[Python-Dev] PATCH: Fast globals/builtins lookups for 2.6

2007-11-29 Thread Neil Toronto
I've posted a patch here:


for 2.6a0 that speeds up LOAD_GLOBAL to where it's just barely slower 
than LOAD_FAST for both globals and builtins. It started life here, in 


The idea is to cache pointers to dictionary entries rather than 
dictionary values as is usually suggested for speeding up globals. In my 
original approach, every dictionary would keep a list of observers 
that it would notify when an entry pointer became invalid. However, the 
surgery on PyDictObject became too invasive, to the point where the new 
code was affecting performance of unrelated code paths. (It was probably 
caching issues.) It also made some (very rare) operations on builtins 
and globals very, very slow.

The new approach tags each PyDictObject with a version: a 64-bit value 
that is incremented for every operation that invalidates at least one 
entry pointer. (Those are inserting set, delete, pop, clear and resize. 
Non-inserting set and get are unaffected.) In this approach, changes to 
PyDictObject are uninvasive and do not affect performance in any 
measurable way (as far as I can tell).

Every function has a PyFastGlobalsObject, which keeps entry pointers for 
everything in co_names and tracks its dicts' versions so it can update 
the pointers when one might have become invalid. LOAD_GLOBALS uses the 
PyFastGlobalsObject to get globals and builtins by name index rather 
than by string key.

With the patch, Python behaves differently in these two ways (as far as 
I can tell):

1. As before, a __builtins__ ({'None': None}) is created for frames 
whose globals do not have one. Unlike before, it's added to the globals 
dict rather than just kept internally. This made implementation easier - 
I don't think it's a big deal (but I might be wrong).

2. A change of __builtins__ (its value, not its contents) always appears 
at the beginning of a stack frame. (Before, changing __builtins__ in a 
module would be undetectable if function calls were kept within that 
module.) This is likely of little importance.

I'd love to see it included. I have donned my asbestos underwear and my 
best chain mail shirt and I'm begging for comments.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] removing the new and types modules

2007-11-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
 Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are there actually good reasons to 
 remove types?

Mainly because it is an unrelated grab bag of types that could be put in 
more topical locations - what they're for is more interesting than the 
mere fact that they happen to be types.

As it turns out, the cleanup for Py3k (removing the members which are 
merely aliases for existing names) has already cut it down to only a few 
types which are closely related to the interpreter core.


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Christian Heimes
Greg Ewing wrote:

Since Python 3.0 supports all unicode chars I vote for __überglobal__.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Memory benchmarking?

2007-11-29 Thread Titus Brown
Hi all,

is there a good, or standard memory benchmarking system for Python?
pybench doesn't return significantly different results when Python 2.6
is compiled with pymalloc and without pymalloc.  Thinking on it, I'm not
too surprised -- pybench probably benchmarks a lot of stuff -- but some
guidance on how/whether to benchmark different memory allocation schemes
would be welcome.





Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Statsvn output for /python/branches/py3k

2007-11-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
Brett Cannon wrote:
 On Nov 28, 2007 3:25 PM, Joseph Armbruster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was looking at statsvn today at work and gave it a test-run on a repo 
   I wondered what it would look like for python3k.  And... here are the 

 Interesting.  Unfortunately no one gets credit for ripping out code.  =(

And svnmerge committers get lots of LoC credits. Thomas's 58k line 
commit in September must have taken a while :)


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Neil Toronto
Christian Heimes wrote:
 Greg Ewing wrote:
 Since Python 3.0 supports all unicode chars I vote for __überglobal__.

Make it untypeable to most Americans so as to discourage use? If that's 
what we're going for, I suggest the somewhat more self-documenting and 
less impossible __the_dictionary_where_all_the_builtins_are_now__.

Seriously, though, I really liked __universal__. It's part of a theme: 
local  global  universal, and it communicates itself well. __root__ 
and its ilk don't bring anything concrete to mind, just abstract trees. 
I don't think of namespaces as trees when I'm coding a function - 
they're more like layers or overlays at that level.

So, a +0.01 from me (after weighting for lurkerhood) for __universal__.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
Given that the *effect* of __builtins__ is to make the contents of the 
__builtin__ module implicitly available in every module's global 
namespace, why not call it __implicit__?

