[issue29511] Add 'find' as build-in method for lists

2017-02-10 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Without any test code (other than my examples) to illustrate the desired new 
functionality, I may have misunderstood.  But I read the George's prose (but 
not the SO link) and everything I wrote is relevant to what I thought it said.  
The request appears to be for either what now exists (other than the name and 
failure signal) or what Guido has specifically rejected for non-strings.

Reasons for rejecting subsequence matching:
1. Except for strings, practical use cases seem to be rare.
2. Enhancement could mask bugs.
3. General sequences with nesting (tuples and lists, but not range) have an 
ambiguity problem that strings do not.

[1, 2, [1,2]].index([1,2]) currently returns 2, not 0, and this cannot change.  
Similarly, [1,2] in [1,2,3] should not change from False to True.

Steven, without specific code examples, I do not understand what the 'this' is 
that you think is different from what you say was properly rejected,  The 
request appears to be for extending the meaning of'in' and 'find/index' for 
non-strings. (See last sentence of opening post.) As you note, there are 
several related but different problems.

http://code.activestate.com/recipes/117214/ gives Python code for 
Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching.  Python uses a C-coded version of either 
this or an alternative in (str/bytes/bytearray).(index/find) Both methods stop 
with the first match, but have a 'start' parameter if one wants repeated 
matches, and one can choose either start as position + 1 or position + 
len(pattern) to allow overlaps or not.

Every presentation of KMP I have seen is as a string algorithm.  In spite of 
the recipe title and argument name ('text'), the author claims that the Python 
code is generic.  Since the recipe discussion only tested strings, I tried

for i in KnuthMorrisPratt([1,2,3,4,5,1,2], [1,2]):

and it prints 0 and 5, as claimed.  Nice! Generic subsequence matching is 
easily possible.  I believe the Python code could be rewritten in C with the 
Python C-API and remain generic.

If this idea is not to be dropped, I think the next step should be a 
python-ideas post with a clear function definition and a possible API (which 
will elicit alternative proposals) that avoids the back compatibility problem, 
specific positive and negative test examples, and real-life use cases (which I 
hope might be included in the SO questions).


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[issue29511] Add 'find' as build-in method for lists

2017-02-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano added the comment:

Terry, I'm not sure if you've read this enhancement request correctly or not, 
because your reply when closing covers over a lot of detail which is not 
relevant to this feature request.

> Extending this idea to 'subsequence in sequence' or 
> sequence.index(subsequence) has been rejected.

And so it should, as that is a major break with backwards compatibility, but 
that is not what this feature request is about.

Including George's link, I count at least five questions on StackOverflow 
asking about this functionality: how to do subsequence tests in sequences apart 
from strings. That, and the interest in the recipes on ActiveState (here's 
another: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/117214/ ) indicate a reasonable 
level of interest in this feature.

In Python today, there is no obvious, good, correct way to do this in the 
standard library, just a bunch of hacks and tricks which solve slightly 
different problems.

Unless the very idea of subsequence matching has been rejected (which would 
surprise me greatly) I'm going to re-open this ticket. Any objections?


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[issue29511] Add 'find' as build-in method for lists

2017-02-10 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Lists, tuples, ranges, dicts, and other builtin collection objects already work 
with 'in'.

>>> 1 in [1,2,3]
>>> 4 in range(9)

For historical reasons, stings have both 'find' and 'index'.  The only 
difference is returning -1 (a C-ism) versus raising ValueError on failure.  
They are otherwise redundant.

Lists, tuples, and ranges, and other builtin sequence objects already  have 
'index'.  There is no need to repeat the redundancy of 'find'.

>>> [1,2,3].index(2)
>>> [1,2,3].index(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
ValueError: 4 is not in list
>>> range(9).index(4)

Strings are a special case of collection in that they 'contain' substrings 
rather than items of a different class.  For this reason, 'in' and index/find 
are special-cased also work with contiguous substrings of length greater than 1.

>>> 'ac' in 'abc'
>>> 'ab' in 'abc'

Extending this idea to 'subsequence in sequence' or sequence.index(subsequence) 
has been rejected.

Note: __cmp__ does not exist in 3.x.  Collection 'in' and sequence 'index' 
check object identity before equality to guarantee that an object in a 
collection (in the common sense of the term) is actually found even if it has a 
screwy definition of __eq__.

>>> nan = float('nan')
>>> nan == nan
>>> nan in [nan]
>>> float('nan') in [float('nan')]
>>> [nan].index(nan)

nosy: +terry.reedy
resolution:  -> rejected
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29511] Add 'find' as build-in method for lists

2017-02-09 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano added the comment:

Only 3.7 can receive new functionality.

Here is a pure Python implementation of a subsequence test:


It appears to be reasonably popular on Activestate: it has about 7000 views, 
but a score of only 1. Take of that what you will. I interpret it as meaning it 
is of moderate but not great interest to people.

nosy: +steven.daprano
versions:  -Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29511] Add 'find' as build-in method for lists

2017-02-09 Thread George Shuklin

New submission from George Shuklin:

I found that Python provides 'find()' and 'in' methods for strings, but lacking 
same functionality for lists.

Because strings and lists are very similar, it's reasonable to expect same 
function available for both.

Here long and rather ugly hack list on stackoverflow about 'reinventing the 

There are short few proposals, each of them imperfect:
1. Use sets intersection. This looses count and order
2. Use collections.Count. This looses order
3. all(x in two for x in one) - looses order

Propsal: adds a normal 'find' method which will behave the same way as find for 
strings. It should perform normal __cmp__ call on each element, or, may be, 
asking for optional lambda to perform comparison of elements.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 287394
nosy: george-shuklin
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add 'find' as build-in method for lists
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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