Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 402: Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning

2011-08-12 Thread Vinay Sajip
Éric Araujo merwok at writes:

 Besides, putting data files in a Python package is held very poorly by
 some (mostly people following the File Hierarchy Standard), and in
 distutils2/packaging, we (will) have a resources system that’s as
 convenient for users and more flexible for OS packagers.  Using __file__
 for more than information on the module is frowned upon for other
 reasons anyway (I talked about a Debian developer about this one day but
 forgot), so I think the limitation is okay.

The FHS does not apply in all scenarios - not all Python code is
deployed/packaged at system level. For example, plug-ins (such as Django apps)
are often not meant to be installed by a system-level packager. This might also
be true in scenarios where Python is embedded into some other application. It's
really useful to be able to co-locate packages with their data (e.g. in a zip
file) and I don't think all instances of putting data files in a package are to
be frowned upon.


Vinay Sajip

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 3154 - pickle protocol 4

2011-08-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou


This PEP is an attempt to foster a number of small incremental
improvements in a future pickle protocol version. The PEP process is
used in order to gather as many improvements as possible, because the
introduction of a new protocol version should be a rare occurrence.

Feel free to suggest any additions.



PEP: 3154
Title: Pickle protocol version 4
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Antoine Pitrou
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 2011-08-11
Python-Version: 3.3
Resolution: TBD


Data serialized using the pickle module must be portable accross Python
versions.  It should also support the latest language features as well
as implementation-specific features.  For this reason, the pickle
module knows about several protocols (currently numbered from 0 to 3),
each of which appeared in a different Python version.  Using a
low-numbered protocol version allows to exchange data with old Python
versions, while using a high-numbered protocol allows access to newer
features and sometimes more efficient resource use (both CPU time
required for (de)serializing, and disk size / network bandwidth
required for data transfer).


The latest current protocol, coincidentally named protocol 3, appeared
with Python 3.0 and supports the new incompatible features in the
language (mainly, unicode strings by default and the new bytes
object).  The opportunity was not taken at the time to improve the
protocol in other ways.

This PEP is an attempt to foster a number of small incremental
improvements in a future new protocol version.  The PEP process is used
in order to gather as many improvements as possible, because the
introduction of a new protocol version should be a rare occurrence.

Improvements in discussion

64-bit compatibility for large objects

Current protocol versions export object sizes for various built-in types
(str, bytes) as 32-bit ints.  This forbids serialization of large data
[1]_. New opcodes are required to support very large bytes and str

Native opcodes for sets and frozensets

Many common built-in types (such as str, bytes, dict, list, tuple) have
dedicated opcodes to improve resource consumption when serializing and
deserializing them; however, sets and frozensets don't.  Adding such
opcodes would be an obvious improvement.  Also, dedicated set support
could help remove the current impossibility of pickling
self-referential sets [2]_.

Binary encoding for all opcodes

The GLOBAL opcode, which is still used in protocol 3, uses the so-called
text mode of the pickle protocol, which involves looking for newlines
in the pickle stream.  Looking for newlines is difficult to optimize on
a non-seekable stream, and therefore a new version of GLOBAL
(BINGLOBAL?) could use a binary encoding instead.

It seems that all other opcodes emitted when using protocol 3 already
use binary encoding.




.. [1] pickle not 64-bit ready:

.. [2] Cannot pickle self-referencing sets:


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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   mode: indented-text
   indent-tabs-mode: nil
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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3154 - pickle protocol 4

2011-08-12 Thread Xavier Morel
On 2011-08-12, at 12:58 , Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Current protocol versions export object sizes for various built-in types
 (str, bytes) as 32-bit ints.  This forbids serialization of large data
 [1]_. New opcodes are required to support very large bytes and str
How about changing object sizes to be 64b always? Too much overhead for the
common case (which might be smaller pickled objects)? Or a slightly more
devious scheme (e.g. tag-bit, untagged is 31b size, tagged is 63), which
would not require adding opcodes for that?

 Also, dedicated set support
 could help remove the current impossibility of pickling
 self-referential sets [2]_.

Is there really no possibility of fix recursive pickling once
and for all? Dedicated optcodes for resource consumption
purposes (and to match those of other build-in types) is
still a good idea, but being able to pickle arbitrary
recursive structures would be even better would it not?

And if specific (new) opcodes are required to handle recursive
pickling correctly, that's the occasion.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3154 - pickle protocol 4

2011-08-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou


Le vendredi 12 août 2011 à 14:32 +0200, Xavier Morel a écrit :
 On 2011-08-12, at 12:58 , Antoine Pitrou wrote:
  Current protocol versions export object sizes for various built-in types
  (str, bytes) as 32-bit ints.  This forbids serialization of large data
  [1]_. New opcodes are required to support very large bytes and str
 How about changing object sizes to be 64b always? Too much overhead for the
 common case (which might be smaller pickled objects)?

Yes, and also the old opcodes must still be supported, so there's no
maintenance gain in not exploiting them.

 Or a slightly more
 devious scheme (e.g. tag-bit, untagged is 31b size, tagged is 63), which
 would not require adding opcodes for that?

The opcode space is not full enough to justify this kind of
complication, IMO.

