Re: [Python-Dev] Mercurial conversion repositories

2011-02-27 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Barry Warsaw writes:

 > You mean, TortoiseHg supports incremental commits on a single file?  That's
 > kind of neat, but scary. ;)

Darcs people have been doing this for, well, for as long as Darcs has
existed.  It's not scary at all.  In fact, in Darcs you can select
hunks across files, too.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

2011-02-27 Thread Adrian Buehlmann
On 2011-02-27 23:21, Neil Hodgson wrote:
> Adrian Buehlmann:
>> FWIW, we are very close to releasing TortoiseHg 2.0 (due March 1st),
>> which ported the current Gtk based TortoiseHg to Qt (although, it was
>> more like a rewrite :-).
>I hope this is going to be fast.

Here, the Workbench window [1] starts in under 2s (Windows 7 x64 on
Intel Core2 Quad). As installed with the x64 msi (installs true 64 bit
exe's, including 64 bit command line hg).

There's quite a lot of demand loading behind the scenes. So it's fast
even for repos with many changesets.


(brand new first manual version by Steve was just uploaded a few minutes
ago :)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

2011-02-27 Thread Neil Hodgson
Adrian Buehlmann:

> FWIW, we are very close to releasing TortoiseHg 2.0 (due March 1st),
> which ported the current Gtk based TortoiseHg to Qt (although, it was
> more like a rewrite :-).

   I hope this is going to be fast. One of the reasons I chose Hg over
Bzr for another project was that the Bzr GUI tools which are written
using Qt are much slower, particularly when starting. A cold start of
Bazaar Explorer takes around 7 seconds on a new fast machine compared
with under a second to launch Hg Repository Explorer. Warm starts and
internal actions are better but the Hg GUI tools are still much
smoother than Bzr's.

   This slowness is quite common for Qt applications and I think is
because of the large set of DLLs that are loaded. Qt Creator is better
at around 4 seconds for a cold launch but, naturally, it doesn't
matter for an environment which you use for an extended period like Qt
Creator. It does matter for a VCS tool that you may invoke hundreds of
times in a day.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

2011-02-27 Thread Neil Hodgson
Scott Dial:

> I don't believe TortoiseHG has such a feature (or I can't find it),
> although if you have TortoiseSVN, you can still use that as a patch tool.

   The Import... command is in the Synchronize menu of Hg Repository Explorer.

   There is no GUI equivalent to --no-commit but you can exit the
commit message editor without saving which causes the commit to be
abandoned with the patch still having been applied.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Let's get PEP 380 into Python 3.3

2011-02-27 Thread Greg Ewing

Guido van Rossum wrote:

Ok. Will you hvae time to port your patches to 3.3?

I'm not sure -- I'll see what I can do.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] hg extensions was Mercurial conversion repositories

2011-02-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis
>> My assumption was that most developers don't use MSVC, so most of them
>> don't risk breaking eols ;)
>> True, for Windows devs it might be necessary to promote it.
> Windows devs were the original target audience, yes :)

I meant to say that earlier: thanks to everybody involved in the
original development of the eol extension. It originated from
python-dev, and, with the switchover taking so long as it took,
it's a standard extension of Mercurial releases by now. In the
Tortoise Global Settings GUI, there is even a checkbox to activate

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] hg extensions was Mercurial conversion repositories

2011-02-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis
>> I think this is overly optimistic. Visual Studio will break all your
>> files if you don't use that extension (and you actually use it to
>> modify source code).
> My assumption was that most developers don't use MSVC, so most of them
> don't risk breaking eols ;)
> True, for Windows devs it might be necessary to promote it.

If I change code on Windows, I always use MSVC to edit it. It's best
integrated with the build process and the debugger. If I change Python
code on Windows, I use vim or IDLE.

