Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread David Cournapeau
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

                           +- E -- downstream developer -+
                           |                                   |
                           |             +--+          V
 source - build - A - B -+- C - D - | END USER | +
                           |             +--+          A
                           |                                   |
                           +- F - OS distro -+

According to your diagram, the build-A is the only part where
describing meta-data can be possible so that everyone benefit from it
- which is what I believe Tarek is working on,


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Guido van Rossum wrote:

That's all good. I just don't think that a presentation in terms of
code in-lining is a good idea.

I was trying to describe it in a way that would give
some insight into *why* the various aspects of the
formal definition are the way they are. The inlining
concept seemed like an elegant way of doing that.

However, I've since realized that it's not quite as
unambiguous as I thought it was when a return value
is involved. I'll see if I can find another approach.

some languages *do* work that way (e.g. macro languages and Algol-60),

Algol-60 doesn't actually work that way, they just used
a similar trick to define certain aspects of the
semantics (although in that case I agree there were
better ways they could have defined it).

I'm asking you to use a different word, since inlining to

me has pretty strong connotations of textual substitution.

That's not what it usually means, as far as I can see.
When you declare a function 'inline' in C, you're not
asking for a blind textual substitution. Rather, you're
asking the compiler to generate whatever code is needed
to get the same effect as an actual call.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding PEP consistent aliases for names that don't currently conform

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Nick Coghlan wrote:

I think the main thing that may be putting me off is the amount of
energy that went into deciding whether or not to emit Py3k warnings or
DeprecationWarning or PendingDeprecationWarning for use of the old
threading API.

Having made that decision, though, couldn't the result
just be re-used for any future renaming exercises of
this kind?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Nick Coghlan wrote:

Although the PEP may still want to mention how one would write *tests*
for these things. Will the test drivers themselves need to be generators
participating in some kind of trampoline setup?

I don't see that tests are fundamentally different
from any other code that wants to call a value-returning
generator and get the value without becoming a generator
itself. So if it's to be mentioned in the PEP at all,
a general solution might as well be given (whether it's
to use a trampoline or just write the necessary next()
and except code).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Trying to think of a better usage example that
combines send() with returning values, I've realized
that part of the problem is that I don't actually
know of any realistic uses for send() in the first

Can anyone point me to any? Maybe it will help
to inspire a better example.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Packaging Survey first results + Summit schedule

2009-03-26 Thread Victor Stinner
Le Thursday 26 March 2009 04:58:51 Tarek Ziadé, vous avez écrit :
 - Here are the first results for the packaging survey:

How do you remove a package ?
   Wow, 275 hits for manually and 79 for fail at uninstallation

Victor Stinner aka haypo
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Nick Coghlan
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Although the PEP may still want to mention how one would write *tests*
 for these things. Will the test drivers themselves need to be generators
 participating in some kind of trampoline setup?
 I don't see that tests are fundamentally different
 from any other code that wants to call a value-returning
 generator and get the value without becoming a generator
 itself. So if it's to be mentioned in the PEP at all,
 a general solution might as well be given (whether it's
 to use a trampoline or just write the necessary next()
 and except code).

Agreed the problem is more general than just testing - but a test driver
is potentially interesting in that you probably want the same test suite
to be able to test both normal code and the cooperative multitasking code.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding PEP consistent aliases for names that don't currently conform

2009-03-26 Thread Nick Coghlan
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Nick Coghlan wrote:
 I think the main thing that may be putting me off is the amount of
 energy that went into deciding whether or not to emit Py3k warnings or
 DeprecationWarning or PendingDeprecationWarning for use of the old
 threading API.
 Having made that decision, though, couldn't the result
 just be re-used for any future renaming exercises of
 this kind?

Maybe - the problem with taking that decision and trying to get a
general rule out of it is that there were plenty of reasonable arguments
on all sides (there were more than just 2 options, which made the choice
all the more challenging). It wouldn't take many changes in the
specifics of a situation for the best answer to be different from what
we ended up doing in the threading case. The precedent would add weight
to the idea of doing the same thing again, but I don't think it would be
enough on its own to completely decide the matter.

So the only general rule I really got out of that experience was
actually let's not do this again if we can possibly avoid it :)


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Revised**8 PEP on Yield-From

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Here's a new draft of the PEP. I've added a Motivation
section and removed any mention of inlining.

There is a new expansion that incorporates recent ideas,
including the suggested handling of StopIteration raised
by a throw() call (i.e. if it wasn't the one thrown in,
treat it as a return value).

Explicit finalization is performed if the delegating
generator is closed, but not when the subiterator
completes itself normally.

Title: Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Gregory Ewing
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 13-Feb-2009
Python-Version: 2.7


A syntax is proposed for a generator to delegate part of its
operations to another generator. This allows a section of code
containing 'yield' to be factored out and placed in another
generator. Additionally, the subgenerator is allowed to return with a
value, and the value is made available to the delegating generator.

The new syntax also opens up some opportunities for optimisation when
one generator re-yields values produced by another.


A Python generator is a form of coroutine, but has the limitation that
it can only yield to its immediate caller.  This means that a piece of
code containing a ``yield`` cannot be factored out and put into a
separate function in the same way as other code.  Performing such a
factoring causes the called function to itself become a generator, and
it is necessary to explicitly iterate over this second generator and
re-yield any values that it produces.

If yielding of values is the only concern, this can be performed without
much difficulty using a loop such as


for v in g:
yield v

However, if the subgenerator is to interact properly with the caller
in the case of calls to ``send()``, ``throw()`` and ``close()``, things
become considerably more difficult.  As will be seen later, the necessary
code is very complicated, and it is tricky to handle all the corner cases

A new syntax will be proposed to address this issue. In the simplest
use cases, it will be equivalent to the above for-loop, but it will also
handle the full range of generator behaviour, and allow generator code
to be refactored in a simple and straightforward way.


The following new expression syntax will be allowed in the body of a


yield from expr

where expr is an expression evaluating to an iterable, from which an
iterator is extracted. The iterator is run to exhaustion, during which
time it yields and receives values directly to or from the caller of
the generator containing the ``yield from`` expression (the
delegating generator).

Furthermore, when the iterator is another generator, the subgenerator is
allowed to execute a ``return`` statement with a value, and that value
becomes the value of the ``yield from`` expression.

In general, the semantics can be described in terms of the iterator
protocol as follows:

* Any values that the iterator yields are passed directly to the

* Any values sent to the delegating generator using ``send()``
  are passed directly to the iterator. If the sent value is None,
  the iterator's ``next()`` method is called. If the sent value is
  not None, the iterator's ``send()`` method is called. Any exception
  resulting from attempting to call ``next`` or ``send`` is raised
  in the delegating generator.

* Exceptions passed to the ``throw()`` method of the delegating
  generator are forwarded to the ``throw()`` method of the iterator.
  If the iterator does not have a  ``throw()`` method, its ``close()``
  method is called if it has one, then the thrown-in exception is
  raised in the delegating generator. Any exception resulting from
  attempting to call these methods (apart from one case noted below)
  is raised in the delegating generator.

* The value of the ``yield from`` expression is the first argument
  to the ``StopIteration`` exception raised by the iterator when it

* ``return expr`` in a generator causes ``StopIteration(expr)`` to
  be raised.

Fine Details

The implicit GeneratorExit resulting from closing the delegating
generator is treated as though it were passed in using ``throw()``.
An iterator having a ``throw()`` method is expected to recognize
this as a request to finalize itself.

If a call to the iterator's ``throw()`` method raises a StopIteration
exception, and it is *not* the same exception object that was thrown
in, its value is returned as the value of the ``yield from`` expression
and the delegating generator is resumed.

Enhancements to StopIteration

For convenience, the ``StopIteration`` exception will be given a
``value`` attribute that 

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Guido van Rossum guido at writes:
 That's stating it a little too strongly. Phillip has shown how with
 judicious use of decorators and helper classes you can get a
 reasonable approximation, and I think Twisted uses something like
 this, so it's not just theory. I think the best you can do without new
 syntax though is still pretty cumbersome and brittle, which is why I
 have encouraged your PEP.

It remains to be seen whether Twisted and other libraries (Kamaelia?) can
benefit from this PEP. There seems to be a misunderstanding as to how generators
are used in Twisted. There isn't a global trampoline to schedule generators
around. Instead, generators are wrapped with a decorator (*) which collects each
yielded value (it's a Deferred object) and attaches to it a callback which
resumes (using send()) the execution of the generator whenever the Deferred
finally gets its value. The wrapped generator, in turn, looks like a normal
Deferred-returning function to outside code.

Therefore, there is no nesting problem and yield from doesn't seem to be
useful here. This has been confirmed to me by a Twisted developer on IRC (he
pointed out, however, a streaming XML parser where yield from could save a
couple of lines of code).

(*) inlineCallbacks:



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Zvezdan Petkovic

On Mar 25, 2009, at 11:02 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

That is, the full workflow that should really be happening is  
something like the following:


Here's a small FYI for this point in the diagram.
Perhaps some people are not aware of zc.sourcerelease.

