[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-14 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

Python 3.5.2 (v3.5.2:4def2a2901a5, Jun 25 2016, 22:01:18) [MSC v.1900 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ftplib
>>> ftp.sendcmd('NOOP')
'226 Directory send OK.'

There are no changes in and `ntransfercmd' between 2.7 and default branches 
save for cosmetic ones.


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-14 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

* The initial msg253326 has a code snippet using ftplib directly and showing 
the error.
* The linked issue28931 has another snippet that uses ftplib through urllib and 
results in the same error.

There isn't a single mention of "thread" in either.
Could you just run either of them and see for yourself?

I can rub your nose in it, but I thought you're better than that :)

Oh well...

Python 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 27 2016, 15:19:22) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ftplib
>>> ftp = ftplib.FTP()
>>> ftp.connect('ftp.debian.org', timeout=10)
'220 ftp.debian.org FTP server'
>>> ftp.login('anonymous','u...@example.com')
'230 Login successful.'
>>> ftp.sendcmd('TYPE A')
'200 Switching to ASCII mode.'
>>> s = ftp.transfercmd('LIST')
>>> fp = s.makefile('r')
>>> fp.read()
'drwxr-xr-x9 1176 1176 4096 Dec 14 15:08 debian\r\n'
>>> fp.close()
>>> s.close()
>>> # Now the session is broken:
>>> ftp.sendcmd('NOOP')
'226 Directory send OK.'
>>> ftp.dir()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "C:\Py\lib\ftplib.py", line 534, in dir
self.retrlines(cmd, func)
  File "C:\Py\lib\ftplib.py", line 437, in retrlines
conn = self.transfercmd(cmd)
  File "C:\Py\lib\ftplib.py", line 376, in transfercmd
return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
  File "C:\Py\lib\ftplib.py", line 334, in ntransfercmd
host, port = self.makepasv()
  File "C:\Py\lib\ftplib.py", line 312, in makepasv
host, port = parse227(self.sendcmd('PASV'))
  File "C:\Py\lib\ftplib.py", line 830, in parse227
raise error_reply, resp
ftplib.error_reply: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-14 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

Maybe it's me but I still fail to understand what's the issue here. From what I 
understand from the last message(s) it seems there is complaint about not being 
able to use ftplib with threads.
FTP is a "command - response" protocol which is designed to handle one request 
at a time, meaning you send a command then you are supposed to *wait* to get a 
response back. 
If you want to do multiple transfers in parallel then you need a separate 
connection, not a separate thread using the same connection.
ftplib should *not* be thread-safe because of how FTP works.


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-13 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

One more concern about the fix (so that you don't assume I didn't think of this 
;) ) - handling of errors signified by the end-of-transfer response.

Handling a response in a close handler prevents us from actually checking its 
* destructors like a close handler cannot raise exceptions because that would 
disrupt the resource release process
* and they're routinely called from `finally', so an exception would mask the 
current one if there's any (it's impossible to check within a finally block if 
it was was called as a result of an exception - 

* The errors where the transfer never starts are detected by `ntransfercmd' 
either when opening the socket (425) or checking the first response (55x)
  * an exception when opening the socket would result in the response not being 
* The errors when the transfer ends prematurely
  * are either handled by the socket (connection reset/timeout)
  * or can be detected by checking data length against the real one if it's 
available <- these are not currently handled
* if it results from the user closing the socket prematurely (426), it 
_should_ be ignored
* otherwise, we can wrap recv(), too, and check the response if the 
underlying fn returns ''
* If the error is local (an exception is raised in other code), the server's 
response doesn't matter

Looks like fixing this part warrants a separate ticket, though it does affect 
which option to take at this step - it speaks in favor of wrapping the data 

I'll ask at python-dev for some feedback before I go any way.


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-12 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

I tried to fix `urllib' and ultimately failed. In a nutshell, handling of the 
aftermath of an `ntransfercmd' is broken.

Since `ntransfercmd'/`transfercmd' returns a socket, handling of an 
end-of-transmission response is done in independently invoked code - upon the 
socket's close. So, if any other operation on the command connection is 
attempted before that, `ftplib's handling of the session breaks.

The plan to fix follows, but first, some background:

According to 
, FTP actually doesn't, and is not designed to, handle transfers in 
"background". In that you surely can send a further command on the socket, but 
the server won't actually read it until it's done with the transfer.

According to 
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31560701/ftp-data-connections-reuse , data 
connections cannot be reused.

(RFC959 is vague on both points)

Now, the proposed fix design:

* upon starting a transfer, an FTP object sets a flag, `transfer_in_progress'.
* any public subroutine that would send a further command checks the flag. 
Then, there are a few options:
a) refuse any further commands outright until the user explicitly closes 
the socket (whose close handler would also handle the end-of-transfer response)
b) check the wire for an end-of-transfer response and if it's there, handle 
it and allow the command. Closing the socket may or may not handle the response 
in its own right.
c) allow the command even if there's no end-of-transfer response. Then 
handling of the transfer response is done with the function parsing the 
response for the new command - which will hang until the transfer is complete.
* the code handling the end-of-transfer response clears the flag.