  Also, dedicated set support
  could help remove the current impossibility of pickling
  self-referential sets [2]_.
 Is there really no possibility of fix recursive pickling once
 and for all? Dedicated optcodes for resource consumption
 purposes (and to match those of other build-in types) is
 still a good idea, but being able to pickle arbitrary
 recursive structures would be even better would it not?

That's true. Actually, it seems pickling recursive sets could have
worked from the start, if a difference __reduce__ had been chosen and a
__setstate__ had been defined:

 class X: pass
 class myset(set):
...def __reduce__(self):
...return (self.__class__, (), list(self))
...def __setstate__(self, state):
 m = myset((1,2,3))
 x = X()
 x.m = m
 mm = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m))
myset({1, 2, 3, __main__.X object at 0x7fe3635c6990})
myset({1, 2, 3, __main__.X object at 0x7fe3635c6c30})

  # m has a reference loop

 [x for x in m if getattr(x, 'm', None) is m]
[__main__.X object at 0x7fe3635c6990]

  # mm retains a similar reference loop

 [x for x in mm if getattr(x, 'm', None) is mm]
[__main__.X object at 0x7fe3635c6c30]

  # the representation is roughly as efficient as the original one


We can't change set.__reduce__ (or __reduce_ex__) without a protocol
bump, though, since past Pythons would fail loading the pickles.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 402: Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning

2011-08-12 Thread P.J. Eby

At 02:02 PM 8/11/2011 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
Rather than a one-by-one ad-hoc consideration of which attribute 
should be set to None or empty strings or string or what have 
you, I'd really like to see a discussion in the PEP saying what a 
package really is vs. what a module is, and what one can reasonably 
expect from it from an API and tooling perspective.

The assumption I've been working from is the only guarantee I've ever 
seen the Python docs give: i.e., that a package is a module object 
with a __path__ attribute.  Modules aren't even required to have a 
__file__ object -- builtin modules don't, for example.  (And the 
contents of __file__ are not required to have any particular 
semantics: PEP 302 notes that it can be a dummy value like 
frozen, for example.)

Technically, btw, PEP 302 requires __file__ to be a string, so making 
__file__ = None will be a backwards-incompatible change.  But any 
code that walks modules in sys.modules is going to break today if it 
expects a __file__ attribute to exist, because 'sys' itself doesn't have one!

So, my leaning is towards leaving off __file__, since today's code 
already has to deal with it being nonexistent, if it's working with 
arbitrary modules, and that'll produce breakage sooner rather than 
later -- the twisted.python.modules code, for example, would fail 
with a loud AttributeError, rather than going on to silently assume 
that a module with a dummy __file__ isn't a package.   (Which is NOT 
a valid assumption *now*, btw, as I'll explain below.)

Anyway, if you have any suggestions for verbiage that should be added 
to the PEP to clarify these assumptions, I'd be happy to add 
them.  However, I think that the real problem you're encountering at 
the moment has more to do with making assumptions about the Python 
import ecosystem that aren't valid today, and haven't been valid 
since at least the introduction of PEP 302, if not earlier import 
hook systems as well.

 But the whole pure virtual mechanism here seems to pile even 
more inconsistency on top of an already irritatingly inconsistent 
import mechanism.  I was reasonably happy with my attempt to paper 
over PEP 302's weirdnesses from a user perspective:

(or if 
you are not a Twisted user)

Users of this API can traverse the module hierarchy with certain 
expectations; each module or package would have .pathEntry and 
.filePath attributes, each of which would refer to the appropriate 
place.  Of course __path__ complicates things a bit, but so it goes.

I don't mean to be critical, and no doubt what you've written works 
fine for your current requirements, but on my quick attempt to skim 
through the code I found many things which appear to me to be 
incompatible with PEP 302.

That is, the above code hardocdes a variety of assumptions about the 
import system that haven't been true since Python 2.3.  (For example, 
it assumes that the contents of sys.path strings have inspectable 
semantics, that the contents of __file__ can tell you things about 
the module-ness or package-ness of a module object, etc.)

If you want to fully support PEP 302, you might want to consider 
making this a wrapper over the corresponding pkgutil APIs (available 
since Python 2.5) that do roughly the same things, but which delegate 
all path string inspection to importer objects and allow extensible 
delegation for importers that don't support the optional methods involved.

(Of course, if the pkgutil APIs are missing something you need, 
perhaps you could propose additions.)

Now it seems like pure virtual packages are going to introduce a new 
type of special case into the hierarchy which have neither 
.pathEntry nor .filePath objects.

The problem is that your API's notion that these things exist as 
coherent concepts was never really a valid assumption in the first 
place.  .pth files and namespace packages already meant that the idea 
of a package coming from a single path entry made no sense.  And 
namespace packages installed by setuptools' system packaging mode 
*don't have a __file__ attribute* today...  heck they don't have 
__init__ modules, either.

So, adding virtual packages isn't actually going to change anything, 
except perhaps by making these scenarios more common.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 09:32:23 -0500
VanL wrote:
 On 8/11/2011 2:11 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:
  (b) another threading model (e.g. one interpreter per thread, as in Tcl,
  Erlang, or .NET app domains).
 We are close to this, in that we already have baked-in support for 
 subinterpreters. Out of curiosity, why isn't this being pursued?

Because it is half-baked, breaks with some features in some extension
modules, and still requires the GIL for shared data structures.



Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues

2011-08-12 Thread Python tracker

ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2011-08-05 - 2011-08-12)
Python tracker at

To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue.
Do NOT respond to this message.

Issues counts and deltas:
  open2923 (+24)
  closed 21602 (+23)
  total  24525 (+47)

Open issues with patches: 1264 

Issues opened (35)

#12032: Tools/Scripts/ needs updating for python 3+  reopened by eric.araujo

#12701: Apple's clang 2.1 (xcode 4.1, OSX 10.7) optimizer miscompiles  opened by deadshort

#12702: shutil.copytree() should use os.lutimes() to copy the metadata  opened by petri.lehtinen

#12703: Improve error reporting for packaging.util.resolve_name  opened by Natim

#12704: Language References does not specify exception raised by final  opened by Nikratio

#12705: Make compile('1\n2\n', '', 'single') raise an exception instea  opened by Devin Jeanpierre

#12706: timeout sentinel in ftplib and poplib documentation  opened by orsenthil

#12707: Deprecate addinfourl getters  opened by ezio.melotti

#12708: multiprocessing.Pool is missing a starmap[_async]() method.  opened by hynek

#12711: Explain tracker components in devguide  opened by eric.araujo

#12712: weave build_tools library identification  opened by Tim.Holme

#12713: argparse: allow abbreviation of sub commands by users  opened by pwil3058

#12716: Reorganize os docs for files/dirs/fds  opened by benjamin.peterson

#12720: Expose linux extended filesystem attributes  opened by benjamin.peterson

#12721: Chaotic use of helper functions in test_shutil for reading and  opened by hynek

#12723: Provide an API in tkSimpleDialog for defining custom validatio  opened by rabbidous

#12725: Docs: Odd phrase floating seconds in socket.html  opened by Cris.Simpson

#12726: explain why locale.getlocale() does not read system's locales  opened by alexis

#12728: Python re lib fails case insensitive matches on Unicode data  opened by tchrist

#12729: Python lib re cannot handle Unicode properly due to narrow/wid  opened by tchrist

#12730: Python's casemapping functions are untrustworthy due to narrow  opened by tchrist

#12731: python lib re uses obsolete sense of \w in full violation of U  opened by tchrist

#12732: Can't portably use Unicode in Python identifiers  opened by tchrist

#12733: Request for grapheme support in Python re lib  opened by tchrist

#12734: Request for property support in Python re lib  opened by tchrist

#12735: request full Unicode collation support in std python library  opened by tchrist

#12737: string.title()  is overzealous by upcasing combining marks ina  opened by tchrist

#12738: Bug in multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() implementation on Ubunt  opened by Michael.Hall

#12739: read stuck with multithreading and simultaneous subprocess.Pop  opened by SAPikachu

#12740: Add struct.Struct.nmemb  opened by skrah

#12741: Implementation of shutil.move  opened by David.Townshend

#12742: Add support for CESU-8 encoding  opened by adalx

#12743: C API marshalling doc contains XXX  opened by JJeffries

#12715: Add symlink support to shutil functions  opened by petri.lehtinen

#12736: Request for python casemapping functions to use full not simpl  opened by tchrist

Most recent 15 issues with no replies (15)

#12743: C API marshalling doc contains XXX

#12742: Add support for CESU-8 encoding

#12741: Implementation of shutil.move

#12740: Add struct.Struct.nmemb

#12739: read stuck with multithreading and simultaneous subprocess.Pop

#12737: string.title()  is overzealous by upcasing combining marks ina

Re: [Python-Dev] [PEPs] Rebooting PEP 394 (aka Support the /usr/bin/python2 symlink upstream)

2011-08-12 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Aug 12, 2011, at 01:10 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

1. Accept the reality of that situation, and propose a mechanism that
minimises the impact of the resulting ambiguity on end users of Python
by allowing developers to be explicit about their target language.
This is the approach advocated in PEP 394.

2. Tell the Arch developers (and anyone else inclined to point the
python name at python3) that they're wrong, and the python symlink
should, now and forever, always refer to a version of Python 2.x.

FWIW, although I generally support the PEP, I also think that distros
themselves have a responsibility to ensure their #! lines are correct, for
scripts they install.  Meaning, if it requires rewriting the #! line on OS
package install, so be it.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Xavier Morel
On 2011-08-11, at 21:11 , Sturla Molden wrote:
 (b) another threading model (e.g. one interpreter per thread, as in Tcl, 
 Erlang, or .NET app domains).
Nitpick: this is not correct re. erlang.

While it is correct that it uses another threading model (one could even say 
no threading model), it's not a one interpreter per thread model at all:

* Erlang uses erlang processes, which are very cheap preempted *processes* 
(no shared memory). There have always been tens to thousands to millions of 
erlang processes per interpreter

* A long time ago (before 2006 and the SMP VM, that was R11B) the erlang VM was 
single-threaded, so all those erlang processes ran in a single OS thread. To 
use multiple OS threads one had to create an erlang cluster (start multiple VMs 
and distribute spawned processes over those). However, this was already an m:n 
model, there were multiple erlang processes for each VM.

