[issue8582] urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string

2010-05-01 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran  added the comment:

Fixed in trunk: r80675
release26-maint: r80676
py3K: r80677

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: unit test needed -> committed/rejected
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8582] urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string

2010-04-30 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran  added the comment:

Here is the patch and the unittest for this issue.
David: The tests does ensure coverage of urlretrieve method.

- Changes %T to %H:%M:%S in strftime usage in retrieve.
- Coverage of Date header of retrieved file according to format specified.

David, any comments or any further coverage required?

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17158/issue8582.diff

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8582] urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string

2010-04-30 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray :

stage:  -> unit test needed
type: crash -> behavior
versions: +Python 2.6, Python 3.1, Python 3.2

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8582] urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string

2010-04-30 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray  added the comment:

The fact that our docs don't mention it is a clue that it is platform dependent 

Theoretically it shouldn't be, since it is in Posix:


but practically speaking it is, since Windows doesn't support it:


Apparently not all unix/linux platforms support it either:


nosy: +r.david.murray

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8582] urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string

2010-04-30 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran  added the comment:

I guess the problem with specific to Windows. I don't see any problem with 
urlretrieve of a image/png url on Linux.
And surprisingly, %T of time.strftime is undocumented:

I wanted to check if that format specifier was platform specific.

components: +Windows

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8582] urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string

2010-04-30 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Changes by Senthil Kumaran :

assignee:  -> orsenthil
nosy: +orsenthil

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8582] urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string

2010-04-30 Thread Jason Gross

New submission from Jason Gross :

When calling urllib.urlretrieve with a data:image/png url (possibly with other 
urls too) and a local file name, it fails with
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
urlretrieve(url, file_name)
  File "D:\Python26\Lib\urllib.py", line 93, in urlretrieve
return _urlopener.retrieve(url, filename, reporthook, data)
  File "D:\Python26\Lib\urllib.py", line 237, in retrieve
fp = self.open(url, data)
  File "D:\Python26\Lib\urllib.py", line 205, in open
return getattr(self, name)(url)
  File "D:\Python26\Lib\urllib.py", line 596, in open_data

This can be fixed by replacing %T on line 595 with %H : %M : %S (which I found 
as the definition of %T on 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 104664
nosy: Jason.Gross
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: urllib.urlretrieve fails with ValueError: Invalid format string
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list