We're reaching the end of the year and it's time for another pair of Python 3 
maintenance releases, 3.7.2 and 3.6.8, before we ring out 2018.  Since there 
are still some open release blocker issues and I haven't been bugging you about 
them, I've moved the code cutoff for the release candidates to this coming 
Friday, 12-07, by the end of the day (AOE).  That gives us all another 4 days 
to review open issues and PRs.  Please give highest attention to any release 
blockers you have been shepherding or reviewing.  Thanks!

A reminder: as previously announced, 3.6.8 is planned to be the last bugfix 
release of the 3.6 series.  Python 3.6.0 was released on 2016-12-23, so by the 
time 3.6.8 is released, 3.6.x will have been in bugfix mode almost exactly 2 
years.  When a new feature release is made and enters "bugfix" mode, our policy 
has long been to continue to maintain the previous bugfix branch for at least 
one more release and then move that branch to "security fix only" mode.  3.7.0 
(and 3.6.6) was released nearly six months ago and, with the release of 3.6.8, 
there will have been two additional 3.6.x bugfix releases since then.  So, 
barring any showstopper issues that might arise, the upcoming 3.6.8rc1 is your 
last chance to make bugfix changes for 3.6.x.  Following the successful release 
of 3.6.8, only security fixes will be accepted for the 3.6 branch and future 
3.6.x releases will be source-only and scheduled as needed; no further binary 
installers will be produced for 3.6.  Refer to the Dev Guide 
 sections and release PEPs linked below for more information.

  Ned Deily -- []

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