* Since the introduction of the SMP VM, the erlang interpreter can create 
multiple *schedulers* (one per physical core by default), with each scheduler 
running in its own OS thread. In this model, there's a single interpreter and 
an m:n mapping of erlang processes to OS threads within that single 
interpreter. (interestingly, because -smp generates resource contention within 
the interpreter going back to pre-SMP by setting the number of schedulers per 
node to 1 can yield increased overall performances)
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Backporting howto/pyporting to 2.7

2011-08-12 Thread Éric Araujo
Hi everyone,

I think it would be useful to have the “Porting Python 2 Code to Python
3” HOWTO in the 2.7 docs, as I think that a lot of users consult the 2.7
docs.  Is there any reason not to do it?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Rene Nejsum
My two danish kroner on GIL issues….

I think I understand the background and need for GIL. Without it Python 
programs would have been cluttered with lock/synchronized statements and 
C-extensions would be harder to write. Thanks to Sturla Molden for he's 
explanation earlier in this thread.

However, the GIL is also from a time, where single threaded programs running in 
single core CPU's was the common case.

On a new MacBook Pro I have 8 core's and would expect my multithreaded Python 
program to run significantly fast than on a one-core CPU.

Instead the program slows down to a much worse performance than on a one-core 
CPU. (Have a look at David Beazley's excellent talk on PyCon 2010 and he's 
paper and

For my viewpoint the multicore performance problems is the primary problem with 
the GIL, event though the other issues pointed out are valid.

I still believe that the solution for Python would be to have an every object 
is a thread/coroutine solution a'la 

 - ABCL ( and 
 - COOC (Concurrent Object Oriented C, 

at least looked into as a alternative to a STM solution.

But, my head is not big enough to fully understand this :-)

kind regards

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 402: Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning

2011-08-12 Thread Glyph Lefkowitz

On Aug 12, 2011, at 11:24 AM, P.J. Eby wrote:

 That is, the above code hardocdes a variety of assumptions about the import 
 system that haven't been true since Python 2.3.

Thanks for this feedback.  I honestly did not realize how old and creaky this 
code had gotten.  It was originally developed for Python 2.4 and it certainly 
shows its age.  Practically speaking, the code is correct for the bundled 
importers, and paths and zipfiles are all we've cared about thus far.

 (For example, it assumes that the contents of sys.path strings have 
 inspectable semantics, that the contents of __file__ can tell you things 
 about the module-ness or package-ness of a module object, etc.)

Unfortunately, the primary goal of this code is to do something impossible - 
walk the module hierarchy without importing any code.  So some heuristics are 
necessary.  Upon further reflection, PEP 402 _will_ make dealing with namespace 
packages from this code considerably easier: we won't need to do AST analysis 
to look for a __path__ attribute or anything gross like that improve 
correctness; we can just look in various directories on sys.path and accurately 
predict what __path__ will be synthesized to be.

However, the isPackage() method can and should be looking at the module if it's 
already loaded, and not always guessing based on paths.  The whole reason 
there's an 'importPackages' flag to walk() is that some applications of this 
code care more about accuracy than others, so it tries to be as correct as it 
can be.

(Of course this is still wrong for the case where a __path__ is dynamically 
constructed by user code, but there's only so well one can do at that.)

 If you want to fully support PEP 302, you might want to consider making this 
 a wrapper over the corresponding pkgutil APIs (available since Python 2.5) 
 that do roughly the same things, but which delegate all path string 
 inspection to importer objects and allow extensible delegation for importers 
 that don't support the optional methods involved.

This code still needs to support Python 2.4, but I will make a note of this for 
future reference.

 (Of course, if the pkgutil APIs are missing something you need, perhaps you 
 could propose additions.)

 Now it seems like pure virtual packages are going to introduce a new type of 
 special case into the hierarchy which have neither .pathEntry nor .filePath 
 The problem is that your API's notion that these things exist as coherent 
 concepts was never really a valid assumption in the first place.  .pth files 
 and namespace packages already meant that the idea of a package coming from a 
 single path entry made no sense.  And namespace packages installed by 
 setuptools' system packaging mode *don't have a __file__ attribute* today...  
 heck they don't have __init__ modules, either.

The fact that getModule('sys') breaks is reason enough to re-visit some of 
these design decisions.

 So, adding virtual packages isn't actually going to change anything, except 
 perhaps by making these scenarios more common.

In that case, I guess it's a good thing; these bugs should be dealt with.  
Thanks for pointing them out.  My opinion of PEP 402 has been completely 
reversed - although I'd still like to see a section about the module system 
from a library/tools author point of view rather than a time-traveling perl 
user's narrative :).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): Use real word in English text (i.e. not code)

2011-08-12 Thread Éric Araujo

Use real word in English text (i.e. not code)
 I agree that 'arg' for 'argument is email/twitter-speak, not proper 
 document prose.

 -   :synopsis: Command-line option and argument-parsing library.
 +   :synopsis: Command-line option and argument parsing library.
 However, 'argument-parsing' could/should be left hyphenated as a 
 compound adjective for the same reason 'command-line' is.

With all due respect to the fact that you’re a native speaker and I’m
not, here I disagree because I parse the sentence in this way (using
parens to group things by precedence, if you want):

(((command-line (option and argument)) parsing) library)

To paraphrase, it’s a library to parse options and arguments from the
command line, not a library to parse arguments and (missing verb-ing)
options from the command line.  (I’m not sure I’m clear.)

