Re: [Python-Dev] Floor division

2007-01-24 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Wednesday 24 January 2007 08:39, Alexey Borzenkov wrote:

[me, about complex():]
  It seems pretty clear what it thinks it's doing -- namely,
  defining complex(a,b) = a + ib even when a,b are complex.
  And half of why it does that is clear: you want complex(a)=a
  when a is complex. Why b should be allowed to be complex too,
  though, it's hard to imagine.

 I think that's the right thing to do, because that is mathematically
 correct. j is just an imaginary number with a property that j*j = -1. So
 (a+bj) + (c+dj)j = (a-d) + (b+c)j.

Yes, thanks, I know what j is, and I know how to multiply
complex numbers. (All of which you could have deduced from
reading what I wrote, as it happens.) The question is whether
it makes sense to define complex(a,b) = a+ib for all a,b
or whether the two-argument form is always in practice going
to be used with real numbers[1]. If it is, which seems pretty
plausible to me, then changing complex() to complain when
passed two complex numbers would (1) notify users sooner
when they have errors in their programs, (2) simplify the
code, and (3) avoid the arguably broken behaviour Tim was
remarking on, where complex(-0.0).real is +0 instead of -0.

[1] For the avoidance of ambiguity: real is not
synonymous with double-precision floating-point.

Complex numbers are not just magic 
 pairs with two numbers and have actual mathematical rules.

Gosh, and there I was thinking that complex numbers were magic
pairs where you just make stuff up at random. Silly me.

Gareth McCaughan
PhD in pure mathematics, University of Cambridge
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Floor division

2007-01-24 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Wednesday 24 January 2007 10:20, Alexey Borzenkov wrote:

   I think that's the right thing to do, because that is mathematically
   correct. j is just an imaginary number with a property that j*j = -1.
   (a+bj) + (c+dj)j = (a-d) + (b+c)j.
  Yes, thanks, I know what j is, and I know how to multiply
  complex numbers. (All of which you could have deduced from
  reading what I wrote, as it happens.) The question is whether
  it makes sense to define complex(a,b) = a+ib for all a,b
  or whether the two-argument form is always in practice going
  to be used with real numbers[1]. If it is, which seems pretty
  plausible to me, then changing complex() to complain when
  passed two complex numbers would (1) notify users sooner
  when they have errors in their programs, (2) simplify the
  code, and (3) avoid the arguably broken behaviour Tim was
  remarking on, where complex(-0.0).real is +0 instead of -0.

 Haven't looked in source code for complex constructor yet, but I think that
 if it changes sign of -0.0 then it just does something wrong and needs
 fixing without change in behaviour. Maybe it could check if numbers it got
 on input are real or complex and proceed accordingly so that it never gets
 to computing -0.0-(+0.0), i.e. when second argument is not a complex number
 it could just add it to imaginary part of first argument, but skip
 substracting inexistant 0.0 from first argument's real part. Change of
 behaviour like ignoring imaginary part of second argument seems bad to me,
 and that's my only point. Besides, documentation (at least for Python 2.4)
 clearly states that second argument can be a complex number:

I'm not suggesting that it should ignore the imaginary part of
the second argument, and I don't think anyone else is either.
What might make sense is for passing a complex second argument
to raise an exception.

(I don't particularly object to the present behaviour either.)

The fact that the documentation states explicitly that the
second argument can be a complex number is probably sufficient
reason for not changing the behaviour, at least before 3.0.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Floor division

2007-01-23 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Tuesday 23 January 2007 07:01, Tim Peters wrote:

 complex_new() ends with:

   cr.real -= ci.imag;
   cr.imag += ci.real;

 and I have no idea what that thinks it's doing.  Surely this isn't 
  complex(complex(1.0, 2.0), complex(10.0, 20.0))


 WTF?  In any case, that's also what's destroying the sign of the
 imaginary part in complex(1.0, -0.0).

It seems pretty clear what it thinks it's doing -- namely,
defining complex(a,b) = a + ib even when a,b are complex.
And half of why it does that is clear: you want complex(a)=a
when a is complex. Why b should be allowed to be complex too,
though, it's hard to imagine.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP: Adding data-type objects to Python

2006-10-31 Thread Gareth McCaughan
  It might be better not to consider bit to be a
  type at all, and come up with another way of indicating
  that the size is in bits. Perhaps
  'i4'   # 4-byte signed int
  'i4b'  # 4-bit signed int
  'u4'   # 4-byte unsigned int
  'u4b'  # 4-bit unsigned int
 I like this.  Very nice.  I think that's the right way to look at it.

I remark that 'ib4' and 'ub4' make for marginally easier
parsing and less danger of ambiguity.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [slighly OT] Native speakers and hurting brains

2006-07-11 Thread Gareth McCaughan
(Attention conservation notice: the following is concerned almost entirely
with exegesis of an old python-dev thread. Those interested in improving Python
and not in history and exegesis should probably ignore it.)

On Tuesday 2006-07-11 13:43, Boris Borcic wrote:

  I believe that in this case native linguistic intuition made the 
  The reason has nothing to do with language. Guido didn't
  want sum() to become an attractive nuisance by *appearing*
  to be an obvious way of joining a list of strings, while
  actually being a very inefficient way of doing that.
 sum() *is* exactly an attractive nuisance by *appearing* to be an obvious way 
 chaining strings in a list (without actually being one).

