[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2021-02-12 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Change by Terry J. Reedy :

versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.9

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2020-11-05 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado

Change by Pablo Galindo Salgado :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2020-11-05 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado

Pablo Galindo Salgado  added the comment:

New changeset 91e93794d5dd1aa91fbe142099c2955e0c4c1660 by Zackery Spytz in 
branch 'master':
bpo-26389: Allow passing an exception object in the traceback module (GH-22610)

nosy: +pablogsal

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2020-10-08 Thread Zackery Spytz

Change by Zackery Spytz :

keywords: +patch
nosy: +ZackerySpytz
nosy_count: 6.0 -> 7.0
pull_requests: +21593
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22610

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2019-11-13 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

It would be nice to see this one come to fruition.

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2019-11-13 Thread Matthias Bussonnier

Matthias Bussonnier  added the comment:

> were you interested in continuing with Brett's (and your) suggestion for the 
> API by making the first argument positional-only and the others optional?

Yes, but I currently do not have the time; if someone else want to take over; 
or if you need to close this issue or corresponding PR for now please feel free 
to do so. I'll come back to it at some point.


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2019-10-20 Thread Cheryl Sabella

Cheryl Sabella  added the comment:

@mbussonn, were you interested in continuing with Brett's (and your) suggestion 
for the API by making the first argument positional-only and the others 

versions: +Python 3.9 -Python 3.8

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2019-04-10 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon  added the comment:

Boy, having a postional-only parameter in that first position would have been 
handy when we created this API (as Matthias pointed out). :)

The 'exec' keyword-only parameter is obviously the safest option here.

Making the first parameter positional-only and then making the other parameters 
optional would lead to the most fluid API long-term as people I suspect would 
much rather just pass in an object than always specifying the keyword-only 
parameter every time going forward. I also doubt anyone is specifying etype by 

So my vote is:

+1 to a positional-only first parameter
+0 to 'exc' keyword-only parameter


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2019-04-08 Thread Cheryl Sabella

Cheryl Sabella  added the comment:

The last comment on the original PR for this issue was to wait until an API was 
decided upon before proceeding with creating a new PR.  Bumping this issue to 
generate new discussion and hopefully reach concession on an API.

nosy: +cheryl.sabella
versions: +Python 3.8 -Python 3.7

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-03-02 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Matthias, I will try to respond tomorrow.


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-03-02 Thread Matthias Bussonnier

Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:

> (Optional) Change 'value' to 'exc' in the API to reflect the 3.x restriction 
> Keep the synonym until after 2.7. 

Do you mean after 2.7 EOL, or after 3.7 ?

> etype: In 3.5+ document that it is an ignored dummy argument and that one can 
> just pass 0, '', or None.
> (Optional) Deprecate the parameter and make it optional.  This can be 
> handled* in the code and would be like range having option 'start'.  This is 
> messy but would be temporary.  

That seem hard to do if we want to allow func(exception), should we attempt to 
emit a deprecation warning only when etype is used in the Legacy Form ?

> Remove after 2.7.

Same question as above, unsure what you mean. 

> (Optional) Change 'value' to 'exc' in the API to reflect the 3.x restriction. 
> Document 'value' as a deprecated synonym for keyword usage.

That seem like overly complicated as now the actual exception object can be 
either in etype, value, or exc. 

Let my try to give example to see if I understood correctly

2.7 compat

print_exception(etype, value, tb)
print_exception(etype=etype, value=value, tb=tb) 

3.5 compat
print_exception(None, value, tb)
print_exception(etype=None, value=value, tb=tb)
print_exception(value)  == print_exception(type(value), value, 
print_exception(value, tb=True) == print_exception(type(value), value, 

print_exception(value, tb=None) == print_exception(type(value), value, 
print_exception(value, tb=False)== print_exception(type(value), value, 

print_exception(value, tb=faketb)   == print_exception(type(value), value, 
# tb can be positional

print_exception(value, tb) == print_exception(value, tb=tb)

Signature would thus be:

if first param isinstance BaseException: # 3.7+, prefered form
print_exception(exc, [tb ,] *, [limit, file, chain])
print_exception(etype, value, tb, [limit, file, chain])
# etype being ignored

Should exc be positional only ?

print_exception(exc, /, [tb ,] *, [limit, file, chain])

Should `limit`, `file`, `chain` be allowed to be positional ?

print_exception(exc, [tb , limit, file, chain])


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-27 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Comments probably apply to format_exception and in part, format_exception_only 
(both also patched in PR237) but I have not checked behavior or code at all.