It allows you to take a zc.buildout based project and pack it into a  
tarball with all the eggs the project depends on packed with it.

buildout-source-release projectdir_or_repo_path buildout.cfg

You can drop the resulting tarball into SOURCES directory and a  
corresponding .spec file into SPECS directory and build an RPM package.

The RPM is then used to install the application.

Thus, zc.buildout is used for development (package management) and  
zc.sourcerelease + rpmbuild for distribution.

I know this does not solve problems that many mentioned in this  
thread, but it could solve a distribution problem for people who use  
zc.buildout  but were not aware of zc.sourcerelease.  As I said above,  
this was just an info for anyone interested in this particular workflow.

Common Python packaging spec
 (Windows MSI/Mac OS X bundle/Linux RPM/Linux DEB/etc)
End User Installation

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
2009/3/25 Tennessee Leeuwenburg
 I would suggest there may be three use cases for Python installation tools.
 Bonus -- I'm not a web developer! :)
 Case One: Developer wishing to install additional functionality into the
 system Python interpreter forever
 Case Two: Developer wishing to install additional functionality into the
 system Python interpreter for a specific task
 Case Three: Person wanting to install an application which happens to be
 written in Python

If none of these includes managing packages (... similar to apt, yum,
and equivalent ;) pls include it ... and I mean it from a higher level
of abstraction; i.e. disregarding the nature of the «thing» (pkg, mdl,
web framew, plugin, console app, GUI, sci-tool, and so on ... made
with Py ;)

 The prime limitation of setuptools appears to me to come when there are

IMO the prime limitation of setuptools (for installing pkgs ... and so
on ..) appears to me when I want to control what I've installed (... a
broader situation, i.e. it includes the specific case when there are
conflicts ... and many others ... like removal, etc ... ).

 For issues
 where there are conflicts, where I have been sufficiently motivated, setting
 up a virtualenv has more than met my needs.

I dont think this should be *THE* option ...

 In fact, that's and *awesome*
 piece of functionality.

But shouldnt be the only one ... not everybody (... devs  users ...)
will be open to setup a virtual env in order to install a Py app ...
even myself ... I'd do it if I really need it ... else it is just
painful and non-sense to force me to do it ... and I dont think it'd
be right either ...

 For case one, where I want to install additional functionality into my
 system Python interpreter forever, it would be great to have my system
 manage this. On my ubuntu machine, this happens. The Ubuntu packages take
 care of things very satisfactorily and I don't see how anyone would have a
 problem with it.

Well I do ... my example is as follows (... it actually happened few
days ago ...) :

- I maintain many Trac instances in many different places ...
- I updated some of them to Trac 0.11.1 ...
- One of these was a host running Ubuntu Hardy ... and AFAIK there are
no official debs for Ubuntu Hardy, including backports ... but only
for Intrepid ;)
- So I removed Trac 0.10 and installed Trac 0.11, this time using since I didnt have stdeb (... or equivalent ;) at hand ...
- Few months later there was a problem with that server ...
- Since I'm used to use apt+dpkg I didnt find Trac among the list of
installed soft and I completely forgot about all the previous steps
(... believe me my memory sucjks ... :S ...), I though Trac was
removed and I installed trac 0.10 once again from a local repo ...
- Results ... conflicts everywehere and time spent in finding out what
was wrong ... Besides I hosted multiple Trac instances in that single
machine (... that's why I package plugins as egg files ... most of the
time I face this situation, and I always try to do it as portable as
possible to decrease maintainance effort ... ;)
- ... and the solution was to remove trac (pkg  egg) folder, and this
is ugly (... at least these days in XXI century ... and me thinking in
taking control over the whole Emperor Vader's fleet ... I want all
their spaceships and vessels ... ;) but ... what if the installation
includes some other files placed somewhere else ... they remain there
and they'r useless ... and you possibly wont ever know they'r still
there ... if you dont use apt or similar ... ;)

 Perhaps an automated updates site could be configured such that there was a
 package for a variety of Python + some extra modules scenarios.

AFAIK PyPI offers some kwalitee (cheesecake) metrics and this includes
installability ... perhaps these metrics could be extended to consider
whether it is possible or not to automatically build packages for a
particular platform (debs, rpms, win_inst), and ... as a side-effect,
additional service or maybe because of the devs manually uploading the
«platform-specific pkgs» ... include those packages in PyPI ... (no
debs allowed in there ... yet ;)

Perhaps I'm going too far up to this point ... and I'm just dreaming
... but, beyond all these ... perhaps easy_install could just be a
little bit smarter and do things as follows :

1 - Detect the platform of the target host (i.e. the OS | distro in
the «machine» where the app | framework | ... will be installed )
2 - Find out if there is a specific install package for this OS |
distro in PyPI ( ... or the downloads site ...)
3 - Install the specific install package ...
4 - If either 2 or 3 goes wrong ... fall-back to installing the source
distro as usual (... perhaps notifying «the user» of what's going on
and asking him about whether to proceed or not ...)

Doing nothing but this (... and allowing to upload debs to PyPI,
together with including (b|s)dist commands for debs ... in order to
get the 

[Python-Dev] Py plugins architecture - Trac [WAS:] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Mar 25, 2009, at 11:35 AM, Olemis Lang wrote:

 Yes you're right, Trac requires .egg files for local plugins installs
 (... in /plugins folder ;) so that not all environments but only one
 be able to use the plugin ... but that's not exactly what I'm saying,
 since setuptools AFAIK *MUST* be already there ... so Trac depends on

 I've not looked at Trac's plugin architecture, but I wonder, how much of it
 is generic enough to be useful for any application?  I've found setuptools
 entry points difficult to work with for plugins, and I think the Python
 ecosystem could benefit from more shared wisdom, if not code, in designing
 plugin frameworks for applications.

Well ... I'm not pretty sure about following this here (py-dev)
however, I'll do my best effort to try to explain a little about it
and provide you some pointers ... ;)

- Trac plugin architecture (... which is a little bit «meta» ...) is
based on a few classes (... and more of them under the hood ... ;)
  1 - Interface ... includes the protocol used to interact with the
specific plugin
  2 - Component ... The base class for implementing the plugin functionality ...
  3 - ComponentManager ... represents something managing many
components | plugins ... (e.g. Trac environments are «represented» as
instances of trac.env.Environment class and it is nothing but a direct
descendant of ComponentManager ... ;).
  4 - ExtensionPoint ... to access all the plugins implenting an
specific interface ...
  5 - A few other «cosmetic» features like Configurable items and
classes (i.e. descriptors ;) to access configuration options ...

In theory people can implement their own descendants of
ComponentManager and do things the way they want to (... at least Noah
K. -trac dev- has mentioned that he has used Trac architecture for
«his own apps» ... and I have, but only for «my own» *web* apps ... I
have no experience about desktop or GUI or other apps ...) ...

It relies on pkg_resources entry points support in order to «load» the
plugins ...

Besides you can read Trac docs for further details ... AFAIK they'll
attend to PyCon'09 ... talks (... hopefully recorded ;) + sprint ...

PS: Edgewall guys have also done a great job in building another great
package for i18n ... and AFAICR it is based on a simpler pluggable
architecture relying on setuptools too ... (... CMIIW anyway ;) I am
talking about Babel ...



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Re: [Python-Dev] Integrate BeautifulSoup into stdlib?

2009-03-26 Thread Toshio Kuratomi
David Cournapeau wrote:
 I won't argue for setuptools' implementation of multi-version.  It
 sucks.  But multi-version can be done well.  Sonames in C libraries are
 a simple system that does this better.
 I would say simplistic instead of simple :) what works for C won't
 necessarily work for python - and even in C, library versioning is not
 used that often except for a few core libraries. Library versioning
 works in C because C model is very simple. It already breaks for C++.

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.  Library versioning is used
for practically every library on a Linux system.  My limited exposure to
the BSDs and Solaris was the same.  (If you're only talking Windows,
well; does windows even have Sonames?) I can name only one library that
isn't versioned in Fedora right now and may have heard of five total.
Perhaps you are thinking of library symbols?  If so, there are only a
few libraries that are using that.  But specifying backwards
compatibility via soname is well known and ubiquitous.

 More high-level languages like C# already have a more complicated
 scheme (GAC) - and my impression is that it did not work that well.
 The SxS for dll on recent windows to handle multiple version is a
 nightmare too in my (limited) experience.
Looking at C#/Mono/.net for examples is perfectly horrid.  They've taken
inferior library versioning and bad development practices and added
technology (the GAC) as the solution.  If you want an idea of what
python should avoid at all costs, look to that arena for your answer.

* Note that setuptools' multi-version implementation shares some things
in common with the GAC.  For instance, using directories to separate
versions instead of filenames.  setuptools' implementation could be made
better by studying the GAC and taking things like caching of lookups
from it but I don't encourage this... I think the design itself is flawed.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
 I think Distutils (and therefore Setuptools) should provide some APIs
 to play with special files (like resources) and to mark them as being special,
 no matter where they end up in the target system.

 So the code inside the package can use these files seamessly no matter
 what the system is
 and no matter where the files have been placed by the packager.