It is a *short-term* attractive nuisance; anyone who tries it
will quickly find that it can't be used to sum strings;
whereas if this functionality of sum() had been retained
then users would much more readily have been led to use it
*and leave it in their programs*, to the detriment of their

  Considerable effort was put into trying to make sum()
  smart enough to detect when you were using it on a
  list of strings and do .join behind the scenes, but
  Guido decided in the end that it wasn't worth the
  trouble, given that he only ever intended sum() to
  be used on numbers in the first place.
 That's not quite conform to the record. According to py-dev archives it 
 on April 2003 with a thread Fwd: summing a bunch of numbers (or 
 initiated by Alex Martelli where he actually proposed a working 
 of sum() in C, that did short-circuit the case of strings to ''.join. That 
 Sat 19th of April.
 Debate ensued, and by late Sunday 20th around 11PM;, the honorable author of 
 Zen of Python had killed that use case for sum() with 
 hurts my brain. (Hello Tim, so what about   sqrt(':(')   ?)

Hardly killed, since discussion of sum(stringseq) continued after
Tim's comment, and since Tim was neither the only, nor the first, nor
(I think) the last, person to object to sum(stringseq).

 Guido's first intervention in the thread was the next morning, and the two 
 first lines of his intervention where :
 OK, let me summarize and pronounce.
   sum(sequence_of_strings) is out
 I admit that there is a step of arguable interpretation from these recorded 
 facts to my diagnostic, but the latter is compatible with the facts. Your 
 version otoh looks more robust in the role of eg creation myth.

Your interpretation is only compatible with the facts by means
of the hypothesis that Guido, despite saying OK, let me summarize
and pronounce (which, incidentally, was the *actual* opening of
that message, which was not Guido's first intervention in the
thread, but who cares about facts?), had only read Tim Peters's
message and not the rest of the thread. Including, for instance,
one of the last messages before Guido's, from Alex, reporting that
his sum() concatenated strings twice as slowly as ''.join. It also
requires one to ignore the fact that Guido said (in that same
message that you described as his first intervention)

  |   OTOH if we provide *any* way of providing a
  | different starting point, some creative newbie is going to use
  | sum(list_of_strings, ) instead of .join(), and be hurt by the
  | performance months later.

and the fact that in Guido's *actual* first intervention he
said that he found sum(stringseq) weird and would continue to
use ''.join. (Remark: Guido is not a native speaker of English,
though he's a very competent one.) For that matter, Tim's
comment about sum(stringseq) hurting his brain was in direct
response to another part of that same message from Guido in
which he said that the name sum() strongly suggests that it's
summing up numbers. (Remark: Guido still isn't a native speaker
of English.)

Perhaps the fact that sum isn't a natural English term for
concatenation of strings -- which, indeed, it isn't -- was one
of his reasons; it demonstrably wasn't the only one; and it
seems to have been the non-native speaker Guido himself who
introduced that consideration to the discussion.

It appears to me that your interpretation is difficult to reconcile
with the facts and is based on an incorrect and narrow reading of the
original texts. What was that you were saying about creation myths?

(I agree that Greg's interpretation is also not well supported
by that thread; I don't know whether Guido later said anything
that would determine how much truth there is in it. Since sum()
was Alex Martelli's invention, it seems unlikely that Greg's
quite right.)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Allow Empty Subscript List Without Parentheses

2006-06-16 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 But only if it makes sense. I still think there are some
 severe conceptual difficulties with 0D arrays. One is
 the question of how many items it contains. With 1 or
 more dimensions, you can talk about its size along any
 chosen dimension. But with 0 dimensions there's no size
 to measure. Who's to say a 0D array has a size of 1, then?
 Part of my brain keeps saying it should be 0 -- i.e.
 it contains nothing at all!

For what it's worth (probably little), I'm fairly sure that
if you were to ask the question of a bunch of mathematicians
you'd get absolute unanimity on a 0-D array containing exactly
one element, indexed by the (unique) empty sequence. You'd
probably also get absolute unanimous puzzlement as to why
anyone other than mathematicians should care.

I'd say there are conceptual difficulties in the sense
that the concept is difficult to get one's head around,
not in the sense that there's any real doubt what the
Right Answer is.

For anyone unconvinced, it may or may not be helpful to
meditate on the fact that anything**0 is 1, and that an
empty product is conventionally defined to be 1.

None of the above is intended to constitute argument for
or against Noam's proposed change to Python. Python isn't
primarily a language for mathematicians, and so much the
better for Python.

Gareth McCaughan (unashamed pure mathematician, at least
by training and temperament)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PySet API

2006-03-29 Thread Gareth McCaughan
Terry Reedy wrote:

  For what it's worth[1], I think Raymond is absolutely on crack here.

[Greg Ewing:]
  +1 on a good concrete set API from me, too.

 For what it's worth, I think Gareth's crack at Raymond is childish and out 
 of place here.

