[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2022-04-02 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

I close this issue as a duplicate of bpo-47089.

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed
superseder:  -> Avoid sporadic failure of test_compileall on Windows

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2022-04-02 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Jeremy Kloth  added the comment:

bpo-47089 is a duplicate of this issue and is fixed.  This issue should be 
closed as well.


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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-30 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Yes, test_compileall can still fail for this reason on Windows. From a run just 
now with -j0 (same as -j10 on this box, which has 8 logical cores: a -j value 
<= 0 is treated the same as "2 + number of logical cores"):

Compiling 'C:\\Code\\Python\\lib\\types.py'...

*** PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 
'C:\\Code\\Python\\lib\\__pycache__\\types.cpython-310.pyc.2205988433776' -> 

I did nothing in particular to try to provoke it. "It's random." So is the 
specific .py fail it fails on.


Python tracker 

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-30 Thread Shreyan Avigyan

Shreyan Avigyan  added the comment:



Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-30 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

I proposed a way to fix the issue:

"Maybe the test should copy all .py files of the stdlib into a temporary 
directory and work there, to not impact other tests run in parallel."

Shreyan Avigyan:
> Though I've never been able to reproduce this test failure. Maybe it's fixed 
> (maybe it was a side effect of another test)?

It's a race condition. It's hard to reproduce in a reliable way, but I'm sure 
that it has not been fixed.

The bug happens when one process tries to recreate the .pyc, whereas another 
process has the old .pyc file open. You can maybe make the issue more likely by 
adding a sleep in the code reading pyc content.

For example, in the FileLoader.get_data() method of 
importlib._bootstrap_external. Hacking importlib is non trivial, since the 
Python code is compiled as a frozen module.


Python tracker 

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-30 Thread Shreyan Avigyan

Shreyan Avigyan  added the comment:

Though I've never been able to reproduce this test failure. Maybe it's fixed 
(maybe it was a side effect of another test)?


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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> What is the name of the new function introduced in Windows 10 NT API? 
> Should we use it if the version is detected as Windows 10 (through a
> callback to a platform function or through GetVersion API)?

No, _bootstrap_external._write_atomic() or py_compile.compile() could implement 
the typical retry with exponential backoff to address a race condition. 
Otherwise I don't see what could be done currently in the main code. It would 
have to be addressed in the test code.

Regarding the new support for POSIX semantics, the base NT API isn't organized 
as a separate function for every operation or query, so it's not a new function 
name per se. Each kernel object type (e.g. File) has many information classes 
and a few query/set functions such as NtQueryInformationFile() and 
NtSetInformationFile(). Windows 10 added file information classes that support 
the ability to replace/unlink an open file, including FileLinkInformationEx 
(link), FileRenameInformationEx (relink), and FileDispositionInformationEx 
(unlink). WinAPI DeleteFileW() and RemoveDirectoryW() were updated to use the 
latter. I expect that CreateHardlinkW() and MoveFileExW() will be updated as 
well. It's only POSIX-'ish' semantics because the shared read-write-delete 
model is deeply ingrained in the NT file API. Opens have to opt in by sharing 
delete access, and most don't.


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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Shreyan Avigyan

Shreyan Avigyan  added the comment:

What is the name of the new function introduced in Windows 10 NT API? Should we 
use it if the version is detected as Windows 10 (through a callback to a 
platform function or through GetVersion API)?


Python tracker 

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> I don't know enough about when and why CPython decides to 
> replace .pyc files 

It's straight-forward in the case of py_compile.compile():

>>> pyc = py_compile.compile('test.py')
>>> f = open(pyc)
>>> try: py_compile.compile('test.py')
... except OSError as e: print(e)
[WinError 5] Access is denied: 
'__pycache__\\test.cpython-310.pyc.1914201873840' -> 

Rewriting the file uses `importlib._bootstrap_external._write_atomic()`, which 
writes the PYC to a temporary name and then tries to replace the existing file 
via os.replace(). 

Replacing an existing filename will fail with access denied in Windows if the 
target filename exists and is already open, mapped as image/data, readonly, or 
a directory. Notably it's not a sharing violation in the case of an open file, 
which means it doesn't matter whether the open(s) share delete access or not. 
In Windows 10 the NT API has a new file rename operation that supports a flag 
to replace an open file, but in this case we're still stuck with the problem 
that existing opens have to share delete access. Most opens could share delete 
access without a problem, but most don't.

components: +Windows
nosy: +eryksun, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

A "good" solution would be one that runs the test in such a way that it doesn't 
fail only on Windows ;-)

There are presumably many ways that could be accomplished, including ugly ones. 
For example, if test_compileall is in the collection of tests to be run, and 
it's a parallel run, run it first by itself, before starting anything else in 

No, I'm not suggesting we do that. Just trying to get across that there are 
_always_ ways to worm around the bug du jour.