 An arg you missed
Yes, I looked for all instances of args but not arg.  Will do.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [PEPs] Rebooting PEP 394 (aka Support the /usr/bin/python2 symlink upstream)

2011-08-12 Thread R. David Murray
On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 12:19:23 -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Aug 12, 2011, at 01:10 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 1. Accept the reality of that situation, and propose a mechanism that
 minimises the impact of the resulting ambiguity on end users of Python
 by allowing developers to be explicit about their target language.
 This is the approach advocated in PEP 394.
 2. Tell the Arch developers (and anyone else inclined to point the
 python name at python3) that they're wrong, and the python symlink
 should, now and forever, always refer to a version of Python 2.x.
 FWIW, although I generally support the PEP, I also think that distros
 themselves have a responsibility to ensure their #! lines are correct, for
 scripts they install.  Meaning, if it requires rewriting the #! line on OS
 package install, so be it.

True, but I think that is orthogonal to the purposes of the PEP, which
is about supporting writing of system independent scripts that are *not*
provided by the distribution (or installed via packaging).  And PEP 397
aims to extend that to Windows, as well.

R. David Murray
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [PEPs] Rebooting PEP 394 (aka Support the /usr/bin/python2 symlink upstream)

2011-08-12 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Aug 12, 2011, at 01:34 PM, R. David Murray wrote:

True, but I think that is orthogonal to the purposes of the PEP, which
is about supporting writing of system independent scripts that are *not*
provided by the distribution (or installed via packaging).  And PEP 397
aims to extend that to Windows, as well.

Yep, agreed.  It probably should also inform #! transformations that pysetup
could do.


Description: PGP signature
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 402: Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning

2011-08-12 Thread P.J. Eby

At 01:09 PM 8/12/2011 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
Upon further reflection, PEP 402 _will_ make dealing with namespace 
packages from this code considerably easier: we won't need to do AST 
analysis to look for a __path__ attribute or anything gross like 
that improve correctness; we can just look in various directories on 
sys.path and accurately predict what __path__ will be synthesized to be.

The flip side of that is that you can't always know whether a 
directory is a virtual package without deep inspection: one 
consequence of PEP 402 is that any directory that contains a Python 
module (of whatever type), however deeply nested, will be a valid 
package name.  So, you can't rule out that a given directory *might* 
be a package, without walking its entire reachable subtree.  (Within 
the subset of directory names that are valid Python identifiers, of course.)

However, you *can* quickly tell that a directory *might* be a package 
or is *probably* one: if it contains modules, or is the same name as 
an already-discovered module, it's a pretty safe bet that you can 
flag it as such.

In any case, you probably should *not* do the building of a virtual 
path yourself; the protocols and APIs added by PEP 402 should allow 
you to simply ask for the path to be constructed on your 
behalf.  Otherwise, you are going to be back in the same business of 
second-guessing arbitrary importer backends again!

(E.g. note that PEP 402 does not say virtual package subpaths must be 
filesystem or zipfile subdirectories of their parents - an importer 
could just as easily allow you to treat subdirectories named 
'twisted.python' as part of a virtual package with that name!)

Anyway, pkgutil defines some extra methods that importers can 
implement to support module-walking, and part of the PEP 402 
implementation should be to make this support virtual packages as well.

This code still needs to support Python 2.4, but I will make a note 
of this for future reference.

A suggestion: just take the pkgutil code and bundle it for Python 2.4 
as something._pkgutil.  There's very little about it that's 2.5+ 
specific, at least when I wrote the bits that do the module walking.

Of course, the main disadvantage of pkgutil for your purposes is that 
it currently requires packages to be imported in order to walk their 
child modules.  (IIRC, it does *not*, however, require them to be 
imported in order to discover their existence.)

In that case, I guess it's a good thing; these bugs should be dealt 
with.  Thanks for pointing them out.  My opinion of PEP 402 has been 
completely reversed - although I'd still like to see a section about 
the module system from a library/tools author point of view rather 
than a time-traveling perl user's narrative :).


If you will propose the wording you'd like to see, I'll be happy to 
check it for any current-and-or-future incorrect assumptions.  ;-)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): Use real word in English text (i.e. not code)

2011-08-12 Thread Fred Drake
I think either

Command-line option- and argument-parsing library.


Command-line option and argument parsing library.

would be acceptable.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    fdrake at
A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read.
   --Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Review request issue 12178

2011-08-12 Thread Catalin Iacob
Could a core developer please review the patch I proposed for issue
12178 csv writer doesn't escape escapechar?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Sturla Molden

Den 12.08.2011 18:51, skrev Xavier Morel:
* Erlang uses erlang processes, which are very cheap preempted 
*processes* (no shared memory). There have always been tens to 
thousands to millions of erlang processes per interpreter source 
contention within the interpreter going back to pre-SMP by setting the 
number of schedulers per node to 1 can yield increased overall 

Technically, one can make threads behave like processes if they don't 
share memory pages (though they will still share address space). Erlangs 
use of 'process' instead of 'thread' does not mean an Erlang process has 
to be implemented as an OS process. With one interpreter per thread, and 
a malloc that does not let threads share memory pages (one heap per 
thread), Python could do the same.

