[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-09-02 Thread Sophia Wisdom

New submission from Sophia Wisdom :

The below example leaks ~20 megabytes of memory. The amount leaked is related 
to both the number of items in the list and the number of times 
`run_in_executor` is called.

import asyncio

def leaker():
x = list(range(int(1000)))

async def function():
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for i in range(1):
loop.run_in_executor(None, leaker)
at this point, `ps -o rss -p {pid}` outputs about 10MB

after invoking this:
Memory jumps to about 94MB, and doesn't return.

The lists don't show up in `gc.get_objects()`, but the amount of memory leaked 
does increase (though not proportionately) when the lists increase in size.

Note - this doesn't happen if `run_in_executor` is `await`ed immediately, but 
it does still occur if we e.g. put the future in a dictionary and then `await` 
the results later.
The leak still occurs on my machine if the `1/0` is omitted, but not on a 

We're pretty confused as to why this happens, and would appreciate any help.

components: asyncio
messages: 376275
nosy: asvetlov, sophia2, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.8

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[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-09-02 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan

Change by Karthikeyan Singaravelan :

nosy: +aeros

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-10-29 Thread Daniel Alley

Daniel Alley  added the comment:

This seems likely to be a duplicate of https://bugs.python.org/issue41588, as 
run_in_executor(None, ...) submits tasks to a ThreadPoolExecutor underneath the 

nosy: +dralley

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[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-10-29 Thread Sophia Wisdom

Sophia Wisdom  added the comment:

It looks like it's not specific to the ThreadPoolExecutor.

import asyncio
import concurrent

def leaker_func():
# removed 1/0 because this causes issues with the ProcessPoolExecutor

async def function():
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for i in range(1):
10MB at this point

then after executing this:
40MB. (~same as ThreadPoolExecutor in python3.10)


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[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-10-29 Thread Kyle Stanley

Kyle Stanley  added the comment:

In the snippet provided, at least part of the resources are not finalized 
because executor.shutdown() was not called in the program (which should be done 
when creating a local instance of the executors, either explicitly or using the 
context manager). For the event loop's default threadpool (used w/ 
loop.run_in_executor(None, ...), I added a coroutine function 
loop.shutdown_default_executor() in 3.9+ handles this (called in asyncio.run()).

Without ever calling executor.shutdown(), the worker threads/processes and 
their associated resources are not finalized until interpreter shutdown. 
There's also some additional finalization that occurs in `_python_exit()` for 
both TPE and PPE (see 
 which is called just before all non-daemon threads are joined just before 
interpreter shutdown occurs.

However, even considering the above, there still seems to be a significant 
additional difference in RSS compared to using ThreadPoolExecutor vs 
loop.run_in_executor() that I can't seem to account for (before and after 

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures as cf
import os
import gc
import argparse

from concurrent.futures.thread import _python_exit

def leaker(n):

def func_TPE(n):
with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
for i in range(10_000):
executor.submit(leaker, n)

async def func_run_in_executor(n):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for i in range(10_000):
loop.run_in_executor(None, leaker, n)

def display_rss():
os.system(f"grep ^VmRSS /proc/{os.getpid()}/status")

def main(n=100, asyncio_=False):
if asyncio_:
print(f"after 10_000 iterations of {n} element lists:")

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-n", type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument("--asyncio", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)

print("start RSS memory:")

