[issue11011] More functools functions

2013-10-04 Thread Piotr Dobrogost

Changes by Piotr Dobrogost :

nosy: +piotr.dobrogost

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[issue11011] More functools functions

2013-05-19 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

By my reading compose was also rejected, so I'm going to close this.  (See 
issue 1506122 for one previous rejection of compose.)

nosy: +r.david.murray
resolution:  -> rejected
stage:  -> committed/rejected
status: open -> closed
type:  -> enhancement

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[issue11011] More functools functions

2013-05-12 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

To summarize flip, const and identity won't happen, trampoline needs an 
external recipe or blog post and compose is the only one that's likely to 
happen.  Opinions please gentlemen.

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-26 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

I'm intrigued by the tampoline() but after reading Nick's post, I think it 
needs to be an external recipe or blog post with extensive examples so that it 
can mature and either prove its worth or serve as an intellectually stimulating 


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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-26 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

How the conversion from a recursive algorithm to an iterative one works depends 
on the specific algorithm involved. A trampoline does the job for tail calls, 
but not necessarily any other recursive algorithm.

Factorial actually has a fairly trivial iterative algorithm, so it isn't a 
great example for general purpose algorithm conversion:

def factorial(x):
  result = 1
  for i in range(1, x+1):
result *= i
  return result

I believe having trampoline in functools would end up being something of an 
attractive nuisance - in cases where it applies, there are probably better, 
algorithm specific, ways of eliminating a recursive call.


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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-25 Thread Jason Baker

Jason Baker  added the comment:

I'm not sure I understand how Raymond's alternative for trampoline works.  
Let's take the factorial algorithm from wikipedia's page on tail recursion[1].  
I've implemented the tail recursive version of the algorithm in Python using 

from functools import trampoline, partial

def factorial(n):
def fact(i, acc):
if i:
return partial(fact, (i-1), (acc * i))
return acc
return trampoline(fact, n, 1)

>>> factorial(5)

How would I implement this using Raymond's alternative?

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_call#Example_programs


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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-25 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

For flip, const and identity I agree there are already better ways to handle 
them using either itertools or comprehension syntax.

The problem I have with trampoline is that it depends on the function's *return 
values* being defined in a certain way (i.e. returning a zero-argument callable 
instead of just calling them).

The other major factor limiting the appeal of some of the more complex 
functional programming tools (the one that almost lead to lambda's removal in 
3.x) is the availability of nested function definitions.

To rephrase Raymond's last example in more idiomatic Python:

def fg2(x):
  # Comment or docstring explaining fg2
  return f(g(2,x)

def h2(x, y):
  # Comment or docstring explaining h2
  return h(x, 3, y, flag=True)

result = [fg2(x), h2(x, y) for x, y in zip(X, Y) if x>y//2]

I see compose as being the most potential useful, as it would allow us to 
provide a C accelerated version of the following alternative to trampoline:

def compose(*args):
  def _composed(x):
for f in args:
  x = f(x)
return x
  return _composed

While this actually does match the mathematical definition, I agree pointing 
that out is more confusing than helpful for many people (since the "inside-out" 
nested evaluation ends up looking like "right-to-left" evaluation when written 

Raymond's proposed alternative to trampoline could then be written:


nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-25 Thread Jason Baker

Jason Baker  added the comment:

Ray,  thanks for prompt and thorough feedback.  To address your concerns:

* I'm fine with doing away with const and identity (long story short I haven't 
really used them in functional languages anyway).  There were reasons for 
defining identity the way it is, but it's hardly a big deal if that doesn't 
make it in.
* Personally, I see the mathematical notation for compose to be very intuitive, 
however it's typically described in a non-intuitive manner.  The functions get 
called in a left-to-right manner (as is intuitive), however, when you see it 
defined it is usually in a right-to-left manner.  Thus it can be confusing 
because we say compose(f, g)(x) [left-to-right]  is equivalent to g(f(x)) 
[which reads right-to-left, but is still doing what you might expect 
intuitively].  But I doubt most people that use Python will care about the 
mathematical usage anyway.  What if we called  the function "pipeline"?  That's 
essentially what it's doing, and I think people would find that easier to 
* I'm not saying you're wrong about trampoline, but I want to make sure that 
you and I are discussing the same thing.  :-)  The idea for trampoline comes 
from clojure, which is unique among functional languages in that it has no 
tail-call recursion.  Trampoline is a way to write a function that is tail 
recursive, but won't blow the stack.  So your example, while similar isn't 
*quite* the same thing.  The documentation I wrote shows an example function 
count_to_a_million.  If I wrote it like this I'd blow the stack:

def count_to_a_million(i):
if i < 100:
return count_to_a_million(i)
return i

Of course, you could definitely argue that it would just be easier to use a 
loop (or even better range).  However, many functional programmers' brains have 
just been wired to use recursion which they might find more intuitive as a 
means of iteration.  Of course, one could argue that it would be better for 
them to learn the Pythonic way of doing things, and I would agree.  Python is a 
multi-paradigm language that supports both functional and imperative 
approaches, therefore it's Pythonic to provide a functional approach.
* It sounds like you feel flip is useful, but it's a matter of whether you feel 
it's useful enough to add to the standard library.

