[issue20003] Language Ref raise doc misssing from None

2013-12-16 Thread rurpy

New submission from rurpy:

In the current (3.3.3 and 3.4dev) Language Reference Manual, the section on the 
Raise statement fails to mention that the second expression can be None (per 
PEP-409/415) or the special behavior (suppressing a chained exception) that 
ensues.  Rather it explicitly states it can not be None:
 ...the second expression must be another exception class  or instance...

It appears that although the Exceptions section of the Library Reference was 
updated when PEP-409/415 was implemented, the Language Reference was not.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 206400
nosy: docs@python, rurpy2
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Language Ref raise doc misssing from None
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18584] examples in email.policy doc are fu'd

2013-07-29 Thread rurpy

New submission from rurpy:

In the first example in the documentation for library module email.policy 

   from email import msg_from_binary_file
   from email.generator import BytesGenerator
   from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
   with open('mymsg.txt', 'b') as f:
  ... msg = msg_from_binary_file(f)

line 1: The module is message_from_binary_file, not msg_from_binary_file
line 4: The mode must be rb, not b.
line 5: Same module (mis-)name problem as line 1.

Then in following example...

   import os
   with open('converted.txt', 'wb') as f:
  ...   f.write(msg.as_string (policy=msg.policy.clone (linesep=os.linesep))

line 3: Ubnbalanced parens, .as_string() has no policy keyword arg.

Please note I am trying to figure out how to use the email module for the first 
time and the above errors are glaring.  There may be (probably are) other 
errors in the examples and in the text that I am unaware of -- I've made  no 
attempt to find any others.  I suggest that someone familiar with email module 
review this page more carefully.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 193852
nosy: docs@python, rurpy2
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: examples in email.policy doc are fu'd
versions: Python 3.3

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[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-24 Thread rurpy

rurpy added the comment:

I would like to submit the following post made to c.l.p in support of my claim 
that a cross-reference to the string formatting x format specifier would be 
desireable in the documentation for the hex() builtin:

  Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
  Subject: Re: Integer as raw hex string?
  Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 11:21:15 -0500

(In case the link goes away... the post asks how to get the same results as 
hex() but without the leading 0x.)


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[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-13 Thread rurpy

rurpy added the comment:

An ammendment to my proposed doc change.

Replace the text (which is unchanged from the current doc),

  ...the result is a valid Python expression


  ...the result is a valid Python hexinteger literal (see link:[Python Lang 
Ref, sec 2.4.4. Integer literals])

Python epression in the current doc is way more non-specific than it need be. 
 The result is not any old python expression, it is a very specific type of 
python expression so the doc should say that.


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[issue16677] Hard to find operator precedence in Lang Ref.

2012-12-13 Thread rurpy

New submission from rurpy:

Python Language Reference, chapter 6 Expressions.

The last section (6.15) of this is titled, Summary.  That title is misleading 
-- it is not really a summary of the Expressions chapter but rather, as the 
first sentence makes clear, a table of operator precedences.  It is not really 
even a summary of operator precedences since some of the preceeding operator 
sections don't mention their precedence.  And adding to the confusion, none of 
preceding sections even use the word precedence, referring instead to binding 
or priority.

Operator precedences are something many users frequently look for frequently in 
a language reference and the lack of an Operator Precedence entry in the ToC 
makes this section hard to find.

There are no index entries for operators/precedence or expressions/order of 
evaluation.  There is an index entry for evaluation order but that points to 
a different section.

At a minimum, this section should have its title changed from Summary to 
Operator Precedence and get one or more index entries.

In other languages operator precedence is often described and indexed under 
order of evaluation, often as a subindex of expressions.  In the Python 
reference, there is a very short section called, 6.14, Evaluation Order that 
immediately preceeds the Operator Precedence section.  That section and the 
Operator Precedence section could be effectively combined into a single section.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 177444
nosy: docs@python, rurpy2
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Hard to find operator precedence in Lang Ref.
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-12 Thread rurpy

rurpy added the comment:

Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger) msg177365:
 For some of the points, a couple examples will do a better job of explaining 
 hex() that trying to write-out the full code specification in prose.  

Examples should never substitute for a clear, complete and concise description. 
 Examples serve to illustrate and clarify a description.  An example can only 
describe usage at a single point in the solution space.  The prose description 
(when well written) describes the total solution space.  

 Overly wordy documentation is harder to use than something short that 
 addresses the primary use case.

No comments in this issue have suggested providing an overly wordy 
description.  The suggestion was for wording that accurately and concisely 
describes the behavior of the hex() function.  That is what good reference 
material is supposed to do.

Reference documentation should describe the behavior of its subject including 
any corner cases.  Addressing only the primary use case is not sufficient.  
For addressing the primary use case, supplement the prose with an example.

