Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Phillip.eby wrote:
> Author: phillip.eby
> Date: Tue Apr 18 02:59:55 2006
> New Revision: 45510
> Modified:
> Log:
> Second phase of refactoring for runpy, pkgutil, pydoc, and setuptools
> to share common PEP 302 support code, as described here:

Shouldn't this new module be named "pkglib" to be in line with
the naming scheme used for all the other utility modules, e.g. httplib,
imaplib, poplib, etc. ?

> pydoc now supports PEP 302 importers, by way of utility functions in
> pkgutil, such as 'walk_packages()'.  It will properly document
> modules that are in zip files, and is backward compatible to Python
> 2.3 (setuptools installs for Python <2.5 will bundle it so pydoc
> doesn't break when used with eggs.)

Are you saying that the installation of setuptools in Python 2.3
and 2.4 will then overwrite the standard pydoc included with
those versions ?

I think that's the wrong way to go if not made an explicit
option in the installation process or a separate installation

I bothered by the fact that installing setuptools actually changes
the standard Python installation by either overriding stdlib modules
or monkey-patching them at setuptools import time.

> What has not changed is that pydoc command line options do not support
> zip paths or other importer paths, and the webserver index does not
> support sys.meta_path.  Those are probably okay as limitations.
> Tasks remaining: write docs and Misc/NEWS for pkgutil/pydoc changes,
> and update setuptools to use pkgutil wherever possible, then add it
> to the stdlib.

Add setuptools to the stdlib ? I'm still missing the PEP for this
along with the needed discussion touching among other things,
the change of the distutils standard "python install"
to install an egg instead of a site package.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 18 2006)
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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] possible fix for recursive __call__ segfault

2006-04-18 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Brett,

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:34:16PM -0700, Brett Cannon wrote:
> +   if (meth == self) {
> +   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
> +   "recursive __call__ definition");
> +   return NULL;
> +   }

This is not the proper way, as it can be worked around with a pair of
objects whose __call__ point to each other.  The solution is to use the
counter of Py_{Enter,Leave}RecursiveCall(), as was done for old-style
classes (see classobject.c).

By the way, this is a known problem: the example you show is
Lib/test/crashers/, and the four other
infinite_rec_*.py are all slightly more subtle ways to trigger a similar
infinite loop in C.  They point to the SF bug report at, where we discuss the problem in general.
Basically, someone should try to drop many
Py_{Enter,Leave}RecursiveCall() pairs in the source until all the
currently-known bugs go away, and then measure if this has a noticeable
performance impact.

A bientot,

Mr. 8 Of The 12 Files In That Directory
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-18 Thread Andrew MacIntyre
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

> It can't be that simple. Python's stdout should indeed be inherited
> from cmd.exe, but that, in turn, should have obtained it from
> buildbot. So even though cmd.exe closes its handle, Python's handle
> should still be fine. If buildbot then closes the other end of the
> pipe, Python should get ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE. The only deadlock I
> can see here is when buildbot does *not* close the pipe, but stops
> reading from it. In that case, Python's WriteFile would block.
> If that happens, it would be useful to attach with a debugger to
> find out where Python got stuck.

I doubt it has anything to do with this issue, but I just thought I'd
mention something strange I've encountered on Windows XP Pro (SP2) at

If Python terminates due to an uncaught exception, with stdout & stderr
redirected externally (ie within the batch file that started Python),
the files that were redirected to cannot be deleted/renamed until the
system is rebooted.

If a bare except is used to trap any such exceptions (and the traceback
printed explicitly) so that Python terminates normally, there is no
problem (ie the redirected files can be deleted/renamed etc).

I've never reported this as a Python bug because I've considered the
antivirus SW likely to be the culprit.  I don't recall seeing this with
Windows 2000, but much was changed in the transition from the Win2k SOE
to the WinXP SOE.

A wild shot at best...

Andrew I MacIntyre "These thoughts are mine alone..."
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (pref) | Snail: PO Box 370
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (alt) |Belconnen ACT 2616
Web:   |Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Gustavo Carneiro
why include Construct?* the struct module is very nice, but very limited and non-pythonic as well
* pure python (no platform/security issues)  IMHO this is a drawback.  More on this below.
* lots of people need to parse and build binary data structures, it's not an esoteric library
* license: public domain* quite a large user base for such a short time (proves the need of the community)  Indeed, I wish I had known about this a year ago; it would have saved me a lot of work.  Of course it probably didn't exist a year ago...  :(
 * easy to use and extend (follows the componentization pattern)
* declarative: you don't need to write executable code for most cases
  Well, declarative is less flexible.  OTOH declarative is nice in the way it is more readable and allows more optimisations.
why not:* the code is (very) young. stable and all, but less than a month on the loose. * new features may still be added / existing ones may be changed in a non-backwards-compatible manner
so why am i saying this now, instead of waiting a few months for it to maturet? 
well, i wanted to get feedback.
those of you who have seen/used the library, please tell me what you think:* is it suitable for a standard library?
* what more features would you want?* any changes you think are necessary?  This is a very nice library indeed.  But the number one feature that I need in something like this would be to use C.  That's because of my application specific requirements, where i have observed that reapeatedly using 
struct.pack/unpack and reading bytes from a stream represents a considerable CPU overhead, whereas the same thing in C would be ultra fast.  IMHO, at least in theory Construct could have small but fast C extension to take care of the encoding and decoding, which is the critical path.  Everything else, like the declaration part, can be python, as it is usually done once on application startup.
  If you agree to go down this path I might even be able to volunteer some of my time to help, but it's not my decision.   Best regards.
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 343: confusing context terminology

2006-04-18 Thread A.M. Kuchling
PEP 343 says:

This PEP proposes that the protocol used by the with statement be
known as the "context management protocol", and that objects that
implement that protocol be known as "context managers". The term
"context" then encompasses all objects with a __context__() method
that returns a context manager (this means that all context managers
are contexts, but not all contexts are context managers).

I read this paragraph as meaning:

context = 'thing with __context__()'
context manager = 'thing returned by __context__()'

So in a 'with' statement:

with A as B:

A is a context; the context manager is internal and unavailable.

The PEP uses this terminology, but the documentation for contextlib
seems to reverse things.  The decorator is called '@contextmanager',
not '@context', and the text says things like:

Note that you can use [EMAIL PROTECTED] to define a context
manager's \method{__context__} method.  This is usually more convenient
than creating another class just to serve as a context.  For example:


\begin{funcdesc}{nested}{ctx1\optional{, ctx2\optional{, ...}}}
Combine multiple context managers into a single nested context manager.

ref/ref3.tex uses the terms one way, then reverses them:

A \dfn{context manager} is an object that manages the entry
to, and exit from, a \dfn{context} surrounding a block of
code.  Context managers are normally invoked using the
\keyword{with} statement (described in section~\ref{with}),
but can also be used by directly invoking their methods.

\begin{methoddesc}[context manager]{__context__}{self} 

Invoked when the object is used as the context expression of a
\keyword{with} statement.  The return value must implement
\method{__enter__()} and \method{__exit__()} methods.  Simple
context managers that wish to directly implement
\method{__enter__()} and \method{__exit__()} should just
return \var{self}.

Context managers written in Python can also implement this
method using a generator function decorated with the
\function{contextlib.contextmanager} decorator, as this can be
simpler than writing individual \method{__enter__()} and
\method{__exit__()} methods when the state to be managed is

Personally, I find this terminology counterintuitive.  The "What's
New" uses 'context manager = thing with __context()' because I read
the first paragraph quoted from PEP 343, got confused, decided it
couldn't possibly mean what it said, and fell back
on the intuition that a 'manager' is usually a big
long-lived thing while a 'context' is more likely to be a transient
thing that exists for the duration of a statement and is then

So, my questions:

1) Am I misunderstanding the PEP?  Is 
   'context = 'thing with __context__()' really the PEP's

2) If the answer to 1) is 'yes', can we change the PEP?  

   My intuition is that a 'manager' keeps track of multiple
   entities being managed; to have a single 'context' produce
   multiple 'context managers' over time seems exactly

   I think I understand the logic behind the name -- that the
   context manager *manages* the entry to and exit from the
   block -- but think 'Manager' is the wrong term for this
   because the object is really encapsulating a
   procedure/algorithm, not managing a set of objects.  The
   closest GoF pattern name might be 'Strategy', which is
   still a bit of a stretch.

3) If the answer to 2) is "buzz off" :), the documentation
   (lib/contextlib, RefGuide, and What's New) needs to be fixed 
   to use the terminology consistent with PEP 343.  I'll do
   the "What's New", but someone else would have to update the
   other two.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread tomer filiba
Indeed, I wish I had known about this a year ago; it would have saved
me a lot of work.  Of course it probably didn't exist a year ago...  :(
well, yeah. many people need "parsing-abilities", but they resort to ad-hoc parsers using struct/some ad-hoc implementation of their own. there clearly is a need for a generic, strong, and extensible parsing/building mechanism.
Well, declarative is less flexible.  OTOH declarative is nice in the way it is more readable and allows more optimisations.
i don't think "less flexible" is the term. it's certainly different, but if you need something specific, you can always subclass a construct on your own. other than that, being declarative means easy to read/write/maintain/debug/upgrage (to a newer version of the library). 
  IMHO, at least in theory Construct could have small but fast C
extension to take care of the encoding and decoding, which is the
critical path.  Everything else, like the declaration part, can be
python, as it is usually done once on application startup.
well, i expected the encodings package to have a str.encode("bin") and str.decode("bin")... for some reason there's no such codec. it's a pity.
This is a very nice library indeed.  But the number one feature that I
need in something like this would be to use C.  That's because of my
application specific requirements, where i have observed that
reapeatedly using struct.pack/unpack and reading bytes from a stream
represents a considerable CPU overhead, whereas the same thing in C
would be ultra fast.well, you must have the notion of a "stream", i.e., go back and forth, be able to read/write bits/bytes at arbitrary locations, etc. i thought of moving the library to pyrex, and compiling it, but the number of critical parts is very small -- basically only the Repeater class could be improved by writing it in C. 
i mean, most of the time is consumed at creating objects in the objects tree, etc. for example, the Struct class simply iterates over the nested construsts and parses each of the in that sequence. doing a pythonic iteration of a C-level iteration over a pythonic object is practically the same. 
 If you agree to go down this path I might even be able to volunteer some of my time to help, but it's not my decision.
well, mainly i'm looking for ideas. just moving it to c wouldnt be too helpful. some ideas i have:* making the stream work with bytes instead of bits, so that memory consumption would decrease 8-fold... but then parsing unaligned fields (either by size of position) is gonna be a headache
* unifying the context tree with the parsing/building tree, to create less objects on the fly (but it has some issues)* using lambda functions for meta expressions, instead of eval(string) -- perhaps it's faster, but lambda is getting deprecated by python3k :(
apart from that, i'm rely on inheritance in many places. if some classes are written in C and some in python, i'm not sure how it could work (can a C class inherit a pythonic one? would it be easy to extend?). and, that means users would have to compile the C sources, while now all they have to do is extract a zip file. and then i'd have to write makefiles, and maintain those also... it's getting dirty. i like the painless "unzip-and-use" installation.
so if you have ideas, i'd be happy to hear those.thanks,-tomerOn 4/18/06, Gustavo Carneiro <
why include Construct?* the struct module is very nice, but very limited and non-pythonic as well
* pure python (no platform/security issues)  IMHO this is a drawback.  More on this below.

* lots of people need to parse and build binary data structures, it's not an esoteric library
* license: public domain* quite a large user base for such a short time (proves the need of the community)  Indeed, I wish I had known about this a year ago; it would have saved me a lot of work.  Of course it probably didn't exist a year ago...  :(
* easy to use and extend (follows the componentization pattern)
* declarative: you don't need to write executable code for most cases
  Well, declarative is less flexible.  OTOH declarative is nice in the way it is more readable and allows more optimisations.

why not:* the code is (very) young. stable and all, but less than a month on the loose. * new features may still be added / existing ones may be changed in a non-backwards-compatible manner
so why am i saying this now, instead of waiting a few months for it to maturet? 
well, i wanted to get feedback.
those of you who have seen/used the library, please tell me what you think:* is it suitable for a standard library?

* what more features would you want?* any changes you think are necessary?  This is a very nice library indeed.  But the number one feature that I need in something like this would be to use C.  That's because of my application specific requirements, where i have observed that reapeatedly using 
struct.pack/unpack and reading bytes from a stream represents a considerable CPU overhead, whereas

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 10:55 AM 4/18/2006 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>Phillip.eby wrote:
> > Author: phillip.eby
> > Date: Tue Apr 18 02:59:55 2006
> > New Revision: 45510
> >
> > Modified:
> >python/trunk/Lib/
> >python/trunk/Lib/
> > Log:
> > Second phase of refactoring for runpy, pkgutil, pydoc, and setuptools
> > to share common PEP 302 support code, as described here:
> >
> >
>Shouldn't this new module be named "pkglib" to be in line with
>the naming scheme used for all the other utility modules, e.g. httplib,
>imaplib, poplib, etc. ?

