New submission from Harvastum <>:

This entire page:
does not have a single occurrence of the word "lambda".
In my humble opinion it's a pretty important trick to utilize capture groups in 
lambdas to e.g. use them to access value in a dictionary.
Examples are available here:
and here:
but somehow not in the documentation.
There is a mention about referencing groups from different contexts, but the 
lambda is quite unique and although I think it does fall under "when processing 
match object m", I think it still is worth its own entry.

Btw. it's my first contribution here, sorry for any faux pas I may have 
commited, please point it out if I did!

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 382736
nosy: docs@python, harvastum
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [doc] add more examples and additional explanation to re.sub
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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