[issue26498] _io.so flat namespace

2016-03-08 Thread Larry

Larry added the comment:

Ned, thank you for your suggestions.  

Just so you know, my HD recently crashed so I rebuilt the system with a new 
SSD.  I was previously running 2.7.9 so I installed 2.7.9 to minimize any 
potential conflicts with my code base.  All was well.

Now it was time to rev Python to 2.7.11 and that was when the problem occurred. 
 ...so I tried 2.7.10 and then 2.7.9.  I hadn't gotten around to virtualenv so 
all these Python installs were on top of each other in /Library/Frameworks/...

Following your suggestion, with 2.7.9 installed, I ran your commands and the 
output was as expected.  I did notice, however, a lot of [benign?] cruft in my 
.profile and .bashrc and thought it best to clean them up.  Ok, still good.  I 
then installed 2.7.11 and reran your commands.  Again, everything worked as 
expected.  Huh?

I restored back to my earlier versions of .profile and .bashrc (cruft 
included), and am still unable to reproduce.  :-/  I've tested and retested.  
All is still well, so sadly I'm unable to report the cause.  I suggest we close 
the report.

Changing the subject slightly...  I noticed that each time we do an install of 
Python, another path is prepended to PATH even if there is already an identical 
entry in .profile.  Did I mention cruft?  ;-)  Hard perhaps, but is there a way 
for the install script to mock execute .profile to devine the resulting PATH, 
inspecting it for the desired path rather than just blindly adding it to 
.profile?  ...just a thot.

Again, thanks for your help.  I'm off and running.

resolution:  -> not a bug
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26498] _io.so flat namespace

2016-03-07 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

An even more likely scenario: the Python executable you are using is coming 
from an older virtualenv.  If so, you need to update the virtualenv to include 
an up-to-date python executable.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26498] _io.so flat namespace

2016-03-07 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

Sorry, I am unable to reproduce the problem.  My guess is that somehow there is 
a version mismatch between the Python executable and the dynamic libraries.  
This *could* be caused by a number of things, like environment variable 
settings.  Suggest trying to isolate the problem by checking the following in a 
bash shell:

$ type python
python is hashed (/usr/local/bin/python)
$ which python
$ ls -l $(which python)
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  68 Jan  2 23:08 /usr/local/bin/python -> 
$ python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version)'
2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 12:54:16)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]
$ /usr/local/bin/python2.7 -c 'import urllib2'
$ env | sort
# look for LD_* and DYLD_* variables
$ python -v -c 'import urllib2'

nosy: +ned.deily

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26498] _io.so flat namespace

2016-03-06 Thread Larry

New submission from Larry:

On OSX El Capitan, Python v2.7.10 and 2.7.11 (standard installer)...

When importing urllib2 it crashes with a flat namespace error then loading 
_io.so.  Shortest test case: "python -c 'import urllib2'"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
line 94, in 
import httplib
line 80, in 
import mimetools
line 6, in 
import tempfile
line 32, in 
import io as _io
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/io.py", 
line 51, in 
import _io
 2): Symbol not found: __PyCodecInfo_GetIncrementalDecoder
  Referenced from: 
  Expected in: flat namespace

This error occurs under both v2.7.10 and v2.7.11.  When I regress to 2.7.9 and 
all is well.

components: IO, Library (Lib)
messages: 261278
nosy: bugbee
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: _io.so flat namespace
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker 

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