[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-14 Thread eryksun

eryksun added the comment:

Testing getpass shouldn't be that difficult if you use ctypes to call 
WriteConsoleInput [1]. For example:

from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *

kernel32 = WinDLL('kernel32')

IN, OUT, INOUT = 1, 2, 3
KEY_EVENT = 0x0001

class KEY_EVENT_RECORD(Structure):
class UCHAR(Union):
_fields_ = (('UnicodeChar', WCHAR),
('AsciiChar',   CHAR))
_fields_ = (('bKeyDown',  BOOL),
('wRepeatCount',  WORD),
('wVirtualKeyCode',   WORD),
('wVirtualScanCode',  WORD),
('uChar', UCHAR),
('dwControlKeyState', DWORD))

class INPUT_RECORD(Structure):
class EVENT(Union):
_fields_ = (('KeyEvent', KEY_EVENT_RECORD),)
_fields_ = (('EventType', WORD),
('Event', EVENT))


def _check_retval_(cls, retval):
if retval.value == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE:
raise WinError(get_last_error())
return retval.value

def errcheck_bool(result, func, args):
if not result:
raise WinError(get_last_error())
return args

def WINAPI(name, dll, restype, *argspec):
if argspec:
argtypes = tuple(p[0] for p in argspec)
paramflags = tuple(p[1:] for p in argspec)
argtypes = paramflags = ()
prototype = WINFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes, use_last_error=True)
func = prototype((name, dll), paramflags)
if restype in (BOOL, HANDLE):
func.errcheck = errcheck_bool
setattr(dll, name, func)

WINAPI('GetStdHandle', kernel32, HANDLE_IHV,
(DWORD, IN, 'nStdHandle'))

WINAPI('WriteConsoleInputW', kernel32, BOOL,
   (HANDLE, IN, 'hConsoleInput'),
   (PINPUT_RECORD,  IN, 'lpBuffer'),
   (DWORD,  IN, 'nLength'),

def write_console_input(s):
hInput = kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
recs = (INPUT_RECORD * len(s))()
for c, rec in zip(s, recs):
rec.EventType = KEY_EVENT
rec.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = True
rec.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = 1
rec.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = c
return kernel32.WriteConsoleInputW(hInput, recs, len(recs))

if __name__ == '__main__':
import getpass
test_input = 'Console test input.\n'
n = write_console_input(test_input)
assert n == len(test_input)
read_input = getpass.getpass()
assert read_input == test_input.rstrip()

This requires that python.exe is run with an attached console (conhost.exe), 
i.e. the process can't be created as a DETACHED_PROCESS [2] nor can it be run 
using pythonw.exe without first calling AllocConsole.

[1]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms687403
[2]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684863


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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-14 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Was waiting for agreement or opposition, but I intended to close it within 24 
hours if nothing was raised :)


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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-14 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

You'll note that the problem shows up in the getpass module, which does have 
tests, but which does not have a test that discovers this.  That's because 
writing tests that *use* these functions is not really practical :)

Someone could open an issue about testing for the functions that are supposed 
to be available.  There could also be another issue for gettpass to test for 
the availability of the functions it actually uses.

Steve, looks like you forgot to close the issue?  Or were you waiting for 
agreement about the tests?

resolution:  -> fixed
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-13 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

I wouldn't have thought so, since the IO stack is entirely portable, at least 
from the Python side of things. This would have to have been a test that 
somehow knows about optional functions and notifies you if they're missing but 
without failing the run. I don't think that's feasible, at least in this case, 
since there's no way to know that the function should be there.

Potentially we could set up a test to ensure that we don't remove public 
functions by dumping a complete list, but that's beyond the scope of this one 


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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Shouldn't tests for these functions be part of our testing of the io module or 

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-13 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset d56a941865fb by Steve Dower in branch 'default':
Issue #23995: Removes _WCONIO_DEFINED check as the wchar_t console functions 
are always available.

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-13 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Short of hard-coding a list of expected functions and using hasattr, anyone 
have any ideas about how to test stuff like this? I kind of feel like 
alpha/beta releases are the most efficient way to find these.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-13 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

I'll just remove the ifdefs. We don't support any Windows versions that don't 
have these functions.

assignee:  -> steve.dower

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-13 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I'm setting this to release blocker because it sounds like a simple fix and I 
don't think we should release with these basic windows functions missing.  If 
you (Steve) don't think it is important for the beta you could set it to 
deferred blocker.

priority: normal -> release blocker

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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-05-13 Thread Kain

Kain added the comment:

Had the same problem but was able to fix this by rewriting the win_getpass 
method in getpass.py:

def win_getpass(prompt='Password: ', stream=None):
"""Prompt for password with echo off, using Windows getch()."""
if sys.stdin is not sys.__stdin__:
return fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
import msvcrt
for c in prompt:
pw = ""
while 1:
c = msvcrt.getch()
if c == '\r'.encode('utf-8') or c == '\n'.encode('utf-8'):
if c == '\003'.encode('utf-8'):
raise KeyboardInterrupt
if c == '\b'.encode('utf-8'):
pw = pw[:-1]
pw = pw + c.decode('utf-8')
return pw

nosy: +Kain

Python tracker 

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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-04-18 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

You're right, we should be able to remove the ifdef for these (or hide them 
behind MS_WINDOWS if necessary).


Python tracker 

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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-04-18 Thread eryksun

eryksun added the comment:

The new CRT used by 3.5 has a separate header, corecrt_wconio.h, for 
declarations shared by conio.h and wchar.h. Thus the _WCONIO_DEFINED macro is 
no longer defined, and consequently PC/msvcrtmodule.c skips defining getwch, 
getwche, putwch, and ungetwch.

I guess this check was added to support DOS-based Windows 9x. NT-based Windows 
would always support wide-character console I/O.

components: +Windows
nosy: +eryksun, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-04-18 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Can you reproduce this without involving Django?  That would make it more 
likely that someone will have time to take a look at it.

nosy: +r.david.murray

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-04-18 Thread petrikas

petrikas added the comment:

Edit: I am using a windows 8.1 system and django 1.8


Python tracker 

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[issue23995] msvcrt could not be imported

2015-04-18 Thread petrikas

New submission from petrikas:

Python cannot access msvcrt's putwch() when using manage.py syncdb

To reproduce:
1. Call manage.py syncdb and try to create a new superuser
2. It crashes after inputting email (or before asking for the password)

Reproducible with 3.5a3, seems to be a regression from 3.4.3. Downgrading fixed 
the issue

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 241438
nosy: petrikas
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: msvcrt could not be imported
type: crash
versions: Python 3.5

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