[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2021-03-29 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

> "__pypackages__" doesn't seem like a drop-in replacement for virtual 
> environments.
Right, it's not. But if enough people adapt their workflows to use 
[something like] it rather than relying on having a local copy of 
python.exe in order to launch, apps that currently assume that their 
subprocesses don't have their own children would be correct again.

If it was a drop-in replacement, we'd have dropped it in already. All 
the drop in replacements come with similar issues, which is why we need 
to change things more broadly in order to handle all the use cases that 


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2021-03-29 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\venvlauncher.exe"

The above was supposed to be "C:\Program 
Files\WindowsApps\Python...\venvlauncher.exe", where "Python..." is the elided 
name of the package directory.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2021-03-29 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> the Store package, which can only be *executed* from outside its 
> container (we can't load the DLL directly).

The idea I was pondering was to create "python.exe" in the virtual environment 
as an appexec link to "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\venvlauncher.exe" and 
reverse engineer whatever is needed to make CreateProcessW() build the required 
access token. For example, if it simply checks for the existence of 
"venvlauncher.exe" in the user's "WindowsApps" directory, then set that as an 
appexec alias as well.

However, it can't work for a simple reason. For an appexec link, 
CreateProcessW() reads and executes the target of the link. The original 
appexec link path is not retained, so there's no way for the "venvlauncher.exe" 
process to know about the virtual environment.

> PEP 582

"__pypackages__" doesn't seem like a drop-in replacement for virtual 
environments. The current directory (in the REPL) and script directory have 
always had precedence over the standard library, except in isolated mode, so 
"__pypackages__" seems more about providing a directory for Python packages 
that's neatly separated from the script directory. I presume also that 
"__pypackages__" would be added to sys.path even in isolated mode, though the 
PEP makes no mention of it.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2021-03-29 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

The main motivator for the redirector was to support the Store package, which 
can only be *executed* from outside its container (we can't load the DLL 
directly). Given we want the two distributions to be interchangeable from a 
code POV, it made the most sense to switch both over. That said, there were 
other issues with the previous system that were worth fixing, it just happens 
that a new one was introduced (though it definitely already existed for some 
users - IPC is a complex pattern to get right even when you fully control the 

I still haven't been able to come up with a viable workaround that doesn't 
break more cases than it helps. Passing the internal environment variable 
around might help, but I don't want to fully support it because then that would 
prevent us fixing this properly!

PEP 582 (or otherwise getting away from virtual environments in favour of some 
other way of having project-specific package installation) may be our best hope.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2021-03-22 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

In some cases, the problem can be worked around by setting the 
__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ environment variable and executing the base executable. For 

import os
import sys
import subprocess

def get_python_exe_env():
if sys.executable == getattr(sys, '_base_executable', sys.executable):
return sys.executable, None
environ = os.environ.copy()
environ['__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__'] = sys.executable
return sys._base_executable, environ

executable, environ = get_python_exe_env()
p = subprocess.Popen([executable], env=environ)


As is, I don't know how to solve the problem in which an arbitrary application 
runs a script using the "python" launcher. Half of the problem could be solved. 
When the launcher creates the base Python process, it could set the parent via 
PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS [1], presuming it can open a handle for 
the parent application with PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS access. However, this 
doesn't solve the problem from the application's perspective. It still gets the 
handle and process ID of the launcher.

If the purpose of using a launcher was only to allow an in-place upgrade of the 
base "python3x.dll", then an alternative design would be to set the 
__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ environment variable, load the Python DLL from the 
pyvenv.cfg "home" directory, and call Py_Main(argc, argv). This would eliminate 
the parent<->child problem and the application directory (__APPDIR__) problem. 

However, naively implementing something like that cannot work for the store app 
distribution. "python3x.dll" in the app installation directory under 
"%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps" only grants execute access to users that have the 
app's WIN://SYSAPPID identifier in their access token, which gets added by 
CreateProcessW() when the "python[3[.x]].exe" appexec link is executed. I'd 
have to experiment to see what works. Maybe "python.exe" in the virtual 
environment could be created as an appexec link to "venvlauncher.exe" in the 
app, which loads the DLL, etc.