 Also, the suggested notes editorialize and venture into the realm of 
 personal coding preferences.

That characterization is incorrect.  
There is no editorializing (if this in reference to the word flexible in the 
note).  It is a fact that string formatting with the %x specifier also converts 
to hex and offers more control over the output than the hex() function does.  A 
reader interested in the hex() function should be apprised of this alternative. 
 Perhaps there is some other word that you would find more neutral than 

There is no venturing into personal coding preferences -- only the factual and 
appropriate mention of an alternative.

One of the cheapest, easiest ways of improving documentation is good 
cross-referencing to related items.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-11 Thread rurpy the second

New submission from rurpy the second:

The documentation of the hex() builtin function is poor.  Specifically it does 
not say (directly) that:

1. The resulting string is prefixed with 0x.

2. Any a-f characters used are lower case.

3. Negative integers are converted by prefixing a minus sign to hex() of the 
absolute value of the argument.

4. It should have a cross reference to the %x format of the % operator with a 
note that it is more veratile than the hex() builtin. 

5. It should have a cross reference to the way of performing the inverse 
operation: hex-int

I am not a good writer but here is an attempt at improving it:

Convert an integer number to a hexadecimal string.  The resulting string is 
prefixed with 0x and any alpha characters a-f are lowercase ascii.  Negative 
integers are converted to hex(abs(x)) prefixed with -.  In all cases the 
result is a valid Python expression.

If x is not a Python int object, it has to define an __index__() method that 
returns an integer.

Note: For another more flexible way of converting an integer to hexadecimal see 
the x and X conversion types in link:[4.7.2 -  printf-style String 
Formatting] and link:[ - Format Specification Mini-Language]

Note: To convert a hexadecimal string to an integer, use link:[int()] with a 
radix argument of 16. 

Note: To obtain a hexadecimal string representation for a float, use the 
link:[float.hex()] method.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 177352
nosy: docs@python, rurpy2
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: doc for builtin hex() is poor
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12806] argparse: Hybrid help text formatter

2012-11-23 Thread rurpy the second

rurpy the second added the comment:

I happened upon this issue while Googling for a formatter with the behavior 
described here.

I put together a formatter derived from the code submitted by GraylinKim 
(2011-08-22) and offer it for consideration (though it is missing some things 
like docstrings and hasn't been tested very thoroughly).

As per other comments, it uses additional indentation rather than leading 
special characters to start a new block.  Differently than GraylinKim's code, 
additional indentation suppresses wrapping or any formatting.  However, it 
would be easy to change that as I hope is obvious from the code.

There are two common ways of denoting a block of text (a block being text that 
should be reformatted as a single unit; aka paragraph)

 1. A group of text lines ending with newlines followed by a blank line to 
denote the end of the block.

 2. A single (long) text line where the terminating newline denotes the end of 
the block (i.e. one line == one block).

Both occur in the context of argparse help text:

Example of #1:
   p.add_argument (,
   help='''block1 block1 block1 block1 
   block1 block1 block1 block1
   block1 block1 block1 block1

   block2 block2 block2 block2
   block2 block2 block2 block2''')

Examples of #2:
   p.add_argument (,
   help='block1 block1 block1 block1 '
   'block1 block1 block1 block1 '
   'block1 block1 block1 block1 \n'
   'block2 block2 block2 block2 '
   'block2 block2 block2 block2 ')

   p.add_argument (,
   help='''block1 block1 block1 block1 \
   block1 block1 block1 block1 \
   block1 block1 block1 block1 \

   block2 block2 block2 block2 \
   block2 block2 block2 block2 ''')

There is no way, when reading lines of text, to tell whether one is reading 
text in the form of #1 or #2, when one sees a newline.  So a formatter really 
needs to be able to be told which form it is being given.  This seems to 
require two separate formatter classes (though they call common code.)

The first form (call it multiline blocked text) is formatted by 
ParagraphFormatterML.  The second form (call it single-line blocked text; I 
often use form #2a) by ParagraphFormatter.

nosy: +rurpy2
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file28091/paraformatter.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12806] argparse: Hybrid help text formatter

2012-11-23 Thread rurpy the second

rurpy the second added the comment:

Additional comment loosely related to the ParagraphFormatter offered in 
previous comment...

[If this is not the right venue -- perhaps a new issue or one of the python 
mail lists would be better -- please tell me.]

I notice that argparse.ArgumentParser requires a class (as opposed to instance) 
for the formatter_class parameter.  A cursory look at argparse gives me the 
impression that this is only so that ArgumentParser can instantiate the 
instance with a 'prog' argument.

