Re: [Python-Dev] sum(...) limitation

2014-08-13 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Redirecting to python-ideas, so trimming less than I might.

Chris Barker writes:
  On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:07 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull
   I'm referring to removing the unnecessary information that there's a
better way to do it, and simply raising an error (as in Python 3.2,
   say) which is all a RealProgrammer[tm] should ever need!
  I can't imagine anyone is suggesting that -- disallow it, but don't tell
  anyone why?

As I said, it's a regression.  That's exactly the behavior in Python 3.2.

  The only thing that is remotely on the table here is:
  1) remove the special case for strings -- buyer beware -- but consistent
  and less ugly

It's only consistent if you believe that Python has strict rules for
use of various operators.  It doesn't, except as far as they are
constrained by precedence.  For example, I have an application where I
add bytestrings bytewise modulo N = 256, and concatenate them.  In
fact I use function call syntax, but the obvious operator syntax is
'+' for the bytewise addition, and '*' for the concatenation.

It's not in the Zen, but I believe in the maxim If it's worth doing,
it's worth doing well.  So for me, 1) is out anyway.

  2) add a special case for strings that is fast and efficient -- may be as
  simple as calling .join() under the hood --no more code than the
  exception check.

Sure, but what about all the other immutable containers with __add__
methods?  What about mappings with key-wise __add__ methods whose
values might be immutable but have __add__ methods?  Where do you stop
with the special-casing?  I consider this far more complex and ugly
than the simple sum() is for numbers rule (and even that is way too
complex considering accuracy of summing floats).

  And I doubt anyone really is pushing for anything but (2)

I know that, but I think it's the wrong solution to the problem (which
is genuine IMO).  The right solution is something generic, possibly a
__sum__ method.  The question is whether that leads to too much work
to be worth it (eg, homogeneous_iterable).

   Because obviously we'd want the attractive nuisance of if you
   have __add__, there's a default definition of __sum__
  now I'm confused -- isn't that exactly what we have now?

Yes and my feeling (backed up by arguments that I admit may persuade
nobody but myself) is that what we have now kinda sucks[tm].  It
seemed like a good idea when I first saw it, but then, my apps don't
scale to where the pain starts in my own usage.

   It's possible that Python could provide some kind of feature that
   would allow an optimized sum function for every type that has
   __add__, but I think this will take a lot of thinking.
  does it need to be every type? As it is the common ones work fine already
  except for strings -- so if we add an optimized string sum() then we're

I didn't say provide an optimized sum(), I said provide a feature
enabling people who want to optimize sum() to do so.  So yes, it needs
to be every type (the optional __sum__ method is a proof of concept,
modulo it actually being implementable ;-).

   *Somebody* will do it (I don't think anybody is +1 on restricting
   sum() to a subset of types with __add__).
  uhm, that's exactly what we have now

Exactly.  Who's arguing that the sum() we have now is a ticket to
Paradise?  I'm just saying that there's probably somebody out there
negative enough on the current situation to come up with an answer
that I think is general enough (and I suspect that python-dev
consensus is that demanding, too).

  sum() can be used for any type that has an __add__ defined.

I'd like to see that be mutable types with __iadd__.

  What I fail to see is why it's better to raise an exception and
  point users to a better way, than to simply provide an optimization
  so that it's a mute issue.

Because inefficient sum() is an attractive nuisance, easy to overlook,
and likely to bite users other than the author.

  The only justification offered here is that will teach people that summing
  strings (and some other objects?)

Summing tuples works (with appropriate start=tuple()).  Haven't
benchmarked, but I bet that's O(N^2).

  is order(N^2) and a bad idea. But:
  a) Python's primary purpose is practical, not pedagogical (not that it
  isn't great for that)

My argument is that in practical use sum() is a bad idea, period,
until you book up on the types and applications where it *does* work.
N.B. It doesn't even work properly for numbers (inaccurate for floats).

  b) I doubt any naive users learn anything other than I can't use sum() for
  strings, I should use .join().

