[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Thomas

Thomas  added the comment:

> An example of multiple descriptors would be to have:
> @cached_property
> @property
> def expensive_calc(self):
> #Do something expensive

That's decorator chaining. The example you gave is not working code (try to 
return something from expensive_calc and print(obj.expensive_calc()), you'll 
get a TypeError). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can chain 
descriptors the way you want unless the descriptors themselves have knowledge 
that they're acting on descriptors. E.g., given:

class Foo:
def bar(self):
return 5

You would need descriptorA to be implemented such that its __get__ method 
return .__get__() of whatever it was wrapping (in this case descriptorB).

Either way, at the class level (I mean the Foo class, the one we'd like to make 
a dataclass), all of this doesn't matter because it only sees the outer 
descriptor (descriptorA). Assuming the proposed solution is accepted, you would 
be able to do this:

class Foo:
def bar(self):
return some_value

def bar(self, value):
...  # store value

bar: int = field(descriptor=bar)

and, assuming descriptorA is compatible with descriptorB on both .__get__ and 
.__set__, as stated above, it would work the way you intend it to.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Thomas

Thomas  added the comment:

Just to rephrase, because the explanation in my last message can be ambiguous:

At dataclass construction time (when the @dataclass decorator inspects and 
enhances the class):

for field in fields:
if descriptor := getattr(field, 'descriptor'):
setattr(cls, field.name, descriptor)
elif default := getattr(field, 'default'):
setattr(cls, field.name, default)

Then at __init__ time:

for field in fields:
if (
(descriptor := getattr(field, 'descriptor'))
and (default := getattr(field, 'default'))
setattr(self, field.name, default)
elif default_factory := getattr(field, 'default_factory'):
setattr(self, field.name, default_factory())

Now, this is just pseudo-code to illustrate the point, I know the dataclass 
implementation generates the __init__ on the fly by building its code as a 
string then exec'ing it. This logic would have to be applied to that generative 

I keep thinking I'm not seeing some obvious problem here, so if something jumps 
out let me know.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Michael Robellard

Michael Robellard  added the comment:

An example of multiple descriptors would be to have:

def expensive_calc(self):
#Do something expensive


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Thomas

Thomas  added the comment:

Agreed on everything but that last part, which I'm not sure I understand:
> If we allow descriptor to accept an iterable as well you could have multiple 
> descriptors just like normal.
Could you give an example of what you mean with a regular class?

I've had a bit more time to think about this and I think one possible solution 
would be to mix the idea of a "descriptor" argument to the field constructor 
and the idea of not applying regular defaults at __init__ time.

Basically, at dataclass construction time (when the @dataclass decorator 
inspects and enhances the class), apply regular defaults at the class level 
unless the field has a descriptor argument, then apply that instead at the 
class level. At __init__ time, apply default_factories only unless the field 
has a descriptor argument, then do apply the regular default value.

If the implementation changed in these two ways, we'd have code like this work 
exactly as expected:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Foo:
_bar: int = field(init=False)

def bar(self):
return self._bar

def bar(self, value):
self._bar = value

# field is required,
# uses descriptor bar for get/set
bar: int = field(descriptor=bar)

# field is optional,
# default of 5 is set at __init__ time
# using the descriptor bar for get/set,
bar: int = field(descriptor=bar, default=5)

# field is optional,
# default value is the descriptor instance,
# it is set using regular attribute setter
bar: int = field(default=bar)

Not only does this allow for descriptor to be used with dataclasses, it also 
fixes the use case of trying to have a descriptor instance as a default value 
because the descriptor wouldn't be used to get/set itself.

Although I should say, at this point, I'm clearly seeing this with blinders on 
to solve this particular problem... It's probable this solution breaks 
something somewhere that I'm not seeing. Fresh eyes appreciated :)


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Michael Robellard

Michael Robellard  added the comment:

I can confirm that Juan Arrivillaga (juanpa.arrivillaga) workaround does work. 

Given that it works, then wouldn't it be relatively trivial to do what 
Thomas701 suggests and add a descriptor parameter to fields. Then apply the 
descriptor after all the other work is done so that it doesn't get clobbered, 
which is basically reproducing the workaround.

import dataclasses
class FileObject:
_uploaded_by: str = dataclasses.field(default=None, init=False)

def _uploaded_by_getter(self):
return self._uploaded_by

def _uploaded_by_setter(self, uploaded_by):
print('Setter Called with Value ', uploaded_by)
self._uploaded_by = uploaded_by

uploaded_by: str = field(default=None, descriptor=property(

p = FileObject()

This would allow any descriptor to be applied to a dataclass field. If we allow 
descriptor to accept an iterable as well you could have multiple descriptors 
just like normal.

versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11

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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Thomas

Thomas  added the comment:

Scratch that last one, it leads to problem when mixing descriptors with actual 
default values:

class Foo:
bar = field(default=some_descriptor)
# technically this is a descriptor field without a default value or at the 
very least, the dataclass constructor can't know because it doesn't know what 
field, if any, this delegates to. This means this will show up as optional in 
the __init__ signature but it might not be.

bar = field(default=some_descriptor, default_factory=lambda:4)
# this could be a solve for the above problem. The dc constructor would 
install the constructor at the class level and assign 4 to the instance 
attribute in the __init__. Still doesn't tell the dc constructor if a field is 
optional or not when it's default value is a descriptor and no default_factory 
is passed. And it feels a lot more like hack than anything else.