It's not a new module; it was previously a module with only one function in 
it, introduced in Python 2.3.  If it were a new module, I'd have inquired 
about a name for it first.

> > pydoc now supports PEP 302 importers, by way of utility functions in
> > pkgutil, such as 'walk_packages()'.  It will properly document
> > modules that are in zip files, and is backward compatible to Python
> > 2.3 (setuptools installs for Python <2.5 will bundle it so pydoc
> > doesn't break when used with eggs.)
>Are you saying that the installation of setuptools in Python 2.3
>and 2.4 will then overwrite the standard pydoc included with
>those versions ?

Yes.  As far as I can tell, there were no API changes to pydoc during this 
time, so this is effectively a "hot fix".

This hot-fixing doesn't apply to setuptools system packages built with 
--root or --single-version-externally-managed, however, so OS vendors who 
build packages that wrap setuptools will have to make an explicit decision 
whether to also apply any fixes.  If they do not, an end-user can of course 
install setuptools in their local PYTHONPATH and the hotfix will take effect.

>I bothered by the fact that installing setuptools actually changes
>the standard Python installation by either overriding stdlib modules
>or monkey-patching them at setuptools import time.

Please feel free to propose alternative solutions that will still ensure 
that setuptools "just works" for end-users.  Both this and the pydoc hotfix 
are "practicality beats purity" issues.

>Add setuptools to the stdlib ? I'm still missing the PEP for this
>along with the needed discussion touching among other things,
>the change of the distutils standard "python install"
>to install an egg instead of a site package.

Setuptools in the stdlib simply means that people wanting to use it can 
import it.  It does not affect programs that do not import it.  It also 
means that "python -m easy_install" is available without having to first 

As for discussion, Guido originally brought up the question here a few 
months ago, and it's been listed in PEP 356 for a while.  I've also posted 
things related to the inclusion both here and in distutils-sig.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 343: confusing context terminology

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 10:04 AM 4/18/2006 -0400, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
>PEP 343 says:
> This PEP proposes that the protocol used by the with statement be
> known as the "context management protocol", and that objects that
> implement that protocol be known as "context managers". The term
> "context" then encompasses all objects with a __context__() method
> that returns a context manager (this means that all context managers
> are contexts, but not all contexts are context managers).
>I read this paragraph as meaning:
> context = 'thing with __context__()'
> context manager = 'thing returned by __context__()'
>So in a 'with' statement:
>with A as B:
> ...
>A is a context; the context manager is internal and unavailable.

I believe this is backwards.  But then again, I would think that, since I 
wrote the documentation that takes the opposite tack.  :)

Partly, that's because I agree with your intuition about long-livedness of 
"manager", but mostly it's because the PEP is where the "contextmanager" 
decorator originated, and because it doesn't make any sense to call the 
method __context__() if it returns a context *manager*.  :)

> 1) Am I misunderstanding the PEP?  Is
>'context = 'thing with __context__()' really the PEP's
> 2) If the answer to 1) is 'yes', can we change the PEP?
>My intuition is that a 'manager' keeps track of multiple
>entities being managed; to have a single 'context' produce
>multiple 'context managers' over time seems exactly
>I think I understand the logic behind the name -- that the
>context manager *manages* the entry to and exit from the
>block -- but think 'Manager' is the wrong term for this
>because the object is really encapsulating a
>procedure/algorithm, not managing a set of objects.  The
>closest GoF pattern name might be 'Strategy', which is
>still a bit of a stretch.

I think we should correct the PEP.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Place for setuptools manuals and source for .exe files?

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
Now that setuptools is in the trunk, I need to also add its manuals and the 
source for its .exe files.  These currently live only in the sandbox.

First, the C source, used to create the 'gui.exe' and 'cli.exe' launchers 
that setuptools uses to create script wrappers on Windows.  The source 
currently lives at sandbox/trunk/setuptools/launcher.c - should I create a 
PC/setuptools directory (analagous to PC/bdist_wininst) to put it in?  Do I 
need to make it buildable with the MS toolchain?  I currently build it with 
MinGW, as the code doesn't link with Python at all; it's strictly a 
standalone .exe, like w9xpopen.  And its usage is similar to 
bdist_wininst's .exe header, in that it's used by setuptools as data during 
runtime, and the .exe is directly kept in revision control.  So it doesn't 
need to be a part of the normal build process, but would only be rebuilt if 
there are any changes to the source.

Second, the manuals.  Setuptools currently has three:

pkg_resources.txt -- the reference manual for the pkg_resources module

setuptools.txt -- a developer's guide to using setuptools to package 
projects for distribution

EasyInstall.txt -- a user's manual for the easy_install package 
installation tool.

It's pretty clear that pkg_resources.txt should be converted to a standard 
library reference chapter, since that's essentially what it is.  The other 
two manuals, however, are roughly the setuptools versions of "distributing 
Python modules" and "installing Python modules", respectively.  Should they 
be listed as separate manuals?

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Updated: PEP 359: The make statement

2006-04-18 Thread Steven Bethard
I've updated PEP 359 with a bunch of the recent suggestions.  The
patch is available at:
and I've pasted the full text below.

I've tried to be more explicit about the goals -- the make statement
is mostly syntactic sugar for::

   class  :
   __metaclass__ = 

so that you don't have to lie to your readers when you're not actually
creating a class.  I've also added some new examples and expanded the
discussion of the old ones to give the statement some better
motivation.  And I've expanded the Open Issues discussions to consider
a few alternate keywords and to indicate some of the difficulties in
allowing a ``__make_dict__`` attribute for customizing the dict in
which the block is executed.

PEP: 359
Title: The "make" Statement
Version: $Revision: 45366 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2006-04-13 07:36:24 -0600 (Thu, 13 Apr 2006) $
Author: Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 05-Apr-2006
Python-Version: 2.6
Post-History: 05-Apr-2006, 06-Apr-2006, 13-Apr-2006


This PEP proposes a generalization of the class-declaration syntax,
the ``make`` statement.  The proposed syntax and semantics parallel
the syntax for class definition, and so::

   make   :

is translated into the assignment::

= ("", , )

where  is the dict created by executing .
This is mostly syntactic sugar for::

   class  :
   __metaclass__ = 

and is intended to help more clearly express the intent of the
statement when something other than a class is being created. Of
course, other syntax for such a statement is possible, but it is
hoped that by keeping a strong parallel to the class statement, an
understanding of how classes and metaclasses work will translate into
an understanding of how the make-statement works as well.

The PEP is based on a suggestion [1]_ from Michele Simionato on the
python-dev list.


Class statements provide two nice facilities to Python:

  (1) They execute a block of statements and provide the resulting
  bindings as a dict to the metaclass.

  (2) They encourage DRY (don't repeat yourself) by allowing the class
  being created to know the name it is being assigned.

Thus in a simple class statement like::

 class C(object):
 x = 1
 def foo(self):
 return 'bar'

the metaclass (``type``) gets called with something like::

C = type('C', (object,), {'x':1, 'foo':})

The class statement is just syntactic sugar for the above assignment
statement, but clearly a very useful sort of syntactic sugar.  It
avoids not only the repetition of ``C``, but also simplifies the
creation of the dict by allowing it to be expressed as a series of

Historically, type instances (a.k.a. class objects) have been the
only objects blessed with this sort of syntactic support.  The make
statement aims to extend this support to other sorts of objects where
such syntax would also be useful.

Example: simple namespaces

Let's say I have some attributes in a module that I access like::



and since "Namespaces are one honking great idea", I'd like to be
able to access these attributes instead as::



I currently have two main options:

  (1) Turn the module into a package, turn ``roletypes`` and
  ``format`` into submodules, and move the attributes to
  the submodules.

  (2) Create ``roletypes`` and ``format`` classes, and move the
  attributes to the classes.

The former is a fair chunk of refactoring work, and produces two
tiny modules without much content.  The latter keeps the attributes
local to the module, but creates classes when there is no intention
of ever creating instances of those classes.

In situations like this, it would be nice to simply be able to
declare a "namespace" to hold the few attributes. With the new make
statement, I could introduce my new namespaces with something like::

make namespace roletypes:
thematic = ...
opinion = ...

make namespace format:
text = ...
html = ...

and keep my attributes local to the module without making classes
that are never intended to be instantiated. One definition of
namespace that would make this work is::

class namespace(object):
def __init__(self, name, args, kwargs):

Given this definition, at the end of the make-statements above,
``roletypes`` and ``format`` would be namespace instances.

Example: gui objects

In gui toolkits, objects like frames and panels are often associated
with attributes and functions. With the make-statement, code that
looks something like::

root = Tkinter.Tk()
frame = Tkinter.Frame(

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ([Python-checkins] r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 10:55 AM 4/18/2006 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Phillip.eby wrote:
>> > Author: phillip.eby
>> > Date: Tue Apr 18 02:59:55 2006
>> > New Revision: 45510
>> >
>> > Modified:
>> >python/trunk/Lib/
>> >python/trunk/Lib/
>> > Log:
>> > Second phase of refactoring for runpy, pkgutil, pydoc, and setuptools
>> > to share common PEP 302 support code, as described here:
>> >
>> >
>> Shouldn't this new module be named "pkglib" to be in line with
>> the naming scheme used for all the other utility modules, e.g. httplib,
>> imaplib, poplib, etc. ?
> It's not a new module; it was previously a module with only one function
> in it, introduced in Python 2.3.  If it were a new module, I'd have
> inquired about a name for it first.

Didn't realize that. Too bad the time machine didn't work on
this one :-/

>> > pydoc now supports PEP 302 importers, by way of utility functions in
>> > pkgutil, such as 'walk_packages()'.  It will properly document
>> > modules that are in zip files, and is backward compatible to Python
>> > 2.3 (setuptools installs for Python <2.5 will bundle it so pydoc
>> > doesn't break when used with eggs.)
>> Are you saying that the installation of setuptools in Python 2.3
>> and 2.4 will then overwrite the standard pydoc included with
>> those versions ?
> Yes.  As far as I can tell, there were no API changes to pydoc during
> this time, so this is effectively a "hot fix".

Why should a 3rd party extension be hot-fixing the standard
Python distribution ?

> This hot-fixing doesn't apply to setuptools system packages built with
> --root or --single-version-externally-managed, however, so OS vendors
> who build packages that wrap setuptools will have to make an explicit
> decision whether to also apply any fixes.  If they do not, an end-user
> can of course install setuptools in their local PYTHONPATH and the
> hotfix will take effect.

What does setuptools have to do with pydoc ? Why should a user
installing setuptools assume that some arbitrary stdlib modules
get (effectively) replaced by installing setuptools ?

If you want to provide a hot fix for Python 2.3 and 2.4, you
should make this a separate install, so that users are aware
that their Python distribution is about to get modified in ways
that have nothing to do with setuptools.

>> I bothered by the fact that installing setuptools actually changes
>> the standard Python installation by either overriding stdlib modules
>> or monkey-patching them at setuptools import time.
> Please feel free to propose alternative solutions that will still ensure
> that setuptools "just works" for end-users.  Both this and the pydoc
> hotfix are "practicality beats purity" issues.

Not really. I'd consider them design flaws.

distutils is built to be extended without having to monkey-patch
it, e.g. you can easily override commands with your own variants
by supplying them via the cmdclass and distclass keyword arguments
to setup().

By monkey patching distutils during import of setuptools,
you effectively *change* distutils at run-time and not only
for the application space that you implement in setuptools,
but for all the rest of the application.

If an application wants to use setuptools for e.g. plugin
management, then standard distutils features will get
replaced by setuptools implementations which are not compatible
to the standard distutils commands, effectively making it
impossible to access the original versions.

Monkey patching is only a last resort in case nothing
else works. In this case, it's not needed, since distutils
provides the interfaces needed to extend its command classes
via the setup() call.

See e.g. in the eGenix extensions for an example
of how effective the distutils design can be put to use
without having to introduce lots of unwanted side-effects.

>> Add setuptools to the stdlib ? I'm still missing the PEP for this
>> along with the needed discussion touching among other things,
>> the change of the distutils standard "python install"
>> to install an egg instead of a site package.
> Setuptools in the stdlib simply means that people wanting to use it can
> import it.  It does not affect programs that do not import it.  It also
> means that "python -m easy_install" is available without having to first
> download

Doesn't really seem like much of an argument for the
addition... the above is true for any 3rd party module.

