Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-10-13 Thread Bruce Eckel
I don't know of anything that exists. There is an upcoming book that
may help:

Java Concurrency in Practice, by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua
Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, and Doug Lea (Addison-Wesley

I have had assistance from some of the authors, but don't know if it
introduces the concepts from the research paper. Estimated publication
is February.

However, you might get something from Scott Meyer's analysis of the
concurrency issues surrounding the double-checked locking algorithm:

Thursday, October 13, 2005, 8:36:21 AM, Michael Hudson wrote:

 Bruce Eckel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Not only are there significant new library components in
 java.util.concurrent in J2SE5, but perhaps more important is the new
 memory model that deals with issues that are (especially) revealed in
 multiprocessor environments. The new memory model represents new work
 in the computer science field; apparently the original paper is
 written by Ph.D.s and is a bit too theoretical for the normal person
 to follow. But the smart threading guys studied this and came up with
 the new Java memory model -- so that volatile, for example, which
 didn't work quite right before, does now. This is part of J2SE5, and
 this work is being incorporated into the upcoming C++0x.

 Do you have a link that explains this sort of thing for the layman?


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Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-10-11 Thread Bruce Eckel
 Java's condition variables don't (didn't?  has this been fixed?) quite
 work.  The emphasis on portability and the resulting notions of
 red/green threading packages at the beginning didn't help either.
 Read Allen Holub's book.  And Doug Lea's book.  I understand much of
 this has been addressed with a new package in Java 1.5.

Not only are there significant new library components in
java.util.concurrent in J2SE5, but perhaps more important is the new
memory model that deals with issues that are (especially) revealed in
multiprocessor environments. The new memory model represents new work
in the computer science field; apparently the original paper is
written by Ph.D.s and is a bit too theoretical for the normal person
to follow. But the smart threading guys studied this and came up with
the new Java memory model -- so that volatile, for example, which
didn't work quite right before, does now. This is part of J2SE5, and
this work is being incorporated into the upcoming C++0x.

Java concurrency is certainly one of the bad examples of language
design. Apparently, they grabbed stuff from C++ (mostly the volatile
keyword) and combined it with what they new about pthreads, and
decided that being able to declare a method as synchronized made the
whole thing object-oriented. But you can see how ill-thought-out the
design was because in later versions of Java some fundamental methods:
stop(), suspend(), resume() and destroy(), were deprecated because ...
oops, we didn't really think those out very well. And then finally,
with J2SE5, it *appears* that all the kinks have been fixed, but only
with some really smart folks like Doug Lea, Brian Goetz, and that
gang, working long and hard on all these issues and (we hope) figuring
them all out.

I think threading *can* be much simpler, and I *want* it to be that
way in Python. But that can only happen if the right model is chosen,
and that model is not pthreads. People migrate to pthreads if they
already understand it and so it might seem simple to them because of
that. But I think we need something that supports an object-oriented
approach to concurrency that doesn't prevent beginners from using it

Bruce Eckel

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-10-10 Thread Bruce Eckel
 Yes, there's a troublesome meme in the world: threads are hard.
 They aren't, really.  You just have to know what you're doing.

I would say that the troublesome meme is that threads are easy. I
posted an earlier, rather longish message about this. The gist of
which was: when someone says that threads are easy, I have no idea
what they mean by it.

Perhaps this means threads in Python are easier than threads in other

But I just finished a 150-page chapter on Concurrency in Java which
took many months to write, based on a large chapter on Concurrency in
C++ which probably took longer to write. I keep in reasonably good
touch with some of the threading experts. I can't get any of them to
say that it's easy, even though they really do understand the issues
and think about it all the time. *Because* of that, they say that it's

So alright, I'll take the bait that you've laid down more than once,
now. Perhaps you can go beyond saying that threads really aren't
hard and explain the aspects of them that seem so easy to you.
Perhaps you can give a nice clear explanation of cache coherency and
memory barriers in multiprocessor machines? Or explain atomicity,
volatility and visibility? Or, even better, maybe you can come up with
a better concurrency model, which is what I think most of us are
looking for in this discussion.