So ignore my previous message. I'm still 100% behind the "descriptor" arg in 
the field constructor, though :)

PS: Sorry for the noise, I just stumbled onto this problem for the nth-times 
and I can't get my brain to shut off.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Thomas

Thomas  added the comment:

Thinking a little more about this, maybe a different solution would be to have 
default values be installed at the class level by default without being 
overwritten in the init, as is the case today. default_factory should keep 
being set in the init as is the case today.

With this approach:

class Foo:
bar = field(default=4)
# assigns 4 to Foo.bar but not to foo.bar (bonus: __init__ will be faster)

bar = field(default=some_descriptor)
# assigns some_descriptor to Foo.bar, so Foo().bar does a __get__ on the 

bar = field(default_factory=SomeDescriptor)
# assigns a new SomeDescriptor instance to every instance of Foo

bar = field(default_factory=lambda: some_descriptor)
# assigns the same descriptor object to every instance of Foo

I don't think this change would break a lot of existing code as the attribute 
overwrite that happens at the instance level in the __init__ is essentially an 
implementation detail. It also seems this would solve the current problem and 
allow for a cleaner way to assign a descriptor object as a default value. Am I 
not seeing some obvious problem here ?


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-10-21 Thread Thomas

Thomas  added the comment:

Hello everyone,

A quick look on SO and Google + this python issue + this blog post and its 
 show that this is still a problem where dataclass users keep hitting a wall.

The gist here seems to be that there's two ways to solve this:
- have descriptor be treated differently when found as default value in the 
__init__. I like this solution. The argument against is that users might want 
to have the descriptor object itself as an instance attribute and this solution 
would prevent them from doing it. I'd argue that, if the user intention was to 
have the descriptor object as a default value, the current dataclass 
implementation allows it in a weird way: as shown above, it actually sets and 
gets the descriptor using the descriptor as its own getter/setter (although it 
makes sense when one thinks of how dataclass are implemented, specifically 
"when" the dataclass modifies the class, it is nonetheless jarring at first 

- add an "alias/name/public_name/..." keyword to the field constructor so that 
we could write _bar: int = field(default=4, alias="bar"). The idea here keeps 
the usage of this alias to the __init__ method but I'd go further. The alias 
should be used everywhere we need to show the public API of the dataclass 
(repr, str, to_dict, ...). Basically, if a field has an alias, we only ever 
show / give access to the alias and essentially treat the original attribute 
name as a private name (i.e.: if the dataclass maintainer changes the attribute 
name, none of the user code should break).

I like both solutions for the given problem but I still have a preference for 
the first, as it covers more cases that are not shown by the example code: what 
if the descriptor doesn't delegate to a private field on the class? It is a bit 
less common, but one could want to have a field in the init that delegates to a 
resource that is not a field on the dataclass. The first solution allows that, 
the second doesn't.

So I'd like to propose a variation of the first solution that, hopefully, also 
solves the counter argument to that solution:

class FileObject:
_uploaded_by: str = field(init=False)

def uploaded_by(self):
return self._uploaded_by

def uploaded_by(self, uploaded_by):
print('Setter Called with Value ', uploaded_by)
self._uploaded_by = uploaded_by

uploaded_by: str = field(default=None, descriptor=uploaded_by)

Basically, add an argument to the field constructor that allows developers to 
tell the dataclass constructor that this field requires special handling: in 
the __init__, it should use the default value as it would do for normal fields 
but at the class level, it should install the descriptor, instead of the 
default value.

What do you think ?

nosy: +Thomas701

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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-06-05 Thread Benjamin Lee

Benjamin Lee  added the comment:

> I'm not sure "alias" feels quite right, as it only applies to __init__ (if 
> I'm understanding it correctly).

