[Python-Dev] 2.4.1c1 March 10th, 2.4.1 March 17th

2005-03-01 Thread Anthony Baxter
Ok - Fred and Martin and I will be cutting 2.4.1c1 on March 10th,
and (assuming no problems) 2.4.1 on March 17th. Apologies for
the delay - my time's been all consumed lately with doing lighting
and sound design for a show. (Any Melbournites who're interested,
we're putting on Michael Palin's play "The Weekend" from next
Thursday - see www.stagtheatre.org for more details )

Anthony Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] OK, time to retire (was: Re: python-dev Summary for 2005-01-16 through 2005-01-31)

2005-03-01 Thread Brett C.
Steve Holden wrote:
Michele Simionato wrote [on c.l.py]:
Brett Cannon:
[... python-dev summary ... boilerplate change ...]
+1 for this idea. The summary looks much better now :)
Keep the good work going,
Sorry, but i have to disagree. I hope you won't take this reply 
personally, Michele, since it's directed to all c.l.py readers, as well 
as (particularly) at Python users who [unlike you] are mostly take and 
rather less give. Although this is inherently the nature of open source, 
in certain cases this can be taken too far.

Now, the reason for this specific rant is this: I can tell a cry for 
help when I see one. Brett has done a magnificent job of providing 
python-dev summaries since Andrew decided he'd had enough, and he is to 
be congratulated for it. I managed to offload another bunch of work on 
him (moderation of various troublesome PyCon mailing lists), but at 
least I was able to recompense him by letting him into PyCon for nothing.

But frankly, I think it's time someone else stood up and said "Brett, 
you've done a magnificent job. Hesitant though I am about replacing you, 
I would like to volunteer for the task, because only when you are free 
from the burden of writing the python-dev summaries will we see what 
else you are capable of". Since I am at best an intermittent reader of 
python-dev I can say this without fear of having to stand up myself.

[I am going to use this to reply to both Steve and Martin]
As Steve mentioned above, he can spot a cry for help when he sees one.  I think 
the problem is that I am a total sucker when it comes to the Python community 
and python-dev.

Anyone who has been on the python-dev list for as long as I have been a 
participant has most likely seen my almost yearly "thank you" emails I send the 
list (which there will probably be another one of once I choose where I am 
going to pursue my doctorate; I have acceptances but I am still waiting to here 
back from 9 more schools).  Usually it is just me gushing to python-dev, 
thanking the list for how Python has gotten me where I am today.  And that 
statement is completely sincere; python-dev has sculpted me into the programmer 
that I am (does this mean I can blame python-dev for my own buggy code?  =). 
And for that I will be eternally grateful to all of the wonderful people I have 
gotten to work with and know on this list.

It has also made me want to help people to get involved on python-dev in hopes 
others would benefit from python-dev the same way I have.  Granted, python-dev 
tends not to attract people like I was when I started getting involved (a 
philosophy degree and 4 CS courses does not equal a good programmer by default 
 =), but I have always hoped that through my efforts some other people could 
come to enjoy hacking on Python, learn some things, and advance the language.

But I think the big problem is that the Summaries have become a "gift" in the 
truest sense of the word.  I lost all personal benefit from the Summaries over 
a year ago.  Initially I learned a ton from all of the reading I was doing and 
the research required to understand what the heck people were talking about. 
But I have graduated from "The School of Hard Knocks".  At this point I do the 
Summaries entirely altruistically, giving back what I can to the community in a 
way that I know benefits many people which happens to have zero benefit to me now.

The Summaries consume what little free time I do have for Python which is 
unfortunate.  I have always hoped I would get to the point in my programming 
abilities that I would be a larger asset to python-dev as a programmer than as 
a writer.  I would like to think I have reached that point finally after my 
over two and a half years on the list (I can't believe I first posted to the 
list on June 17, 2002!).

So, to make sure I don't squander what time I do have for Python waiting for a 
possible replacement that might never come, I have decided that I am going to 
stop doing the python-dev Summaries after PyCon; the Summary covering the last 
half of March 2005 will be it for me.  Hopefully I will be more valuable as an 
active participant on python-dev again instead of as a passive listener who 
just happens to chime in on occasion and squash a simple bug when I am 
procrastinating from doing my homework.

This has been a long time coming and I needed a swift kick in the ass to 
finally get me to stop.  I thank you, Steve, for giving me that kick like the 
English gentleman you are.  =)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: python-dev Summary for 2005-01-16 through 2005-01-31