For people who think that special-casing strings is a good idea, I
think this is about as much benefit as you can expect.  Why go
farther?0.5 wink/

  I submit that no naive user is going to get any closer to a proper
  understanding of algorithmic Order behavior from this small hint. Which
  leaves no reason to prefer an 

Re: [Python-Dev] Multiline with statement line continuation

2014-08-13 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 12 August 2014 22:15, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Compare the natural way of writing this:

 with open(spam) as spam, open(eggs, w) as eggs, frobulate(cheese) as 
 # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese

 versus the dynamic way:

 with ExitStack() as stack:
 spam, eggs = [stack.enter_context(open(fname), mode) for fname, mode in
   zip((spam, eggs), (r, w)]
 cheese = stack.enter_context(frobulate(cheese))
 # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese

You wouldn't necessarily switch at three. At only three, you have lots
of options, including multiple nested with statements:

with open(spam) as spam:
with open(eggs, w) as eggs:
with frobulate(cheese) as cheese:
# do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese

The multiple context managers in one with statement form is there
*solely* to save indentation levels, and overuse can often be a sign
that you may have a custom context manager trying to get out:

def dish(spam_file, egg_file, topping):
with open(spam_file), open(egg_file, 'w'), frobulate(topping):

with dish(spam, eggs, cheese) as spam, eggs, cheese:
# do stuff with spam, eggs  cheese

ExitStack is mostly useful as a tool for writing flexible custom
context managers, and for dealing with context managers in cases where
lexical scoping doesn't necessarily work, rather than being something
you'd regularly use for inline code.

Why do I have so many contexts open at once in this function? is a
question developers should ask themselves in the same way its worth
asking why do I have so many local variables in this function?


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread Isaac Morland

On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Skip Montanaro wrote:

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:42 PM, matsjoyce wrote:

There maybe some holes in my approach, but I can't find them.

There's the rub. Given time, I suspect someone will discover a hole or two.

Schneier's Law:

Any person can invent a security system so clever that she or he can't
think of how to break it.

While I would not claim a Python sandbox is utterly impossible, I'm 
suspicious that the whole consenting adults approach in Python is 
incompatible with a sandbox.  The whole idea of a sandbox is to absolutely 
prevent people from doing things even if they really want to and know what 
they are doing.

Isaac Morland   CSCF Web Guru
DC 2554C, x36650WWW Software Specialist
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Multiline with statement line continuation

2014-08-13 Thread Akira Li
Nick Coghlan writes:

 On 12 August 2014 22:15, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Compare the natural way of writing this:

 with open(spam) as spam, open(eggs, w) as eggs, frobulate(cheese) as 
 # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese

 versus the dynamic way:

 with ExitStack() as stack:
 spam, eggs = [stack.enter_context(open(fname), mode) for fname, mode in
   zip((spam, eggs), (r, w)]
 cheese = stack.enter_context(frobulate(cheese))
 # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese

 You wouldn't necessarily switch at three. At only three, you have lots
 of options, including multiple nested with statements:

 with open(spam) as spam:
 with open(eggs, w) as eggs:
 with frobulate(cheese) as cheese:
 # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese

 The multiple context managers in one with statement form is there
 *solely* to save indentation levels, and overuse can often be a sign
 that you may have a custom context manager trying to get out:

 def dish(spam_file, egg_file, topping):
 with open(spam_file), open(egg_file, 'w'), frobulate(topping):

 with dish(spam, eggs, cheese) as spam, eggs, cheese:
 # do stuff with spam, eggs  cheese

 ExitStack is mostly useful as a tool for writing flexible custom
 context managers, and for dealing with context managers in cases where
 lexical scoping doesn't necessarily work, rather than being something
 you'd regularly use for inline code.

 Why do I have so many contexts open at once in this function? is a
 question developers should ask themselves in the same way its worth
 asking why do I have so many local variables in this function?