> As for discussion, Guido originally brought up the question here a few
> months ago, and it's been listed in PEP 356 for a while.  I've also
> posted things related to the inclusion both here and in distutils-sig.

I know, but the discussions haven't really helped much in
getting the setuptools design compatible with standard

Unless that's being put in place, I'm -1 on the addition,
due to the invasive nature of setuptools and its vari

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5a1 Performance

2006-04-18 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Anthony Baxter wrote:
> On Thursday 06 April 2006 04:10, Benji York wrote:
>> On a related note: it might be nice to put a pystone run in the
>> buildbot so it'd be easier to compare pystones across different
>> releases, different architectures, and between particular changes
>> to the code. (That's assuming that the machines are otherwise idle,
>> though.) --
> -1.
> A bad benchmark (which pystone is) is much worse than no benchmark.

I could contribute pybench to the Tools/ directory if that
makes a difference:

pybench -- The Python Benchmark Suite

Extendable suite of of low-level benchmarks for measuring
  the performance of the Python implementation
  (interpreter, compiler or VM).


pybench is a collection of tests that provides a standardized way
to measure the performance of Python implementations. It takes a
very close look at different aspects of Python programs and let's
you decide which factors are more important to you than others,
rather than wrapping everything up in one number, like the other
performance tests do (e.g. pystone which is included in the Python
Standard Library).

pybench has been used in the past by several Python developers to
track down performance bottlenecks or to demonstrate the impact
of optimizations and new features in Python.

There's currently no documentation and no distutils support in
pybench; that'll go into one of the next releases. For now,
please read the source code. The command line interface for pybench
is the file Run this script with option '--help'
to get a listing of the possible options. Without options,
pybench will simply execute the benchmark and then print out
a report to stdout. Here's some sample output:
Tests:  per runper oper.   overhead
  BuiltinFunctionCalls: 131.50 ms1.03 us0.50 ms
   BuiltinMethodLookup: 195.85 ms0.37 us1.00 ms
 CompareFloats: 126.00 ms0.28 us1.00 ms
 CompareFloatsIntegers: 201.05 ms0.45 us0.50 ms
   CompareIntegers: 192.05 ms0.21 us2.00 ms
CompareInternedStrings: 117.65 ms0.24 us3.50 ms
 TryExcept: 289.75 ms0.19 us3.00 ms
TryRaiseExcept: 179.05 ms   11.94 us1.00 ms
  TupleSlicing: 159.75 ms1.52 us0.50 ms
   UnicodeMappings: 171.85 ms9.55 us1.00 ms
 UnicodePredicates: 152.05 ms0.68 us4.00 ms
 UnicodeProperties: 203.00 ms1.01 us4.00 ms
UnicodeSlicing: 190.10 ms1.09 us2.00 ms
Average round time:   10965.00 ms

This is the current version:

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 18 2006)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! 
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ([Python-checkins] r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 07:15 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>Why should a 3rd party extension be hot-fixing the standard
>Python distribution ?

Because setuptools installs things in zip files, and older versions of 
pydoc don't work for packages zip files.

>If you want to provide a hot fix for Python 2.3 and 2.4, you
>should make this a separate install, so that users are aware
>that their Python distribution is about to get modified in ways
>that have nothing to do with setuptools.

Their Python distribution is not "modified" -- new modules are merely 
placed on sys.path ahead of the stdlib.  (Which, I might add, is a 
perfectly normal process in Python -- nothing stops users from installing 
their own version of pydoc or any other module via PYTHONPATH.)

Note also that uninstalling setuptools by removing the .egg file or 
directory will effectively remove the hot fix, since the modules live in 
the .egg, not in the stdlib.

>If an application wants to use setuptools for e.g. plugin
>management, then standard distutils features will get
>replaced by setuptools implementations which are not compatible
>to the standard distutils commands, effectively making it
>impossible to access the original versions.

Please do a little research before you spread FUD.  The 'pkg_resources' 
module is used for runtime plugin management, and it does not monkeypatch 

>Monkey patching is only a last resort in case nothing
>else works. In this case, it's not needed, since distutils
>provides the interfaces needed to extend its command classes
>via the setup() call.

The monkeypatching is there so that the easy_install command can build eggs 
for packages that use the distutils.  It's also there so that other 
distutils extensions that monkeypatch distutils (and there are a few of 
them out there) will have a better chance of working with setuptools.

I originally took a minimally-invasive approach to setuptools-distutils 
interaction, but it was simply not possible to provide a high-degree of 
backward and "sideward" compatibility without it.  In fact, I seem to 
recall finding some behaviors in some versions of distutils that can't be 
modified without monkeypatching, although the details are escaping me at 
this moment.

> > As for discussion, Guido originally brought up the question here a few
> > months ago, and it's been listed in PEP 356 for a while.  I've also
> > posted things related to the inclusion both here and in distutils-sig.
>I know, but the discussions haven't really helped much in
>getting the setuptools design compatible with standard

That's because the job was already done.  :)  The setuptools design bends 
over backwards to be compatible with Python 2.3 and 2.4 versions of 
distutils, not to mention py2exe, Pyrex, and other distutils extensions, 
along with the quirky uses of distutils that exist in dozens of distributed 
Python packages.

However, I think you and I may perhaps have different definitions of 
"compatibility".  Mine is that things "just work" and users don't have to 
do anything special.  For that definition, setuptools is extremely 
compatible with the standard distutils.  In many situations it's more 
compatible than the distutils themselves, in that more things "just work".  ;)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5a1 Performance

2006-04-18 Thread Jeremy Hylton
On 4/18/06, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anthony Baxter wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 April 2006 04:10, Benji York wrote:
> >> On a related note: it might be nice to put a pystone run in the
> >> buildbot so it'd be easier to compare pystones across different
> >> releases, different architectures, and between particular changes
> >> to the code. (That's assuming that the machines are otherwise idle,
> >> though.) --
> > -1.
> >
> > A bad benchmark (which pystone is) is much worse than no benchmark.
> I could contribute pybench to the Tools/ directory if that
> makes a difference:

I'd find that helpful.


> pybench -- The Python Benchmark Suite
> Extendable suite of of low-level benchmarks for measuring
>   the performance of the Python implementation
>   (interpreter, compiler or VM).
> pybench is a collection of tests that provides a standardized way
> to measure the performance of Python implementations. It takes a
> very close look at different aspects of Python programs and let's
> you decide which factors are more important to you than others,
> rather than wrapping everything up in one number, like the other
> performance tests do (e.g. pystone which is included in the Python
> Standard Library).
> pybench has been used in the past by several Python developers to
> track down performance bottlenecks or to demonstrate the impact
> of optimizations and new features in Python.
> There's currently no documentation and no distutils support in
> pybench; that'll go into one of the next releases. For now,
> please read the source code. The command line interface for pybench
> is the file Run this script with option '--help'
> to get a listing of the possible options. Without options,
> pybench will simply execute the benchmark and then print out
> a report to stdout. Here's some sample output:
> """
> Tests:  per runper oper.   overhead
> --
>   BuiltinFunctionCalls: 131.50 ms1.03 us0.50 ms
>BuiltinMethodLookup: 195.85 ms0.37 us1.00 ms
>  CompareFloats: 126.00 ms0.28 us1.00 ms
>  CompareFloatsIntegers: 201.05 ms0.45 us0.50 ms
>CompareIntegers: 192.05 ms0.21 us2.00 ms
> CompareInternedStrings: 117.65 ms0.24 us3.50 ms
> ...
>  TryExcept: 289.75 ms0.19 us3.00 ms
> TryRaiseExcept: 179.05 ms   11.94 us1.00 ms
>   TupleSlicing: 159.75 ms1.52 us0.50 ms
>UnicodeMappings: 171.85 ms9.55 us1.00 ms
>  UnicodePredicates: 152.05 ms0.68 us4.00 ms
>  UnicodeProperties: 203.00 ms1.01 us4.00 ms
> UnicodeSlicing: 190.10 ms1.09 us2.00 ms
> --
> Average round time:   10965.00 ms
> """
> This is the current version:
> --
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 18 2006)
> >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
> >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
> >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
> ::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! 
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Unsubscribe: 
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5a1 Performance

2006-04-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

>I could contribute pybench to the Tools/ directory if that
>makes a difference:

+1 on adding pybench.

And we already have parrotbench in the sandbox.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5a1 Performance

2006-04-18 Thread Tim Peters
[M.-A. Lemburg]
> I could contribute pybench to the Tools/ directory if that
> makes a difference:

+1.  It's frequently used and nice work.  Besides, then we could
easily fiddle the tests to make Python look better ;-)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] possible fix for recursive __call__ segfault

2006-04-18 Thread Brett Cannon
On 4/18/06, Armin Rigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Brett,
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:34:16PM -0700, Brett Cannon wrote:
> > +   if (meth == self) {
> > +   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
> > +   "recursive __call__ definition");
> > +   return NULL;
> > +   }
> This is not the proper way, as it can be worked around with a pair of
> objects whose __call__ point to each other.

Yeah, I know.  It was just a quick hack that at least helped me
identify where the problem was.  I didn't really expect for it to
stick around.

>  The solution is to use the
> counter of Py_{Enter,Leave}RecursiveCall(), as was done for old-style
> classes (see classobject.c).

OK.  Makes sense.

> By the way, this is a known problem: the example you show is
> Lib/test/crashers/, and the four other
> infinite_rec_*.py are all slightly more subtle ways to trigger a similar
> infinite loop in C.  They point to the SF bug report at
>, where we discuss the problem in general.
> Basically, someone should try to drop many
> Py_{Enter,Leave}RecursiveCall() pairs in the source until all the
> currently-known bugs go away, and then measure if this has a noticeable
> performance impact.

OK, good to know.  I will have to fix this eventually for sandboxing
reasons for my dissertation so I will get to it eventually.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Updated: PEP 359: The make statement

2006-04-18 Thread Brett Cannon
Definitely an intriguing idea!  I am +0 just because I don't know how
needed it is, but it is definitely cool.

As for your open issues, ditching __metaclass__ is fine if this goes
in, but I would keep 'class' around as simplified syntactic sugar for
the common case.


On 4/18/06, Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've updated PEP 359 with a bunch of the recent suggestions.  The
> patch is available at:
> and I've pasted the full text below.
> I've tried to be more explicit about the goals -- the make statement
> is mostly syntactic sugar for::
>class  :
>__metaclass__ = 
> so that you don't have to lie to your readers when you're not actually
> creating a class.  I've also added some new examples and expanded the
> discussion of the old ones to give the statement some better
> motivation.  And I've expanded the Open Issues discussions to consider
> a few alternate keywords and to indicate some of the difficulties in
> allowing a ``__make_dict__`` attribute for customizing the dict in
> which the block is executed.
> PEP: 359
> Title: The "make" Statement
> Version: $Revision: 45366 $
> Last-Modified: $Date: 2006-04-13 07:36:24 -0600 (Thu, 13 Apr 2006) $
> Author: Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 05-Apr-2006
> Python-Version: 2.6
> Post-History: 05-Apr-2006, 06-Apr-2006, 13-Apr-2006
> Abstract
> This PEP proposes a generalization of the class-declaration syntax,
> the ``make`` statement.  The proposed syntax and semantics parallel
> the syntax for class definition, and so::
>make   :
> is translated into the assignment::
> = ("", , )
> where  is the dict created by executing .
> This is mostly syntactic sugar for::
>class  :
>__metaclass__ = 
> and is intended to help more clearly express the intent of the
> statement when something other than a class is being created. Of
> course, other syntax for such a statement is possible, but it is
> hoped that by keeping a strong parallel to the class statement, an
> understanding of how classes and metaclasses work will translate into
> an understanding of how the make-statement works as well.
> The PEP is based on a suggestion [1]_ from Michele Simionato on the
> python-dev list.
> Motivation
> ==
> Class statements provide two nice facilities to Python:
>   (1) They execute a block of statements and provide the resulting
>   bindings as a dict to the metaclass.
>   (2) They encourage DRY (don't repeat yourself) by allowing the class
>   being created to know the name it is being assigned.
> Thus in a simple class statement like::
>  class C(object):
>  x = 1
>  def foo(self):
>  return 'bar'
> the metaclass (``type``) gets called with something like::
> C = type('C', (object,), {'x':1, 'foo':})
> The class statement is just syntactic sugar for the above assignment
> statement, but clearly a very useful sort of syntactic sugar.  It
> avoids not only the repetition of ``C``, but also simplifies the
> creation of the dict by allowing it to be expressed as a series of
> statements.
> Historically, type instances (a.k.a. class objects) have been the
> only objects blessed with this sort of syntactic support.  The make
> statement aims to extend this support to other sorts of objects where
> such syntax would also be useful.
> Example: simple namespaces
> --
> Let's say I have some attributes in a module that I access like::
> mod.thematic_roletype
> mod.opinion_roletype
> mod.text_format
> mod.html_format
> and since "Namespaces are one honking great idea", I'd like to be
> able to access these attributes instead as::
> mod.roletypes.thematic
> mod.roletypes.opinion
> mod.format.text
> mod.format.html
> I currently have two main options:
>   (1) Turn the module into a package, turn ``roletypes`` and
>   ``format`` into submodules, and move the attributes to
>   the submodules.
>   (2) Create ``roletypes`` and ``format`` classes, and move the
>   attributes to the classes.
> The former is a fair chunk of refactoring work, and produces two
> tiny modules without much content.  The latter keeps the attributes
> local to the module, but creates classes when there is no intention
> of ever creating instances of those classes.
> In situations like this, it would be nice to simply be able to
> declare a "namespace" to hold the few attributes. With the new make
> statement, I could introduce my new namespaces with something like::
> make namespace roletypes:
> thematic = ...
> opinion = ...
> make namespace format:
> text = ...
> html = ...
> and keep my attributes local to the module without making classes
> that are never

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 343: confusing context terminology

2006-04-18 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 4/18/06, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think we should correct the PEP.