Er, it wasn't a crack at Raymond, it was a crack at a particular
position he's taking on a particular issue. What I intended (but
may have failed) to convey was: Raymond's a clever and sensible
chap, and this is a very weird position for a clever and sensible
person to be taking: must be the drugs. And, just in case it's
still not clear, I wasn't in fact suggesting that Raymond *is*
on drugs either.

However: if Raymond, or anyone else, is offended, then I'm sorry.
Now, what about the technical issues, as opposed to the way I
happened to introduce my comments?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PySet API

2006-03-28 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 We're clearly going in circles here, and it's obvious we're not going to
 The fact that PySet_Next() can be used incorrectly is no reason not to
 include it.

For what it's worth[1], I think Raymond is absolutely on crack here.

[1] Not necessarily very much. There is none of my code in Python,
so far as I know.

* Simple API:

The complexity of an API is not determined by the number of methods
in it but by the variety of different things you can ask it to do,
and it's not any simpler to have

PyObject_CallMethod(x, foo)
PyObject_CallMethod(x, bar)
PyObject_CallMethod(x, baz)

than to have


API complexity is measured in brain cells, not in methods.

* Ease of making mistakes:

The Python API is absolutely stuffed with places where you can go wrong
by forgetting about subtle refcounting issues. Sure, it's nice to minimize
that pain, but it's never going to be possible to write much code that
uses the C API without being alert to such issues.

(Incidentally, the more things you have that can only be done by
invoking PyObject_CallMethod, the more places you have where you
have to assume that arbitrary Python code may have been called and
that reference counts may have changed behind your back.)

* Duck typing:

Yup, supporting duck typing is good. That's why we have an abstract API.
There are concrete APIs for all sorts of particular kinds of Python object;
it seems pretty clear to me that this isn't a mistake, and that sets should
be one such type. Clients get to choose how to trade off the benefits in
efficiency, conciseness and clarity from using the concrete API against
the benefits in generality from using the abstract one.

And when PySet_Add is the obvious way to add items to sets, how much
C code using sets is likely to work with things that merely walk and
quack like sets, anyway?

* Efficiency:

Anyone measured this? The mere fact that the overhead of (say) emptying
a set using PyObject_CallMethod is O(1) doesn't mean it's insignificant.
For many applications the size of your sets is O(1) too. (Often with
quite a small implicit constant, too.)

Gareth McCaughan

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Py3k: Except clause syntax

2006-03-19 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Friday 2006-03-17 05:04, Alex Martelli wrote:

 Hmmm, if we allowed '(expr as var)' for generic expr's we'd make  
 a lot of people pining for 'assignment as an expression' very happy,  
 wouldn't we...?

I hope not. It looks a lot more like a binding construct
than an assigning one. But what about pattern-matching?
Currently, you can say

def f((x0,y0), (x1,y1)):

but wouldn't if be nice if you could say

def f((x0,y0) as p0, (x1,y1) as p1):

and have both the packed and unpacked forms
available? (Prior art: some functional languages
that let you define a function with multiple
pattern-matching clauses have a similar feature.)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposal: defaultdict

2006-03-01 Thread Gareth McCaughan
d.get(key, [], True).append(value)
  hmm.  are you sure you didn't just reinvent setdefault ?
 I'm reasonably sure I copied it on purpose, only with a name that isn't 100% 
 misleading as to what it does ;)

Heh. From the original Usenet posting that suggested the capability
that was added in the form of setdefault:

  | I suggest a minor change: another optional argument to
  | get so that
  | dict.get(item,default,flag)
  | is equivalent to
  | if dict.has_key(item):
  |   VALUE IS dict[item]
  | else:
  |   if flag: dict[item] = default-- This is all that's new
  |   VALUE IS default
  | but presumably more efficient.

The response was a chorus of people saying Not a bad idea, but
that flag sucks. It needs a separate method. :-)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] / as path join operator (was: Re: The path module PEP)

2006-01-30 Thread Gareth McCaughan
Steven Bethard wrote:

 My only fear with the / operator is that we'll end up with the same
 problems we have for using % in string formatting -- the order of
 operations might not be what users expect.  Since join is conceptually
 an addition-like operator, I would expect:
 Path('home') / 'a' * 5
 to give me:
 If I understand it right, it would actually give me something like:

Is there any very deep magic that says / is the One True Operator
to use for this, given that there's to be an operator for it? For
instance,  has lower correct precedence (so that Path('home')  'a'*5
does something less unexpected), and doesn't look quite so much
as if it denotes arithmetic, and avoids semantic interference
from the idea that / should divide things or make them smaller.
(Though, for what it's worth, I think sticking another subdirectory
onto a path *is* dividing and making smaller: think of a path as
representing a subtree.) You do lose the pun on the Unix path separator,
which is a shame.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str with base

2006-01-19 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Wednesday 2006-01-18 16:55, Steven Bethard wrote:
  Perhaps introduce a single function, base(val, radix=10,
  prefix=''), as a universal base converter that could replace
  bin(), hex(), oct(), etc.
 +1 on introducing base()

Introducing a new builtin with a name that's a common, short
English word is a bit disagreeable. The other thing about the
name base is that it's not entirely obvious which way it
converts: do you say


to get a string representing 123 in base 5, or


to get the integer whose base 5 representation is 123?
Well, one option would be to have both of those work :-).
(Some people may need to do some deep breathing while
reciting the mantra practicality beats purity in order
to contemplate that with equanimity.)