Each option has drawbacks, so I'm not sure which one is the most pythonic.
I would go with b) because it would allow syntax like 
urllib.urlopen(<...>).read() which it does allow for HTTP.


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-10 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

Spawned the `urllib' issue to issue28931.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-09 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

The solution for the OP's problem is:

* after closing the data socket (whether it was returned by 
`transfercmd()'/`ntransfercmd()' or opened manually), an additional 
`FTP.getresp()'/`FTP.voidresp()' is required to process the 226 response.

The built-in `retrbinary()' and `retrlines()' do implement this logic.

But the documentation doesn't mention this requirement in 
`transfercmd()'/ntransfercmd()` entries (and `getresp()'/`voidresp()' are 
undocumented outright).

`urllib' authors have fallen into this same trap: they use `transfercmd' 
directly but don't call `voidresp()' afterwards.


Python tracker 

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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-09 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

Darn, my problem _is_ in urllib and thus is different that the one in this 
ticket. Though it too results in a "command response shift".


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-09 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Changes by Ivan Pozdeev :

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file45813/ftp_error_illustration.txt

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-09 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

Found the root problem: a 1xx response doesn't complete a LIST command, it 
should wait further for a 2xx one. See RFC 959 section 6 (state diagrams).

This could be `urllib`'s rather than `ftplib`'s fault: the former calls 
low-level subroutines of the latter.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45820/ftp_error_illustration.txt

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-09 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Ivan Pozdeev added the comment:

The current solution looks fishy to me. We should stick to 
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959 . In particular, 226 is sent when the server 
closes the auxiliary socket, so the module should react accordingly. Debug 
printing and/or issuing warnings is an obvious no-go.

Also attached a text file illustrating the problem.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45813/ftp_error_illustration.txt

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-12-09 Thread Ivan Pozdeev

Changes by Ivan Pozdeev :

nosy: +Ivan.Pozdeev
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.7

Python tracker 

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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-03-09 Thread Peter Pan

Peter Pan added the comment:

Here is a small test for the new version.

(To see the original ftplib.py version failing copy+paste the code from my 
initial post into a python file and run)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42100/test_ftp.py

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-03-09 Thread Peter Pan

Peter Pan added the comment:

I've updated "ftplib.py" from the 3.5.1 source code release.
This should fix issues:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file42099/ftplib.py

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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-03-08 Thread Peter Pan

Peter Pan added the comment:

The problem in my example is ftplib reports a "226" response to command "NOOP" 
which is nonsense. ftplib received "226" before "ftp.sendcmd('NOOP')" was 

Since "transfercmd()" returns a socket, ftplib was planned to allow for manual 
transfer socket handling, but it is currently unable to handle the asynchronous 
responses from the server when the transfer is done. This is a bug or design 

Multiple changes are needed to support manual transfer socket handling. I 
suggest the following:

Since asynchronous responses from the server are possible on the command 
socket, "set_debuglevel(1)" must report them at once, but this would require 
multithreading. A good compromise is to debug print and clear any buffered 
status right before sending the next command.
We also need a method to check the last status code, in order to know the 
result of the last manual transfer. ftplib has to store it separately as an 

New attribute

this.last_status_code = None #has no effect to any command or debug output

New internal method

#loop: look for buffered status response; if present, print debug and assign 
this.last_status = buffer.pop()

New user methods

#Set last status to None so we can use "get_last_status" to check/poll for the 
next one.
 this.last_status_code = None
 this.last_status_message = ""

#Return the last status received from the server; if there is one on the 
buffer, unbuffer and return that.
 return [this.last_status_code, this.last_status_message]


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-03-08 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

I'm not sure I understood the problem. Perhaps if you provide a patch that 
would make things more clear and you'd have more chances to see this issue 


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[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2016-01-16 Thread SilentGhost

Changes by SilentGhost :

nosy: +giampaolo.rodola
versions: +Python 3.6 -Python 3.4

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25458] ftplib: command response shift - mismatch

2015-10-22 Thread Peter Pan

New submission from Peter Pan:

When handling the transfer socket manually the asynchronous status message "226 
transfer complete" on the control socket is falsely taken as response for the 
last sent command.
ftplib reads the response too late and the command/response order becomes 

I can avoid that by using the undocumented ftplib internal method FTP.getline() 
after the transfer socket is closed and not sending more commands while the 
transfer socket is open.

It would be useful, if ftplib empties the response socket buffer before sending 
the next command. But maybe the best solution is an optional function callback 
when the "226" response appears, while it is ignored when not matching the last 
sent command.

Example code that triggers the problem:

import ftplib
import socket
import re

ftp = ftplib.FTP()
ftp.connect('ftp.debian.org', timeout=10)
ftp.sendcmd('TYPE A')

s = ftp.transfercmd('LIST')

#manual transfer socket - should result in same behaviour
r = ftp.sendcmd('EPSV')
r = re.search('\|([0-9]+)\|', r)
port = int( r.group(1) )
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('ftp.debian.org', port))

fp = s.makefile('r')

#ftplib falsely sees "226 transfer complete" as response to next command

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 253326
nosy: peterpan
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ftplib: command response shift - mismatch
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4

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