On Windows, there is an API function called HeapAlloc, which lets us 
allocate memory form a dedicated heap. The common use case is to prevent 
threads from sharing memory, thus behaving like light-weight processes 
(except address space is shared). On Unix, is is more common to use 
fork() to create new processes instead, as processes are more 
light-weight than on Windows.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Sturla Molden

Den 12.08.2011 18:57, skrev Rene Nejsum:

My two danish kroner on GIL issues….

I think I understand the background and need for GIL. Without it 
Python programs would have been cluttered with lock/synchronized 
statements and C-extensions would be harder to write. Thanks to Sturla 
Molden for he's explanation earlier in this thread.

I doesn't seem I managed to explain it :(

Yes, C extensions would be cluttered with synchronization statements, 
and that is annoying. But that was not my point all!

Even with fine-grained locking in place, a system using reference 
counting will not scale on an multi-processor computer. Cache-lines 
containing reference counts will become incoherent between the 
processors, causing traffic jam on the memory bus.

The technical term in parallel computing litterature is false sharing.

However, the GIL is also from a time, where single threaded programs 
running in single core CPU's was the common case.

On a new MacBook Pro I have 8 core's and would expect my multithreaded 
Python program to run significantly fast than on a one-core CPU.

Instead the program slows down to a much worse performance than on a 
one-core CPU.

A multi-threaded program can be slower on a multi-processor computer as 
well, if it suffered from extensive false sharing (which Python 
programs nearly always will do).

That is, instead of doing useful work, the processors are stepping on 
each others toes. So they spend the bulk of the time synchronizing cache 
lines with RAM instead of computing.

On a computer with a single processor, there cannot be any false 
sharing. So even without a GIL, a multi-threaded program can often run 
faster on a single-processor computer. That might seem counter-intuitive 
at first. I seen this inversed scaling blamed on the GIL many times, 
but it's dead wrong.

Multi-threading is hard to get right, because the programmer must ensure 
that processors don't access the same cache lines. This is one of the 
reasons why numerical programs based on MPI (multiple processes and IPC) 
are likely to perform better than numerical programs based on OpenMP 
(multiple threads and shared memory).

As for Python, it means that it is easier to make a program based on 
multiprocessing scale well on a multi-processor computer, than a program 
based on threading and releasing the GIL. And that has nothing to do 
with the GIL! Albeit, I'd estimate 99% of Python programmers would blame 
it on the GIL. It has to do with what shared memory does if cache lines 
are shared. Intuition about what affects the performance of a 
multi-threaded program is very often wrong. If one needs parallel 
computing, multiple processes is much more likely to scale correctly. 
Threads are better reserved for things like non-blocking I/O.

The problem with the GIL is merely what people think it does -- not what 
it actually does. It is so easy to blame a performance issue on the GIL, 
when it is actually the use of threads and shared memory per se that is 
the problem.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Aaron Westendorf
Even in the Erlang model, the afore-mentioned issues of bus contention put a
cap on the number of threads you can run in any given application assuming
there's any amount of cross-thread synchronization. I wrote a blog post on
this subject with respect to my experience in tuning RabbitMQ on NUMA

It should be noted that Erlang processes are not the same as OS processes.
They are more akin to green threads, scheduled on N number of legit OS
threads which are in turn run on C number of cores. The end effect is the
same though, as the data is effectively shared across NUMA nodes, which runs
into basic physical constraints.

I used to think the GIL was a major bottleneck, and though I'm not fond of
it, my recent experience has highlighted that *any* application which uses
shared memory will have significant bus contention when scaling across all
cores. The best course of action is shared-nothing MPI style, but in 64bit
land, that can mean significant wasted address space.

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:

 Den 12.08.2011 18:51, skrev Xavier Morel:

 * Erlang uses erlang processes, which are very cheap preempted
 *processes* (no shared memory). There have always been tens to thousands to
 millions of erlang processes per interpreter source contention within the
 interpreter going back to pre-SMP by setting the number of schedulers per
 node to 1 can yield increased overall performances)

 Technically, one can make threads behave like processes if they don't share
 memory pages (though they will still share address space). Erlangs use of
 'process' instead of 'thread' does not mean an Erlang process has to be
 implemented as an OS process. With one interpreter per thread, and a malloc
 that does not let threads share memory pages (one heap per thread), Python
 could do the same.

 On Windows, there is an API function called HeapAlloc, which lets us
 allocate memory form a dedicated heap. The common use case is to prevent
 threads from sharing memory, thus behaving like light-weight processes
 (except address space is shared). On Unix, is is more common to use fork()
 to create new processes instead, as processes are more light-weight than on


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [PEPs] Rebooting PEP 394 (aka Support the /usr/bin/python2 symlink upstream)

2011-08-12 Thread Toshio Kuratomi
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 12:19:23PM -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On Aug 12, 2011, at 01:10 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 1. Accept the reality of that situation, and propose a mechanism that
 minimises the impact of the resulting ambiguity on end users of Python
 by allowing developers to be explicit about their target language.
 This is the approach advocated in PEP 394.
 2. Tell the Arch developers (and anyone else inclined to point the
 python name at python3) that they're wrong, and the python symlink
 should, now and forever, always refer to a version of Python 2.x.
 FWIW, although I generally support the PEP, I also think that distros
 themselves have a responsibility to ensure their #! lines are correct, for
 scripts they install.  Meaning, if it requires rewriting the #! line on OS
 package install, so be it.
+1 with the one caveat... it's nice to upstream fixes.  If there's a simple
thing like python == python-2 and python3 == python-3 everywhere, this is
possible.  If there's something like python2 == python-2 and python-3 ==
python3 everywhere, this is also possible.  The problem is that: the latter
is not the case (python from itself doesn't produce a python2
symlink on install) and historically the former was the case but since
python-dev rejected the notion that python == python-2 that is no long true.

