[Python-Dev] Default SIGINT handling dangerous?

2013-12-14 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić

  Hi all.

  Is there any way to disable the default asynchronous exception 
raising SIGINT signal handling? Or a plan to add support for this? My 
searches on the net found several bug reports and discussions regarding 
this, but nothing seems final... :-(

  I believe the current Python default SIGINT handling by raising an 
asynchronous KeyboardInterrupt exception is dangerous, and can directly 
cause Python interpreter crashes even if no user code is involved, or 
any sort of other 'undefined behaviour' if it is.

  On Windows at least (using Python 3.3.3 at the moment, but seen with 
earlier versions as well), I occasionally get 'python.exe has stopped 
working' dialogs when Ctrl-C is pressed (most often if pressed during 
Python's initialization - loading site.py or earlier).

  The problem with asynchronous exceptions is, of course, that they can 
occur at _any_ time, even at the start of a finally: block, effectively 
causing cleanup code to be skipped even though the programmer intended 
it to be called even in case of exceptions.

  My scripts replace the default SIGINT/SIGBREAK signal handlers as 
soon as possible, and everything works great after that, but things get 
ugly if Ctrl-C is pressed before the script gets a chance to do this. I 
could even live with an 'exit with an ugly traceback', but having the 
process hang or fail so that Windows reports it as non-responding or 
reports it as 'stopped working' and offers to send failure information 
to Microsoft? That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. :-(

  Also, Python documentation should not helpfully state or infer in 
several places that user can handle KeyboardInterrupt exceptions to 
implement Ctrl-C handling. Even if you do manage to catch it, you must 
never ever ignore it and must terminate your application since it might 
have already been left in an inconsistent state internally (e.g. some 
important finally clause got skipped, even one located deep in the 
Python standard library internals). Doing anything else can only be 
considered a partially working hack. Another problem is that that 
multiple SIGINT signals might occur in a sequence and any such 
KeyboardInterrupt handling can itself be interrupted in the same way as 
the original code. You can say that this is 'unlikely', or even add 
additional code to make this even more unlikely, but it still smells 
bad. :-(

  Hope this helps.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

  Below, I've included a few script outputs (tracebacks included) from 
instances where Python interpreter crashed due to pressing Ctrl-C soon 
after an empty Python script has been run.

In the first of these instances I got the Microsoft's error reporting 
dialog. In all the later instances I checked the Python process's debug 
output and every time it included the message: 'Microsoft Visual Studio 
C Runtime Library has detected a fatal error in python.exe.'.

  - OS: Windows 7 SP1 x64
  - Python 3.3.3 (64-it)
  - default site.py

Occurrence #1:

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 755, in _open_registry
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Python\Python333\lib\encodings\__init__.py", line 98, 
in search_function
  File "", line 1565, in _find_and_load
  File "", line 1523, in_find_and_load_unlocked
  File "", line 1477, in _find_module
  File "", line 777, in find_module
  File "", line 768, in _search_registry
  File "", line 755, in _open_registry

Occurrence #2:

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Python\Python333\lib\codecs.py", line 165, in __init__
def __init__(self, errors='strict'):

Occurrence #3:

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1565, in _find_and_load
  File "", line 1523, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "", line 1477, in _find_module
  File "", line 1309, in find_module
  File "", line 1288, in _get_loader
  File "", line 1387, in find_loader
  File "", line 110, in _path_isfile
  File "", line 101, in _path_is_mode_type

Occurrence #4:

Fatal Python error: Py_Initializ

Re: [Python-Dev] Default SIGINT handling dangerous?

2013-12-14 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 14.12.2013. 17:14, R. David Murray wrote:

On Sat, 14 Dec 2013 15:14:10 +0100, "Jurko Gospodneti" 

My scripts replace the default SIGINT/SIGBREAK signal handlers as
soon as possible, and everything works great after that, but things get
ugly if Ctrl-C is pressed before the script gets a chance to do this. I
could even live with an 'exit with an ugly traceback', but having the

process hang or fail so that Windows reports it as non-responding or

reports it as 'stopped working' and offers to send failure information
to Microsoft? That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. :-(

This sounds like a more troubling variation on the issue raised in
issue 14288 (http://bugs.python.org/issue14228).  The solution proposed
there would appear to be something that would help you, so you might
want to chime in on that issue.

