[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-16 Thread Jason R. Coombs

Jason R. Coombs  added the comment:

> I thought it might be useful for testing purposes if os.path (i.e. ntpath and 
> posixpath) had a way to set the home directory that it uses in way that 
> wouldn't affect other libraries and child processes.

I was thinking about this, and I'd argue that in the general case, you _want_ 
to be able to set the home directory in a way that affects child processes. If 
you care enough to try to isolate the behavior from the user-local state, you 
probably want other libraries and child processes to honor that isolation.

This argument extends to there being a (preferably one) way override a home 
directory that's honored by tools and processes of all flavors (e.g. overriding 
USERPROFILE has no effect on git commands in a subprocess).

I agree it may prove useful not to affect the global and subprocess state if 
possible, but I'd argue in that case, you could probably just patch the library 
under test directly.

These processes patching $HOME really are attempting to suppress the user's 
local state (or simulate a specific state).

> Not for me in PowerShell 5 and 7:

Weird. You're right, I get the same thing for test-path. And indeed it's not 
set in the Python process.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> test-path env:home
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> python -c "import os; print(os.environ.get('HOME'))"

But strangely, $HOME seems to have some effect.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> echo $HOME  
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd $HOME
PS C:\Users\jaraco>

Do you know what that's about?

I found a couple [Powershell users that seem to think setting $HOME is 
something you would want to 

And [this Powershell 
 makes reference to $HOME.

I see. Powershell defines $HOME as an [Automatic 
Variable](https://ss64.com/ps/syntax-automatic-variables.html) internally but 
doesn't expose it as an environment variable.


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-16 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> I’m not suggesting that from within Python there should be another way 
> to detect a home directory. The expanduser functionality as written is
> just fine for that, though I agree with Steve that using an API on 
> Windows would be even better.

I thought it might be useful for testing purposes if os.path (i.e. ntpath and 
posixpath) had a way to set the home directory that it uses in way that 
wouldn't affect other libraries and child processes.

> It seems other tools like 'git' honor the HOME directory:

Many cross-platform projects follow Unix conventions, which is simpler for 
development and documentation. These projects are often targeted at developers, 
who usually have a strong understanding of Unix conventions and system 
configuration. But Python is a general-purpose scripting language used for 
everything from system administration to major applications. It needs to follow 
platform conventions, but it should also abstract away platform differences as 
much as possible. 

> Interestingly, I notice that Powershell does set the $HOME environment

Not for me in PowerShell 5 and 7:

PS C:\> test-path 'env:userprofile'
PS C:\> test-path 'env:home'


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-16 Thread Jason R. Coombs

Jason R. Coombs  added the comment:

> Platform differences can be papered over with functions.

I’m not suggesting that from within Python there should be another way to 
detect a home directory. The expanduser functionality as written is just fine 
for that, though I agree with Steve that using an API on Windows would be even 

The issue is that from outside Python there’s now no platform-agnostic way to 
override the home directory, either for tests or to suppress user-local 
configuration. In addition to the test case, there is a user-facing use-case 
that's made more complicated:

- A user needs to bypass the logged-in user's state for a Python command. For 
example, there was a buggy release (of something) that stored some broken state 
in the users’ home dir, and the workaround is to run some command with an 
alternate home dir. Communicating that technique to a multi-platform audience 
is now much more difficult.

It was previously difficult enough because “set an environment variable” is a 
shell-dependent operation, so already requires the user to have some expertise 
on how to set environment variables in their environment.

This change requires the guidance to be more complicated or for the expertise 
to be greater.

> Breakage due to HOME being overridden is serious because it won't show up in 
> any other cases - Python will be the first to suffer the consequences

Evidence is to the contrary.