 This has been discussed already but not clearly defined.

Yes, this should be done. PEP 302 has some hooks but they are optional
and not available for the default case. A simple wrapper to access a
resource file relative to a given module or package would be easy to
add. It should probably support four APIs:

- Open as a binary stream
- Open as a text stream
- Get contents as a binary string
- Get contents as a text string

(I am proposing these somewhat redundant APIs since for some loader
implementations the stream APIs are natural and the string APIs
should be built on top of that, while for other loaders the string
APIs are natural and the stream APIs would have to wrap a StringIO
instance around this. Providing all four APIs means that the
application can use the API that is most natural for *it*, which
avoids double wrapping.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread P.J. Eby

At 09:24 PM 3/25/2009 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:

ISTR that the motivation for adding new syntax is that the best you
can do using a trampoline library is still pretty cumbersome to use
when you have to write a lot of tasks and subtasks, and when using
tasks is just a tool for getting things done rather than an end goal
in itself. I agree that the motivation and the comparison should be
added to the PEP (perhaps moving the trampoline sample
*implementation* to a reference or an appendix, since it is only the
appearance of the trampoline-*using* code that matters).

In particular, it should explain why these choices are so costly as 
to justify new syntax and a complex implementation:

* decorator clearly identifying intent to create a task vs. no 
indication of task-ness

* yield Return(value) vs. return value
* result = yield subgenerator() vs. result = yield from subgenerator()

Especially since the first two differences arguably make the 
non-yield from code clearer, and the third makes it more compact.

with judicious use of decorators and helper classes you can get a
reasonable approximation, and I think Twisted uses something like
this, so it's not just theory. I think the best you can do without new
syntax though is still pretty cumbersome and brittle, which is why I
have encouraged your PEP.

On the cumbersome side, there are only three differences, as I've 
shown above... and one of them uses less syntax than the PEP.

I'm not sure what you mean by brittle.  Twisted and PEAK have both 
had generator-based tasks for ages, and have been used in production 
for years, even before generators had send()/throw() -- the addition 
of yield expressions made it possible to get rid of the one previous 
brittleness, where you needed to do things like:

  yield subgenerator(); result = resume()

in order to pass values or exceptions in.  Since send()/throw() was 
added, the need to call a function after each yield was eliminated, 
at least from PEAK and my newer Trellis library; haven't looked at 
Twisted's tasks in a while.  I believe there are other 
generator-based task libraries available on PyPI, but can't comment 
on their robustness.

(The existence of throw(), by the way, makes it possible to produce 
tracebacks that look *exactly* as if you had called a series of 
functions, rather than iterating over a bunch of generators.  The 
sample code I gave should do this correctly, as it was created by 
yanking out working, tested code from my Trellis library, and cutting 
out all the Trellis-specific bits.)

If someone can find any semantic differences between the code I 
posted and the yield-from proposal (apart from the absence of the 
for x in y: yield x part of the functionality), I'd like to know 
about it...  and it should go in the PEP.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread P.J. Eby

At 10:56 AM 3/26/2009 +, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

Guido van Rossum guido at writes:

 That's stating it a little too strongly. Phillip has shown how with
 judicious use of decorators and helper classes you can get a
 reasonable approximation, and I think Twisted uses something like
 this, so it's not just theory. I think the best you can do without new
 syntax though is still pretty cumbersome and brittle, which is why I
 have encouraged your PEP.

It remains to be seen whether Twisted and other libraries (Kamaelia?) can
benefit from this PEP.

They don't get any new features, and would require (possibly 
significant) changes in order to be able to take advantage of the syntax.

And they *still* wouldn't be able to do away with their trampolines 
-- the new trampolines would just be able to avoid the need for a 
generator stack, if they previously had one to begin with.  From your 
description, it sounds like Twisted's version of this doesn't even use a stack.

(Note: by trampoline I mean, thing that processes yielded values 
and manages the resumption of the generator, which need not be 
global.  The example trampoline I posted earlier is also implemented 
as a decorator, and could be trivially extended via a lookup table to 
handle deferreds, delayed calls, or whatever else you wanted it to 
support as yield targets.)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Toshio Kuratomi
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
 I think Distutils (and therefore Setuptools) should provide some APIs
 to play with special files (like resources) and to mark them as being 
 no matter where they end up in the target system.

 So the code inside the package can use these files seamessly no matter
 what the system is
 and no matter where the files have been placed by the packager.

 This has been discussed already but not clearly defined.
 Yes, this should be done. PEP 302 has some hooks but they are optional
 and not available for the default case. A simple wrapper to access a
 resource file relative to a given module or package would be easy to
 add. It should probably support four APIs:
 - Open as a binary stream
 - Open as a text stream
 - Get contents as a binary string
 - Get contents as a text string
Depending on the definition of a resource there's additional
information that could be needed.  For instance, if resource includes
message catalogs, then being able to get the base directory that the
catalogs reside in is needed for passing to gettext.

I'd be very happy if resource didn't encompass that type of thing,
though... then we could have a separate interface that addressed the
issues with them.  I'll be at PyCon (flying in late tonight, though, and
leaving Sunday) if Tarek and others want to get ahold of me to discuss
possible ways to address what's a resource, what's not, and what we
would need to handle the different cases.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:07 AM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 09:24 PM 3/25/2009 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 ISTR that the motivation for adding new syntax is that the best you
 can do using a trampoline library is still pretty cumbersome to use
 when you have to write a lot of tasks and subtasks, and when using
 tasks is just a tool for getting things done rather than an end goal
 in itself. I agree that the motivation and the comparison should be
 added to the PEP (perhaps moving the trampoline sample
 *implementation* to a reference or an appendix, since it is only the
 appearance of the trampoline-*using* code that matters).

 In particular, it should explain why these choices are so costly as to
 justify new syntax and a complex implementation:

 * decorator clearly identifying intent to create a task vs. no indication of
 * yield Return(value) vs. return value
 * result = yield subgenerator() vs. result = yield from subgenerator()

 Especially since the first two differences arguably make the non-yield
 from code clearer, and the third makes it more compact.

 with judicious use of decorators and helper classes you can get a
 reasonable approximation, and I think Twisted uses something like
 this, so it's not just theory. I think the best you can do without new
 syntax though is still pretty cumbersome and brittle, which is why I
 have encouraged your PEP.

 On the cumbersome side, there are only three differences, as I've shown
 above... and one of them uses less syntax than the PEP.

I wasn't talking about keystrokes so much as to having to remember to
use thes incantations and understand what they do and what their
limitations are.

 I'm not sure what you mean by brittle.  Twisted and PEAK have both had
 generator-based tasks for ages, and have been used in production for years,
 even before generators had send()/throw() -- the addition of yield
 expressions made it possible to get rid of the one previous brittleness,
 where you needed to do things like:

      yield subgenerator(); result = resume()

 in order to pass values or exceptions in.  Since send()/throw() was added,
 the need to call a function after each yield was eliminated, at least from
 PEAK and my newer Trellis library; haven't looked at Twisted's tasks in a
 while.  I believe there are other generator-based task libraries available
 on PyPI, but can't comment on their robustness.

(Well here is Greg's requested use case for .send(). :-)

By brittle I meant again having to be aware of those details of the
mechanism that exist because of syntactic limitations, e.g.
accidentally writing return X instead of yield Return(X).

 (The existence of throw(), by the way, makes it possible to produce
 tracebacks that look *exactly* as if you had called a series of functions,
 rather than iterating over a bunch of generators.  The sample code I gave
 should do this correctly, as it was created by yanking out working, tested
 code from my Trellis library, and cutting out all the Trellis-specific

 If someone can find any semantic differences between the code I posted and
 the yield-from proposal (apart from the absence of the for x in y: yield x
 part of the functionality), I'd like to know about it...  and it should go
 in the PEP.

I'll leave this up to Greg.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 1:54 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

2009/3/26 Toshio Kuratomi

Depending on the definition of a resource there's additional
information that could be needed.  For instance, if resource includes
message catalogs, then being able to get the base directory that the
catalogs reside in is needed for passing to gettext.

Well the whole point is that for certain loaders (e.g. zip files)
there *is* no base directory. If you do need directories you won't be
able to use PEP-302 loaders, and you can just use

One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list all  
the resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one  
use case that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place  
that I've had to drop down to file system introspection.

Think: the package-y flavor of  


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Terry Reedy wrote:

 5. Much of this discussion reminds me of the debates between lumping and 
 splitting of taxonomic categories in biology.  Like that debate, it will 
 continue forever.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing, only with respect to
paleoanthropology:  chunkers and splitters are perpetually at war
there, too.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:19 AM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 10:56 AM 3/26/2009 +, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

 Guido van Rossum guido at writes:
  That's stating it a little too strongly. Phillip has shown how with
  judicious use of decorators and helper classes you can get a
  reasonable approximation, and I think Twisted uses something like
  this, so it's not just theory. I think the best you can do without new
  syntax though is still pretty cumbersome and brittle, which is why I
  have encouraged your PEP.

 It remains to be seen whether Twisted and other libraries (Kamaelia?) can
 benefit from this PEP.