Multiline with-statement can be useful even with *two* context
managers. Two is not many.

Saving indentations levels along is a worthy goal. It can affect
readability and the perceived complexity of the code.

Here's how I'd like the code to look like:

  with (open('input filename') as input_file,
open('output filename', 'w') as output_file):
  # code with list comprehensions to transform input file into output file

Even one additional unnecessary indentation level may force to split
list comprehensions into several lines (less readable) and/or use
shorter names (less readable). Or it may force to move the inline code
into a separate named function prematurely, solely to preserve the
indentation level (also may be less readable) i.e.,

  with ... as input_file:
  with ... as output_file:
  ... #XXX indentation level is lost for no reason

  with ... as infile, ... as outfile: #XXX shorter names

  with ... as input_file:
  with ... as output_file:
  transform(input_file, output_file) #XXX unnecessary function

And (nested() can be implemented using ExitStack):

  with nested(open(..),
  open(..)) as (input_file, output_file):
  ... #XXX less readable

Here's an example where nested() won't help:

  def get_integers(filename):
  with (open(filename, 'rb', 0) as file,
mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as 
  for match in re.finditer(br'\d+', mmapped_file):
  yield int(

Here's another:

  with (open('log'+'some expression that generates filename', 'a') as logfile,


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread matsjoyce
Unless you remove all the things labelled keep away from children. I wrote 
this sandbox to allow python to be used as a mods/add-ons language for a 
game I'm writing, hence the perhaps too strict nature.

About the crashers: as this is for games, its fine for the game to crash, 
as long as the sandbox is not broken while crashing.

time and math can probably be allowed, but random imports a lot of 
undesirable modules.

My sandbox doesn't use proxies, due to the introspection and complexity that 
it involves. Instead it completely isolates the sandboxed globals, and checks 
all arguments and globals for irregularities before passing control to non-
sandboxed functions.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Isaac Morland wrote:
 While I would not claim a Python sandbox is utterly impossible, I'm
 suspicious that the whole consenting adults approach in Python is
 incompatible with a sandbox.  The whole idea of a sandbox is to absolutely
 prevent people from doing things even if they really want to and know what
 they are doing.

It's certainly not *fundamentally* impossible to sandbox Python.
However, the question becomes one of how much effort you're going to
go to and how much you're going to restrict the code. I think I
remember reading about something that's like ast.literal_eval, but
allows name references; with that, plus some tiny features of
assignment, you could make a fairly straight-forward evaluator that
lets you work comfortably with numbers, strings, lists, dicts, etc.
That could be pretty useful - but it wouldn't so much be Python in a
sandbox as an expression evaluator that uses a severely restricted
set of Python syntax.

If you start with all of Python and then start cutting out the
dangerous bits, you're doomed to miss something, and your sandbox is
broken. If you start with nothing and then start adding functionality,
you're looking at a gigantic job before it becomes anything that you
could call an applications language. So while it's theoretically
possible (I think - certainly I can't say for sure that it's
impossible), it's fairly impractical. I've had my own try at it, and
failed quite badly (fortunately noisily and at a sufficiently early
stage of development to shift).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread matsjoyce
Unless you remove all the things labelled keep away from children. I
wrote this sandbox to allow python to be used as a mods/add-ons
language for a game I'm writing, hence the perhaps too strict nature.

About the crashers: as this is for games, its fine for the game to crash,
as long as the sandbox is not broken while crashing.

time and math can probably be allowed, but random imports a lot of
undesirable modules.

My sandbox doesn't use proxies, due to the introspection and complexity
that it involves. Instead it completely isolates the sandboxed globals, and
checks all arguments and globals for irregularities before passing control
to non-sandboxed functions.

On 13 August 2014 14:11, Isaac Morland wrote:

 On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Skip Montanaro wrote:

  On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:42 PM, matsjoyce wrote:

 There maybe some holes in my approach, but I can't find them.