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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2021-03-22 Thread Assaf

Assaf  added the comment:

The fact that now there is a redirector process seems to me like a regression 
I have an application which Popen several processes and uses the Popen object 
in order to get the subprocesses pids and act upon this pids (i.e. looks for 
log files with associated pid).

Now this breaks because the subprocess pid is the one of the redirector and not 
the actual one.

This is similar to 'Ray' issue mentioned earlier.

nosy: +awaizman

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2021-01-29 Thread Alexander Stepanov

Alexander Stepanov  added the comment:

Another victim of this change in `venv` behavior is Ray, which hangs forever 
because the workers fail to register as parent does not recognize their PIDs.

nosy: +nirvana-msu

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2020-10-08 Thread Sergey Nudnou

Sergey Nudnou  added the comment:


I've just run into a related issue. I have a python script, which starts an 
another python script using subprocess.Popen(). The parent script gets pid of 
the child and monitors up its activity through a database by this pid. The 
child script updates its activity in the database using the pid it gotten from 

Both scripts live in a virtual environment.

It worked fine in Python 3.5 and stopped working after migration to Python 3.8.

My base Python location: D:\Python\Python38\pythonw.exe
Virtual Environment: D:\test\venv\Scripts\pythonw.exe

I have realized, that when I run the following from a command prompt:
D:\test\venv\Scripts\pythonw.exe test.py

2 processes with the different PIDs are created:
PID:   97040
Parent PID:12004  (cmd.exe)
Command Line:  D:\test\venv\Scripts\pythonw.exe test.py

PID:   85548
Parent PID:97040  (pythonw.exe)
Command Line:  D:\Python\Python38\pythonw.exe test.py

It is definitely a regression, and will potentially break a lot of applications 
expecting a child Python process to be a direct descendant of its parent.

Also it is a waste of system resources

nosy: +nsmcan

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2020-06-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

Thanks for confirming that reality aligns with the documentation.

> when doing the same and passing `shell=True` to the POpen() call, there is no 
> such initial folder in the lookup

Correct, because a fully qualified path to cmd.exe is used, and cmd.exe's 
application folder is not Python's.

Ultimately, the above behaviour could have occurred anyway, so all that has 
really happened is that it is now more obvious. This is what always happens 
when you include support for other platforms - you find out which of your 
previous assumptions were incorrect (same principle applies to all of life if 
you think about it).

If someone wants to update subprocess to manually search PATH when just 
provided with a filename, I'm okay with that. It would be a new enhancement 

For earlier versions, updating the docs to clarify that subprocess does not do 
a PATH search but relies on operating system behaviour for relative paths is 
probably the most helpful way to raise awareness.

components:  -Library (Lib)
versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2020-06-03 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić

Jurko Gospodnetić  added the comment:

encountered what I believe is the same problem, so here are some more details I 
noticed, after checking what exactly that process name lookup does using 

- when running my external process in a `venv` generated virtual environment, 
POpen() started subprocess executables are first looked up in the base Python 
executable's folder (the one used to create our virtual environment) as opposed 
to the one running the external Python process, if POpen() is called with 

- when doing the same and passing `shell=True` to the POpen() call, there is no 
such initial folder in the lookup

- when doing the same on a `virtualenv` generated virtual environment, the file 
lookup is done in the correct folder first - the one containing the current 
Python executable and not in the base one

nosy: +Jurko.Gospodnetić

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2020-04-20 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

I posted a workaround right above your post for when you want to resolve 
executables against PATH instead of using Windows's normal rules.

I'm not sure we reached any good approach for launching sys.executable in a 
venv and automatically bypassing the redirector.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2020-04-18 Thread Benedek Rácz

Benedek Rácz  added the comment:

Is there any update/solution for this issue? This issue is the root cause of 
this SO post: https://stackoverflow.com/q/61290972/2506522

nosy: +Benedek Rácz

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-26 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

> But then I need two separate workflows based on what is passed in. For py.exe 
> I need to run it and get sys.executable. But for python.exe I *cannot* use 
> sys.executable because that’s the base interepeter, not the venv path I want. 
> And `if Path(arg).stem == "py"` just seems like a bug waiting to happen.