As long as it's just Arch, there's still time to go with #2.  #1 is not
a complete solution (especially because /usr/bin/python2 will never exist on
some historical systems [not ones I run though, so someone else will need to
beat that horse :-)]) but is better than where we are now where there is no
guidance on what's right and wrong at all.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Xavier Morel

On 2011-08-12, at 20:59 , Sturla Molden wrote:

 Den 12.08.2011 18:51, skrev Xavier Morel:
 * Erlang uses erlang processes, which are very cheap preempted *processes* 
 (no shared memory). There have always been tens to thousands to millions of 
 erlang processes per interpreter source contention within the interpreter 
 going back to pre-SMP by setting the number of schedulers per node to 1 can 
 yield increased overall performances) 
 Technically, one can make threads behave like processes if they don't share 
 memory pages (though they will still share address space). Erlangs use of 
 'process' instead of 'thread' does not mean an Erlang process has to be 
 implemented as an OS process.
Of course not. I did not write anything implying that.

 With one interpreter per thread, and a malloc that does not let threads share 
 memory pages (one heap per thread), Python could do the same.
Again, my point is that Erlang does not work with one interpreter per thread. 
Which was your claim.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 402: Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning

2011-08-12 Thread Glyph Lefkowitz

On Aug 12, 2011, at 2:33 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:

 At 01:09 PM 8/12/2011 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 Upon further reflection, PEP 402 _will_ make dealing with namespace packages 
 from this code considerably easier: we won't need to do AST analysis to look 
 for a __path__ attribute or anything gross like that improve correctness; we 
 can just look in various directories on sys.path and accurately predict what 
 __path__ will be synthesized to be.
 The flip side of that is that you can't always know whether a directory is a 
 virtual package without deep inspection: one consequence of PEP 402 is that 
 any directory that contains a Python module (of whatever type), however 
 deeply nested, will be a valid package name.  So, you can't rule out that a 
 given directory *might* be a package, without walking its entire reachable 
 subtree.  (Within the subset of directory names that are valid Python 
 identifiers, of course.)

Are there any rules about passing invalid identifiers to __import__ though, or 
is that just less likely? :)

 However, you *can* quickly tell that a directory *might* be a package or is 
 *probably* one: if it contains modules, or is the same name as an 
 already-discovered module, it's a pretty safe bet that you can flag it as 

I still like the idea of a 'marker' file.  It would be great if there were a 
new marker like  I say this more for the benefit of users 
looking at a directory on their filesystem and trying to understand whether 
this is a package or not than I do for my own programmatic tools though; it's 
already hard enough to understand the package-ness of a part of your filesystem 
and its interactions with PYTHONPATH; making directories mysteriously and 
automatically become packages depending on context will worsen that situation, 
I think.

I also have this not-terribly-well-defined idea that it would be handy for 
different providers of the _contents_ of namespace packages to provide their 
own instrumentation to be made aware that they've been added to the __path__ of 
a particular package.  This may be a solution in search of a problem, but I 
imagine that each would be executed in the same module 
namespace.  This would allow namespace packages to do things like set up 
compatibility aliases, lazy imports, plugin registrations, etc, as they 
currently do with  Perhaps it would be better to define its 
relationship to the package-module namespace in a more sensible way than 
execute all over each other in no particular order.

Also, if I had my druthers, Python would raise an exception if someone added a 
directory marked as a package to sys.path, to refuse to import things from it, 
and when a submodule was run as a script, add the nearest directory not marked 
as a package to sys.path, rather than the script's directory itself.  The whole 
__name__ is wrong because your current directory was wrong when you ran that 
command thing is so confusing to explain that I hope we can eventually consign 
it to the dustbin of history.  But if you can't even reasonably guess whether a 
directory is supposed to be an entry on sys.path or a package, that's going to 
be really hard to do.

 In any case, you probably should *not* do the building of a virtual path 
 yourself; the protocols and APIs added by PEP 402 should allow you to simply 
 ask for the path to be constructed on your behalf.  Otherwise, you are going 
 to be back in the same business of second-guessing arbitrary importer 
 backends again!

What do you mean building of a virtual path?

 (E.g. note that PEP 402 does not say virtual package subpaths must be 
 filesystem or zipfile subdirectories of their parents - an importer could 
 just as easily allow you to treat subdirectories named 'twisted.python' as 
 part of a virtual package with that name!)
 Anyway, pkgutil defines some extra methods that importers can implement to 
 support module-walking, and part of the PEP 402 implementation should be to 
 make this support virtual packages as well.

The more that this can focus on module-walking without executing code, the 
happier I'll be :).

 This code still needs to support Python 2.4, but I will make a note of this 
 for future reference.
 A suggestion: just take the pkgutil code and bundle it for Python 2.4 as 
 something._pkgutil.  There's very little about it that's 2.5+ specific, at 
 least when I wrote the bits that do the module walking.
 Of course, the main disadvantage of pkgutil for your purposes is that it 
 currently requires packages to be imported in order to walk their child 
 modules.  (IIRC, it does *not*, however, require them to be imported in order 
 to discover their existence.)

