[Python-Dev] Re: bug(?) - unexpected frames being skipped in extract_stack with closures

2019-06-21 Thread Ed Peschko

Yes and I posted to python-dev for a reason - I'm almost positive that
this is a bug - or at least an inconsistency - in how python handles
stack frames WRT closures in some instances.  In fact, the reason I
posted is because we hit this inconsistency in handling production
code - we need to have a reliable stack trace for all the functions we
call in logs so we can better track down issues when they occur and be
able to tie those issues to underlying code.

If I add a pdb.set_trace() to the location inside the closure, I get a
different - in fact the correct - stack trace. Otherwise, like I said,
the stack trace points back to the place where the closure was
defined, not the actual place the closure was called.

Unfortunately, it looks like this bug is not in a simple example that
I can readily reproduce (I just tried). so if I see it again i'll try
to simplify it to a point where it still manifests and post that.


On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 1:35 AM Steve Holden  wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Your note probably won't receive any other reply than this, because the 
> python-dev list is specifically for discussions about the development _of_, 
> rather than _with_, Python.
> A more appropriate forum is probably the Python list 
> (python-l...@python.org), about which you can discover more details at 
> Python-list Info Page.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Holden
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 3:40 AM Ed Peschko  wrote:
>> all,
>> I'm writing a function meant to print out the context of a given
>> function call when executed - for example:
>> 1. def main():
>> 2.
>> 3. _st = stack_trace_closure("/path/to/log")
>> 4. _st()
>> 5. _st()
>> would print out
>> /path/to/file.py:4
>> /path/to/file.py:5
>> for each line when executed. Basic idea is to create a closure and
>> associate that closure with a filename, then run that closure to print
>> to the log without needing to give the filename over and over again.
>> So far so good. But when I write this function, the frames given by
>> getframeinfo or extract_stack skip the actual calling point of the
>> function, instead giving back the *point where the closure was
>> defined*.  (in the above example, it would print /path/to/file.py:3,
>> /path/to/file.py:3 instead of incrementing to show 4 and 5).
>> However, when I insert a pdb statement, it gives me the expected
>> calling frame where _st is actually called.
>> What's going on here? It looks an awful lot like a bug to me, like an
>> extra frame is being optimized out of of the closure's stack
>> prematurely.
>> I've tried this in python2.7 and python3.3, both show this.
>> thanks much for any info,
>> Ed
>> code follows:
>> ---
>> def stack_trace_closure(message, file_name=None, frame=3):
>> fh = open(file_name, "w+")
>> def _helper():
>> return stack_trace(message, frame, fh)
>> return _helper
>> def stack_trace(message _frame, fh):
>> _bt = traceback.extract_stack()
>>  fh.write( "%s:%s - %s" % (_bt[_frame][0], _bt[_frame][1], _message))
>> ___
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[Python-Dev] bug(?) - unexpected frames being skipped in extract_stack with closures

2019-06-19 Thread Ed Peschko

I'm writing a function meant to print out the context of a given
function call when executed - for example:

1. def main():
3. _st = stack_trace_closure("/path/to/log")
4. _st()
5. _st()

would print out


for each line when executed. Basic idea is to create a closure and
associate that closure with a filename, then run that closure to print
to the log without needing to give the filename over and over again.

So far so good. But when I write this function, the frames given by
getframeinfo or extract_stack skip the actual calling point of the
function, instead giving back the *point where the closure was
defined*.  (in the above example, it would print /path/to/file.py:3,
/path/to/file.py:3 instead of incrementing to show 4 and 5).

However, when I insert a pdb statement, it gives me the expected
calling frame where _st is actually called.

What's going on here? It looks an awful lot like a bug to me, like an
extra frame is being optimized out of of the closure's stack

I've tried this in python2.7 and python3.3, both show this.

thanks much for any info,


code follows:

def stack_trace_closure(message, file_name=None, frame=3):

fh = open(file_name, "w+")

def _helper():
return stack_trace(message, frame, fh)

return _helper

def stack_trace(message _frame, fh):

_bt = traceback.extract_stack()

 fh.write( "%s:%s - %s" % (_bt[_frame][0], _bt[_frame][1], _message))
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Re: [Python-Dev] short-circuiting runtime errors/exceptions in the python debugger.