Yes please, go ahead.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ([Python-checkins] r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 07:15 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Why should a 3rd party extension be hot-fixing the standard
>> Python distribution ?
> Because setuptools installs things in zip files, and older versions of 
> pydoc don't work for packages zip files.

That doesn't answer my question.

>> If you want to provide a hot fix for Python 2.3 and 2.4, you
>> should make this a separate install, so that users are aware
>> that their Python distribution is about to get modified in ways
>> that have nothing to do with setuptools.
> Their Python distribution is not "modified" -- new modules are merely 
> placed on sys.path ahead of the stdlib.  (Which, I might add, is a 
> perfectly normal process in Python -- nothing stops users from installing 
> their own version of pydoc or any other module via PYTHONPATH.)
> Note also that uninstalling setuptools by removing the .egg file or 
> directory will effectively remove the hot fix, since the modules live in 
> the .egg, not in the stdlib.

Whether you place a module with the same name in front of
the stdlib path in PYTHONPATH (e.g. copy it into site-packages)
or replace the file in the Python installation is really the
same thing to the user.

Third-party extension *should not do this* !

It's OK to have private modified copies of a module inside
a package or used inside an application, but
"python install" should never (effectively)
replace a Python stdlib module with some modified copy
without explicit user interaction.

>> If an application wants to use setuptools for e.g. plugin
>> management, then standard distutils features will get
>> replaced by setuptools implementations which are not compatible
>> to the standard distutils commands, effectively making it
>> impossible to access the original versions.
> Please do a little research before you spread FUD.  The 'pkg_resources' 
> module is used for runtime plugin management, and it does not monkeypatch 
> anything.

I'm talking about the setuptools package which does apply
monkey patching and is needed to manage the download and
installation of plugin eggs, AFAIK.

>> Monkey patching is only a last resort in case nothing
>> else works. In this case, it's not needed, since distutils
>> provides the interfaces needed to extend its command classes
>> via the setup() call.
> The monkeypatching is there so that the easy_install command can build eggs 
> for packages that use the distutils.  It's also there so that other 
> distutils extensions that monkeypatch distutils (and there are a few of 
> them out there) will have a better chance of working with setuptools.
> I originally took a minimally-invasive approach to setuptools-distutils 
> interaction, but it was simply not possible to provide a high-degree of 
> backward and "sideward" compatibility without it.  In fact, I seem to 
> recall finding some behaviors in some versions of distutils that can't be 
> modified without monkeypatching, although the details are escaping me at 
> this moment.

That's a very vague comment.

The distutils mechanism for providing your own command classes
lets you take complete control over distutils if needed.

What's good about it, is that this approach doesn't modify anything
inside distutils at run-time, but does these modifications
on a per-setup()-call basis.

As for setuptools, you import the package and suddenly distutils
isn't what's documented on anymore.

>>> As for discussion, Guido originally brought up the question here a few
>>> months ago, and it's been listed in PEP 356 for a while.  I've also
>>> posted things related to the inclusion both here and in distutils-sig.
>> I know, but the discussions haven't really helped much in
>> getting the setuptools design compatible with standard
>> distutils.
> That's because the job was already done.  :) 

Not much of an argument, if you ask me.

Some of the design decisions you made in setuptools are simply wrong
IMHO and these need to be discussed in a PEP process.

> The setuptools design bends 
> over backwards to be compatible with Python 2.3 and 2.4 versions of 
> distutils, not to mention py2exe, Pyrex, and other distutils extensions, 
> along with the quirky uses of distutils that exist in dozens of distributed 
> Python packages.
> However, I think you and I may perhaps have different definitions of 
> "compatibility".  Mine is that things "just work" and users don't have to 
> do anything special.  For that definition, setuptools is extremely 
> compatible with the standard distutils.  In many situations it's more 
> compatible than the distutils themselves, in that more things "just work".  ;)

You've implemented your own view of "just works". This is fine,
but please remember that Python is a collaborative work, so
design decisions have to be worked out in collaboration as

There aren't all that many things that are wrong in setuptools,
but some of them are essential:

* setuptools shoul

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5a1 Performance

2006-04-18 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Tim Peters wrote:
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
>> I could contribute pybench to the Tools/ directory if that
>> makes a difference:
> +1.  It's frequently used and nice work.  Besides, then we could
> easily fiddle the tests to make Python look better ;-)

That's a good argument :-)

Note that the tests are versioned and the tools refuses to
compare tests with different version numbers.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 18 2006)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! 
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-18 Thread A.M. Kuchling
On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 08:55:18PM +0200, phillip.eby wrote:
> Modified:
> +"context manager" then encompasses all objects with a __context__()
> +method that returns a context object.  (This means that all contexts
> +are context managers, but not all context managers are contexts).

This change reminds of another question I had about the parenthetical
statement: all contexts are context managers (= 'has a __context__'
method).  Why?  The context object isn't necessarily available to the
Python programmer, so they can't write:

with context_mgr as context:
 with context:  # uses the same context

Why do contexts need to have a __context__() method?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Terry Reedy

"tomer filiba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>* using lambda functions for meta expressions, instead of eval(string) --  
>perhaps >it's faster, but lambda is getting deprecated by python3k :(

Good news for you then: Guido's latest thought that I have read is to leave 
lambda alone, as is.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Paul Moore
On 4/17/06, tomer filiba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> after several people (several > 10) contacted me and said "IMHO 'construct'
> is a good candidate for stdlib",
> i thought i should give it a try. of course i'm not saying it should be
> included right now, but in 6 months time, or such a
> timeframe (aiming at python 2.6? some 2.5.x release?)

Now that ctypes is part of the standard library, that provides a
structured datatype facility. Here's an example demonstrating the
first example from the Construct wiki:

>>> from ctypes import *

>>> def str_to_ctype(s, typ):
...t = typ()
...memmove(addressof(t), s, sizeof(t))
...return t
>>> class ethernet_header(Structure):
...  _fields_ = [("destination", c_char * 6),
...  ("source", c_char * 6),
...  ("type", c_short)]
>>> s = "ABCDEF123456\x08\x00"
>>> e = str_to_ctype(s, ethernet_header)

>>> e.source
>>> e.destination
>>> e.type

I'm not sure I understand the other wiki examples - but the ones I do,
look doable in ctypes.

There are a couple of things to note:

* ctypes doesn't have a way (that I'm aware of) to specify the
endianness of types like c_short - so my example, when run on Windows
(intel architecture) gives type = 8, rather than type = 2048 (from the
wiki). But the wiki example doesn't explicitly specify endianness, so
maybe that's a limitation in Construct as well?

* ctypes doesn't have an easy way to parse a string based on a
structure definition - hence my str_to_ctype function. But that's a
trivial helper function to write, so that's not a big issue.

Personally, I'd rather see the ctypes facilities for structure packing
and unpacking be better documented, and enhanced if necessary, rather
than having yet another way of doing the same thing added to the

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Updated: PEP 359: The make statement

2006-04-18 Thread Steven Bethard
On 4/18/06, Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've updated PEP 359 with a bunch of the recent suggestions.  The
> patch is available at:
> and I've pasted the full text below.
> I've tried to be more explicit about the goals -- the make statement
> is mostly syntactic sugar for::
>class  :
>__metaclass__ = 
> so that you don't have to lie to your readers when you're not actually
> creating a class.  I've also added some new examples and expanded the
> discussion of the old ones to give the statement some better
> motivation.  And I've expanded the Open Issues discussions to consider
> a few alternate keywords and to indicate some of the difficulties in
> allowing a ``__make_dict__`` attribute for customizing the dict in
> which the block is executed.

Guido has pronounced on this PEP:
Consider it dead. =)

Grammar am for people who can't think for myself.
--- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 04:18 PM 4/18/2006 -0400, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 08:55:18PM +0200, phillip.eby wrote:
> > Modified:
> >peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt
> >
> > +"context manager" then encompasses all objects with a __context__()
> > +method that returns a context object.  (This means that all contexts
> > +are context managers, but not all context managers are contexts).
>This change reminds of another question I had about the parenthetical
>statement: all contexts are context managers (= 'has a __context__'
>method).  Why?  The context object isn't necessarily available to the
>Python programmer, so they can't write:
>with context_mgr as context:
>  with context:  # uses the same context
>  ...
>Why do contexts need to have a __context__() method?

I was going to say, "so they can be context managers", but I suppose you 
have a point.  There is no need for a context to have a __context__ method, 
unless it is also a context manager.  Ugh.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Thomas Heller
Paul Moore wrote:
> On 4/17/06, tomer filiba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> after several people (several > 10) contacted me and said "IMHO 'construct'
>> is a good candidate for stdlib",
>> i thought i should give it a try. of course i'm not saying it should be
>> included right now, but in 6 months time, or such a
>> timeframe (aiming at python 2.6? some 2.5.x release?)
> Now that ctypes is part of the standard library, that provides a
> structured datatype facility. Here's an example demonstrating the
> first example from the Construct wiki:
 from ctypes import *
 def str_to_ctype(s, typ):
> ...t = typ()
> ...memmove(addressof(t), s, sizeof(t))
> ...return t
> ...
 class ethernet_header(Structure):
> ...  _fields_ = [("destination", c_char * 6),
> ...  ("source", c_char * 6),
> ...  ("type", c_short)]
> ...
 s = "ABCDEF123456\x08\x00"
 e = str_to_ctype(s, ethernet_header)
> '123456'
> 8
> I'm not sure I understand the other wiki examples - but the ones I do,
> look doable in ctypes.
> There are a couple of things to note:
> * ctypes doesn't have a way (that I'm aware of) to specify the
> endianness of types like c_short - so my example, when run on Windows
> (intel architecture) gives type = 8, rather than type = 2048 (from the
> wiki). But the wiki example doesn't explicitly specify endianness, so
> maybe that's a limitation in Construct as well?

The currently undocumented BigEndianStructure or LittleEndianStructure
bases classes allow to specify the byte order.  They are designed so
that they refuse to work when the structure contains pointer fields.

> * ctypes doesn't have an easy way to parse a string based on a
> structure definition - hence my str_to_ctype function. But that's a
> trivial helper function to write, so that's not a big issue.
> Personally, I'd rather see the ctypes facilities for structure packing
> and unpacking be better documented, and enhanced if necessary, rather
> than having yet another way of doing the same thing added to the
> stdlib.

It is not yet too late (but the timeslot left is very small) to propose
enhancements to ctypes.  classmethods like 'from_string', 'from_buffer' or
whatever would probably make sense.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-18 Thread A.M. Kuchling
On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 03:37:37PM -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> I was going to say, "so they can be context managers", but I suppose you 
> have a point.  There is no need for a context to have a __context__ method, 
> unless it is also a context manager.  Ugh.

It would be easy to just remove the parenthetical comment from the PEP
and forget about it, if in fact the statement is now purposeless.  But
these are murky waters, and maybe there's still some deeper reason for
it.  Nick, do you have any comments?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread tomer filiba
ctypes, as the name implies, is relevant to *C data structures* cannot extend it and you cannot define complex things with it, at least noteasily.