I don't know enough about when and why CPython decides to replace .pyc files 
now to make another suggestion worth anyone else's time to evaluate. Victor 
already has something else in mind, though.


Python tracker 

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Shreyan Avigyan

Shreyan Avigyan  added the comment:

What should we do? Should we skip test_compileall if the test suite is run in 


Python tracker 

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

@Sheyvan, whether it's possible to delete (rename, etc) an open file is a 
property not of Python, but of the operating system. Windows doesn't allow it; 
Linux (for example) does.

It's generally considered to be "a bug" in CPython's implementation whenever it 
contains code that _assumes_ such things are safe (which is, alas, very easy 
for a Linux programmer to do by accident).

So that test_compileall fails in this way is inarguably "a bug". Guido's larger 
point is harder to address, though. In theory, we control everything our test 
suite does, but little of what arbitrary users do.

nosy: +tim.peters

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Shreyan Avigyan

Shreyan Avigyan  added the comment:

@vstinner What do you think? I'm not sure if there's a solution to this.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Shreyan Avigyan

Shreyan Avigyan  added the comment:

I don't think it's a bug at all. It's a feature of Python that's causing this. 
And since it's not a bug I don't think copying the files in temporary directory 
would help at all because Windows is not giving the error. Python is giving the 
error to Python itself!


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-29 Thread Shreyan Avigyan

Shreyan Avigyan  added the comment:

I've experienced that when a module is imported in the interpreter that module 
file (.py, .pyc, .pyd) cannot be deleted, renamed, rewritten, etc.   When that 
session is closed only then the file can be deleted, renamed, rewritten, all 
that stuff. Running tests in parallel means running 2 or more tests at the same 
time right? Therefore may be when test_compileall tries to rewrite the .pyc it 
results in a error because the file may be open as a module in another test 
that is also being ran at the same time. This should also clarify why 
test_compileall fails randomly and not all the time.

nosy: +shreyanavigyan

Python tracker 

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[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2021-04-28 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

Well, in the normal course of running multiple Python programs on the same 
machine, pyc files may be rewritten, and this should not cause crashes. So 
perhaps there’s a real bug here?

nosy: +Guido.van.Rossum

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2020-01-06 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

x86 Windows7 3.8:

FAIL: test_no_args_respects_force_flag 
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 20, in wrapper
return fxn(*args, **kwargs)
 line 20, in wrapper
return fxn(*args, **kwargs)
 line 322, in test_no_args_respects_force_flag
self.assertRunOK('-f', PYTHONPATH=self.directory)
 line 271, in assertRunOK
rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_ok(
 line 157, in assert_python_ok
return _assert_python(True, *args, **env_vars)
 line 143, in _assert_python
 line 70, in fail
raise AssertionError("Process return code is %d\n"
AssertionError: Process return code is 1
command line: 
 '-X', 'faulthandler', '-S', '-m', 'compileall', '-f']




*** PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2019-06-24 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Change by Jeremy Kloth :

nosy: +jkloth

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37387] test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel

2019-06-24 Thread STINNER Victor

New submission from STINNER Victor :

I'm not sure that it's a good practice to rewrite .pyc files of the stdlib 
while tests are run in parallel.

Maybe the test should copy all .py files of the stdlib into a temporary 
directory and work there, to not impact other tests run in parallel.

Example on AMD64 Windows7 SP1 3.8:

FAIL: test_no_args_respects_force_flag 
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 30, in wrapper
return fxn(*args, **kwargs)
line 20, in wrapper
return fxn(*args, **kwargs)
line 322, in test_no_args_respects_force_flag
self.assertRunOK('-f', PYTHONPATH=self.directory)
line 271, in assertRunOK
rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_ok(
 line 157, in assert_python_ok
return _assert_python(True, *args, **env_vars)
 line 143, in _assert_python
 line 70, in fail
raise AssertionError("Process return code is %d\n"
AssertionError: Process return code is 1
command line: 
 '-X', 'faulthandler', '-S', '-m', 'compileall', '-f']

(... truncated stdout ...)ling 
Compiling 'C:\\buildbot.python.org\\3.8.kloth-win64\\build\\lib\\keyword.py'...
Compiling 'C:\\buildbot.python.org\\3.8.kloth-win64\\build\\lib\\locale.py'...
*** PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 
Compiling 'C:\\buildbot.python.org\\3.8.kloth-win64\\build\\lib\\zipapp.py'...
Compiling 'C:\\buildbot.python.org\\3.8.kloth-win64\\build\\lib\\zipfile.py'...




Ran 81 tests in 25.827s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=2)
test test_compileall failed

components: Tests
messages: 346402
nosy: pablogsal, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_compileall fails randomly on Windows when tests are run in parallel
versions: Python 3.9

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