
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue15243] Misleading documentation for __prepare__

2012-07-03 Thread William Schwartz

William Schwartz wkschwa...@gmail.com added the comment:

Attached a unittest script to demonstrate that __prepare__ is implicitly a 

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file26245/test_metaclass.py

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