 They don't get any new features, and would require (possibly significant)
 changes in order to be able to take advantage of the syntax.

Well yes if you want to maintain backwards compatibility there
wouldn't be any advantage.

The point of the new syntax is clearly that (eventually) they can stop
having their own wrappers, decorators and helpers (for this purpose).

 And they *still* wouldn't be able to do away with their trampolines -- the
 new trampolines would just be able to avoid the need for a generator stack,
 if they previously had one to begin with.  From your description, it sounds
 like Twisted's version of this doesn't even use a stack.

Whether yo need a trampoline or not depends on other needs of a
framework. There is some clear low-hanging fruit for Greg's proposal
where no trampoline or helpers are needed -- but where currently
refactoring complex code containing many yield statements is
cumbersome due to the nee to write each subroutine call as for x in
subroutine(): yield x -- being able to replace this with yield from
subroutine() is a conceptual advantage to me that is not proportional
to the number of characters saved.

 (Note: by trampoline I mean, thing that processes yielded values and
 manages the resumption of the generator, which need not be global.  The
 example trampoline I posted earlier is also implemented as a decorator, and
 could be trivially extended via a lookup table to handle deferreds, delayed
 calls, or whatever else you wanted it to support as yield targets.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Mar 26, 2009, at 1:54 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 2009/3/26 Toshio Kuratomi
 Depending on the definition of a resource there's additional
 information that could be needed.  For instance, if resource includes
 message catalogs, then being able to get the base directory that the
 catalogs reside in is needed for passing to gettext.

 Well the whole point is that for certain loaders (e.g. zip files)
 there *is* no base directory. If you do need directories you won't be
 able to use PEP-302 loaders, and you can just use

 One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list all the
 resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one use case
 that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place that I've had to
 drop down to file system introspection.

 Think: the package-y flavor of os.listdir(os.path.dirname(package.__file__))

Good idea. Can I suggest that API this takes a glob-style pattern? (Or
to be fully general, a list of patterns and a list of exclusion

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
 I would suggest there may be three use cases for Python installation tools.
 Bonus -- I'm not a web developer! :)
 Case One: Developer wishing to install additional functionality into the
 system Python interpreter forever
 Case Two: Developer wishing to install additional functionality into the
 system Python interpreter for a specific task
 Case Three: Person wanting to install an application which happens to be
 written in Python
 The prime limitation of setuptools appears to me to come when there are
 conflicts. Other than that, for packages where it is available, I have never
 had an issue with the functioning of setuptools. It's Just Fine. For issues
 where there are conflicts, where I have been sufficiently motivated, setting
 up a virtualenv has more than met my needs. In fact, that's and *awesome*
 piece of functionality.

Agreed.  I find the isolation provided by virtualenv to be essential to
the work I do.

 For case one, where I want to install additional functionality into my
 system Python interpreter forever, it would be great to have my system
 manage this. On my ubuntu machine, this happens. The Ubuntu packages take
 care of things very satisfactorily and I don't see how anyone would have a
 problem with it. I don't know what the situation is under Windows, however
 systems such as the Enthought Python Suite do provide kitchen-sink-included
 Python distributions.
 Perhaps an automated updates site could be configured such that there was a
 package for a variety of Python + some extra modules scenarios.
 For installing applications, I would presume that app developers would
 generally take care of this themselves, through the use of an MSI or .deb
 file in order to protect their dependencies somewhat.
 For anyone looking to extend their interpreter for some specific task,
 virtualenv and setuptools should do the job, and the developer can just go
 the extra mile to do the work to get it right themselves.
 Perhaps the most under-served use case is people who want a
 kitchen-sink-included distribution, to be managed by their system packages.
 Either they are not away of systems such as EPS or are opposed to it in
 principle. Were time and effort no obstacle, I would suggest that it may be
 worth offering to host and/or maintain a variety of Python
 distributions available for installation which include various standard
 extensions. The model that eclipse takes, with a base system and plugins,
 but with flavoured versions available (i.e. Scientic Python Distribution to
 include SciPy, Numpy and MatPlotLib for example).

I like the summary, and the idea of 'contrib' distributions.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:31 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list all  
resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one use  
that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place that I've  
had to

drop down to file system introspection.

Think: the package-y flavor of  

Good idea. Can I suggest that API this takes a glob-style pattern? (Or
to be fully general, a list of patterns and a list of exclusion

Good idea.  Thinking back on my typical use cases, a glob style  
pattern would be enough.  Usually I'm asking give me all the .py  
files in this package or I'm looking for the .txt files in this path.


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Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Fwd: setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 2009/3/26 Toshio Kuratomi
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
 I think Distutils (and therefore Setuptools) should provide some APIs
 to play with special files (like resources) and to mark them as being 
 no matter where they end up in the target system.

 Yes, this should be done. PEP 302 has some hooks but they are optional
 and not available for the default case. A simple wrapper to access a
 resource file relative to a given module or package would be easy to
 add. It should probably support four APIs:

 - Open as a binary stream
 - Open as a text stream
 - Get contents as a binary string
 - Get contents as a text string

 Depending on the definition of a resource there's additional
 information that could be needed.  For instance, if resource includes
 message catalogs, then being able to get the base directory that the
 catalogs reside in is needed for passing to gettext.

 Well the whole point is that for certain loaders (e.g. zip files)
 there *is* no base directory. If you do need directories you won't be
 able to use PEP-302 loaders, and you can just use

Oops didnt see this msg ... AFAICR ... this is the kind of reasons
ResourceManager is there for in pkg_resources ... CMIIW anyway ...

However GvR was talking about PEP 302 loaders ... well ... the only
thing I can say is that bundling message catalogs in egg files (they
'r zip files anyway ;) and using them with Babel (... similar to
gettext ... I think ...) works fine for me using the aforementioned
functions in pkg_resources ... About whether PEP 302 loaders should
(look like | implement functions in) pkg_resources.ResourceManager or
not ... I'm not very sure ...

... and I'm talking about ...

 [x for x in dir(pkg_resources) if 'resource_' in x]
['resource_exists', 'resource_filename', 'resource_isdir',
'resource_listdir', 'resource_stream', 'resource_string']




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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Tarek Ziadé
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:31 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

 One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list all the
 resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one use case
 that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place that I've had
 drop down to file system introspection.

 Think: the package-y flavor of

 Good idea. Can I suggest that API this takes a glob-style pattern? (Or
 to be fully general, a list of patterns and a list of exclusion

 Good idea.  Thinking back on my typical use cases, a glob style pattern
 would be enough.  Usually I'm asking give me all the .py files in this
 package or I'm looking for the .txt files in this path.

I think shutil.copytree new ignore mechanism handles this use case
pretty well (see the ignore_patterns factory in

Maybe we could use the same pattern.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:31 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

 One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list all the
 resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one use case
 that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place that I've had
 drop down to file system introspection.

Really ... ? What are all these for ?

 [x for x in dir(pkg_resources) if all(y in x for y in ['dir', 'resource_'])]
['resource_isdir', 'resource_listdir']




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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Mar 25, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

 For case one, where I want to install additional functionality into my
 system Python interpreter forever, it would be great to have my
 manage this.

 In fact, I think it /has/ to.  I'll go further and say that I'm very
 wary of using easy_install and the like to install non-distro provided
 packages into the system Python.  Many Linux distros require a
 functioning system Python to operate and the distros (should) take
 great care to make sure that if you install package X for application
 Y, you won't break essential system service Z.  Once you start
 installing your own stuff in the system Python's site-packages, you
 break the warranty.

 Exactly:  I never use easy_isntall to put packages into the system
 python.  in fact, I only use it inside a virtalenv-generated isolated

What about the proposal I made about the smarter easy_install ...
isn't that just enough ?



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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

I think shutil.copytree new ignore mechanism handles this use case
pretty well (see the ignore_patterns factory in

Maybe we could use the same pattern.

That works for me!

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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Olemis Lang wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Mar 25, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

 For case one, where I want to install additional functionality into my
 system Python interpreter forever, it would be great to have my
 manage this.

 In fact, I think it /has/ to.  I'll go further and say that I'm very
 wary of using easy_install and the like to install non-distro provided
 packages into the system Python.  Many Linux distros require a
 functioning system Python to operate and the distros (should) take
 great care to make sure that if you install package X for application
 Y, you won't break essential system service Z.  Once you start
 installing your own stuff in the system Python's site-packages, you
 break the warranty.

 Exactly:  I never use easy_isntall to put packages into the system
 python.  in fact, I only use it inside a virtalenv-generated isolated

 What about the proposal I made about the smarter easy_install ...
 isn't that just enough ?



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I apologize but I was sending a few messages before and I didnt post
them to the list ... sorry I'll  do it right now ... sorry if you
receive multiple copies ... :(



Blog ES:
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Comandos : Pipe Viewer ... ¿Qué está pasando por esta tubería?
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Paul Moore p.f.moore at writes:

 3. Setuptools, unfortunately, has divided the Python distribution
 community quite badly.

 Wait a little bit, and it's gonna be even worse, now that buildout and pip 
 to become popular. For example, the TurboGears people are considering 
 from setuptools to pip...