If you use shutil.which() to resolve "python" or "py" against PATH (which 
doesn't include the application directory), then you'll get the full path to 
the correct python.exe and will get the expected sys.executable. So it's only 
one flow that works for both once you add the shutil.which step.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Tzu-ping Chung

Tzu-ping Chung  added the comment:

>> not enough since it’d break `flit install --python=py` because that’s give 
>> you the location of py.exe, not the actual interperter.
> This would be fine if you still run the process to get its sys.executable.

But then I need two separate workflows based on what is passed in. For py.exe I 
need to run it and get sys.executable. But for python.exe I *cannot* use 
sys.executable because that’s the base interepeter, not the venv path I want. 
And `if Path(arg).stem == "py"` just seems like a bug waiting to happen.

> Your specific example would never have worked, FWIW, as it always would have 
> picked up pythonA rather than the application one or the base one, unless you 
> were relying on python3/python3.7 not being available on Windows (which is no 
> longer true - they are included in the Store package now).

It is an illustration. I am fully aware of Windows not having version-named 
python executables. Thanks for the reminder anyway.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

> Perhaps generalize this as splitext(basename(sys.executable))[0] in
> order to support names other than "python" and "pythonw". It would have
> to handle quoting enough to ignore an initial double quote when parsing
> the executable name out of an args string, or _winapi could wrap the
> shell's CommandLineToArgvW function to handle this.

This is where we've hit the point of complexity that it would have to be added 
as a new API. And since it's now opt-in, we may as well document that 
shutil.which() is the recommended way to resolve a filename against PATH (and 
make that work properly... ISTR it has some inconsistencies with the OS).


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> Possibly we could handle "python[.exe]" literals by substituting 
> sys.executable transparently?

Perhaps generalize this as splitext(basename(sys.executable))[0] in order to 
support names other than "python" and "pythonw". It would have to handle 
quoting enough to ignore an initial double quote when parsing the executable 
name out of an args string, or _winapi could wrap the shell's 
CommandLineToArgvW function to handle this.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

> `shutil.which` could be a direction, but still not enough since it’d break 
> `flit install --python=py` because that’s give you the location of py.exe, 
> not the actual interperter.

This would be fine if you still run the process to get its sys.executable.

Your specific example would never have worked, FWIW, as it always would have 
picked up pythonA rather than the application one or the base one, unless you 
were relying on python3/python3.7 not being available on Windows (which is no 
longer true - they are included in the Store package now).


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Tzu-ping Chung

Tzu-ping Chung  added the comment:

To provide concrete context, the problem I’m facing is with how Flit resolves 
`flit install --python`:


Generally the setup is to install Flit into a globally available location 
(let’s name it env A), so it’s usable for every project and environment. For a 
project foo you’d have a virtual environment (env X) that’s created from a base 
interpreter (env B, which may or may not be the same as env A).

So the comment workflow would look like this:

> pythonB -m venv project-env
> project-env\Scripts\activate.bat
(project-env) > pythonA -m flit install --python=pythonX

This results in the following subprocess call:

["pythonX", "-c", "import sys; print(sys.executable)"],

And ideally (pre-3.7.2 Windows, or current POSIX behaviour) this would give you 
the absolute path to pythonX. But right now on Windows the result is pythonB.

So if this is to be determined as acceptable behaviour, we’d need to come up 
with a suggestion how this code can be rewritten. `shutil.which` could be a 
direction, but still not enough since it’d break `flit install --python=py` 
because that’s give you the location of py.exe, not the actual interperter. 
What else?


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower  added the comment:

Yeah, this definitely relates to how Windows handles unqualified argv[0] in 
CreateProcess. Though I thought we checked that out in another issue and 
decided that "most" people are correctly using sys.executable here? (Or decided 
that it was documented well enough that they should, and using a "python" 
literal was relying on OS behaviour.)