Alternatively, a name like to_base that clarifies the
intent and is less likely to clash with variable names
might be an improvement.

Or there's always %b, whether that ends up standing for
binary or base. Or %b for binary and %r for radix,
not forgetting the modifiers to get numbers formatted
as Roman numerals.

Gareth McCaughan

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str with base

2006-01-17 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Tuesday 2006-01-17 15:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Identically the same situation as for int: the base argument is
 Alex only accepted if the first argument is a str (not a float, etc).
 Alex Just the same way, the base argument to str will only be accepted
 Alex if the first argument is an int (not a float, etc).
 A shortcoming in int() hardly seems like a good reason to mess with str().

How's it a shortcoming in int() that it doesn't do anything with,
say, int(2.345,19)? (What would you like it to do?) Or are you
saying that the fact that int(a string) lets you specify a base
to interpret the string in is itself a shortcoming, and if so


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] a quit that actually quits

2006-01-03 Thread Gareth McCaughan
  class _Quitter(str):
  def __call__(self): raise SystemExit
  quit = _Quitter('The quit command.  Type quit() to exit')
  exit = _Quitter('The exit command.  Type exit() to exit')

I think you meant

class _Quitter(str):
def __call__(self): raise SystemExit
quit = _Quitter('The quit command.  Type quit() to quit')
exit = _Quitter('The exit command.  Type exit() to exit')



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0

2005-09-26 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Saturday 2005-09-24 04:21, Terry Reedy wrote:

 Never wrote a single line, and may have not read one (in DDJ? Byte?) for 
 15-20 years.  How do *you* read such C?  Cond 'Qmark' ?

I seldom have to read C code aloud, and the ?: operator is
rare-ish; but I would suggest reading a?b:c as a chooses b else c
or (shaving a syllable) a gives b else c or something like that.
Or, ploddingly but unambiguously, a query b colon c.

 Now, can you honestly say that you would (naively) read
   return foo if bar else baz
 and be certain you knew what it meant?

I can't imagine *actually* reading it as if foo were the
condition. But I can imagine reading it, to begin with, as if
it were a Perlish conditionalized statement: (return foo) if
bar else ... aw heck, that can't be right. Which is probably
benign but slows down comprehension.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0

2005-09-23 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 The reason I like a if b else c is because it has the
 most natural word order. In English,
My dog is happy if he has a bone, else sad.
 sounds much more natural than
My dog is, if he has a bone, happy, else sad.

Neither sounds very natural to me; conditional
expressions don't occur much in English. It's
much more common to hear something like

My dog is happy if he has a bone; otherwise he's sad.

And that would correspond to a postfix conditional
operator on *statements*, not expressions; Perl and
Ruby have this, but it doesn't seem very Pythonic.

 Interestingly, it looks *more* odd to me if parens are
return (self.arg if self.arg is not None else default)
 I think this is because, without the parens, I tend to read
 the if as applying to the whole phrase return self.arg,
 not just to the self.arg.

Which is one reason why I *don't* like the proposed
consequent if antecedent else alternative syntax;
it looks like a statement modifier when it isn't
really one. When you're forced (by the parens) to
read it correctly, you stop liking it! :-)


Conditional expressions do occur in English, though,
and they do generally have the consequent at the front.
But ... they also generally have the else-marker
right at the end. Buy some pork if it's going cheap,
and some beef if not. You can divide an angle into
N equal parts with ruler and compasses if N is a power
of 2 times a product of distinct Fermat primes, but
not if N has any other form. I sleep all night
and work all day.

I don't think a syntax that authentically mirrors
the structure of conditional expressions in English
is likely to be very good.

x = (123 if p==q; 321 otherwise)
x = (123 if p==q, else 321 if not)
x = (123 if p==q; else 321 if r==s; else 999 if not)



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for for/while/if statements

2005-09-23 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Thursday 2005-09-22 20:00, Josiah Carlson wrote:

[Alexander Myodov:]
  But for the performance-oriented/human-friendliness factor, Python
  is anyway not a rival to C and similar lowlevellers. C has
  pseudo-namespaces, though.
 C does not have pseudo-namespaces or variable encapsulation in for loops.
 Ah hah hah!  Look ladies and gentlemen, I caught myself a troll!  Python
 does not rival C in the performance/friendliness realm?  Who are you
 trying to kid?

I think you've misunderstood Alex here; he's saying that Python
and C don't occupy the same region of the spectrum that runs
from high performance, human-unfriendly to lower performance,
human friendly. Which is correct, unlike some other things he's
said :-).

  for (int i = 0; i  10; i++) works fine nowadays.
 I'm sorry, but you are wrong.  The C99 spec states that you must define
 the type of i before using it in the loop.  Maybe you are thinking of
 C++, which allows such things.