 Combined with
 the current trend that everything must be exploded into lots of 
 but separately packaged libraries (the paste/pylons syndrome... try pulling
 something like TurboGears2 and see how many third-party packages it 
 installs), I
 fear this is going to generate a very painful user/developer experience :-(

 I think we are in a point in Python development where we need to clearly 
 how dependencies work.


 And this has to be defined in Python (in Distutils)
 for the sake of standardization.

Well, I mentionned I did it using apt + insinstall support ... but I'd
love to have all these things in Python ... with or without relying on
OS-specific infrastructure for managing pkgs, deps and so on ... It is
possible to have two approaches :

- a thin layer on top of OS-specific (dpkg + apt, rpm + yum,
wininstall, mac os ... ) pkg managers so that distutils be able to use
them directly whille still keeping a single model from the end-user
perspective ... At least there exists some kind of python-debian pkg

$ apt-cache show python-debian
Package: python-debian
Priority: optional
Section: universe/devel
Installed-Size: 268
Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers
Original-Maintainer: Debian python-debian Maintainers
Architecture: all
Version: 0.1.9
Depends: python (= 2.4), python-support (= 0.7.1)
Recommends: python-apt
Size: 43662
Description: python modules to work with Debian-related data formats
 This package provides python modules that abstract many formats of Debian
 related files. Currently handled are:
 * Debtags information (debian_bundle.debtags module)
 * debian/changelog (debian_bundle.changelog module)
 * Packages files, pdiffs (debian_bundle.debian_support module)
 * Control files of single or multple RFC822-style paragraphs, e.g
   debian/control, .changes, .dsc, Packages, Sources, Release, etc.
   (debian_bundle.deb822 module)
 * Raw .deb and .ar files, with (read-only) access to contained
   files and meta-information

Since there are a lot such systems (at least for Linux ...) ... this
could also mean that it could be very complex to handle all this
diversity ... However there are a few which are highly influential ...
but this is certainly a concern ...

- A fully fledged implementation from scratch so that distutils be in
charge, all apps be consistent with Py-std ... and users have
potentially two pkg systems (.. the built-in and the Py-specific ;) ;
and I say potentially since it's quite sudden so far and perhaps there
is a way to smoothly integrate both systems (which are potentially
many of them ;)

 I think the Language Summit tomorrow is a good place to discuss about
 these problems,

Hope it be available (recorded ?) some day so as to hear some opinions ... ;)

 and to make sure pip, setuptools and zc.buildout rely on the same
 standards and pieces.

Oh yes !

 PEP 376 is my first attempt to make it happen, and my goal is to see another
 pre-PEP coming out of thea language summit, adressing the dependencies 


 I can't hear that setuptools has divided the Python community.

Said like this ... some might think that setuptools is responsible for
someone else's choices and actions ... and I dont think so ...

 It has provided
 solutions to real problems we had in web development. It's unperfect,
 and it has to be
 fixed and integrated into Python. But it should not be done outside Python 

I mostly agree with all this, but I would like to know something ...
in case a single pkg management sys be ready for Py (... I mean
integrated into Py ...) and so on ... Why will we need distutils
comands like :

... more «non-standard» candidates like py2exe, stdeb, ...

? Will all this still be necessary and maintained ? As long as
installing /uninstalling them be handled correctly in built-in as well
as Py systems (considering the duplicate «package repositories» ...)
... I think this could be fine ... but details are details ... ;)

 If you had worked with Zope 5 years ago, you would understand what
 setuptools and
 zc.buildout brought to these communities. And today's experience is a
 whole less painful trust me.

Yes ... setuptools has undoubtedly its own value ... :o)

 But I agree that the sizes of the packages are too small now, and it has gone
 to far. Installing a web app like Plone is scary (+100 packages)


Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Olemis Lang wrote:
One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list  
all the
resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one  
use case
that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place that  
I've had

drop down to file system introspection.

Really ... ? What are all these for ?

E.g. find all the doctests under


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Tarek Ziadé
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Mar 25, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

 For case one, where I want to install additional functionality into my
 system Python interpreter forever, it would be great to have my
 manage this.

 In fact, I think it /has/ to.  I'll go further and say that I'm very
 wary of using easy_install and the like to install non-distro provided
 packages into the system Python.  Many Linux distros require a
 functioning system Python to operate and the distros (should) take
 great care to make sure that if you install package X for application
 Y, you won't break essential system service Z.  Once you start
 installing your own stuff in the system Python's site-packages, you
 break the warranty.

 Exactly:  I never use easy_isntall to put packages into the system
 python.  in fact, I only use it inside a virtalenv-generated isolated

But how each application use 'Python the interpreter' ?

application =  an interpreter + a list of paths + a script to run your

Isolating everything with virtualenv or zc.buildout is a way to go,
but what is really important is not where each package you use is
located but how
Python see and load them.

So if we, for once, forget about the central site-packages and define some
kind of configuration process that is run when every script is launched
to decide what packages should be loaded, we could seperate
 python the interpreter from python the pile of packages

If some kind of API + configuration file could adress this need, maybe
things could be simpler. You wouldn't fight against a central site-packages
or a per-user site-packages. You would have to explicitely provide it

Tarek Ziadé | Association AfPy |
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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Olemis Lang wrote:

[x for x in dir(pkg_resources) if all(y in x for y in ['dir',  

['resource_isdir', 'resource_listdir']

BTW, under a better name, I would support putting pkg_resources in the  


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Olemis Lang wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Mar 25, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:

 For case one, where I want to install additional functionality into my
 system Python interpreter forever, it would be great to have my
 manage this.
 In fact, I think it /has/ to.  I'll go further and say that I'm very
 wary of using easy_install and the like to install non-distro provided
 packages into the system Python.  Many Linux distros require a
 functioning system Python to operate and the distros (should) take
 great care to make sure that if you install package X for application
 Y, you won't break essential system service Z.  Once you start
 installing your own stuff in the system Python's site-packages, you
 break the warranty.
 Exactly:  I never use easy_isntall to put packages into the system
 python.  in fact, I only use it inside a virtalenv-generated isolated

 What about the proposal I made about the smarter easy_install ...
 isn't that just enough ?

A shared 'site-packages' directory can't possible be sane for an
arbitrary number of applications:  the versions / dependencies installed
to satisfy one app's requirements are going to conflict eventually with
those needed by another.

I treat the 'system' library stuff as the provicne of the package
manager, and keep my own apps in their own, isolated environments, as
created by one or more of:

 - a separately-compiled Python

 - a virtualenv

 - zc.builtout.

Note that the kind of applications I work on tend to be the sort which
will run as server apps, and which will (in production) be the entire
rasion d'etre for the machine they run on, which makes the cost of
isolation tiny compared to the consequences of failed isolation.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1 wrote:
 Tres Exactly: I never use easy_isntall to put packages into the system
 Tres python.  in fact, I only use it inside a virtalenv-generated
 Tres isolated environment.
 While standing in line for lunch today, someone (don't know his name)
 suggested that easy_install needs an --i-am-an-idiot flag which would have
 to be used to force it to install packages in to the system's space.

That was Jacob Kaplan-Moss, I think.  In my case, the fact that you have
to type 'sudo' to make it happen is a sufficient reminder. ;)

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Olemis Lang
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Olemis Lang wrote:

 One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list all the
 resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one use
 that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place that I've had
 drop down to file system introspection.

 Really ... ? What are all these for ?

 E.g. find all the doctests under

Could you explain this a little more pls ? You mean ... using doctest
finders in a module (even inside a zip file ;) that's already loaded ?

Sure ... else I dont understand ...



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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
2009/3/26 Barry Warsaw
 BTW, under a better name, I would support putting pkg_resources in the

Last time I looked it was an incredibly complicated piece of code that
would have to be refactored considerably before it would be
maintainable by the core developers. I never did manage to get a good
understanding of the code, but I expect that a lot of the complexity
exists so that it works for all Python versions. The stdlib version
shouldn't need this -- it should only care about providing a stable
API that works with the current version.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Python svn post-commit hook?

2009-03-26 Thread skip
I'm trying to get the powers that be at work to enable post-commit hooks for
our Subversion repositories.  Here's the default, sans comments:

REV=$2 $REPOS $REV --repository $REPOS --revision $REV

Does Python's post-commit.tmpl do more (or less) than this?  If it's
substantially different, can someone mail me a copy of what's installed?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread P.J. Eby

At 12:27 PM 3/26/2009 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:

There is some clear low-hanging fruit for Greg's proposal
where no trampoline or helpers are needed -- but where currently
refactoring complex code containing many yield statements is
cumbersome due to the nee to write each subroutine call as for x in
subroutine(): yield x -- being able to replace this with yield from
subroutine() is a conceptual advantage to me that is not proportional
to the number of characters saved.

Right - I don't object to the concept of yield from -- I'm -0 on 
that.  What I don't like is the confusion of adding return values 
to generators, at least using the 'return' statement.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python svn post-commit hook?

