[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2021-12-19 Thread Alex Waygood

Alex Waygood  added the comment:

I am closing this issue as "rejected", given the consensus that writing a patch 
could be a major undertaking, the lack of such a patch, and the fact that there 
has been no activity on the issue thread (or the python-ideas mailing list) for 
nearly 5 years.

nosy: +AlexWaygood
resolution:  -> rejected
stage: needs patch -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-30 Thread Mark Dickinson

Changes by Mark Dickinson :

stage:  -> needs patch

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-26 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:


priority: normal -> low

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-24 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Changes by Raymond Hettinger :

nosy: +twouters

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

FWIW, the existence of netstruct https://github.com/stendec/netstruct does at 
least show that a coherent proposal is possible (the docs provide an API, 
motivation and examples).

One question is whether this could be implemented in the stdlib struct module 
without major brain surgery to the existing code which is organized around an 
initial prepare_s() step whose output is a PyStructObject which includes a 
fixed s_size field.  The various parsing routines all depend on the s_size 
field.  Where this proposal would require too much of a total rewrite is likely 
only answerable by someone building a patch with tests and real-world examples.

Another question is whether supporting variable length input would be better 
served by providing an alternative API that is better designed for it.  For 
example, unpack(fmt, input_stream or iterator, limit=None) which would consume 
as many bytes as needed from the input stream with an optional limit.  This 
would be nicer than having to figure-out in advance how to extract an input 
string of the appropriate size.

A last question is whether this should remain outside the standard library.  
With PyPI becoming so rich and easy to access, we're often deciding that code 
is better-off outside the standard library where it can flourish in a more 
fluid environment.


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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

If you want to add the support variable-size fields, this is incompatible with 
the struct module design.

If you want to add the support of variable-length strings inside fixed-size 
fields (as with the 'p' format unit), I think this case is not enough common.

After getting so much negative responses from core developers well-versed in 
internals of the struct module, I think this issue should be closed.


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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-21 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

A couple of questions that haven't been brought up yet:

1. Do you have any thoughts on how alignment should behave for '@'-style 
structs containing variable-length strings? I suspect the easiest solution may 
be simply to disallow that combination, and only allow variable-length strings 
for "standard" struct types (those with a format string starting with one of 
"=", "<", ">", "!"), where alignment isn't an issue.

2. For the Struct object, what should the .size attribute give for a 
variable-length struct? (Or should accessing the attribute raise an exception?)

3. Any thoughts about how the internal representation of the Struct object 
would need to change? I guess you'd want to drop the "offset" field of the 
"formatcode" struct, and compute the offsets on the fly during packing and 
unpacking (or would you try to keep the offset for the non-variable-length 
cases?). You'd probably also want to find a way to encode the information about 
whether the struct is variable-length or not in the PyStructObject struct. A 
key requirement here is that there should be no substantial performance 
regression for packing / unpacking with structs that don't use the 
variable-length feature. It doesn't seem likely to me that getting rid of the 
precalculated offset would cause such a regression, but it's something that 
should be checked.


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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-20 Thread Cameron Simpson

Changes by Cameron Simpson :

nosy: +cameron

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-20 Thread Elizabeth Myers

Elizabeth Myers added the comment:

Also, to add to the discussion:

* Rejecting this because "it doesn't cover every use case" is a red herring at 
best. If this can't cover your use case, odds are the struct module can *never* 
cover it. That is no reason to reject it alone; you would need something more 
heavyweight than the struct module anyway.

* If the module can't cover your use case with this feature, it can't cover it 
right now, so why obstruct it? It covers my use cases for it just fine.

* Not everyone needs something more heavyweight, or wants to import some bigger 
module just because they need variable-length strings.

* If the real goal is to discourage use of the struct module, too bad. People 
are actually using it in production and it serves its (rather small) purpose 
very well. Other people would like to use the module for their use cases, but 
presently cannot, and this proposal would help cover their particular cases.