Maybe `init_alias` might be a better name. In any case, this would support 
private variables in dataclasses.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-06-05 Thread Michael Robellard

Michael Robellard  added the comment:

The sample I uploaded doesn't do any processing, but the use case originally 
had some logic inside the property getter/setter, would the alias idea allow 
for that? The purpose of the property is to add some logic to compute the value 
if it has not already been computed, however if it is computed don't recompute 
it because it is expensive to recompute.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-06-05 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

> _uploaded_by: str = dataclasses.field(alias="uploaded_by", default=None, 
> init=False)

That's an interesting idea. I'll play around with it. I'm not sure "alias" 
feels quite right, as it only applies to __init__ (if I'm understanding it 


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2021-06-05 Thread Benjamin Lee

Benjamin Lee  added the comment:

Would this issue not be trivially resolved if there was a way to specify alias 
in the dataclasses field? I.e.:

_uploaded_by: str = dataclasses.field(alias="uploaded_by", default=None, 

Ultimately, the main goal is to make it so that the generated __init__ 
constructor does

self._uploaded_by = uploaded_by

but with current implementation, there is no aliasing so the default __init__ 
constructor is always:

self._uploaded_by = _uploaded_by

nosy: +UnHumbleBen

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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-06-18 Thread Ivan Ivanyuk

Ivan Ivanyuk  added the comment:

Was there some solution in progress here? We would like to use dataclasses and 
seems this problem currently limits their usefulness to us.

We recently came upon the same behaviour 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2020-June/897502.html and I was 
wondering if it was possible to make it work without changing the property 
decorator behaviour. Is there a way at all to preserve the default value on the 
class with @property even before dataclass starts processing it? 

 An example from that mail thread to workaround this:

 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
 def set_property():
 Container.x = property(Container.get_x, Container.set_x)
 return 30
 class Container:
 x: int = field(default_factory=set_property)
 def get_x(self) -> int:
 return self._x
 def set_x(self, z: int):
 if z > 1:
 self._x = z
 raise ValueError

set_property can also be made a class method and referenced like this:
 x: int = field(default_factory=lambda: Container.set_property())

Is it possible that this kind of behaviour can be made one of standard flows 
for the field() function and dataclasses module can generate a function like 
this and set it on the class during processing?
 Or maybe it's better to extend @property decorator to update property object 
with default value which can be used later by the dataclass?

nosy: +iivanyuk

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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-04-15 Thread Juan Arrivillaga

Juan Arrivillaga  added the comment:

But when would you want to have a descriptor as an instance attribute? 
Descriptors must be in the class dictionary to work:


I suppose, you could want some container class of descriptor objects, but that 
seems like an extremely narrow use-case, compared to the normal and common 
use-case of descriptors acting like descriptors. I think special-casing 
descriptors make sense because they act in a special way.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-01-10 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

> During this processing of fields, couldn't you just special case 
> property/descriptor objects?

What if you want the field to be a descriptor?

I think the best way of handling this would be to use some sentinel value for 
the default, and if found look up the value on the instance, not the class.

But I'm a little worried this might break something else.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-01-10 Thread Juan Arrivillaga

Juan Arrivillaga  added the comment:

Actually, couldn't the following be a workaround, just set the property on the 
class after the class definition:

import dataclasses
import typing
class FileObject:

def _uploaded_by_getter(self):
return self._uploaded_by

def _uploaded_by_setter(self, uploaded_by):
print('Setter Called with Value ', uploaded_by)
self._uploaded_by = uploaded_by

FileObject.uploaded_by = property(
p = FileObject()


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-01-10 Thread Juan Arrivillaga

Juan Arrivillaga  added the comment:

So, after glancing at the source code:

During this processing of fields, couldn't you just special case 
property/descriptor objects?

nosy: +juanpa.arrivillaga

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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-01-07 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith  added the comment:

Your code basically becomes similar to this:

sentinel = object()

class FileObject:
_uploaded_by: str = None
uploaded_by = None

def __init__(self, uploaded_by=sentinel):
if uploaded_by is sentinel:
self.uploaded_by = FileObject.uploaded_by
self.uploaded_by = uploaded_by

def save(self):

def uploaded_by(self):
return self._uploaded_by

def uploaded_by(self, uploaded_by):
print('Setter Called with Value ', uploaded_by)
self._uploaded_by = uploaded_by

Which has the same problem. I'll have to give it some thought.


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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-01-07 Thread Eric V. Smith

Change by Eric V. Smith :

assignee:  -> eric.smith

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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-01-07 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan

Change by Karthikeyan Singaravelan :

nosy: +eric.smith

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[issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together

2020-01-07 Thread Michael Robellard

New submission from Michael Robellard :

I ran into a strange issue while trying to use a dataclass together with a 

I have it down to a minumum to reproduce it:

import dataclasses

class FileObject:
_uploaded_by: str = dataclasses.field(default=None, init=False)
uploaded_by: str = None

def save(self):

def uploaded_by(self):
return self._uploaded_by

def uploaded_by(self, uploaded_by):
print('Setter Called with Value ', uploaded_by)
self._uploaded_by = uploaded_by

p = FileObject()
This outputs:

Setter Called with Value  

I would expect to get None instead

Here is the StackOverflow Question where I started this:

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 359528
nosy: Michael Robellard
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: dataclass defaults and property don't work together
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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