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Re: [Python-Dev] Sandboxed Threads in Python

2005-10-08 Thread Bruce Eckel
 I can (but won't) point out examples for days of bad decisions made for
 the sake of speed, or policy that has been ignored for the sake of speed
 (some of these overlap and some don't).

As long as you've entered premature-optimization land, how about
decisions made because it's *assumed* that (A) We must have speed here
and (B) This will make it happen.

My hope would be that we could find a solution that would by default
keep you out of trouble when writing concurrent programs, but provide
a back door if you wanted to do something special. If you choose to go
in the back door, you have to do it consciously and take
responsibility for the outcome.

With Java, in contrast, as soon as you step into the world of
concurrency (even if you step in by accident, which is not uncommon),
lots of rules change. What was an ordinary method call before is now
something risky that can cause great damage. Should I make this
variable volatile? Is an operation atomic? You have to learn a lot of
things all over again.

I don't want that for Python. I'd like the move into concurrency to be
a gentle slope, not a sudden reality-shift. If a novice decides they
want to try game programming with concurrency, I want there to be
training wheels on by default, so that their first experience will be
a successful one, and they can then start learning more features and
ideas incrementally, without trying a feature and suddenly having the
whole thing get weird and crash down on their heads and cause them to
run screaming away ...

I know there have been some technologies that have already been
mentioned on this list and I hope that we can continue to experiment
with and discuss those and also new ideas until we shake out the
fundamental issues and maybe even come up with a list of possible

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[Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-10-07 Thread Bruce Eckel
Early in this thread there was a comment to the effect that if you
don't know how to use threads, don't use them, which I pointedly
avoided responding to because it seemed to me to simply be
inflammatory. But Ian Bicking just posted a weblog entry: where he
says threads aren't as hard as they imply and An especially poor
argument is one that tells me that I'm currently being beaten with a
stick, but apparently don't know it.

I always have a problem with this. After many years of studying
concurrency on-and-off, I continue to believe that threading is very
difficult (indeed, the more I study it, the more difficult I
understand it to be). And I admit this. The comments I sometimes get
back are to the effect that threading really isn't that hard. Thus,
I am just too dense to get it.

It's hard to know how to answer. I've met enough brilliant people to
know that it's just possible that the person posting really does
easily grok concurrency issues and thus I must seem irreconcilably
thick. This may actually be one of those people for whom threading is
obvious (and Ian has always seemed like a smart guy, for example).

But. I do happen to have contact with a lot of people who are at the
forefront of the threading world, and *none* of them (many of whom
have written the concurrency libraries for Java 5, for example) ever
imply that threading is easy. In fact, they generally go out of their
way to say that it's insanely difficult.

And Java has taken until version 5 to (apparently) get it right,
partly by defining a new memory model in order to accurately describe
what goes on with threading issues. This same model is being adapted
for the next version of C++. This is not stuff that was already out
there, that everyone knew about -- this is new stuff.

Also, look at the work that Scott Meyers, Andrei Alexandrescu, et al
did on the Double Checked Locking idiom, showing that it was broken
under threading. That was by no means trivial and obvious during all
the years that people thought that it worked.

My own experience in discussions with folks who think that threading
is transparent usually uncovers, after a few appropriate questions,
that said person doesn't actually understand the depth of the issues
involved. A common story is someone who has written a few programs and
convinced themselves that these programs work (the it works for me
proof of correctness). Thus, concurrency must be easy.

I know about this because I have learned the hard way throughout many
years, over and over again. Every time I've thought that I understood
concurrency, something new has popped up and shown me a whole new
aspect of things that I have heretofore missed. Then I start thinking
OK, now I finally understand concurrency.

One example: when I was rewriting the threading chapter for the 3rd
(previous) edition of Thinking in Java, I decided to get a
dual-processor machine so I could really test things. This way, I
discovered that the behavior of a program on a single-processor
machine could be dramatically different than the same program on a
multiprocessor machine. That seems obvious, now, but at the time I
thought I was writing pretty reasonable code. In addition, it turns
out that some things in Java concurrency were broken (even the people
who were creating thread support in the language weren't getting it
right) so that threw in extra monkey wrenches. And when you start
studying the new memory model, which takes into account instruction
reordering and cache coherency issues, you realize that it's
mind-numbingly far from trivial.