It seems other tools like 'git' honor the HOME directory:

PS C:\Users\jaraco> $env:HOME = "C:\Users\jaraco\temp"
PS C:\Users\jaraco> git config --global --list
fatal: unable to read config file 'C:/Users/jaraco/temp/.gitconfig': No such 
file or directory

Interestingly, I notice that Powershell does set the $HOME environment variable 
on Windows, reinforcing the concept that $HOME is a platform agnostic way to 
communicate a home directory.

It does appear as if [Ruby honors HOME and sets it if unset on 
Windows](https://stackoverflow.com/a/13670703/70170). I'm not a fan of setting 
the variable, but there is precedent.

It seems to me Python 3.8 is the outlier and that honoring $HOME, while 
somewhat awkward on Windows, was a valuable unifying behavior, and its removal 
without any plans for a replacement is causing harm. Just searching through 
some of the projects I have checked out, I find a few.

Here's [another real-world example relying on Python honoring HOME to override 

 PDB used to look exclusively at $HOME and [the backport still 

Devpi client [relies on setting home for 

> we are facing a targeted exploit.

What is the exploit? I don't think the downsides of honoring HOME on Windows 
were captured above.

>From what I could tell, there was one (fairly obscure) case where HOME was set 
>unexpectedly. That hardly seems like a justification to reverse a 
>long-standing documented feature that aligns with the expectation of other 
>tools in the ecosystem.


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-16 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore  added the comment:

> Perhaps the best approach for the sake of POSIX compatibility is to set HOME 
> on startup to the correct value? 

If Python starts setting `HOME`, that has the potential to affect programs 
called in a subprocess, possibly breaking them (making them not find the user's 
config, for example). Even if we only set `HOME` when it's not already set, we 
can get this issue. (Vim, for example, will break if you set HOME to somewhere 
other than where the user has their config stored).

Certainly, it's arguable that such programs are not respecting Windows 
conventions correctly, but in practical terms that's not really that relevant. 
The user will just see it as "Python can't call my program correctly".

This is a very real issue, that I used to hit a lot in the past, when native 
Windows support was a lot less common in open source code than it is now. And 
it was nearly always made worse by the programs that tried to be "too clever" 
about hiding the differences between Windows and Unix.

So I'm a strong -1 on Python doing anything with `HOME` here.


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-16 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

Really, we shouldn't be using any environment variables on Windows here, 
because they open up too many security risks. There are API calls that are 
canonical, but the environment vars are compatibility helpers.

Breakage due to HOME being overridden is serious because it won't show up in 
any other cases - Python will be the first to suffer the consequences, which 
means we are facing a targeted exploit. Not really much choice but to fix it 
(though there was a choice whether to release a security advisory or not... ;-) 

The documentation was definitely updated, and it was in NEWS, but you're right 
there was no DeprecationWarning, not that we'd have been able to show it to 
most impacted library developers anyway.

Perhaps the best approach for the sake of POSIX compatibility is to set HOME on 
startup to the correct value? It won't normally be set, so anyone using it is 
likely broken on Windows, but if we make it valid then everyone can just rely 
on it?


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-15 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> set "HOME" to override a location derived from ~

Using HOME in Windows is not reliable because it is not a system environment 
variable. That makes it fair game for administrators, users, and applications 
to use however they like.

Platform differences can be papered over with functions. For example, add 
set_user_home(dir) and get_user_home(name=''). set_user_home sets a private 
global variable named _user_home, which defaults to None. get_user_home returns 
_user_home if it's not None and name is an empty string. Otherwise it gets the 
home directory per platform rules.

> If on Windows and Python 3.8 or later, set USERPROFILE to the 
> target directory. 

This is unfortunate. Modifying USERPROFILE is highly unusual. USERPROFILE is 
the location of the user's "NTUSER.DAT" registry hive and local application 
data ("AppData\Local"), including "UsrClass.dat" (the "Software\Classes" 
registry hive). It's also the default location for a user's known shell folders 
and home directory. Modifying USERPROFILE shouldn't cause problems with any of 
this, but I'm not completely at ease with it.