No, Alex is right on this one too. Maybe you are thinking of C89,
which forbids such things.  The for statement

   [#1]  Except for the behavior of a continue statement in the
   loop body, the statement

   for ( clause-1 ; expr-2 ; expr-3 ) statement

   and the sequence of statements

   clause-1 ;
   while ( expr-2 ) {
   expr-3 ;

   are equivalent (where clause-1 can be  an  expression  or  a
   123Thus,  clause-1  specifies  initialization  for the loop,
  possibly declaring one or more variables for use  in  the
  loop;  expr-2,  the  controlling expression, specifies an
  evaluation  made  before  each   iteration,   such   that
  execution  of  the  loop  continues  until the expression
  compares equal to 0; expr-3 specifies an operation  (such
  as  incrementing) that is performed after each iteration.
  If clause-1 is a  declaration,  then  the  scope  of  any
  variable  it declares is the remainder of the declaration
  and the entire loop, including the other two expressions.

(This is from a late draft of the C99 spec; I'm fairly sure
the final version is no different.)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visibility scope for for/while/if statements

2005-09-22 Thread Gareth McCaughan
Alexander Myodov wrote:

 Thus, your example falls to case 1: i variable is newly declared for
 this loop. Well, we don't reuse old value of i to start the iteration
 from a particular place, like below?
 i = 5
 for i in [3,4,5,6,7]:
 print i,
 More general, the variables could be assumed local only to the *same
 or higher* indentation level. 

So (since you're talking about if as well as for and while)
you're suggesting that

x = 0
if foo():
x = 1
x = 2

should always leave x == 0? Or that the same bit of code, without
the first line, should always leave x undefined?

 JC Python semantics seem to have been following the rule of we are all
 JC adults here.

 I always believed that the programming language (as any computer
 program) should slave to the human, rather than a human should slave
 to the program.

Right. And some of us humans *don't want* the change you're

For what it's worth, I think it might well have been
better if for and comprehensions had made their loop
variables block-local; especially comprehensions. But
making every for/while/if introduce a new level of scoping
would be horrible. Perhaps you think it's what you want,
but I think if you tried it for a month then you'd change
your mind.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0

2005-09-21 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 I think I'd prefer (if expr then expr else expre) i.e. no
 colons. None of the other  expression forms (list comprehensions and
 generator expressions) involving statement keywords use colons.

FWLIW, this was my (strong) preference back at the time of the
original discussion.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] and and or operators in Py3.0

2005-09-20 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Tuesday 2005-09-20 11:40, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
   2) When going back and forth between languages, it is easy to forget
   that only Python returns something other than a boolean.
  As others point out, this isn't true.
 In C, C++, C#, Java, and JavaScript, what do you get when you print the
 result of 3 || 10?

JavaScript does the same as Python, according to section 11.11 of
the EMCA standard as of December 1999, which is what I have to hand.

The others you mention don't, because doing so would fit very
uncomfortably with their static type systems.

Those are not the only languages that exist other than Python.
Perl and Ruby both have Python-like behaviour in this respect.
So do all the Lisp variants I can readily check (CL, elisp,
Scheme, Dylan). So does Lua.

I can't, offhand, think of any dynamically typed language that
doesn't behave this way. Oh, except Smalltalk, which has a
radically different approach to the whole business.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0

2005-09-06 Thread Gareth McCaughan
  On 9/6/05, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   printf('$1 forgot to frobnicate the $2!\n', username,,
 For me, the problem with that proposal is not the precise format syntax,
 but the fact that formatting is tied to a specific function which _also_
 outputs stuff to screen.

So borrow a trick from Common Lisp and use a destination of None
to mean return the formatted text as a string.

 x = printf($2 $1, 123,321)
321 123
 print x
 x = printf($2 $1, 123,321, to=None)
 print x
321 123

Or is that too cryptic?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs

2005-09-05 Thread Gareth McCaughan
Guido wrote:

   They *are* cached and there is no cost to using the functions instead
   of the methods unless you have so many regexps in your program that
   the cache is cleared (the limit is 100).
  Sure there is; the cost of looking them up in the cache.
  So in this (highly artificial toy) application it's about 7.5/2.5 = 3 times
  faster to use the methods instead of the functions.
 Yeah, but the cost is a constant -- it is not related to the cost of
 compiling the re.


   (You should've shown how much it cost if you
 included the compilation in each search.)

Why should I have? I don't dispute that the caching helps -- I bet it
helps a *lot*. I was just observing that it's not true that there's
no cost to using the functions instead of the methods.

 I haven't looked into this, but I bet the overhead you're measuring is
 actually the extra Python function call, not the cache lookup itself.

Hmm, that's possible. But what matters in practice is how big
the cost of using,...) rather than compiling
once and using the RE object's search method is, not where it
comes from.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] string formatting options and removing basestring.__mod__ (WAS: Replacement for print in Python 3.0)

2005-09-05 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 If people know of other languages that have a different approach to
 string formatting, it might be useful to see them.

Common Lisp has something broadly C-like but bigger and hairier.
It includes powerful-but-confusing looping and conditional
features, letting you say things like

(format t ~{~^, ~A~} 1 2 3 wombat)
which produces
1, 2, 3, wombat

or -- you may wish to be sitting down before reading further --

(format t ~#[nothing~;~S~;~S and ~S~:;[EMAIL PROTECTED]; and~] ~S~^ 
,~}~]. 1 2 3 wombat)
which produces
1, 2, 3, and wombat
and also does the Right Thing with 0, 1 or 2 items. (The first
argument to FORMAT, in case you were wondering, determines where
the output should go. Feeding in T, as here, sends it to stdout.
You can also give it an arbitrary stream, or NIL to return the
formatted result as a string.)

