[issue26126] Possible subtle bug when normalizing and str.translate()ing

2016-01-15 Thread Mark Summerfield

Mark Summerfield added the comment:

Thanks for looking at this. In my full translation dict I had some other 
mistakes of case, now all fixed:-)


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[issue26126] Possible subtle bug when normalizing and str.translate()ing

2016-01-15 Thread SilentGhost

SilentGhost added the comment:

Mark, your XFORMS dictionary contains this entry: 0x00C6: "ae"
It should be 'AE'. The same applies to 0x0152: "oe" which should be 'OE'.

nosy: +SilentGhost
resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26126] Possible subtle bug when normalizing and str.translate()ing

2016-01-15 Thread SilentGhost

Changes by SilentGhost :

status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26126] Possible subtle bug when normalizing and str.translate()ing

2016-01-15 Thread Peter Otten

Peter Otten added the comment:

Not a bug. In your XFORMS dict you have

>>> ord("Æ") == 0xC6

Whether the value of "Æ" or 0xC6 is used by str.maketrans() depends on the 
order of the dict entries which in turn is determined by the keys' hash. Remove 
one and you should see consistent results.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26126] Possible subtle bug when normalizing and str.translate()ing

2016-01-15 Thread Peter Otten

Peter Otten added the comment:

There seems to be a connection to hash randomization. I consistently get

$ PYTHONHASHSEED=1 python3.6 ./normbug.py 
BUG ('The aenid oevre', '!=', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python3.6 ./normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')

nosy: +peter.otten

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26126] Possible subtle bug when normalizing and str.translate()ing

2016-01-15 Thread Mark Summerfield

New submission from Mark Summerfield:

I am using Python 3.4.3 on Xubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit.

I have a program that when run repeatedly sometimes what I expect, and 
sometimes does not:

$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
BUG ('The aenid oevre', '!=', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
BUG ('The aenid oevre', '!=', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
BUG ('The aenid oevre', '!=', 'The AEnid oevre')
$ ~/tmp/normbug.py 
OK ('The AEnid oevre', '==', 'The AEnid oevre')

As you can see, sometimes the left (actual) is case-folded, and sometimes it 
isn't which is surprising given the code (which is attached).

Of course this could be a mistake on my part; maybe I've misunderstood how the 
unicode normalizing works.

files: normbug.py
messages: 258314
nosy: mark
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Possible subtle bug when normalizing and str.translate()ing
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file41627/normbug.py

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