2009-03-26 Thread Benjamin Peterson
 I'm trying to get the powers that be at work to enable post-commit hooks for
 our Subversion repositories.  Here's the default, sans comments:

    REV=$2 $REPOS $REV --repository $REPOS --revision $REV

 Does Python's post-commit.tmpl do more (or less) than this?  If it's
 substantially different, can someone mail me a copy of what's installed?

It's not that different:

/data/repos/projects/hooks/ commit $@
/data/repos/projects/hooks/ --repository $1
--revision $2 --bbport 9020  /dev/null
/data/repos/projects/hooks/ --repository $1
--revision $2 --bbport 9070  /dev/null

if (svnlook changed -r $2 $1|grep peps)
touch /data/website-build/build/status/pepqueued

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread P.J. Eby

At 03:28 PM 3/26/2009 -0500, Guido van Rossum wrote:

2009/3/26 Barry Warsaw
 BTW, under a better name, I would support putting pkg_resources in the

Last time I looked it was an incredibly complicated piece of code that
would have to be refactored considerably before it would be
maintainable by the core developers. I never did manage to get a good
understanding of the code, but I expect that a lot of the complexity
exists so that it works for all Python versions. The stdlib version
shouldn't need this -- it should only care about providing a stable
API that works with the current version.

As someone else suggested, moving some of the functionality to PEP 
302 interfaces would also help.  Most of the code, though, deals with 
locating/inspecting installed distributions, resolving version 
requirements, and managing sys.path.  And most of the nastiest 
complexity comes from trying to support true filename access to 
resources -- if that were dropped from the stdlib, there'd be no need 
for egg caches and the like, along with all the complexity entailed.

Application environments such as Chandler, Trac, Zope, etc. that want 
their plugins to live in .egg files wouldn't necessarily be able to 
use such an API, but the independent pkg_resources wouldn't be 
disappearing.  (Of course, they could also implement 
application-specific file extraction, if the stdlib API included the 
ability to inspect and open zipped resources.)

The other significant source of complexity is dynamic management of 
namespace packages; specifically, trying to handle the situation 
where new sys.path entries (e.g. .egg files added as plugins) need to 
have their contents added to existing sys.modules __path__ 
entries.  This is perhaps another feature that could be dropped from 
the stdlib version, given a way to interop with pkg_resources or a replacement.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 3:07 PM, Olemis Lang wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Barry Warsaw  

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Olemis Lang wrote:

One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list  
all the
resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one  

that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place that  
I've had

drop down to file system introspection.

Really ... ? What are all these for ?

E.g. find all the doctests under

Could you explain this a little more pls ? You mean ... using doctest
finders in a module (even inside a zip file ;) that's already loaded ?

Sure ... else I dont understand ...

Here's a concrete example.  I have a bunch of .sql files inside the  
mailman.database package.  Their file names encode a sort order.  I  
want to load each one in order and apply them to my database.  I'd  
like to be able to find all these .sql files (which are intermixed  
with .py files in the same package) without having to use os.listdir()  
because that forces the package to live on the file system.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Olemis Lang wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Barry Warsaw  

BTW, under a better name, I would support putting pkg_resources in  


... or a subset of it ? or integrating its features with PEP 302 ? ...
Sounds interesting to me ...

/me thinking aloud

... perhaps unifying these features with loaders in standard PEP 302
is the way ... :-§ ... dont see the point of having an isolated module
for doing what loaders should do ... including that there are plans to
do it already ... thereby duplicating functionality in loaders and
ResourceManager, and so on ...

And'u ? What d'u think ?

Let me clarify my position: I just want the functionality (preferably  
in the stdlib); I don't really care how it's spelled (except please  
not pkg_resource.whatever() :).


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] notes from 2 to 3 porting session of Python Language Summit at PyCon

2009-03-26 Thread Trent Mick
My notes from the 2 to 3 porting session of Python Language Summit at 
PyCon. There were some agreements in this session that people wanted 
recorded. Happy to provide clarification in my notes aren't clear.

## python 2 to 3 migration

- 2to3 distutils flag (part of install or sdist)
- 2to3 is slow: lots of room for speedup (esp. on the matching)
- 3to2
  - good, wanted, needed: esp. by module authors
  - brett: volunteers? silence. Benjamin? Google SOC. Jesse volunteered to
  - decision: want to look into it
  - Want target compat 2.x (which x). Can be done by selecting 

  - some discussion of dict views, etc.
- 2.x branch:
  - decision: 18 to 24 month btwn releases.
  - decision: 2.7 (2.6?) *might* be the end of the 2.x line.
- 3.1:
  - in alpha now
  - a2 during the sprints (Brett channeling Benjamin)
  - MvL still has a couple PEPs he wants to propose
  - Jython: considering targetting 3.2 next, *then* maybe 2.7
  - 3.1 will be the one exception to 18-24 mos.
- on 18-24 mo: start a release date PEP with a feature freeze date 
stake in

  the ground when the prev ver is released
- 3.0: special case, not doing 5 years of security releases...
  - hence 3.1 being released soon
  - linux distro guys are fine with that
- extension docs for porting still missing:
  - brett: Benjamin has a draft
  - PortingToPy3k in the wiki
  - Gerhard: doing it against svn
- the other Python implementations: what ver to target
  - depends on their audiences
  - Jython leaning on the latest 3
  - IronPython doesn't want a moving target
  - skip 3.0 and go for 3.1
- python2  python3 binaries:
  - make install should do it
  - python3 for new and forever
  - or python2 for Python 2.x release? Thomas: bad idea because usage of
python2 in the shebang line will only work on newer systems


Trent Mick
trentm at
trentm at
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Paul Moore
2009/3/26 Barry Warsaw
 Let me clarify my position: I just want the functionality (preferably in the
 stdlib); I don't really care how it's spelled (except please not
 pkg_resource.whatever() :).

Agreed. My one major reservation is that conceptually, the whole
pkg_resource infrastructure seems stunningly complex (at this point
PJE pops up to point out that it's not, really, and I'm confusing
pkg_resource with setuptools, or eggs, or some such - let's just say
it makes my head hurt, and defer judgement on whether that's a comment
about pkg_resource or my head :-))

What I'd really like is essentially some form of virtual filesystem
access to stuff addressed relative to a Python package name, rather
than to a filesystem path. How much filesystem functionality is
required is somewhat up for debate, but the basic listdir, get
(text/binary) contents, open (text/binary) stream would be a good
start (as Guido pointed out). I know of one or two packages that might
benefit from write access (clearly not available for all loaders -
zipfiles and URLs couldn't do it, but the filesystem and something
like a database could...) But that's just details - the principle
still applies.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread P.J. Eby

At 11:27 PM 3/26/2009 +, Paul Moore wrote:

What I'd really like is essentially some form of virtual filesystem
access to stuff addressed relative to a Python package name,

Note that relative to a *Python package name* isn't quite as useful, 
due to namespace packages.  To be unambiguous as to the targeted 
resource, one needs to be able to reference a specific project, and 
that requires you to go off the name of a module *within* a 
package.  For example, 'zope.somemodule' rather than just 'zope'.  To 
put it another way, you don't want to use a module that comes from an as your origin point, but rather, some other .py file 
within the package.  Then you can talk to that module's loader 
without fear of ambiguity.

than to a filesystem path. How much filesystem functionality is
required is somewhat up for debate, but the basic listdir, get
(text/binary) contents, open (text/binary) stream would be a good
start (as Guido pointed out).

isdir and exists would also be nice; pkg_resources provides 
those, plus listdir and string/stream.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] GPython?

2009-03-26 Thread Terry Reedy

An ars technica articla just linked to in a python-list post

calls the following project Google launched

(Though the project page does not really claim that.)

I am sure some people here might find this interesting.

I'd love to have a faster CPython, but this note:
Will probably kill Python Windows support (for now).
would kill merger back into mainline (for now) without one opposing 
being 'conservative'.

If one adds type annotations so that values can be unboxed, would not 
Cython, etc, do even better for speedup?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 6:49 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 11:27 PM 3/26/2009 +, Paul Moore wrote:

 What I'd really like is essentially some form of virtual filesystem
 access to stuff addressed relative to a Python package name,

 Note that relative to a *Python package name* isn't quite as useful, due to
 namespace packages.  To be unambiguous as to the targeted resource, one
 needs to be able to reference a specific project, and that requires you to
 go off the name of a module *within* a package.  For example,
 'zope.somemodule' rather than just 'zope'.  To put it another way, you don't
 want to use a module that comes from an as your origin point,
 but rather, some other .py file within the package.  Then you can talk to
 that module's loader without fear of ambiguity.

Hm, aren't you thinking of top-level package where I wrote
package? I would hope that there's always at least one level of
subpackage under a namespace package. Or we could make that a
requirement when distributing code + data files.

If it really is a common habit to have single-file modules with
associated data files directly rooted under a namespace package, we
could change the API to allow passing in a module and have it be
interpreted as find the data as sibling files of this module. But
when given a package I would still prefer that it would look inside
the package. But to avoid ambiguities when something that's a module
in one version but a package in another I would really prefer to avoid

 than to a filesystem path. How much filesystem functionality is
 required is somewhat up for debate, but the basic listdir, get
 (text/binary) contents, open (text/binary) stream would be a good
 start (as Guido pointed out).

 isdir and exists would also be nice; pkg_resources provides those, plus
 listdir and string/stream.