For the impressive and horrifying full story, see

Most of the features of CL's formatted output are probably,
shall we say, inappropriate for Python. It might still be worth
a look, to see if there's anything under the rococo exterior
that would fit.


Some languages have picture formats, where the structure
of the format string more closely mimics that of the desired
output. (This is true, e.g., of some Basics and of one variety
of Perl output.) The trouble with this is that it limits how
much information you can provide about *how* each value is
to be formatted within the available space.


C++'s  operator represents another way to do formatted
output. I regard it as an object lesson in bad design.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] string formatting and i18n

2005-09-05 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Monday 2005-09-05 17:07, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

 Le lundi 05 septembre 2005 à 16:52 +0100, Gareth McCaughan a écrit :
  ... and should add: Of course it's usually seen as being about
  output more than about formatting, but in fact if you want
  to do what Python does with %, C with sprintf and
  Common Lisp with (format nil ...) then the Right Thing in C++
  (in so far as that exists) is usually to use  with a string
 Uh, what about internationalization (i18n) ?
 In i18n you can't avoid the need for parameterized strings.
 For example I want to write :
   _(The file '%s' is read only) % filename
 not :
   _(The file) +  ' + filename + '  + _(is read only)
 because the splitting in the second form will not translate correctly
 into other languages. You *have* to supply the whole non-splitted
 sentence to the translators.

Yes. If you think I was arguing the opposite, then I failed to
communicate clearly and I apologize.

 The bottom line, IMHO, is that there are frequent uses that mandate a
 nice and easy to use formatting operator. Python has it, let's not
 remove it.

It's clear (I think) that a good way of formatting strings is
necessary. It's less clear what the best way is. Python's % is
pretty good; perhaps it's possible to do even better.

For instance, take your I18N example. Not all languages have the
same word order, as you've observed. When there's more than one
parameter, Python's %-interpolation isn't enough in general;
you'd need something that can reorder the parameters. I don't
know whether this is worth complicating string formatting for,
but it's not obvious that it isn't.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Revising RE docs

2005-09-02 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Thursday 2005-09-01 18:09, Guido van Rossum wrote:

 They *are* cached and there is no cost to using the functions instead
 of the methods unless you have so many regexps in your program that
 the cache is cleared (the limit is 100).

Sure there is; the cost of looking them up in the cache.

 import re,timeit

 timeit.r = re.compile(r(\d*).*(\d*))


So in this (highly artificial toy) application it's about 7.5/2.5 = 3 times
faster to use the methods instead of the functions.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0

2005-09-02 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 We scientists still use these for debugging. We never 'move on' very far 
 from the tutorial. The salient feature about print statements is that 
 they live to be put in and commented out 10 minutes later, without some 
 import being required or other enabling object being around.
 Easy things should be easy. Hard things should be possible. I don't 
 believe the person who said the trailing comma case mixed up anybody, 
 not for more than 10 seconds anyway.

Damn right. No, I mean: damn write :-).

I've used Python for teaching beginner programmers, for quick-hack
scripts, for interactive diddling about, for scientific computation,
for algorithmic experimentation, for GUI applications. I'd appreciably
miss print for *all* of these, even the last. (My GUI applications
sometimes have bugs. How about yours?)

So far as I can see, two arguments against print have been proposed.

1. It has some ugly features, like the trailing-comma hack.

2. It's a statement that does something ordinary and could
   be replaced by a function.

Against which, we have

3. It's convenient for debugging, interactive use, simple scripts,
   and various other things.

4. It's beginner-friendly.

Now, I'm sure I remember hearing something that was relevant
to this. Pragmatism beats purification? No, that's not quite
it. Practice beats perfection? No. Ah yes, I remember:
Practicality beats purity. But, of course, that wasn't
talking about Python 3000. :-)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0

2005-09-02 Thread Gareth McCaughan
  3. It's convenient for debugging, interactive use, simple scripts,
 and various other things.
Interactive use is its own mode and works differently to the base
 language. To print the value of something, just type an expression.

Doesn't do the same thing.

The problem with print is it becomes a barrier to extending a
 script into something more ambitious. This then leads to ugly
 'features' like '' and trailing commas. By all means provide a
 simple syntax for i/o with the standard streams but ensure it is
 something that is a firm basis for extension.

Do you have any suggestion that's as practically usable
as print?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Remove str.find in 3.0?

2005-08-31 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 Just to put my spoke in the wheel, I find the difference in the
 ordering of return values for partition() and rpartition() confusing:
 head, sep, remainder = partition(s)
 remainder, sep, head = rpartition(s)
 My first expectation for rpartition() was that it would return exactly
 the same values as partition(), but just work from the end of the
 IOW, I expected to return exactly
 the same as

Yow. Me too, and indeed I've been skimming this thread without
it ever occurring to me that it would be otherwise.