If ArgumentParser accepted a HelpFormatter object (rather than a class), then a 
user could instantiate a custom formatter class with arguments that would 
customize its behavior.  For example, I would be able to write a single 
ParagraphFormatter class that was instantiated like 

  formatter = ParagraphFormatter (multiline=False)


  formatter = ParagraphFormatter (multiline=True)

If one has other requirements, perhaps apply one kind of formatting to 
description/epilogue text and another to the arguments text, then there is an 
even greater multiplicity of classes that could be avoided by instantiating a 
single formatter class with arguments.

So why can't ArgumentParser look at the formatter_class value: if it's a class 
proceed as now, but if it's an class instance, simply set its ._prog attribute 
and use it as is:

def _get_formatter(self):
if isinstance (self.formatter_class, type type): 
return self.formatter_class(prog=self.prog)
self.formatter_class._prog = prog
return self.formatter_class

Of course the formatter_class parameter name would then require a little 
explanation but that's what documentation is for.


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[issue16180] cannot quit pdb when there is a syntax error in the debuggee (must kill it)

2012-11-19 Thread rurpy the second

rurpy the second added the comment:

This continues to be a problem on Python-3.3.0

nosy: +rurpy2
versions: +Python 3.3 -Python 3.2

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[issue15216] Support setting the encoding on a text stream after creation

2012-08-08 Thread rurpy the second

Changes by rurpy the second ru...@yahoo.com:

nosy: +rurpy2

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[issue14973] restore python2 unicode literals in ru strings

2012-05-31 Thread rurpy the second

New submission from rurpy the second ru...@yahoo.com:

PEP 414 proposes restoring the u string prefix (semantically as a noop) to 
make porting from Python2 easier.  I would like to propose that ru-strings 
also interpret embedded \u unicode literals in the python2 fashion (as a 
single unicode character) rather than in the python 3.2 fashion (as 6 

Many Python2 programs use unicode literals in strings because they can be 
represented and displayed in source code with the ascii character set.  For 
example, I often write ur \u3000\u3042\t rather than ur  あ because the 
former is much clearer in source code than the latter and does not require the 
viewer to have a Japanese font installed.

However such a string must be manually converted for Python3 because the former 
string has a very different meaning in Python3 than Python2.  The equivalent in 
Python3 is  \u3000\u3042\\t.  AFAIK, 2to3 does not fix this.  Because there 
are no longer unicode literals in Python3 raw strings, any string with a 
unicode literal *has* to be a non-raw string (AFAICT).  This means that strings 
used as regexes, that have a lot of backslashes and have unicode literals, must 
have the backslashes doubled.  Doubling the backslashes in the above example is 
trivial but it is not trival in more realistic regexes.  This was one of the 
main reasons for having raw strings in Python2 I thought.  It is unfortunate 
that one looses this ability (in the presence of unicode literals) in Python3.

When I raised this issue on the Python user's list [*1], Terry Reedy made the 
suggestion that since the u string prefix was being reintroduced for python 
3.3, that having the prefix also restore the python2 unicode literal handling 
would not introduce any incompatibilties and would greatly increase the ease of 
porting to Python3 for some programs.[*2]  He subsequently raised the issue on 
the dev list.[*3]

An argument might be made that this is an extra feature that would encourage 
the use of the u-prefix beyond that of easing porting from Python2.  Perhaps 
so but there is currently a hole in Python's capability that is difficult to 
work around, and I've seen no other proposals to fix it.  So it seems to me 
that the benefits of this proposal greatly outweigh that somewhat purist 

[*1] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2012-May/1292870.html
[*2] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2012-May/1292887.html
[*3] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-May/119760.html

components: Unicode
messages: 162025
nosy: ezio.melotti, rurpy2
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: restore python2 unicode literals in ru strings
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3

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[issue1397474] timeit execution enviroment

2011-01-11 Thread rurpy the second

rurpy the second ru...@yahoo.com added the comment:

I find the changes suggested by T Reedy and refined in the 
patch by E Bendersky an improvement.  However, I found the 
following things confused me when reading it:

...constructor creates a function...
the constructor creates a Timeit instance, not a function.  
There is a method on that instance that is the function but 
the way it is phrased in like describing the autos coming off
a Ford production line as steering wheels.  As written, the 
statement creates an immediate WTF reaction in my mind.

...that executes the *setup* statement...
Use of term statement here is confusing as that term already
has a well defined meaning in Python docs.  One can't syntactically
use a statement as a function argument.  Only by suspending this
confusion and reading further does one discover that statement
here means a string containing text of some python code or a 
callable object.  

Use of statement (singular) also directly conflicts with following 
information that states multiple statements are ok.  

Since the synopsis line already refers to snippets, I think 
continuing to use that is better (having no preexisting conflicting
meanings) than statement.