I really don't like all of these __root__ inspired names, because 
__builtin__ isn't the root of any Python hierarchy that I know of.

  import sys
  import __builtin__
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sys'

The builtin namespace doesn't know anything about other modules, the 
current module's global namespace, the current function's local 
variables, or much of anything really. To me, the concept of root in a 
computing sense implies a node from which you can reach every other node 
- from the root of the filesystem you can get to every other directory, 
as the root user you can access any other account, etc. To those that 
like these names, what do you consider __root__ to be the root of?


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Memory benchmarking?

2007-11-29 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2007-11-29 11:52, Titus Brown wrote:
 Hi all,
 is there a good, or standard memory benchmarking system for Python?
 pybench doesn't return significantly different results when Python 2.6
 is compiled with pymalloc and without pymalloc.  Thinking on it, I'm not
 too surprised -- pybench probably benchmarks a lot of stuff -- but some
 guidance on how/whether to benchmark different memory allocation schemes
 would be welcome.

pybench focuses on runtime performance, not memory usage. It's
way of creating and deleting objects is also highly non-standard
when compared to typical use of Python in real life applications.

It's also rather difficult to benchmark memory allocation, since
most implementations work with some sort of pre-allocation,
buffer pools or free lists.

If you want to use a similar approach as pybench does, ie. benchmark
small parts of the interpreter instead of generating some grand
total, then you'd probably have to do this by spawning a separate
process per test.


Marc-Andre Lemburg

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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Christian Heimes
Neil Toronto wrote:
 Since Python 3.0 supports all unicode chars I vote for __überglobal__.
 Make it untypeable to most Americans so as to discourage use? If that's 
 what we're going for, I suggest the somewhat more self-documenting and 
 less impossible __the_dictionary_where_all_the_builtins_are_now__.

OK, let's get serious again.

 Seriously, though, I really liked __universal__. It's part of a theme: 
 local  global  universal, and it communicates itself well. __root__ 
 and its ilk don't bring anything concrete to mind, just abstract trees. 
 I don't think of namespaces as trees when I'm coding a function - 
 they're more like layers or overlays at that level.

You are making a very good point! Thank you, you have added a new
perspective to the discussion. :)

I tend to agree that local, nonlocal, global and the-other-thingie are
more like the layers of an onion than a tree. It makes sense to me. The
name lookup starts at the local level and goes all the way out until it
reaches the universal level. Or does it go in until it reaches the core
of the onion? It's a matter of perspective. __universal__ or __core__ ?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Fredrik Johansson
On Nov 28, 2007 4:20 PM, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What name do you prefer? I'm +1 with Raymond on __root__ but I'm still
 open for better suggestions.

Perhaps __basic__?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Graham Horler
This is an interesting thread, here is my 1c :-)

Unless one is feeling chronologically challenged, it is always the
__last__ layer looked in as Christian Heimes described, so maybe
__lastns__ or __latter__, or even __zns__.

Perhaps __final__ or __finalns__ sounds too similar to finally:.

How about __inbuilt__ :-?

I don't like __finish__, __close__, __terminal__, __integral__ too

Poll summary so far (but without vote tally, and sorry if I missed any),
including the ones above.

__builtin__ GvR I want to keep both concepts
__session__ GvR too many unrelated meanings
__python__ GvR But ... *everything* becomes a Python thingie.

__uberglobal__ With and without umlaut

Cryptic / confusing:

The others:
__root__ This one is popular but has beed described as too short
__universal__ +0.2 from me

I hope this helps to have them all in one list.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Christian Heimes
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Function locals, module globals and program universals would make more
 sense to me - outer layers have a broader scope than inner layers.

__universal__ rhymes with the other __*al__ names, too. I'm shifting my
vote from __root__ to __universal__. All hail the Aussies! :)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Isaac Morland
On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Graham Horler wrote:

 Perhaps someone here can draw some inspiration from __monty__ python's
 flying __circus__.  It would be nice to have a name with a pythonic

 Unfortunately that show is not my __staple__ entertainment, and although
 I have a __general__ idea what the show's about, it needs a __canonic__
 understanding of its __founding__ __elements__ in order to be used for
 __primary__ ideas.

For my part, I like __universal__.  I was going to suggest 
__cosmological__ to leave space in case we need to put something between 
__global__ and (what is now called) __builtin__, but then I remembered the 
Galaxy Song, and thought of __galactic__ for that eventuality.

I wonder how much you could sell the naming rights for?  i.e. call it 
__[name of sponsor]__.  Python's pretty popular, such advertising should 
be worth something

PS: I actually do like __universal__.  The rest may be somewhat addled.

Isaac Morland   CSCF Web Guru
DC 2554C, x36650WWW Software Specialist
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Graham Horler

Are we scraping the __bottom__ of the English language __barrel__?