  Thanks for the tip. I've seen the bug report you mention before, but 
thought to first inquire about the issue on the mailing list. I'll chime 
in what I know to the bug report.

  Final solution proposed there is to add a command-line option to 
delay enabling current default Python SIGINT handling until after the 
site.py package has been loaded.

  That would most likely avoid the startup crashes I mentioned in the 
original post.

  On Unix it would make Ctrl-C silently terminate the process if it 
occurs before default Python signal handling is enabled. I do not know 
what effect this would have on Windows - possibly the signal would 
simply be ignored & lost.

  It would also still leave a slight window between when Python sets up 
its default SIGINT handling and when user code has a chance to set up 
its own.

  My first instinct is to not do that and instead add an option to 
block SIGINT handling and allow user code to enable its own or default 
Python handling as it wishes and then unblock SIGINT handling. Note that 
by 'blocking' a signal I do not mean losing/ignoring it but delaying its 
handling until signal handling is unblocked.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Default SIGINT handling dangerous?

2013-12-14 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 15.12.2013. 0:19, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

It would be nice if you could get an actual C traceback

> and open an issue on the bug tracker.

  Done. C traceback and related information collected and attached to a 
new Python issue report available at:


Python isn't supposed to crash willy-nilly when Ctrl+C is


(also, which Python version is this?)

  - Python 3.3.3 (64-bit) downloaded from:
  - OS: Windows 7 SP1 x64
  - default site.py

  Hope this helps.

  Best regards,
    Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] undocumented help() function change in Python 3.4?

2014-03-07 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


  I just noticed that the way help() function displays a function 
signature changed between Python 3.3 & 3.4 but I can not find this 
documented anywhere. Here's a matching example in both Python 3.3 & 
Python 3.4 for comparison:

Python 3.3.3 (v3.3.3:c3896275c0f6, Nov 18 2013, 21:19:30) [MSC v.1600 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

def f(a, b, c):

...   print(a, b, c)

def g(*args, **kwargs):

...   f(*args, **kwargs)

import inspect

(a, b, c)


(*args, **kwargs)

g.__wrapped__ = f

(a, b, c)


(a, b, c)


Help on function f in module __main__:

f(a, b, c)


Help on function g in module __main__:

g(*args, **kwargs)

Python 3.4.0b3 (v3.4.0b3:a97ce3ecc96a, Jan 26 2014, 17:50:55) [MSC v.1600 64 
bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

def f(a, b, c):

...   print(a, b, c)

def g(*args, **kwargs):

...   f(*args, **kwargs)

import inspect

(a, b, c)


(*args, **kwargs)

g.__wrapped__ = f

(a, b, c)


(a, b, c)


Help on function f in module __main__:

f(a, b, c)


Help on function g in module __main__:

g(a, b, c)

As you can see by comparing those two outputs, setting the __wrapped__ 
attribute on a wrapper function affects the inspect.signature() results 
on that function. This behaviour is the same in both Python 3.3. & 3.4 
and is (somewhat) described in the Python documentation.

However, help() output is not affected by this in Python 3.3, but is 
affected in Python 3.4, and I can not find anything regarding this in 
the Python 3.4 docs.

Can something related to this be added at least to the 'what's changed' 
docs, if not to the help() documentation as well?

Best regards,
  Jurko Gospodentić

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Python 3.4 change in importlib/__init__.py breaking cxFreeze?

2014-03-10 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić

  Hi all.

  Python 3.4 introduced a change to Lib/importlib/__init__.py that 
added the following code to it:

# importlib._bootstrap is the built-in import, ensure we don't create
# a second copy of the module.
_bootstrap.__name__ = 'importlib._bootstrap'
_bootstrap.__package__ = 'importlib'
_bootstrap.__file__ = __file__.replace('__init__.py', '_bootstrap.py')
sys.modules['importlib._bootstrap'] = _bootstrap

  When attempting to use cxFreeze on a project, using Python 3.4. we 
ran into a problem with '__file__' identifier not being defined.