...default to ``'pass'`... 
The call summary immediately above makes clear what the default
parameter values are.  While fine to repeat it in text, it is not
high priority information so should be moved to later in the

...or newlines as long as they don’t contain  multi-line string literals...
What is a multi-line string literal?  The Language Reference - 
Lexical Analysis - String Literals section says nothing about 
multi-line literals.  
Is it a\nb?  Or a
b?  Both?
'a\nb' actually works.  'a
b' doesn't of course but it is it is also clearly not valid
python string syntax so I'm not sure that 'multi-line strings need 
even be mentioned.  If it is mentioned then it should be made clear 
that multi-line string literals are not allowed not because timeit
doesn't like them, but because python syntax allows no way to 
embed them in another string.
...pre-defined user objects...
What does pre-defined mean?  Builtin?  Imported from stdlib?
I would use a more explicit description here.

I also think a short explanation of *why* one needs to import 
program objects in 'setup' makes it a little easier and quicker 
to understand what one is doing with the import, particularly if
one is using timeit somewhere other than __main__..  Thus I 
suggest expanding that section slightly.

Here is my attempt to adjust taking the above observations into 
account.  (Sorry, can't supply a patch since I have slow internet
connection and don't have source.  Text below is just my hand edit
of the + lines in Eli's patch.)

  Class for timing execution speed of small code snippets.
  A Timeit instance will contain a function (see :meth:`Timer.timeit`)
  that executes a snippet of setup code once and then times some 
  number of executions of stmt code .  The code snippets, given as
  arguments *setup* and *stmt* when creating the instance, may be 
  either strings or callable objects.

  If a string, it may contain a python expression, statement, or
  multiple statements separated by ; or newlines.  Whitespace 
  adhering to the usual Python indentation rules must follow any

  If a callable object, (often a function), the object is called 
  with no arguments.  Note that the timing overhead is a little 
  larger in this case because of the extra function calls required.

  The *setup* and *stmt* parameters default to ``'pass'``.
  The *timer* parameter defaults to a platform-dependent 
  timer function (see the module doc string).

  When the *setup* and *stmt* are run, they are run in a 
  different namespace than that of the code that calls timeit(). 
  To give *stmt* (whether it is a callable name or code string) 
  access to  objects defined in the code that calls timeit, 
  *setup* can import any needed objects.  For example, if your
  code defines function testfunc(), *setup* can contain, 
  ``from __main__ import testfunc``, and code in   *stmt* can
  then call testfunc.

  To measure the execution time of *stmt*, use the :meth:`Timer.timeit()` 
  The :meth:`Timer.repeat()` method is a convenience to call 
  multiple times and return a list of results.

  Changed in version 2.6: The stmt and setup parameters can now
  also take objects.


Added the line Whitespace adhering... because when using backslash-n
in strings it is easy to forget about any needed indentation.  Sentence
could be deleted if deemed too obvious.  There may also be a better 
way to phrase it; currently it might imply that some whitespace
is always neccessary if not enough attention paid to the usual
indentation rules phrase.

In msg116330 - Eli Bendersky (eli.bendersky) wrote:

 1) My tests show that passing the callable instead of the string
 'test()' actually takes longer to run

[issue10545] remove or rewrite Using Backslash to Continue Statements anti-idiom

2010-11-26 Thread rurpy the second

New submission from rurpy the second ru...@yahoo.com:

The Python HOWTOs-Idioms and Anti-Idioms has a section
Using Backslash to Continue Statements.

It says that line continuation is dangerous and gives two reasons.

1. Hard to see a space after the backslash.

This is not dangerous as it cause an impossible-to-miss syntax 
error (as pointed out in the following sentence.)

2. It can cause other subtle errors. 

It gives a code example purporting to demonstrate this but without
saying what the input data to the code is or what the resulting
problem is.  I spent a while trying to figure it out unsuccessfully.

a number of c.l.p regulars did not figure it out either.

I also note related bug http://bugs.python.org/issue7391 that points
out that avoinding backslashed continuations with parens is not 
always possible.

So I suggest...

1. If the the given example actually illustrates a real problem,
document clearly what it is.  This is a reference manual, not a
quiz book.

2. If not, then remove that argument.  Now the only reason for
not using backslashes is that a hard-to-see space after the
backslash will cause a syntax error.  That is neither dangerous
or a strong reason not to do it.  An unstated reason is that 
PEP-8 recommends against it but its recommendation is not absolute
and is based only on aethtetics.  With no real arguments against
using it other than style, it should not be documented as an anti-idiom, 
recommendations against it should remain only in
PEP-8 with other such style guidelines, and this section should 
be removed from the Anti-Idioms chapter.

assignee: d...@python
components: Documentation
messages: 122477
nosy: d...@python, rurpy2
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: remove or rewrite Using Backslash to Continue Statements anti-idiom

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