[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-04-25 Thread Remy Noel

Remy Noel  added the comment:

closing the ticket for now.

resolution:  -> later
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-04-11 Thread Remy Noel

Remy Noel  added the comment:

@eric.snow Unless you confirm there is no way to figure out which thread is/was 
holding the GIL from a debugging session on the running process, I'll get rid 
of it at the end of the week.

Should i close the ticket then or will you do it ?



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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-30 Thread Remy Noel

Remy Noel  added the comment:

Thanks for the advicesand thorough analysis. I'll try to force threads shutdown 
from the cleanup callback but i'd like to dig to the root of this isssue if 

This is what the thread 7 python backtrace looks like:

(gdb) py-bt
Traceback (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 293, in wait
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 549, in wait
signaled = self._cond.wait(timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 849, in start
  File "...", line 44, in __init__

So we are basically spawning a thread and waiting for it to start (which will 
likely never happen). That seems like a "normal" behaviour for me (from a 
programming standpoint, that is), but this may be another cause of 
never-terminating threads. (unless this is also caused by the headlock and the 
thread is expected to spawn/release the lock even after finalizing.)

Also, i have access to the process that i kept running. Is there any way to me 
to figure out which thread is currently holding the GIL ? I just want to be 
sure i can't get this info myself before we close this ticket (at which point i 
will get rid of the culprit process).


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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

@Remy, aside from the recommendations I've made, I'm not sure what else we can 
do to help.  Before we close the issue, I'd really like to ensure that one of 
those threads is holding the GIL still.  It would definitely be a problem if a 
thread exited while still holding the GIL.  The only way I can think of is to 
trace through the code. [1]

[1] https://github.com/python/cpython/tree/v3.5.3


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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

I've also opened issues #36476 and #36477.


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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

Looking at the stack traces for all your threads (super helpful, BTW), I saw 4 

* (1) main thread (blocked on GIL during runtime finalization)
   + Thread 1
* (12) blocked on GIL in call to PyEval_RestoreThread() (socket, select, 
time.sleep(), file.read())
* (3) waiting for a connection on a socket (with GIL not held, presumably)
   + Thread 5
   + Thread 12
   + Thread 14
* (1) blocked on a threading.Lock
   + Thread 7
* (1) blocked on "head" lock when cleaning up after execution
   + Thread 18

So there's a third lock involved in this deadlock.  It isn't actually clear to 
me (without further digging) which thread actually holds the GIL.  I'd guess 
it's one of the last two (though it could be one of the 3 waiting on a socket). 
 However, in each of those cases I would not expect the GIL to be held at that 

Regardless, the race likely involves the threading.Lock being held late in 
finalization.  It could be that you are not releasing it somewhere where you 
should be.


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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

I've opened issue36475 for the two C-API functions that do not cause daemon 
threads to exit.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Remy Noel

Remy Noel  added the comment:

Oh, also, i do not use any C extension (apart from the one i mentionned), so i 
do not acquire/release the GIL directly (a component of the standard library 
would do so). 

The demon threads, mainly spend their time listening to sockets and running 
short subprocesses (all in pure python).


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Remy Noel

Remy Noel  added the comment:

Thank you a lot for this detailed answer.

Does the "causes of exit" may terminate the thread without releasing the GIL ?
Because as far as i can tell, none of the threads seems to own the GIL (i only 
checked _PyThreadState_Current though there might be a better way to find the 
GIL owner).
Therefore, the question is whether thread B is still alive after tB2. and, if 
so, whether we can find it. (Or whether we can understand why it left without 
releasing the GIL).

Is there any variable i may check to dig this further ?


Python tracker 

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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

Here are some things that would likely help:

* in the main thread stop your daemon threads if you hit SystemExit
* make sure daemon threads release/acquire the GIL frequently (so they notice 
* make sure daemon threads otherwise exit promptly (no long running C code)
* stop using daemon threads
* use a newer version of Python (may be fixed there)

I'm going take a look at master to see if it has a similar possible problem 
with daemon threads and runtime finalization.  If there is then I'll likely 
open a separate issue (and reference it here).


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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

At this point I think it's likely that the problem relates to how daemon 
threads are handled during runtime finalization.

What normally happens in the main thread of the "python3" executable is this:

1. Python runtime initializes
2. main interpreter initializes
3. the requested code is executed (in this case via PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags)
4. the runtime is finalized
   a. wait for all non-daemon threads to finish
   b. call registered atexit funcs
   c. mark the runtime as finalizing
   d. ...

>From the stack trace you gave, the main thread is definitely past step 4c in 
>the runtime finalization process.