 Anyway, I'm definitely +1 on partition(), but -1 on rpartition()
 returning in reverse order.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Remove str.find in 3.0?

2005-08-31 Thread Gareth McCaughan
I wrote:

[Andrew Durdin:]
  IOW, I expected to return exactly
  the same as
 Yow. Me too, and indeed I've been skimming this thread without
 it ever occurring to me that it would be otherwise.

And, on re-skimming the thread, I think that was always the plan.
So that's OK, then. :-)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Modules _hashopenssl.c, NONE, 2.1 sha256module.c, NONE, 2.1 sha512module.c, NONE, 2.1 md5module.c, 2.35, 2.36 shamodule.c, 2.22, 2.23

2005-08-23 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 Here's an excerpt from the check-in note for sha512module.c:
 Perhaps OS X has some sort of Steve Jobs special constant suffix ULL
 that Mr. Gates and the ANSI C folks have yet to accept ;-)  

It's valid C99, meaning this is an unsigned long long.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Modules_hashopenssl.c, NONE, 2.1 sha256module.c, NONE, 2.1 sha512module.c, NONE, 2.1 md5module.c, 2.35, 2.36 shamodule.c, 2.22, 2.23

2005-08-23 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Tuesday 2005-08-23 16:51, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Gareth McCaughan wrote:
  It's valid C99, meaning this is an unsigned long long.
 since when does Python require C99 compilers?

It doesn't, of course, and I hope it won't for a good while.
I was just responding to this:

  | Perhaps OS X has some sort of Steve Jobs special constant suffix ULL
  | that Mr. Gates and the ANSI C folks have yet to accept

since in fact Mr Gates and the ANSI C folks (and the gcc folks,
and probably plenty of others I can't check so easily) *have*
accepted it.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] while:

2005-07-21 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Thursday 2005-07-21 01:22, Martin Blais wrote:

 The Rule of Least Surprise says to me that while: would do the least
 unexpected thing.  There are only two possibilities: the test is
 implicitly false, in which case while: would make no sense (i.e. the
 block would be ignored).  Therefore the other only sensible case is
 that the test is implicitly true, which can be useful (and also
 happens to be a very common idiom).

To me, the least unexpected thing for while: to do is to
raise a syntax error. The principle of least surprise doesn't
mean that for every sequence of tokens you should pick the
least surprising thing it could do, and give it that definition.
(That's what they do in C++, except for the bit about picking
the least surprising semantics.)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-22 Thread Gareth McCaughan
  Huh? C unsigned ints don't flag overflow either -- they perform
  perfect arithmetic mod 2**32.

[Keith Dart:]
 I was talking about signed ints. Sorry about the confusion. Other
 scripting languages (e.g. perl) do not error on overflow.

C signed ints also don't flag overflow, nor do they -- as you
point out -- in various other languages.

  (c) The right place to do the overflow checks is in the API wrappers,
  not in the integer types.
 That would be the traditional method.
 I was trying to keep it an object-oriented API. What should know the 
 overflow condition is the type object itself. It raises OverFlowError any 
 time this occurs, for any operation, implicitly. I prefer to catch errors 
 earlier, rather than later.

Why should?

Sure, catch errors earlier. But *are* the things you'd catch
earlier by having an unsigned-32-bit-integer type actually
errors? Is it, e.g., an error to move the low 16 bits into
the high part by writing
x = (y16)  0x
instead of
x = (y0x)  16
or to add 1 mod 2^32 by writing
x = (y+1)  0x
instead of
if y == 0x: x = 0
else: x = y+1
? Because it sure doesn't seem that way to me. Why is it better,
or more object-oriented, to have the checking done by a fixed-size
integer type?

  (b) I don't know what you call a normal integer any more; to me,
  unified long/int is as normal as they come. Trust me, that's the case
  for most users. Worrying about 32 bits becomes less and less normal.
 By normal integer I mean the mathematical definition.

Then you aren't (to me) making sense. You were distinguishing
this from a unified int/long. So far as I can see, a unified int/long
type *does* implement (modulo implementation limits and bugs)
the mathematical definition. What am I missing?

 Most Python users 
 don't have to worry about 32 bits now, that is a good thing when you are 
 dealing only with Python. However, if one has to interface to other 
 systems that have definite types with limits, then one must hack around 
 this feature.

Why is checking the range of a parameter with a restricted range
a hack?

Suppose some other system has a function in its interface that
expects a non-zero integer argument, or one with its low bit set.
Do we need a non-zero-integer type and an odd-integer type?

   I was just thinking how nice it would be if Python had, in 
 addition to unified (real, normal) integers it also had built-in
 types that could be more easily mapped to external types (the typical
 set of signed, unsigned, short, long, etc.). Yes, you can check it at
 conversion time, but that would mean extra Python bytecode. It seems you
 think this is a special case, but I think Python may be used as a glue
 language fairly often, and some of us would benefit from having those
 extra types as built-ins.

Well, which extra types? One for each of 8, 16, 32, 64 bit and for
each of signed, unsigned? Maybe also non-negative signed of each
size? That's 12 new builtin types, so perhaps you'd be proposing a
subset; what subset?

And how are they going to be used?