 There's the rub. Given time, I suspect someone will discover a hole or

 Schneier's Law:

 Any person can invent a security system so clever that she or he
 think of how to break it.

 While I would not claim a Python sandbox is utterly impossible, I'm
 suspicious that the whole consenting adults approach in Python is
 incompatible with a sandbox.  The whole idea of a sandbox is to absolutely
 prevent people from doing things even if they really want to and know what
 they are doing.

 Isaac Morland   CSCF Web Guru
 DC 2554C, x36650WWW Software Specialist

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] sum(...) limitation

2014-08-13 Thread Ronald Oussoren

On 12 Aug 2014, at 10:02, Armin Rigo wrote:

 Hi all,
 The core of the matter is that if we repeatedly __add__ strings from a
 long list, we get O(n**2) behavior.  For one point of view, the
 reason is that the additions proceed in left-to-right order.  Indeed,
 sum() could proceed in a more balanced tree-like order: from [x0, x1,
 x2, x3, ...], reduce the list to [x0+x1, x2+x3, ...]; then repeat
 until there is only one item in the final list.  This order ensures
 that sum(list_of_strings) is at worst O(n log n).  It might be in
 practice close enough from linear to not matter.  It also improves a
 lot the precision of sum(list_of_floats) (though not reaching the same
 precision levels of math.fsum()).

I wonder why nobody has mentioned previous year’s discussion of the same issue 

Maybe someone can write a PEP about this that can be pointed when the question 
is discussed again next summer ;-)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 02:26:29AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Isaac Morland wrote:
  While I would not claim a Python sandbox is utterly impossible, I'm
  suspicious that the whole consenting adults approach in Python is
  incompatible with a sandbox.  The whole idea of a sandbox is to absolutely
  prevent people from doing things even if they really want to and know what
  they are doing.

The point of a sandbox is that I, the consenting adult writing the 
application in the first place, may want to allow *untrusted others* to 
call Python code without giving them control of the entire application. 
The consenting adults rule applies to me, the application writer, not 
them, the end-users, even if they happen to be writing Python code. If 
they want unrestricted access to the Python interpreter, they can run 
their code on their own machine, not mine.

 It's certainly not *fundamentally* impossible to sandbox Python.
 However, the question becomes one of how much effort you're going to
 go to and how much you're going to restrict the code.

I believe that PyPy has an effective sandbox, but to what degree of 
effectiveness I don't know.

I've had rogue Javascript crash my browser or make my entire computer 
effectively unusable often enough that I am skeptical about claims that 
Javascript in the browser is effectively sandboxed, so I'm doubly 
cautious about Python.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 2:58 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 It's certainly not *fundamentally* impossible to sandbox Python.
 However, the question becomes one of how much effort you're going to
 go to and how much you're going to restrict the code.

 I believe that PyPy has an effective sandbox, but to what degree of
 effectiveness I don't know.

A potential attacker can have arbitrary code run in the subprocess,
but cannot actually do any input/output not controlled by the outer
process. Additional barriers are put to limit the amount of RAM and
CPU time used.

Note that this is very different from sandboxing at the Python
language level, i.e. placing restrictions on what kind of Python code
the attacker is allowed to run (why? read about pysandbox).

That's quite useful, but isn't the same thing as a Python-in-Python
sandbox (or even what I was doing, Python-in-C++).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Multiline with statement line continuation

2014-08-13 Thread yoav glazner
On Aug 13, 2014 7:04 PM, Akira Li wrote:

 Nick Coghlan writes:

  On 12 August 2014 22:15, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Compare the natural way of writing this:
  with open(spam) as spam, open(eggs, w) as eggs,
frobulate(cheese) as cheese:
  # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese
  versus the dynamic way:
  with ExitStack() as stack:
  spam, eggs = [stack.enter_context(open(fname), mode) for fname,
mode in
zip((spam, eggs), (r, w)]
  cheese = stack.enter_context(frobulate(cheese))
  # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese
  You wouldn't necessarily switch at three. At only three, you have lots
  of options, including multiple nested with statements:
  with open(spam) as spam:
  with open(eggs, w) as eggs:
  with frobulate(cheese) as cheese:
  # do stuff with spam, eggs, cheese
  The multiple context managers in one with statement form is there
  *solely* to save indentation levels, and overuse can often be a sign
  that you may have a custom context manager trying to get out:
  def dish(spam_file, egg_file, topping):
  with open(spam_file), open(egg_file, 'w'), frobulate(topping):
  with dish(spam, eggs, cheese) as spam, eggs, cheese:
  # do stuff with spam, eggs  cheese
  ExitStack is mostly useful as a tool for writing flexible custom
  context managers, and for dealing with context managers in cases where
  lexical scoping doesn't necessarily work, rather than being something
  you'd regularly use for inline code.
  Why do I have so many contexts open at once in this function? is a
  question developers should ask themselves in the same way its worth
  asking why do I have so many local variables in this function?

 Multiline with-statement can be useful even with *two* context
 managers. Two is not many.

 Saving indentations levels along is a worthy goal. It can affect
 readability and the perceived complexity of the code.

 Here's how I'd like the code to look like:

   with (open('input filename') as input_file,
 open('output filename', 'w') as output_file):
   # code with list comprehensions to transform input file into output

 Even one additional unnecessary indentation level may force to split
 list comprehensions into several lines (less readable) and/or use
 shorter names (less readable). Or it may force to move the inline code
 into a separate named function prematurely, solely to preserve the
 indentation level (also may be less readable) i.e.,

   with ... as input_file:
   with ... as output_file:
   ... #XXX indentation level is lost for no reason

   with ... as infile, ... as outfile: #XXX shorter names

   with ... as input_file:
   with ... as output_file:
   transform(input_file, output_file) #XXX unnecessary function

 And (nested() can be implemented using ExitStack):

   with nested(open(..),
   open(..)) as (input_file, output_file):
   ... #XXX less readable

 Here's an example where nested() won't help:

   def get_integers(filename):
   with (open(filename, 'rb', 0) as file,
 mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as
   for match in re.finditer(br'\d+', mmapped_file):
   yield int(

 Here's another:

   with (open('log'+'some expression that generates filename', 'a') as

Just a thought, would it bit wierd that:
with (a as b, c as d): works
with (a, c): boom
with(a as b, c): ?


 Python-Dev mailing list
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread Isaac Morland

On Thu, 14 Aug 2014, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 02:26:29AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Isaac Morland wrote:

While I would not claim a Python sandbox is utterly impossible, I'm
suspicious that the whole consenting adults approach in Python is
incompatible with a sandbox.  The whole idea of a sandbox is to absolutely
prevent people from doing things even if they really want to and know what
they are doing.

The point of a sandbox is that I, the consenting adult writing the
application in the first place, may want to allow *untrusted others* to
call Python code without giving them control of the entire application.
The consenting adults rule applies to me, the application writer, not
them, the end-users, even if they happen to be writing Python code. If
they want unrestricted access to the Python interpreter, they can run
their code on their own machine, not mine.

Yes, absolutely, and I didn't mean to contradict what you are saying. 
What I am suggesting is that the basic design of Python isn't a good 
starting point for imposing mandatory restrictions on what code can do. 
By contrast, take something like Safe Haskell.  I'm not absolutely certain 
that it really is safe as promised, but it's starting from a very 
different language in which the compiler performs extremely sophisticated 
type checking and simply won't compile programs that don't work within the 
type system.

This isn't a knock on Python (which I love using, by the way), just being 
realistic about what the existing language is likely to be able to 
support.  Having said that, I'll be very interested if somebody does come 
up with a restricted mode Python that is widely accepted as being secure - 
that would be a real achievement.