  Could this be a python bug? Why is this code expecting the module 
loaded from importlib/__init__.py to always have a __file__ identifier? 
What is supposed to happen when that code gets loaded from a ZIP archive?

  Just wanted to check here before filing an issue... but if this is an 
issue I hope it can be resolved before the final 3.4 release.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Windows 'for current user' installation - 32/64-bit registrations overwrite each other

2014-03-10 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


  When running the Python Windows installer 'for all users', the 32-bit 
installation and the 64-bit installation each gets a separate 
registration in the Windows registry. E.g. under:




  However, when running the installer 'for the current user only', the 
32-bit and the 64-bit installation both use the same Windows registry key:


  Note that a 64-bit installation does not automatically uninstall a 
previous 32-bit installation in either case, or vice versa.

  Why the mismatch?

  As I understand it, whichever installation you use, you should be 
able to run a specific Python interpreter using the py.exe runner, as it:

  py.exe -3.4
  py.exe -3.4-32

  As it stands now - both of those run the same interpreter when they 
have been installed 'for the current user only'.

  Is this as issue or desired behaviour? Should I open an issue for it?

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] undocumented help() function change in Python 3.4?

2014-03-10 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 8.3.2014. 6:48, Nick Coghlan wrote:

Yeah, the changes to help() are doubly indirect - help() uses pydoc
which uses inspect, and inspect saw a lot of changes.

I'll make a few updates to the What's New to help make the
consequences of this clearer.

  Just looked through the latest 3.4rc3 release and nothing related to 
this seems to have been included yet.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 3.4 change in importlib/__init__.py breaking cxFreeze?

2014-03-10 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić

  Hi Nick.

On 10.3.2014. 14:25, Nick Coghlan wrote:> What is supposed to happen 
when that code gets loaded from a ZIP archive?

> __file__ is expected to always be set (including when loaded from a
> zipfile - in that case it's the zipfile name concatenated with the
> path within the zip file). If it isn't set, there's a buggy loader
> involved somewhere that isn't setting it properly.

  I don't recall seeing that ever explicitly stated. For that matter, 
Python 3.4.0rc3 documentation explicitly states:

> __file__ is optional. If set, this attribute’s value must be a string.
> The import system may opt to leave __file__ unset if it has no
> semantic meaning (e.g. a module loaded from a database).


> Ultimately, the loader is what makes use of __file__ and/or __cached__.

  Or is this some rule specific to the importlib/__init__.py stdlib module?

  As I recall, I first learned that not all loaded modules need to have 
their __file__ attribute set by researching a failure in some package 
when installed as a zipped-egg using setuptools. Admittedly though, that 
was some old setuptools version.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Windows 'for current user' installation - 32/64-bit registrations overwrite each other

2014-03-10 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić

  Hi Paul.

On 10.3.2014. 14:54, Paul Moore wrote:

On 10 March 2014 13:03, Jurko Gospodnetić  wrote:

Is this as issue or desired behaviour? Should I open an issue for it?

Sounds like a bug, but a pretty long-standing one. I can't think that
the registry schema Python uses would *ever* have distinguished (the
WOW64 component of the all-users entries is a system-generated thing,

So yes, raise a bug, but (a) it would be useful to test whether the
same bug exists in 3.3 and 2.7, and (b) it's going to be tricky to fix
without a backward-incompatible change to the registry settings (which
will affect things like the launcher and virtualenv, for a start).

  Reported as issue #20883 (http://bugs.python.org/issue20883). I'll 
report the extra details there then.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 3.4 change in importlib/__init__.py breaking cxFreeze?

2014-03-10 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić

  Hi Brett.

On 10.3.2014. 16:44, Brett Cannon wrote:
> __file__ is optional and left off when it doesn't make any sense.
> Since importlib._bootstrap is a frozen module by default it doesn't
> have __file__ set.

  Issue #20884 opened for this (http://bugs.python.org/issue20884).

  Best regards,
    Jurko Gospodnetić
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] Python 3.4.0 - missing information on the web

2014-03-17 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 17.3.2014. 7:29, Larry Hastings wrote:

On behalf of the Python development team, I'm thrilled to announce
the official release of Python 3.4.
[...lots of great enhancements snipped...]