I'm not a fan of trying to override the OS handling in subprocess, though that 
would be the fix. Possibly we could handle "python[.exe]" literals by 
substituting sys.executable transparently?


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> "running an unqualified python and expecting a PATH search to pick up
> the same executable as the parent shell would is not supported and may
> produce unexpected results"

CreateProcessW finds "python.exe" in __APPDIR__ before it even searches PATH. I 
expect that some scripts depend on this when python.exe isn't in PATH, or when 
a different version is in PATH. If subprocess implements its own search, it can 
continue to prioritize the *effective* application directory, from 


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore  added the comment:

I presume there's also the option of setting up the environment (or however 
it's done now - I know the details changed as the feature was developed) so 
that the "base" python.exe pretends to be the venv one, exactly as the wrapper 

However, that may well have other difficult-to-fix implications, not least that 
calling the base Python using an explicit full path should act like the base 
Python, and *not* like the venv one.

IMO, the key thing here is that either the various limitations/quirks of 
redirecting to the base Python should either be treated as bugs, or they should 
be documented (even if only in the form of explicitly saying not to rely on any 
specific behaviour - e.g. "running an unqualified python and expecting a PATH 
search to pick up the same executable as the parent shell would is not 
supported and may produce unexpected results").

Virtual environments are a key part of most Python development workflows, and 
virtualenv is in the process of switching to use the core venv module 
internally. When that happens, there will be a lot more visibility for 
unexpected behaviours like this one.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> whens searching for executables, Windows gives "exes that are in the
> same directory as the currently executing code" priority over PATH.

That subprocess lets CreateProcessW use a platform-dependent search that 
prioritizes the application directory has come up in previous issues. To avoid 
this, we'd have to implement our own search for the given or parsed executable 
name. Then pass the fully-qualified executable path as the lpApplicationName 
name of CreateProcessW. This is how CMD works, since it has its own search 
routine that incorporates the PATHEXT environment variable.

Because the application directory is searched before the working directory (if 
the working directory is searched at all, depending on context), this issue 
also affects searching for executable paths that contain a path separator. In 
Unix a relative path that contains a path separator is always relative to the 
working directory, but Windows CreateProcessW uses a normal search for a 
relative name unless it explicitly references the working directory as "." 
(e.g. ".\Scripts\pip.exe" instead of "Scripts\pip.exe").


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore  added the comment:

Yes, it does.

I think we'd need input from Steve Dower here, as these changes were made (I 
believe) in support of the Windows Store build of Python, so any changes would 
need to be considered in the light of how they would affect that. I do, 
however, consider this to be a regression that should be fixed.

BTW, just for completeness,

>>> subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-c', 'import sys; 
>>> print(sys.executable)'])

works as I'd expect, and that's the idiom that is often used. So relying on a 
path search to find the correct Python can be considered an unusual case (but 
nevertheless one I'd expect to be fixed).

I assume that the issue here is that the code is being run by the python.dll in 
the base environment, and whens searching for executables, Windows gives "exes 
that are in the same directory as the currently executing code" priority over 
PATH. See 

If the file name does not contain a directory path, the system searches for the 
executable file in the following sequence:

1. The directory from which the application loaded.
2. The current directory for the parent process.
3. The 32-bit Windows system directory. Use the GetSystemDirectory function to 
get the path of this directory.
4. The 16-bit Windows system directory. There is no function that obtains the 
path of this directory, but it is searched. The name of this directory is 
5. The Windows directory. Use the GetWindowsDirectory function to get the path 
of this directory.
6. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable. Note that 
this function does not search the per-application path specified by the App 
Paths registry key. To include this per-application path in the search 
sequence, use the ShellExecute function.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Tzu-ping Chung

Tzu-ping Chung  added the comment:

I tested the following in various versions (all 64-bit) in a VM. All 
installations are 64-bit per-user.