Lastly, I love list comprehensions and see where you're coming from, but why do 
the two have to be mutually exclusive?  I mean, the idea for them came from 
Haskell which hasn't done away with them.  For instance, take your example:

[f(g(2,x), h(x, 3, y, flag=True)) for x, y in zip(X, Y) if x>y//2]

I certainly hope you don't really write code like that.  :-)

I think something like this is more readable:

fg = partial(compose(f, g), 2)
h1 = lambda x, y:  h(x, 3, y, flag=True)
[(fg(x), h1(x, y)) for x, y in zip(X, Y) if x>y//2]

...but maybe I'm weird.

If you're still opposed to adding these functions, let me know.  I feel that 
they have use-cases in the Python standard library, but I can add them to 
pysistence when I port it to Python 3 and make it a functional data 
structure/algorithm library.  :-)


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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-25 Thread Éric Araujo

Changes by Éric Araujo :

nosy: +eric.araujo

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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-25 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

One other thought:  The use of list comprehensions (a.k.a. list displays) and 
generator expressions has made many functional tools less necessary than ever.

   # preferred over map(pow, repeat(2), range(5))
   [pow(2, x) for x in range(5)]

   # preferred over map(flip, dict.items())
   [(v, k) for k, v in mydict.items()]

The list comprehension and genexp styles are much more flexible and works well 
with default arguments, constants, and using a combination of features:

   # hard to do with functionals
   [f(g(2,x), h(x, 3, y, flag=True)) for x, y in zip(X, Y) if x>y//2]


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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-25 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Some of these have been proposed and rejected before.

Compose has a problematic API because the traditional order of application in 
mathematics is counter-intuitive for many people.

Const seems reasonable except that we already have ways to do it:  
 twos = lambda :2
 twos = itertools.repeat(2).__next__
The principal use case for const is with map() and itertools.repeat() is 
already targeted at that use-case:
 cubes = list(map(pow, range(10), repeat(3)))

Flip would be nice on occasion:
 colorseq = list(map(flip, enumerate(
   'red orange yellow green blue indigo violet'.split(

Identity is problematic for a few reasons.  First, there doesn't seem to be one 
signature that fits all use cases:
 identity1 = lambda *args:  *args   # always returns a tuple
 identity2 = lambda arg:  arg   # always returns a scalar
Also, the availability of 'identity' seems to encourage bad design.
Speedwise, it is usually better to have two paths (predicate is None vs some 
given predicate) than have an identity function default (predict=identity).  
See the itertools module for examples.

Trampoline is interesting, but the use case doesn't seem to arise much in 
Python programming and when it does, it is usually clearer to write:
for f in get_actions():
That straight-forward code is superior, not just because of its readability but 
also because it is easily modified to handle return values being feed in to 
consecutive calls, adding optional and keyword arguments, introducing logging, 

In short, some of these constructs are better suited for languages that a more 
purely functional in nature.  Those don't treat scalar arguments differently 
than multiple arguments, those don't use keywords or optional arguments, 
currying can be done cleanly etc.

Experiences with the itertools module have shown than not all of the usual 
favorite functional gizmos fit well in the Python language.  They are tempting 
toys, but typically don't beat regular, clean Python code.

One last comment, any time a group of interoperative tools is proposed, I think 
it absolutely necessary to construct a bunch of sample code to exercise the 
APIs working in concert with one another.  With the itertools module, 
considerable effort was directed at designing a toolkit with cleanly 
interoperative parts.

Also, when proposing something that changes the fundamentals of how people 
would design their programs, I think it is necessary to scan real-world code to 
find many examples where the code would be much improved if it used the new 
constructs.  (This is similar to the notion of a Phase III clinical trial -- 
even if something works, it needs to be shown to be better than existing 

nosy: +rhettinger
versions:  -Python 3.2

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[issue11011] More functools functions

2011-01-25 Thread Jason Baker

New submission from Jason Baker :

I've created a patch that adds some common functional programming tools to 
functools.  I've made the patch to work against Python 3.2, but that may be a 
bit aggressive.  If so, then I can adapt it to work with 3.3.

I also wouldn't be opposed to writing some of these in C if there's a 
performance need.

The functions I added are:

* flip - flip the first two arguments of a function
* const - return a function that always returns the same thing
* compose - compose multiple functions together
* identity - returns what is passed in to it
* trampoline - calls a function and then calls any returned functions.

components: Library (Lib)
files: functools.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 127062
nosy: Jason.Baker
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: More functools functions
versions: Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20520/functools.patch

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