Perhaps someone here can draw some inspiration from __monty__ python's
flying __circus__.  It would be nice to have a name with a pythonic

Unfortunately that show is not my __staple__ entertainment, and although
I have a __general__ idea what the show's about, it needs a __canonic__
understanding of its __founding__ __elements__ in order to be used for
__primary__ ideas.

Sorry, went mad for a few seconds there.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Statsvn output for /python/branches/py3k

2007-11-29 Thread Christian Heimes
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 And svnmerge committers get lots of LoC credits. Thomas's 58k line 
 commit in September must have taken a while :)

Exactly! Most of my LoC credits must either come from svnmerge or my
work on PCBuild9. Visual Studio's project xml files contain a *lot* of
space and meaningless lines.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ssl module integration with asyncore

2007-11-29 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 29 Nov, 06:00, Bill Janssen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it's simpler to let the SSL module do it, even though it comes
 at the expense of blocking the thread till the handshake is complete.

 That's essentially what happens already.  The question is whether the
 SSL setup code is allowed to block the non-blocking socket till the
 SSL handshake is complete.

No, the SSL code should NOT be allowed to block anything in any case,
even though the handshake is still not completed, in which case just
retry it at a later time.
Meanwhile the application must be able to do other things, like read
or write from other sockets.
If the handshake would complete in 1 second that would mean that the
application won't do anything else until that operation is finished,
holding up the entire loop.
That means you would block other clients connected at that time (e.g.
applications serving more than 1 client at time), transfers in
progress and so on...
That would be only reasonable when using threads or multiple processes
but not in an asynchronous environment.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Oleg Broytmann
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 10:27:37AM -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
  Perhaps someone here can draw some inspiration from __monty__ python's
  flying __circus__.  It would be nice to have a name with a pythonic
 Clearly then, it should be called __bruce__.

   No, __spam__!

__Oleg__Stressed__by__undersores__'ly yours.
 Oleg Broytmannhttp://phd.pp.ru/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Barry Warsaw
Hash: SHA1

On Nov 29, 2007, at 8:47 AM, Graham Horler wrote:

 Perhaps someone here can draw some inspiration from __monty__ python's
 flying __circus__.  It would be nice to have a name with a pythonic

Clearly then, it should be called __bruce__.

- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 11:16 PM 11/29/2007 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
Function locals, module globals and program universals would make more
sense to me - outer layers have a broader scope than inner layers.

+1 for __universal__ 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ssl module integration with asyncore

2007-11-29 Thread Bill Janssen
 No, the SSL code should NOT be allowed to block anything in any case,
 even though the handshake is still not completed, in which case just
 retry it at a later time.

That's why there's do_handshake_on_connect in the first place.  I'm
just talking about what the SSL module should do if you don't use it
when you call wrap_socket().  If you do use it, driving the handshake
to completion is up to your code, and you can use select, poll, and/or
handle_read_event() or handle_write_event() as you see fit.

I think we're talking past each other here.  Using asyncore (as you
know) is not simple; I believe I've outlined how to use it
successfully and properly with the SSL module.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PATCH: Fast globals/builtins lookups for 2.6

2007-11-29 Thread Guido van Rossum
Cool! Can't wait to get my hands on it. How does it affect pystone?

What happens if the globals are not a real dict but an instance of
another collections.MutableMapping (virtual or real) subclass?

We've worked hard (well, some folks have) to enable this. It would be
a show-stopper if this broke (or changed semantics or became
significantly slower).


On Nov 29, 2007 2:26 AM, Neil Toronto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've posted a patch here:


 for 2.6a0 that speeds up LOAD_GLOBAL to where it's just barely slower
 than LOAD_FAST for both globals and builtins. It started life here, in


 The idea is to cache pointers to dictionary entries rather than
 dictionary values as is usually suggested for speeding up globals. In my
 original approach, every dictionary would keep a list of observers
 that it would notify when an entry pointer became invalid. However, the
 surgery on PyDictObject became too invasive, to the point where the new
 code was affecting performance of unrelated code paths. (It was probably
 caching issues.) It also made some (very rare) operations on builtins
 and globals very, very slow.

 The new approach tags each PyDictObject with a version: a 64-bit value
 that is incremented for every operation that invalidates at least one
 entry pointer. (Those are inserting set, delete, pop, clear and resize.
 Non-inserting set and get are unaffected.) In this approach, changes to
 PyDictObject are uninvasive and do not affect performance in any
 measurable way (as far as I can tell).