  - If the conversion to one of these new limited types
occurs immediately before calling whatever function
it is that uses it, then what you're really doing is
a single range-check. Why disguise it as a conversion?

  - If the conversion occurs earlier, then you're restricting
the ways in which you can calculate the parameter values
in question. What's the extra value in that?

I expect I'm missing something important. Could you provide some
actual examples of how code using this new feature would look?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Int egers and Integers

2005-06-22 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Wednesday 2005-06-22 13:32, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Gareth McCaughan wrote:
  [Keith Dart:]
 By normal integer I mean the mathematical definition.
  Then you aren't (to me) making sense. You were distinguishing
  this from a unified int/long. So far as I can see, a unified int/long
  type *does* implement (modulo implementation limits and bugs)
  the mathematical definition. What am I missing?
 Hmm, a 'mod_int' type might be an interesting concept (i.e. a type 
 that performs integer arithmetic, only each operation is carried out 
 modulo some integer).
 Then particular bit sizes would be simple ints, modulo the appropriate 
 power of two.

It might indeed, but it would be entirely the opposite of what
(I think) Keith wants, namely something that raises an exception
any time a value goes out of range :-).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] AST manipulation and source code generation

2005-06-02 Thread Gareth McCaughan
 ?!ng: Well, i should refine that a bit to say that the Lisp macro system
 is a little more specific.  Whereas AST transformations in Python
 are open-ended (you could generate any result you want), the key
 interesting property of Lisp macros is that they are constrained
 to be safe, in the sense that the bindings of variable names are
 always preserved.

I'm not quite sure what ?!ng means by the bindings of
variable names are always preserved, but I conjecture
that he is thinking of the hygienic macros in Scheme
rather than the macros in Common Lisp which permit
arbitrary code transformations.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 2.4 won the Jolt productivity award last night

2005-03-17 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Thursday 2005-03-17 15:42, Guido van Rossum wrote:

 Python 2.4 won the Jolt productivity award last night. That's the
 runner-up award; in our category, languages and development tools, the
 Jolt (the category winner) went to Eclipse 3.0; the other runners-up
 were IntelliJ and RealBasic (no comment :-).
 Like usually, open source projects got several awards; both Subversion
 and Hibernate (an open source Java persistency library) got Jolts.
 Maybe from now on we should add award-winning whenever we refer to
 Python 2.4. If someone can find out the website where the results are
 summarized (I'm sure there is one but I'm too lazy to Google). ,

but it's not been updated yet and therefore still has last year's
winners on it. I haven't found anything with more up-to-date

This year's finalists are listed at .


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] comprehension abbreviation (was: Adding any() and all())

2005-03-14 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Monday 2005-03-14 12:42, Eric Nieuwland wrote:
 Gareth McCaughan wrote:
  I'd like it, and my reason isn't just to save typing.
  There are two reasons.
1 Some bit of my brain is convinced that [x in stuff if condition]
  is the Right Syntax and keeps making me type it even though
  I know it doesn't work.
2 Seeing [x for x in stuff if condition] triggers my internal
  duplicated-stuff alarm, and it's distracting, in the same sort
  of way as it's distracting in C or C++ seeing
 The full syntax is:
   [ f(x) for x in seq if pred(x) ]
 being allowed to write 'x' instead of 'identity(x)' is already a 
 shortcut, just as dropping the conditional part.
 Remember we're doing set theory stuff here. IMHO we should follow its 
 notation conventions as much as we can.

I'm well aware of what the full syntax is; being allowed to
write x instead of identity(x) is *not* a shortcut but
a perfectly straightforward unexceptional instance of the
usual syntax; list comprehensions already have neither the
syntax nor the semantics of set-theorists' comprehensions;
and in fact no set theorist would be at all troubled by seeing

{ x in S : predicate(x) }

which is the nearest equivalent in mathematical notation
for the abbreviated comprehension expressions being discussed.

Other than that, I quite agree :-).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.4 news reaches interesting places

2004-12-09 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Wednesday 2004-12-08 22:39, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

 One thing that bugs me: the article says 3 or 4 times that Python is
 slow, each time with a refutation (but it's so flexible, but it's
 fast enough) but still, they sure seem to harp on the point. This is
 a PR issue that Python needs to fight -- any ideas?

 The only thing that will fix the PR issue is to have a Python compiler 
 distributed as part of the language.  It doesn't matter if it doesn't 
 support the full generality of Python, or even if it doesn't speed many 
 operations up much.  The only real requirements are that it can be used to 
 produce native executables, and that it be an official part of the 
 language, not a separately-distributed tool like Psyco or Pyrex.  Then, it 
 will perhaps be a sufficient security blanket to stop people FUDding 
 about it.

Unfortunately, this may not be enough. Consider, by way of counterexample,
Common Lisp, which
  - is compiled to native code
  - has optional type declarations
  - actually *does* run fast when compiled
  - has had all these properties for years and years
but is still almost universally decried as slow by people who have
never actually used it. It's true that it doesn't (as part of the
standard, and in the free implementations I know of) have the ability
to generate standalone executables with filenames ending in .exe;
perhaps that's the key thing.

The other thing that might work is to change the name of the language
to C plus optional punctuation.


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