2005-03-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Steve Holden wrote:
Now, the reason for this specific rant is this: I can tell a cry for 
help when I see one. Brett has done a magnificent job of providing 
python-dev summaries since Andrew decided he'd had enough, and he is to 
be congratulated for it. I managed to offload another bunch of work on 
him (moderation of various troublesome PyCon mailing lists), but at 
least I was able to recompense him by letting him into PyCon for nothing.
The more I participate, the more I can relate to Eric Raymond's notion
of a "gift society". Volunteers give their contributions to the
community just because they want to, and they may get recognition in
return. But because these are gifts, you can just stop giving them away
at any time, and nobody should feel bad about doing so. The community
only is only entitled to the contributor saying so - finding somebody
else to step in is indeed optional.
I don't actually know whether Brett would prefer to hand over the
python-dev summaries to somebody else, but if he wants to, he could
just *stop* publishing them, with nobody taking over, and my
appreciation of this contribution would not change at all. Continuing
it until a new volunteer steps forward is, as I said, truly optional.
I still recall when Tim Peters reappeared in the net (even though
I haven't been around long enough to remember him disappear), and
I know I didn't understand all the cheering and praising (I do
now, of course). So their isn't anything wrong with taking a
vacation from a project for some time, not even if the vacation
takes a few years :-)
Enough ranting.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Decimal & returning NotImplemented (or not)

2005-03-01 Thread Neil Schemenauer
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 11:45:43PM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Interesting. In that case, my other suggestion was to have raising 
> NotImplementedError from a special method be the equivalent of returning 
> NotImplemented (which makes life much easier for a class like Decimal which 
> has an internal method for doing the type conversion).

NotImplementedError has nothing to do with the NotImplemented
singleton.  It's unfortunate about the naming.  IMO, Decimal should
be returning NotImplemented instead of raising TypeError.  That
could be considered a bug but I'd file it under new functionality
for the purposes of backporting (i.e. fix it in 2.5 only).

Python-Dev mailing list

RE: [Python-Dev] Legacy bugs on SF

2005-03-01 Thread Batista, Facundo
Title: RE: [Python-Dev] Legacy bugs on SF

[Reinhold Birkenfeld]

#- The month is over now, so what to do with them?

The "month" is like a minimum time limit.

I got separated and moved to my parent house. I still don't have internet connection, so I have this work a bit overdue.

But I'll continue it, and eventually will reach the bugs where I alerted, and will close it, and will review the others (be aware that I'm not alerting every bug, I try to check every one when possible to see if it's still a bug, if was fixed, if the context changed to it has no sense any more, etc...).

#- Note that there are other very old bugs, e.g. in the 
#- "Platform-specific"
#- group, which I think may be closed too.


.    Facundo

Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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Muchas Gracias.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Legacy bugs on SF

2005-03-01 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld

still in 2004, this comment was added to old bugs with groups Python2.*:

Please, could you verify if this problem persists in Python
or 2.4?

If yes, in which version? Can you provide a test case?

If the problem is solved, from which version?

Note that if you fail to answer in one month, I'll close this
as "Won't fix".


The month is over now, so what to do with them?

Note that there are other very old bugs, e.g. in the "Platform-specific"
group, which I think may be closed too.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Decimal & returning NotImplemented (or not)

2005-03-01 Thread Nick Coghlan
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
Try to address this in a larger context than decimal.  The same sort of
logic is present in sets.py and in datetime objects.
Interesting. In that case, my other suggestion was to have raising 
NotImplementedError from a special method be the equivalent of returning 
NotImplemented (which makes life much easier for a class like Decimal which has 
an internal method for doing the type conversion).

Then a class ("NotImplementedTypeError"?) that inherited from both 
NotImplementedError and TypeError could be used to fix the problem in a fairly 
backward compatible way - the PyNumber machinery would see the NotImplemented 
error, and try the other available operators before falling back to generating 
its own TypeError, while direct calls with invalid arguments would still be 
raising a subclass of TypeError, so existing code to catch TypeError from direct 
calls would continue to function.

I didn't suggest this initially, since I didn't realise Decimal wasn't the only 
class with the problem, and I'm sure messing with PyNumber_* isn't possible for 
the 2.4 series :)

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

RE: [Python-Dev] Decimal & returning NotImplemented (or not)

2005-03-01 Thread Raymond Hettinger
> A recent question on c.l.p pointed out that the 2.4 Decimal
> raises TypeError directly for operator arguments it doesn't
> instead
> of returning NotImplemented.
> Obviously, this creates problems for anyone trying to define a class
> 'plays
> nicely' with Decimal (but does not inherit from Decimal), since their
> __rop__
> methods never get called - Decimal's TypeError gets in the way.

Try to address this in a larger context than decimal.  The same sort of
logic is present in sets.py and in datetime objects.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Decimal & returning NotImplemented (or not)

2005-03-01 Thread Nick Coghlan
A recent question on c.l.p pointed out that the 2.4 Decimal implementation 
raises TypeError directly for operator arguments it doesn't understand, instead 
of returning NotImplemented.

Obviously, this creates problems for anyone trying to define a class that 'plays 
nicely' with Decimal (but does not inherit from Decimal), since their __rop__ 
methods never get called - Decimal's TypeError gets in the way.

I had another look at the PEP and didn't see anything on this topic, and I can't 
recall any discussion on the topic either on this list, or directly with Raymond 
and Facundo (Google doesn't have anything, either).

My current thoughts run as follows:
1. The standard binary operations (that is, '/', '*', '+', '-', '%', '**', '//', 
divmod(), cmp()) should be returning NotImplemented instead of raising TypeError 

2. The method-only operations should continue to raise TypeErrors
3. Invocations via Context methods should continue to raise TypeErrors
I was going to say this couldn't be fixed for Python 2.4 because it was a 
semantic change. But I modified my local copy to work this way, and the full 
Decimal test suite passed without any issue.