Different MSVC releases took different approaches wrt. LF-separated
files. For a long time, new lines added would be CRLF, whereas existing
line endings would remain unchanged, resulting in a mix of line endings.
It appears that VS 2008 now uniformly converts the entire file to CRLF
on first edit.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Mercurial conversion repositories

2011-02-27 Thread Georg Brandl
On 26.02.2011 21:49, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2011, at 01:49 AM, Éric Araujo wrote:
>>You speak to my heart, sir.  In your ~/.hgrc, under the section [ui],
>>set “editor = path/to/mercurial/source/hgeditor” and enjoy your diffs.
>>I use it and love it.
> Except it doesn't quite work the way I want it to (hg 1.6.3).  It opens your
> editor with two files, one is the commit message and the other is the diff.
> (The script itself is a bit buggy too. ;)
> But it's a good clue, and I've modified the default hgeditor script to get
> closer, and fix the bug I noticed.  I basically append the diff to the
> temporary log message file.  It's still not right though because if the diff
> lines aren't prepended with 'HG:', they end up in the commit message.  Arg.
> Oh well, I can clearly hack a more complicated script together.  It's such a
> blindingly obvious improvement, it's too bad 'hg commit' doesn't DTRT by
> default.

While I understand the usefulness of the diff feature, it is not useful to
everyone, e.g. those using almost exclusively ``commit -m message``.

Of course it would be nice if hg made it easier (a hgrc option, for example)
to do this.

BTW, I had not heard of hgeditor before, and wrote a small hg extension to
do what you want (with HG: prefix :) before I saw that others had already
replied with hgeditor.  The extension had 10 lines of code.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Minor edits and typo fixes.

2011-02-27 Thread Éric Araujo
Le 27/02/2011 16:22, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :
>> - Remove one XXX that was in a warning block, not a comment
> Well, this is a XXX because that means we could find something else to
> advocate, not because the reader must take it as a warning.

My point was that that should be either a comment with an XXX marker or
a user-visible reST warning.  I chose the latter, I have no problem
changing it to the former.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): patchcheck does work

2011-02-27 Thread Éric Araujo
Le 27/02/2011 16:21, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :
>> summary:
>>   patchcheck does work
> How does it find out which changesets it should operate on?

It operates on changed files, just like with Subversion:
→ hg status --added --modified --no-status

You can use it while making a commit, or when you collapse many commits
into one diff (and apply it with hg import --no-commit).

Rewriting patchcheck to work on diffs is another thing, see

I agree that the part about patchcheck should have a note to explain
that it works with uncommitted changes, not MQ patches or changesets.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

2011-02-27 Thread Adrian Buehlmann
On 2011-02-27 16:35, Scott Dial wrote:
> On 2/27/2011 10:18 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> Well, chances are TortoiseHG comes with an UI to apply patches
>> (TortoiseSVN had one), so the command-line instructions may be of
>> little use to them.
> I don't believe TortoiseHG has such a feature (or I can't find it),
> although if you have TortoiseSVN, you can still use that as a patch tool.

TortoiseHg can import patches just fine.

FWIW, we are very close to releasing TortoiseHg 2.0 (due March 1st),
which ported the current Gtk based TortoiseHg to Qt (although, it was
more like a rewrite :-).

For the old Gtk TortoiseHg, see the online docs here:

Homepage for the Qt port:

For people on Windows, we have beta installers for the new Qt based
TortoiseHg at:

Feedback is welcome on or

(we moved the development list to google groups)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

2011-02-27 Thread Scott Dial
On 2/27/2011 10:18 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Well, chances are TortoiseHG comes with an UI to apply patches
> (TortoiseSVN had one), so the command-line instructions may be of
> little use to them.

I don't believe TortoiseHG has such a feature (or I can't find it),
although if you have TortoiseSVN, you can still use that as a patch tool.

Scott Dial
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Minor edits and typo fixes.

2011-02-27 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 04:17:09 +0100
eric.araujo  wrote:
> - Move a link target after its use
> - Add a todo about tracker markup
> - Remove one XXX that was in a warning block, not a comment

Well, this is a XXX because that means we could find something else to
advocate, not because the reader must take it as a warning.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] hooks: Fix checkbranch hook

2011-02-27 Thread Daniel Stutzbach
On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 11:48 PM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 5:26 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" 
> wrote:
> > If you think that it's a likely problem that people create named
> > branches by mistake, then we should have a hook.
> I suspect the concern is that people may create named branches locally
> as part of their own workflow, then mistakenly push those branches
> instead of collapsing back to a single commit against the relevant
> line of development.


