[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-07-03 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou  added the comment:

This is a duplicate of #31517.

nosy: +pitrou
resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed
superseder:  -> MainThread association logic is fragile

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Brett Cannon

Change by Brett Cannon :

nosy:  -brett.cannon

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Pavel Minaev

Pavel Minaev  added the comment:

Debuggers will have to work around this in past Python versions that they 
support (which still includes Python 2 for pretty much all of them), so this is 
solely about resolving the inconsistency for the future. No point rushing it 
for 3.8 specifically.

(The most likely immediate workaround will be that, instead of invoking 
PyEval_InitThreads on the main thread via Py_AddPendingCall, we will simply use 
the same facility to exec "import threading" on the main thread.)


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

FWIW, this might also have implications for thread shutdown during 
runtime/interpreter finalization.

nosy: +vstinner

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow  added the comment:

Note that in Python 3.7 we consolidated a bunch of the global runtime state.  
The "main_thread" static in ceval.c moved to the internal struct 
_PyRuntimestate and in 3.7 it is accessible as 
_Runtime.ceval.pending.main_thread (but only if you build with Py_BUILD_CORE, 
which extensions shouldn't).  In 3.8 it was moved to the top of the struct as 
_PyRuntimeState.main_thread.  All that said, that thread ID is still not 
exposed directly in Python.

So perhaps it would make sense to add something like sys.get_main_thread_id, 
which Lib/threading.py could then use (rather than assuming the current (during 
import) thread is the main thread).

Unfortunately, this wouldn't help with anything earlier than 3.9.  Currently 
3.8 is already in beta1, where we apply a feature freeze, so it's barely too 
late for 3.8.  I suppose you could ask for a special exception from the release 
manager, given the change would be relatively small, with real benefits, but 
don't expect it. :)

nosy: +brett.cannon, eric.snow
versions: +Python 3.8, Python 3.9 -Python 3.7

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[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Aldwin Pollefeyt

Aldwin Pollefeyt  added the comment:

Understood. Thank you for the extra info. I'll read up on all the suggestions.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Pavel Minaev

Pavel Minaev  added the comment:

It's also possible to hit if using some native code that starts a background 
thread without going via threading, and runs Python code on that background 
thread. In that case, if that Python code then does "import threading", and 
threading hasn't been imported yet, then you have this same problem.

Here's a pure Python repro using ctypes on Win32:

import sys, time
from ctypes import *

ThreadProc = WINFUNCTYPE(c_uint32, c_void_p)

def thread_proc(_):
import threading
print(threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread())
return 0

assert "threading" not in sys.modules
#import threading  # uncomment to fix

windll.kernel32.CreateThread(None, c_size_t(0), thread_proc, None, c_uint32(0), 

assert "threading" in sys.modules
import threading
print(threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread())

Here's the output:

>py -3 main.py
Exception ignored in: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python\3.7-64\lib\threading.py", line 1276, in _shutdown
assert tlock.locked()


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Pavel Minaev

Pavel Minaev  added the comment:

This is a bit tricky to explain... There's no easy way to achieve this effect 
"normally". It manifests due to the way some Python debuggers (specifically, 
pydevd and ptvsd - as used by PyCharm, PyDev, and VSCode) implement 
non-cooperative attaching to a running Python process by PID.

A TL;DR take is that those debuggers have to inject a new thread into a running 
process from the outside, and then run some Python code on that thread. There 
are OS APIs for such thread injection - e.g. CreateRemoteThread on Windows. 
There are various tricks that they then have to use to safely acquire GIL and 
invoke PyEval_InitThreads, but ultimately it comes down to running Python code.

That is the point where this can manifest. Basically, as soon as that injected 
code (i.e. the actual debugger) imports threading, things break. And advanced 
debuggers do need background threads for some functionality...

Here are the technical details - i.e. how thread injection happens exactly, and 
what kind of code it might run - if you're interested.

I think that a similar problem can also occur in an embedded Python scenario 
with multithreading. Consider what happens if the hosted interpreter is 
initialized from the main thread of the host app - but some Python code is then 
run from the background thread, and that code happens to be the first in the 
process to import threading. Then that background thread becomes the "main 
thread" for threading, with the same results as described above.

The high-level problem, I think, is that there's an inconsistency between what 
Python itself considers "main thread" (i.e. main_thread in ceval.c, as set by 
PyEval_InitThreads), and what threading module considers "main thread" (i.e. 
_main_thread in threading.py). Logically, these should be in sync.

If PyEval_InitThreads is the source of truth, then the existing thread 
injection technique will "just work" as implemented already in all the 
aforementioned debuggers. It makes sure to invoke PyEval_InitThreads via 
Py_AddPendingCall, rather than directly from the background thread, precisely 
so that the interpreter doesn't get confused. 

Furthermore, on 3.7+, PyEval_InitThreads is already automatically invoked by 
Py_Initialize, and hence when used by python.exe, will mark the actual first 
thread in the process as the main thread. So, using it a the source of truth 
would guarantee that attach by thread injection works correctly in all 
non-embedded Python scenarios.

Apps hosting Python would still need to ensure that they always call 
Py_Initialize on what they want to be the main thread, as they already have to 
do; but they wouldn't need to worry about "import threading" anymore.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Aldwin Pollefeyt

Aldwin Pollefeyt  added the comment:

The second import actually doesn't happen. You need to reload it. This can be 
tested by putting print('loading threading') in threading.py.

Your first method-thread will still think it's main thread. So no idea if this 
is a bug or wrong use. 'import threading' should be one of the first lines in 
your main code/thread?

import _thread
import time
import importlib
barrier = 0

def method():
import threading  # Will make threading the wrong thread.
global barrier
barrier = 1

_thread.start_new_thread(method, ())

while barrier != 1:

import threading

nosy: +aldwinaldwin

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-27 Thread Pavel Minaev

Change by Pavel Minaev :

nosy: +int19h

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37416] If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong thread as the main thread.

2019-06-26 Thread Fabio Zadrozny

New submission from Fabio Zadrozny :

I'm attaching a snippet which shows the issue (i.e.: threading.main_thread() 
and threading.current_thread() should be the same and they aren't).

What I'd see as a possible solution is that the initial thread ident would be 
stored when the interpreter is initialized and then when threading is imported 
the first time it would get that indent to initialize the main thread instead 
of calling `threading._MainThread._set_ident` in the wrong thread.

I'm not sure if this is possible if CPython is embedded in some other C++ 
program, but it seems to be the correct approach when Python is called from the 
command line.

As a note, I found this when doing an attach to pid for the `pydevd` debugger 
where a thread is created to initialize the debugger (the issue on the debugger 
is reported at: https://github.com/microsoft/ptvsd/issues/1542).

components: Interpreter Core
files: snippet.py
messages: 346653
nosy: fabioz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: If threading is not imported from the main thread it sees the wrong 
thread as the main thread.
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48438/snippet.py

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