Yes, I forgot to re-read PEP 302 when I wrote that.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Antoine Pitrou wrote:

There seems to be a misunderstanding as to how generators
are used in Twisted. There isn't a global trampoline to schedule generators
around. Instead, generators are wrapped with a decorator (*) which collects each
yielded value (it's a Deferred object) and attaches to it a callback which
resumes (using send()) the execution of the generator whenever the Deferred
finally gets its value.

This sounds like an architecture that was developed to
work around the lack of anything like yield-from in the

You can't expect to improve something like that by
stuffing yield-from into the existing framework, because
the point of yield-from is to render the framework
itself unnecessary. To take full advantage of it, you
need to step back and re-design the whole thing in
a different way.

In the case of Twisted, I expect the new design would
look a lot like my generator scheduling example.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:33 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 03:28 PM 3/26/2009 -0500, Guido van Rossum wrote:

 2009/3/26 Barry Warsaw
  BTW, under a better name, I would support putting pkg_resources in the

 Last time I looked it was an incredibly complicated piece of code that
 would have to be refactored considerably before it would be
 maintainable by the core developers. I never did manage to get a good
 understanding of the code, but I expect that a lot of the complexity
 exists so that it works for all Python versions. The stdlib version
 shouldn't need this -- it should only care about providing a stable
 API that works with the current version.

 As someone else suggested, moving some of the functionality to PEP 302
 interfaces would also help.  Most of the code, though, deals with
 locating/inspecting installed distributions, resolving version requirements,
 and managing sys.path.  And most of the nastiest complexity comes from
 trying to support true filename access to resources -- if that were dropped
 from the stdlib, there'd be no need for egg caches and the like, along with
 all the complexity entailed.

 Application environments such as Chandler, Trac, Zope, etc. that want their
 plugins to live in .egg files wouldn't necessarily be able to use such an
 API, but the independent pkg_resources wouldn't be disappearing.  (Of
 course, they could also implement application-specific file extraction, if
 the stdlib API included the ability to inspect and open zipped resources.)

 The other significant source of complexity is dynamic management of
 namespace packages; specifically, trying to handle the situation where new
 sys.path entries (e.g. .egg files added as plugins) need to have their
 contents added to existing sys.modules __path__ entries.  This is perhaps
 another feature that could be dropped from the stdlib version, given a way
 to interop with pkg_resources or a replacement.

We had a pretty long discussion about this during the packages session
at the language workshop today at PyCon. Tarek should probably report
more extensively on this (hopefully he won't take it straight to
distutils-sig) but in summary, the plan is roughly:

- standardize more metadata, especially including dependencies, and
APIs for accessing the metadata and dependencies
- there should be an API to get metadata for a package without
actually executing any of the package's installation script
- this will go into the stdlib for Python 2.7 and 3.1
- it will be provided as separately downloadable backports for prior
versions (maybe using a bootstrap not unlike ez_install)
- keep distutils, but start deprecating certain higher-level
functionality in it (e.g. bdist_rpm)
- don't try to provide higher-level functionality in the stdlib, but
instead let third party tools built on top of these core APIs compete

It will be a while, but once this is a reality, it should be easy
enough for the existing crop of tools (like setuptools, pip,
zc.buildout) to be retargeted for the new API, and the benefit would
be that for *consumers* of packages it doesn't matter which tool was

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Barry Warsaw

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

If it really is a common habit to have single-file modules with
associated data files directly rooted under a namespace package, we
could change the API to allow passing in a module and have it be
interpreted as find the data as sibling files of this module. But
when given a package I would still prefer that it would look inside
the package. But to avoid ambiguities when something that's a module
in one version but a package in another I would really prefer to avoid

Yes, it should look inside a package.  Very often, a data directory  
will be made a package through the addition of a just so  
the data can be found.  There are often no other py files in such data  


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GPython?

2009-03-26 Thread Brett Cannon
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 18:05, Terry Reedy wrote:

 An ars technica articla just linked to in a python-list post

 calls the following project Google launched

 (Though the project page does not really claim that.)

 I am sure some people here might find this interesting.

 I'd love to have a faster CPython, but this note:
 Will probably kill Python Windows support (for now).
 would kill merger back into mainline (for now) without one opposing being

Well, that's for now. It is brand new and still under active development.
View it as a long term development branch. This is not about to replace
CPython suddenly since work on Unladen just started.

 If one adds type annotations so that values can be unboxed, would not
 Cython, etc, do even better for speedup?

Nope as Unladen is planning to re-implement the eval loop, something Cython
doesn't optimize without the need to suddenly start adding type annotations
to code.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding PEP consistent aliases for names that don't currently conform

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Guido van Rossum wrote:

I'll gladly take that as an added rationalization of my plea not to
change datetime.

In the case of datetime, could perhaps just the
module name be changed so that it's not the same
as a name inside the module? Maybe call it
date_time or date_and_time.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Revised**8 PEP on Yield-From

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 5:21 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
 Here's a new draft of the PEP. I've added a Motivation
 section and removed any mention of inlining.

 There is a new expansion that incorporates recent ideas,
 including the suggested handling of StopIteration raised
 by a throw() call (i.e. if it wasn't the one thrown in,
 treat it as a return value).

 Explicit finalization is performed if the delegating
 generator is closed, but not when the subiterator
 completes itself normally.

Submitted to SVN.

I'll try to critique later.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:19 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 At 12:27 PM 3/26/2009 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 There is some clear low-hanging fruit for Greg's proposal
 where no trampoline or helpers are needed -- but where currently
 refactoring complex code containing many yield statements is
 cumbersome due to the nee to write each subroutine call as for x in
 subroutine(): yield x -- being able to replace this with yield from
 subroutine() is a conceptual advantage to me that is not proportional
 to the number of characters saved.

 Right - I don't object to the concept of yield from -- I'm -0 on that.
  What I don't like is the confusion of adding return values to generators,
 at least using the 'return' statement.

Well, after thinking about it some more I think I am going to have to
take an executive decision and override your opposition. :-)

I wasn't keen on this myself at the outset, but it's growing on me,
and I am finding Greg's motivation for wanting to do it this way
pretty strong. I'm +1 on yield from and +0 on return values in

That +0 could turn into a +1 if there was a way to flag this as an
error (at runtime), at least if the return is actually executed:

def g():
yield 42
return 43

for x in g():
print x# probably expected to print 42 and then 43

Perhaps the exception used in this case could be a different exception
than StopIteration? Regular iteration could either just pass this
exception through or explicitly check for it (a single pointer
comparison could usually suffice), depending on whether it would be a
subclass of StopIteration.

Greg, what do you think? (There could be good reasons not to
complexificate it this way too.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GPython?

2009-03-26 Thread Collin Winter
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 An ars technica articla just linked to in a python-list post

 calls the following project Google launched

 (Though the project page does not really claim that.)

Hi, I'm the tech lead for Unladen Swallow. Jeffrey Yasskin and Thomas
Wouters are also working on this project.

Unladen Swallow is Google-sponsored, but not Google-owned. This is an
open-source branch that we're working on, focused on performance, and
we want to move all of our work upstream as quickly as possible. In
fact, right now I'm adding a last few tests before putting our cPickle
patches up on the tracker for further review.

 I am sure some people here might find this interesting.

 I'd love to have a faster CPython, but this note:
 Will probably kill Python Windows support (for now).
 would kill merger back into mainline (for now) without one opposing being

To clarify, when I wrote 'conservative', I wasn't being disparaging. A
resistance to change can certainly be a good thing, and something that
I think is very healthy in these situations. We certainly have to
prove ourselves, especially given some of the fairly radical things
we're thinking of [1]. We believe we can justify these changes, but I
*do* want to be forced to justify them publicly; I don't think
python-dev would be doing its job if some of these things were merely
accepted without discussion.

In particular, Windows support is one of those things we'll need to
address on our end. LLVM's Windows support may be spotty, or there may
be other Windows issues we inadvertently introduce. None of the three
of us have Windows machines, nor do we particularly want to acquire
them :), and Windows support isn't going to be a big priority. If we
find that some of our patches have Windows issues, we will certainly
fix those before proposing their inclusion in CPython.

 If one adds type annotations so that values can be unboxed, would not
 Cython, etc, do even better for speedup?

Possibly, but we want to see how far we can push the current language
before we even start thinking of tinkering with the language spec.
Assigning meaning to function annotations is something that PEP 3107
explicitly avoids, and I'm not sure Unladen Swallow (or anyone else)
would want to take the plunge into coming up with broadly-acceptable
type systems for Python. That would be a bikeshed discussion of such
magnitude, you'd have to invent new colors to paint the thing.

Collin Winter

[1] -
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding PEP consistent aliases for names that don't currently conform

2009-03-26 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:

 I'll gladly take that as an added rationalization of my plea not to
 change datetime.

 In the case of datetime, could perhaps just the
 module name be changed so that it's not the same
 as a name inside the module? Maybe call it
 date_time or date_and_time.