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-27 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

The print_exception API goes back to when exception values were (or at least, 
could be) strings.  Its doc is incomplete as to the requirements on the args 
and, at least by 3.5, erroneous.  To modify it, we need to understand how it 
actually works now.

In 2.7, 'etype' can apparently by anything with an __str__ method.  (Someone 
could check the 2.7 code.) At least Exception, 'abc', and None result in 
'Exception', 'abc' or 'None' leading the last line.  Example:
>>> try: 1/0
except Exception as e:
tb.print_exception(None, e, None)

None: integer division or modulo by zero

By at least 3.5, the etype arg can definitely be anything, because it is 
ignored.  The printed exception type is already grabbed from the exception. Any 
patch should not change this.  Note that this 3.x change already introduced an 
incompatibility.  In 3.5, the above prints 'ZeroDivisionError' instead of 

This holdover line in the doc "prints the exception etype and value after the 
stack trace" is wrong and should be corrected with a 'changed in 3.x' note if 
done after 3.0.  

In 2.7, value can at least be an exception, a string, or None (not documented). 
 (Ditto for checking the code.)

>>> try: 1/0
except Exception as e:
tb.print_exception(None, 'zero-divive', tb=None)

None: zero-divive
>>> try: 1/0
except Exception as e:
tb.print_exception(None, None, None)


In 3.?, value must be an exception instance (or compatible duck) (not 
  File "C:\Programs\Python36\lib\traceback.py", line 465, in __init__
if (exc_value and exc_value.__cause__ is not None
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '__cause__'

So, more potential incompatibilities with 2.x.

In 2.7, tb is needed to supply the traceback, or to suppress it.  As a separate 
parameter, it allows a traceback to be modified before printing.*  The option 
of a modified or omitted traceback (the ultimate modification) should be kept.

*IDLE edits tracebacks before printing to delete artifacts introduced by IDLE 
internals.  The attempt is to print what the console interpreter would.  I 
don't currently know whether it replaces the original on the exception or not.  
There is also a proposal for the standard interpreter to edit tracebacks after 
recursion limit exceptions.  So traceback editing is useful, and I see no need 
to force replacement of the semi-private e.__traceback__.

My suggestions:

tb: In 3.7, in the API, change 'tb' to 'tb=True'.  If tb is left True, grab it 
from the exception.  If tb is explicitly supplied, use it.  If tb is set to 
False or (for back compatibility) None, suppress it. 

value: In 3.5+ document that it must be an exception.
(Optional) Change 'value' to 'exc' in the API to reflect the 3.x restriction. 
Document 'value' as a deprecated synonym for keyword usage. Keep the synonym 
until after 2.7. 

etype: In 3.5+ document that it is an ignored dummy argument and that one can 
just pass 0, '', or None.
(Optional) Deprecate the parameter and make it optional.  This can be handled* 
in the code and would be like range having option 'start'.  This is messy but 
would be temporary.  Remove after 2.7.

* 1 arg = exc/value, 3 args are etype, value, tb, 2 args are exc, tb or etype, 
exc depending on whether the type(first) is BaseException.

I am inclined to go with both options, but even if the 3 of us agree, I might 
be inclined to post our intention on pydev.


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-27 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

I don't think supporting both approaches is worth it; we should just choose one 
of them. As for which one, I'm torn. The single argument one is the most 
pragmatic, but changing types like has always bugged me. But as Martin points 
out, the `raise` syntax supports the class or an instance so there's precedent 
in regards to exceptions themselves. The parameter name is poorly named if we 
take it in for the first argument which is unfortunate.

Basically I can't decide. :)


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-27 Thread Matthias Bussonnier

Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:

> Another point is that it may be better to keep the existing parameter name 
> “value”, rather than (eventually?) replacing it with “exc”. I think both of 
> these things could be accomplished by juggling the “value” and “etype” 
> parameters:

I agreed, and that what I would have done outside of CPython, but that felt 
like this kind of juggling was frowned upon. 

> The disadvantage of any of these changes is that we may want to maintain 
> support for the old signature while Python 2 remains alive.