* The fact that the netstruct module exists with this feature is proof enough 
there's demand; not to mention the discussion on the python-ideas ML shows that 
many people already would find this very useful. It's not like I'm proposing 
adding braces or some horrible huge proposal, I'm adding two format specifiers. 


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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-20 Thread Elizabeth Myers

Elizabeth Myers added the comment:


After discussing this on the python-ideas ML a bit more, this is actually a 
feature people want a great deal. It can't cover every use case, but to expand 
it further than this proposal and make it do so is way beyond the scope of this 

It may not be completely useful for every protocol, but it is sufficiently 
useful for many people who have simpler use cases. There is no reason to 
prevent the addition of this feature other than what boils down to "well code 
will have to be written..."

I don't buy the argument that it's "outside the scope of the module" more than 
I think it's more "I don't like the idea of struct being used for non-fixed 
data." C structures support zero-terminated char arrays, and there is already a 
Pascal string type.

I didn't realise there'd be this much opposition to just adding two format 
specifiers... :/


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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-20 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

To add a bit to what Yury said, even framing isn't always compatible with this 
proposal.  For example, in dask/distributed, we first have a word for the 
number of frames, then one word per frame to indicate each frame's length, then 
the frame bodies.

nosy: +pitrou

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

FWIW, I concur with Mark and Yuri that the feature request isn't compatible 
with the design and purpose of the struct module

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-19 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

Ethan, thanks for moving my reply on the list to here.  Also +1 to what Mark 

nosy: +yselivanov

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-19 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

>From Yury Selivanov:
This is a neat idea, but this will only work for parsing framed
binary protocols.  For example, if you protocol prefixes all packets
with a length field, you can write an efficient read buffer and
use your proposal to decode all of message's fields in one shot.
Which is good.

Not all protocols use framing though.  For instance, your proposal
won't help to write Thrift or Postgres protocols parsers.

Overall, I'm not sure that this is worth the hassle.  With proposal:

   data, = struct.unpack('!H$', buf)
   buf = buf[2+len(data):]

with the current struct module:

   len, = struct.unpack('!H', buf)
   data = buf[2:2+len]
   buf = buf[2+len:]

Another thing: struct.calcsize won't work with structs that use
variable length fields.


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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-19 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

IMO, as one of the previous maintainers of the struct module, this feature 
request isn't compatible with the current design and purpose of the struct 
module. I agree that there's an important problem to solve (and one I've had to 
solve many times for various formats in consulting work); it's simply that the 
struct module isn't the right place to solve it.

nosy: +mark.dickinson

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-19 Thread Ethan Furman

Changes by Ethan Furman :

nosy: +ethan.furman

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-19 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Could you provide some examples of using these format specifiers? I suppose 
that due to limitations of the struct module the way in which they can be 
implemented would be not particularly useful for you.

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

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[issue29328] struct module should support variable-length strings

2017-01-19 Thread Elizabeth Myers

New submission from Elizabeth Myers:

There was some discussion on python-ideas about this, and I figured it would be 
more productive to bring it here since to me this appears to be a glaring 

The struct module has no capability to support variable-length strings; this 
includes null-terminated and Pascal-ish strings with a different integer 
datatype (usually in binary) specifying length.

This unfortunate omission makes the struct module extremely unwieldy to use in 
situations where you need to unpack a lot of variable-length strings, 
especially iteratively; see 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2017-January/044328.html for 
why. For zero-terminated strings, it is essentially impossible.

It's worth noting many modern protocols use variable-length strings, including 

I therefore propose the following extensions to the struct module (details can 
be bikeshedded over :P):

- Z (uppercase) format specifier (I did not invent this idea, see 
https://github.com/stendec/netstruct - although that uses $), which states the 
preceding whole-number datatype is the length of a string that follows.
- z (lowercase) format specifier, which specifies a null-terminated (also known 
as C style) string. An optional length parameter can be added to specify the 
maximum search length.

These two additions will make the struct module much more usable in a wider 
variety of contexts.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 285828
nosy: Elizacat
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: struct module should support variable-length strings
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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