Or maybe not, for those who think it's easy. But my experience is that
the people who really do understand concurrency never suggest that
it's easy.

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Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-10-07 Thread Bruce Eckel
 //Theoretically// I suspect that the system /could/ perform as well as
 traditional approaches to dealing with concurrent problems single threaded
 (and multi-thread/process).

I also think it's important to factor in the possibility of
multiprocessors. If Kamaelia (for example) has a very safe and
straightforward programming model so that more people are easily able
to use it, but it has some performance impact over more complex
systems, I think the ease of use issue opens up far greater
possibilities if you include multiprocessing -- because if you can
easily write concurrent programs in Python, then Python could gain a
significant advantage over less agile languages when multiprocessors
become common. That is, with multiprocessors, it could be way easier
to write a program in Python that also runs way faster than the
competition. Yes, of course given enough time they might theoretically
be able to write a program that is as fast or faster using their
threading mechanism, but it would be so hard by comparison that
they'll either never get it done or never be sure if it's reliable.

That's what I'm looking for.

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[Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-10-06 Thread Bruce Eckel
Jeremy Jones published a blog discussing some of the ideas we've
talked about here:
Although I hope our conversation isn't done, as he suggests!

At some point when more ideas have been thrown about (and TIJ4 is
done) I hope to summarize what we've talked about in an article.

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Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-10-06 Thread Bruce Eckel
This does look quite fascinating, and I know there's a lot of really
interesting work going on at the BBC now -- looks like some really
pioneering stuff going on with respect to TV show distribution over
the internet, new compression formats, etc.

So yes indeed, this is quite high on my list to research. Looks like
people there have been doing some interesting work.

Right now I'm just trying to cast a net, so that people can put in
ideas, for when the Java book is done and I can spend more time on it.

Thursday, October 6, 2005, 1:54:56 PM, Michael Sparks wrote:

 Hi Bruce,

 On Thursday 06 October 2005 18:12, Bruce Eckel wrote:
 Although I hope our conversation isn't done, as he suggests!
 At some point when more ideas have been thrown about (and TIJ4 is
 done) I hope to summarize what we've talked about in an article.

 I don't know if you saw my previous post[1] to python-dev on this topic, but
 Kamaelia is specifically aimed at making concurrency simple and easy to use.
 Initially we were focussed on using scheduled generators for co-operative
 CSP-style (but with buffers) concurrency.

 We've tested the system so far on 2 relatively inexperienced programmers
 (as well as experienced, but the more interesting group is novices). The one
 who hadn't done much programming at all (a little bit of VB, pre-university)
 actually fared better IMO. This is probably because concurrency became
 part of his standard toolbox of approaches.

 I've placed the slides I've produced for Euro OSCON on Kamaelia here:

 The corrected URL for the whitepaper based on work now 6 months old (we've
 come quite a way since then!) is here:

 Consider a simple server for sending text (generated by a user typing into the
 server) to multiple clients connecting to a server. This is a naturally
 concurrent problem in various ways (user interaction, splitting, listening
 for connections, serving connections, etc). Why is that interesting to us?
 It's effectively a microcosm of how subtitling works. (I work at the BBC)

 In Kamaelia this looks like this:

 === start ===
 class ConsoleReader(threadedcomponent):
def run(self):
   while 1:
  line = raw_input( )
  line = line + \n

 def subtitles_protocol():
 return subscribeTo(subtitles)

 SimpleServer(subtitles_protocol, 5000).run()
 === end ===

 The ConsoleReader is threaded to allow the use of the naive way of
 reading from the input, whereas the server, backplane (a named splitter
 component in practice), pipelines, publishing, subscribing, splitting,
 etc are all single threaded co-operative concurrency.