* ctypes doesn't have a way (that I'm aware of) to specify theendianness of types like c_short - so my example, when run on Windows(intel architecture) gives type = 8, rather than type = 2048 (from thewiki). But the wiki example doesn't explicitly specify endianness, so
maybe that's a limitation in Construct as well?in ctypes, the endianness of numbers is determined by the platform, since
they are passed to a C (platform-dependent) function. you share your addressspace with the dll you load -- so both python and the dll live on the same except of writing data to files or sockets, you shouldn't care about the byte
in Construct you have UBInt16 and ULInt16, for big and little ordering. and UInt16 is an alias to UBInt16 (because network ordering is more common in protocols)

* ctypes doesn't have an easy way to parse a string based on astructure definition - hence my str_to_ctype function. But that's atrivial helper function to write, so that's not a big issue.sorry, but if you mean people must use memmove in order to parse string,
you better slap yourself. this is a python mailing list, not a C one. we don't have a concept of addressof() or physically moving data. we use objects andreferences. no offense, but "so that's not a big issue" makes me think you 
don't belong to this mailing list.I'm not sure I understand the other wiki examples - but the ones I do,
look doable in ctypes.i gues you should also look at
 to geta better understanding, but i only uploaded it a couple of hours ago. sorry for that. anyway, on the projects page i explain thoroughly why there is room for yet anotherparsing/building library.
but for the example you mentioned above, the ethernet header, struct is good enough:struct.pack(">6s6sH", "123456", "ABCDEF", 0x0800)
but --how would you parse a pascal-string (length byte followed by data of that length)using ctypes? how would you read a 61 bit, unaligned field? how would you convert "\x00\x11P\x88kW" to "00-11-50-88-6B-57", the way people would like to see MAC 
addresses? yeah, the MAC address is only a representation issue, but adapters can do much more powerful things. plus, people usually prefer seeing "IP" instead of "0x0800" in their parsed objects. how would you define mappings in ctypes? 
Personally, I'd rather see the ctypes facilities for structure packingand unpacking be better documented, and enhanced if necessary, rather
than having yet another way of doing the same thing added to thestdlib.the stdlib is too messy already. it must be revised anyway, since it's full of shitnobody uses. the point is -- ctypes can define C types. not the TCP/IP stack. Construct can do both.

it's a superset of ctype's typing mechanism. but of course both have the right to *coexist* -- 
ctypes is oriented at interop with dlls, and provides the mechanisms needed for that. 
Construst is about data structures of all sorts and kinds. ctypes is a very helpful library as a builtin, and so is Construct. the two don't competeon a spot in the stdlib.-tomer
On 4/18/06, Paul Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
On 4/17/06, tomer filiba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> after several people (several > 10) contacted me and said "IMHO 'construct'
> is a good candidate for stdlib",
> i thought i should give it a try. of course i'm not saying it should be> included right now, but in 6 months time, or such a> timeframe (aiming at python 2.6? some 2.5.x release?)Now that ctypes is part of the standard library, that provides a
structured datatype facility. Here's an example demonstrating thefirst example from the Construct wiki:>>> from ctypes import *>>> def str_to_ctype(s, typ):...t = typ()

...memmove(addressof(t), s, sizeof(t))...return t...>>> class ethernet_header(Structure):...  _fields_ = [("destination", c_char * 6),...  ("source", c_char * 6),
...  ("type", c_short)]...>>> s = "ABCDEF123456\x08\x00">>> e = str_to_ctype(s, ethernet_header)>>> e.source'123456'>>> 
'ABCDEF'>>> e.type8I'm not sure I understand the other wiki examples - but the ones I do,look doable in ctypes.There are a couple of things to note:* ctypes doesn't have a way (that I'm aware of) to specify the
endianness of types like c_short - so my example, when run on Windows(intel architecture) gives type = 8, rather than type = 2048 (from thewiki). But the wiki example doesn't explicitly specify endianness, so

maybe that's a limitation in Construct as well?* ctypes doesn't have an easy way to parse a string based on astructure definition - hence my str_to_ctype function. But that's atrivial helper function to write, so that's not a big issue.
Personally, I'd rather see the ctypes facilities for structure packingand unpacking be better documented, and enhanced if necessary, rathertha

[Python-Dev] a flattening operator?

2006-04-18 Thread tomer filiba
i'm not going to defend and fight for this idea too much. i only bringit up because it bothers me. i'm sure some people here would kill me for
even suggesting this, and i really don't want to be killed right now,so i bring it up as something you should think about. nothing more.PEP-225 has some weird ideas which may or may not be related to this, but i don't understand how this magical ~ operator can do everything from tuple flattening to list arithmetics, replacing map(), changing the order of operations, deep-copying, list comprehension, rich comparison, and whatever not. so i don't consider this a serious PEP. looks more like an april fool's joke to me, and it seems those japanese celebrate it on september for some reason.
[reposted from comp.lang.python]as we all know, * (asterisk) can be used to "inline" or "flatten" a 
  tuple into an argument list, 
i.e.:  def f(a, b, c):      ...  x = (1,2,3)  f(*x)  so... mainly for symmetry's sake, why not make a "flattening" operator 
 that also works outside the context of function calls? for example:  a = (1,2,3)  b = (4,5)  c = (*a, *b) # ==> (1,2,3,4,5)  
yeah, a + b would also give you the same result, but it could be used   like format-strings, for "templating" tuples, i.e.  

c = (*a, 7, 8, *b)  i used to have a concrete use-case for this feature some time ago, but  i can't recall it now. sorry. still, the main argument is symmetry: 
 it's a syntactic sugar, but it can be useful sometimes, so why limit it  to function calls only?  allowing it to be a generic operator would make things like this 
 possible:  f(*args, 7) # an implied last argument, 7, is always passed to the  function  
today you have to do  f(*(args + (7,)))  which is quite ugly.  
and if you have to sequences, one being a list and the other being a   tuple, e.g.  x = [1,2]  y = (3,4)  
you can't just x+y them. in order to concat them you'd have to use  "casting" like   f(*(tuple(x) + y))  instead of  f(*x, *y) 
 isn't the latter more elegant?  just an idea. i'm sure people could come up with more creative 
 use-cases of a standard "flattening operator". but even without the creative use cases -- isn't symmetry strong enough an argument? why are  function calls more important than regular expressions? 

 and the zen supports my point:   (*) Beautiful is better than ugly --> f(*(args + (7,))) is ugly  (*) Flat is better than nested --> less parenthesis 
 (*) Sparse is better than dense --> less noise  (*) Readability counts --> again, less noise  (*) Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules --> then why  are function calls so special to add a unique syntactic sugar for them? 
 the flattening operator would work on any sequence (having __iter__ or   __next__), not just tuples and lists. one very useful feature i can 
  think of is "expanding" generators, i.e.:  print xrange(10) # ==> xrange(10)   print *xrange(10) # ==> (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) 
 i mean, python already supports this half-way:  
>>> def f(*args): ...     print args  ...  
>>> f(*xrange(10)) (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)  so... why can't i just do "print *xrange(10)" directly? defining a
 function just to expand a generator? well, i could use   list(xrange(10))to expand it, but it's less intuitive. the other way is with list-comprehension,[x for x in xrange(10)]which is just, but isn't *xrange(10) more to-the-point? 
 also, "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to  do it"... so which one?   (*) list(xrange(10))   (*) [x for x in xrange(10)] 
  (*) mylist.extend(xrange(10))   (*) f(*xrange(10))  they all expand generators, but which is the preferable way?  

and imagine this:  f(*xrange(10), 7)  this time you can't do *(xrange(10) + (7,)) as generators do not 
  support addition... you'd have to do *(tuple(xrange(10)) + (7,)) which  is getting quite long already.  so as you can see, there are many inconsistencies between function-call 
 expressions and regular expressions, that impose artificial limitations  on the language. after all, the code is already in there to support the function-call version... all it takes is adding support for regular, what do you think? isn't symmetry worth it?-tomer

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Paul Moore
On 4/18/06, Thomas Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is not yet too late (but the timeslot left is very small) to propose
> enhancements to ctypes.  classmethods like 'from_string', 'from_buffer' or
> whatever would probably make sense.

A from_buffer classmethod would probably be good. I didn't think to
suggest it as I recall from a long time ago on the ctypes list, a
discussion which basically came to the conclusion that this wasn't
needed (I think it was that discussion that resulted in the inclusion
of memmove etc). But if you're not against the idea, I'd go for it -
it took me a bit of thinking to get my helper function right.

Also, I'm not sure if a to_string method has any value. You can use
str(buffer(obj)), but I don't know if that's a good long-term solution
- the buffer object has always been somewhat discouraged, AFAICT.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ([Python-checkins] r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 09:02 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > At 07:15 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> >> Why should a 3rd party extension be hot-fixing the standard
> >> Python distribution ?
> >
> > Because setuptools installs things in zip files, and older versions of
> > pydoc don't work for packages zip files.
>That doesn't answer my question.

That is the answer to the question you asked: "why hot-fix?"  Because 
setuptools uses zip files, and older pydocs crash when trying to display 
the documentation for a package (not module; modules were fine) that is in 
a zip file.

>Third-party extension *should not do this* !

If you install setuptools, you presumably would like for things to work, 
and the hot fix eliminates a bug that interferes with them working.

I'm not sure, however, what you believe any of that has to do with 
python-checkins or python-dev.  The version of setuptools that will do this 
is not yet released, and the hotfix aspect will be documented.  If it 
causes actual problems for actual setuptools users, it will be actually 
fixed or actually removed.  :)  (Meanwhile, the separately-distributed 
setuptools package is not a part of Python, any more than the Optik is, 
despite Python including the 'optparse' package spun off from Optik.)

>I'm talking about the setuptools package which does apply
>monkey patching and is needed to manage the download and
>installation of plugin eggs, AFAIK.

In which case the monkeypatching is needed, to handle situations like 
building eggs for third-party non-setuptools libraries listed as dependencies.

You can't have it both ways; either you need setuptools or you don't.  If 
you do, you will almost certainly need the monkeypatching, and you'll 
definitely need it to build eggs for non-setuptools-based packages.

>What's good about it, is that this approach doesn't modify anything
>inside distutils at run-time, but does these modifications
>on a per-setup()-call basis.

What's bad about it, is that it provides no options for virtualizing the 
execution of other packages' setup scripts.  The 'run_setup' mechanism was 
horribly broken in the versions of the distutils that I wrestled with.

(I also don't see anybody stepping up to provide alternative 
implementations or patches to third-party setup scripts or distutils 
extensions to deal with this issue.)

>There aren't all that many things that are wrong in setuptools,
>but some of them are essential:
>* setuptools should not monkey patch distutils on import

Please propose an alternative, or better still, produce a patch.  Be sure 
that it still allows distutils extensions like py2exe to work.  The only 
real alternative to monkeypatching that I'm aware of for that issue is to 
actually merge setuptools with the distutils, but my guess is that you'll 
like that even less.  :)

>* the standard "python install" should continue to
>   work as documented in the Python documentation; any new install
>   command should use a different name, e.g. "install_egg"
>* placing too many ZIP files on PYTHONPATH is a bad idea
>   since it slows down import searches for all Python
>   applications, not just ones relying on eggs; a solution
>   to this would be to have a PYTHONEGGPATH which is then
>   only scanned by egg-aware modules/applications
>* the user should have freedom of choice in whether to
>   have her Python installation rely on eggs or not (and
>   not only --by-using-some-complicated-options)

These questions have been hashed to death on the distutils-sig already, but 
I will try to summarize my responses here as briefly as practical while 
still covering the full spectrum of issues.  I would begin by saying that 
the tradeoffs I've made favor inexperienced users at the expense of experts 
(who I assume are capable of learning to use --root or 
--single-version-externally managed in order to have finer-grained control).

Your proposals, however, generally favor experts at the expense of the 
average user, and treat it as axiomatic that the benefits provided by 
setuptools are not worth having, no matter how small the cost.  By 
contrast, users who *want* to use setuptools for either distribution or 
installation of packages, would rather it "just work", no matter how much 
complexity is required behind-the-scenes.  They don't care about my cost to 
implement, they just care that they type "easy_install foo" to get a 
package from PyPI or " sdist bdist_egg upload" to put it there.

Therefore, it makes no sense to apply your design approach to setuptools, 
since by your criteria it wouldn't exist in the first place!  After all, 
expert users can munge distutils extensions to their hearts' content (and 
you certainly have done so already).

Next, your own measurements posted to the distutils-sig debunked the 
PYTHONPATH performance question, IMO: if you installed *every Python 
package listed on PyPI at that time* as a zip file (assuming that the 

Re: [Python-Dev] Updated: PEP 359: The make statement

2006-04-18 Thread Gustavo Niemeyer
> Removing __metaclass__ in Python 3000
> -
> As a side-effect of its generality, the make-statement mostly
> eliminates the need for the ``__metaclass__`` attribute in class
> objects.  Thus in Python 3000, instead of::

One of the reasons that this PEP was born is because metaclasses
are being used in ways that don't look natural to some, like
generating interface instances out of a class statement, so this
would add an interesting way to support these constructs.