2018-10-29 Thread Ed Peschko

thanks for the response, and yes, I've experimented with reverse
debugging, and yes for the reasons specified in that article you gave
it isn't really practical with anything but small projects because of
the massive amounts of memory usage.

But that's really not what I'm asking for here. I'm simply asking that
python give developers the opportunity to stop execution and open up a
debugger *before* the exception is hit, and be able to instrument the
code at that point using that debugger.

The way that I mimic this in perl is by wrapping places where die,
confess, croak, AUTOLOAD, etc are hit with something that looks like

sub _confess
$DB::single = 1;
my $trap = 1;
if ($trap)

that way, I can short-circuit evals before they happen and save the
state to both examine and modify.

It's a hack, but it's a manageable hack since there are only so many
places where things can go off the rails in perl, and I cover each
exit. I can set $trap = 0 and lo-and-behold it will continue as if no
trap was issued.

Now, if there is global reverse debugging implemented in python, this
has got to be doable as well. I'd dare say it could be done with very
little overhead in memory.

> You know you can set breakpoints in the debugger? You don't have to
> single-step all the way through from the beginning. It isn't clear from
> your post how experienced you are.

ok just to be on the totally clear side, yes I'm quite aware of
pdb.set_trace(), etc.

They however don't do much to help the pain of debugging and
maintaining code which is *not your own*. For all good they are, you
might as well step through each line because you have no clue where
the mines in a particular script or library reside, and when you are
going to hit them.

And of course depending on how good the debugging implementation is,
when you hit these mines they may be well-nigh impossible to remove
without something like this.

Which btw is the main reason WHY I'm asking for this, and this is why
I think it would be such a productivity booster. Not for my code which
I control, but for others.

I'll take one particular experience here to make my point. I've been
experimenting with an automation framework written in python here that
shall otherwise remain nameless (except it is a fairly popular one).

Its ssh layer is *notoriously* obtuse, it freezes up on multiple
occasions,the support lists are clogged with issues surrounding it,
yet release-after-release things don't get fixed. Why? I'd argue
because the code is hard to parse but even harder to debug. Having
something like this would be a great boon to fixing any such issues.

So that's basically it.

No - I'm not looking for a full-blown reverse debugger for the reasons
you state. I'm looking for something more limited and therefore more

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[Python-Dev] short-circuiting runtime errors/exceptions in python debugger.

2018-10-26 Thread Ed Peschko

I was debugging a very long script that I was not all that familiar
with, and I was doing my familiar routine of being very careful in
evaluating expressions to make sure that I didn't hit such statements

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

anyways the script has a runtime of hours, so this was tedious work,
and I hit one-too-many times where I missed a condition and had to
start all over again.

So that got me thinking: the main problem with exceptions and runtime
errors is that they short-circuit the program context. You have this
context, but you can't change it to avoid the failure; ie: with

1. aa = 'a'
2. bb = 1 + a
3. print bb

you'll never get to line 3 if you go through line 2. If you are lucky
you can catch it, modify aa to be an integer to continue, otherwise
your only recourse is to start over again.

So I was wondering if it would be possible to keep that context around
if you are in the debugger and rewind the execution point to before
the statement was triggered. so you could say:

python script.py
(Pdb) c

then hit the exception, say:
(Pdb) aa = 2

then run again
(Pdb) c

to work your way through the exception point. You could then fix the
script inline in an editor.

I can't emphasize exactly how much time and effort this would save. At
best, debugging these types of issues is annoying, at worst it is
excruciating, because they are sometimes intermittent and are not
easily repeatable. Using RemotePdb or Pdb to attach to a long-running
process and having the assurance that the underlying script won't die
because of an inane coding error would do wonders for the reliability
and integrity of scripting.

so - is this possible? just from my experiments it doesn't look so,
but perhaps there is a trick out there that would give this

if it isn't possible, how easy would it be to implement?