For syntax-based access, the bad call still results in a TypeError from the 
PyNumber_* machinery, and there isn't anything in the docs that says anything 
about whether a bad operand in a direct call to a special method results in 
NotImplemented being returned or TypeError being raised.

So, 2 questions:
1. Should Python 2.5's C implementation of Decimal follow the standard numeric 
coercion rules as described above?
2. Is it reasonable to class this as a bugfix and fix the Python version for 
2.4.2? (2.4.1's a bit too soon for my liking)

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Re: python-dev Summary for 2005-01-16 through 2005-01-31

2005-03-01 Thread Steve Holden
Michele Simionato wrote [on c.l.py]:
Brett Cannon:
[... python-dev summary ... boilerplate change ...]
+1 for this idea. The summary looks much better now :)
Keep the good work going,
Sorry, but i have to disagree. I hope you won't take this reply 
personally, Michele, since it's directed to all c.l.py readers, as well 
as (particularly) at Python users who [unlike you] are mostly take and 
rather less give. Although this is inherently the nature of open source, 
in certain cases this can be taken too far.

I have a long history of doing things, and an equally long history 
giving up doing them. This stems from a personal belief that organic 
growth (IMHO the healthiest type) will only be engendered by variety.

I was the Chairman of the Sun UK User Group once.
When I was elected I said I would serve for two years, and when I 
resigned after two years many people said to me "Steve, please 
reconsider your decision". I observed, perhaps somewhat cynically, that 
most of the people who said this were motivated by the wish to avoid the 
pain of locating and electing a new chairman.

Guess what ... when I refused to reconsider they found a new chairman, 
who was at least as good as me (I thought he was better), and life 
carried on. If you were to ask a member of the Sun UK User Group now the 
name of their second chairman I'd be very surprised if they had any idea 
who the hell Steve Holden was. (Historical note: the first chairman was 
Chris Brown, and nobody will remember him either).

Now, the reason for this specific rant is this: I can tell a cry for 
help when I see one. Brett has done a magnificent job of providing 
python-dev summaries since Andrew decided he'd had enough, and he is to 
be congratulated for it. I managed to offload another bunch of work on 
him (moderation of various troublesome PyCon mailing lists), but at 
least I was able to recompense him by letting him into PyCon for nothing.

I can say this because I am confident that nobody will even think of 
suggesting that Brett's contribution to the Python community doesn't 
entitle him to a free place at PyCon. I suspect most readers of this 
list would feel the same about Guido (I certainly hope so, because he 
too is a free-loader this year :-). I would actually like a free place 
at PyCon to represent recognition of significant contributions to the 
Python community, but there is a conflict here with another of my goals 
(raising funds for the PSF).

But frankly, I think it's time someone else stood up and said "Brett, 
you've done a magnificent job. Hesitant though I am about replacing you, 
I would like to volunteer for the task, because only when you are free 
from the burden of writing the python-dev summaries will we see what 
else you are capable of". Since I am at best an intermittent reader of 
python-dev I can say this without fear of having to stand up myself.

Oops, I'm rambling. I guess what I'm trying to say boils down to "Ask 
not what the Python community can do for you ...", and anyone who can't 
provide the remainder of the analogy is too young to consider themselves 
a victim of this post, and can claim a free ticket until they are old 
enough ti understand what history is.

I like to think that although I don't make frequent checkins to the code 
base I do *something* to engender the Python community spirit (though I 
don't consider my own interpretation of that spirit to uniquely define 
it), and I'm damned sure Brett has done his share.

It would be great if just a *few* more people who are currently 
consuming the fruits of our labors would stop sitting on the sidelines 
shouting "great job!" and roll their sleeves up.

I hope I'll be able to put these remarks in a corporate context for 
PyCon - which astute readers will have noticed will be my last PyCon as 
chairman. I am happy to say that Andrew Kuchling has finally admitted 
his lust for power and confirmed that he is prepared to act as chairman 
for 2006, and I wish him well. More later

one-more-thing-given-up-ly y'rs  - steve
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python Dev] PEP 309

2005-03-01 Thread Nick Coghlan
Steven Bethard wrote:
(I'm also secretly hoping that map, filter,
reduce, etc. will be moved to the functional module in the future,
maybe in Python 3.0.  But that's probably just my love for list
comprehensions and generator expressions speaking.) ;-)
Given Guido's stated desire to get rid of those three, but also given the fact 
that sometimes they're just plain clearer than the equivalent list comp (e.g. 
performing a type conversion on an entire list), having the functional module as 
a place to eventually put them seemed like a fine idea to me.

I'm actually half-tempted to suggest that those three functions should be 
aliased in the functional module for 2.5 (in addition to being in builtins - ala 
the contents of the exceptions module).

I also agree with your other point - with a functional module in place, it 
becomes more feasible to give the functional programming folks a few extra tools 
without impacting too badly on those people that *aren't* interested in FP 
related stuff.

Maybe we should open a book on the next method to make it into functional. 
Compose, perhaps?

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list