That doesn't look like a good reason, though, to kill the metaclass
support that Python took so long to maturate. Otherwise, a new
optional extension could be included as well: "Removing the 'class'

Gustavo Niemeyer
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Updated: PEP 359: The make statement

2006-04-18 Thread Gustavo Niemeyer
> Consider it dead. =)

RIP. ;)

Gustavo Niemeyer
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> Your proposals, however, generally favor experts at the expense of the
> average user, and treat it as axiomatic that the benefits provided by
> setuptools are not worth having, no matter how small the cost.

mal's arguing from well-established Python design principles (import this),
and the kind of respect for existing non-core developers that has been a
hallmark of Python development for as long as I've used it.

who decided that setuptools should be added to 2.5, btw?

it's still listed under "possible additions" in the release PEP, and there don't
seem to be a PEP or any other easily located document that explains exactly
how it works, what's required from library developers, how it affects existing
toolchains, etc.  is this really ready for inclusion ?  does anyone but Phillip
understand how it works ?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] a flattening operator?

2006-04-18 Thread Josiah Carlson

"tomer filiba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> isn't the latter more elegant?

According to my experience with Python, as well as my interpretations of
the zens, no. -1

> and the zen supports my point:
> (*) Beautiful is better than ugly --> f(*(args + (7,))) is ugly

But explicit is better than implicit, and in this case, it would likely
be better to just use a keyword argument lastarg=7.  If the function
called merely accepts *args and **kwargs, and you are passing args
unchanged somewhere else, it may be more explicit to redefine f to be...

def f(args, kwargs):

Then use it like...

f(args + (7,))

Not quite as ugly as the worst-case option were you were describing
moments ago.

> (*) Flat is better than nested --> less parenthesis

I believe that zen was in regards to overly-nested object hierarchies
and namespaces.

> (*) Sparse is better than dense --> less noise

I believe that zen was in regards to using spaces between operations, as
well as using line breaks between sections of code so as to express a
visual 'separating' of ideas.

> (*) Readability counts --> again, less noise

Use keyword arguments for single arguments, ...

> (*) Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules --> then why
> are function calls so special to add a unique syntactic sugar for them?

By necessity, function defintions require a unique syntax to make
calls different from anything else you can do with an object. 
Specifically, we have f() because () are unambiguous for calling
functions due to various reasons.

> the flattening operator would work on any sequence (having __iter__ or
> __next__), not just tuples and lists. one very useful feature i can
> think of is "expanding" generators, i.e.:
> print xrange(10) # ==> xrange(10)
> print *xrange(10) # ==> (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

One major problem with this is that except for function calls, * is the
multiplication operator, which operates on two arguments.  *foo is an
operation on a single argument, and without parenthesis, would be
ambiguously parsed.  Further, I would prefer not to see this

print x*(*y)

Which would print out x copies of the sequence y.

With all of that said, there is a recent discussion in the python 3k
mailing list which has been discussing "Cleaning up argument list
parsing".  The vast majority of your ideas can be seen as a
variant of the discussion going on there.  I haven't been paying much
attention to it mostly because I think that the current convention is
sufficient, and allowing people to do things like...

foo(*arglist1, b, c, d=d_arg, *arglist2, **kwargs) just begging for a mess.

 - Josiah

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r45505 - python/trunk/Modules/posixmodule.c

2006-04-18 Thread Martin v. Löwis
> Martin> Also, I suggest to use None as the return value for "no value
> Martin> available"; it might be that the configured value is an empty
> Martin> string (in which case confstr returns 1).
> I'll work on all of this.  Are you sure you want the API to change?

Wrt. to the "no configured value" case? If everybody can agree it is the
conceptually right thing to do (*), then sure; documentation should
get updated, of course (if there is any). This was so broken already
that I'm not worried about breaking some user's code: all users
apparently only ever used the "successful" cases.

OTOH, if people debate whether this actually is the right thing to do,
it should not change.


(*) I believe it is conceptually right, because it allows to distinguish
two cases which are currently indistinguishable in Python but
distinguishable in C, namely: a) there is no configured value (confstr
returns 0 an does not change errno), and b) the configured value is
an empty string (confstr returns 1).
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> it's still listed under "possible additions" in the release PEP, and there 
> don't
> seem to be a PEP or any other easily located document that explains exactly
> how it works, what's required from library developers, how it affects existing
> toolchains, etc.  is this really ready for inclusion ?  does anyone but 
> Phillip
> understand how it works ?

I don't understand it. My concern is that it appears to involve a lot of
magic. This magic might do the "right thing" in many cases, and it might
indeed help the user that the magic is present, yet I still do believe
that magic is inherently evil: explicit is better than implicit.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 11:55 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>who decided that setuptools should be added to 2.5, btw?

Guido proposed it on Python-dev when the 2.5 schedule was first being 
discussed.  I discussed it with him off-list, to ensure that it could be 
done in a way that wouldn't interfere with existing setuptools users or 
affect Python itself in a negative way.  (For example, it needed to be 
upgradeable in the field in case users wanted/needed a later version than 
the one included in 2.5.)

He then mentioned it in his 2.5 slideshow at PyCon.  This is the first 
anyone's objected to it, however, at least that I'm aware of.

>it's still listed under "possible additions" in the release PEP,

I imagine that might be why nobody raised any objections sooner, although I 
understood the possibility to mean "if nobody objects".  :)

I also posted on Python-dev repeatedly in recent weeks, referring to how 
the various PEP 302 fixes and updates would interact with setuptools when 
it got in for 2.5.  Also, Neal emailed me the week before last, asking when 
I would be getting setuptools checked in, and I told him April 17th - i.e., 
yesterday.  So, I was under the impression this was all a done deal.

>and there don't
>seem to be a PEP or any other easily located document that explains exactly
>how it works, what's required from library developers, how it affects existing
>toolchains, etc.

The setuptools manual is currently at:

pending conversion to the standard Pythondoc format.  I posted earlier 
today asking about how it, and the other related manuals should be included 
in the overall Python documentation structure:

The reST source of these manuals is in trunk/sandbox/setuptools, where it 
has been evolving over the last year.

>   is this really ready for inclusion ?

Please define "ready".  I don't mean that in a flippant way, I just don't 
know what you mean.

>does anyone but Phillip understand how it works ?

Does anybody besides Thomas understand how ctypes works?  ;)

Rhetorical jokes aside, every time I've made a significant change to how 
setuptools works, I've posted it to the distutils-sig -- and usually I make 
proposals in advance to get feedback or stimulate discussion.  I regularly 
post explanations there in response to questions from people who are 
integrating it with system packaging tools, or creating various other 
customizations.  And there are other people on distutils-sig who can answer 
questions about it.  The TurboGears community is proficient enough with it 
that it's only once every few months now that a question gets kicked 
upstairs to me to answer.

A number of people have contributed patches, including Ian Bicking and Tres 
Seaver.  Bob Ippolito was a significant participant in the original design 
and wrote some of the initial code for the runtime.  A *considerable* 
number of distutils-sig participants have had design input, either through 
direct suggestions, or through their giving more use case examples that I 
needed to make "just work".

So, I'm not too pleased by insinuations that setuptools is anything other 
than a Python community project.  But MAL and MvL are the only folks from 
Python-Dev who I've seen over there arguing for changes to setuptools -- 
and I actually made changes based on their input, although they rarely got 
100% of what they asked for.

The --really-long-option MAL is complaining about was put in to provide a 
feature that *he and MvL wanted me to include*; I just don't want that 
behavior to be the default behavior for setuptools.  (And neither do 
package developers who have to support "non-root" users on virtual hosting 
systems, or other environments where system packaging tools aren't available.)

So, it seems to me that MAL claiming that nobody got to participate in the 
design process is rather misleading.  It's like somebody who wanted 
decorators in Python and then gripes about the '@' syntax.  Everybody's got 
to compromise a bit.  I put their feature in months ago, and it is even the 
default when you use --root with install.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib

2006-04-18 Thread Fred L. Drake, Jr.
On Tuesday 18 April 2006 19:00, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 > He then mentioned it in his 2.5 slideshow at PyCon.  This is the first
 > anyone's objected to it, however, at least that I'm aware of.

Until the past week, I wasn't aware it was being considered.  But then, I've 
not been paying a lot of attention lately, so I suspect that's my fault.

 > The setuptools manual is currently at:
 > pending conversion to the standard Pythondoc format.  I posted earlier
 > today asking about how it, and the other related manuals should be
 > included in the overall Python documentation structure:

Saw that; hopefully I'll have a chance to look at it soon.  I wonder, 
generally, if it should be merged into the distutils documentation.  Those 
documents happen to be distutils-centric now, because that's what's been 
provided.  Their titles should be the guide to their content, however.

 > So, I'm not too pleased by insinuations that setuptools is anything other
 > than a Python community project.

I've no doubt about that at all, FWIW.  I think you've put a lot of effort 
into discussing it with the community, and applaud you for that as well as 
your implementation efforts.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Giovanni Bajo
tomer filiba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the point is -- ctypes can define C types. not the TCP/IP stack.
> Construct can do both. it's a superset of ctype's typing mechanism.
> but of course both have the right to *coexist* --
> ctypes is oriented at interop with dlls, and provides the mechanisms
> needed for that.
> Construst is about data structures of all sorts and kinds.
> ctypes is a very helpful library as a builtin, and so is Construct.
> the two don't compete on a spot in the stdlib.

I don't agree. Both ctypes and construct provide a way to describe a
binary-packed structure in Python terms: and this is an overload of
functionality. When I first saw Construct, the thing that crossed my head was:
"hey, yet another syntax to describe a binary-packed structure in Python".
ctypes uses its description to interoperate with native libraries, while
Construct uses its to interoperate with binary protocols. I didn't see a good
reason why you shouldn't extend ctypes so to provide features that it is
currently missing. It looks like it could be easily extended to do so.

Giovanni Bajo

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 12:49 AM 4/19/2006 +0200, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > it's still listed under "possible additions" in the release PEP, and 
> there don't
> > seem to be a PEP or any other easily located document that explains exactly
> > how it works, what's required from library developers, how it affects 
> existing
> > toolchains, etc.  is this really ready for inclusion ?  does anyone but 
> Phillip
> > understand how it works ?
>I don't understand it.

Have you read the manuals?

>  My concern is that it appears to involve a lot of

Please define "magic".  Better, please point to the API functions or 
classes, or the setup commands documented in the manual, to show me what 
these things are that appear to be magic.

There do exist implementation details that are not included in user 
documentation, but this is going to be true of any system.  These details 
are sometimes necessarily complex due to distutils limitations, behavioral 
quirks of deployed packages using distutils, and the sometimes baroque 
variations in sys.path resolution across platforms, Python versions, and 
invocation methods.

That these details are not discussed at length in the user documentation is 
because they are boring hideous things that I wish I didn't have to know 
myself, and that few people using setuptools would ever want to know.

They *do*, however, get discussed (or at least explained by me) at length 
on the distutils-sig.  I explain the quirks and the tradeoffs for each bit 
of implementation in detail there, and have been doing so for nearly a year 
now.  Anybody who wants to know what's going on has had plenty of 
opportunity to learn.

>This magic might do the "right thing" in many cases, and it might
>indeed help the user that the magic is present, yet I still do believe
>that magic is inherently evil: explicit is better than implicit.

Are documented defaults "implicit" or "magic"?

To the extent that there is anything that may be called "magic" in 
setuptools, it exists only because the necessary infrastructure isn't 
already present in Python, or because it was required to work around the 
quirks of other systems.  Setuptools chooses to "work at all costs" because 
backward-compatibility skirts the chicken-and-egg problems that would 
otherwise exist.

If setuptools *weren't* so highly backward-compatible, its use would never 
have caught on enough to allow this discussion to be taking place in the 
first place.  :)

The primary place where it *isn't* backward compatible is if somebody does 
" install" *without* using --root, *and* they care about the exact 
file layout of the result, *and* they are installing a package that 
explicitly uses setuptools... in which case their complaint is with the 
author of the package, if the author didn't explain that they used 
setuptools or point them to relevant documentation.

Setuptools' manual prominently explains what developers should tell their 
users, if they use setuptools in their

"""To keep these users happy, you should review the following topics in 
your project's installation instructions, if they are relevant to your 
project and your target audience isn't already familiar with setuptools and 

With respect to you and MAL, I think that some of your judgments regarding 
setuptools may have perhaps been largely formed at a time last year when, 
among other things:

* That documentation section I just referenced didn't exist yet

* Many common installation scenarios (e.g. custom PYTHONPATH) didn't "just 
work" without special setup steps

* --single-version-externally-managed was barely a proposal, and it wasn't 
automatically activated when --root was used

These are significant changes that are directly relevant to the objections 
that you and he raised (regarding startup time, path length, tools 
compatibility, etc.), and which I added because of those objections.  I 
think that they are appropriate responses to the issues raised, in that 
they allow the audience that cares about them (you, MAL, and system 
packagers in general) to avoid the problems that those features' absence 

It would probably helpful if you would both be as specific as possible in 
your objections so that they can be addressed individually.  If you don't 
want setuptools in 2.5, let's be clear either on the specific 
objections.  If the objection is to the very *idea* of setuptools, that's 
fine too, as long as we're clear that's what the objection is.