  Just noted that 'https://www.python.org/download' still lists Python 
3.4.0rc2 as the latest 'testing release' (and does not mention the

final Python 3.4.0 release at all).

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] Python 3.4.0 - PEP 429 needs updating?

2014-03-17 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 17.3.2014. 11:35, Ned Deily wrote:

Thanks for the report.  That and other download pages should now be

  Something similar - does PEP 429 (Python 3.4 Release Schedule) need 
to be updated? It still lists 3.4.0rc3 as a 'future release'.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] 'Add/Remove Programs' entry missing for 'current user only' 32-bit installations on 64-bit Windows

2014-03-17 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić

  Hi all.

  This seems like it should be an 'old' issue, but I have not been able 
to find anything related to it on the web.

  When you install 32-bit CPython 'for the current user only' on 64-bit 
Windows, the installation does not show up in the Windows 'Add/Remove 
Programs' dialog (a.k.a. 'Programs and Features' dialog on Windows 7). 
It does not show up there even for the current user.

  As a consequence it is possible for the user to end up in a situation 
where it is impossible to install a 32-bit Python installation without 
manually cleaning up a previous 32-bit Python installation's Windows 
Installer related registry entries (more on this a bit later).

  I tested this CPython installation behaviour with the following 
CPython versions:

  * 2.3.4 - works correctly
  * 2.5.4 - works correctly
  * 2.6.0 - works correctly
  * 2.6.2 - works correctly
  * 2.6.3 - does not work correctly
  * 2.6.4 - does not work correctly
  * 2.6.6 - does not work correctly
  * 2.7.6 - does not work correctly
  * 3.3.3 - does not work correctly
  * 3.3.5 - does not work correctly
  * 3.4.0 - does not work correctly

  Several related observations, indicating that this could be some sort 
of a Windows Installer misconfiguration issue possibly solvable in the 
CPython installer:

  * The same does not occur when you install a 64-bit CPython version - 
their entry is correctly displayed in the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog.

  * 32-bit CPython installer still correctly detects that a specific 
32-bit version has already been installed, even if that previous 
installation is not listed in the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog.

  * When you ask Windows using its WMI interface to list all the 
products installed on it (e.g. by running 'wmic product list' on the 
command-line), all the installed CPython versions are correctly 
displayed, even those 32-bit versions not displayed in the 'Add/Remove 
Programs' dialog.

  I started looking into this because I had a 32-bit CPython 3.4.0rc3 
installation on my system that I wanted to remove, and since I did not 
see it registered in the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog, I directly 
deleted its installation folder. That left my system in a state where a 
replacement 32-bit CPython 3.4.0 installation would always fail because 
it would detect that there was already a valid CPython 3.4 installation 
on the system, and then it would fail attempting to uninstall it. Fixing 
this required manually cleaning up leftover CPython 3.4.0rc3 windows 
installer registry entries. Note that the issue could not be fixed by 
using the CPython 3.4.0rc3 installer as it failed due to the same problem.

  This situation would suggest that something should be done in the 
Windows installer so it does not 'fail miserably' if a previous CPython 
installation can not removed. Possibly allow it to detect that the 
previous CPython installation has already been removed and simply clean 
up its Windows Installer registry entries.

  While working on this, I did discover a 'workaround' for the 
'Add/Remove Programs' dialog issue, but it will take someone more 
knowledgeable about the Windows Installer infrastructure to say if the 
workaround can be applied directly as a clean solution or if it could 
have hidden consequences:

  Each 32-bit installation on 64-bit Windows has its own 'Uninstall' 
registry key under:


named after its Windows Installer assigned GUID, e.g.:


  In that key there is a value named 'WindowsInstaller' which for 
CPython installations has the value '1' (of type REG_DWORD).

  If you change that value to '0' (again, of type REG_DWORD), the 
installation's 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog entry will get displayed 
correctly, and user will be able to run the installation 
(reinstall/change/uninstall) from there.

  I compared MSI packaging related CPython source code (Tools/msi 
folder) in 2.6.2 & 2.6.3 releases but I can not see anything suspicious 
there. It could be that the observed beaviour change between those two 
versions is a result of the final release packager changing his used 
Windows Installer version, but I have not rebuilt CPython, and its MSI 
installer to test this theory out.