If a user profile defines a custom home directory (e.g. net user  
/homedir:), it will be reflected in "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%", and not in 
USERPROFILE. In a more perfect world, in which no one ever depended on the 
default location of shell folders, I'd recommend flipping the order around in 
ntpath.expanduser to prefer "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%". 

That said, a major snag with HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH is that they're sometimes 
wrong or missing. CreateEnvironmentBlock() will enumerate but won't populate 
the user's "Volatile Environment" registry key, which is where HOMEDRIVE and 
HOMEPATH are normally set. This key gets populated during startup of a desktop 
session, and, since it's volatile, it gets deleted when the profile is unloaded 
(i.e. the user logs off). Consequently the Secondary Logon service (i.e. 
CreateProcessWithLogonW), which runas.exe uses, will only set the correct 
HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH values if the user is already logged on as a desktop 
session user. Otherwise it uses a default value of "%SystemRoot%\System32" as 
the home directory, which is spectacularly wrong. Similarly, a scheduled task 
that uses an S4U batch logon won't even have HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH defined if 
the task user isn't already logged on as a desktop session user. USERPROFILE 
will still be correct in these cases.

> Windows is posix-compliant. What you probably mean here is "Unix".

The Windows subsystem has never been POSIX compliant. At most, Microsoft's C 
runtime library provides rudimentary POSIX API support (e.g. open, read). 

On the other hand, NT's original POSIX subsystem (psxss.exe) was POSIX.1 (1990) 
compliant. In 1999, Microsoft purchased the more capable OpenNT Unix system 
from Softway Systems and rebranded it as Interix. In Server 2003 R2, Interix 
was integrated in NT as the Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA). It was 
removed in Server 2012 R2. Microsoft abandoned the old conception of an NT 
subsystem in favor of virtualization concepts such as pico processes and pico 
providers (WSL 1) or hosting a kernel in a light-weight VM (WSL 2).


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-15 Thread Christoph Reiter

Christoph Reiter  added the comment:

Config on Windows should go into APPDATA not USERPROFILE/HOME, on macOS it 
should go to "$HOME/Library/Application Support" and on Linux $XDG_CONFIG_HOME 
or $HOME/.config. So using using HOME on all platforms for config is not what 
those platforms recommend, though I understand why it's still done this way by 
many tools.

What about supporting a MYFANCYTOOL_CONFIG_DIR env var that the user can 
override? That's what I do for example.


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-15 Thread Jason R. Coombs

Jason R. Coombs  added the comment:

I addressed the [setuptools test suite 
issue](https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/2112) with [this 
 What was a one-line elegant solution is now multiple lines requiring extra 


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-15 Thread Jason R. Coombs

Jason R. Coombs  added the comment:

I should also point out that this was a documented feature of Python that was 
removed without any deprecation period.


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-05-15 Thread Jason R. Coombs

Jason R. Coombs  added the comment:

Today I ran into an issue due to this change. I have a test that sets 
`os.environ['HOME']` in order to ensure that `os.path.expanduser(~)` returns 
that value 

> I can't find any documentation of `HOME` being relevant on windows (only on 
> posix).

First, I'll nitpick that Windows is posix-compliant. What you probably mean 
here is "Unix".

But the important thing here is that one of the beautiful things about Python 
is how it _bridges_ the gap between Unix and Windows, in many ways providing a 
uniform interface across various platforms. By supporting `HOME`, Python 
provides a single mechanism that a caller can rely on to indicate a home 

With this change, a user is now required to provide separate guidance for 
invocation on Windows.

In addition to the Setuptools test above that failed, I know I've relied on 
this behavior before in uses where I've written documentation advising users to 
set "HOME" to override a location derived from ~ (perhaps for .pypirc, but 
probably for others as well). Now guidance like that changes from:

Set HOME to the target directory.


If on Windows and Python 3.8 or later, set USERPROFILE to the target directory. 
Otherwise, set HOME to the target directory.