So I would ask that you please make a list of what you would have to see 
changed in setuptools before you would consider it viable for stdlib 
inclusion, or simply admit that there are no changes that would satisfy 
you, or that you don't know enough about it to say, or that you'd like it 
to be kicked back to distutils-sig for more discussion ad infinitum, or 
whatever your actual objections

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 07:08 PM 4/18/2006 -0400, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
>Saw that; hopefully I'll have a chance to look at it soon.  I wonder,
>generally, if it should be merged into the distutils documentation.  Those
>documents happen to be distutils-centric now, because that's what's been
>provided.  Their titles should be the guide to their content, however.

No doubt that's the proper thing to do in the long term, when/if setuptools 
is the official One Obvious Way To Do It.  I was wondering, however, if 
perhaps Python 2.5 should include them as "Building and Distributing Python 
Eggs" (for what's now setuptools.txt) and "Installing Python Eggs" (for 
what's now EasyInstall.txt).

>I've no doubt about that at all, FWIW.  I think you've put a lot of effort
>into discussing it with the community, and applaud you for that as well as
>your implementation efforts.

Thank you.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Travis Oliphant
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> tomer filiba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>the point is -- ctypes can define C types. not the TCP/IP stack.
>>Construct can do both. it's a superset of ctype's typing mechanism.
>>but of course both have the right to *coexist* --
>>ctypes is oriented at interop with dlls, and provides the mechanisms
>>needed for that.
>>Construst is about data structures of all sorts and kinds.
>>ctypes is a very helpful library as a builtin, and so is Construct.
>>the two don't compete on a spot in the stdlib.
> I don't agree. Both ctypes and construct provide a way to describe a
> binary-packed structure in Python terms: and this is an overload of
> functionality. When I first saw Construct, the thing that crossed my head was:
> "hey, yet another syntax to describe a binary-packed structure in Python".
> ctypes uses its description to interoperate with native libraries, while
> Construct uses its to interoperate with binary protocols. I didn't see a good
> reason why you shouldn't extend ctypes so to provide features that it is
> currently missing. It looks like it could be easily extended to do so.

For what it's worth,  NumPy also defines a data-type object which it 
uses to describe the fundamental data-type of an array.  In the context 
of this thread it is also yet another way to describe a binary-packed 
structure in Python.

This data-type object is a builtin object which provides information 
such as byte-order, element size, "kind" as well as the notion of fields 
so that nested structures can be easily defined.

Soon (over the next six months) a basic array object (a super class of 
NumPy) will be proposed for inclusion in Python.   When that happens 
some kind of data-type object (a super class of the NumPy dtype object) 
will be needed as well.

I think some cross-talk between all of us different users of the notion 
of what we in the NumPy community call a data-type might be useful.

-Travis Oliphant

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib

2006-04-18 Thread Giovanni Bajo
Fred L. Drake, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  > So, I'm not too pleased by insinuations that setuptools is
>  anything other > than a Python community project.
> I've no doubt about that at all, FWIW.  I think you've put a lot of
> effort into discussing it with the community, and applaud you for
> that as well as your implementation efforts.

I agree but I have a question for Phil though: why can't many of the setuptools
feature be simply integrated within the existing distutils?

I have been fighting with distutils quite some time and have had to
monkey-patch it somehow to fit my needs. I later discovered that setuptools
included many of those fixes already (let alone the new features). I actually
welcome all those setuptools fixes in the "Just Works(TM)" principle with which
I totally agree.

But, why can't setuptools be gradually merged into distutils, instead of being
kept as a separate package? Let's take a real example: setuptools' sdist is
much enhanced, has integration with CVS/SVN, uses MANIFEST in a way that it
really works, etc. Why can't it be merged into the original distutils? Is it
just for backward compatibility? If so, can't we have some kind of versioning

Giovanni Bajo

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 02:12 AM 4/19/2006 +0200, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>But, why can't setuptools be gradually merged into distutils, instead of being
>kept as a separate package? Let's take a real example: setuptools' sdist is
>much enhanced, has integration with CVS/SVN, uses MANIFEST in a way that it
>really works, etc. Why can't it be merged into the original distutils? Is it
>just for backward compatibility?

This specific issue was discussed last year on the distutils-sig, and the 
issue is indeed one of compatibility.  Setuptools' behavior for MANIFEST 
generation definitely matches new or infrequent users' expectations 1000% 
better than the distutils, and requires much less work to get right, even 
for experts.

But for anybody who has extended the distutils using external tools, it 
would not necessarily work.  MAL gave the example of someone who has 
written other scripts or Makefile rules to add things to MANIFEST or use it 
to do other things.  They might be relying on quirks of the existing 
behaviors, in other words, and thus it should not be changed without 
explicit action on their part.

And I agree with his reasoning, although I also think that any "distutils 
2" should have only One Obvious Way to send input to that process, and it 
should be via, not MANIFEST.  Likewise, it should have only one 
way to get the output.

However, unless somebody explicitly chooses to use "distutils 2", they 
should get the old behavior.  This unfortunately means that we can't 
backport most of setuptools' enhancements to the existing distutils without 
breaking backward compatibility for people who may have made extensive 
investment in integrating with the distutils.

(Of course, how many of these people exist I don't know; in my personal 
experience it seems rare for people to integrate with external tools in 
this fashion, versus simply subclassing things in Python or abandoning 
distutils altogether.  But that's a separate question.)

>If so, can't we have some kind of versioning

We do: "import setuptools".  We could perhaps rename it to "import 
distutils2" if you prefer, but it would mean essentially the same thing.  :)

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Neal Norwitz
On 4/18/06, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > As for discussion, Guido originally brought up the question here a few
> > months ago, and it's been listed in PEP 356 for a while.  I've also
> > posted things related to the inclusion both here and in distutils-sig.
> I know, but the discussions haven't really helped much in
> getting the setuptools design compatible with standard
> distutils.

I'm glad to see the discussions taking place; better late than never. 
However, I think we need to do a better job raising objections
earlier.  I'm not sure how to do this, but one way is to use PEPs. 
There is an outstanding issues section in the 2.5 release PEP 356.  In
this case, perhaps it would have been good to add a bullet item there.
 I've been trying to ensure the issues aren't lost.  There's only one
item in the list that still needs addressing (Fred, you listening? 
You had an idea for solving the problem).

I plan to start a 2.6 release schedule PEP soon (before 2.5 is
released).  It will mostly be a place holder/boilerplate until it can
be filled out when a major feature is implemented, a PEP accepted, or
outstanding issue raised.  The PEP should be updated by a committer
when any of those occur.

If anyone has better ideas how to ensure the issues aren't lost and
are addressed, I'd like to know.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] a flattening operator?

2006-04-18 Thread Greg Ewing
Josiah Carlson wrote:

> One major problem with this is that except for function calls, * is the
> multiplication operator, which operates on two arguments.  *foo is an
> operation on a single argument, and without parenthesis, would be
> ambiguously parsed.

No, it wouldn't. There's no problem in giving an operator
different unary and binary meanings; '-' already does

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Anthony Baxter
I'm not sure how people would prefer this be handled. I don't think we 
need to have a PEP for it - I don't see PEPs for ctypes, elementtree, 
pysqlite or cProfile, either. 

I don't have a problem at all with setuptools going into the standard 
library. It adds a whole pile of extremely useful functionality 
(easy_install, in particular, is something that people have been 
asking for, constantly, for YEARS). Making it an additional install 
is just silly. 

Sure, it's possible that some people with extremely complicated 
distutils scripts may find they need to update them. But the 
alternative to that is complete paralysis - and I can't say that the 
current state of distutils is at all something to make Python happy. 

I started refactoring some of the ugliness out of the internals of 
distutils last year, but was completely stymied by the demand that no 
existing scripts be broken. This means that the people who 
are experts with the current code are fine, but everyone else has to 
pay the price.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Neal Norwitz
On 4/18/06, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:55 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> >who decided that setuptools should be added to 2.5, btw?
> Guido proposed it on Python-dev when the 2.5 schedule was first being
> discussed.  I discussed it with him off-list, ...

I thought more was discussed on-list, but apparently not.  I searched
my mail and could find no direct discussion on python-dev.  I saw
quite a few references to setuptools being included in 2.5, but
nothing explicit.  That's unfortunate.

I think I talked to Guido and probably Anthony off-list to see if they
objected to setuptools in 2.5.  My only mail to Phillip was to see if
it was going in.

> >it's still listed under "possible additions" in the release PEP,
> I imagine that might be why nobody raised any objections sooner, although I
> understood the possibility to mean "if nobody objects".  :)

I was also working under the assumption that people would complain if
they didn't like something.  What do people think should happen for
the "Possible features" section?  Should I ask if there are any
objections to each item?

In the current list of possible features, I think the only new
features that stand a chance in 2.5 are:  wsgiref and python pgen. 
Ronald is working on the fat Mac binaries, it's only in this section
because it's not complete, but anticipated.  All the other things are
small cleanups (icons, Demo, file/open) or things that have to happen
(ssize_t cleanup).

@decorator and functools are possible, but no one is doing anything
about them, so I suspect they will not go in unless someone cares
enough to do the work and Guido agrees.  Since he's still on vacation,
these won't be decided for another week or so.  Probably these will be
decided after a2 goes out (hopefully around the 25th).

If you have any questions about the status of 2.5, speak up.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 14:57 +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> I'm not sure how people would prefer this be handled. I don't think we 
> need to have a PEP for it - I don't see PEPs for ctypes, elementtree, 
> pysqlite or cProfile, either. 

Agreed.  If modules like these have a solid history of use outside the
stdlib I don't think we need all the formality of a PEP to pull them in.
I /do/ think however that we need to be diligent in documenting them so
that people who don't follow python-dev (or the packages own development
forums) will become aware of what they are and how to use them.  Correct
me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any of the above are currently
documented in the stdlib.

> I don't have a problem at all with setuptools going into the standard 
> library. It adds a whole pile of extremely useful functionality 
> (easy_install, in particular, is something that people have been 
> asking for, constantly, for YEARS). Making it an additional install 
> is just silly. 

I agree.  My one stupid nit is that I don't like the name
'easy_install'.  I wish a better, non-underscored word could be found.
But as I've been a total bystander in setuptools development, I have no
real standing to complain. ;)

> I started refactoring some of the ugliness out of the internals of 
> distutils last year, but was completely stymied by the demand that no 
> existing scripts be broken. This means that the people who 
> are experts with the current code are fine, but everyone else has to 
> pay the price.

I've written some nasty scripts and I for one would be all for
breaking them and rewriting them if they could be done much more simply
and were better integrated with external tools.  Heck, I wouldn't even
mind a big ol' "if sys.hexversion" at the top of them for backward
compatibility for a while if necessary.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] adding Construct to the standard library?

2006-04-18 Thread Greg Ewing
Travis Oliphant wrote:

> For what it's worth,  NumPy also defines a data-type object which it 
> uses to describe the fundamental data-type of an array.  In the context 
> of this thread it is also yet another way to describe a binary-packed 
> structure in Python.

Maybe there should be a separate module providing
a data-packing facility that ctypes, NumPy, etc.
can all use (perhaps with their own domain-specific
extensions to it).

It does seem rather silly to have about 3 or 4
different incompatible ways to do almost exactly
the same thing (struct, ctypes, NumPy and now


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 02:57 PM 4/19/2006 +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
>Sure, it's possible that some people with extremely complicated
>distutils scripts may find they need to update them.

...if and *only* if they want setuptools' features, or their users do.

Sorry to seize on this point out of context, Anthony.  I just want to 
prevent anybody from seizing on this as an objection on "backward 
compatibility" grounds.  Nobody will be forced to use setuptools in 2.5, 
any more than anyone will be forced to use ctypes or elementtree or sqlite.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Neal Norwitz
On 4/18/06, Barry Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 14:57 +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> > I'm not sure how people would prefer this be handled. I don't think we
> > need to have a PEP for it - I don't see PEPs for ctypes, elementtree,
> > pysqlite or cProfile, either.
> Correct
> me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any of the above are currently
> documented in the stdlib.

Ok, I will. :-)  cProfile is documented in libprofile.tex.

None of the others are documented, also msilib doesn't appear to have
any doc.  I've updated the PEP to mention these issues.  Thanks for
pointing it out!