One of the stipulations of this code is that it might give different results 
when the modules are loaded and not.  So it's fine to inspect that first and 
then invoke pkgutil only in the 'loaded' case, with the knowledge that the 
not-loaded case may be 

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Rene Nejsum wrote:
 I think I understand the background and need for GIL. Without it Python
 programs would have been cluttered with lock/synchronized statements and
 C-extensions would be harder to write.

No, sorry, the first half of this is incorrect: with or without the
GIL *Python* code would need the same amount of fine-grained locking.
(The part about C extensions is correct.) I am butting in because this
is a common misunderstanding that really needs to be squashed whenever
it is aired -- the GIL does *not* help Python code to synchronize. A
thread-switch can occur between any two bytecode opcodes. Without the
GIL, atomic operations (e.g. dict lookups that doesn't require
evaluation of __eq__ or __hash__ implemented in Python) are still
supposed to be atomic.

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [PEPs] Rebooting PEP 394 (aka Support the /usr/bin/python2 symlink upstream)

2011-08-12 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 There was no comparable transition. Python 2.0 was basically 1.6 renamed for
 a different distributor.

No that's not true. If you compare the what's new sections there is
quite a large difference between 1.6 and 2.0, despite being released

 I regard Python 2.2, which introduced new-style, as
 the beginning of Python 2 as something significantly different from Python

Just compare:

No argument that 2.2 was a big jump for the type system -- but not for Unicode.

 I suppose one could also point to the earlier intro of unicode.

In 1.6. (But internally we called it the contractual obligation
release, a Monty Python reference.)

 The new
 iterator protocol was also a major change. In any case, back compatibility
 was kept in all three respects (and others) until Python 3.

(I gotta go, but I don't think it was such a big deal -- it was very
carefully made backwards compatible.)

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 402: Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning

2011-08-12 Thread P.J. Eby

At 05:03 PM 8/12/2011 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
Are there any rules about passing invalid identifiers to __import__ 
though, or is that just less likely? :)

I suppose you have a point there.  ;-)

I still like the idea of a 'marker' file.  It would be great if 
there were a new marker like

Having any required marker file makes separately-installable portions 
of a package impossible, since it would then be in conflict at 
installation time.

The (semi-)competing proposal, PEP 382, is based on allowing each 
portion to have a differently-named marker; we came up with PEP 402 
as a way to get rid of the need for any marker files (not to mention 
the bikeshedding involved.)

What do you mean building of a virtual path?

Constructing the __path__-to-be of a not-yet-imported virtual 
package.  The PEP defines a protocol for constructing this, by asking 
the importer objects to provide __path__ entries, and it does not 
require anything to be imported.  So there's no reason to 
re-implement the algorithm yourself.

The more that this can focus on module-walking without executing 
code, the happier I'll be :).

Virtual packages actually improve on this situation, in that a 
virtual path can be computed without the need to import the 
package.  (Assuming a submodule or subpackage doesn't munge the 
__path__, of course.)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Rene Nejsum
Thank you for the clarification, I should have been more precise...

On 12/08/2011, at 23.38, Guido van Rossum wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Rene Nejsum wrote:
 I think I understand the background and need for GIL. Without it Python
 programs would have been cluttered with lock/synchronized statements and
 C-extensions would be harder to write.
 No, sorry, the first half of this is incorrect: with or without the
 GIL *Python* code would need the same amount of fine-grained locking.
 (The part about C extensions is correct.) I am butting in because this
 is a common misunderstanding that really needs to be squashed whenever
 it is aired -- the GIL does *not* help Python code to synchronize. A
 thread-switch can occur between any two bytecode opcodes. Without the
 GIL, atomic operations (e.g. dict lookups that doesn't require
 evaluation of __eq__ or __hash__ implemented in Python) are still
 supposed to be atomic.
 --Guido van Rossum (

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): Use real word in English text (i.e. not code)

2011-08-12 Thread Terry Reedy

On 8/12/2011 1:17 PM, Éric Araujo wrote:

With all due respect to the fact that you’re a native speaker and I’m
not, here I disagree because I parse the sentence in this way (using
parens to group things by precedence, if you want):

You are right, I misparsed without considering the full context. You 
actually mean Command-line option-and-argument-parsing library.
But multiple compound-noun adjectives are awkward and the above is ugly. 
Would Command-line library for parsing options and arguments fit?

Terry Jan Reedy

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython (3.2): Use real word in English text (i.e. not code)

2011-08-12 Thread Ben Finney
Terry Reedy writes:

 But multiple compound-noun adjectives are awkward and the above is ugly.
 Would Command-line library for parsing options and arguments fit?

Better, but the binding is still wrong. The “command-line” should
instead be a modifier for “options and arguments”.


Library for parsing command-line options and arguments

 \“Please to bathe inside the tub.” —hotel room, Japan |
  `\   |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL removal question

2011-08-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Sturla Molden wrote:
With one interpreter per thread, and 
a malloc that does not let threads share memory pages (one heap per 
thread), Python could do the same.

Wouldn't that be more or less equivalent to running
each thread in a separate process?

Python-Dev mailing list