Daniel Stutzbach
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): patchcheck does work

2011-02-27 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 04:17:07 +0100
eric.araujo  wrote:
> summary:
>   patchcheck does work

How does it find out which changesets it should operate on?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] hg extensions was Mercurial conversion repositories

2011-02-27 Thread Nick Coghlan
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Antoine Pitrou  wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 07:46:51 +0100
> "Martin v. Löwis"  wrote:
>> > Actually, it isn't *required* on each developer's setup, since we
>> > now have a hook that refuses bogus changegroups (if needed, we can even
>> > refuse individual changesets).  In most situations, even without the
>> > eol extension line endings won't get modified anyway.
>> I think this is overly optimistic. Visual Studio will break all your
>> files if you don't use that extension (and you actually use it to
>> modify source code).
> My assumption was that most developers don't use MSVC, so most of them
> don't risk breaking eols ;)
> True, for Windows devs it might be necessary to promote it.

Windows devs were the original target audience, yes :)


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] of branches and heads

2011-02-27 Thread Daniel Stutzbach
On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 2:42 AM, Adrian Buehlmann wrote:

> On 2011-02-26 23:26, Greg Ewing wrote:
> > There are *some* topological restrictions, because hg won't
> > let you assign a branch name that's been used before to a node
> > unless one of its parents has that name. So you can't create
> > two disconnected subgraphs whose nodes have the same branch
> > name.
> That's not completely correct. You *can* do that.

Can we create a hook on the server to reject changesets like that?

Daniel Stutzbach
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] devguide (hg_transition): Advertise hg import over patch.

2011-02-27 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 04:17:06 +0100
eric.araujo  wrote:
>   Advertise hg import over patch.
> hg import understands the extended git diff format, which supports renames,
> changes to the executable bit and changes in binary files.

Yes, but it's too easy to forget the awkward "--no-commit" option.
"patch" doesn't involve such quirks.

>  patch doesn?t
> do anything useful with that information, and also requires downloading and
> setup on Windows.

Well, chances are TortoiseHG comes with an UI to apply patches
(TortoiseSVN had one), so the command-line instructions may be of
little use to them.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] hg extensions was Mercurial conversion repositories

2011-02-27 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 07:46:51 +0100
"Martin v. Löwis"  wrote:
> > Actually, it isn't *required* on each developer's setup, since we
> > now have a hook that refuses bogus changegroups (if needed, we can even
> > refuse individual changesets).  In most situations, even without the
> > eol extension line endings won't get modified anyway.
> I think this is overly optimistic. Visual Studio will break all your
> files if you don't use that extension (and you actually use it to
> modify source code).

My assumption was that most developers don't use MSVC, so most of them
don't risk breaking eols ;)
True, for Windows devs it might be necessary to promote it.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Mercurial conversion repositories

2011-02-27 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 08:09:21 +0100
"Martin v. Löwis"  wrote:
> >> changeset:   72694:e65daae6cf44
> >> user:Antoine Pitrou 
> >> date:Mon Feb 21 21:30:55 2011 +
> >> summary: Try s/UINT_MAX/INT_MAX/
> > 
> > It's not on an unnamed branch, it's on the "default" branch (which is
> > omitted for concision by "hg log" and other commands with a similar
> > output).
> It's probably a terminology issue, but: the changeset can't be "on"
> the default "branch", because the head of the default branch (called
> "tip", IIUC) isn't a descendant of that changeset.

Well, a branch (or named branch) in hg terminology can have several
heads (see the other email about heads and branches).

Also, just so you know, "tip" is simply the latest (in pull or commit
order) changeset in the local repository. It can be in any branch (for
example, if you pull of bunch of changesets someone made in "3.2",
then your tip will be in branch "3.2").