 Every function has a PyFastGlobalsObject, which keeps entry pointers for
 everything in co_names and tracks its dicts' versions so it can update
 the pointers when one might have become invalid. LOAD_GLOBALS uses the
 PyFastGlobalsObject to get globals and builtins by name index rather
 than by string key.

 With the patch, Python behaves differently in these two ways (as far as
 I can tell):

 1. As before, a __builtins__ ({'None': None}) is created for frames
 whose globals do not have one. Unlike before, it's added to the globals
 dict rather than just kept internally. This made implementation easier -
 I don't think it's a big deal (but I might be wrong).

 2. A change of __builtins__ (its value, not its contents) always appears
 at the beginning of a stack frame. (Before, changing __builtins__ in a
 module would be undetectable if function calls were kept within that
 module.) This is likely of little importance.

 I'd love to see it included. I have donned my asbestos underwear and my
 best chain mail shirt and I'm begging for comments.

 Python-Dev mailing list

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Guido van Rossum
I nearly choked on my coffee when I read the naming rights suggestion. :-)

Then I started leaning towards __universal__.

But then I thought, what if we renamed the __builtin__ module instead
to builtins, and left __builtins__ alone?

In Python 0.1, __builtin__ *was* called builtin, and I think the
reason for renaming it wasn't particularly well thought-out; as a
*module*, I'm not sure that it really needs to have such a special
name (I don't think it's more special than sys, anyway). There's no
motivation in the checkin comment that renamed it (r3527).

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PATCH: Fast globals/builtins lookups for 2.6

2007-11-29 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Nov 29, 2007 1:07 PM, Neil Toronto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
  Cool! Can't wait to get my hands on it. How does it affect pystone?

 Pystone likes it, according to my tests and Chris's. On his machine, if
 I'm reading these stones right, it takes about 7% off the run time on
 average. On mine it takes off 4%.


On my Linux box, in the trunk:

Before the patch:
Pystone(1.1) time for 5 passes = 1.16
This machine benchmarks at 43103.4 pystones/second

After the patch:
Pystone(1.1) time for 5 passes = 1.14
This machine benchmarks at 43859.6 pystones/second

That's only about 1.75% faster. But pystone is a lousy benchmark.

  What happens if the globals are not a real dict but an instance of
  another collections.MutableMapping (virtual or real) subclass?

 Globals has to be a real dict or a subclass, because otherwise
 PyFastGlobalsObject won't be able to point directly at its entries. This
 doesn't change anything, since globals had to be a real dict or subclass

  We've worked hard (well, some folks have) to enable this. It would be
  a show-stopper if this broke (or changed semantics or became
  significantly slower).

 Besides what I outlined about __builtins__ (which should be an arbitrary
 implementation detail), everything is exactly the same. The details of
 fast globals are completely transparent to everything but PyDictObject
 (in which they're nearly insignificant) and PyFastGlobalsObject. In
 other words, every other bit of code in the interpreter can happily do
 whatever the heck it wants with globals and builtins without having to
 worry about messing anything up. Since it's nearly transparent to the
 interpreter core, Python-the-language shouldn't see any differences at all.

 But then, I know less about the rest of the core than just about
 everybody else here, so I may just be talking out of my rear. :)

My apologies. I though I remembered we changed exec() and eval() to
accept a totally arbitrary mapping for globals() -- but that's not the
case, it must be a dict subclass.

 Pystone and my microbenchmarks look good, but we don't know yet about
 Pybench. On my tests, it's nearly the same, with small variations in
 individual tests. On Chris's, there are large variations that appear (to
 me) to be random. Pybench does almost nothing with globals, though - the
 numbers on that really only need to stay put.

The only pybench tests that matter would be the ones checking dict performance.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Greg Ewing
The next step up from global would be __galactic__.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Greg Ewing
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 why not call it __implicit__?

But isn't __explicit__ better than __implicit__? :-)

I tend to agree about __root__, though -- it just
doesn't seem quite right somehow.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Oleg Broytmann
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 11:22:03AM +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
 The next step up from global would be __galactic__.

   Let me skip __universe[al]__ and go directly to The Ultimate Questions:
Is there __life__ after __death__? Does __Deity__ exist? What attributes,
properties and keys has __He__ got?

 Oleg Broytmannhttp://phd.pp.ru/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Greg Ewing
Another idea:


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Greg Ewing


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Facundo Batista
2007/11/29, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Uh! Great!