> py -m venv testenv
> testenv\Scripts\python.exe -c "import subprocess; 
> print(subprocess.check_output(['python', '-c', 'import sys; 
> print(sys.executable)']))"

3.8.0: Incorrect
3.7.5: Incorrect
3.7.4: Incorrect
3.7.3: Incorrect
3.7.2: Correct
3.6.8: Correct
3.7.1: Correct
3.7.0: Correct

So the change seems to have happened somewhere between 3.7.2 and 3.7.3. Does 
this timeline line up with the venv redirector change?


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-25 Thread Paul Moore

Paul Moore  added the comment:

The behaviour in this area is different between 3.7.0, 3.7.2, and 3.7.3 (at 
least). I have reproduced the issue with 3.7.3. Steve Dower made changes to the 
way the python executable works in venvs in the point releases of 3.7 - see 
https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1380 and 
https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1339 for some discussion of how this 
affected virtualenv.

I suspect this issue is related - from 3.7.2 onwards, the python.exe in a venv 
is a redirector which runs the "base" python.exe, but with sys.executable 
showing the redirector rather than the actual running exe.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-24 Thread Tzu-ping Chung

Tzu-ping Chung  added the comment:

> If you don't use activate.bat, but just run the venv's python directly, what 
> do you see? I get:
> What shell are you using? Above is with cmd.exe.

I get the same result as activating (i.e. shows the base interpeter). All 
results in cmd.exe as well.

> If you "echo %PATH%" after activate.bat, what do you see?
> Before running activate.bat, do you have a python.exe in your path? If so, is 
> it the one that subprocess is reporting?

PATH is as expected, the venv’s Scripts directory at the front after 
activation. I (only) have a python.exe from Windows Store in PATH. The one 
reported by subprocess is not in PATH.

I’ll try to find a clean machine (maybe a VM) and try whether I can replicate 
this. BTW the problematic versions for me was 3.7.5 and 3.8.0.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-24 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

Your failing test case with 3.7 works for me.

If you don't use activate.bat, but just run the venv's python directly, what do 
you see? I get:

>py -m venv fooenv

>fooenv\Scripts\python -V
Python 3.7.0

>fooenv\Scripts\python -q
>>> import subprocess
>>> subprocess.check_output(['python', '-c', 'import sys; 
>>> print(sys.executable)'])

What shell are you using? Above is with cmd.exe.

If you "echo %PATH%" after activate.bat, what do you see?

Before running activate.bat, do you have a python.exe in your path? If so, is 
it the one that subprocess is reporting?

nosy: +eric.smith

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-24 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan

Change by Karthikeyan Singaravelan :

nosy: +eryksun

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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-24 Thread Tzu-ping Chung

Tzu-ping Chung  added the comment:

3.6 works correctly on Windows:

> py -3.6 -m venv test36
> test36\Scripts\activate.bat
>>> import subprocess
>>> print(subprocess.check_output(['python', '-c', 'import sys; 
>>> print(sys.executable)']))

So it seems the problem is introduced sometime after.


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-24 Thread Tzu-ping Chung

Tzu-ping Chung  added the comment:

Linux works correctly (Ubuntu with self-compiled Python 3.7.5)

$ python3.7 -m venv fooenv
$ . fooenv/bin/activate
(fooenv) $ python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
(fooenv) $ python -q
>>> import subprocess
>>> subprocess.check_output(['python', '-c', 'import sys; 
>>> print(sys.executable)'])


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[issue38905] venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows

2019-11-24 Thread Tzu-ping Chung

New submission from Tzu-ping Chung :

To reproduce:

> py -m venv fooenv
> fooenv\Scripts\activate.bat
(fooenv) > python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"  % This is correct
(fooenv) > python -q
>>> import subprocess
>>> subprocess.check_output(['python', '-c', 'import sys; 
>>> print(sys.executable)'])

The output shows the base interpreter, not the interpreter in venv. Not sure 
whether this is a venv or subprocess problem.

components: Library (Lib), Windows
messages: 357392
nosy: paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, uranusjr, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: venv python reports wrong sys.executable in a subprocess on Windows
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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