Your example does not seem to break the old signature. Or I fail to see how.

If that way would be accepted I'm happy to implement it.


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-26 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

Matthias’s proposal adds support for a new keyword-only “exc” argument:


I still think it is worth supporting a single positional argument as well:


Another point is that it may be better to keep the existing parameter name 
“value”, rather than (eventually?) replacing it with “exc”. I think both of 
these things could be accomplished by juggling the “value” and “etype” 

def print_exception(etype=None, value=None, tb=None, ...):
if value is None:  # Assume value passed as first positional argument
value = etype
etype = None
if etype is tb is None:  # Only value passed
etype = type(value)
tb = value.__traceback__
# Existing code using (etype, value, tb)

The disadvantage of any of these changes is that we may want to maintain 
support for the old signature while Python 2 remains alive.

stage: test needed -> patch review
versions: +Python 3.7 -Python 3.6

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-26 Thread Matthias Bussonnier

Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:

I've attempted a Pull-request trying to implement what Brett is describing. See 
https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/327, and opened 
http://bugs.python.org/issue29660 to document that etype is ignored and decide 
wether it should emit DeprecationWarning when used.


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-26 Thread Matthias Bussonnier

Changes by Matthias Bussonnier :

pull_requests: +287

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2017-02-26 Thread Matthias Bussonnier

Matthias Bussonnier added the comment:

Just came across that with wanting to use print_exception and got the same idea.

It seem like in print_exception, and format_exception, etype is already ignored 
and `type(value)` is used, so I think we could also "just" also ignore tb 
(unless set) and use `value.__traceback__`. Leaving the API to function(None, 

I don't see any clean way to migrate to a new API (IMHO a forced `exc kwarg` is 
not discoverable enough vs a (None, e, e.__traceback__)

A possibility, as `etype` is already unused, would be replace it with 
etype_or_exception, and in case it's a full exception use it as the sole 
parameter from which type and tb get extracted. 

Though that feels weird as well, and the Deprecation Cycles would need to be 

Already emitting deprecation warnings (that etype is ignored) would be good.

nosy: +mbussonn

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2016-02-20 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

So Terry's right that in my haste to write down the idea I contradicted myself. 
I do want to tweak the APIs in the traceback module to accept only an 
exception. The question is whether we need entirely new functions or if the 
pre-existing ones can be updated to work with just an exception.

And if we were to tweak the existing functions instead of add new ones, I would 
do it by making all arguments optional and adding a new keyword-only argument 
called `exc` that took the exception. Either `exc` would be set or the old 
arguments would need to all be set, and it would be an error to set both sets 
of arguments. And when the old arguments were taken away then all arguments for 
those functions would become keyword-only.


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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2016-02-19 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

There is precedent with Python 2’s “raise” statement for accepting an exception 
instance for the first parameter (where an exception class would otherwise be 
passed). Also, generator.throw() supports this; see Issue 14911 for clarifying 
its documentation.

I would support changing the following signatures so that the first parameter 
could hold the value, not just the type:

print_exception(etype, value=None, tb=None, limit=None, ...)
format_exception_only(etype, value=None)
format_exception(etype, value=None, tb=None, limit=None, ...)
TracebackException(exc_type, exc_value=None, exc_traceback=None, *, ...)

nosy: +martin.panter
type:  -> enhancement

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2016-02-19 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

You title and post don't seem to match.  The title says to expand the API and 
the post says there is no reason to expand the API.  Did you mean 'good 
reason'?  Also, I think you meant 'grab the traceback' (from the exception) 
rather than 'grab the exception'.

How would you get from here to there and change required etype, value, tb to 
just required value, without breaking old code?

nosy: +terry.reedy

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[issue26389] Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument

2016-02-18 Thread Brett Cannon

New submission from Brett Cannon:

When reading 
https://docs.python.org/3/library/traceback.html#traceback.print_exception I 
noticed that everything takes a traceback or a set of exception type, instance, 
and traceback. But since Python 3.0 all of that information is contained in a 
single exception object. So there's no reason to expand the APIs in the 
traceback module that take an exception to just take an exception instance and 
infer the exception type and grab the exception from exception instance itself.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 260485
nosy: brett.cannon
priority: low
severity: normal
stage: test needed
status: open
title: Expand traceback module API to accept just an exception as an argument
versions: Python 3.6

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