Thanks much,

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] \G (match last position) regex operator non-existant in python?

2017-10-27 Thread Ed Peschko
>  From this I understand that when using e.g. findall() it forces successive 
> matches to be adjacent.

yes, I admit that this is a clearer description of what \G does. My
only defense is that I wrote my description when it was late. :)

I can only stress how useful it is, especially for debugging regexes.
Basically if you are cutting up any string into discrete chunks, you
want to make sure that you aren't missing any chunks in the middle
when you do the cut.

without \G,  you can miss large sections of string, and it is easy to
overlook. with \G, you are guaranteed to see exactly where your regex
falls down. In addition, there are specific regexes that you can only
write with \G (eg. c parsers)

Anyways, I'll look at regex.

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 8:35 AM, Guido van Rossum  wrote:
> The "why" question is not very interesting -- it probably wasn't in PCRE and
> nobody was familiar with it when we moved off PCRE (maybe it wasn't even in
> Perl at the time -- it was ~15 years ago).
> I didn't understand your description of \G so I googled it and found a
> helpful StackOverflow article:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21971701/when-is-g-useful-application-in-a-regex.
> From this I understand that when using e.g. findall() it forces successive
> matches to be adjacent.
> In general this seems to be a unique property of \G: it preserves *state*
> from one match to the next. This will make it somewhat difficult to
> implement -- e.g. that state should probably be thread-local in case
> multiple threads use the same compiled regex. It's also unclear when that
> state should be reset. (Only when you compile the regex? Each time you pass
> it a different source string?)
> So I'm not sure it's reasonable to add. But I also don't see a reason why it
> shouldn't be added -- presuming we can decide on good answer for the
> questions above about the "scope" of the anchor.
> I think it's okay to start a discussion on bugs.python.org about the precise
> specification of \G for Python. OTOH I expect that most core devs won't find
> this a very interesting problem (Python relies on regexes for parsing a lot
> less than Perl does).
> Good luck!
> On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 11:03 PM, Ed Peschko  wrote:
>> All,
>> perl has a regex assertion (\G) that allows multiple-match regular
>> expressions to be able to use the position of the last match. Perl's
>> documentation puts it this way:
>> \G Match only at pos() (e.g. at the end-of-match position of prior
>> m//g)
>> Anyways, this is exceedingly powerful for matching regularly
>> structured free-form records, and I was really surprised when I found
>> out that python did not have it. For example, if findall supported
>> this, it would be possible to write things like this (a quick and
>> dirty ifconfig parser):
>> pat = re.compile(r'\G(\S+)(.*?\n)(?=\S+|\Z)', re.S)
>> val = """
>> eth2  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx
>>  inet addr: xx.xx.xx.xx  Bcast:xx.xx.xx.xx  Mask:xx.xx.xx.xx
>> ...
>> loLink encap:Local Loopback
>>inet addr:  Mask:
>> """
>>  matches = re.findall(pat, val)
>> So - why doesn't python have this? is it something that simply was
>> overlooked, or is there another method of doing the same thing with
>> arbitrarily complex freeform records?
>> thanks much..
>> ___
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> --
> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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[Python-Dev] \G (match last position) regex operator non-existant in python?

2017-10-27 Thread Ed Peschko

perl has a regex assertion (\G) that allows multiple-match regular
expressions to be able to use the position of the last match. Perl's
documentation puts it this way:

\G Match only at pos() (e.g. at the end-of-match position of prior m//g)

Anyways, this is exceedingly powerful for matching regularly
structured free-form records, and I was really surprised when I found
out that python did not have it. For example, if findall supported
this, it would be possible to write things like this (a quick and
dirty ifconfig parser):

pat = re.compile(r'\G(\S+)(.*?\n)(?=\S+|\Z)', re.S)

val = """
eth2  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx
 inet addr: xx.xx.xx.xx  Bcast:xx.xx.xx.xx  Mask:xx.xx.xx.xx
loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
 matches = re.findall(pat, val)

So - why doesn't python have this? is it something that simply was
overlooked, or is there another method of doing the same thing with
arbitrarily complex freeform records?

thanks much..
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