Isaac Morland   CSCF Web Guru
DC 2554C, x36650WWW Software Specialist
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Multiline with statement line continuation

2014-08-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 08:08:51PM +0300, yoav glazner wrote:
 Just a thought, would it bit wierd that:
 with (a as b, c as d): works
 with (a, c): boom
 with(a as b, c): ?

If this proposal is accepted, there is no need for the boom. The 
syntax should allow:

# Without parens, limited to a single line.
with a [as name], b [as name], c [as name], ...:

# With parens, not limited to a single line.
with (a [as name],
  b [as name],
  c [as name],

where the as name part is always optional. In both these cases, 
whether there are parens or not, it will be interpreted as a series of 
context managers and never as a single tuple.

Note two things:

(1) this means that even in the unlikely event that tuples become 
context managers in the future, you won't be able to use a tuple 

with (1, 2, 3):  # won't work as expected

t = (1, 2, 3)
with t:  # will work as expected

But I cannot imagine any circumstances where tuples will become context 

(2) Also note that *this is already the case*, since tuples are made by 
the commas, not the parentheses. E.g. this succeeds:

# Not a tuple, actually two context managers.
with open(/tmp/foo), open(/tmp/bar, w):

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 8/13/2014 12:19 PM, matsjoyce wrote:

Unless you remove all the things labelled keep away from children. I wrote
this sandbox to allow python to be used as a mods/add-ons language for a
game I'm writing, hence the perhaps too strict nature.

About the crashers: as this is for games, its fine for the game to crash,
as long as the sandbox is not broken while crashing.

time and math can probably be allowed, but random imports a lot of
undesirable modules.

My sandbox doesn't use proxies, due to the introspection and complexity that
it involves. Instead it completely isolates the sandboxed globals, and checks
all arguments and globals for irregularities before passing control to non-
sandboxed functions.

pydev is for mainly for discussion of maintaining current versions and 
development of the next, and for discussion of PEPs which might apply to 
the one after next.

This discussion should be on python-list or perhaps python-ideas if 
there is a semi-concrete proposal for a future python.

Terry Jan Reedy

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reviving restricted mode?

2014-08-13 Thread Victor Stinner

I heard that PyPy sandbox cannot be used out of the box. You have to write
a policy to allow syscalls. The complexity is moved to this policy which is
very hard to write, especially if you only use whitelists.

Correct me if I'm wrong. To be honest, I never take a look at this sandbox.


Le mercredi 13 août 2014, Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 02:26:29AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Isaac Morland
 javascript:; wrote:
   While I would not claim a Python sandbox is utterly impossible, I'm
   suspicious that the whole consenting adults approach in Python is
   incompatible with a sandbox.  The whole idea of a sandbox is to
   prevent people from doing things even if they really want to and know
   they are doing.

 The point of a sandbox is that I, the consenting adult writing the
 application in the first place, may want to allow *untrusted others* to
 call Python code without giving them control of the entire application.
 The consenting adults rule applies to me, the application writer, not
 them, the end-users, even if they happen to be writing Python code. If
 they want unrestricted access to the Python interpreter, they can run
 their code on their own machine, not mine.

  It's certainly not *fundamentally* impossible to sandbox Python.
  However, the question becomes one of how much effort you're going to
  go to and how much you're going to restrict the code.

 I believe that PyPy has an effective sandbox, but to what degree of
 effectiveness I don't know.

 I've had rogue Javascript crash my browser or make my entire computer
 effectively unusable often enough that I am skeptical about claims that
 Javascript in the browser is effectively sandboxed, so I'm doubly
 cautious about Python.

 Python-Dev mailing list javascript:;

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] sum(...) limitation

2014-08-13 Thread Chris Barker
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:21 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull

 Redirecting to python-ideas, so trimming less than I might.

reasonable enough -- you are introducing some more significant ideas for

I've said all I have to say about this -- I don't seem to see anything
encouraging form core devs, so I guess that's it.

Thanks for the fun bike-shedding...