I hope it all starts to make sense ;)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] devguide: List common gotchas people might come across when doing coverage work.

2011-02-27 Thread Sandro Tosi
On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 06:31, brett.cannon  wrote:
> +When writing new tests to increase coverage, do take note of the style of 
> tests
> +already provided for a module (e.g., whitebox, blackbox, etc.). As
> +some modules are primarily maintained by a single core developer they may 
> have
> +a specific preference as to what kind of test is used (e.g., whitebox) and
> +prefer that other types of tests not be used (e.g., blackbox). When in doubt,
> +stick with whitebox testing in order to properly exercise the code.

Do you think it could be nice to have a reference to what
whitebox/blackbox testing is, ie


Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website:
Me at Debian:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] devguide (hg_transition): patchcheck does work

2011-02-27 Thread Sandro Tosi
On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 03:17, eric.araujo  wrote:
> eric.araujo pushed f325d743c385 to devguide:
> changeset:   331:f325d743c385
> branch:      hg_transition
> user:        ?ric Araujo 
> date:        Sat Feb 26 17:30:51 2011 +0100
> summary:
>  patchcheck does work
> files:
>  patch.rst
> diff --git a/patch.rst b/patch.rst
> --- a/patch.rst
> +++ b/patch.rst
> @@ -114,15 +114,13 @@
>  Generation
>  ''
> -.. XXX [commented out] make patchcheck doesn't work with non-SVN workflow
> +To perform a quick sanity check on your patch, you can run::
> -   To perform a quick sanity check on your patch, you can run::
> +   make patchcheck
> -       make patchcheck
> -
> -   This will check and/or fix various common things people forget to do for
> -   patches, such as adding any new files needing for the patch to work (do 
> not
> -   that not all checks apply to non-core developers).
> +This will check and/or fix various common things people forget to do for
> +patches, such as adding any new files needing for the patch to work (do not

(do note

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website:
Me at Debian:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] of branches and heads

2011-02-27 Thread Adrian Buehlmann
On 2011-02-26 23:26, Greg Ewing wrote:
> From: Antoine Pitrou
>> - a "branch" usually means a "named branch": a set of changesets
>>   bearing the same label (e.g. "default"); that label is freely chosen
>>   by the committer at any point, and enforces no topological
>>   characteristic
> There are *some* topological restrictions, because hg won't
> let you assign a branch name that's been used before to a node
> unless one of its parents has that name. So you can't create
> two disconnected subgraphs whose nodes have the same branch
> name.

That's not completely correct. You *can* do that.

Mercurial by default assumes you're probably in error if you are
trying to create such disconnected branch name subgraphs, but you
can convince it that it's really what you want by doing:

  hg branch --force 

Example (glog command requires the graphlog extension enabled [1]):

  $ hg init a
  $ cd a
  $ echo foo > bla
  $ hg ci -Am1
  adding bla
  $ hg branch b1
  marked working directory as branch b1
  $ hg ci -m2
  $ hg branch default
  abort: a branch of the same name already exists (use 'hg update' to switch to 
  $ hg branch --force default
  marked working directory as branch default
  $ hg ci -m3
  created new head
  $ hg glog --template "{rev}, {branch}\n"
  @  2, default
  o  1, b1
  o  0, default

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] set iteration order

2011-02-27 Thread Hagen Fürstenau
>> It's not a matter of dependence on iteration order, but of
>> reproducibility (in my case there were minor numerical differences due
>> to different iteration orders).
> Can you give a code example?  I don’t understand your case.

It's a bit involved (that's why it took me a while to locate the
difference in behavior), but it boils down to a (learning) algorithm
that in principle should not care about order of input data, but will in
practice show slightly different numerical behavior. I ran into the
problem when trying to exactly reproduce previously published
experimental results. Of course, I should have anticipated this and
fixed some arbitrary order in the first place. I just thought a note
about this change might save someone in a similar situation some confusion.


Python-Dev mailing list