  Anyone have any more information on this?

  Should I open a 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog related issue in the 
CPython issue tracker? And possibly a separate one for making CPython 
installations not fail without possible recovery if a previous CPython 
installation has already been removed?

  Many thanks.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

  All this has been tested

Re: [Python-Dev] 'Add/Remove Programs' entry missing for 'current user only' 32-bit installations on 64-bit Windows

2014-03-19 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 19.3.2014. 16:38, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
> Am 17.03.14 22:10, schrieb Jurko Gospodnetić:
>> Fixing
>> this required manually cleaning up leftover CPython 3.4.0rc3 windows
>> installer registry entries. Note that the issue could not be fixed
>> by using the CPython 3.4.0rc3 installer as it failed due to the
>> same problem.
> Did you try the 3.4.0rc3 "repair" installation? That should have
> undeleted (repaired) the files that you had manually deleted.

  Just tested this out and repairing the same matching installation 
does revert the removed files. It does not reinstall pip and setuptools 
packages but that can be done easily by hand and so can be filed as a 
minor enhancement issue for the future.

  That at least provides a way to remove the the original installation 
in some way without having to manually remove its related Windows 
Installer registry entries.

  The problem with the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog still makes this 
issue a bit complicated because a user not well versed in how Windows 
Installer tracks its installations internally would not see the 
installation in the 'standard place' where he is supposed to look for 
it, and would just be told by the new installation that 'something 
failed'. To use a 'repair' installation he would need to 'guess' which 
installation he used before and run its installer directly.

  When the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog is fixed, user will be able to 
see & repair the installation from there, and even remove it directly if 
the uninstallation fails (I recall Windows asking if you want this if it 
can not uninstall something).

  I'll try to open an issue for the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog issue 
soon, and I'll add a comment about the 'repair' situation there as well.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 'Add/Remove Programs' entry missing for 'current user only' 32-bit installations on 64-bit Windows

2014-03-19 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


 > Did you try the 3.4.0rc3 "repair" installation? That should have
 > undeleted (repaired) the files that you had manually deleted.

   Just tested this out and repairing the same matching installation
does revert the removed files. It does not reinstall pip and setuptools
packages but that can be done easily by hand and so can be filed as a
minor enhancement issue for the future.

  This minor problem reported as issue #20983.


  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 'Add/Remove Programs' entry missing for 'current user only' 32-bit installations on 64-bit Windows

2014-03-19 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 19.3.2014. 16:38, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:

Am 17.03.14 22:10, schrieb Jurko Gospodnetić:

this required manually cleaning up leftover CPython 3.4.0rc3 windows
installer registry entries. Note that the issue could not be fixed by
using the CPython 3.4.0rc3 installer as it failed due to the same problem.

Did you try the 3.4.0rc3 "repair" installation? That should have
undeleted (repaired) the files that you had manually deleted.

  I tried different things back then, and I'm 90% sure I tried that one 
as well. Unfortunately, my brain is already trying to block out that 
painful afternoon so I can't tell you for certain. :-)

  But, all kidding aside, I'll try to reproduce the issue again and let 
you know the exact details.

   Should I open a 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog related issue in the
CPython issue tracker?

Please do. It would also good if somebody volunteered to reproduce
the issue.

  Will do.

  FYI, I did reproduce the 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog issue on 
another PC in the mean time. Also Windows 7 x64 though. Unfortunately, I 
don't have other 64-bit OSs readily available at the moment.

And possibly a separate one for making CPython
installations not fail without possible recovery if a previous CPython
installation has already been removed?

Please don't. Or, at least, make it more specific. If you have manually
corrupted your Python installation (by deleting essential files), you
have to accept that the system installation procedures will fail.

It might be possible to recover from the loss of a specific such file;
for that, we would have to identify what the file is. However, the
standard procedure should be to repair the installation before
attempting an upgrade.

  Ok, as I stated above, I'll get back to you on this once I reproduce 
the 'corruption' issue again.

  Oh, and many thanks for replying! :-)

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 'Add/Remove Programs' entry missing for 'current user only' 32-bit installations on 64-bit Windows

2014-03-19 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


   Should I open a 'Add/Remove Programs' dialog related issue in the
CPython issue tracker?