It also means that code like the tests in Setuptools need to implement this 
branching logic as well.

Can we restore _some_ mechanism by which a caller can supply the home directory 
in a unified way?

nosy: +jaraco

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-01-28 Thread miss-islington

miss-islington  added the comment:

New changeset 595b516965ee88b817dc1b3d7713e1f3f263634d by Miss Islington (bot) 
in branch '3.8':
bpo-38883: Don't use POSIX `$HOME` in `pathlib.Path.home/expanduser` on Windows 

nosy: +miss-islington

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-01-28 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

New changeset c45a2aa9e255b5c7c211faa79f6b23895b64ab27 by Steve Dower 
(Christoph Reiter) in branch 'master':
bpo-38883: Don't use POSIX `$HOME` in `pathlib.Path.home/expanduser` on Windows 


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-01-28 Thread miss-islington

Change by miss-islington :

pull_requests: +17609
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/18229

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2020-01-12 Thread Christoph Reiter

Change by Christoph Reiter :

pull_requests: +17370
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/17961

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-11-21 Thread Christoph Reiter

Christoph Reiter  added the comment:

I've filed issue38883


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-11-21 Thread Christoph Reiter

Christoph Reiter  added the comment:

> Was pathlib forgotten here? Pathlib.home() is documented to return
> the same as expanduser("~") but it still prefers HOME instead of
> Yes, it was forgotten (why doesn't it just use expanduser?). We
> should file a new bug for that.

I'll file one.

> > Note that this change has some effect on cygwin/mingw environments
> which all set HOME and now potentially lead to programs no longer
> being able to find their config files.
> Firstly these are not supported environments, so it's not "rushed"
> for us to not preemptively consider them (though we'll happily merge
> most PRs that fix them without impacting supported environments).

Yeah, you're right, sorry, my comment wasn't appropriate.

> And I thought the idea was that they'd use posixpath as os.path
> rather than ntpath? Cygwin in particular, which provides the full
> environment. MinGW is a bit lighter to be closer to normal Windows
> behaviour, which would suggest that using the Windows variables is
> preferable.

I meant executing Python scripts with official Python in bash on Windows which 
sets HOME. But I just checked with "git for Windows" and it sets HOME to 
USERPROFILE anyway, so that might only affect cygwin/msys2 which have their own 
user dir.


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-11-21 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

> Was pathlib forgotten here? Pathlib.home() is documented to return the same 
> as expanduser("~") but it still prefers HOME instead of USERPROFILE.

Yes, it was forgotten (why doesn't it just use expanduser?). We should file a 
new bug for that.

> Note that this change has some effect on cygwin/mingw environments which all 
> set HOME and now potentially lead to programs no longer being able to find 
> their config files.

Firstly these are not supported environments, so it's not "rushed" for us to 
not preemptively consider them (though we'll happily merge most PRs that fix 
them without impacting supported environments).

And I thought the idea was that they'd use posixpath as os.path rather than 
ntpath? Cygwin in particular, which provides the full environment. MinGW is a 
bit lighter to be closer to normal Windows behaviour, which would suggest that 
using the Windows variables is preferable.


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-11-21 Thread Christoph Reiter

Christoph Reiter  added the comment:

Was pathlib forgotten here? Pathlib.home() is documented to return the same as 
expanduser("~") but it still prefers HOME instead of USERPROFILE.

Note that this change has some effect on cygwin/mingw environments which all 
set HOME and now potentially lead to programs no longer being able to find 
their config files. Not that I disagree with this change, just that it seems a 
bit rushed to me.

nosy: +lazka

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-17 Thread daniel hahler

daniel hahler  added the comment:

Just as a sidenote: the other day I was checking Python's source to see how to 
override a user's home (in tests, when os.path.expanduser` is used in code), 
and found it easy to just set $HOME in the environment in the end.