 Chris Barker writes:
   On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:07 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull
I'm referring to removing the unnecessary information that there's a
 better way to do it, and simply raising an error (as in Python 3.2,
say) which is all a RealProgrammer[tm] should ever need!
   I can't imagine anyone is suggesting that -- disallow it, but don't tell
   anyone why?

 As I said, it's a regression.  That's exactly the behavior in Python 3.2.

   The only thing that is remotely on the table here is:
   1) remove the special case for strings -- buyer beware -- but consistent
   and less ugly

 It's only consistent if you believe that Python has strict rules for
 use of various operators.  It doesn't, except as far as they are
 constrained by precedence.  For example, I have an application where I
 add bytestrings bytewise modulo N = 256, and concatenate them.  In
 fact I use function call syntax, but the obvious operator syntax is
 '+' for the bytewise addition, and '*' for the concatenation.

 It's not in the Zen, but I believe in the maxim If it's worth doing,
 it's worth doing well.  So for me, 1) is out anyway.

   2) add a special case for strings that is fast and efficient -- may be
   simple as calling .join() under the hood --no more code than the
   exception check.

 Sure, but what about all the other immutable containers with __add__
 methods?  What about mappings with key-wise __add__ methods whose
 values might be immutable but have __add__ methods?  Where do you stop
 with the special-casing?  I consider this far more complex and ugly
 than the simple sum() is for numbers rule (and even that is way too
 complex considering accuracy of summing floats).

   And I doubt anyone really is pushing for anything but (2)

 I know that, but I think it's the wrong solution to the problem (which
 is genuine IMO).  The right solution is something generic, possibly a
 __sum__ method.  The question is whether that leads to too much work
 to be worth it (eg, homogeneous_iterable).

Because obviously we'd want the attractive nuisance of if you
have __add__, there's a default definition of __sum__
   now I'm confused -- isn't that exactly what we have now?

 Yes and my feeling (backed up by arguments that I admit may persuade
 nobody but myself) is that what we have now kinda sucks[tm].  It
 seemed like a good idea when I first saw it, but then, my apps don't
 scale to where the pain starts in my own usage.

It's possible that Python could provide some kind of feature that
would allow an optimized sum function for every type that has
__add__, but I think this will take a lot of thinking.
   does it need to be every type? As it is the common ones work fine
   except for strings -- so if we add an optimized string sum() then we're

 I didn't say provide an optimized sum(), I said provide a feature
 enabling people who want to optimize sum() to do so.  So yes, it needs
 to be every type (the optional __sum__ method is a proof of concept,
 modulo it actually being implementable ;-).

*Somebody* will do it (I don't think anybody is +1 on restricting
sum() to a subset of types with __add__).
   uhm, that's exactly what we have now

 Exactly.  Who's arguing that the sum() we have now is a ticket to
 Paradise?  I'm just saying that there's probably somebody out there
 negative enough on the current situation to come up with an answer
 that I think is general enough (and I suspect that python-dev
 consensus is that demanding, too).

   sum() can be used for any type that has an __add__ defined.

 I'd like to see that be mutable types with __iadd__.

   What I fail to see is why it's better to raise an exception and
   point users to a better way, than to simply provide an optimization
   so that it's a mute issue.

 Because inefficient sum() is an attractive nuisance, easy to overlook,
 and likely to bite users other than the author.

   The only justification offered here is that will teach people that
   strings (and some other objects?)

 Summing tuples works (with appropriate start=tuple()).  Haven't
 benchmarked, but I bet that's O(N^2).

   is order(N^2) and a bad idea. But:
   a) Python's primary purpose is practical, not pedagogical (not that it
   isn't great for that)

 My argument is that in practical use sum() is a bad idea, period,
 until you book up on the types and applications where it *does* work.
 N.B. It doesn't even work properly for numbers (inaccurate for floats).

   b) I doubt any naive 

[Python-Dev] Documenting enum types

2014-08-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
Should new enum types added recently to collect module constants be 
documented at all? For example AddressFamily is absent in socket.__all__ 


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