I don't think that's advisable ATM -- again, something we should have
done for 3.0, but now it's too late.

I really don't want to set a trend where 3.1 is backwards incompatible
with 3.0 *except* in cases where we were really planning to kill
something in 3.0 and accidentally forgot to quite remove it completely
(like cmp()).

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread P.J. Eby

At 10:39 PM 3/26/2009 -0500, Guido van Rossum wrote:

That +0 could turn into a +1 if there was a way to flag this as an
error (at runtime), at least if the return is actually executed:

def g():
yield 42
return 43

for x in g():
print x# probably expected to print 42 and then 43

Perhaps the exception used in this case could be a different exception
than StopIteration? Regular iteration could either just pass this
exception through or explicitly check for it (a single pointer
comparison could usually suffice), depending on whether it would be a
subclass of StopIteration.

Could we at least have some syntax like 'return from yield with 43', 
to distinguish it from a regular return, clarify that it's returning 
a value to a yield-from statement, and emphasize that you need a 
yield-from to call it?

If it doesn't have some sort of variant syntax, the error message for 
the return exception is going to need to be rather verbose in order 
to be clear.  However, if there is a variant syntax, then an error 
message like 'return from yield' without 'yield from' might be 
clear enough, and we can keep the current error for returning values 
in generators.

That way, the paired special syntax is clearly identifiable as 
coroutine/microthread control flow, in a way that's both TOOOWTDI and EIBTI.

One remaining quirk or missing piece: ISTM there needs to be a way to 
extract the return value without using a yield-from statement.  I 
mean, you could write a utility function like:

   def unyield(geniter):
   while 1:
   except GeneratorReturn as v:
   return v.value

OTOH, I suppose this function is still a trampoline, just one that 
doesn't actually do anything except return an eventual exit value.  I 
suppose you could do a slightly improved one thus:

def unyield(geniter, value=None, func=lambda v: v)
   while 1: value=func(geniter.send(value))
   except GeneratorReturn as v:
   return v.value

And drop it into itertools or some such.  It's sort of like an 
all-purpose map/reduce for generators, so that all you need to do is 
pass in a function to do whatever processing you need (e.g. I/O 
waiting) on the values yielded.  You could also use another 
generator's send() method as the function passed in, in which case 
you'd basically have a pair of coroutines...  and whichever returned 
a value first would end up as the return value of the overall 
function.  That'd probably be pretty useful for the sort of simple 
(non I/O) coroutines Greg seems to have in mind.

Or, these could just be examples in the PEP, I suppose.  They're not 
terribly difficult to write...  but then I might be biased since I've 
written a ridiculous number of coroutine trampolines for Python 
generators over the last how-many-ever years Python has had generators.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread P.J. Eby

At 04:08 PM 3/27/2009 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:

You can't expect to improve something like that by
stuffing yield-from into the existing framework, because
the point of yield-from is to render the framework
itself unnecessary.

But it doesn't.  You still need *something* that processes the 
yielded values, since practical frameworks have various things to 
yield to - i/o, time, mouse clicks, whatever.  Correctly dealing 
with the call stack part is tedious to implement, sure, but it's not 
really the focal point of a microthreading framework.

Usually, you need to have some way to control which microthreads are 
actually to be executing, vs. the ones that are waiting for a 
particular time, an I/O operation, or some other sort of event.  None 
of that stuff goes away just by taking care of the call stack.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Guido van Rossum wrote:

Can I suggest that API this takes a glob-style pattern?

Globs would be nice to have, but the minimum
needed is some kind of listdir-like functionality.
Globbing can be built on that if need be.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GPython?

2009-03-26 Thread Alexandre Vassalotti
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Collin Winter wrote:
 In fact, right now I'm adding a last few tests before putting our cPickle
 patches up on the tracker for further review.

Put me in the nosy list when you do; and when I get some free time, I
will give your patches a complete review. I've already taken a quick
look at cPickle changes you did in Unladen and I think some (i.e., the
custom memo table) are definitely worthy to be merged in the

-- Alexandre
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Olemis Lang wrote:

... well ... it is too long ... :-§ ... perhaps it is better this way ...
--lmdtbicdfyeiwdimoweiiiapiyssiansey ... :P

Isn't that the name of a town in Wales somewhere?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GPython?

2009-03-26 Thread Collin Winter
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Alexandre Vassalotti wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Collin Winter wrote:
 In fact, right now I'm adding a last few tests before putting our cPickle
 patches up on the tracker for further review.

 Put me in the nosy list when you do; and when I get some free time, I
 will give your patches a complete review. I've already taken a quick
 look at cPickle changes you did in Unladen and I think some (i.e., the
 custom memo table) are definitely worthy to be merged in the

Will do, thanks for volunteering! jyasskin has already reviewed them
internally, but it'll be good to put them through another set of eyes.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread Eric Smith

P.J. Eby wrote:
 As someone else suggested, moving some of the functionality to PEP 302
 interfaces would also help.  Most of the code, though, deals with
 locating/inspecting installed distributions, resolving version
 requirements, and managing sys.path.  And most of the nastiest
 complexity comes from trying to support true filename access to
 resources -- if that were dropped from the stdlib, there'd be no need
 for egg caches and the like, along with all the complexity entailed.

 Application environments such as Chandler, Trac, Zope, etc. that want
 their plugins to live in .egg files wouldn't necessarily be able to use
 such an API, but the independent pkg_resources wouldn't be
 disappearing.  (Of course, they could also implement
 application-specific file extraction, if the stdlib API included the
 ability to inspect and open zipped resources.)

Could you comment on why they couldn't use such an API?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Guido van Rossum wrote:

(Well here is Greg's requested use case for .send(). :-)

There was a complaint that my return-value-with-send
example was too much of a coroutine scenario, so I
was hoping to find something un-coroutine-like. But
if coroutines are the main uses for send in the first
place, then it seems my example is fine as it is.

BTW, I've thought of an answer as to why one would
want to write a parser using send(). In the non-send()
version I had to make the scanner a global variable
in order to avoid passing it around among all the
parsing functions. The send() technique avoids having
to do either of those things.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

P.J. Eby wrote:

And they *still* wouldn't be able to do away with their trampolines -- 

It's not really about doing away with trampolines anyway.
You still need at least one trampoline-like thing at the
top. What you do away with is the need for creating
special objects to yield, and the attendant syntactic
clumisiness and inefficiencies.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

P.J. Eby wrote:
In particular, it should explain why these choices are so costly as to 
justify new syntax and a complex implementation:

If avoiding trampolines was the only reason for
yield-from, that mightn't be enough justification
on its own. But it addresses several other use
cases as well. The justification for yield-from is
the total of all those.

* decorator clearly identifying intent to create a task vs. no 
indication of task-ness

Currently the only indication that a function is a
generator rather than an ordinary function is the
presence of a 'yield' buried somewhere in the body.
Some people complained about that back when generators
were being designed, but we seem to have gotten used
to it. I don't anticipate any worse problem here.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Revised**8 PEP on Yield-From

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Nick Coghlan wrote:

Since correctly written generators are permitted to
convert GeneratorExit to StopIteration, the 'yield from' expression
should detect when that has happened and reraise the original exception.

I'll have to think about that a bit, but you're
probably right.

it is also necessary to block close() in order to share an

That's a typo -- I meant to say 'throw' and 'close'
there, I think.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools has divided the Python community

2009-03-26 Thread glyph

On 26 Mar, 07:22 pm, wrote:
One thing that /would/ be helpful though is the ability to list all 
the resources under a specific package path.  This is (I think) one 
use case that pkg_resource fails to support and it's the one place 
that I've had to drop down to file system introspection.

Think: the package-y flavor of 

FWIW, the Twisted spelling of this is:

from twisted.python.modules import getModule

(and yes, this works with zip files)
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] return from a generator [was:PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments]

2009-03-26 Thread Jim Jewett
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:19 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
 What I don't like is the confusion of adding return values to generators,
 at least using the 'return' statement.

At Fri Mar 27 04:39:48 CET 2009, Guido van Rossum replied:
 I'm +1 on yield from and +0 on return values in generators.

def g():
yield 42
return 43

for x in g():
print x# probably expected to print 42 and then 43

I still don't see why it needs to be a return statement.  Why not make
the intent of g explicit, by writing either

def g():
yield 42
yield 43


def g():
yield 42
raise StopIteration(43)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 380 (yield from a subgenerator) comments

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Ewing

Guido van Rossum wrote:

That +0 could turn into a +1 if there was a way to flag this as an
error (at runtime), at least if the return is actually executed:

def g():
yield 42
return 43

for x in g():
print x# probably expected to print 42 and then 43

Perhaps the exception used in this case could be a different exception
than StopIteration?

Would checking that the value is None be sufficient? Or do you
want to distinguish between 'return' and 'return None'? That
would feel rather strange to me.

I'm inclined to regard this as an unnecessary complication.
People are already trained to think of 'return' and 'yield'
as quite different things. I don't know why they would suddenly
start using 'return' when they mean 'yield'.

Python-Dev mailing list