Note the following:

* marking the runtime as finalizing is meant to cause all remaining daemon 
threads to exit the next time they take the GIL
* further, runtime finalization assumes that all daemon threads will have 
finished soon after step 4c
* not all C-API functions for acquiring the GIL actually cause the current 
thread to exit if the runtime is finalizing (see below)
* step 4a applies only to the main interpreter; using subinterpreters 
complicates the situation a little (threads get finalized with each 
subinterpreter later on)
* any thread created in an atexit func (4b) can cause problems

Cause thread to exit if runtime is finalizing:

* PyEval_RestoreThread()
* PyEval_EvalFrameEx()  (the eval loop)

Do not cause thread to exit if runtime is finalizing:

* PyEval_InitThreads()
* PyEval_ReInitThreads()
* PyEval_AcquireLock()
* PyEval_AcquireThread()

Regardless, from what you've reported it looks like the following is happening:

m1. main thread starts
m2. thread A (daemon) created
m3. thread B (daemon) created (by main thread or thread A)
m4. code in main thread raises SystemExit
m5. the Python runtime begins finalization (incl. steps 4a-4c above)
m6. the main thread starts cleaning up the main interpreter
m7. it starts cleaning up the main interpreter's threads
m8. it acquires the "head" lock
m9. it starts cleaning up the frame tied to one of those threads
m10. a socket object in that frame gets destroyed
m11. a warning is issued (presumably about an unclosed socket)

tB1. thread B (still running) acquires GIL
tB2. it does not release the GIL

m12. creating the warning causes a function to get called (socket.__repr__)
m13. this causes the main thread to try to acquire the GIL
m14. it blocks (waiting for thread B)

tA1. thread A (still running) finishes and starts cleaning itself up
tA2. it tries to acquire the "head" lock
tA3. it blocks (waiting for the main thread)


* at step m7 the code assumes that all the interpreter's threads have exited at 
that point
* with the verbose flag to "python3", the runtime will print a warning if any 
thread is still running when its (finalizing) interpreter tries to clean it up


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Remy Noel

Remy Noel  added the comment:

std modules: atexit, json, os, signal, socket, ssl, subprocess, sys, time, 
threading, xmlrpc.client
The non-standard extension: psutil, PIL (only for image encoding though).

The amount of threads may vary, but i may have around 20 threads at all time. 
Most of them are indeed demon threads.

I have one atexit handler: i executes a few subprocess and pereform a few 
xmlrpc calls then exit. In this case, the handler go fully executed.

There are signal handlers, but none of them got called.

No monkeypatching is involved :)

I only browsed the patch up until the 3.5 head. (i guess il lacked to courage 
to go up to 3.7).

I tried to write a reproduction case, but i failed to run into the error. Of 
course, i will try to improve it if i get a clue about a way to increase the 
likelyness of the problem.
Sadly, all i have right now is a process i can attach to.

type: behavior -> 

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

* Are any signals (or signal handlers) involved?
* Are you monkeypatching any builtins, builtin/stdlib modules (or any parts of 

Keep in mind that a number of bugs have been fixed in later releases related to 
the various things I've asked about.  For instance, see issue #30703.


Python tracker 

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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:


* are any of your threads daemon threads?


Python tracker 

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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

As Inada-san indicated, the problem might be resolved already.  So without the 
option of reproducing the problem, it will be hard to resolve this.

Here's some information you could provide that might help narrow down the scope 
a bit:

* what (stdlib/third-party/internal) modules are you using, particularly 
extension modules?
* how many threads are you using at once?
* how many atexit handlers do you have and what are they each doing?

nosy: +eric.snow
type:  -> behavior

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Remy Noel

Remy Noel  added the comment:

The bug happens about once every two weeks on a script that is fired more than 
10K times a day.

Sadly, i can't update the whole production environment to try it on the latest. 
(and i was unable to trigger the bug by myself).

I was hoping we could find inconsistencies in the hanging process that could 
lead to clues about the origin of the error.


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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Inada Naoki

Inada Naoki  added the comment:

Can you reproduce it on 3.7 or master branch?

Python 3.5 is security fix only mode now.

nosy: +inada.naoki

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[issue36469] Stuck during interpreter exit, attempting to take the GIL

2019-03-29 Thread Remy Noel

New submission from Remy Noel :

I have a script (sadly, I can't publish it) spawning multiple threads that, in 
rare occurences, does not manage to exit properly and get stuck forever.

More precisely, this seems to happen during Interpreter exit: The atexit 
callbacks are called sucessfully, and we then have multiple threads that are 
all atempting to get the GIL why None seems to owns it (_PyThreadState_Current 
is always '{_value = 0}' while gil_locked is '{_value = 1}').