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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Nov 29, 2007 3:12 PM, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 | But then I thought, what if we renamed the __builtin__ module instead
 | to builtins, and left __builtins__ alone?
 | In Python 0.1, __builtin__ *was* called builtin, and I think the
 | reason for renaming it wasn't particularly well thought-out; as a
 | *module*, I'm not sure that it really needs to have such a special
 | name (I don't think it's more special than sys, anyway). There's no
 | motivation in the checkin comment that renamed it (r3527).

 +1 for plain 'builtins' or whatever for the name of the module.  I believe
 it would have been less confusing to me learning Python, (and still today
 ;-) if it had been this way 10 years ago.

Right. It was this way 15 years ago. :-)

 The rationale for special __xxx__ names (identifiers) is to avoid namespace
 clashes.  So they are only needed for namespace names bound to objects,
 including string objects representing definition names.  Since
 '__builtin__' is merely a string object bound to '__name__' (I presume) in
 the module itself and to '__builtins__' in all others, a string that did
 not imitate a reserved identifier would be clearer, at least to me.

Right again.

 Similarly, by the way, the main module might justifiably be '__name__'ed
 'main' rather than '__main__' since whatever string is bound to '__name__'
 is *not* in the module namespace.  if __name__ == 'main'  is a bit easier
 to type and to me a bit clearer.  The only problem would be if someone put
 the incantation into a non-main module named 'main.py', but the same is
 true today of '__main__.py'.  And I would consider either a buggy practice.

Not quite. main.py is a valid regular module name and shouldn't be
endowed with special powers. But __main__.py would be a reserved
module name, like __init__.py, and could reasonably be expected to
have extra semantics.

 These are the only two builtin strings I can think of that have the form of
 special names, even though they are not actually identifiers.

I'm not sure I follow. A module name is an identifier too. (This is
how it's used by import.)

 If so, they
 are the only two 'special names' that *must* be quoted as strings, while
 binding names (identifiers) usually are not.  If both were changed, then
 'special names' would simply be 'internal namespace names used by the
 implementation'.  I think this would make it easier for beginners to keep
 separate the notions of 'identifier' and 'string'.

I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

2007-11-29 Thread Jason Orendorff
On Nov 29, 2007 11:54 AM, Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But then I thought, what if we renamed the __builtin__ module instead
 to builtins, and left __builtins__ alone?

Hmm.  __builtins__ is a magic hook, but __builtin__-the-module isn't
the thing it hooks, exactly, not the way __import__ hooks import or
__iter__ hooks iter().  Really the __builtin__ module *implements* the
__builtins__ hook protocol.  It would be cool to have a name for
__builtin__ the module that suggests that.

I suggest sys.builtins.  The builtins module feels both central enough
and magical enough to belong in sys.  And a lot of other stuff in sys
has the same it's fun but slightly crazy to tweak this knob vibe.
And, for sandboxers, mysandbox.builtins seems like a nice parallel to
sys.builtins, with sys serving the bonus role of suggesting
unrestricted access.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PATCH: Fast globals/builtins lookups for 2.6

2007-11-29 Thread Neil Toronto
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On my Linux box, in the trunk:
 Before the patch:
 Pystone(1.1) time for 5 passes = 1.16
 This machine benchmarks at 43103.4 pystones/second
 After the patch:
 Pystone(1.1) time for 5 passes = 1.14
 This machine benchmarks at 43859.6 pystones/second
 That's only about 1.75% faster. But pystone is a lousy benchmark.

I'm not aware of any benchmark that isn't. :)

Can you humor me and change the PY_LONG_LONG to Py_ssize_t in both 
PyDictObject and PyFastGlobalsObject and see if that helps? It does on 
one of my test machines.

Speaking of which, here's a question for everybody. I was wondering 
whether 64 bits is necessary. It takes an hour of concerted effort - 
nothing but module.d = 1; del module.d for an hour straight - to 
overflow a 32-bit version number. Is anybody going to actually get close 
to doing that in a global namespace?

I don't think a malicious user could exploit it. The most they could do 
is segfault by doing exactly 2**32 entry-invalidating operations and 
then one get or set. They've got better things to do if they're running 
code on your machine.

FWIW - and I wouldn't bother with this if I weren't mucking about with 
dict internals - with a 32-bit version number, I've verified that gcc 
emits only one extra instruction in dict functions that increment it. 
It's two for a 64-bit number. The version test in LOAD_GLOBAL does take 
a bit more time with 64 bits, though.


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