 A possible client for this text service might be:

 TCPClient(, 5000),

 (Though that would be a bit bare, even if it does use pygame :)

 The entire system is based around communicating generators, but we also
 have threads for blocking operations. (Though the entire network subsystem
 is non-blocking)

 What I'd be interested in, is hearing how our system doesn't match with
 the goals of the hypothetical concurrency system you'd like to see (if it
 doesn't). The main reason I'm interested in hearing this, is because the
 goals you listed are ones we want to achieve. If you don't think our system
 matches it (we don't have process migration as yet, so that's one area)
 I'd be interested in hearing what areas you think are deficient.

 However, the way we're beginning to refer to the project is to refer to
 just the component aspect rather than concurrency - for one simple
 reason - we're getting to stage where we can ignore /most/ concurrency
 issues(not all).

 If you have any time for feedback, it'd be appreciated. If you don't I hope
 it's useful food for thought! 

 Best Regards,


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Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Bruce Eckel
 I was just saying that it can be useful to mix cooperative threading and
 preemptive threading in the same app, i.e. have different domains of
 cooperative threading which are preemptively scheduled by the OS. That
 has nothing to do with the GIL, I think (but I don't know much in Python

This is one of the interesting questions I'd like to answer (but which
probably requires some kind of  mathematician to prove one way or
another): Does a complete concurrency solution require both a
preemptive task management system and a cooperative one?

OS Processes are generally quite limited in number (although I
understand that BeOS was designed to create tons of lightweight
processes, which changed that particular picture). In Java, you can
usually create several hundred threads before it craps out.
Simulations and games could easily have thousands or even hundreds of
thousands of independent simulation units. If there are limits to the
number of concurrency drivers (threads, etc.), then that would suggest
that at some point you have to move to a cooperative system. Which
would suggest that a complete concurrency solution might require

That wouldn't be my ideal. My ideal would be a single solution that
would scale up to large numbers of concurrency units, and that
wouldn't require the programmer to remember to explicitly yield
control. Whether my ideal is possible is a question I'd like to

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[Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-09-29 Thread Bruce Eckel
I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
objects as the solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
more OO solutions that I've seen so far.

What I'd really like to figure out is the pythonic solution for
concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't

Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:

1) It works by default, so that novices can use it without falling
into the deep well of threading. That is, a program that you write
using threading is broken by default, and the tool you have to fix it
is inspection. I want something that allows me to say this is a
task. Go. and have it work without the python programmer having to
study and understand several tomes on the subject.

2) Tasks can be automatically distributed among processors, so it
solves the problems of (a) making python run faster (b) how to utilize
multiprocessor systems.

3) Tasks are cheap enough that I can make thousands of them, to solve
modeling problems (in which I also lump games). This is really a
solution to a cerain type of program complexity -- if I can just
assign a task to each logical modeling unit, it makes such a system
much easier to program.

4) Tasks are self-guarding, so they prevent other tasks from
interfering with them. The only way tasks can communicate with each
other is through some kind of formal mechanism (something queue-ish,
I'd imagine).

5) Deadlock is prevented by default. I suspect livelock could still
happen; I don't know if it's possible to eliminate that.

6) It's natural to make an object that is actor-ish. That is, this
concurrency approach works intuitively with objects.

7) Complexity should be eliminated as much as possible. If it requires
greater limitations on what you can do in exchange for a clear,
simple, and safe programming model, that sounds pythonic to me. The
way I see it, if we can't easily use tasks without getting into
trouble, people won't use them. But if we have a model that allows
people to (for example) make easy use of multiple processors, they
will use that approach and the (possible) extra overhead that you pay
for the simplicity will be absorbed by the extra CPUs.

8) It should not exclude the possibility of mobile tasks/active
objects, ideally with something relatively straightforward such as
Linda-style tuple spaces.

One thing that occurs to me is that a number of items on this wish
list may conflict with each other, which may require a different way
of thinking about the problem. For example, it may require two
approaches: for ordinary non-OO tasks, a functional programming
approach ala Erlang, in combination with an actor approach for

Bruce Eckel   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Contains electronic books: Thinking in Java 3e  Thinking in C++ 2e
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Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-09-29 Thread Bruce Eckel
This paper looks very interesting and promises some good ideas. It
also looks like it will require time and effort to digest.