I guess this change will cause quite some regressions in this regard - even 
though $HOME might not be used in practice on Windows.

nosy: +blueyed

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Change by Steve Dower :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

New changeset 8ef864d50fb847cf15d5717c0db04fd60fb13d8d by Steve Dower in branch 
bpo-36264: Updates documentation for change to expanduser on Windows (GH-12294)


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

> Guido intentionally added support for HOME in ntpath.expanduser way back in 
> Python 1.5 (circa 1997), and now we're removing it over 20 years later.

Wouldn't be the first thing to be removed :)


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> `os.path.expanduser` in `ntpath` uses `HOME` in preference to 

Guido intentionally added support for HOME in ntpath.expanduser way back in 
Python 1.5 (circa 1997), and now we're removing it over 20 years later. I 
expect this to break some deployments, but it's not a serious problem. 

My feeling here is "meh". Practically all use of expanduser() is dubious in 
Windows, varying from going against convention to being completely wrong. We're 
long due for a module in the standard library that abstracts access to 
platform-specific configuration and special directories, but attempts to adopt 
one keep losing momentum. I guess it's too prone to bike shedding and arguments.

nosy: +eryksun

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Change by Steve Dower :

pull_requests: +12273

Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

> If we're going ahead with this, it's worth a mention in whatsnew

Good call. I'll do it


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Zachary Ware

Zachary Ware  added the comment:

If we're going ahead with this, it's worth a mention in whatsnew as this is 
going to break things for some users.


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

New changeset 25ec4a45dcc36c8087f93bd1634b311613244fc6 by Steve Dower (Anthony 
Sottile) in branch 'master':
bpo-36264: Don't honor POSIX HOME in os.path.expanduser on Windows (GH-12282)


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

Great, thanks for checking! I'll merge.

assignee:  -> steve.dower

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Anthony Sottile

Anthony Sottile  added the comment:

> Modifying this value could have a real impact on the rest of the process, so 
> we should be very careful to undo it regardless of test result. (Modifying 
> HOME is not a as big a deal since, as you point out, it's not "real" ;) )

Agreed, though I'd like to write it off as an existing problem (if it is a 
problem, it looks to me like the tests are doing proper environment cleanup).  
If they are broken, they'd already be leaking environment variables on posix 
since these tests run on both

Auditing the tests I modified:

- test_netrc: uses `with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as environ:` (OK!)
- test_ntpath: uses `with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:` (OK!)
- test_dist: `MetadataTestCase` extends `support.EnvironGuard` (OK!)
- test_config: `BasePyPIRCCommandTestCase` extends `support.EnvironGuard` (OK!)

so actually, looks like this is already good to go on that front!

Definitely agree on using the true value in the long term -- I'd like to defer 
that until that's actually happening though as it'll be a much more involved 


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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

I like the patch, but I'm not sure all the tests are properly preserving the 
real value of USERPROFILE.

Modifying this value could have a real impact on the rest of the process, so we 
should be very careful to undo it regardless of test result. (Modifying HOME is 
not a as big a deal since, as you point out, it's not "real" ;) )

Also, it's probably better to get the current value and check against that, 
rather than setting it to a known value. One day we might do the right thing 
and switch expanduser() from the environment variables to the correct API, 
which would break the test.


Python tracker 

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[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-11 Thread Anthony Sottile

Change by Anthony Sottile :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +12262
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36264] os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows

2019-03-11 Thread Anthony Sottile

New submission from Anthony Sottile :

The current code for `os.path.expanduser` in `ntpath` uses `HOME` in preference 

I can't find any documentation of `HOME` being relevant on windows (only on 
posix).  For example, wikipedia only mentions `USERPROFILE` / 

Seems to be (one of) the direct causes of a downstream bug for me: 

(msys sets `HOME` to a bogus value if `HOMEDRIVE` is set, then python uses it)

My proposal is to remove these lines and change the `elif` to an `if`:


components: Library (Lib), Windows
messages: 337683
nosy: Anthony Sottile, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.path.expanduser should not use HOME on windows
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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