The main thread stack looks like this:

#0  pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at 
#1  0x55d00997ce6a in PyCOND_TIMEDWAIT (cond=0x55d009e8ddc0 , 
mut=0x55d009e8dd80 , us=) at ../Python/condvar.h:103
#2  take_gil () at ../Python/ceval_gil.h:224
#3  0x55d00998580b in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () at ../Python/ceval.c:1273
#4  0x55d00996f16f in _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName.lto_priv.1929 (qualname=0x0, 
name=, closure=0x0, kwdefs=0x0, defcount=0, defs=0x0, kwcount=0, 
kws=, argcount=, 
args=, locals=, globals=, 
_co=) at ../Python/ceval.c:4033
#5  PyEval_EvalCodeEx () at ../Python/ceval.c:4054
#6  0x55d0099b90e3 in function_call.lto_priv () at 
#7  0x55d009a02e17 in PyObject_Call () at ../Objects/abstract.c:2166
#8  0x55d00992034e in method_call.lto_priv () at 
#9  0x55d009a02e17 in PyObject_Call () at ../Objects/abstract.c:2166
#10 0x55d00996df7d in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords () at 
#11 0x55d009a5d05d in slot_tp_repr () at ../Objects/typeobject.c:5992
#12 0x55d0099c9685 in PyObject_Repr () at ../Objects/object.c:482
#13 0x55d0099aa6be in unicode_fromformat_arg (vargs=0x7ffc2ca81110, 
f=0x55d009a8a837 "R", writer=0x7ffc2ca810b0) at ../Objects/unicodeobject.c:2645
#14 PyUnicode_FromFormatV () at ../Objects/unicodeobject.c:2710
#15 0x55d009a572bc in PyErr_WarnFormat () at ../Python/_warnings.c:895
#16 0x55d0098840bb in sock_dealloc (s=0x7f43000fc528) at 
#17 0x55d0099d031d in subtype_dealloc.lto_priv () at 
#18 0x55d0099b68f7 in frame_dealloc.lto_priv () at 
#19 0x55d0098ab7b1 in PyThreadState_Clear (tstate=0x55d00bee8a70) at 
#20 0x55d009a4d08a in PyInterpreterState_Clear () at ../Python/pystate.c:118
#21 0x55d009a4e1d2 in Py_Finalize () at ../Python/pylifecycle.c:633
#22 0x55d009a4e2a8 in Py_Exit (sts=sts@entry=0) at 
#23 0x55d009a4e38e in handle_system_exit () at ../Python/pythonrun.c:602
#24 0x55d009a4e3f6 in PyErr_PrintEx () at ../Python/pythonrun.c:612
#25 0x55d009a4f667 in PyErr_Print () at ../Python/pythonrun.c:508
#26 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags () at ../Python/pythonrun.c:401
#27 0x55d009a7c2e7 in run_file (p_cf=0x7ffc2ca814fc, 
filename=0x55d00bb01140 L"...", fp=0x55d00bb62e60) at ../Modules/main.c:318
#28 Py_Main () at ../Modules/main.c:768
#29 0x55d00990bd71 in main () at ../Programs/python.c:65
#30 0x7f430b7cd2e1 in __libc_start_main (main=0x55d00990bc90 , 
argc=11, argv=0x7ffc2ca81708, init=, fini=, 
rtld_fini=, stack_end=0x7ffc2ca816f8)
at ../csu/libc-start.c:291
#31 0x55d009a12a7a in _start ()

We can see it is trying to get the GIL while finalizing (as it is emitting a 
warning when destroying a socket). However, this prevents any other thread to 
get deleted since the first thread holds the head_lock. For instance we have 
thread 18 trying to get the head lock:

Thread 18 (Thread 0x7f4302ffd700 (LWP 21117)):
#0  0x7f430c6aa536 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=0, 
abstime=0x0, expected=0, futex_word=0x55d00bb014c0) at 
#1  do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x55d00bb014c0, abstime=0x0) at 
#2  0x7f430c6aa5e4 in __new_sem_wait_slow (sem=0x55d00bb014c0, abstime=0x0) 
at sem_waitcommon.c:181
#3  0x55d00994d2d5 in PyThread_acquire_lock_timed () at 
#4  0x55d009a4dcec in tstate_delete_common () at ../Python/pystate.c:418
#5  0x55d009a4dd88 in PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent () at 
#6  0x55d009a482a4 in t_bootstrap () at ../Modules/_threadmodule.c:1027
#7  0x7f430c6a2494 in start_thread (arg=0x7f4302ffd700) at 
#8  0x7f430b895acf in clone () at 

I attached the full stacktrace of the 18 threads.

I a not sure wether we either shouldn't try to lock the GIL while finalizing or 
if i somehow just happen to have run into a thread aqcuiring the GIL without 
releasing it.

python version is 3.5.3.

I kept the problematic process running and can extract any information you may 
want from it.

components: Interpreter Core, Library (Lib)
files: stacktraces
messages: 339103
nosy: mocramis
priority: normal
severity: normal