I've only read the first few pages, but one thing that does leap out
is at the beginning of section 3, they say:

... a purely-declarative language is a perfect setting for
transactional memory.

What's not clear to me from this is whether STM will work in a
non-declarative language like Python.

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 8:12:23 AM, Michael Hudson wrote:

 Bruce Eckel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd like to restart this discussion; I didn't mean to put forth active
 objects as the solution, only that it seems to be one of the better,
 more OO solutions that I've seen so far.

 What I'd really like to figure out is the pythonic solution for
 concurrency. Guido and I got as far as agreeing that it wasn't

 Here are my own criteria for what such a solution would look like:

 Just because I've been mentioning it everywhere else since I read it,
 have you seen this paper:

 ?  I don't know how applicable it would be to Python but it's well
 worth the time it takes to read.


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Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency

2005-09-29 Thread Bruce Eckel
 I spent a few weekends studying that paper earlier this year in order to
 see if anything could be stolen for Python; my general impression was not
 easily at the least.  One notable feature of the presented concept was
 that when code would otherwise block, they *rolled it back* to the last
 nonblocking execution point.  In a sense, they ran the code backwards,
 albeit by undoing its effects.  They then suspend execution until there's a
 change to at least one of the variables read during the forward execution,
 to avoid repeated retries.

I haven't spent the weekends on the paper yet (but it looks like that
is what it would take), but I had the impression that they were
talking about the lock-free techniques such as the ones used in Java
5. Basically, you start a write operation in the background without
locking the data structure, so reads can continue while the
calculation is taking place but before the result is committed. When
the result is ready, an atomic test and write operation is used to
determine whether any other task has modified the value in the
meantime, and if not to commit the new value. If another task did
modify the value, then the calculation begins anew.

That was my take, but I haven't studied everything about STM yet, so
I'm probably missing something.

The one thing about this paper is that it seems to be an orthogonal
perspective to anything about concurrency that *I* have seen before.

 Oddly enough, this paper actually demonstrates a situation where having
 static type checking is in fact a solution to a non-trivial problem!  It
 uses static type checking of monads to ensure that you can't touch 
 untransacted things inside a transaction.

Yes, because of some of my diatribes against static checking people
get the impression that I think it's just a bad thing. However, I'm
really trying to get across the idea that static type checking as the
solution to all problems is a bad idea, and that the cost is often
much greater than the benefit. But if there really is a clear payoff
then I'm certainly not averse to it. In general, I really *do* like to
be told when something has gone wrong -- I think there's a huge
benefit in that. But if I can learn about it at runtime rather than
compile time, then that is often a reasonable solution.

So with concurrency, I would like to know when I do something wrong,
but if I am told at runtime that's OK with me as long as I'm told.

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Re: [Python-Dev] Active Objects in Python

2005-09-27 Thread Bruce Eckel
Oops. I forgot to add that to the list. Yes, in the working example
of Active Objects that I've written in Java J2SE5, when you send a
message to an active object, you get back a FutureReturnType, which
I suspect would be the same as your Deferred.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005, 7:41:27 PM, Christopher Armstrong wrote:

 On 9/28/05, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nick Coghlan wrote:

  PEP 342's yield expressions can probably be used to help address that 
 class SomeAO(ActiveObject):
   def processSomeMessage(self):
 msg = yield
 # Do something with the message
 next_msg = yield makeSomeBlockingCall(self)
 # Do something with the next message

 I don't see how that helps, since makeSomeBlockingCall()
 is evaluated (and therefore blocks) *before* the yield

 Sounds like makeSomeBlockingCall is just misnamed (probably depending
 who you ask).

 I wrote a small library recently that wraps Twisted's Deferreds and
 asynchronous Failure objects such that you can do stuff like

  x = yield remoteObject.getSomething()
 except Foo:
  print Oh no!

 This is just a 2.5-ification of defgen, which is at
 twisted.internet.defer.{deferredGenerator,waitForDeferred}. So anyway,
 if your actor messages always return Deferreds, then this works quite

   Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
 |  Release Manager, Twisted Project
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Bruce Eckel   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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