Please do. It would also good if somebody volunteered to reproduce
the issue.

  Opened issue #20984.


  Anyone have Windows 8 x64 available to try this out by any chance?

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 453 (Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations) - slight typo

2014-03-23 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


  Not really sure where to report this - missing closing parentheses in 
the PEP text at the end of the second paragraph in section 
'Implementation strategy'


> and would not try to contact PyPI (instead installing directly
> from the private wheel files.

  Hope this helps.

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] this is what happens if you freeze all the modules required for startup

2014-04-17 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 14.4.2014. 23:51, Brett Cannon wrote:

Now the question is whether the maintenance cost of having to rebuild
Python for a select number of stdlib modules is enough to warrant
putting in the effort to make this work.

  I would really love to have better startup times in production, but I 
would also really hate to lose the ability to hack around in stdlib 
sources during development just to get better startup performance.

  In general, what I really like about using Python for software 
development is the ability to open any stdlib file and easily go poking 
around using stuff like 'import pdb;pdb.set_trace()' or simple print 
statements. Researching mysterious behaviour is generally much much 
MUCH! easier (read: takes less hours/days/weeks) if it ends up leading 
into a stdlib Python module than if it takes you down into the bowels of 
some C module (think zipimport.c *grin*). Not to mention the effect that 
being able to quickly resolve a mystery by hacking on some Python 
internals leaves you feeling very satisfied, while having to entrench 
yourself in those internals for a long time just to find out you've made 
something foolish on your end leaves you feeling exhausted at best.

  Not considering the zipped stdlib technique mentioned in other posts, 
would it perhaps be better to support two different CPython builds:

  - one with all the needed stdlib parts frozen - to be used in production
  - one with only the minimal needed number of stdlib parts frozen - to 
have as much of the stdlib sources readily accessible to application 
developers as possible

  The installer could then perhaps install both executables, or the 
frozen stdlib parts could perhaps be built as a separate DLL to be 
loaded at runtime instead of its content being used from their Python 

  OK... just my 2 cents worth... :-)

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] this is what happens if you freeze all the modules required for startup

2014-04-17 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 17.4.2014. 20:15, Mark Young wrote:

I think he meant modifying the source files themselves for debugging
purposes (e.g. putting print statements in itertools.py).

  Exactly! :-)

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] this is what happens if you freeze all the modules required for startup

2014-04-17 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 17.4.2014. 19:57, Guido van Rossum wrote:

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Jurko Gospodnetić
mailto:jurko.gospodne...@pke.hr>> wrote:

   I would really love to have better startup times in production,

What's your use case? I understand why startup time is important for Hg,
but I'd like to understand what other situations occur frequently enough
to worry about it.

  The first one that pops to mind is scripting when automating 
different system administration tasks.

  When you automate something that ends up calling lots of different 
Python scripts - the startup times add up. Yes, I know you can update 
the system so that the scripts get called inside a single Python 
process, but that often requires major refactoring, e.g.:
  - you have to refactor those scripts to be importable while they were 
originally prepared to be used as 'stand-alone executables'
  - you either have to use Python as your external automation tool or 
you need to implement some sort of a Python based tool runner daemon process

  Another example is the speed at which some automated test suits run 
that need to call external Python scripts. Such suites often call 
thousands of such scripts so their startup times add up to such numbers 
that Python gets a bad rep. And shaving off unnecessarily wasted seconds 
or minutes in a test suite is always good, as it speeds up the whole 
develop/test cycle. :-)

  I've been in situations where I got a request to 'convert those 
Python scripts to batch files so they would run faster'. :-) And, while 
I really love Python as a development language, simple scripts 
implemented in it often do make the system feel kind of sluggish. :-(

  And with that in mind, the effect of systems becoming 'even more 
sluggish' when upgrading them to use the new 'Python 3' version, even if 
that slowdown is not all startup related, often comes as an additional 
slap in the face. :-(

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Moving Python 3.5 on Windows to a new compiler

2014-06-06 Thread Jurko Gospodnetić


On 6.6.2014. 21:46, Guido van Rossum wrote:

A reminder:


  Subtle, ain't he? *gdr*

  Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić

Python-Dev mailing list