[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash in windows

2016-08-16 Thread wevsty

Changes by wevsty :

title: python 3.5.2 maybe crash -> python 3.5.2 maybe crash in windows

Python tracker 

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[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-15 Thread wevsty

wevsty added the comment:

I try to change the multiprocessing lib codes,upload the file is debugger 
display.I try to used while loop make sure connection hanle value is not 
none,but connection hanle value will still becomes none.
I think there may be other threads to modify the handle,But it not my code.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44116/debug_AA1F93C2.JPG

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-14 Thread Decorater

Decorater added the comment:

I use code that does multithreading to from a library that uses ffmpeg for 
exact it makes daemon threads so it could be from that.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-13 Thread wevsty

wevsty added the comment:

To Decorater
If you are found to have crashes, I'm sorry, you can follow the previous 
suggestion to use python_d.exe then open a new issue uploading crash dump.
It would be better.

About the multiprocessing question,I would like to add some information.

My code uses a multiprocessing Pool,I used multiprocessing.util.debug opened 
the debug information.debug information is as follows.

[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-7] thread 'MainThread' does not own a connection
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-7] making connection to manager
[DEBUG/SyncManager-2] starting server thread to service 'SpawnPoolWorker-7'
[INFO/SpawnPoolWorker-4] test:lock:token: Token(typeid='Lock', 
address='.\\pipe\\pyc-3816-0-95051ql_', id='e44c9bc720')
[INFO/SpawnPoolWorker-4] test:lock:handle: 712
[INFO/SpawnPoolWorker-7] test:lock:token: Token(typeid='Lock', 
address='.\\pipe\\pyc-3816-0-95051ql_', id='e44c9bc720')
[INFO/SpawnPoolWorker-7] test:lock:handle: 768
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-7] DECREF 'e44c9bc720'
[INFO/SpawnPoolWorker-4] leave:lock:token: Token(typeid='Lock', 
address='.\\pipe\\pyc-3816-0-95051ql_', id='e44c9bc720')
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-7] thread 'MainThread' has no more proxies so closing 
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-7] DECREF 'b0182059f8'
[DEBUG/SyncManager-2] got EOF -- exiting thread serving 'SpawnPoolWorker-7'
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-4] INCREF 'e44c9bc720'
handle is closed
'ForkAwareLocal' object has no attribute 'connection'
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-7] thread 'MainThread' has no more proxies so closing 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/Monitor_URL\Monitor_SQL.py", line 51, in 
 line 949, in __exit__
return self._callmethod('release')
 line 716, in _callmethod
conn.send((self._id, methodname, args, kwds))
 line 204, in send
 line 136, in _check_closed
raise OSError("handle is closed")
OSError: handle is closed
[INFO/SpawnPoolWorker-7] Exception:lock:token: Token(typeid='Lock', 
address='.\\pipe\\pyc-3816-0-95051ql_', id='e44c9bc720')
[INFO/SpawnPoolWorker-7] Exception process:lock:token: Token(typeid='Lock', 
address='.\\pipe\\pyc-3816-0-95051ql_', id='e44c9bc720')
[DEBUG/SyncManager-1] got EOF -- exiting thread serving 'SpawnPoolWorker-7'
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-4] INCREF 'b0182059f8'
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-4] DECREF 'b0182059f8'
[DEBUG/SpawnPoolWorker-7] INCREF 'e44c9bc720'

This time the message and not the same,From the information looks like two 
processes simultaneously locking the same lock object, and then release 
happened the problems.I do not know if this is correct,
But i will continue to follow the issue.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-13 Thread Decorater

Decorater added the comment:

I do know for sure the crash happens in python.exe and blames ntdll.dll for it.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-13 Thread Decorater

Decorater added the comment:

I can confirm that I also get the same crash.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44099/python.exe.8228.dmp

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-13 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Decorator: In python code you generally want to let the exception bubble up so 
that you can see what the error was.  Sometimes you do want to catch general 
errors, but mostly you don't.

As for C++ try/catch, CPython is written in C, not C++.

So, your comment doesn't really have any relevance to this issue, I'm afraid.

nosy: +r.david.murray

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-13 Thread Decorater

Decorater added the comment:

Crashes also happen from Recursion if not careful. Idk why but it happens. 
Although some of it is probably by not using try / catch probably anywhere in 
the python source code as a safeguard. I always like try / catch even in C++ as 
you never know when crap might happen to make things crash. A Perfect Example 
is a Access violation.

(Yes I have this is a Standard for me and it gets me to great quality code)
(this makes me wonder if Windows does not use try / catch anywhere. It would be 
nice if Microsoft Required try / catch in every function for drivers as well to 
hopefully make them more stable.)

All I know is I like having a lot of Checks (even if not required) that can 
actually prevent any and all exceptions to begin with.

And yes from what I learned from experiance myself. Always use try and catch 
anything before it is to late will help you in the long run.

(not to mention I blame Microsoft for not replacing their current Windows 
Update for when Updates Fail with a Detailed list of the names of the update(s) 
that failed and a description of what the reason is without Error code(s) as 
the Codes does not tell crap about why they failed. So, yeah I point my fingers 
at whoever wrote Windows Update, to fix their crap. As this is a issue in 
windows 7 SP1, 8, 8.1, and 10.)

nosy: +Decorater

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-12 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun added the comment:

To diagnose the access violation, it may help if you install the debug binaries 
and try to reproduce the crash using python_d.exe. Attach the dump file to this 

Regarding the multiprocessing question, if its a separate issue you need to 
file it on its own and nosy davin. At first glance, I don't see why the handle 
is None in the lock's __exit__ method. After you acquire the lock, try logging 
the connection information. For example:

import multiprocessing as mp
import multiprocessing.util

def test(lock):
with lock:
mp.util.info('test:lock:token: %r' % (lock._token,))
mp.util.info('test:lock:handle: %r' % 

if __name__ == '__main__':
lock = mp.Manager().Lock()
p = mp.Process(target=test, args=(lock,))

nosy: +eryksun

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27749] python 3.5.2 maybe crash

2016-08-12 Thread Eryk Sun

Changes by Eryk Sun :

components: +Windows
nosy: +paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware

Python tracker 

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