Note that there is probably a bunch of doc, but it all needs to be
incorporated into the python repo and format.

What are the doc plans for these modules:
+  * ctypes
+  * ElementTree/cElementTree
+  * msilib
+  * pysqlite

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 10:14 PM 4/18/2006 -0700, Neal Norwitz wrote:
>On 4/18/06, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At 11:55 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > >who decided that setuptools should be added to 2.5, btw?
> >
> > Guido proposed it on Python-dev when the 2.5 schedule was first being
> > discussed.  I discussed it with him off-list, ...
>I thought more was discussed on-list, but apparently not.  I searched
>my mail and could find no direct discussion on python-dev.  I saw
>quite a few references to setuptools being included in 2.5, but
>nothing explicit.  That's unfortunate.

Here are the threads that Guido started; the longer one includes a number 
of discussions about setuptools-related features.  MvL raised an objection 
to the whole idea of a Python-specific packaging format, which I responded 
to, and there was some other discussion about the relative utility of 
setuptools' approach versus learning (and building) a half-dozen bdist_* 
formats for different platforms:

>I was also working under the assumption that people would complain if
>they didn't like something.  What do people think should happen for
>the "Possible features" section?  Should I ask if there are any
>objections to each item?

Well, Guido asked about including setuptools, and it doesn't seem to have 
done any good in this case.  :)  I'm not sure how much more explicit you 
can get.

Yes, he called it setuplib in the first thread, but Georg knew what he 
meant anyway, and then Guido corrected himself in the second thread -- 
which also had a title that should've caught the eye of anybody interested 
in distutils-related things.  (bdist_* to stdlib.)

I was surprised that MAL didn't comment *then*, actually, and mistakenly 
thought it meant that our last discussion on the distutils-sig (and my 
attempts to deal with the problems) had been successful.  Between that and 
MvL's mild response to the explicit discussion of supporting setuptools, I 
thought their votes had effectively moved from -1 to -0.  Off-list 
discussion with Fredrik suggested that he too had shifted from -1 to -0, 
and since those were the only core developers that I knew of who had ever 
said anything the least bit negative about setuptools, I assumed this meant 
that Guido's motion had carried, so to speak.

I mention this mainly to clarify that this was not some attempt by me to 
slip setuptools in past opposition; I genuinely thought the objectors had 
gone from "don't bring that stuff anywhere near me" to "I don't like it but 
other people seem to, so whatever."

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 01:33 AM 4/19/2006 -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 14:57 +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> > I'm not sure how people would prefer this be handled. I don't think we
> > need to have a PEP for it - I don't see PEPs for ctypes, elementtree,
> > pysqlite or cProfile, either.
>Agreed.  If modules like these have a solid history of use outside the
>stdlib I don't think we need all the formality of a PEP to pull them in.
>I /do/ think however that we need to be diligent in documenting them so
>that people who don't follow python-dev (or the packages own development
>forums) will become aware of what they are and how to use them.  Correct
>me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any of the above are currently
>documented in the stdlib.

I thought that ctypes doc had been added, but I guess they're still 
in-progress.  The setuptools docs are definitely on my plan for conversion 
to Pythondoc format, as per my earlier post today asking where they should 
go in the overall doc layout.

> > I don't have a problem at all with setuptools going into the standard
> > library. It adds a whole pile of extremely useful functionality
> > (easy_install, in particular, is something that people have been
> > asking for, constantly, for YEARS). Making it an additional install
> > is just silly.
>I agree.  My one stupid nit is that I don't like the name
>'easy_install'.  I wish a better, non-underscored word could be found.

The long term plan is for a tool called "nest" to be offered, which will 
offer a command-line interface similar to that of the "yum" package 
manager, with commands to list, uninstall, upgrade, and perform other 
management functions on installed packages.  It's not likely to be 
available in time for the Python 2.5, release, but when it *is* available 
you'll just "python -m easy_install --upgrade setuptools" to get it.  :)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib

2006-04-18 Thread Giovanni Bajo
Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> If so, can't we have some kind of versioning
>> system?
> We do: "import setuptools".  We could perhaps rename it to "import
> distutils2" if you prefer, but it would mean essentially the same
> thing.  :)

I believe the naming is important, though. I'd rather it be called distutils2,
or "from distutils.core import setup2" or something like that. setuptools *is*
a new version of distutils, so it shouldn't have a different name.

Then, about new commands. Why should I need to do "import distutils2" to do,
eg, " develop"? This doesn't break backward compatibility.

Giovanni Bajo

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Walter Dörwald
Anthony Baxter wrote:

> I'm not sure how people would prefer this be handled. I don't think we 
> need to have a PEP for it - I don't see PEPs for ctypes, elementtree, 
> pysqlite or cProfile, either. 

If I'm not calling shared libraries from Python I can ignore ctypes. If 
I'm not doing XML, I can ignore elementtree. If I'm not doing SQL I can 
ignore pysqlite and if I'm not interested in profiling I can ignore 
cProfile. But setuptools will potentially affect anyone that uses 
third-party modules/packages.

And ctypes, elementtree and pysqlite are mature packages. setuptools 
isn't even finished yet.

> I don't have a problem at all with setuptools going into the standard 
> library. It adds a whole pile of extremely useful functionality 
> (easy_install, in particular, is something that people have been 
> asking for, constantly, for YEARS). Making it an additional install 
> is just silly
> Sure, it's possible that some people with extremely complicated 
> distutils scripts may find they need to update them.

Wouldn't I need at least have to change "from distutils.core import 
setup" to "from setuptools import setup"? Or to something like:

import ez_setup
except ImportError:
import distutils.core as tools
import setuptools as tools

for backwards compatibility reasons?

> But the 
> alternative to that is complete paralysis - and I can't say that the 
> current state of distutils is at all something to make Python happy. 
> I started refactoring some of the ugliness out of the internals of 
> distutils last year, but was completely stymied by the demand that no 
> existing scripts be broken. This means that the people who 
> are experts with the current code are fine, but everyone else has to 
> pay the price.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 08:11 AM 4/19/2006 +0200, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>Then, about new commands. Why should I need to do "import distutils2" to do,
>eg, " develop"? This doesn't break backward compatibility.

The develop command uses the egg_info command.  egg_info uses the 
setuptools enhanced MANIFEST scheme.  Both make use of extended setup() 
arguments, and the entry points feature that allows distutils plugins to 
co-operate.  Develop also uses easy_install...  and so on.

I'm not saying it would be impossible to merge this stuff into the 
distutils, just that it's not a trivial undertaking.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Greg Ewing
Anthony Baxter wrote:

> I started refactoring some of the ugliness out of the internals of 
> distutils last year, but was completely stymied by the demand that no 
> existing scripts be broken.

Instead of trying to fix distutils, maybe it would be better
to start afresh with a new package and a new name, then
there wouldn't be any backwards-compatibility issues to
hold it back.

I'd like to see a different approach taken to the design
altogether, something more along the lines of Scons.
Maybe it could even be an extension of Scons.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 -python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Neal Norwitz wrote:

> I was also working under the assumption that people would complain if
> they didn't like something.  What do people think should happen for
> the "Possible features" section?  Should I ask if there are any
> objections to each item?

some discussion on python-dev for each non-trivial item should be
required.  larger items may need discussion + grace period + discussion
before they've checked in.

the increasing amount of "but I've discussed this in some other forum"
worries me.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> I was surprised that MAL didn't comment *then*, actually, and mistakenly
> thought it meant that our last discussion on the distutils-sig (and my
> attempts to deal with the problems) had been successful.  Between that and
> MvL's mild response to the explicit discussion of supporting setuptools, I
> thought their votes had effectively moved from -1 to -0.  Off-list
> discussion with Fredrik suggested that he too had shifted from -1 to -0,

I'm +1 on adding stuff to distutils (and other install tools) to make it 
for setuptools (and other install tools) to make a good job.

I'm -1 on adding tools to the core that changes the structure of an installed
Python system, without a full PEP process.  If nobody can point to (or produce)
a technical document that, in full detail, describes the mechanisms *used* by
setuptools, including what files it creates, what the files contain, how they 
used during import, how non-setuptools code can manipulate (or at least in-
spect) the data, etc, setuptools should *not* go into 2.5.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Anthony Baxter
On Wednesday 19 April 2006 16:22, Walter Dörwald wrote:
> If I'm not calling shared libraries from Python I can ignore
> ctypes. If I'm not doing XML, I can ignore elementtree. If I'm not
> doing SQL I can ignore pysqlite and if I'm not interested in
> profiling I can ignore cProfile. But setuptools will potentially
> affect anyone that uses third-party modules/packages.

Sure. It might mean people can automatically install something like 
TurboGears and all it's dependencies, without stuffing their existing 
required versions (thanks to eggs) and without having to fetch 16 
different packages. Oh, the horror! 

> And ctypes, elementtree and pysqlite are mature packages.
> setuptools isn't even finished yet.

Neither is distutils. setuptools at least is likely to be "finished", 
whatever that means.

> Wouldn't I need at least have to change "from distutils.core import
> setup" to "from setuptools import setup"? Or to something like:

Nope, only if you want to use the new, nicer functionality. If you 
want to stick with the status quo, you're quite welcome to. 

Anthony Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 08:22 AM 4/19/2006 +0200, Walter Dörwald wrote:
>Anthony Baxter wrote:
> > I'm not sure how people would prefer this be handled. I don't think we
> > need to have a PEP for it - I don't see PEPs for ctypes, elementtree,
> > pysqlite or cProfile, either.
>If I'm not calling shared libraries from Python I can ignore ctypes. If
>I'm not doing XML, I can ignore elementtree. If I'm not doing SQL I can
>ignore pysqlite and if I'm not interested in profiling I can ignore

And if you're not using setuptools, or any packages that do, you can ignore 
it as well.

>But setuptools will potentially affect anyone that uses
>third-party modules/packages.

Setuptools already exists, so it already affects "anyone that uses 
third-party modules/packages".  That genie isn't going back in the 
metaphorical bottle.

However, if setuptools is in the stdlib, it means that those people won't 
have to install setuptools *first* in order to use a package that's 
distributed using setuptools.  Thus, having it in the stdlib arguably 
*reduces* the impact of setuptools on such users.

> > Sure, it's possible that some people with extremely complicated
> > distutils scripts may find they need to update them.
>Wouldn't I need at least have to change "from distutils.core import
>setup" to "from setuptools import setup"? Or to something like:
> import ez_setup
>except ImportError:
> import distutils.core as tools
> ez_setup.use_setuptools()
> import setuptools as tools
>for backwards compatibility reasons?

If, and *only* if, you want to use setuptools, or your users hound you 
enough to make you.  :)

Nobody is *forced* to use setuptools for a package they are distributing, 
any more than they are forced to use ctypes.  The "setuptools takes over 
everything" argument is purest FUD and nonsense.  Developers use setuptools 
because they want the features, or because their users want them to.

It's true that sometimes users demand setuptools support, when all they 
really want is the ability to build eggs.  For example, some folks were 
bugging Greg Ewing to add it to Pyrex, and I had to point out that as long 
as Pyrex has a PyPI entry and a vanilla, there is no need for him 
to start using setuptools.  So he created a PyPI entry, making it now 
possible for easy_install users to do this:

$ python2.5 -m easy_install Pyrex
Searching for Pyrex
Best match: Pyrex 0.9.4
Processing Pyrex-0.9.4.tar.gz
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Adding Pyrex 0.9.4 to easy-install.pth file
Installing pyrexc script to /home/pje/bin

Installed /home/pje/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Pyrex-0.9.4-py2.5.egg
Processing dependencies for Pyrex

So, nobody was forced to import setuptools in order to offer any features 
to end users.  Setuptools is perfectly capable of running setup scripts and 
making them into eggs on its own, within reasonable levels of distutils 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] a flattening operator?

2006-04-18 Thread Josiah Carlson

Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Josiah Carlson wrote:
> > One major problem with this is that except for function calls, * is the
> > multiplication operator, which operates on two arguments.  *foo is an
> > operation on a single argument, and without parenthesis, would be
> > ambiguously parsed.
> No, it wouldn't. There's no problem in giving an operator
> different unary and binary meanings; '-' already does
> that.

I stand corrected.  Though the look of 'print *e' bothers me.

 - Josiah

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections (was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> The long term plan is for a tool called "nest" to be offered, which will
> offer a command-line interface similar to that of the "yum" package
> manager, with commands to list, uninstall, upgrade, and perform other
> management functions on installed packages.

yum already exists, of course.  along with many other package managers.
do you expect linux and bsd packagers to switch to your stuff for all their
python needs, or are you building a parallel universe ?  if so, why ?

Python-Dev mailing list