args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.n, args.asyncio)
Results (on latest commit to master, 3.10):
asyncio -
[aeros:~/repos/cpython]$ ./python 
~/programming/python/asyncio_run_in_exec_leak.py -n=1 --asyncio
start RSS memory:
VmRSS: 16948 kB
after 10_000 iterations of 1 element lists:
VmRSS: 27080 kB
concurrent.futures -
[aeros:~/repos/cpython]$ ./python 
~/programming/python/asyncio_run_in_exec_leak.py -n=1 --no-asyncio
start RSS memory:
VmRSS: 17024 kB
after 10_000 iterations of 1 element lists:
VmRSS: 19572 kB
When using await before loop.run_in_executor(), the results are more similar to 
using ThreadPoolExecutor directly:
[aeros:~/repos/cpython]$ ./python 
~/programming/python/asyncio_run_in_exec_leak.py -n=1 --asyncio  
start RSS memory:
VmRSS: 16940 kB
after 10_000 iterations of 1 element lists:
VmRSS: 17756 kB
However, as mentioned by the OP, if stored in a container and awaited later 
(such as w/ asyncio.gather()), a substantial memory difference is present 
(increases with list size):
[aeros:~/repos/cpython]$ ./python 
~/programming/python/asyncio_run_in_exec_leak.py -n=1 --asyncio
start RSS memory:
VmRSS: 16980 kB
after 10_000 iterations of 1 element lists:
VmRSS: 29744 kB

Based on the above results, I think there may be a smaller leak occurring in 
concurrent.futures (potentially related to the linked bpo-41588) and a bit of a 
larger leak occurring in loop.run_in_executor(). So they can remain as separate 
issues IMO.

At the moment, my best guess is that there's some memory leak that occurs from 
the future not being fully cleaned up, but I'm not certain about that. This 
will likely require some further investigation.

Input from Yury and/or Andrew would definitely be appreciated. Is there 
something that I'm potentially missing here?


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-10-29 Thread Kyle Stanley

Kyle Stanley  added the comment:

Also note that the difference in memory is much higher when an exception occurs 
(presumably because the exception is stored on future._exception and not 
cleaned up?):
[aeros:~/repos/cpython]$ ./python 
~/programming/python/asyncio_run_in_exec_leak.py -n=1 --asyncio
start RSS memory:
VmRSS: 16976 kB
after 10_000 iterations of 1 element lists:
VmRSS: 64132 kB


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-10-29 Thread Sophia Wisdom

Sophia Wisdom  added the comment:

While not calling executor.shutdown() may leave some resources still used, it 
should be small and fixed. Regularly calling executor.shutdown() and then 
instantiating a new ThreadPoolExecutor in order to run an asyncio program does 
not seem like a good API to me.

You mention there appear to be both an event loop and a futures leak -- I think 
I have a good test case for the futures, without using threads at all. This 
seems to be leaking `future._result`s somehow even though their __del__ is 

import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import Executor, Future
import gc

result_gcs = 0
suture_gcs = 0

class ResultHolder:
def __init__(self, mem_size):
self.mem = list(range(mem_size)) # so we can see the leak

def __del__(self):
global result_gcs
result_gc += 1

class Suture(Future):
   def __del__(self):
   global suture_gcs
   suture_gcs += 1

class SimpleExecutor(Executor):
def submit(self, fn):
future = Suture()
return future

async def function():
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for i in range(1):
loop.run_in_executor(SimpleExecutor(), lambda x:x)

def run():
print(suture_gcs, result_gcs)

> run()
1 1

Both result_gcs and suture_gcs are 1 every time. My best guess for why this 
would happen (for me it doesn't seem to happen without the 
loop.run_in_executor) is the conversion from a concurrent.Future to an 
asyncio.Future, which involves callbacks to check on the result, but that 
doesn't make sense, because the result itself has __del__ called on it but 
somehow it doesn't free the memory!


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41699] Potential memory leak with asyncio and run_in_executor

2020-10-29 Thread Kyle Stanley

Kyle Stanley  added the comment:

> Regularly calling executor.shutdown() and then instantiating a new 
> ThreadPoolExecutor in order to run an asyncio program does not seem like a 
> good API to me.

Clarification: you're typically only supposed to instantiate a single 
ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor per program (sometimes one of each 
depending on use case), and continuously submit jobs to it rather than creating 
multiple executor instances. Otherwise, it's generally unneeded overhead.

(I'll take a look at the other parts once I find the time, just wanted to 
briefly mention the above in the meantime.)


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